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An NAD-linked formate dehydrogenase (EC from methanol-grown Pichia pastoris NRRL Y-7556 has been purified. The purification procedure involved ammonium sulfate fractionation, hollow-fiber H1P10 filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. Both dithiothreitol (10 mm) and glycerol (10%) were required for stability of the enzyme during purification. The final enzyme preparation was homogeneous as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by sedimentation pattern in an ultracentrifuge. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 94,000 and consists of two subunits of identical molecular weight. Formate dehydrogenase catalyzes specifically the oxidation of formate. No other compounds tested can replace NAD as the electron acceptor. The Michaelis constants were 0.14 mm for NAD and 16 mm for formate (pH 7.0, 25 °C). Optimum pH and temperature for formate dehydrogenase activity were around 6.5–7.5 and 20–25 °C, respectively. Amino acid composition of the enzyme was also studied. Antisera prepared against the purified enzyme from P. pastoris NRRL Y-7556 form precipitin bands with isofunctional enzymes from different strains of methanol-grown yeasts, but not bacteria, on immunodiffusion plates. Immunoglobulin fraction prepared against the enzyme from yeast strain Y-7556 inhibits the catalytic activity of the isofunctional enzymes from different strains of methanol-grown yeasts.  相似文献   

A cytolytic toxin from the sea anemone Condylactis gigantea was isolated and characterized as a thermolabile basic protein (pI 8.9) having a molecular weight of 18,300. It lacks methionine but contains relatively large amounts of glycine, serine, tryptophan, and half-cystine. Its hemolytic action is inhibited by sphingomyelin. It is lytic for rabbit blood platelets, is lethal in low concentration for crayfish (LD50 = 0.06 μg), and may be identical with a neurotoxic protein isolated earlier from the same species. It broadly resembles the toxin of Stoichactis helianthus but differs from it in amino acid composition and in minor respects.  相似文献   

Two ribonuclease H activities have been purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The major protein, RNase HA is an acidic protein with a molecular weight of 65,000. RNase HB is a basic protein with molecular weight of 54,000. Both RNases are active at alkaline pH range and require divalent cations for activity. RNase HA has an absolute requirement for Mg2+, while Mn2+ can replace Mg2+ for RNase HB. RNase HA is inhibited by low concentrations of N-ethylmaleimide, whereas RNase HB activity is unaffected under similar conditions. Substrate specificity studies using various polyribonucleotide · poly-deoxynucleotide hybrids showed that RNase HA preferentially degrades polycytidylate, while RNase HB is specific for polyadenylate. Kinetic analysis of the degradation of specifically end-labeled polymers and analysis of the products of the two yeast RNase H enzymes showed that yeast RNase HA is an endonuclease producing 5′-phosphorylated oligonucleotides while yeast RNase HB is a 5′-exonuclease producing 5′-AMP.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase has been purified to apparent homogeneity from mouse testicle by a rapid and simple procedure using column chromatography on DNA-agarose and on Cibacron blue F3G-A-Sephadex G-150. The purified enzyme absolutely requires DNA for activity, and half-maximal activation occurs at a DNA concentration of 25 μg/ml. The Km for NAD and V at pH 8.0 and 25 °C are 47 μm and 1400 nmol/min/ mg, respectively. The molecular weight is 116,000 as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Amino acid analysis indicates that the mouse testicle enzyme is very similar to calf thymus enzyme, but there is a difference in the contents of several amino acid residues between the two enzymes. This difference appears to reflect species or tissue specificity of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase.  相似文献   

Results are given of sampling Actinia populations monthly for two years, recording colour and weight of adults and weight and number of young in each adult. An anemone has a lower probability of bearing young if exposed on the rock than if one of a group in a pool, and anemones seem to migrate in and out of pools at different times of the year. In the light of these observations the hypothesis that at least some planulae leave their parent and enter another anemone is considered.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase from normal human skin was purified to high specific activity; 228 nmol of dopa formed/min/mg protein. The properties of the purified enzyme differ from those of the same enzyme in crude homogenates. The activity of the purified enzyme is not affected by dopa. It is not inhibited by excess tyrosine and exhibits no lag in its rate at 4 mm concentration of ascorbic acid. This preparation is free of peroxidase and yet will catalyze both hydroxylation of tyrosine to dopa and its further oxidation to dopa quinone with fourfold more activity with dopa as substrate suggesting that mammalian tyrosinase catalyzes both reactions rather than dopa oxidation alone as suggested by M. Okun, L. Edelstein, R. Patel, and B. Donnellan (1973, Yale J. Biol. Med.46, 535–540). A protein present in the cytosol and melanosomes that constitutes 30% of soluble epidermal proteins was purified and found to inhibit tyrosinase competitively with tyrosine. Its molecular weight was estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be 66,000.  相似文献   

