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Previous studies in prepubertal heifers suggest that the magnitude of reduction in mammary parenchymal growth in response to ovariectomy varies with the age at which surgery is performed. We hypothesized that ovarian secretions are essential for initiating mammary development but not required to maintain allometric mammary growth in prepubertal dairy heifers. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of staged ovariectomy during the prepubertal period on mammary growth and tissue composition and the expression of selected genes. Prepubertal Holstein heifers at 2, 3 or 4 months of age were randomly assigned to one of two treatments, ovariectomized (OVX; n = 12) or sham operated (INT; n = 12). Mammary parenchyma (PAR) and fat pad (MFP) were harvested 30 days after surgery. Proximate composition of PAR and MFP (DNA, protein and lipid) as well as expression of the selected estrogen-responsive genes stanniocalcin1 (STC1), tissue factor pathway inhibitor precursor (TFPI) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were determined in PAR and MFP by quantitative real-time PCR. The relative amount of epithelium and proportion of epithelia cell nuclei expressing the proliferation marker Ki67 were determined by histological and immunohistochemical analyses, respectively. MFP mass was not impacted by treatment but was decreased with age as was lipid content and concentration (P ⩽ 0.01). The mass of mammary PAR was reduced in OVX and increased with age (P ⩽ 0.01). Parenchymal tissue tended to have less total DNA, protein and lipid in OVX heifers. Parenchymal tissue concentrations of protein and DNA were increased with age and there was an age × treatment interaction. Treatment had no effect on either the Ki67 labeling index or percent epithelial area. The relative abundances of STC1, TFPI and PCNA mRNA in PAR were reduced in OVX. We did not find a significant impact of ovariectomy on mRNA expression when surgery was performed at 2 months compared with surgery at 3 or 4 months of age. However, having nearly undetectable PAR in two heifers ovariectomized at the earliest period (2 months of age) suggests that early ovariectomy is especially detrimental to subsequent parenchymal development.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that United Kingdom recommendations for feeding the neonatal calf (500 g milk replacer (MR)/day; 200-230 g CP/kg milk powder) are inadequate to sustain optimal growth rates in early life. The current study was undertaken with 153 high genetic merit, male and female Holstein-Friesian calves (PIN2000 = £48) born between September and March, with heifers reared and bred to calve at 24 months of age. Calves were allocated to one of four pre-weaning dietary treatments arranged in a 2 MR feeding level (5 v. 10 l/day) × 2 MR protein content (210 v. 270 g CP/kg dry matter (DM)) factorial design. MR was reconstituted at a rate of 120 g/l of water, throughout, and was offered via computerised automated milk feeders. Calves were introduced to pre-weaning diets at 5 days of age and weaned at day 56. During the first 56 days of life, calves offered 10 l MR/day had significantly higher liveweight gains (P < 0.001) than calves fed 5 l MR/day. No significant differences in liveweight gain were found between calves fed 210 g CP/kg DM MR and those fed 270 g CP/kg DM MR from birth to day 56. Differences in live weight and body size due to feeding level disappeared by day 90. Neither MR feeding level nor MR CP content affected age at first service or age at successful service, and with no milk production effects, the results indicate no post-weaning benefits of increased nutrition during the milk-feeding period in dairy heifers.  相似文献   

