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The preparation of the potent new lipid chemical mediator, 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine (AGEPC), through a facile semisynthetic procedure utilizing the vinyl ether-containing lecithins (plasmalogens) of bovine heart muscle as the starting material results in a derivative with mixed chain alkyl residues. In order to focus more closely on the importance of the various components of AGEPC relative to its biological activity, it was of importance to develop a method for isolation of molecules rich in a specific chain length of the alkyl residue. In the current study it was found that a simple thin-layer chromatographic technique, using a solvent system of methanol water (2:1, vv), afforded an excellent separation of semisynthetic AGEPC into two species, one containing over 95 mol% 16:0 and the other 95 mol% 18:0 alkyl chain species. The same procedure allowed a comparable separation of the species of 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylethanolamine (AGEPE) prepared from AGEPC by phospholipase D action. On the basis of their effectiveness in releasing serotonin from washed rabbit platelets, the 16:0-rich derivatives of AGEPC and AGEPE exhibited significantly higher specific activities, from three to six-fold, on a molar basis, respectively, than the corresponding 18:0-rich derivatives. These findings are discussed in relation to the importance of the chain length of the alkyl ether group in expression of the biological activity of AGEPC.  相似文献   

Washed rabbit platelets labeled with [3H]inositol were stimulated with AGEPC (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine) (5 X 10(-10) M) for various time periods. Within 5 s of the mixing of these platelets with AGEPC, an approximately 25% decrease in the [3H]TPI (phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate) was evident; immediately thereafter the radioactivity in TPI increased. These labeled platelets treated with various concentrations of AGEPC for only 5 s indicated a characteristic dose-related decrease in [3H]TPI. Radioactivity in phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate also appeared to increase after AGEPC-induced stimulation of platelets. Interestingly, within 15 s a 15 to 20% decrease in [3H]PI (phosphatidylinositol) and an increase in [3H]lysoPI was observed. However, [3H]lysoPI could be related only to one-third of the decrease in [3H]PI. LysoGEPC (lyso-1-O-alkyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine), which is ineffective in the activation of platelets, was unable to cause any changes in the phosphoinositides. The fact that the status of TPI was influenced in a time- and dose-dependent manner and the rapidity with which these changes take place suggest that this inositol phospholipid may be associated closely with the early processes which accompany the interaction of AGEPC with platelets.  相似文献   

When 32Pi-labeled rabbit platelets were incubated with 5 × 10?10m 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine (AGEPC), either in the presence or absence (0.1 mm EGTA) of added Ca2+, there was a three- to five-fold increase in the [32P]phosphatidic acid (PA) pool within 15 to 20 s. This event was followed by a gradual decrease in the [32P]PA level to near basal level in 5 min. AGEPC effected this change in [32P]PA in a characteristic dose- and time-dependent manner. Polar head group analogs of AGEPC, such as AGEDME and AGEMME, also effected an increase in PA labeling at levels. comparable to those previously reported for their activity toward rabbit platelets [K. Satouchi, R. N. Pinckard, L. M., McManus, and D. J. Hanahan (1981) J. Biol. Chem.256, 4425–4432]. Other analogs, i.e., lysoGEPC and the enantiomer, sn-1-AGEPC, which are inactive toward rabbit platelets, also showed no effect on the level of [32P]PA. The finding that the PA level in rabbit platelets could be manipulated by the addition of AGEPC, without any added Ca2+, provided an excellent model system for establishinig a correlation between the uptake of Ca2+, serotonin release, and PA level. Thus, PA must be regarded as a sensitive indicator of a reaction mechanism important to the platelet response to AGEPC, and could be the focal point in promoting calcium uptake during the stimulation process.  相似文献   

Phospholipid-deacylating enzymes of rabbit platelets.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inhibition of selenium-glutathione peroxidase by metal ions was studied by means of a direct spectrophotometric assay that monitors at 237 nm the decrease of GS? concentration with time. Cadmium (II) and zinc (II) ions were the most potent inhibitors, while silver (I), mercury (II), cobalt (II), and lead (II) inhibited to a lesser extent. Inhibition by these metal ions was competitive with respect to the donor substrate, GSH. Competitive inhibition was verified for cadmium (II) ion by means of an assay employing Ellman's reagent, 5,5′-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid. Inhibition by cadmium (II) ion was noncompetitive with respect to the acceptor substrate, t-butyl hydroperoxide. Inhibitor constants obtained from Lineweaver-Burk plots and binding constants obtained from Scatchard plots were comparable. Correlation of inhibitor constants with chemical and physical properties showed a dependence on the softness of the metal ion as an acid and also a dependence on ionic size.  相似文献   

