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The limitations of the alkane technique in estimating the diet components of herbivores call for the introduction of new diet composition markers. Recently, long-chain alcohols (alcohols) and long-chain fatty acids (acids) have received the most attention and show great potential, when combined with alkanes, to estimate composition of complex diets. In the current study, faecal recoveries of alcohols and acids were determined in sheep in four different live weight groups fed three herbage species, either Leymus chinensis, L. dasystachys or Elymus sibiricum. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the effects of herbage species and live weight of sheep on faecal recoveries of individual alcohols and acids. Further, an indoor experiment with six sheep fed a diet of equal proportions, on dry matter (DM) basis, of three herbages was performed, allowing to assess the accuracy of alcohols and/or acids in combination with alkanes, to estimate diet composition. A one-sample t-test was carried out to test the accuracy of these estimates. Results of the first experiment indicated that the faecal recoveries of alcohols and acids were significantly affected by herbage species (P < 0.05). While the effects were significant or near significant for the faecal recoveries of some alcohols (C24-ol, C30-ol and C26-ol) (P 0.05), no effect of live weight on faecal recoveries of acids was observed (P > 0.05). Therefore, adjustments based on diet-specific faecal recoveries might improve diet composition estimates. This was illustrated by the results of the second experiment. The diet composition estimated from alcohols or all combinations of alcohols with other marker types, after diet-specific correction of faecal recoveries, did not significantly differ from the actual composition (P > 0.05). However, using acids as additional markers resulted in poorer diet composition estimates. This study confirmed the utility of alcohols, combined with alkanes, as markers to estimate composition of complex diets. Although corrections based on mean faecal recoveries, average over animals and diets, resulted in some accuracy loss, results were still satisfactory and better than without recovery correction.  相似文献   