Wood-chip pads represent a low-cost alternative to housing for cattle during the winter. Considering the negative welfare implications associated with housing indoors on concrete, they may also offer welfare benefits to replacement dairy heifers. However, these animals may not be able to withstand winter weather conditions on a grass silage diet. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate behaviour, limb injuries, dirtiness scores, performance and climatic energy demand (CED) of yearling dairy heifers on two levels of nutrition kept outdoors on a wood-chip pad or indoors in cubicles during the winter. Ninety-six 10-month-old heifers were blocked and assigned in groups of eight, to one of the following four treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial design: (a) indoors, silage only; (b) indoors, silage plus concentrate; (c) outdoors, silage only; and (d) outdoors, silage plus concentrate. There were three replicate groups per treatment. All animals were inspected for skin lesions and were weighed and body condition scored (BCS) at the beginning and end of the trial. Instantaneous scan sampling and continuous all-occurrence behaviour sampling were used to collect behaviour data during two 24-h periods. Animals were also dirtiness scored and group feed intakes were recorded during the trial. Significantly more comfort, social and play behaviours were recorded outdoors (P < 0.05) while trips, slips and falls were only recorded indoors (P < 0.001). Groups outdoors had significantly lower limb lesion scores at the end of the experiment (P < 0.05) and fewer groups outdoors were affected by all categories of limb lesions. However, they were consistently dirtier than animals indoors (P < 0.001). Low-nutrition animals had lower feed intakes, smaller BCS changes and lower average daily weight gains than high-nutrition animals (P < 0.01). Heifers outdoors had significantly lower average daily weight gains and BCS changes (P < 0.05) explained by lower feed intakes (P < 0.01). However, outdoor heifers on both the high- and low-nutrition diets and indoor animals on the low-nutrition diet had lower UFL (feed unit for maintenance and lactation (Irish Republic)) intakes (-0.36, -0.35 and -0.22, respectively) than that required to meet the daily live-weight gains they achieved. Heifers indoors on the high-nutrition diet gained 0.98 kg per day but consumed 0.17 UFL more than what would be recommended to achieve a daily weight gain of 1.0 kg. The CED for outdoor heifers was higher than that of indoor heifers (6.18 v. 5.47 MJ/day per m2 body surface area; P < 0.001, s.e.d. 0.044). However, CED did not exceed heat production in any treatment. Although animal performance was reduced outdoors, the wood-chip pad was associated with welfare benefits compared with cubicle housing.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the 5 d Co-Synch + CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release insert containing progesterone) protocol could be applied as an efficient timed AI (TAI) protocol in dairy heifers, and that treatment with flunixin meglumine (FM) during the period of CL maintenance would increase pregnancy per TAI (P/TAI) and late survival of embryos. Objectives were: 1) in Experiment 1, to compare P/TAI with the 5 d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol to a PGF/GnRH protocol; and 2) in Experiment 2, to determine if FM administered 15.5 and 16 d after first TAI would increase P/TAI, using the 5 d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol with a new or previously used (5 d) CIDR insert.In Experiment 1, 248 heifers were assigned randomly to either the PGF/GnRH protocol (n = 120) or the 5 d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol (n = 128). Pregnancy per TAI did not differ between the 5 d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol (53.1%) and the PGF/GnRH protocol (45.8%; P = 0.22). In Experiment 2, 325 heifers synchronized with the 5 d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol were assigned randomly to receive two injections of FM (FM group; n = 158) at 15.5 and 16 d after TAI, or to remain as untreated controls (n = 165). Pregnancy per TAI in Experiment 2 was 59.4 and 59.5% at 45 d for control and FM groups, respectively, with no differences between groups (P = 0.83). The 5 d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol resulted in an acceptable P/TAI in dairy heifers. However, FM did not improve P/TAI in dairy heifers.  相似文献   

Rearing Tardigrades: Results and Problems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report our first results of attempts to rear four species of eutardigrades inhabiting different substrates, feeding on different kinds of food and characterized by different sexual conditions and modes of reproduction. Attempts were carried out to follow individual terrestrial carnivorous (Macrobiotus richtersi, M. joannae) and limnic herbivorous (Diphascon cf. scoticum; Isohypsibius monoicus) species. Carnivorous leaf litter-dwelling species were reared in small dishes containing agar as substrate and bacteriophagous nematodes as food. Five generations were obtained with the triploid thelytokous strain of M. richtersi, whereas three generations were obtained with the hermaphrodite species M. joannae. Diphascon cf. scoticum and I. monoicus were reared in small dishes containing algae as food and substrate. Several generations were obtained for both species. Males were never found in D. cf. scoticum and I. monoicus was hermaphroditic. Specimens isolated from hatchings were maintained and reproduced in both species, demonstrating parthenogenesis in the first one and self-fertilization in the latter. Consideration of the problems and on the future applications of tardigrade rearing are discussed.  相似文献   

Puberty attainment in dairy heifers has been widely studied from a hormonal point of view, but few studies have focussed on puberty–blood profile relationships during growth. We led experiments to determine the effects of feeding treatments on growth parameters, age at puberty and plasma biochemical profiles, and the relationships between age at puberty and metabolic profiles at 6, 9, 12 and 15 months (mo) of age. Blood samples were collected from 67 Holstein heifers, born between September 2011 and February 2012, every 10 days from 5.5 mo of age until heifers were considered pubertal (plasma progesterone concentration greater than 1.0 ng/ml) or oestrus synchronisation (November 2012; 11 to 15 mo of age). Heifers born before 30 November were fed either a standard diet (SD, n=27) or an intensive-plane diet (ID1, n=27) from 0 to 6 mo of age. This strategy aimed to reach 190 to 200 kg (SD) or 220 to 230 kg (ID1) BW at 6 mo of age. All heifers born after 1 December received an intensive-plane diet (ID2, n=13) from birth until oestrus synchronisation, in order to reach a similar BW at first insemination as heifers born before 1 December. Only 56 heifers reached puberty before oestrus synchronisation, at an average age of 10.3±2.2 mo (6.2 to 14.4 mo) and a BW of 296±40 kg (224 to 369 kg). There was no difference among the three feeding treatments until 6 mo, but at 9, 12 and 15 mo of age, ID2 (n=11) heifers weighed 37, 52 and 30 kg more than SD (n=22) and ID1 (n=23) heifers (P<0.001), respectively. Glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron decreased with age, whereas β-hydroxybutyric acid, total cholesterol, creatinine, the creatinine : albumin ratio, alanine aminotransferase and chloride increased. The feeding treatment significantly affected creatinine, the creatinine : albumin ratio, and phosphorus and sodium levels, which were higher for ID2 heifers compared with SD and ID1. A logistic regression based on plasma metabolites at 6 mo of age to explain puberty attainment before or at 12 mo of age showed a positive relationship with plasma cholesterol (odds ratio=9.05). In conclusion, the feeding treatment had minor consequences on plasma metabolites, but it did affect growth performance.  相似文献   

