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The marine bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus, containing 470 mM-K+ and 70 mM-Na+ inside its cells, was able to regulate the cytoplasmic pH (pH(in)) in the narrow range 7.6-7.8 over the external pH (pH(out)) range 6.0-9.0 in the presence of 400 mM-Na+ and 10 mM-K+. In the absence of external K+, however, pHin was regulated only at alkaline pH(out) values above 7.6. When the cells were incubated in the presence of unusually high K+ (400 mM) and 4 mM Na+, the pH(in) was regulated only at acidic pH(out) values below 7.6. These results could be explained by postulating a K+/H+ antiporter as the regulator of pH(in) over the pH(out) range 6.0-9.0. When Na(+)-loaded/K(+)-depleted cells were incubated in 400 mM-Na+ in the absence of K+, an inside acidic delta pH was generated at pH(out) values above 7.0. After addition of diethanolamine the inside acidic delta pH collapsed transiently and then returned to the original value concomitant with the extrusion of Na+, suggesting the participation of a Na+/H+ antiporter for the generation of an inside acidic delta pH. In the presence of 400 mM-K+, at least 5 mM-Na+ was required to support cell growth at pH(out) below 7.5. An increase in Na+ concentration allowed the cells to grow at a more alkaline pH(out). Furthermore, cells containing more Na+ inside could more easily adapt to grow at alkaline pH(out). These results indicated the importance of Na+ in acidification of the cell interior via a Na+/H+ antiporter in order to support cell growth at alkaline pH(out) under conditions where the activity of a K+/H+ antiporter is marginal.  相似文献   

The growth of Vibrio alginolyticus and V. costicola, which possess respiration-dependent Na+ pumps, was highly resistant to the proton conductor carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), in alkaline growth media, even though the membrane was rendered permeable to H+. The pH dependence of CCCP-resistant growth was similar to that of the Na+ pump. In contrast, Escherichia coli ML308-225 showed neither Na+ pump activity nor CCCP-resistant growth, even when grown in alkaline, Na+-rich media. These results suggest that certain bacteria possess the Na+ pump and are thus able to grow under the conditions where H+ circulation across the membrane does not take place. Moreover, V. alginolyticus growing in the presence of CCCP maintains normal levels of internal K+, Na+, and H+. The Na+ pump, therefore, makes the growth of these organisms resistant to CCCP by maintaining the intracellular cation environments.  相似文献   

Roles of the respiratory Na+ pump in bioenergetics of Vibrio alginolyticus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bioenergetic characteristics of Na+ pump-defective mutants of a marine bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus were compared with those of the wild type and revertant. Generation of membrane potential and motility at pH 8.5 in the mutants were completely inhibited by a proton conductor, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, whereas those in the wild type or revertant were resistant to the inhibitor. Motility and amino acid transport were driven by the electrochemical potential of Na+ not only in the wild type or revertant but also in the mutants. In the absence of the proton conductor, motility and amino acid transport of the mutants did not significantly differ from those of the wild type or revertant even at pH 8.5, where the Na+ pump has maximum activity. Therefore, the electrochemical potential of Na+ in the mutants seemed to be maintained at a normal level by a respiration-dependent H+ pump and Na+/H+ antiporter. On the other hand, growth of the mutants became defective as the medium pH increased, especially on minimal medium. These results indicate that the Na+ pump is an important energy-generating mechanism when nutrients are limited at alkaline pH.  相似文献   

High concentration (1.0 M) of KSCN, but not of NaSCN, induced lysis of slightly halophilic Vibrio alginolyticus and moderately halophilic Vibrio costicolus, and the decrease in absorbance of the cell suspension was complete after 30 min at 25 degrees C. Replacement of K+ with Na+ effectively prevented the lysis by SCN-.K+ salts of NO3-, Br- and I-, however, induced no significant lysis. In electron micrographs, a prolonged exposure of the cells of V. alginolyticus to 1.0 M KSCN displaced the nucleoplasm to maintain close contact with the cell membranes. After 40 min of interaction, 50% of the cellular protein, 96% of RNA and 94% of DNA were recovered in the lysed cells. In contrast to lysis in hypotonic conditions, the lysis induced by KSCN is due mainly to a partial release of protein from the cells. V. costicolus was more susceptible to SCN- than V. alginolyticus, whereas nonhalophilic Escherichia coli was resistant to 1.0 M KSCN. Thus, lysis by SCN- is characteristic of halophilic bacteria and cell membranes of more halophilic bacteria are more susceptible to chaotropic anions. The protective effect of Na+ observed here was considered to be manifested by specific interactions of Na+ with components of cell membranes, thereby rendering their structures resistant to the action of chaotropic anions.  相似文献   

