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A wrap method adaptation combined with AutoCAD2005 and Scion Image for Windows were used to determine the surface area of a fish. Compared with the corresponding r2 and F of many models, the most accurate formula: S = 752.15W0.675 (r2 = 0.999, F = 18362.94, P < 0.0001) for estimating the surface area of common carp was obtained. Similarly, the fin formula: S = 1834.12W0.708 (r2 = 0.992, F = 2690.47, P < 0.0001) was also obtained for the same purpose. It was proven that these two formulae gave good estimates of surface and fin areas of four strains of common carp: Yellow‐river carp, fancy carp, mirror carp and Xingguo red carp.  相似文献   

Genetic evolution and diversity of common carp Cyprinus carpio L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of genetic variation and population structure of existing strains of both farmed and wild common carp Cyprinus carpio L. is absolutely necessary for any efficient fish management and/or conservation program. To assess genetic diversity in common carp populations, a variety of molecular markers were analyzed. Of those, microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA were most frequently used in the analysis of genetic diversity and genome evolution of common carp. Using microsatellites showed that the genome evolution in common carp exhibited two waves of rearrangements: one whole-genome duplication (12–16 million years ago) and a more recent wave of segmental duplications occurring between 2.3 and 6.8 million years ago. The genome duplication event has resulted in tetraploidy since the common carp currently harbors a substantial portion of duplicated loci in its genome and twice the number of chromosomes (n = 100–104) of most other cyprinid fishes. The variation in domesticated carp populations is significantly less than that in wild populations, which probably arises from the loss of variation due to founder effects and genetic drift. Genetic differentiation between the European carp C.c. carpio and Asian carp C.c. haematopterus is clearly evident. In Asia, two carp subspecies, C.c. haematopterus and C.c. varidivlaceus, seem to be also genetically distinct.  相似文献   

The validity of the use of the weight of dried eye lenses as an indicator of age in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., is tested. There is a significant difference between males and females for fish of two and three years old. Otherwise no significant difference is noted between sexes. The linear relationship between the dry weight of eye lenses and age + 1 are: In Y + 1= 0.5202 + 16.4928 X ( r = 0.93) for female and ln Y + 1=0.4276 + 16.7364 X ( r = 0.94) for male.
The method for determining age is valuable for fish until three years old. However for older fish, in spite of a correlation coefficient between lens weight and age and even with a significant difference between annual groups, the age determination may be misleading due to the overlap in lens weights. In conclusion therefore this method may not be useful for back calculation of growth, for production estimates or studies in which accurate estimates of age are needed.  相似文献   

Investigation on carp, Cyprinus carpio L. gynogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A reliable method for gynogenetic mass-production has been developed in carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.). The effect of different cold shock treatments applied after fertilization were examined. The yield of viable diploid gynogenetic animals could be significantly increased when the cold shock was applied 5 min or 15 min after fertilization. A negative correlation has been found between the effectiveness of these two treatments, so both were used on separate batches of eggs. By means of gynogenesis, the crossover frequency and map distance of the transferrin locus have been determined. Successful pilot experiments were made on grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) and sheatfish ( Silurus glanis L.) with respect to gynogenetic mass production.  相似文献   

Genomic resources and microarrays for the common carp Cyprinus carpio L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The common carp is an important fish species satisfying ornamental, food and recreational fisheries' needs worldwide, but in common with other cyprinid fishes, it is particularly renowned for its environmental tolerance. Investigating the mechanistic basis of growth, disease and environmental tolerance is greatly enhanced by access to a comprehensive list of gene sequences and post-genomic technologies. The current status of genomic resources is described for this species including 40 k cDNA clone collections, their associated expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and a developing series of 13 k–26 k cDNA microarrays fabricated from amplicons. The arrays have been directed at questions of response to environmental stress (cold and hypoxia), viral and bacterial disease and ectoparasite infection. Consequently, clones from a wide range of tissues were prepared. The authors discuss how these resources were generated and their application. Evidence is presented supporting that the carp microarray may also be useful as a heterologous set of probes in studies of other fish species.  相似文献   

Groups of large (65 -75 g) and small (8-17 g) common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) fingerlings were exposed to the bacterium Chromobacterium violaceurn in order to establish whether they could detect and ingest unattached bacteria. Small fish exposed to both bacteria and to cell-free bacterial extracts showed a significant increase in opercular beat rates, thus demonstrating that they are able to detect the presence of unattached bacteria in suspension. Examination of carp gut contents showed that the proportion of small fish ingesting bacteria increased with exposure time although no significant relationship was observed among larger fish. Significant, positive correlations between numbers of viable bacteria isolated from the intestinal tracts and concentration in the environment were observed. Possible mechanisms of bacterial ingestion are discussed.  相似文献   