An extracellular acid protease was purified 1420-fold from sulfur-starved protein-induced cultures of Neurospora crassa. The enzyme was homogeneous as determined by polyacrylamide electrophoresis. The purification procedure consisted of an ultrafiltration step, cation-exchange chromatography, and affinity chromatography on Sepharose-linked pepstatin. The enzyme is homologous to aspartyl proteases that are characterized by pepstatin inhibition and trypsinogen activation. It is extremely autolytic, especially under denaturing conditions. The protease is stable between pH 3 and 7, showing optimal activity near pH 4.0 for both trypsinogen activation and hydrolysis of bovine serum albumin. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 34,500 by gel electrophoresis and gel filtration, and 34,975 by amino acid analysis.  相似文献   

Chitinase that appears as a single band by electrophoresis was purified from stable fly pupae. The chitinase has no cation requirements for activity, and a broad pH optimum around 5. The molecular weight of the chitinase, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, is 48,000, and the isoelectric point is 4.85. Kinetic properties were determined using acetylated chitosan. The Km is 33 mm and V is 1.21 μmol/min/mg protein. The insect growth regulator diflubenzuron had no effect on chitinase activity.  相似文献   

Kidney homogenates from vitamin D3-supplemented chicks incubated with 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OH)D3] produce significant quantities of a new, unknown vitamin D metabolite. This metabolite was isolated in pure form from such incubation mixtures by using Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography followed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. This metabolite has been identified as 23,25,26-trihydroxyvitamin D3 [23,25,26(OH)3D3] by loss of radioactivity from 25-hydroxy[23,24-3H]vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxy-[26,27-methyl-3H]vitamin D3, ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry, and periodate cleavage oxidation followed by mass spectrometry. This same metabolite was also isolated from the serum of rats given large doses of vitamin D3, and structurally characterized as 23,25,26-trihydroxyvitamin D3. As yet, the stereochemistry at the C-23 and C-25 positions of the natural product remains unknown. A comparison of responses to a single dose level (500 ng) of 23,25,26(OH)3D3 or 25(OH)D3 over 96 h in vitamin D-deficient rats indicated that the new metabolite had no capability to mediate bone calcium mobilization and that it was only weakly active in stimulating intestinal calcium transport.  相似文献   

The microbody isoenzyme of malate dehydrogenase (EC from leaves of Spinacia oleracea was purified to a specific activity of 3000 units/mg protein and examined for a number of physical, kinetic, and immunological properties. The purified enzyme has a molecular weight of approximately 70,000 and an isoelectric point of 5.65. Thermal inactivation first order rate constants were 0.068 (35 °C), 0.354 (45 °C), and 2.11 (55 °C) for irreversible denaturation. Apparent millimolar Michaelis constants are 0.34 (NAD, pH 8.5) 0.16 (NADH, pH 7.5), 3.33 (malate, pH 8.5), 0.07 (OAA, pH 6.0), 0.06 (OAA, pH 7.5), and 0.50 (OAA, pH 9.0). The enzyme is stablized by 20% glycerol and can be stored for several months at 4 °C without detectable loss of activity. The purified enzyme is sensitive to the ionic strength of the assay medium exhibiting a pH optimum of 5.65 at high ionic strength and 7.00 at low ionic strength. Rabbit antiserum prepared against the purified microbody MDH shows a single precipitin band on immunodiffusion analysis. Immunological studies indicate that rabbit antiserum prepared against the purified microbody enzyme cross reacts approximately 10% with the mitochondrial isoenzyme of MDH. No cross reaction was shown with the soluble isoenzyme. In general, the data presented in this report tend to support the notion of organelle specific isoenzymes of malate dehydrogenase in higher plant tissues and uniqueness of the microbody form of malate dehydrogenase in particular.  相似文献   