The torque-speed relationship of the Na(+)-driven flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus was investigated. The rotation rate of the motor was measured by following the position of a bead, attached to a flagellar filament, using optical nanometry. In the presence of 50mM NaCl, the generated torque was relatively constant ( approximately 3800pNnm) at lower speeds (speeds up to approximately 300Hz) and then decreased steeply, similar to the H(+)-driven flagellar motor of Escherichia coli. When the external NaCl concentration was varied, the generated torque of the flagellar motor was changed over a wide range of speeds. This result could be reproduced using a simple kinetic model, which takes into consideration the association and dissociation of Na(+) onto the motor. These results imply that for a complete understanding of the mechanism of flagellar rotation it is essential to consider both the electrochemical gradient and the absolute concentration of the coupling ion.  相似文献   

Cells of Vibrio costicola at pH 8.5 generate both membrane potential (inside negative) and delta pH (inside acidic) in the presence of a proton conductor, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). The generation of CCCP-resistant membrane potential was inhibited by 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide that is known to inhibit the Na+-motive NADH oxidase of Vibrio alginolyticus. NADH oxidase, but not lactate oxidase, of inverted membrane vesicles prepared from V. costicola required Na+ for a maximum activity and was inhibited by 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide. By the oxidation of NADH, inverted membrane vesicles generated concentration gradients of Na+ across the membrane, whose magnitude was always larger than that of delta pH by about 50 mV. In contrast, magnitudes of delta pH and Na+ concentration gradients generated by the oxidation of lactate were similar. Na+ translocation in the presence of lactate was inhibited by CCCP but little affected by valinomycin. On the other hand, Na+ translocation in the presence of NADH was resistant to CCCP and stimulated by valinomycin. Amiloride, an inhibitor for a eucaryotic Na+/H+ antiport system, inhibited the lactate-dependent Na+ translocation but had little effect on the NADH-dependent Na+ translocation. These results indicate that a primary event of lactate oxidation is the translocation of H+, which then causes the generation of Na+ concentration gradients via the secondary Na+/H+ antiport system. We conclude that the NADH oxidase of V. costicola translocates Na+ as an immediate result of respiration, leading to the generation of Na+ electrochemical potential.  相似文献   

The K+/H+ antiporter of a marine bacterium, Vibrio alginolyticus, is strongly dependent upon the cytoplasmic pH and functions only at an internal pH above 7.7. In alkaline buffer with an outwardly directed chemical gradient of K+ (delta pK), the internal pH was maintained at about 7.7. Addition of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) released cellular K+ and acidified the cytosol below pH 7.7. The NEM effect was reversed by the addition of 2-mercaptoethanol: K+ efflux ceased, and the internal pH returned to about 7.7. In acidic buffer, the internal pH was also regulated at about 7.6 even in the absence of delta pK. Following addition of NEM, the internal pH decreased below 7.6, dissipating delta pH. These results suggest that NEM desensitizes the pH-dependence of the K+/H+ antiporter, allowing the antiporter to function at an internal pH below 7.7.  相似文献   

The role of Na+ in Vibrio alginolyticus oxidative phosphorylation has been studied. It has been found that the addition of a respiratory substrate, lactate, to bacterial cells exhausted in endogenous pools of substrates and ATP has a strong stimulating effect on oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis. Phosphorylation is found to be sensitive to anaerobiosis as well as to HQNO, an agent inhibiting the Na+-motive respiratory chain of V. alginolyticus. Na+ loaded cells incubated in a K+ or Li+ medium fail to synthesize ATP in response to lactate addition. The addition of Na+ at a concentration comparable to that inside the cell is shown to abolish the inhibiting effect of the high intracellular Na+ level. Neither lactate oxidation nor delta psi generation coupled with this oxidation is increased by external Na+ in the Na+-loaded cells. It is concluded that oxidative ATP synthesis in V. alginolyticus cells is inhibited by the artificially imposed reverse delta pNa, i.e., [Na+]in greater than [Na+]out. Oxidative phosphorylation is resistant to a protonophorous uncoupler (0.1 mM CCCP) in the K+-loaded cells incubated in a high Na+ medium, i.e., when delta pNa of the proper direction [( Na+]in less than [Na+]out) is present. The addition of monensin in the presence of CCCP completely arrests the ATP synthesis. Monensin without CCCP is ineffective. Oxidative phosphorylation in the same cells incubated in a high K+ medium (delta pNa is low) is decreased by CCCP even without monensin. Artificial formation of delta pNa by adding 0.25 M NaCl to the K+-loaded cells (Na+ pulse) results in a temporary increase in the ATP level which spontaneously decreases again within a few minutes. Na+ pulse-induced ATP synthesis is completely abolished by monensin and is resistant to CCCP, valinomycin and HQNO. 0.05 M NaCl increases the ATP level only slightly. Thus, V. alginolyticus cells at alkaline pH represent the first example of an oxidative phosphorylation system which uses Na+ instead of H+ as the coupling ion.  相似文献   