In a feeding trial with 24 sheep, we used the alkanes, long-chain alcohols (LCOH) or both of these plant wax markers, to estimate the diet composition of animals offered diets comprising alkane-labelled cottonseed meal (CSM) together with up to four forages. The diets used were: Diet 1 subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum); Diet 2 subterranean clover + phalaris (Phalaris aquatica); Diet 3 subterranean clover, phalaris + annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum); and Diet 4 subterranean clover, phalaris, annual ryegrass + wheat straw (Triticum aestivum). Estimates of diet composition were made following correction of faecal alkane or LCOH concentrations for incomplete faecal recovery, using recovery estimates derived from individual animals, mean recoveries for a given dietary treatment or grand mean recoveries. Estimated dietary proportions of CSM and known intakes of CSM were used to estimate forage intake. The LCOH concentrations of the diet components were much higher than their alkane concentrations, especially for phalaris. Multivariate analyses showed that the discriminatory information provided by the LCOH was additional to that provided by the alkanes, and that a combination of (LCOH + alkanes) discriminated better between diet components than either class of marker alone. Faecal recoveries of LCOH increased with increasing carbon-chain length; there were no differences in recovery attributable to diet. The most accurate estimates of diet composition were obtained with the combination of (LCOH + alkanes). Estimates of diet composition based on LCOH alone were not as good as alkanes alone, due to the high correlation between the LCOH profiles of phalaris and ryegrass. Total grass content of the diet was very accurately estimated using LCOH. Diet composition estimates provided estimates of whole-diet digestibility, which did not differ from the measured values. Trends in the accuracy of forage intake estimates reflected those found with diet composition and almost two-thirds of estimates based on (LCOH + alkanes) had lower error than those found with alkanes alone. The results confirm that supplements labelled with plant wax components can be used to estimate forage intake, and also show that the LCOH are useful markers for estimating diet composition. Intakes were also computed using a combination of natural LCOH concentrations in the diet and the daily dose rate of even-chain alkanes administered by intra-ruminal device. Differences between intakes so estimated and the measured intakes were closely related to the difference in faecal recovery between the LCOH/alkane pair used to estimate intake, by an amount close to that expected on theoretical grounds. It is concluded that the use of plant wax LCOH, especially in combination with alkanes, will result in improved estimates of diet composition and intake in grazing animals.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential use of n-alkanes (alkanes), long-chain alcohols (alcohols) and long-chain fatty acids (acids) for estimating the diet composition of sheep, in a feeding trial. A total of 18 sheep were assigned randomly to three different diets (diet A, diet B and diet C) containing up to eight herbage species (Leymus chinensis, Leymus dasystachys, Elymus sibiricum, Chenopodium album, Puccinellia chinampoensis, Medicago sativa, Saussurea sinuata and Bromus inermis). Faecal recoveries of alkanes, alcohols and acids were determined, and diet compositions were estimated using different combinations of alkanes, alcohols and acids. The faecal concentrations of individual alkanes, alcohols and acids were corrected using the mean recovery of the dietary treatment that the respective animal belonged to (diet recovery), or the mean recovery across all dietary treatments (general recovery). In general, diets did not affect the faecal recovery values for alkanes, alcohols and acids, and no difference in accuracy was found between diet composition estimates based on dietary recovery and general recovery. The accuracy of diet composition estimates declined as the number of dietary components increased from four to eight herbage species (P < 0.001). Better (P < 0.05) estimates of diet composition were obtained with the combinations of two or three marker types instead of alkanes alone. Moreover, results showed that excluding minor diet components from the calculations decreased (P < 0.05) the accuracy of diet composition estimates, whereas including extra non-grazed herbage species did not reduce (P > 0.05) the quality of diet composition estimates. These results confirmed the usefulness of alkanes, alcohols and acids as markers for determining complex diet composition of sheep. However, a negative impact on the accuracy of diet composition estimates, caused by missing minor diet components from the calculation of diet composition, could happen when plant wax markers are used to estimate the diet composition of free-ranging animals.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the potential of long-chain alcohols (LCOH), in alternative or combined with alkanes and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), as faecal markers to estimate the diet composition of goats grazing heathland vegetation with associated improved pastures. A total of seven diets were offered across the grazing season. The diets were composed of mixtures of herb species (Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens) and woody species (Erica spp., Calluna vulgaris and Ulex gallii) in an attempt to simulate diet selection of goats on these complex vegetation areas. The diet composition was estimated using LCOH markers alone or combined with alkanes, LCFA and alkanes+LCFA, by least square optimization procedures. The data showed large differences between plant species in their LCOH profile. Generally, plant species showed higher LCOH concentrations than those of alkanes and lower than LCFA markers. Faecal recovery of LCOH was incomplete and increased in a linear manner (P < 0.001) with the carbon-chain length, and was influenced by diet composition and its digestibility. The diet composition estimates based on LCOH alone were more accurate (P < 0.05) than those using alkanes or LCFA alone. Results showed that the combination of LCOH with alkanes, LCFA and alkanes+LCFA resulted in more accurate (P < 0.05) estimates of diet composition, indicating that LCOH provided different discriminatory information to that of alkanes and LCFA, helping in the discrimination of the plant species used in this experiment. Results indicate that correction of faecal LCOH concentrations to incomplete faecal recovery is necessary to obtain more accurate estimates of diet composition. Nevertheless, it seemed that the use of a less accurate recovery correction on LCOH markers had a lower impact on the accuracy of estimates than that of alkanes and LCFA.  相似文献   