Rearing quality dairy heifers is essential to maintain herds by replacing culled cows. Information on the key factors influencing the cost of rearing under different management systems is, however, limited and many farmers are unaware of their true costs. This study determined the cost of rearing heifers from birth to first calving in Great Britain including the cost of mortality, investigated the main factors influencing these costs across differing farming systems and estimated how long it took heifers to repay the cost of rearing on individual farms. Primary data on heifer management from birth to calving was collected through a survey of 101 dairy farms during 2013. Univariate followed by multivariable linear regression was used to analyse the influence of farm factors and key rearing events on costs. An Excel spreadsheet model was developed to determine the time it took for heifers to repay the rearing cost. The mean±SD ages at weaning, conception and calving were 62±13, 509±60 and 784±60 days. The mean total cost of rearing was £1819±387/heifer with a mean daily cost of £2.31±0.41. This included the opportunity cost of the heifer and the mean cost of mortality, which ranged from £103.49 to £146.19/surviving heifer. The multivariable model predicted an increase in mean cost of rearing of £2.87 for each extra day of age at first calving and a decrease in mean cost of £6.06 for each percentile increase in time spent at grass. The model also predicted a decrease in the mean cost of rearing in autumn and spring calving herds of £273.20 and £288.56, respectively, compared with that in all-year-round calving herds. Farms with herd sizes⩾100 had lower mean costs of between £301.75 and £407.83 compared with farms with <100 milking cows. The mean gross margin per heifer was £441.66±304.56 (range £367.63 to £1120.08), with 11 farms experiencing negative gross margins. Most farms repaid the cost of heifer rearing in the first two lactations (range 1 to 6 lactations) with a mean time from first calving until breaking even of 530±293 days. The results of the economic analysis suggest that management decisions on key reproduction events and grazing policy significantly influence the cost of rearing and the time it takes for heifers to start making a profit for the farm.  相似文献   

Dietary fat supplementation can improve oocyte quality in ruminants. The influence of the type of dietary fat on the number and quality of oocytes collected by ovum pick-up and on the production of embryos in vitro was investigated in Holstein heifers. Heifers were given hay plus one of two dietary supplements for 42 days. The supplements were linseed (L, rich in linolenic acid, C18:3n-3, n = 9) or soya bean (S, rich in linoleic acid, C18:2n-6, n = 9). Oocytes were collected by ovum pick-up (OPU) for 6 wks (2 sessions/wk) and morphologic quality assessed. Half the oocytes were frozen and the other half was used to produce embryos. Blood samples were analyzed for: insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxy butyrate and urea and the proportions of fatty acids. Neither growth rate nor plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations were affected by dietary supplement. However, L significantly increased the proportion of plasma C18:3n-3 while S significantly increased the proportion of C18:2n-6(P < 0.001). Neither oocyte characteristics (number, their quality and number fertilized and cleaved per heifer per session) nor embryo characteristics (number and quality per heifer per session) and embryo development stages were affected by dietary treatment. Real-time RT-PCR was performed on immature and mature cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC). Prostaglandin E synthase-1 expression increased in L compared to S heifers. In conclusion, the type of fatty acid did not modify the numbers of oocytes and embryos produced by OPU-IVF and their quality in dairy heifers. Upregulation of prostaglandin E synthase-1 may ensure sufficient PGE2 production for oocyte maturation even when its precursor is low.  相似文献   

