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Piglet survival is a major problem, especially during the first 3 days after birth. Piglets are born deficient of energy, but at the same time they have a very high energy requirement because of high physical activity, high need for thermoregulation (because of their lean body with low insulation) and high heat production in muscle tissues. To be able to survive, newborn piglets may rely upon three different sources of energy, namely, glycogen, colostrum and transient milk, which orchestrate to cover their energy requirements. Piglets are born with limited amounts of energy in glycogen depots in the liver and muscle tissues and these depots are sufficient for normal activity for ∼16 h. Intake and oxidation of fat and lactose from colostrum must supply sufficient amount of energy to cover at least another 18 h until transient milk becomes available in the sow udder ∼34 h after the first piglet is born. Selection for large litters during the last two decades has challenged piglets even further during the critical neonatal phase because the selection programs indirectly decreased birth weight of piglets and because increased litter size has increased the competition between littermates. Different attempts have been made to increase the short-term survival of piglets, that is, survival until day 3 of lactation, by focusing on improving transfer of vital maternal energy to the offspring, either in utero or via mammary secretions. Thus, the present review addresses how sow nutrition in late gestation may favor survival of newborn piglets by increasing glycogen depots, improving colostrum yield or colostrum composition, or by increasing production of transient milk.  相似文献   

Colostrum is an essential source of immunoglobulin G (IgG) for neonate piglets. However, colostrum IgG content and nutritional composition can vary considerably among sows due to age, parity, feeding regime and immunological background. Currently, there is no practical way to obtain information about colostrum IgG concentration at herd level. We evaluated sows’ colostrum IgG content on-farm using a Brix refractometer and its performance was compared with that of an IgG ELISA. In addition, nutritional compositions of the colostrum samples were analyzed using Fourier transform IR spectroscopy. Colostrum samples (5 to 6 ml) (n=153) were obtained within 0 to 3 h of farrowing. However, to obtain a 24 h IgG profile for 11 sows, colostrum samples were collected at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 24 h after farrowing. A 0.3 ml of freshly drawn colostrum sample was used for the on-farm measurement of Brix percentages using a digital refractometer shortly after collection. The remaining fractions of the samples were frozen and submitted to laboratory analysis for total IgG, using a commercially available pig IgG ELISA kit. For nutritional composition analysis, a 35 ml colostrum sample (n=34) was obtained immediately after birth of first piglet from the first three pairs of frontal teats. Colostrum concentrations of IgG averaged 52.03±30.70 mg/ml (mean±SEM) at 0 to 3 h after farrowing. Concentration of IgG decreased on average by 50% during the 1st day of lactation (P<0.01). Sow parity did not influence colostrum concentrations of IgG. Differences in colostrum composition were recorded between two herds and among the parity groups (P<0.05). The Brix refractometer measurement of colostrum and the corresponding log transformed IgG measurements from the ELISA were moderately correlated (r=0.63, P<0.001, n=153). Based on the classification we suggest here, low levels of IgG (14.5±1.8 mg/ml) were recorded for colostrum samples with Brix readings below 20%. Borderline colostrum IgG content (43.8±2.3 mg/ml) had Brix readings of 20% to 24%, adequate colostrum IgG content (50.7±2.1 mg/ml) had Brix % readings of 25% to 29% and very good IgG colostrum content (78.6±8.4 mg/ml) had Brix readings >30%. Colostrum IgG concentration is highly variable among sows, Brix measurement of a sows’ fresh colostrum is an inexpensive, rapid and satisfactorily accurate method of estimating IgG concentration, providing indication of differentiation between good and poor IgG content of colostrum.