A new type of neutral lipid, 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (AAG), induced a delayed aggregation pattern on interaction with washed rabbit platelets. Although far less potent on a molar basis than platelet activating factor (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, AGEPC, nevertheless this compound caused an aggregation, albeit delayed in time, remarkably similar to that exhibited by AGEPC. In view of the possible formation of AGEPC in this reaction, AAG was incubated with washed rabbit platelets, and a lipid corresponding in chromatographic behavior to AGEPC was isolated and identified as such by a combined gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry technique coupled with selected ion monitoring.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of wheat germ agglutinin (4 μg/ml) have been shown to act synergistically to induce platelet aggregation with epinephrine, collagen, arachidonate and ionophore A23187. Aggregation ceased on the addition of the haptenic sugar N-acetylglucosamine at any time following the onset of aggregation with these agonists and a small degree of disaggregation was observed during the reversible first wave with the biphasic aggregating agents epinephrine and ADP. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors such as indomethacin and aspirin blocked the second wave of aggregation with the biphasic aggregating agents epinephrine and ADP but a synergistic response continued to be shown with the first wave in the presence of these inhibitors. Release of [14C]serotonin and the mobilization of [3H]arachidonate by epinephrine and collagen were markedly stimulated in the presence of wheat germ agglutinin but there was no increase of either radiolabel in the case of ADP. Platelet shape change, but not aggregation, occurred with low levels of wheat germ agglutinin and the synergistic response with ADP, collagen or ionophore A23187 occurred without further shape change. Wheat germ agglutinin did not affect the basal or stimulated levels of cyclic AMP. The membrane fluidity of platelets was not affected by the lectin or by thrombin as shown by the lack of change in fluorescence polarization with diphenylhexatriene. It is suggested that the binding of wheat germ agglutinin to the platelet surface induces platelet activation by mechanisms similar to those of other agonists and that it may affect the distribution of membrane-bound Ca2+ by a reversible perturbation of the platelet membrane.  相似文献   

ADP-stimulated aggregation of bovine blood platelets was observed in media containing isotonic potassium salts of various monovalent anions. The aggregation depended on the anion in the medium, the order of aggregation being Cl?, Br?>I?>SCN?, ClO4?. After 30-min incubation, the extent of aggregation of platelets in Cl? or Br? medium was little changed, whereas, that in SCN? or ClO4? medium was remarkably decreased. This anion dependency of aggregation may be due to change in the membrane potential.  相似文献   

The evidence that samples of human brain tissue obtained at autopsy may be used as starting material for the isolation of cellular and subcellular preparations which exhibit metabolic and functional activity when incubated in vitro has been reviewed. Supporting evidence has been found in data from model experiments which used animal brain as the source material. Active preparations have been obtained after considerable (up to 24 h) post mortem delays. Such findings are less surprising when the post mortem stability of key tissue components (enzymes, receptors, nucleic acids) and the retention of cellular integrity are examined. The data from these fields have been reviewed and their relevance to functional studies assessed. Studies which use human autopsy material must consider many additional sources of variation not found in experiments with animal brain and the major problems are briefly discussed. It is argued that functional experiments present few, if any, difficulties not already inherent in static analyses of autopsy material and some procedures which help to minimise these difficulties are outlined. Experimentation in this area is greatly aided by the finding that metabolically and functionally active preparations may be obtained from frozen tissue pieces. Dynamic studies provide a new approach for testing hypotheses of the mechanisms underlying human brain disorders and for studying the actions of neuroactive drugs in man.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATPase inactivation by interaction with its substrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purified F1-ATPase is slowly inactivated by interaction, in a preincubation medium, with its substrate MgATP. Interaction with Mg2+ before addition of ATP to the preincubation medium is essential to induce the inactivation. This inactivation is different from other Mg2+-induced inhibitions previously described. Free ATP concentration is implicated in the inactivation process and a linear relationship can be established between this concentration and the number of turnovers which are necessary for total inactivation. ITP, 2′-dATP, and GTP can also induce inactivation. Although ITP and GTP are hydrolyzed at a lower rate than ATP and 2′-dATP, they induce inactivation after a smaller number of turnovers than the latter. This process closely follows a kinetics of the type described for suicide enzymes. A reaction scheme is suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the interaction of various cytochromes c with phospholipid vesicles and with mitochondrial membranes was undertaken. Both mammalian and yeast types of cytochrome c bind preferentially in the oxidized form as evidenced by the midpoint redox potential (Em 7.0) becoming more negative upon binding. Cytochrome c which is reincorporated into cytochrome c-depleted mitochondria is kinetically comparable with the native cytochrome c component; rate of cytochrome b oxidation is maximally restored at ratios of c1:c:a of 1:1:1. Comparison between the electron paramagnetic spectrum of cytochrome c labeled at methionine 65 or cysteine 103 reveals that upon binding to the mitochondrial membrane, the former is immobilized and not the latter. This result suggests that cytochrome c binds to the membrane at the side at which methionine 65 is located.  相似文献   

