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Chemical modifications have demonstrated that the ultraviolet difference spectrum produced when heparin interacts with antithrombin III is due primarily to changes in the tryptophan environment. This is based on the observation that this spectrum could be abolished by treatment of antithrombin III with dimethyl (2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl) sulfonium bromide but not with tetranitromethane. The tryptophan-modified antithrombin III is still capable of binding to thrombin even when it has lost 85% of heparin cofactor activity. A marked decrease in reactivity of tryptophan residues is observed when modification is carried out in the presence of heparin. Evidence is presented that tryptophan is in the heparin binding site.  相似文献   

Inactivation of pig kidney dipeptidyl peptidase IV (EC by photosensitization in the presence of methylene blue at pH 7.5 was observed to have pseudo-first-order kinetics. During the process, until over 95% inactivation was achieved, the histidine and tryptophan residues were decreased from 14.0 to 2.7 and 12.6 to 7.1, respectively, per 94,000-Da subunit, without any detectable changes in other photosensitive amino acids. Modification of four histidine residues per subunit using diethylpyrocarbonate resulted in only 30% inactivation of the enzyme, while N-bromosuccinimide almost completely inactivated the enzyme with the modification of only one tryptophan residue per subunit, as determined by absorption spectrophotometry at 280 nm. The protective action of the substrate and inhibitors such as Ala-Pro-Ala and Pro-Pro against the modification of tryptophan residues with N-bromosuccinimide was observed both fluorometrically and by measurement of activity. On the basis of these results it is suggested that one of the tryptophan residues in the enzyme subunit is essential for the functioning of the substrate binding site of pig kidney dipeptidyl peptidase IV.  相似文献   

Role and location of NAD malic enzyme in thermogenic tissues of Araceae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This work was done to discover how those nonphotosynthetic tissues of the Araceae that become thermogenic release, as CO2, carbon recently fixed by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. Extracts of clubs of the spadix of Arum maculatum showed no activity for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and low activities of NADP malic enzyme. NAD malic enzyme activity in the above extracts and in those of thermogenic tissues of other Araceae was appreciable. Analysis of homogenates of clubs of Typhonium giraldii by differential centrifugation and sucrose gradients showed that NAD malic enzyme was confined to mitochondria. Centrifugation of mitochondria after freezing and thawing left all the NAD malic enzyme in the supernatant. NAD malic enzyme in isolated, intact mitochondria was completely latent, and was completely protected from exogenous trypsin. The responses of this latency and protection to different concentrations of Triton X-100 suggested that none of the NAD malic enzyme was accessible from either the outside or the intermembrane space of the mitochondria. Treatment of excised clubs of A. maculatum with 2-N-butylmalonate largely prevented the development of the rapid respiration responsible for thermogenesis, and severely inhibited dark fixation of 14CO2. The conclusion is that in mature clubs of the Araceae phosphoenolpyruvate is converted to malate in the cytosol by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and NAD malate dehydrogenase, and that this malate then enters the mitochondrial matrix where it is converted to pyruvate by NAD malic enzyme.  相似文献   

Two 12-residue peptides were synthesized by the solid-phase method as structural analogs of a Ca2+-binding loop of rabbit skeletal troponin C. The sequence of the analogs corresponds to the binding loop of the Ca2+-specific low affinity binding site II (residues 63-74) but with two amino acid substitutions. In one analog, Phe-72 was replaced by tyrosine. In the other Gly-66 was substituted by serine and Phe-72 by tyrosine. The intrinsic fluorescence of the peptides was enhanced upon addition of Tb3+ or large excess of Ca2+. From the enhancement of Tb3+ emission association constants in the range (2-3) X 10(5) M-1 and a binding stoichiometry of 1 were determined for Tb3+ binding to the peptides. Large excess of Ca2+ displaced Tb3+ from the Tb3+-peptide complexes and from these results apparent stability constants of 500-700 M-1 were deduced for Ca2+ binding. Preliminary proton nuclear magnetic resonance results on one of the peptides indicated that La3+ induced considerable perturbation of the amide proton resonances of several residues, including the aspartate at position 3, the tyrosine at position 10, and the two glutamates at the C-terminus. The results suggest involvement of these residues in cation coordination.  相似文献   