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of a bovine colostrum whey supplementation on growth performance, feed intake, faecal Escherichia coli population and systemic immune response of piglets at weaning. A total of 96 piglets weaned at 26 ± 2 days of age were assigned for 4 weeks to one of the two treatments: (1) the control (commercial diet with bovine milk whey powder) and (2) the colostrum (commercial diet with freeze-dried bovine colostrum whey) treatments. The two supplements were incorporated in the diet at a level of 20 g/kg during the first 2 weeks after weaning and lowered to a level of 10 g/kg for the next 2 weeks. BW and feed intake were measured weekly. Faecal E. coli counts were determined weekly on specific culture media. Blood samples were collected weekly and submitted to a cell counter analyser for their main components (red and white blood cells, platelets) and flow cytometry was used to determine the lymphocyte population (B, T, Th and Tc). Finally, total seric immunoglobulin (IgM, IgG and IgA) concentrations were determined by the ELISA method. During the first week of the trial, the piglets from the colostrum treatment had improved average daily gain (170 g/day v. 81 g/day, P < 0.001), average daily feed intake (346 g/day v. 256 g/day, P = 0.03) and feed efficiency (BW gain/feed intake) (0.48 v. 0.31, P = 0.04). The pigs fed the colostrum treatment had also a 25% increase in circulating IgA (P = 0.03) compared with the control treatment the first week. It is concluded that a distribution of bovine colostrum whey (20 g/kg diet) during the first week post-weaning induces a systemic IgA response and has a beneficial action on growth performances and feed efficiency.  相似文献   

Although the climate in Germany is moderate, heat stress conditions may occur during summer months. However, it is unknown to what extent sow fertility and piglet survival are affected under moderate climatic conditions in indoor systems. Therefore, this study estimated effects of temperature and temperature–humidity index (THI) on sow fertility and piglet survival under practical husbandry conditions. Temperature and relative humidity were recorded in six piglet-producing farms in Lower Saxony, Germany, from July 2011 to August 2012. Based on that, the THI was calculated. In one farrowing, waiting and servicing unit of each farm two data loggers were installed. Reproductive parameters of 8279 successful inseminations and 10 369 litters including total number of piglets born, liveborn, stillborn and weaned piglets as well as pre-weaning mortality were evaluated. The effects of temperature and THI on reproductive parameters were estimated for varying periods after breeding and before and after farrowing, respectively. Average daily temperature across all units ranged from 15.6°C to 29.0°C, and average THI from 62.4 to 75.1. Season and parity significantly affected total number of piglets born, number of liveborn, stillborn and weaned piglets (P<0.001). The number of piglets born increased with rising temperature and THI in the 1st week post breeding. Higher temperatures and THI values before farrowing resulted in a reduced number of liveborn piglets. Elevated temperature and THI values after farrowing were associated with a greater number of weaned piglets. The pre-weaning mortality significantly decreased with increasing temperature and THI values after farrowing (P<0.05). In conclusion, temperature and THI affected the reproductive performance of the sows and the survival of the piglets in different ways. While increased climatic values at the time of breeding positively affected the total number of piglets born, increased values at the time of farrowing had negative impacts on the reproductive performance of the sows. Piglets benefited from higher temperature and THI values after farrowing.  相似文献   

The mercury-binding capacity of seleno-DL-methionine and selenium dioxide was assessed in male Wistar rats. Mercury was supplied as fish loaves made of northern pike or rainbow trout. We used a selenium concentration of 3.4 mg/kg fish, about sixfold compared to the equivalent quantity of mercury. Seleno-DL-methionine had a tendency to increase both methyl mercury and total mercury in blood, although it also seemed to reduce the proportion of methyl mercury of total mercury. Selenium dioxide lowered mercury levels by 24–29% both in the blood and in the liver of rats that were fed with northern pike.