NAD-dependent 1,2-propanediol dehydrogenase (EC activity was detected in cell-free crude extracts of various propane-grown bacteria. The enzyme activity was much lower in 1-propanol-grown cells than in propane-grown cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens NRRL B-1244, indicating that the enzyme may be inducible by metabolites of propane subterminal oxidation. 1,2-Propanediol dehydrogenase was purified from propane-grown Ps. fluorescens NRRL B-1244. The purified enzyme fraction shows a single-protein band upon acrylamide gel electrophoresis and has a molecular weight of 760,000. It consists of 10 subunits of identical molecular weight (77,600). It oxidizes diols that possess either two adjacent hydroxy groups, or a hydroxy group with an adjacent carbonyl group. Primary and secondary alcohols are not oxidized. The pH and temperature optima for 1,2-propanediol dehydrogenase are 8.5 and 20-25 degrees C, respectively. The activation energy calculated is 5.76 kcal/mol. 1,2-Propanediol dehydrogenase does not catalyze the reduction of acetol or acetoin in the presence of NADH (reverse reaction). The Km values at 25 degrees C, pH 7.0, buffer solution for 1,2-propan1,2-propanediol dehydrogenase are 8.5 and 20-25 degrees C, respectively. The activation energy calculated is 5.76 kcal/mol. 1,2-Propanediol dehydrogenase does not catalyze the reduction of acetol or acetoin in the presence of NADH (reverse reaction). The Km values at 25 degrees C, pH 7.0, buffer solution for 1,2-propan1,2-propanediol dehydrogenase are 8.5 and 20-25 degrees C, respectively. The activation energy calculated is 5.76 kcal/mol. 1,2-Propanediol dehydrogenase does not catalyze the reduction of acetol or acetoin in the presence of NADH (reverse reaction). The Km values at 25 degrees C, pH 7.0, buffer solution for 1,2-propanediol and NAD are 2 X 10(-2) and 9 X 10(-5) M, respectively. The 1,2-propanediol dehydrogenase activity was inhibited by strong thiol reagents, but not by metal-chelating agents. The amino acid composition of the purified enzyme was determined. Antisera prepared against purified 1,2-propanediol dehydrogenase from propane-grown Ps. fluorescens NRRL B-1244 formed homologous precipitin bands with isofunctional enzymes derived from propane-grown Arthrobacter sp. NRRL B-11315, Nocardia paraffinica ATCC 21198, and Mycobacterium sp. P2y, but not from propane-grown Pseudomonas multivorans ATCC 17616 and Brevibacterium sp. ATCC 14649, or 1-propanol-grown Ps. fluorescens NRRL B-1244. Isofunctional enzymes derived from methane-grown methylotrophs also showed different immunological and catalytic properties.  相似文献   

The adenylate cyclase activity of Bordetella pertussis culture supernatants is activated 3- to 10-fold by various amphiphiles including many classes of phospholipids and nonionic detergents. Gangliosides are inhibitory. The stimulation affects the Vmax and not the Km. Neither the nature of the polar head group, the length of the fatty acid chains, nor the hydrophile-lipophile balance (in the Triton X series) are major determinants for activation. Short-chain lecithins activate as monomers, whereas long-chain lecithins activate only above the critical micelle concentrations, suggesting high-affinity hydrophobic binding sites. Judged by EGTA inhibition, the amphiphile-mediated activation requires Ca2+ in the absence of calmodulin. In addition, amphiphiles sensitize the adenylate cyclase to Ca2+/calmodulin and are also synergistic with calmodulin for maximal stimulation.  相似文献   

A 60- to 70-fold purification of an NAD+ glycohydrolase from the inner membrane of rat liver mitochondria to apparent homogeneity on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide slab gel is described. The minimum molecular weight of the enzyme on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of SDS is around 62,000. The enzyme splits NAD+ to ADP-ribose and, presumably, nicotinamide. No phosphatase or phosphodiesterase activity is detected in the purified enzyme preparation. The enzyme shows high activity with NAD+ and moderate activity with NADP+ as substrates NAD(P)Hs are poor substrates. ATP and nicotinamide inhibit the enzyme. A possible participation of the enzyme in the mechanism of calcium release from rat liver mitochondria is discussed.  相似文献   

Isolation of prolactin from equine pituitary glands has been described. It has a potency of 42 IU/mg in the pigeon crop-sac test and consists of 199 amino acids. The hormone has only four half-cystine residues in contrast to other mammalian prolactins which have six residues. From NH2-terminal sequence analysis and amino acid composition of cyanogen bromide fragments, the NH2-terminal disulfide loop is missing in the equine prolactin molecule. Circular dichroism spectra indicate that the α-helical content of equine prolactin appears to be lower (50%) than that found in the ovine hormone (65%).  相似文献   