Quenching of 12-(9-anthroyl) stearic acid (AS) fluorescence by cytochrome c occurs through an energy-transfer mechanism and can be used to measure the binding of the cytochrome to artificial and mitochondrial membranes. The quenching of AS3 fluorescence is biphasic (t12 below 25 msec and above 500 msec) and its extent diminishes at high salt concentration or at high pH and increases in the presence of negatively charged lipids.Addition of cytochrome c to cytochrome c-depleted mitochondria results in binding of the cytochrome to the membrane and quenching of AS fluorescence. The affinity of oxidized cytochrome c for cytochrome c-depleted mitochondria is 1.8 × 106m, while the affinity constant for reduced cytochrome c is 0.5 × 106m. The lower affinity of the reduced cytochrome c for mitochondrial membranes is in accordance with midpoint potential differences between the bound and free forms.  相似文献   

The equivalence of the four dihydroxyacetone phosphate binding sites of aldolase was abolished by lowering the temperature. At pH 6.2 and ?13 2C, four binding sites were detected by gel filtration; two sites with a Kdiss ?0.1 μm, and a second set of sites with a Kdiss = 4 μm. The alteration of the binding was accompanied by the alteration of the catalytic activity. The low-affinity sites were incapable of catalyzing the cleavage of the (3S) CH bond of dihydroxyacetone phosphate, and form only the ketimine phosphate intermediate. The high-affinity sites were still able to cleave the (3S) CH bond of dihydroxyacetone phosphate; however, the eneamine phosphate intermediate formed was almost fully converted into the eneamine-aldehyde … phosphate intermediate, which was the prevailing species at the equilibrium. The mechanism of the half-of-the sites reactivity of aldolase at low temperature has been explained and the nonequivalence of sites in promoting catalysis has been utilized to dissect and characterize the individual partial reactions of the enzyme. In the course of these studies it has been shown that the rate of hydration-dehydration of dihydroxyacetone phosphate at ?24 °C was too slow to measure.  相似文献   

Band 3 of the human erythrocyte is involved in anion transport and binding of the cytoskeleton to the membrane bilayer. Human erythrocytes were treated to incorporate varying concentrations of DIDS (4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid) a non-penetrating, irreversible inhibitor of anion transport, and both functions of Band 3 were analyzed. The rate of efflux of 35SO4. was measured and the binding of cytoskeletal components to the membrane was evaluated by extracting the membranes with 0.1 n NaOH and analyzing for the peptides remaining with the membrane. It was found that 0.1 n NaOH extracts all the extrinsic proteins from membranes of untreated cells, while, in the case of the membranes from cells treated with DIDS, a portion of the cytoskeletal components, spectrin (Bands 1 and 2) and Band 2.1 (ankyrin, syndein) remain with the membrane. The amount of these cytoskeletal components remaining with the membrane depends on the concentrations of DIDS incorporated. The effect of DIDS on the extractability of the spectrin-Band 2.1 complex correlates well with DIDS inhibition of anion transport (r = 0.91). At DIDS concentrations which completely inhibit anion transport, about 10% of total spectrin-Band 2.1 complex remains unextracted. Another anion-transport inhibitor, pyridoxal phosphate, has no effect on binding of the cytoskeleton to the membrane. On the other hand, digestion of DIDS-pretreated intact erythrocytes with Pronase, chymotrypsin, or trypsin releases the tight binding of Band 3 to cytoskeleton on the inside of the membrane. Since trypsin does not hydrolyze Band 3 the data suggest that a second membrane protein which is trypsin sensitive may be involved with Band 3 in cytoskeletal binding.  相似文献   

A method is described for the separation and concentration of rat liver lysosomes from mitochondria in a one-step procedure by zonal centrifugation. Some of the practical problems associated with the use of the B-XX1X rotor are discussed.  相似文献   

Cells persistently infected with canine distemper virus can be lysed by antibody and complement. This reaction is dependent upon the alternative complement pathway. In the absence of antiviral antibody, the virus-infected cells will activate the alternative complement pathway, although this will not produce cell lysis.  相似文献   