The marine bacteriumVibrio alginolyticus was found to possess the respiratory Na+ pump that generates an electrochemical potential of Na+, which plays a central role in bioenergetics ofV. alginolyticus, as a direct result of respiration. Mutants defective in the Na+ pump revealed that one of the two kinds of NADH: quinone oxidoreductase requires Na+ for activity and functions as the Na+ pump. The Na+ pump composed of three subunits was purified and reconstituted into liposomes. Generation of membrane potential by the reconstituted proteoliposomes required Na+. The respiratory Na+ pump coupled to the NADH: quinone oxidoreductase was found in wide varieties of Gramnegative marine bacteria belonging to the generaAlcaligenes, Alteromonas, andVibrio, and showed a striking similarity in the mode of electron transfer and enzymic properties. Na+ extrusion seemed to be coupled to a dismutation reaction, which leads to the formation of quinol and quinone from semi-quinone radical.  相似文献   

Li N  Kojima S  Homma M 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(15):3773-3784
The stator proteins PomA and PomB form a complex that couples Na+ influx to torque generation in the polar flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus. This stator complex is anchored to an appropriate place around the rotor through a putative peptidoglycan-binding (PGB) domain in the periplasmic region of PomB (PomBC). To investigate the function of PomBC, a series of N-terminally-truncated and in-frame mutants with deletions between the transmembrane (TM) segment and the PGB domain of PomB was constructed. A PomBC fragment consisting of residues 135 to 315 (PomBC5) formed a stable homodimer and significantly inhibited the motility of wild-type cells when overexpressed in the periplasm. A fragment with an in-frame deletion (PomBΔL) of up to 80 residues retained function, and its overexpression with PomA impaired cell growth. This inhibitory effect was suppressed by a mutation at the functionally critical Asp (D24N) in the TM segment of PomB, suggesting that a high level of Na+ influx through the mutant stator causes the growth impairment. The overproduction of functional PomA/PomBΔL stators also reduced the motile fractions of the cells. That effect could be slightly relieved by a mutation (L168P) in the putative N-terminal α-helix that connects to the PGB domain without affecting the growth inhibition, suggesting that a conformational change of the region including the PGB domain affects stator assembly. Our results reveal common features of the periplasmic region of PomB/MotB and demonstrate that a flexible linker that contains a “plug” segment is important for the control of Na+ influx through the stator complex as well as for stator assembly.  相似文献   

Components of the Na+ -motive NADH : quinone oxi-doreductase segment in the respiratory chain of Vibrio alginolyticus were examined in membranes prepared from wild type, Na+ -pump-defective mutants, and a spontaneous revertant. Ag+ distinguished two kinds of respiratory NADH dehydrogenases. The Na+ -pump-defective mutants lacked Ag+ -sensitive NADH dehydrogenase activity. Incubation of the Ag+ -sensitive NADH dehydrogenase with solubilized membrane proteins of the mutant led to the reconstitution of Na+ -motive NADH : quinone oxidoreductase activity. We think that Ag+ -sensitive NADH dehydrogenase is an essential component of the respiratory Na+ pump of this organism.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of Na+ movement through the force-generating units of the Na(+)-driven flagellar motors of Vibrio alginolyticus, the effect of intracellular Na+ concentration on motor rotation was investigated. Control cells containing about 50 mM Na+ showed good motility even at 10 mM Na+ in the medium, i.e. in the absence of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient. In contrast, Na(+)-loaded cells containing about 400 mM Na+ showed very poor motility at 500 mM Na+ in the medium, i.e. even in the presence of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient. The membrane potential of the cells, which is a major driving force for the motor under these conditions, was not detectably altered, and consistently with this, Na(+)-coupled sucrose transport was only partly reduced in the Na(+)-loaded cells. Motility of the Na(+)-loaded cells was restored by decreasing the intracellular Na+ concentration, and the rate of restoration of motility correlated with the rate of the Na+ decrease. These results indicate that the absolute concentration of the intracellular Na+ is a determinant of the rotation rate of the Na(+)-driven flagellar motors of V. alginolyticus. A simple explanation for this phenomenon is that the force-generating unit of the motor has an intracellular Na(+)-binding site, at which the intracellular Na+ kinetically interferes with the rate of Na+ influx for motor rotation.  相似文献   