The binding of biliverdin-IXα by human albumin and serum was quantitated, using three different binding techniques, to study the effects of biliverdin on bilirubin-albumin binding. The apparent equilibrium association constants (K ± SD) and binding capacities (n) of defatted albumin, pooled adult sera, and pooled umbilical cord sera for biliverdin are: K = 1.3 ± 2 × 106 −1, n = 1.00; K = 13.0 ± 3 × 106 −1, n = 0.90; and K = 6.8 ± 0.1 × 106 −1, n = 0.85, respectively. Although bilirubin binds at more than one albumin site, competitive studies showed that biliverdin binds only at the primary (highest affinity) bilirubin site. Sulfisoxazole, previously thought to compete with bilirubin for the primary binding site, was found to displace bilirubin from both primary and secondary bilirubin binding sites. Biliverdin, because of its specific binding and spectral characteristics, could be a useful probe for determining the capacity of the primary bilirubin-albumin binding site.  相似文献   

O2 uptake by potato and cauliflower bud mitochondria oxidizing malate was progressively inhibited as the pH of the external medium was increased, in response to accumulation of oxaloacetate. Adding 0.5 mM coenzyme A to the medium reversed this trend by stimulating intramitochondrial NAD-linked malic enzyme at alkaline pH. In intact potato mitochondria, coenzyme A stimulation of malic enzyme was not observed when the external pH was above 7.5; in cauliflower mitochondria, coenzyme A stimulated even at pH 8. This difference in the response of intact mitochondria was attributed to an inherent difference in the properties of malic enzyme from the two tissues. Malic enzyme solubilized from potato mitochondria was inactive at pH values above 7.8, while that from cauliflower mitochondria retained its activity at pH 8 in the presence of coenzyme A. In potato mitochondria, coenzyme A stimulation of O2 uptake at alkaline pH was only observed when NAD+ was also provided exogenously. The results show that coenzyme A can be taken up by intact mitochondria and that pH, NAD+, and coenzyme A levels in the matrix act together to regulate malate oxidation.  相似文献   

Poly-4-thiouridylic acid acts as messenger RNA for polyphenylalanine synthesis in an in vitro protein synthesizing system. When a complex consisting of ribosomes, poly-4-thiouridylic acid and Phe-tRNA is irradiated at 300 to 400 nm, covalent bonds between this messenger RNA and protein S 1 are formed.  相似文献   

Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase from human liver was isolated and its physical and kinetic properties were determined. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 72,000 ± 2000 and an amino acid composition similar to those of malate dehydrogenases from other species. The kinetic behaviour of the enzyme was consistent with an Ordered Bi Bi mechanism. The following values (μm) of the kinetic parameters were obtained at pH 7.4 and 37 °C: Ka, 17; Kia, 3.6; Kb, 51; Kib, 68; Kp, 770; Kip, 10,700; Kq, 42; Kiq, 500, where a, b, p, and q refer to NADH, oxalacetate, malate, and NAD+, respectively. The maximum velocity of the enzyme in human liver homogenates was 102 μmol/min/g wet wt of liver for oxalacetate reduction and 11.2 μmol/min/g liver for malate oxidation at pH 7.4 and 37 °C. Calculations using these parameters showed that, under conditions in vivo, the rate of NADH oxidation by the enzyme would be much less than the maximum velocity and could be comparable to the rate of NADH production during ethanol oxidation in human liver. The rate of NADH oxidation would be sensitive to the concentrations of NADH and oxalacetate; this sensitivity can explain the change in cytosolic NAD+NADH redox state during ethanol metabolism in human liver.  相似文献   