Carp were sampled monthly during one and a half years in the Etang du Vaccarès, Camargue, southern France using fyke nets. Densities of carp in temporary marshes and canals were determined using rotenone. Carp is the dominant species in biomass in the fresh and brackish waters (14%0) with densities from 11–58 kg/ha in temporary marshes and up to ten times greater in the canals. Scales were used to determine age and growth of 201 carp. The relative condition factor of female and male mature and unsexed fish are not statistically different throughout the year and follow the variations of gonadal development in spring. The best predictive equation of fecundity, Log F = 7.03504 + 0.83829 log ovary weight, was found using a stepwise multiple regression. The sex-ratio in the temporary marshes (♂ : ♀; 1.66–1.76) is greater than the general sex-ratio of the monthly samples (0.67). The diet of carp is characterized by the presence of large numbers of seeds and the absence of large benthic invertebrates. Predation by fish-eating birds and carnivorous fish is minimal, and the annual drying of many marshes is considered the main mortality factor., Accepted 22 July 1980  相似文献   

Summary The posterior neurohypophysis (PNH)-pars intermedia complex of the wild and pond carp, Cyprinus carpio L., has been studied by light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. Gomori-positive neurosecretory fibres are abundant in the main trunk of the neurohypophysis as well as its roots penetrating the pars intermedia. Terminals of these fibres are in contact with capillaries of the general circulation and with glandular cells of the pars intermedia. Monoaminergic fibres with a weak green fluorescence, somewhat increasing after injection of nialamide into the pond carp, have largely the same distribution. Three types of neurosecretory fibres and their terminals have been recognized in the PNH-pars intermedia complex. Types-A1 and -A2 fibres, containing granules of 140–180 nm and 100–160 nm in diameter respectively, are peptidergic Gomori-positive. Type-A2 fibres predominate in the PNH. The least frequent monoaminergic type-B fibres have granules of 60–100 nm in diameter. Numerous peptidergic and few monoaminergic neurosecretory terminals make contact with the capillaries located within the roots of the PNH as well as at the border between them and the pars intermedia. Both peptidergic and monoaminergic terminals make direct synaptoid contacts with the gland cells or end close to connective tissue septa, basal lamina or pituicytes. The PAS-positive gland cells and to a lesser degree the leadhaematoxylin-positive gland cells show these relationships with neurosecretory terminals. The question concerning the mode of interaction between peptidergic and monoaminergic structures in the dual control of the gland cells of the pars intermedia of teleosts is discussed.  相似文献   

Induced triploidy in carp, Cyprinus carpio L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A method for mass production of triploid carp was developed by the cold treatment of eggs after fertilization. Triploidy was demonstrated by cytophotometry and chromosome preparation techniques. Of the haploid embryos, 100% showed morphological abnormalities and died soon after hatching. Haploid embryos of maternal and paternal origin occurring in the course of cold treatment were distinguished by using a genetic marker. Among morphologically normal larvae, the frequency of triploidy was 100%, and the viability of the triploid embryos, larvae and the juvenile fish did not differ from the diploid control. Sex differentiation started in the triploid fish, but was greatly retarded. Gonad size and the small number of growing oocytes suggest that most of the triploid individuals will be sterile. Triploid carp grew at the same rate as diploid controls in the laboratory test.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Microsatellite markers of the poly (CA) type in common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) are described. Clones containing a (CA) repeat were isolated from a common carp genomic library and sequenced. The number of repeats found was high compared to mammals but comparable with other teleost fishes. Classification of the repeats (perfect, imperfect and compound) are compared with the Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.), rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.). A total of 41 primer sets were designed and tested for polymorphism on a test panel of eight animals (derived from outbred lines, inbred lines and gynogenetic clones). Thirty-two markers were found to be polymorphic. The heterozygosity in the outbred animals was 60·4%, 51·1% in the inbred animals and 0% in the gynogenetic clones. The average number of alleles among the eight animals was 4·7 per marker. Six markers (18·8%) gave an additional polymorphic amplification product besides the polymorphic amplification product in the expected size range. The possibility that these loci are tetraploid is discussed. The polymorphic loci described for common carp will be valuable as genetic markers for use in population, breeding, and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Oxygen uptake attributable to Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) was measured in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. (63.6–84.0 g) fed on 20, 35 and 50% dietary protein at 0.40 to 1.00% ration levels at 28°C.
  • 2.2. After feeding both SDA magnitude and mean peak oxygen consumption increased directly with dietary protein and ration levels. SDA duration was not significantly related to dietary protein but significantly increased with ration levels.
  • 3.3. SDA coefficients were 8.99, 13.51 and 15.94% with 20, 35 and 50% dietary protein showing a direction relationship to the protein content. The SDA coefficient did not change with ration size.
  • 4.4. SDA models resulting from this work are of great interest for the aquaculturist, as post-feeding oxygen requirements in an intensive fish culture can be predicted where dietary protein and ration levels are known.