Utilization of long-chain alcohols (LCOH) as diet composition markers in horses and cattle was assessed in a study conducted with 12 mature crossbreed mares (385±47 kg BW) and six adult non-lactating cows (499±36 kg BW) of Asturiana de los Valles breed. The LCOH data were combined with alkane and long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) data to test the applicability of combining these markers to estimate diet composition. Animals were randomly divided into groups of three animals and received a daily total amount of 1.0 kg dry matter/100 kg BW of diets composed of different proportions of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and woody species (Ulex gallii and heather). Diet composition was estimated from even-chain LCOH (C20-OH to C30-OH) combined or not with alkane (C25-C31 and C33) and/or LCFA (C22-FA to C28-FA, C30-FA, C32-FA and C34-FA) concentrations in diet components and faeces by least-squares procedures, using marker faecal concentrations uncorrected for incomplete faecal recovery (FR0) or corrected using mean recoveries across diets within animal species (FR1). Results showed large differences between plant species in their LCOH profiles, and that these markers offered additional discriminatory information to that provided by alkanes and LCFA. The LCOH markers were incompletely recovered in the faeces of both animal species. In cattle, LCOH FR tended to increase with carbon-chain length in a linear manner in both diets (P<0.001), whereas in horses overall data showed a curvilinear relationship between these variables. Combination of LCOH, LCFA and alkanes resulted in more accurate diet estimates. Correction of faecal LCOH concentrations to incomplete FR led to more accurate diet composition estimates in both animal species. Results obtained in this study suggest the usefulness of LCOH markers combined with alkanes and LCFA to estimate diet composition of horses and cattle grazing mixed grassy–woody plant communities.  相似文献   

The ability of faecal composition to accurately predict nutritional characteristics of browse-containing sheep diets was investigated. Predictive regression models were developed using data derived from three feeding experiments conducted with Acacia saligna (i.e., Avena sativa control and five inclusion levels of A. saligna), Chamaecytisus palmensis (i.e., A. sativa control and five inclusion levels) and Atriplex amnicola (i.e., A. sativa control and five inclusion levels). The fourth experiment conducted to validate the predictive models included six levels of A. saligna and five levels of C. palmensis. Feed and faecal samples collected from six replicate sheep were analysed for neutral detergent fiber (NDFom), acid detergent fiber (ADFom), lignin(sa), ash and crude protein (CP) contents. Total phenolics (TP) and tannin (TT) contents and in vitro gas production of the feed samples were also measured. Organic matter digestibility (OMD), short chain fatty acid production (SCFA) and metabolizable energy (ME) content of diets were determined. Feed and faecal data of experiments 1, 2 and 3 were pooled. Correlation coefficients among feed and faecal variables were estimated. The predictive regression models of dietary characteristics were developed from faecal composition by a stepwise regression procedure. The significant (i.e., P<0.05) predictive model with the highest R2 and lowest residual standard deviation (RSD) was selected (i.e., best-fit predictive model). The model was used to predict nutritional characteristics of diets in the validation experiment from respective faecal indices. The predicted nutritional characteristics were then regressed against measured nutritional characteristics. The best-fit predictive regression model for dietary CP had a very low R2 (0.21). The best-fit regression models predicting dietary TP, TT, OMD, SCFA and ME from faecal N, ash and lignin(sa)/NDFom had R2 greater than 0.78 and low RSD. In the validation experiment, regressions between measured and predicted TP and TT had positive intercepts (P<0.05) and low R2. Slopes of these regressions were much lower than 1.0. Intercepts of the regressions between measured and predicted OMD, SCFA and ME did not different from zero. The R2 of these regressions were very high and slopes were close to 1. Dietary CP content of browse-containing diets cannot be predicted from faecal fiber, lignin(sa) and ash contents. However, these faecal indices collectively can predict the OMD, SCFA production and ME contents of browse-containing diets, and these predictive models have broad application. Further research is necessary to understand the poor validity of the predictive models of TP and TT.  相似文献   

