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Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) are of particular economic importance to the global shrimp aquaculture industry. However, limited genomics information is available for the penaeid species. We utilized the limited public information available, mainly single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and expressed sequence tags, to discover markers for the construction of the first SNP genetic map for Pacific white shrimp. In total, 1344 putative SNPs were discovered, and out of 825 SNPs genotyped, 418 SNP markers from 347 contigs were mapped onto 45 sex‐averaged linkage groups, with approximate coverage of 2071 and 2130 cm for the female and male maps, respectively. The average‐squared correlation coefficient (r2), a measure of linkage disequilibrium, for markers located more than 50 cm apart on the same linkage group, was 0.15. Levels of r2 increased with decreasing inter‐marker distance from ~80 cm , and increased more rapidly from ~30 cm . A QTL for shrimp gender was mapped on linkage group 13. Comparative mapping to model organisms, Daphnia pulex and Drosophila melanogaster, revealed extensive rearrangement of genome architecture for L. vannamei, and that L. vannamei was more related to Daphnia pulex. This SNP genetic map lays the foundation for future shrimp genomics studies, especially the identification of genetic markers or regions for economically important traits.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B is a cystein proteinase scarcely studied in crustaceans. Its function has not been clearly described in shrimp species belonging to the sub-order Dendrobranchiata, which includes the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and other species from the Penaeidae family. Studies on vertebrates suggest that these lysosomal enzymes intracellularly hydrolize protein, as other cystein proteinases. However, the expression of the gene encoding the shrimp cathepsin B in the midgut gland was affected by starvation in a similar way as other digestive proteinases which extracellularly hydrolyze food protein. In this study the white shrimp L. vannamei cathepsin B (LvCathB) cDNA was sequenced, and characterized. Its gene expression was evaluated in various shrimp tissues, and changes in the mRNA amounts were compared with those observed on other digestive proteinases from the midgut gland during starvation. By using qRT-PCR it was found that LvCathB is expressed in most shrimp tissues except in pleopods and eye stalk. Changes on LvCathB mRNA during starvation suggest that the enzyme participates during intracellular protein hydrolysis but also, after food ingestion, it participates in hydrolyzing food proteins extracellularly as confirmed by the high activity levels we found in the gastric juice and midgut gland of the white shrimp.  相似文献   

Plant genomics projects involving model species and many agriculturally important crops are resulting in a rapidly increasing database of genomic and expressed DNA sequences. The publicly available collection of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from several grass species can be used in the analysis of both structural and functional relationships in these genomes. We analyzed over 260000 EST sequences from five different cereals for their potential use in developing simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The frequency of SSR-containing ESTs (SSR-ESTs) in this collection varied from 1.5% for maize to 4.7% for rice. In addition, we identified several ESTs that are related to the SSR-ESTs by BLAST analysis. The SSR-ESTs and the related sequences were clustered within each species in order to reduce the redundancy and to produce a longer consensus sequence. The consensus and singleton sequences from each species were pooled and clustered to identify cross-species matches. Overall a reduction in the redundancy by 85% was observed when the resulting consensus and singleton sequences (3569) were compared to the total number of SSR-EST and related sequences analyzed (24606). This information can be useful for the development of SSR markers that can amplify across the grass genera for comparative mapping and genetics. Functional analysis may reveal their role in plant metabolism and gene evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the development of expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat markers from expressed sequence tags of the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) deposited in public sequence databases. A total of 46 primer pairs were designed and screened on 26 individuals of P. monodon from a natural population. Of these, 16 primer pairs showed polymorphic profiles with between two and five alleles per locus. The average unbiased and direct count heterozygosities were 0.4662 and 0.3516, respectively. Cross-amplification was tested with five individuals of Penaeus vannamei and polymorphic products were detected at five loci.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify and map genes expressed during the elongation phase of embryogenesis in swine. Expressed sequence tags were analysed from a previously described porcine cDNA library prepared from elongating swine embryos. Average insert length of randomly selected clones was approximately 600 bp, with a range from < 100 to > 2500 bp. Single-pass, coding strand sequences from 1132 independent clones were compared with the GenBank non-redundant (nr) database via BLASTN analysis to identify potential porcine homologous of known genes. Among these sequences, 781 (69%) showed significant (score > 300) homology to non- mitochondrial sequences previously deposited in GenBank. Sequences matching interleucin 1 beta and thymosin beta 10 were most frequently observed (24 and 18 clones, respectively), in addition to matches with 310 other distinct genes. No significant match in the GenBank nr database was obtained for 303 sequences. Analysis demonstrated that 151 (50%) had open reading frames (ORF) extending at least 50 codons from the first base of the clone insert. Genetic markers were developed and used to map a subset of 17 genes, selected on the basis of function or of the ability to design primers that successfully amplified porcine genomic DNA, to 10 different porcine chromosomes, providing a set of mapped markers corresponding to genes expressed during conceptus elongation.  相似文献   