Inverted membrane vesicles prepared from Vibrio alginolyticus generated a membrane potential (positive inside) and accumulated Na+ by the oxidation of NADH. Generation of the membrane potential required Na+ and was inhibited by 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide, a specific inhibitor of the Na+-dependent NADH oxidase. Collapse of the membrane potential by valinomycin stimulated the uptake of Na+. In contrast, accumulation of H+ was not detected under all the conditions tested. These results suggest that only Na+ is translocated by the Na+-dependent NADH oxidase of V. alginolyticus.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus mutants lacking three Na+/H+ antiporters (NhaA, NhaB, NhaD) were constructed. The DeltanhaA strains showed significantly higher sensitivity to LiCl regarding their growth compared to the parental strain. The DeltanhaA and DeltanhaB strains exhibited higher sensitivities to LiCl. The mutant XACabd lacking all of the three antiporters could not grow in the presence of 500 mM LiCl at pH 7.0, or 50 mM at pH 8.5. The XACabd mutant was also sensitive to 1.0 M NaCl at pH 8.5. These results suggest that Na+/H+ antiporters, especially NhaA, are responsible for resistance to LiCl and to high concentrations of NaCl. Reduced Na+/H+ and Li+/H+ antiport activities were observed with everted membrane vesicles of DeltanhaB strains. However, Li+/H+ antiport activities of DeltanhaB strains were two times higher than those of DeltanhaA strains when cells were cultured at pH 8.5. It seems that expression of nhaA and nhaB is dependent on medium pH to some extent. In addition, HQNO (2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide), which is a potent inhibitor of the respiratory Na+ pump, inhibited growth of XACabd, but not of the wild type strain. Moreover, survival rate of XACabd under hypoosmotic stress was lower than that of wild type strain. It is likely that the Na+/H+ antiporters are involved in osmoregulation under hypoosmotic stress. Based on these findings, we propose that the Na+/H+ antiporters cooperate with the respiratory Na+ pump in ionic homeostasis in V. parahaemolyticus.  相似文献   

KtrAB from Vibrio alginolyticus is a recently described new type of high affinity bacterial K+ uptake system. Its activity assayed in an Escherichia coli K+ uptake negative mutant depended on Na+ ions (Km of 40 microM). Subunit KtrB contains four putative P-loops. The selectivity filter from each P-loop contains a conserved glycine residue. Residue Gly-290 from the third P-loop selectivity filter in KtrB was exchanged for Ala, Ser or Asp. KtrB variants Ser-290 and Asp-290 were without activity. In contrast, KtrB variant Ala-290 was still active. This variant transported K+ with a two orders of magnitude decrease in apparent affinity for both K+ and Na+ with little effect on Vmax.  相似文献   

The marine bacterium, Vibrio alginolyticus, regulates the cytoplasmic pH at about 7.8 over the pH range 6.0–9.0. By the addition of diethanolamine (a membrane-permeable amine) at pH 9.0, the internal pH was alkalized and simultaneously the cellular K+ was released. Following the K+ exit, the internal pH was acidified until 7.8, where the K+ exit leveled off. The K+ exit was mediated by a K+/H+ antiporter that is driven by the outwardly directed K+ gradient and ceases to function at the internal pH of 7.8 and below. The Na+-loaded cells assayed in the absence of KCl generated inside acidic ΔpH at alkaline pH due to the function of an Na+/H+ antiporter, but the internal pH was not maintained at a constant value. At acidic pH range, the addition of KCl to the external medium was necessary for the alkalization of cell interior. These results suggested that in cooperation with the K+ uptake system and H+ pumps, the K+/H+ antiporter functions as a regulator of cytoplasmic pH to maintain a constant value of 7.8 over the pH range 6.0–9.0.  相似文献   

The intracellular concentrations of Na+ and K+ in exponentially growing Paracoccus halodenitrificans were independent of the NaCl concentration of the growth medium. The observed values were approximately 100 and 300 mM for Na+ and K+, respectively. In stationary phase cells, the ultimate values for Na+ depended on the NaCl concentration of the growth medium. With cells grown in the presence of 1 M NaCl, the value was about 500 mM; for cells grown in the presence of 3 M NaCl, the value was about 1.1 M. The K+ concentration in stationary phase cells was unaffected by the NaCl concentration in the growth medium. The final value was about 100 mM. Associated with these changes were changes in the ATP pool and decreases in the activities of the NADH oxidase system and the membrane-bound ATPase. It is proposed that the decrease in the activities of these enzymes may account for the ion flows observed in stationary phase cells.  相似文献   

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