In May and June 1994 a survey of diets fed to captive southeast Asian colobines in European (n = 12) and North American (n = 9) zoos was conducted. Most diets were very complex, comprising an average of 25 ingredients; 149 different foods were listed in responses. Comparison of diets fed showed that European zoos feed a greater variety of fruits and vegetables, and fewer browse plants, than North American zoos. No standardized diet recommendations, based on ingredient or nutrient composition, are currently available for colobines in captivity. Foods eaten by these primates in nature appear to contain higher amounts of fiber and lower protein and soluble carbohydrates than current zoo diets. Temperate browse plants (n = 11 spp.; leaves plus twigs) sampled in New York in summer and autumn contained higher fiber and lower protein levels than diets fed in this survey, and may approximate the nutrient content of food items selected by free-ranging colobines. Fast-growing roses grown in greenhouses, fed primarily in Europe, contained substantially less fiber and higher protein concentrations than other browses offered, and may not be an appropriate substitute for native foods. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a need to develop feeding strategies to prevent the adverse effect of concentrate feeding in high-performance horses fed energy-dense diets aiming to maintain their health and welfare. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of a VistaEQ product containing 4% live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), with activity 5 × 108 colony-forming unit/g and fed 2 g/pony per day, on faecal microbial populations when supplemented with high-starch and high-fibre diets using Illumina next generation sequencing of the V3-V4 region of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The four treatments were allocated to eight mature Welsh section A pony geldings enrolled in a 4-period × 8 animal crossover design. Each 19-day experimental period consisted of an 18-day adaptation phase and a single collection day, followed by a 7-day wash out period. After DNA extraction from faeces and library preparation, α-diversity and linear discriminant analysis effect size were performed using 16S metagenomics pipeline in Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME™) and Galaxy/Hutlab. Differences between the groups were considered significant when linear discriminant analysis score was >2 corresponding to P < 0.05. The present study showed that S. cerevisiae used was able to induce positive changes in the equine microbiota when supplemented to a high-fibre diet: it increased relative abundance (RA) of Lachnospiraceae and Dehalobacteriaceae family members associated with a healthy core microbiome. Yeast supplementation also increased the RA of fibrolytic bacteria (Ruminococcus) when fed with a high-fibre diet and reduced the RA of lactate producing bacteria (Streptococcus) when a high-starch diet was fed. In addition, yeast increased the RA of acetic, succinic acid producing bacterial family (Succinivibrionaceae) and butyrate producing bacterial genus (Roseburia) when fed with high-starch and high-fibre diets, respectively. VistaEQ supplementation to equine diets can be potentially used to prevent acidosis and increase fibre digestibility. It may help to meet the energy requirements of performance horses while maintaining gut health.  相似文献   

藏雪鸡(retraogallus tibetanus)生活在青藏高原及其毗邻地区,是国家二级保护动物.2016年5-8月,在青海省尖扎县,采集藏雪鸡新鲜粪便及可能食用的植物,采用粪便显微分析法研究了藏雪鸡食性.结果表明:藏雪鸡能以各种植物器官为食,叶片是其食用的主要器官,茎次之,再次是花和果(种子),根极少;藏雪鸡所食...  相似文献   

贺兰山野化牦牛冬春季食性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2008年11-12月和2009年4-5月对贺兰山野化牦牛的冬季和春季食性进行了分析,在其分布的哈拉乌沟收集冬季粪样500 g,春季粪样498 g,利用粪便显微分析法分析贺兰山牦牛取食植物的种类组成和比例,结果表明,冬季牦牛取食11科20种(属)植物,主要取食禾本科(59.10%)和菊科(26.05%)植物,其中针茅(35.86%)、冷蒿(23.96%)、冰草(8.28%)、莎草(7.60%)、虎尾草(6.81%)、芦苇(6.58%)构成了冬季食物总量的89.09%,为冬季主要食物。春季取食植物11科21种(属)植物,主要取食禾本科(52.76%)和莎草科(18.80%)植物,其中针茅(22.72%)、莎草(18.80%)、冰草(13.23%)、狗尾草(9.93%)、唐松草(6.46%)、冷蒿(6.31%)占春季食物总量的77.45%,为春季主要食物。此外,冬春季均取食一定量的毛茛科和豆科植物。冬春季针茅都是贺兰山野化牦牛的大宗食物。冬季食物生态位宽度低于春季,而Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数均高于春季。  相似文献   

