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Phosphatidylcholine phosphatidohydrolase (EC, phospholipase D) catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidic acid and choline. We have developed a spectrophotometric assay for phospholipase D using choline kinase, pyruvate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase to couple the release of choline with the oxidation of NADH. The assay was linear both with time and with enzyme concentration. The assay should prove useful for continuous monitoring of enzyme activity, determination of initial rates of reaction, and detailed kinetic studies of phospholipase D. The method is limited to analysis of purified preparations of phospholipase D lacking competing activities to the coupled system.  相似文献   

A new method is described for the determination of the cytolytic activity of extremely low levels of stable as well as very labile cytotoxins. The method involves the application of the cytotoxin to a column of immunobilized erythrocytes or other suitable cells and a continuous monitoring of the column eluate for the presence of hemoglobin or other cell constituents. The cytotoxic activity of horseradish peroxidase at concentrations as low as 10?12, m can be measured with this technique. The column hemolytic assay is compared with a static (batch) hemolytic assay with respect to sensitivity and reproducibility. Furthermore, a method is described to determine the true rates of lysis, i.e., the number of cells lysed per minute.  相似文献   

A microassay for the peptidase activity of proteins obtained in minute amounts was devised. The method uses ribonuclease S peptide as a substrate. The substrate when cleaved is unable to reconstitute an active ribonuclease S complex. Therefore the loss in activity of the reconstituted complex is a measure of the peptidase activity. The method was previously tested with known peptidases such as clastase (9), chymotrypsin (8), and trypsin. In this work the peptidase activity of a protein related to a sperm-decapitating factor (1) is evidenced.  相似文献   

The role of metal ions in the biological activity of natural and synthetic metalloproteins is an area of active scientific interest. It would be advantageous in such work to be able to analyze for many elements simultaneously. Methods for this purpose should be rapid, require little or no elaborate pretreatment, and consume only small amounts of material. Of particular interest is the resulting metal-ion distribution in synthetically prepared preparations where the metal-free form of the enzyme can act as a scavenger for unwanted elements during the synthesis.Proton-induced X-ray emission analysis (PIXEA) has been applied, in our laboratory and in others, to the analysis of trace amounts of metallic and nonmetallic elements in a variety of matrices (1–3).In general, the sensitivity in terms of μg/g of this method is comparable to conventional tube-excited X-ray fluorescence, but PIXEA offers the advantage of a higher absolute sensitivity. The technique is nondestructive in the sense that the sample is not consumed in the process and, in addition, a broad range of elements can be simultaneously detected at the submicrogram level. Of particular significance is the small total-sample requirement in that, for the studies reported here, only milligram amounts of protein were required for a total analysis.  相似文献   

A fluorometric procedure for quantitating the amount of N-acetylneuraminic acid enzymatically released by the neuraminidase activity from N-acetylneuraminyl-lactose (sialyl-lactose) has been developed. The liberated lactose is hydrolyzed with beta-galactosidase, and the released galactose is oxidized with galactose dehydrogenase and NAD+; finally, the NADH produced is measured by fluorometry (excitation at 340 nm and analysis of emitted light at 465 nm). The fluorometric assay is about 10-fold more sensitive than the spectrophotometric procedure that measures NADH at 340 nm. It readily measures amounts as little as 2 nmol of sialic acid, and does not require the use of radioactive isotopes. Interferences due to sucrose or other substances, which cause errors in some cases with the use of the periodate-thiobarbiturate method for neuraminidase activity determination, are avoided. The procedure reported here provides a sensitive, rapid, and relatively simple method (feasible with commercialized reagents) for measuring the neuraminidase activity not only in purified samples from different sources but also directly in biological materials such as viruses. The technique has been tested with some viruses recently isolated belonging to Orthomyxoviridae or Paramyxoviridae families, known to be rich in neuraminidase. Reciprocally, this method can also be employed for determining the sialic acid concentration in acylneuraminyl-lactose-containing compounds when using purified neuraminidase for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A method for quantitation of protein in the presence of Percoll   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An electromagnet was modified for measurements of the magnetic circular dichroism of samples held at cryogenic temperatures using a standard laboratory cryostat. The external dimensions of the cryostat are too great to permit its insertion in the air gap between the poles of the magnet without an unacceptable reduction in the strength of the magnetic field at the sample. This problem was overcome by designing new pole caps which become an integral part of the vacuum system of the cryostat. The ends of the new pole caps project into the body of the cryostat so that the gap between them is 1 in. or less, thus achieving a magnetic field exceeding one Tesla at the sample. No permanent alterations of the cryostat are required. The chief advantages of this design are economy and flexibility since a general purpose cryostat is used instead of a special unit designed to fit in the small space between the poles of an unmodified magnet. The cryostat used in this design cools the sample by conduction; thus the problem of optical distortions resulting from bubbling of liquid nitrogen or other cryogen is avoided and the temperature can be varied continuously using standard auxiliary equipment. Extra windows at 90° with respect to the optical beam permit inspection of the sample in situ and could be used for experiments such as fluorescence-detected magnetic circular dichroism which require optical access perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

A fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric protocol has been developed to determine the type of oligosaccharide chain present in glycoproteins. The procedure is based on acetolysis of the intact glycoconjugate, extraction of the peracetylated carbohydrate fragments and analysis by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. The molecular ions present in the FAB spectra uniquely define the composition of the oligosaccharides with respect to hexose, aminohexose and sialic acid content. High mannose oligosaccharides yield a series of peracetylated hexose oligomers whereas complex-type oligosaccharides afford a series of N-acetyl-lactosamine containing species. Fucosylation is usually not detected but sialylated oligosaccharides are readily identified and the type of sialic acid is also defined. The method has been tested on three glycoproteins of known structure - fetuin, ribonuclease B and erythrocyte Band 3 - and on a glycoprotein of unknown structure - alpha-galactosidase I, an enzyme lectin from Vicia faba. The latter is shown to contain high mannose carbohydrate chains.  相似文献   

A colorimetric method for the determination of γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) is presented. The procedure is based on the following results. (a) Gla is quantitatively converted into a proline derivative by reaction with acetaldehyde. (b) This derivative is spectrophotometrically detected by the secondary amine reagent: nitroprusside and acetaldehyde in alkaline medium. Under the reported conditions, Beer's law is obeyed for concentrations of Gla varying from 0.5 to 5 × 10?4m. The method has been used to determine the Gla content in urine samples.  相似文献   

We have devised an in vitro bioassay for limb bud polarizing activity in the chick embryo. This assay has proven to be a relatively quick and effective test for a morphogenetic factor asymmetrically distributed in the limb bud which is capable of maintaining or thickening the apical ectodermal ridge.A small section of the preaxial border of the chick embryo wing bud was cultured alone, with tissue from the posterior border, mid-dorsal or anterior corner of a second donor wing, or from the flank. The tissue from the preaxial border (responding tissue) consisted of mesoderm with overlying ectoderm and apical ectodermal ridge. When the responding tissue was cultured alone, with flank, or with anterior corner limb tissue, the apical ectodermal ridge flattened in 24–36 hr and many macrophages appeared in the underlying mesoderm. When cultured with posterior border limb tissue however, the apical ridge of the responding tissue remained thickened for up to 48 hr., and no macrophages appear in the underlying mesoderm. The behavior of responding tissue was intermediate between these two extremes when cultured with mid-dorsal limb tissue. The morphogenetic activity assayed by this procedure thus seems to be present as a gradient in the wing bud, with activity decreasing from posterior to anterior. Contact with the responding tissue is not required to enable posterior border tissue to elicit ridge thickening and inhibit the cell death.  相似文献   

A cellulase assay was developed for the continuous measurement of colored cellulose oligosaccharides (total carbohydrates) released during enzymatic hydrolysis of dyed crystal-line cellulose. Several cellulosic substrates were uniformly dyed by Remalzol brilliant blue R salt without altering their physical properties. Dyed Avicel (6.5%, w/w) was selected as the most representative substrate for the assay procedure. The assay was performed continuously in a simple, thermally controlled apparatus designed for filtration of the reaction mixture via a 5-μm-pore-size nylon filter to retain the crystalline dyed cellulose while spectrophotometrically monitoring the absorbance at 595 nm of the reaction filtrate. Crude supernatant cellulase of Trichoderma viride QM9414 was used to test the assay procedure. The activity of cellulase on dyed Avicel as measured by ΔA595nm correlated directly with the total carbohydrates formed. The initial reaction rate of cellulase solubilizing activity was readily determined with high sensitivity. The continuous assay has utility for the study of cellulase kinetics and for the comparison of activities from different microorganisms.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the assay of bovine testicular hyaluronidase in human blood following intravenous administration of the enzyme. Inhibition of hyaluronidase by the reported nonspecific serum inhibitor is minimal. However, the presence of human serum does alter the pH profile of hyaluronidase and enhances the activity of the enzyme at low pH values. Preliminary data indicates that the effects caused by serum on the pH optimum and activity of the enzyme are largely associated with the albumin fraction and are not due to the presence of endogenous serum hyaluronidase. The activation effect is not specific for any particular blood type and is independent of whether serum or citrated plasma is used. A similar effect to that of serum on hyaluronidase activity is produced by different buffer mixtures or increased NaCl concentration. It is recommended that bovine testicular hyaluronidase be measured at pH 4.0 in 0.1 m sodium citrate buffer containing 0.15 m NaCl as under these conditions the addition of human serum or citrated plasma does not alter the pH optimum of the enzyme. These recommendations necessitate certain modifications of the reducing N-acetylhexosamine assay method of Reissig et al. (J. L. Reissig, J. L. Strominger, and L. F. Leloir, 1955, J. Biol. Chem.217, 959–966).  相似文献   