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the BW and immune status of lambs reared under natural conditions or under artificial conditions fed two different colostrum amounts. In this study, 60 lambs were randomly divided into groups according to treatment. Twenty lambs remained with their dams (natural rearing (NR) group). Forty lambs were removed from their dams at birth. Lambs were bottle-fed with a pool of sheep colostrum, receiving either 4 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C4 group) or 8 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C8 group). The total colostrum amount was equally divided into three meals at 2, 14 and 24 h after birth. After this period, lambs were bottle-fed a commercial milk replacer. Blood plasma sample analysis and BW recordings were carried out before feeding at birth and then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20 days after birth. Another blood sample analysis and BW recording was carried out when animals reached 10 kg of BW. During weaning (30 days), sampling was carried out every 5 days. Blood plasma was used to determine the concentrations of IgG and IgM and the complement system activity – total and alternative pathways. The NR group showed greater BW than the C4 and C8 groups during milk feeding period, whereas the C4 and C8 groups had greater BW than the NR group at the end of weaning period. The C8 and NR groups had greater plasma IgG and IgM concentrations than the C4 group during milk feeding period. In addition, C4 and C8 groups showed similar IgG concentrations and greater IgM concentrations than the NR group at the end of the weaning period. Complement system activity was greater in the NR group than in the C4 and C8 groups during the first 3 days after birth. In conclusion, lambs fed amounts of colostrum equivalent to 8 g of IgG/kg of BW showed similar immune variables compared to lambs reared under natural conditions, obtaining a greater BW at the end of the weaning period. Nevertheless, this study shows that not only the colostrum amount but also the management during the milk feeding and weaning period, such as stress produced by dam separation, milk quality and suckling frequency, can affect the final immune status of lambs.  相似文献   

The study aimed at comparing three strategies of supplementing selenium (Se) during the finishing period of Charolais young bulls: (1) administration of sodium selenite throughout the finishing (NaSe); (2) administration of an Se-enriched yeast strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R397) throughout the finishing (Se-Y); (3) administration of sodium selenite for 140 days replaced by Se-enriched yeast during the last 70 days of finishing (Switch). Eighty-four young bulls (mean initial BW=434.2±31.9 kg; mean age=382±52 days) were stratified by live weight and equally assigned to one of three Se treatments. Experimental groups were fed the same diets and the inclusion rate of the different treatments was targeted to achieve 0.3 mg of Se/kg of dry matter (DM) in the complete feed. The average daily gain of bulls was 1.36 kg/d and no differences due to Se treatment were recorded. Dry matter intake and feed conversion ratio were not affected by Se treatment resulting in, on average, 10.3 kg/d and 7.65, respectively. Repeated blood samples were taken at days 0, 120, 180 and 210 of finishing to assess the Se status of the animals. As compared to NaSe, both organic Se treatments (Se-Y and Switch) increased plasma Se in the last two sampling sessions according to a significant treatment×time interaction (P<0.001). A similar trend was observed for serum total antioxidant status of the young bulls, whereas there was only a significant time effect (P<0.001) on glutathione peroxidase activity that was raised by all Se treatments. The finishing period lasted 210 days and at the abattoir there were no differences across Se treatments in carcass weight and dressing percentage. A higher Se content in the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle was instead observed in Se-Y samples as compared with NaSe (0.85 v. 0.47 mg/kg DM; P<0.05). Meat quality evaluation was carried out on LT samples after 6 and 11 days of ageing under a vacuum package. Regardless of ageing time, meat from young bulls supplemented with Se yeast had higher colour lightness (L*) values than those receiving NaSe (38.1 v. 36.6; P<0.01) and showed a significant decrease in shear force (3.69 v. 4.22 kg/cm2; P<0.01). The outcomes of the study suggest that the provision of Se yeast throughout the finishing period is a strategy to increase the benefits of the replacement of sodium selenite with organic selenium in beef cattle.  相似文献   