An electromyographical study has been made of carp swimming muscles at various points along the body length during sustained and burst locomotion. During sustained swimming, red muscles show a constant time lag between activation of anterior and posterior segments which is practically independent of the speed of locomotion. In contrast, anterior and posterior homolateral segments are activated simultaneously during bursts of rapid movement. This pattern of co-ordination between body segments differs from that reported for other species.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-10 was cloned from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) using IL-10 primers from carp head kidney following stimulation with concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide. The cDNA consisted of a 1096 bp sequence containing a 55 bp 5' untranslated region and a 498 bp 3' untranslated region. An open reading frame of 543 bp encoded a putative 180 amino acid protein with a putative signal peptide of 22 amino acids. The signature motif of IL-10 is conserved in carp sequence. A 2083 bp genomic sequence of carp IL-10 was found to contain five exons interrupted by four introns. With the exception of much more compact introns, the genomic structure was similar to that of mammalian IL-10. By homology, phylogeny and genomic analyses, the carp gene cloned was designated as IL-10. Carp IL-10 was expressed in head, kidney, liver, spleen and intestine during the resting phase. The gene was also expressed in head kidney and liver following in vitro stimulation with lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven monoclonal antibodies that recognize membrane determinants on spermatozoa of the carp Cyprinus carpio L. have been produced. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed that these determinants are uniformly distributed on the surface of head and midpiece. Most of them are also present on the outer membrane of precursor sperm cells. Although none of the monoclonal antibodies reacted with carp somatic tissue, five monoclonal antibodies were positive for surface membrane determinants of oogonia and early prophase oocytes in carp ovary. Preliminary analysis of the testis and ovary of three other species of fish showed that some carp determinants are shared with germ cells from Barbus conchonius, Clarias lazera, or Salmo gairdneri.Abbreviation WCS Wageningen Carp Sperm antibody  相似文献   

The onset and regulation of puberty is determined by functional development of the brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis. Stress has been shown to interfere with reproduction and the functioning of the BPG axis. The response to chronic and severe stress may require much energy and force the organism to make adaptive choices. Energy that is normally available for processes like growth, immune response, or reproduction will be channeled into restoration of the disturbed homeostasis. Cortisol plays a key role in the homeostatic adaptation during or after stress. In the present study, immature common carp were fed with cortisol-containing food pellets covering the pubertal period. We showed that cortisol caused an inhibition of pubertal development, by affecting directly or indirectly all components of the BPG axis. The salmon GnRH content of the brain was decreased. Luteinizing hormone- and FSH-encoding mRNA levels in the pituitary and LH plasma levels were diminished by long-term cortisol treatment, as was the testicular androgen secretion. Testicular development, reflected by gonadosomatic index and the first wave of spermatogenesis, was retarded.  相似文献   

1. A herbicide, paraquat (1,1'dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridilium-dichloride) was administered to carp in 0.5-10.0 ppm concentrations, respectively, and blood sugar level, glucose-6-phosphatase and glycogen phosphorylase activities of liver were determined. 2. Paraquat treatment caused an increase of blood sugar level and enhanced phosphorylase and glucose-6-phosphatase activities. 3. Paraquat can induce alterations in endoplasmic reticulum that might contribute to the changes in glucose-6-phosphatase activity, resulting in an increase of blood glucose level and/or all the effects can be attributed to a high level of circulating epinephrine produced by paraquat toxicosis.  相似文献   

The effect of a 2-week period of oral immuno-stimulation from the age of 2 or 6 weeks post-fertilisation (wpf; before and after reaching the ability to produce antibodies) onwards was investigated on various immune functions of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. The immuno-stimulants Aeromonas salmonicida lipopolysaccharide, Yeast DNA (containing unmethylated CpG motifs) or high-M alginate (an extract of algae containing poly-mannuronic acid) were used. The effect of this treatment was studied on the kinetics of B cells in head kidney and peripheral blood leucocytes using flow cytometry, on the total plasma IgM level using ELISA, on cytokine and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in the intestine, and acute phase protein expression in the liver, using real time quantitative PCR, and on exposure to Vibrio anguillarum. Oral administration of immuno-stimulants from 6 wpf resulted in decreased WCI12(+) (B) cell percentages in PBL (only after administration of LPS) and head kidney (all test groups), and a decreased total IgM level in plasma, suggesting that suppressive effects are strongly indicative of oral or juvenile tolerance. After administration from 2 wpf, the effects on WCI12(+) (B) cell percentages were less pronounced: the group fed with Yeast DNA showed higher percentages compared to the control group at 6 wpf, but lower percentages at 8 wpf. No changes were observed in the cytokine or iNOS expression levels in the intestine or acute phase protein expression in the liver. A challenge with V. anguillarum resulted in an initially higher cumulative mortality in the group fed with LPS, but lower mortality in the groups fed with Yeast DNA or high-M alginate compared to the control group, providing a provisional warning especially for the use of pathogen-derived immuno-stimulants, such as A. salmonicida LPS, in larval and juvenile fish.  相似文献   

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