A new method for the determination of N-sulfate in heparin and its analogs is described. The method is based on the determination of inorganic sulfate liberated by deamination with nitrous acid. The accuracy, simplicity, and validity of this method are evaluated by comparing it with previous methods.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive assay for the detection of microbial siderophores (iron-binding compounds) is described. Nine representative fungal and bacterial cultures including Ustilago sphaerogena, Penicillium sp., Fusarium roseum, Rhodotorula pilimanae, Bacillus subtilis W 23, Bacillus subtilis W 168, Bacillus megaterium, Azotobacter vinelandii OP, and Escherichia coli B, were nutritionally stressed for iron by sequential transfers on iron-deficient solid-plating media. In response to Fe-stress conditions, the microorganisms excreted siderophore compounds into the extracellular solid culture medium. The solid agar matrix effectively concentrated and restricted the migration of the siderophore compounds to the region immediately adjacent to colonial growth. Agar-block samples from this region were removed and placed at the origin of an electrophoresis paper strip. The resultant absorbed material from the agar-block sample was subjected to high-voltage paper electrophoresis which separated the siderophore compounds by size and molecular net charge. Phenolic acid (“catechol”)-type siderophores were detected by fluorescence under uv light. Hydroxamic acid-type siderophores were visualized by spraying the electrophoretogram with ferric iron solution.  相似文献   

D Kupfer  W H Bulger 《Life sciences》1979,25(11):975-983
A method for demonstrating proestrogens invitro has been developed. The method involves the incubation of the potential proestrogen with liver microsomes and NADPH in the presence of rat uteri, followed by examination of the effects of metabolism of the compound on the distribution of uterine estrogen receptor (R) in the cytosol (Rc) and in the nucleus (Rn). Thus, we examined whether DDT derivatives, which possess estrogenic activity invivo, exhibit pro-estrogenic properties invitro. Using this method, it appears that methoxychlor is a proestrogen, since the presence of microsomal enzymatic activity is required for methoxychlor to elicit translocation of uterine Rc into the nucleus, namely, the lowering of Rc and elevation of Rn. By contrast, o,p'DDT was active perse in translocating Rc and did not require the presence of microsomal enzymes for activity.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-treated polymorphonuclear leucocytes were used to study the properties of NADPH oxidase activity of stimulated polymorphonuclear leucocytes.A comparison of the effects of phospholipase C treatment of whole leucocytes on the NADPH oxidase activity with other granule enzymes showed that the activities of β-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase were un-affected, whereas the NADPH oxidase activity was stimulated 4-fold and myeloperoxidase was inhibited about 30%.The distribution of NADPH oxidase activity among subcellular fractions of polymorphonuclear leucocyte homogenates was unaffected by phospholipase C whereas the other enzymes were released into the medium in soluble form; β-glucuronidase > acid phosphatase and myeloperoxidase.A number of solubilizing agents and procedures were tested for their ability to release NADPH oxidase activity from granules of phospholipase C-stimulated polymorphonuclear leucocytes. All procedures used caused appreciable release of granule protein but no release of NADPH oxidase activity. Most of the procedures used strongly inhibited the oxidase activity. These results indicate that the enzyme is tightly bound to granule structures and that the integrity of these structures is required for activity.Some of the solubilizing agents used (KCI, guanidium chloride) were very effective in solubilizing myeloperoxidase.The differential response of myeloperoxidase and NADPH oxidase to treatment with phospholipase C or solubilizing procedures suggests that the two activities are not due to the same enzyme. However, definite conclusion cannot be drawn because of the complex nature of myeloperoxidase.It was found necessary to lyse any erythrocytes present as contaminants of polymorphonuclear leucocytes preparations, since hemoglobin was converted to methemoglobin during the NADPH oxidase assay and methemoglobin exhibits appreciable NADPH oxidase activity.  相似文献   

A flow-through viscometer is described, developed for application as a sensor in automated analysis. Its essential part is a glass capillary connected to the sample flow circuit with thin-walled rubber tubes at both ends. These tubes separate the fluid to be tested from a hydraulic liquid. This construction ensures the absence of dead space and a minimal test volume The usefulness of the apparatus is demonstrated in the automated assay of protease, amylase, and pectinase activity. Development of a mathematical model describing the enzymic degradation of macromolecules resulted in a reciprocal equation allowing rectilinear presentation of the calibration data. The feasibility of this model was tested by linear regression analysis of the data.  相似文献   

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