Antioxidant properties of selenium producing a protective barrier against free radicals play an important role in numerous metabolic and immunologic processes associated with oxidation- reduction reactions which take place during intracellular digestion of phagocyted bacteria. The aim of our study was to examine the properties of an organic compound of selenium, 4-(o-tolilo)- selenosemicarbazide of p-chlorobenzoic acid in terms of its retention in organs, effect on erythropoesis and phagocytic abilities of neutrophiles as well as antioxidant properties in neutrophiles tested with NBT test. This compound as well as inorganic sodium selenate was given to Swiss mice at the dose of 10–3 g Se/kg for the period of 10 days. The concentrations of selenium in livers of mice treated with sodium selenate and selenosemicarbazide were found to be higher than in controls (18,7 g lg–1 and 23.2 g lg–1 vs. 12 g lg–1, respectively). Analysis of blood cells count has shown a significant decrease in neutrophile levels in both groups treated with selenium. The influence of selenium compounds on phagocytosis and especially NBT test has been determined (3.8% of positive cells in the controls vs. 2.2% and 0.9% in the groups treated with sodium selenate and selenosemicarbazide, respectively). Our preliminary investigations suggest that selenosemicarbazides are biologically active compounds and can modify neutrophile functions.  相似文献   

Thirty-two wether lambs of Tan sheep were randomly assigned into four dietary treatment groups (eight per group) for an 8-wk study and then fed a basal diet deficient in Se (0.06 mg/kg) or diets supplemented to provide 0.10 mg/kg Se from sodium selenite, selenized yeast, and selenium-enriched probiotics, respectively. Blood samples were collected at d 0, 28, and 56 of the experiment and tissue samples were collected at experiment termination. Tissue and blood Se concentrations, blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities, and plasma interleukin levels were analyzed. The results showed that the concentrations of Se in the kidney, liver, and muscle increased in all of the supplemented groups (p<0.01) compared with the control group. However, the Se concentrations in the kidney, liver, and muscle in the groups supplemented with Se yeast and Se-enriched probiotics were higher than those in the group supplemented with sodium selenite (p<0.01). The activities of GSH-Px and the concentrations of Se in blood also increased in all of the supplemented groups during the period of supplementation (p<0.01) compared with the control group. The activities of GSH-Px and the concentrations of Se in the whole blood of the lambs fed with selenized yeast and Se-enriched probiotics were higher than those of lambs fed with sodium selenite (p<0.01 or p<0.05). The concentrations of interleukin-1 and interleukin-2 in plasma significantly increased in all of the supplemented groups during the entire period of experiment (p<0.01) compared with the control group, but had no significant differences among all of the supplemented groups. In conclusion, a diet supplemented with Se for finishing lambs was able to increase the concentrations of Se in tissue and blood, activities of GSH-Px in blood, and levels of interleukins in plasma. Organic Se sources (selenized yeast and Se-enriched probiotics) were more effective than the inorganic Se source (sodium selenite) in increasing tissue and blood Se concentrations and blood GSH-Px activities of lambs. However, there were no significant differences in plasma interleukin levels of lambs between organic and inorganic Se sources.  相似文献   

Sows are strongly driven to build a nest prior to farrowing, and the performance of this behaviour is linked to the environment in which the animal is housed. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of two nest-building materials, hessian and straw, on peri-parturient sow behaviour, plasma cortisol concentration and piglet survival and performance in farrowing crates. In the first experiment, sows (parity 1.7 ± 0.1) were allocated to four treatments: (n = 15), straw provided in the lead up to farrowing in an open farrowing pen, with the pen closed after farrowing (STRAW OPEN); (n = 14), straw provided in the lead up to farrowing in a closed farrowing pen (STRAW CLOSED); (n = 15), a closed farrowing pen with hessian sacks provided in the lead up to farrowing (HESSIAN) and; (n = 13), a closed farrowing pen with no nesting materials provided (CONTROL). A second experiment was performed on a separate farm to assess the effect of the same four treatments were