为发现潜在的抗大片吸虫病的候选疫苗分子,控制大片形吸虫病,本研究以大片吸虫成虫为材料,应用SMARTTcDNA文库构建技术,构建了以表达载体λTriplEx2为基础的大片吸虫成虫cDNA表达文库。经测定,库容量为1·08×106PFU/ml ,重组率为96·6 %,扩增后的文库滴度为2·41×109PFU/ml ,插入片段平均大小约为1 000 bp;经大肠杆菌BM25·8质粒化后,从文库中随机挑选40个重组克隆测序,获得32条有效ESTs ;经BLASTX和BLASTn程序检索和分析,发现有9条ESTs代表已知基因, 16条ESTs相似性较低或无匹配,列为新基因。9条已知基因代表了半胱氨酸蛋白酶、卵壳蛋白、钙连接蛋白等三类功能蛋白,其余新基因也暗示与信号传导、蛋白合成、免疫刺激等基因相关,具有潜在的研究价值[动物学报51 (5) : 879 -883 , 2005]。  相似文献   

Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are short, usually unedited sequences obtained by single-pass sequencing of cDNA clones from any cDNA library. Analyzing and comparing ESTs can provide information on gene expression, function and evolution. Large-scale EST sequencing has become an attractive alternative to plant genome sequencing. Currently, plant EST collections comprise over 3.8 million sequences from about 200 species. They have proved to be a valuable tool for gene discovery and plant metabolism analysis. Several plant-specific EST databases have been created which provide access to sequence data and bioinformatics-based tools for data mining. Searching EST collections allows pre-selection of genes for preparing cDNA arrays, targeted to bring maximum information on specialized processes, like stress response, symbiotic nitrogen fixation etc. Also, ESt-based molecular markers such as SNP, SSR, and indels are fast developing tools for breeders and researchers.  相似文献   

The pineal gland is the circadian oscillator in the chicken, regulating diverse functions ranging from egg laying to feeding. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) isolated from a chicken pineal gland cDNA library. A total of 192 unique sequences were analysed and submitted to GenBank; 6% of the ESTs matched neither GenBank cDNA sequences nor the newly assembled chicken genomic DNA sequence, three ESTs aligned with sequences designated to be on the Z_random, while one matched a W chromosome sequence and could be useful in cataloguing functionally important genes on this sex chromosome. Additionally, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified and validated in 10 ESTs that showed 98% or higher sequence similarity to known chicken genes. Here, we have described resources that may be useful in comparative and functional genomic analysis of genes expressed in an important organ, the pineal gland, in a model and agriculturally important organism.  相似文献   

Analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from Lentinula edodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 1,031 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the basidiomycete Lentinula edodes were generated as a pilot experiment to see distribution of genes expressed in L. edodes. Among them, genes for hydrophobin, which are specifically found in filamentous fungi, were the most frequently obtained ESTs (33 times), suggesting that they are highly expressed in L. edodes. In addition to known hydrophobin 1 and 2 types, our analysis revealed the existence of novel types of hydrophobin, which we named hydrophobin 3, 4, and 5. The second and the third most highly obtained ESTs were phosphatidylserine decarboxylase and formate dehydrogenase, which were obtained eight and seven times, respectively. It should be noted that two important genes (argonaute and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase) involved in the RNAi pathway were found, suggesting a future application for gene knock-down by RNA interference. The 53 ESTs were identical with the sequences already reported in L. edodes. The 433 ESTs were found to show significant sequence similarity (E value <1 x 10(-5)) with the proteins reported (or predicted) in other species. In total, 387,952 bp were sequenced and registered in DDBJ/GenBank (accession number BJ998097-BJ999127).  相似文献   