Seasonality and management are factors that may affect the diet selection of the forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus). Fire is considered a major driving force in savannah systems and prescribed burning is a commonly applied conservation tool in protected areas such as Lopé National Park, Gabon. Prescribed annual fires contribute to the maintenance of open areas and provide high‐quality forage for forest buffalo, a major herbivore in the park. We used microhistological faecal analysis to determine the diet selection of forest buffalo and measured the extent of variation between a dry season, preburn and a wet season, postburn sampling period. The buffalo diet comprised mainly of monocotyledons, primarily grasses (Poaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae). Intake of open‐area‐associated plant species was higher in the wet season, postburn treatment sampling period (97%) than the dry season, preburn sampling period (87%), which corresponded conversely to a reduction in forest‐associated Marantaceae plants (10% versus 1%). High proportions of grasses and sedges in the diet signify the importance of open areas for forest buffalo. Controlled burning as tool for maintenance of open areas may play a key role in the meta‐population management of the forest buffalo.  相似文献   

Diet is an important determinant of fitness‐related traits including growth, reproduction, and survival. Recent work has suggested that variation in protein:lipid ratio and particularly the amount of protein in the diet is a key nutritional parameter. However, the traits that mediate the link between dietary macronutrient ratio and fitness‐related traits are less well understood. An obvious candidate is body composition, given its well‐known link to health. Here, we investigate the relationship between dietary and body macronutrient composition using a first‐generation laboratory population of a freshwater fish, the three‐spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Carbohydrate is relatively unimportant in the diet of predatory fish, facilitating the exploration of how dietary protein‐to‐lipid ratio affects their relative deposition in the body. We find a significant effect of lipid intake, rather than protein, on body protein:lipid ratio. Importantly, this was not a result of absorbing macronutrients in relation to their relative abundance in the diet, as the carcass protein:lipid ratios differed from those of the diets, with ratios usually lower in the body than in the diet. This indicates that individuals can moderate their utilization, or uptake, of ingested macronutrients to reach a target balance within the body. We found no effect of diet on swimming endurance, activity, or testes size. However, there was an effect of weight on testes size, with larger males having larger testes. Our results provide evidence for the adjustment of body protein:lipid ratio away from that of the diet. As dietary lipid intake was the key determinant of body composition, we suggest this occurs via metabolism of excess protein, which conflicts with the predictions of the protein leverage hypothesis. These results could imply that the conversion and excretion of protein is one of the causes of the survival costs associated with high‐protein diets.  相似文献   

Understanding diet selection is important since diet determines energy intake and therefore growth of ungulate populations. Yet very few studies have reported annual variation in diet. Density-dependent diet choice by large herbivores has been reported several times, but these studies are typically either short-term or they lack replication of the density treatment. In a landscape-scale experiment with 3 replicates of two densities (25 and 80 individuals/km2) of domestic sheep, we determined diet composition using microhistological analysis during 6 summer grazing seasons (2002–2007) in alpine habitats. We tested how age class, density and temporal variation (within season, annually, and over years) affected summer diet. There was marked evidence of additive effects of these factors on overall diet composition, but interactions were few. The interaction between density and annual variation was an important determinant of the proportion of the main forage component (Avenella flexuosa), but not of the proportions of herbs, Salix spp. and for “other” forage plants. Surprisingly, the density effect on this intermediate quality forage (A. flexuosa) was not consistent among years (both positive, negative and no effects), likely arising due to large variation in the proportion of the other forage plants. We discuss how foraging ecology can supplement the insight from life history theory in explaining variation in vital rates.  相似文献   

We compared the feeding behavior of a group of Tana River mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus), densities of 25 diet species, and fruit availability of nine species in a 16.25 ha Tana River forest in southeastern Kenya studied in 1988 and in 2000-2001. For both studies, we enumerated all reproductively sized individuals of the 25 diet species and sampled nine of those species monthly for fruit availability. Mangabey feeding data were collected monthly from January to December 1988 and August 2000 to July 2001 using identical methods. We found a 17% increase in stem number of the 25 species between studies. Estimates of fruit production were lower in 2000 for five of the nine species monitored. Species composition of the mangabey diets shifted between 1988 and 2000-2001. We suggest that changes in forest composition may be due to declining human disturbance, elephant loss, changes in the river's hydrologic regime, and the 1997/98 ENSO event. Possible reasons for lower fruit availability are a younger demographic profile of the forest and changes in the river's hydrological regime. Only some of the changes in the mangabey diet mirrored changes in stem abundance and/or fruit availability. Mangabey dietary changes underscore their high degree of flexibility that allows them to persist in such a dynamic forest habitat.  相似文献   