applied to sows (parity 2.9 ± 0.1): SRAW OPEN (n = 68), STRAW CLOSED (n = 64), HESSIAN (n = 66) and CONTROL (n = 66), at a commercial level. The first experiment revealed that providing conventionally housed sows with straw or hessian in the lead up to parturition stimulated sows to perform nest-building behaviours similar to sows housed in an open pen with access to straw (nosing events; 16 ± 11 (CONTROL); 169 ± 36 (HESSIAN); 118 ± 29 (STRAW CLOSED); 199 ± 53 (STRAW OPEN); P < 0.05). Additionally, crated sows provided with straw had reduced cortisol levels immediately after farrowing compared to all other treatments (21.9 ± 6.1 ng/ml vs CONTROL; 49.3 ± 8.6 ng/ml; P < 0.01). Piglets born to STRAW CLOSED sows displayed the highest colostrum intake levels (404.8 ± 22.7 g vs CONTROL 361.9 ± 21.9 g; P < 0.01). The second experiment demonstrated a reduced incidence of piglet mortality both prior to fostering (0.7 ± 0.2; P = 0.001) and after fostering (0.7 ± 0.2; P = 0.001) in litters born to sows which were housed in conventional farrowing crates and provided with straw compared to CONTROL (prior to fostering 1.3 ± 0.2, and postfostering 1.1 ± 0.2). In conclusion, straw and hessian sacks are a suitable substrate for stimulating sows to exhibit nest-building behaviour under crated conditions. However, only the provision of straw in the crate environment improved piglet survival and positively affected sow welfare.  相似文献   

n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) contribute to the normal growth and development of numerous organs in the piglet. The fatty acid composition of piglet tissues is linked to the fatty acid composition of sow milk and, consequently, to the composition of sow diet during the gestation and lactation period. In this study, we investigated the impact of different contents of extruded linseed in the sow diet on the fatty acid composition and desaturase gene expression of piglets. Sows received a diet containing either sunflower oil (low 18:3n-3 with 18:3n-3 representing 3% of total fatty acids) or a mixture of extruded linseed and sunflower oil (medium 18:3n-3 with 9% of 18:3n-3) or extruded linseed (high 18:3n-3 with 27% of 18:3n-3) during gestation and lactation. Fatty acid composition was evaluated on sow milk and on different piglet tissues at days 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28. The postnatal evolution of delta5 (D5D) and delta6 (D6D) desaturase mRNA expression was also measured in the liver of low 18:3n-3 and high 18:3n-3 piglets. The milk of high 18:3n-3 sows had higher proportions of n-3PUFA than that of low 18:3n-3 and medium 18:3n-3 sows. Piglets suckling the high 18:3n-3 sows had greater proportions of 18:3n-3, 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 in the liver, and of 22:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 in the brain than low 18:3n-3 and medium 18:3n-3 piglets. D5D and D6D mRNA expressions in piglet liver were not affected by the maternal diet at any age. In conclusion, extruded linseed in the sow diet modifies the n-3PUFA status of piglets during the postnatal period. However, a minimal content of 18:3n-3 in the sow diet is necessary to increase the n-3PUFA level in piglet liver and brain. Moreover, modifications in the n-3PUFA fatty acid composition of piglet tissue seem linked to the availability of 18:3n-3 in maternal milk and not to desaturase enzyme expression.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effects of dietary pyridoxine and selenium (Se) on embryo development, reproductive performance and redox system in gilts. Eighty-four gilts were fed one of five diets: CONT) basal diet; MSeB60) CONT + 0.3 mg/kg of Na-selenite; MSeB610) diet 2 + 10 mg/kg of HCl-pyridoxine; OSeB60) CONT + 0.3 mg/kg of Se-enriched yeast; and OSeB610) diet 4 + 10 mg/kg of HCl-pyridoxine. Blood samples were collected for long-term (each estrus and slaughter) and peri-estrus (fourth estrus d −4 to d +3) profiles. At slaughter (gestation d 30), organs and embryos were collected. For long-term and peri-estrus profiles, Se level and source affected (P < 0.01) blood Se concentration whereas B6 level increased (P < 0.01) erythrocyte pyridoxal-5-phosphate concentration. A B6 level (P < 0.05) effect was observed on long-term plasma Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (Se-GPX) activity whereas peri-estrus Se-GPX was minimum on d −1 (P < 0.01). Selenium level increased sows’ organs and embryo Se concentration (P < 0.01). Selenium source tended to enhance embryo Se content (P = 0.06). Within-litter embryo Se content was increased by B6 level (P < 0.01). Selenium level tended to affect Se-GPX and total GPX activities in organs mitochondria (P = 0.09 and 0.07, respectively). Selenium source affected kidney ATP synthesis (P = 0.05). In conclusion, B6 level affected the Se-GPX activity on a long-term basis, whereas the basal level of Se was adequate during the peri-estrus period. Embryo quality was not improved by dietary Se, and B6 impaired within-litter homogeneity.