To determine if the interaction between ferredoxin and ferredoxin:NADP reductase is similar to the interaction between the purified proteins when the ferrodoxin:NADP reductase is membrane bound, the effect of pH, salt, and coupling state on the Km for ferredoxin in NADP reduction by chloroplast membranes has been examined. Increasing pH and salt concentrations as well as uncouplers all resulted in increases in the Km for ferredoxin. The pH and salt effects on the Km are similar to effects observed by others (C. Batie and H. Kamin (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 7756-7763) on the dissociation constant for a complex between the two purified proteins, although the salt effect on the Km appears to be affected by the surface potential of the chloroplast membrane. These results suggest that the interaction between ferredoxin and the membrane-bound ferredoxin:NADP reductase is not greatly different from the interaction which has been characterized between the two purified proteins.  相似文献   

Male rats castrated at 30 days of age were treated with estradiol benzoate (dose range: 0.05–50 μg EB for 26 days) and dihydrotestosterone (1 mg DHT for 36 days) as adults. The combined EB and DHT treatments resulted in display of male sexual behavior which did not differ from the behavior shown by intact untreated males or castrated, testosterone propionate (1 mg TP for 26 days) treated males. EB alone or DHT alone were relatively ineffective in activating male behavior in castrated males.  相似文献   

An IgG1 monoclonal antibody, termed ACM-1, has been shown to react with rabbit T cells, but not Ig+ cells or macrophages. This antibody appears to recognize the same epitope as the previously described 9AE10 antibody and, together with 9AE10, has been used to obtain highly pure and fully functional T- and B-cell populations. However, the relevant epitope does not appear to be homologous to rodent Thy-1 since quantitative absorptions failed to show reactivity with rabbit brain. Furthermore, attempts to obtain in vivo T-cell depletion resulted in larger decreases in white blood cells than would be expected for simple T-cell removal. In vitro assays on enriched neutrophil preparations revealed that 80-95% of these cells were reactive with ACM-1 and 9AE10. Thus, it appears that in the rabbit, T cells and neutrophils share a major epitope.  相似文献   

The effect of sulfhydryl reagents on phagocytosis and concomitant enzyme release and on ionophore A 23187 + Ca2+-induced exocytosis in rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN's) was studied. Membrane-penetrating sulfhydryl reagents such as cytochalasin A and N-naphthylmaleimide in micromolar concentrations inhibit both phagocytosis and exocytosis. Poorly penetrating reagents such as p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (pCMBS) and 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), inhibit only in high concentrations (pCMBS), or they are ineffective as inhibitors (DTNB). Inhibition by pCMBS is not reversed by glutathione or dithiothreitol; this suggests that some pCMBS probably enters the cell. Specific intracellular sulfhydryl compounds appear to be essential in the cellular apparatus involved in phagocytosis and exocytosis; various possibilities are considered. A concentration of N-naphthylmaleimide which completely inhibits phagocytosis and exocytosis leaves cellular ATPase activity intact.  相似文献   

Ouabain binding to preimplantation rabbit blastocysts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ciliary ganglia (CG) from 8-day-old chick embryos were cultured as explants on a highly adhesive collagen substratum in the presence of the ciliary neuronotrophic factor (CNTF). A remarkable correlation was found between the formation of an outgrowth of ganglionic nonneuronal cells and the timing and extent of neuritic development outside the ganglion. Neurites were not seen to emerge from the ganglion before the onset (24 hr after explantation) of a nonneuronal cell outgrowth. After nonneurons began to migrate over the collagen substratum, neurites could be seen to extend up to, but not beyond the distal limit of the nonneuronal outgrowth. Time-lapse analysis showed that neuritic growth cones could move in synchrony with a nonneuron with which they were in contact as well as over the nonneuronal cell surface, but not on the collagen located distally to the external edge of the nonneuronal outgrowth.Freshly dissected CGs were also grown as secondary explants on preformed host monolayers of ganglionic nonneurons. These secondary explants showed considerable neuritic development within 24 hr, while control ganglia explanted on collagen had not produced neurites. Autoradiographic experiments indicated that this neuritic outgrowth occurred on nonneuronal cells emerging precociously from the secondary explant, rather than on the preexisting host nonneurons. Electron microscopy of 24-hr explants demonstrated that, inside the ganglion, neurites were also very closely associated with the surface of nonneuronal cells.Neuritic behavior in this nonneuron/collagen terrain is compared with previously described observations of CG explants on polyornithine (PORN) or dissociated CG neurons on PORN or collagen. These observations led to the identification of a PORN-bindable neurite promoting factor (PNPF) which does not bind to, and is not active on, collagen. The hypothesis is discussed that PNPF molecules are present on the surface of nonneuronal cells and that the cells owe to those molecules their competence as a suitable terrain for the elongation of neuritic processes.  相似文献   

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