2015年7月至2016年6月每月在长江口东滩湿地西南水域的光滩、盐沼(以海三棱藨草为主)和潮沟3种亚生境进行斑尾刺虾虎鱼的样本采集,分析斑尾刺虾虎鱼的丰度和食性差异.结果表明:6—11月均采集到斑尾刺虾虎鱼样本,以幼鱼为主,其他月份未采集到.其中,7月采集数量最多,为71尾,11月仅采集到3尾.潮沟中共采集到93尾,分别是光滩和盐沼的5.2和4.9倍.6—11月斑尾刺虾虎鱼的平均体长和体质量均呈逐渐增加趋势.斑尾刺虾虎鱼主要摄食虾类、蟹类、昆虫类和多毛类等10大类30小类饵料生物.其中,虾类是最重要的饵料类别,并以安氏白虾等白虾属为主;蟹类以相手蟹属为主;昆虫类以小划蝽等蝽科昆虫成虫为主;鱼类饵料的质量百分比相对较高,但数量比例很低.不同亚生境斑尾刺虾虎鱼的饵料组成差异较大.7—11月斑尾刺虾虎鱼的摄食等级随体长增大而明显增大,秋末(11月)平均摄食等级可达3.不同亚生境间的斑尾刺虾虎鱼丰度差异与其摄食饵料不同有关.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effects of weight loss diets on mood, food cravings, and other self‐reported symptoms. Research Methods and Procedures: Mood and other symptoms were evaluated by participant self‐report using the Atkins Health Indicator Test (AHIT) in individuals undergoing weight loss following either a low‐carbohydrate, ketogenic diet (LCKD) or a low‐fat diet (LFD). Participants were 119 overweight community volunteers randomized to an LCKD or an LFD. An additional 51 participants who had completed an earlier trial contributed data for the psychometric analyses but were not included in the prospective analyses. Self‐reported symptom levels on seven scales factor‐analytically derived from the AHIT (negative affect, fatigue, somatic symptoms, physical effects of hunger, insomnia, hunger, and stomach problems) were acquired during 12 visits. Results: After adjusting for the change in BMI over the course of the trial, participants experienced significant improvements in most symptoms regardless of diet. Diet group × visit interactions were observed for negative affect [F(9,803) = 2.30, p = 0.015] and hunger [F(9,803) = 3.62, p < 0.0002]. Examination of means indicated that the LCKD group reported less negative affect and hunger, compared with the LFD group. Discussion: Regardless of diet, participants experienced significant improvement in a broad range of symptoms. Symptoms of negative affect and hunger improved to a greater degree in patients following an LCKD compared with those following an LFD. Whether these symptom changes explain the greater short‐term weight loss generally experienced by LCKD followers deserves further research.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of diet on faecal DNA amplification, 11 captive brown bears (Ursus arctos) were placed on six restricted diets: grass (Trifolium spp., Haplopappus hirtus and Poa pratensis), alfalfa (Lupinus spp.), carrots (Daucus spp.), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) and salmon (Salmo spp.). DNA was extracted from 50 faecal samples of each restricted diet, and amplification of brown bear DNA was attempted for a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) locus and nuclear DNA (nDNA) locus. For mtDNA, no significant differences were observed in amplification success rates across diets. For nDNA, amplification success rates for salmon diet extracts were significantly lower than all other diet extracts (P < 0.001). To evaluate the accuracy of faecal DNA sex identification when female carnivores consume male mammalian prey, female bears were fed male white-tailed deer. Four of 10 extracts amplified, and all extracts were incorrectly scored as male due to amplification of X and Y-chromosome fragments. The potential biases highlighted in this study have broad implications for researchers using faecal DNA for individual and sex identification, and should be evaluated in other species.  相似文献   

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