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to identify the factors that affect immediate (within 24 h after farrowing onset) postnatal piglet mortality in litters with hyperprolific sows, and investigate their associations with behaviour of postpartum sows in two different farrowing housing systems. A total of 30 sows were housed in: (1) CRATE (n=15): the farrowing crate closed (0.80×2.20 m) within a pen (2.50×1.70 m), and (2) OPEN (n=15): the farrowing crate open (0.80×2.20×1.80 m) within a pen (2.50×2.40 m) with a provision of 20 ls of hay in a rack. A total of 518 live born piglets, produced from the 30 sows, were used for data analyses during the first 24 h after the onset of parturition (T24). Behavioural observations of the sows were assessed via video analyses during T24. Total and crushed piglet mortality rates were higher in OPEN compared with CRATE (P<0.01, for both). During T24, the OPEN sows tended to show higher frequency of postural changes (P=0.07) and duration of standing (P=0.10), and showed higher frequencies of bar-biting (P<0.05) and piglet trapping (P<0.01), when compared with the CRATE sows. During T24, the mortality rates caused by crushing were correlated with the piglet trapping event (r=0.93, P<0.0001), postural changes (r=0.37, P<0.01), duration of standing (r=0.32, P<0.01) and frequency of bar-biting behaviour (r=0.51, P<0.01) of the sows (n=30). In conclusion, immediate postnatal piglet mortality, mainly due to crushing, may be associated with potential increases in frequency of postural changes, duration of standing and incidence of piglet trapping in postpartum sows in the open crate system with large litters.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of chronic oxidative stress in MPTP neurotoxicity, C57BL mice were maintained 6–8 weeks on diets deficient in nutrients essential to cellular antioxidant defenses, selenium (Se) and alpha-tocopherol (vit E), and the effects on tissue antioxidant status and MPTP toxicity were evaluated relative to controls on supplemented diets. Activities of the major antioxidant enzymes, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase, and superoxide dismutase, and levels of malondialdehyde as a marker for oxidative stress, were measured in brain, lung, liver and blood. Caudate depletion of dopamine and its metabolites served as a measure of MPTP neurotoxicity. For mice on the Se deficient diet, levels of the selenoenzyme GPx decreased from 50% in brain to 90% in blood. No compensatory changes in the activities of the other antioxidant enzymes were observed and addition of vit E to the diet did not alter antioxidant enzyme activities or malondialdehyde levels. In animals not treated with MPTP, the Se deficient diet significantly increased malondialdehyde only in liver. No protective effect of the antioxidant supplements against caudate depletion of dopamine and its metabolites was observed. However, malondialdehyde levels were increased in the brains of MPTP treated mice on the low Se diets, suggesting the possibility of secondary oxidative damage to tissues accompanying the destruction of substantia nigra neurons by MPTP.  相似文献   

A total of 48, 21-day-old weaned pigs, was used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with the factors being diet type (milk liquid replacer vs. dry feed) and l-arginine (ARG) supplementation (0 vs. 6 g ARG/kg) to test the hypothesis that dietary supplementation with ARG would increase performance of pigs after weaning. Pigs were fed the experimental diets for 10 d (days) after weaning and then transitioned over a 3-d period to a dry Phase II diet fed in meal form devoid of supplemental ARG. The study ended at d 21. There were five replicates (pens) per treatment (a total of 12 pigs per treatment). Blood samples were collected from two pigs per replicate on d 7 and 16 of the experiment, and free amino acids (AA) and plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) levels analysed. Milk-fed