A new method for the determination of N-sulfate in heparin and its analogs is described. The method is based on the determination of inorganic sulfate liberated by deamination with nitrous acid. The accuracy, simplicity, and validity of this method are evaluated by comparing it with previous methods.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry and the reactivity of the sulfhydryl groups of a human liver acid phosphatase have been studied. The smallest (Mr = 14,400) of the three molecular-weight forms of acid phosphatase from human liver, recently purified and characterized in our laboratory, was treated with various sulfhydryl group-specific reagents: p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate, fluorescein mercuriacetate, methyl methanethiosulfonate, p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide, and thiosulfate. A total loss of enzymatic activity was obtained in each case. By spectrophotometric titration with 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) and p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate it was shown that there are six free sulfhydryls per protein molecule, consistent with the amino acid analysis of this enzyme. The same number was deduced as a result of inactivation studies carried out with p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate. A total loss of activity was obtained at reagent to enzyme ratios of 6:1 in both cases. Similar results were obtained upon inactivation by p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide, where the enzyme was found to possess only 10% residual activity at an inhibitor-to-enzyme ratio of 6:1. With fluorescein mercuriacetate as an inactivator, total loss of activity was found at a 2.5 times molar excess of this reagent over protein. Both the stoichiometry of inactivation and fluorescence titration experiments suggest that fluorescein mercuriacetate can function as a bifunctional sulfhydryl group reagent. The activity of a totally inactivated enzyme preparation obtained following reaction with excess of p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide or with methyl methanethiolsulfonate could be almost completely restored upon treatment with dithiothreitol. These data are consistent with the interpretation that in each enzyme molecule, there are six free sulfhydryl groups of almost equal reactivity, at least one of which is essential for enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

4-Amino-1,2-dimethyl-5-(substituted methyl)pyrimidinium ions undergo lyate ion-catalyzed nucleophilic substitution in methanol and in water. The substituents at position 5 of these thiamine analogs include phenols and pyridinium ions. The observation of separate rate- and product-determining steps indicates a multistep mechanism of substitution. Linear free energy relationships suggest that addition of lyate ion to the pyrimidinium ring is rate-limiting when phenoxide ions act as leaving groups and that a change occurs when pyridines depart. Elimination of the pyridine becomes the rate-limiting step following rapid addition of the lyate ion. Reactivities of phenol substrates in methanol and in water are similar but, when pyridine departs, changing from water to methanol gives rise to a large rate acceleration. An increase in ground state electrostatic destabilization of the dicationic substrate in the less polar alcohol provides the rate enhancement.  相似文献   

Human liver alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes the 3β OH group of digitoxigenin, digoxigenin and gitoxigenin, the pharmacologically active principles of the corresponding cardiac glycosides. The oxidation products were identified by high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Ethanol and digitoxigenin are competitive, and the efficiency of their oxidation is virtually the same. Thus, liver alcohol dehydrogenase is a hitherto unknown NAD(H) dependent enzyme that performs the first and major step in the inactivation of these genins of the cardiac glycosides in the human. This could bear importantly both on the pharmacology and toxicology of digitalis therapy.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from Leuconostoc mesenteroides utilizes either NAD+ or NADP+ as coenzyme. Kinetic studies showed that NAD+ and NADP+ interact with different enzyme forms (Olive, C., Geroch, M. E., and Levy, H. R. (1971) J. Biol. Chem.246, 2047–2057). In the present study the techniques of fluorescence quenching and fluorescence enhancement were used to investigate the interaction between Leuconostoc mesenteroides glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and coenzymes. In addition, kinetic studies were performed to examine interaction between the enzyme and various coenzyme analogs. The maximum quenching of protein fluorescence is 5% for NADP+ and 50% for NAD+. The dissociation constant for NADP+, determined from fluorescence quenching measurements, is 3 μm, which is similar to the previously determined Km of 5.7 μm and Ki of 5 μm. The dissociation constant for NAD+ is 2.5 mm, which is 24 times larger than the previously determined Km of 0.106 mm. Glucose 1-phosphate, a substrate-competitive inhibitor, lowers the dissociation constant and maximum fluorescence quenching for NAD+ but not for NADP+. This suggests that glucose 6-phosphate may act similarly and thus play a role in enabling the enzyme to utilize NAD+ under physiological conditions. When NADPH binds to the enzyme its fluorescence is enhanced 2.3-fold. The enzyme was titrated with NADPH in the absence and presence of NAD+; binding of these two coenzymes is competitive. The dissociation constant for NADPH from these measurements is 24 μm; the previously determined Ki is 37.6 μm. The dissociation constant for NAD′ is 2.8 mm, in satisfactory agreement with the value obtained from protein fluorescence quenching measurements. Various compounds which resemble either the adenosine or the nicotinamide portion of the coenzyme structure are coenzyme-competitive inhibitors; 2′,5′-ADP, the most inhibitory analog tested, gives NADP+-competitive and NAD+-noncompetitive inhibition, consistent with the kinetic mechanism previously proposed. By using pairs of coenzyme-competitive inhibitors it was shown in kinetic studies that the two portions of the NAD+ structure cannot be accommodated on the enzyme simultaneously unies they are covalently linked. Fluorescence studies showed that there are both “buried” and “exposed” tryptophan residues in the enzyme structure.  相似文献   