Perilla (Perilla frutescens), an herbal plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, has long been cultivated in Asia. Perilla is notable as an aroma-rich leaf vegetable and as the oilseed crop richest in omega-3 fatty acids. However, molecular analysis of this herbal plant is lacking due to insufficient genetic resources. Here, we constructed a normalized cDNA library from whole young perilla plants and analyzed expressed sequence tags (ESTs). A total of 4,582 uniESTs were generated from analysis of 5,435 ESTs. Among these, 307 uniESTs (6.7%) were identified as unique in perilla and 3,625 uniESTs were assigned at least one GO term through similarity searches in public databases. The most frequent GO terms were related to abiotic and biotic stress responses. In addition, we identified 141 uniESTs involved in lipid metabolism, of which four genes encoded fatty acid desaturases. We found one new candidate omega-3 fatty acid desaturase gene, in addition to the four that were previously reported. This analysis of uniESTs from perilla provides a valuable genetic resource to elucidate the molecular underpinnings of lipid metabolism and for molecular breeding of perilla species.  相似文献   

Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) are phytophagous insects that are important agricultural pests. The enormous negative economic impacts caused by aphids worldwide are well known, and are mostly due to their high multiplication rate and the transmission of phytopathogenic viruses. Aphid management strategies mainly involve chemical treatments which are pollutants and are increasingly inefficient, since aphids have developed multiple insecticide-resistant mechanisms. Among the most economically important species is the green peach aptfid Myzus persicae Sulzer (Aphididae: Macrosiphini), which is able to colonize a wide range of host plants belonging to many different families, and transmits numerous plant viruses. Because of its large prevalence, M. persicae has been the target of massive insecticide treatments; consequently, it has evolved several insecticide-resistant mechanisms. In this work, a collection of expressed genes from M. persicae is presented in order to identify putative genes involved in xenobiotic detoxification. After cDNA cloning and sequencing, 959 expressed sequence tags (EST) were annotated. Most sequences matched known genes corresponded to metabolism proteins (26%), ribosomal proteins ( 23 % ) and structural proteins (8%). Among them, several sequences corresponded to proteins putatively involved in sensing, degradation or detoxification of plant xenobiotic products.  相似文献   

本文构建了鲤鱼肝胰脏cDNA 文库,共获得了1016条有效的表达序列标签。拼接组装成115 个contigs和282 个singletons。其中215个拼接序列在GenBank公共数据库中寻找到相对应的基因。对它们进行功能性分类和比较分析为鲤鱼肝胰脏的研究提供了基因表达信息的基础。文库中1016条表达序列标签有11条代表了鲤鱼肝基本型脂肪酸结合蛋白(Lb-FABP)。通过序列比较我们获得了两个具有相同开放阅读框长度的Lb-Fabp cDNAs。开放阅读框全长381bp,编码126个氨基酸。半定量RT-PCR结合Southern blot技术研究了Lb-Fabp mRNA 在成鱼不同组织以及早期发育不同时期的表达图式。结果表明,Lb-Fabp mRNA 在肝胰脏、中肠和后肠中表达量较高。同时在精巢和皮肤中有低水平的表达。脑、肌肉、卵巢、肾脏、脾脏、鳃和心脏等组织中其表达量更低。而在脂肪和前肠中则没有检测到Lb-FabpmRNA表达。Lb-Fabp mRNA 最早在胚体形成期检测到有低水平表达,随后的发育阶段中表达量逐渐升高。鲤鱼Lb-Fabp基因的表达图式提示在肝脏和肠等器官开始发育后,它可能在脂肪代谢中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Compared to rice, wheat exhibits characteristic growth habits and contains complex genome constituents. To assess global changes in gene expression patterns in the wheat life cycle, we conducted large-scale analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in common wheat. Ten wheat tissues were used to construct cDNA libraries: crown and root from 14-day-old seedlings; spikelet from early and late flowering stages; spike at the booting stage, heading date and flowering date; pistil at the heading date; and seeds at 10 and 30 days post-anthesis. Several thousand colonies were randomly selected from each of these 10 cDNA libraries and sequenced from both 5' and 3' ends. Consequently, a total of 116 232 sequences were accumulated and classified into 25 971 contigs based on sequence homology. By computing abundantly expressed ESTs, correlated expression patterns of genes across the tissues were identified. Furthermore, relationships of gene expression profiles among the 10 wheat tissues were inferred from global gene expression patterns. Genes with similar functions were grouped with one another by clustering gene expression profiles. This technique might enable estimation of the functions of anonymous genes. Multidimensional analysis of EST data that is analogous to the microarray experiments may offer new approaches to functional genomics of plants.  相似文献   

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