pigs outperformed (P<0.001) dry-fed pigs for the first 10 d of the experiment as well as for the total 21-d period. At d 7, milk-fed pigs had higher (P<0.05) levels of most free indispensable and dispensable amino acids in their plasma. In both the milk-fed and dry-fed pigs supplemented with ARG, average daily feed intake (ADFI, P<0.05) and average daily gain (ADG, P<0.05) were increased during the dietary transition period (d 11–14), when pigs were being changed to the Phase II diet. The difference in production in the transition period caused a tendency for ARG-supplemented pigs to eat more feed (P<0.1) and grow faster (P<0.5) over the 21-d experimental period. Pigs supplemented with ARG had higher plasma ARG levels (P<0.05) at d 7 after weaning and lower plasma urea levels (P<0.05) at both d 7 and 16 after weaning. These data show the benefits of feeding a milk liquid diet as well as of ARG supplementation after weaning on production indices.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se), an essential micronutrient, is believed to enhance neutrophil functions. This study aimed to compare the effects of supplemented organic (Sel-Plex®) and inorganic (sodium selenite) Se on neutrophil functions in high-producing dairy cows, during the periparturient period. Twenty-five Holstein cows were randomly allocated to five dietary treatments as follows: control diet (basal diet without Se supplementation), IN 0.3 (basal diet supplemented with inorganic Se at 0.3 mg/kg dry matter (DM)), IN 0.5 (inorganic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM), OR 0.3 (organic Se at 0.3 mg/kg DM) and OR 0.5 (organic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM). Some evaluated parameters included neutrophil functions and plasma Se concentrations in cows and plasma Se concentrations in calves. Neutrophil phagocytosis did not significantly differ among the five groups. However, organic Se supplementation significantly increased (P < 0.01) the respiratory burst of neutrophils when compared to cows fed IN 0.3 and the control diet. In comparison to inorganic Se, neutrophil apoptosis was decreased (P < 0.01) when cows were fed organic Se or the control diets. These effects of organic Se on respiratory burst activities and apoptosis of neutrophils were in a dose-dependent manner. Calf plasma Se concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) when cows were fed OR 0.5 and IN 0.5.  相似文献   

It is well known that energy plays an important role in sow growth and development. Increasing the utilization of lipids will be beneficial to sows. Emulsifiers are substances which stabilize mixtures and prevent oil and water from separating, thereby enhancing the digestion of lipids. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary emulsifier (lysophospholipids (LPL)) supplementation in diets differing in fat contents on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and milk composition in lactating sows, as well as performance and fecal score in piglets. A total of 32 multiparous sows (Landrace×Yorkshire) were used in a 21-day experiment. On day 110 of gestation, sows were weighed and moved into the farrowing facility, randomly assigned in a 2×2 factorial arrangement according to their BW with two levels of LPL (0 and 30 mg/kg) and two levels of fat (4.75% and 2.38% fat; 13.66 and 13.24 MJ/kg). BW loss and backfat thickness loss were decreased (P<0.05) by LPL supplementation. Backfat thickness at weaning was higher (P<0.05) in sows fed LPL supplementation diets. The apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen, gross energy and crude fat in sows fed LPL diets was increased (P<0.05) compared with those fed non-LPL diets. Sows fed the high-fat diets had higher (P<0.05) milk fat on day 10 and milk lactose on day 20 than those fed the low-fat diets. Milk fat and lactose concentrations in LPL supplementation treatments was increased (P<0.05) compared with non-LPL treatments on day 10 and day 20, respectively. Positive interaction effects (P<0.05) between fat and LPL were observed for milk fat concentration on day 10. In conclusion, LPL addition decreased BW loss and backfat thickness loss, improved nutrient digestibility and milk fat as well as milk lactose concentrations. In addition, there was a complementary positive effect of dietary fat and LPL supplementation on milk fat concentration in lactating sows.  相似文献   