The relative binding affinities for both the prostaglandin (PG)E1 and PGF specific bovine luteal binding sites were determined for five PGE and fourteen PGF derivatives and analogs. Relative binding affinity was determined using membranes prepared from bovine corpora luteal (CL) obtained from the slaughterhouse. The parent structure of the analog was a dominant feature in determining the affinity for the respective PG binding site. Luteolysis was determined in cattle following intramuscular injection of various doses of prostaglandin once between days 6 and 14 after estrus and measuring CL regression by ovarian palpation per rectum, interval between injection and return to estrus and duration of the subsequent estrous cycle. A dose which was luteolytic was established for each of eight PGF-type compounds, and a dose which was not luteolytic was also established. There appeared to be limited association between the relative affinity for the PGF specific site and the estimated luteolytic dose range of these PGF analogs when tested in cattle. Differences in luteolytic potency for the compounds tested could not be explained by differences in binding affinity. Differences in metabolism and absorption may also be important in the determination of potency.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP), an extrinsic membrane protein from the myelin sheath, binds dicyanohemin. The binding generates absorption bands in the Soret region and quenches the fluorescence emitted by the sole tryptophan residue. The absorption titration curves in the Soret demonstrate that the binding is stoichiometric, one heme per protein, with a large value of the extinction coefficient (8 X 10(4) M-1 cm-1 at 420 nm). Fluorescence quenching titration curves indicate an identical stoichiometry and a low quenching efficiency of 20%. From the heme titration curve the association constant between dicyanohemin and MBP is estimated to be greater than or equal to 10 nM-1 in 50 mM 4-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid buffer, pH 7.0, at 20 degrees C. Digestion of MBP by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease yields a peptide (38-118) whose heme binding properties are identical to those of MBP. In contrast, peptides obtained by digestion of MBP with cathepsin D do not exhibit any specific binding of dicyanohemin. The cleavage of the Phe-Phe (42-43) bond appears to be critical in this respect. A comparison of the sequence immediately preceding, including these residues with a probable heme binding site of a mitochondrial cytochrome b, reveals a high degree of homology. The possible significance of heme binding is discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment of aconitase with phenacyl bromide prior to activation with Fe(II) and reductant results in complete, irreversible enzyme inactivation. Inactivation is due to the alkylation of a cysteine residue at the active site of the enzyme, the inactivation being inhibited by the competitive inhibitor, tricarballylate. Active enzyme is similarly inactivated, citrate affording greater protection than tricarballylate.  相似文献   

The sequence of tryptic and chymotryptic peptides from cytosolic and mitochondrial rabbit liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase are compared to the proposed sequence of a protein coded for by the glyA gene of Escherichia coli. The E. coli glyA gene is believed to code for serine hydroxymethyltransferase. Extensive sequence homology between these peptides were found for the proposed E. coli enzyme in the aminoterminal two-thirds of the molecule. All three proteins have identical sequences from residue 222-231. This sequence is known to contain the lysyl residue which forms a Schiff's base with pyridoxal-P in the two rabbit liver enzymes. These results support the interpretation that the proposed sequence of E. coli serine hydroxymethyltransferase is correct. The data also show that cytosolic and mitochondrial serine hydroxymethyltransferase are homologous proteins.  相似文献   

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