To investigate the physical and kinetic properties of sperm carnitine acetyltransferase, the enzyme was purified from bovine spermatozoa and heart muscle. Carnitine acetyltransferase was purified 580-fold from ejaculated bovine spermatozoa to a specific activity of 85 units/mg protein (95% homogeneity). Sperm carnitine acetyltransferase was characterized as a single polypeptide of Mr 62,000 and pI 8.2. Heart carnitine acetyltransferase was purified 650-fold by the same procedure to a final specific activity of 71 units/mg protein. The kinetic properties of purified bovine sperm carnitine acetyltransferase were consistent with the proposed function of this enzyme in acetylcarnitine pool formation. Product inhibition by either acetyl-l-carnitine or CoASH was not sufficient to predict significant in vivo inhibition of acetyl transfer. At high concentrations of l-carnitine, bovine sperm and heart carnitine acetyltransferases were most active with propionyl- and butyryl-CoA substrates, although octanoyl-, iso-butyryl-, and iso-valeryl-CoA were acceptable substrates. Binding of one substrate was enhanced by the presence of the second substrate. Carnitine analogs that have significance in reproduction, such as phosphorylcholine and taurine, did not inhibit carnitine acetyltransferase. Bovine sperm and heart carnitine acetyltransferases were indistinguishable on the basis of purification behavior, pI, pH optima, kinetic properties, acyl-CoA specificity, and sensitivity to sulfhydryl reagents and divalent cations; thus there was no indication that bovine sperm carnitine acetyltransferase is a sperm-specific isozyme.  相似文献   

Mouse Ehrlich ascites tumor cells incubated with the creatine analog, N-ethylguanidinoacetate (N-amidino-N-ethylglycine), accumulated up to 8 μmol/g packed cells of the creatine-P analog, N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P. Evaluation of N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P as a synthetic phosphagen under in vivo conditions was performed with Ehrlich cells loaded with equimolar amounts of a common reference phosphagen, cyclocreatine-P (1-carboxymethyl-2-imino-3-phosphonoimidazolidine) plus either N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P or creatine-P. It was concluded that N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P has a Gibbs free energy of hydrolysis equal to that of creatine-P and 2 kcal/mol greater than that of cyclocreatine-P. The relative rates of utilization of intracellular phosphagens by Ehrlich cells when their ATP pools were depleted with 2-deoxyglucose were in the order: creatine-P > N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P > cyclocreatine-P. Dietary N-ethylguanidinoacetate was nontoxic even at very high levels to all animal systems tested. Feeding of 2% N-ethylguanidinoacetate to mice or chicks resulted in equimolar replacement of natural by synthetic phosphagen to the following extents: heart, 75%; leg muscle, 50%; and brain 10–25%. N-Ethylguanidinoacetate-P is the most active synthetic phosphagen thus far found to be accumulated by animal tissues.  相似文献   

A novel affinity chromatographic adsorbent was developed for purification of spermidine synthase from rat prostate. The adsorbent (S-adenosyl(5′)-3-thiopropylamine-Sepharose) possesses a ligand structurally similar to S-adenosyl(5′)-3-methylthiopropylamine (decarboxy AdoMet), a substrate of spermidine synthase. The S-adenosyl(5′)-3-thiopropylamine-Sepharose was prepared by an alkylation on sulfur of S-adenosyl-3-thiopropylamine by bromoacetamidohexyl-Sepharose under mild acidic conditions. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity in 40% yield by using DEAE-cellulose, affinity chromatography employing S-adenosyl(5′)-3-thiopropylamine-Sepharose, and gel filtration. The enzyme had a molecular weight of approximately 73,000 and was composed of two subunits of equal size. The specificity of the reaction was rather strict, but cadaverine could replace putrescine as the aminopropyl acceptor, and the rate was 1/20th of the rate for spermidine formation. Apparent Km values for putrescine and decarboxy AdoMet were 0.1 mm and 1.1 μm, respectively. Inhibition by decarboxy AdoMet and 5′-deoxy-5′-methylthioadenosine was observed. The inhibition by 5′-deoxy-5′-methylthioadenosine was partially noncompetitive with respect to decarboxy AdoMet.  相似文献   

Rose bengal sensitizes photoinactivation of lipoamide dehydrogenase from pig heart to a constant residual reductase activity resulting from specific destruction of histidine residues. The rate of sensitized photoinactivation is pH dependent and is associated with an ionizable group with pK 6.6 ± 0.2. All steady-state kinetic parameters are markedly reduced by photooxidation. Spectroscopic studies indicate the contribution of oxidized flavin/dithiol to the half-reduced form of the photooxidized enzyme. The proton magnetic resonance spectrum of lipoamide dehydrogenase shows resolved histidine C2 proton peak at δ9.18 ppm and a shoulder at δ9.23 ppm. The shoulder protons are eliminated by the sensitized photooxidation and shifted upfield on deprotonation. At high pH, the characteristic Faraday A term also disappears. These observations suggest that the essential histidine stabilizes the nascent thiolate via the ion pair formation to facilitate the reductase reaction catalyzed by lipoamide dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

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