Twenty-four weanling male Wistar rats were divided into four groups fed diets containing adequate or deficient levels of selenium (0.5 ppm [+ Se] or <0.02 ppm [−Se] and protein (15% [+Pro] or 5% [−Pro]), but adequate levels of all other nutrients for 4 wk to determine the effects of Se deficiency and protein deficiency on tissue Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity in rats. Plasma, heart, liver, and kidney Se and GSHPx were significantly lower in Se-deficient groups in relation to Se-sufficient groups. In Se-deficient groups, Se and GSHPx were significantly higher in −Se−Pro rats in heart, liver, and kidney. Data analysis showed that there were significant interaction effects between dietary Se and protein on Se and GSHPx of rats. It is assumed that under the condition of Se deficiency. a low level of protein may decrease Se and GSHPx utilization, increase GSHPx synthesis, and result in Se redistribution. This could account for high levels of Se and GSHPx in the −Se−Pro rats compared to −Se+Pro rats.  相似文献   

Temporary crating may be a more acceptable housing system for lactating sows than permanent crating and loose-housing because it combines benefits of both systems while reducing some of their limitations. It remains unclear whether nursing and sucking behaviour is influenced after crate opening. The aim of this study was to assess the short- (24 h post-crate opening) and long-term (day 25 postpartum (pp.)) effects of opening the farrowing crate from day 3 pp. to weaning on nursing and suckling behaviour. Sows were crated from 5 days prepartum either to weaning (permanently crated group; n = 14) or 3 days pp. (temporarily crated group; n = 13). Sows and their litters were observed on days 4 and 25. Duration of pre- and post-massages, nursing termination, number of piglets missing milk ejection and number of piglets fighting during pre- and post-massages were scored at 15-s intervals. Nursing success (i.e. with or without milk ejection) was also recorded. Data were analysed using PROC GLM and PROC GENMOD of SAS including housing, litter size and parity as fixed effects. Nursing behaviour did not differ between sows housed in temporary crates and those housed in permanent crates on days 4 and 25 pp., that is, same number of nutritive nursings (NNs), same proportion of non-NNs, same duration of post-massages and same proportion of termination of post-massages. There was only a housing effect on day 25; with sows having longer pre-massages in permanent crates (P < 0.05). Suckling behaviour was overall similar between treatments. There were no differences in the number of piglets attending pre- and post-massages, proportion of piglets fighting during pre-and post-massages and the proportion of piglets missing milk ejection on both days. The only housing effect was found on day 25 during which fewer piglets attended post-massages (P < 0.05) in permanent crates. Sows with larger litters terminated post-massages more often (P < 0.05), allowed shorter post-massages (P < 0.05) on day 4, and had more piglets miss milk ejection on days 4 and 25 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study showed that housing had a very limited effect on nursing and suckling behaviour. Sow and piglet behaviours were not altered after crate opening (short-term effect) and nursing was to some extent calmer (shorter pre-massages and more piglets attended post-massages) in temporary crates on day 25. Increased litter size impaired nursing and suckling behaviour of sows and piglets independently of the housing system.  相似文献   

Inorganic selenium compounds in the diet have been known to protect against cancer in laboratory animals, but were harmful in high concentrations. In the present work, the relative effects of two salts, sodium selenite and sodium selenate, administered to mice in vivo, in different concentrations and durations of exposure, were compared. Aqueous solutions of each salt (7, 14, 21 and 28 mg Kg–1 bw) were fed by gavaging to mice matched in age and sex. The animals were sacrificed at intervals of 6, 12, 18 and 24 h and chromosome preparations were made following the usual schedule of colchicine-hypotonic-fixative-airdrying-Giemsa staining. The endpoints screened were chromosomal aberrations (CA) and damaged cells (DC). Both salts affected chromosome structure and spindle formation, sodium selenite being more cytotoxic than sodium selenate. The frequencies of aberrations induced were directly proportional to the concentrations used and duration of exposure.  相似文献   

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