Our objective was to compare several experimental preparations of a single injection of long-acting recombinant bovine FSH (rbFSH; types A and B) to a porcine pituitary-derived FSH (Folltropin) to superovulate Holstein dairy heifers. Nonlactating, nonpregnant virgin Holstein heifers (n = 56) aged 12 to 15 months were randomly assigned to one of four superstimulatory treatments. Beginning at a random stage of the estrous cycle, all follicles greater than 5 mm were aspirated. Thirty-six hours later, heifers received an intravaginal P4 device and superstimulatory treatments were initiated. Treatments were (1) 300 mg of pituitary-derived FSH (Folltropin) administered in eight decreasing doses over a period of 3.5 days; (2) a single injection of 50 μg of A-rbFSH; (3) a single injection of 100 μg of A-rbFSH; and (4) a single injection of 50 μg of B-rbFSH. All heifers received 25 mg PGF at 48 and 72 hours after the insertion of P4 device. At 84 hours after insertion, P4 devices were removed, and ovulation was induced 24 hours later with hCG (2500 IU). Heifers were inseminated at 12 and 24 hours after hCG treatment. The number of ovulatory follicles was greatest for heifers treated with Folltropin and B50-rbFSH, least for heifers treated with A50-rbFSH, and was intermediate for heifers treated with A100-rbFSH (25.7 ± 3.2, 18.9 ± 3.2, 5.9 ± 0.9, and 16.6 ± 3.1, respectively; P < 0.001). The number of corpora lutea was greatest for heifers treated with Folltropin, B50-rbFSH, and A100-rbFSH, and least for heifers treated with A50-rbFSH (19.1 ± 2.4, 16.1 ± 3.0, 15.9 ± 2.9, and 2.6 ± 0.9, respectively; P < 0.001). The number of good-quality embryos differed among treatments and was greatest for heifers treated with B50-rbFSH, Folltropin, and A100-rbFSH and least for heifers treated with A50-rbFSH (7.6 ± 2.4, 6.5 ± 1.7, 4.3 ± 1.5, and 0.8 ± 0.5, respectively; P < 0.001). In conclusion, a single injection of a preparation of long-acting rbFSH (either 100 μg of A-rbFSH or 50 μg of B-rbFSH but not 50 μg of A-rbFSH) produced similar superovulatory responses resulting in the production of good-quality embryos when compared with a pituitary-derived FSH preparation administered twice daily for 4 days. More studies using different types of cattle and different doses of rbFSH are needed to confirm the findings reported in this preliminary study.  相似文献   

Previous studies comparing plasma cortisol levels in mother-reared and nursery-reared rhesus monkey infants under baseline and stress conditions have reported conflicting findings. Differences in subject age, procedures, and specific rearing history may account for many of the discrepant findings. In the present study, mother-reared infants from large social groups, peer-only reared animals, and infants reared with surrogates and limited peer contact were studied in different test conditions across the first 6 months of life. Infants were sampled under three conditions: following a neonatal assessment at Days 14 and 30, immediately upon capture on Day 60, and after 30-min isolation periods on Days 90, 120, and 150. Mother-reared infants exhibited higher cortisol levels on Days 14 and 30 than did both types of nursery-reared infants. In addition, Day 60 basal values of mother-reared infants were higher than those of both peer-reared and surrogate/peer-reared infants. However, on Days 90, 120, and 150, both mother-reared and peer-reared infants exhibited higher cortisol levels in response to separation and 30-min isolation than did the surrogate/peer-reared infants. These differences may reflect group-specific variations in physical environment, capture time, feeding regimen, or diurnal HPA axis rhythms. Am. J. Primatol. 46:311–321, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This experiment compared growth, physiological, and reproductive responses of beef heifers with (MI) or without (CON) access to a creep-feeder, as a manner to stimulate metabolic imprinting while nursing their dams. On day 0, 60 Angus×Hereford heifers were ranked by BW and age (140±3 kg and 68±3 days), and assigned to pairs so all ranking criteria were similar between heifers within each pair. On day 1, pairs were randomly assigned to MI (n=15) or CON (n=15). From day 1 to 51, MI pairs and their dams were allocated to 15 drylot pens where heifers had ad libitum access to a corn-based supplement through a creep-feeder. The CON pairs and their dams were maintained in an adjacent single drylot pen. From day 52 to 111, treatments were managed as a single group on a semiarid range pasture. On day 111, heifers were weaned and allocated to two pastures (one pasture/treatment), receiving hay and a corn-based concentrate until day 326. Heifer BW was recorded before and at the end of the creep-feeding period (day 1 to 51), and on days 112 and 326. On days 0, 51, 111, 187, 261, and 325, jugular blood was collected and real-time ultrasonography for longissimus muscle depth and backfat thickness assessment was performed. Blood was also collected every 10 days from days 113 to 323 for puberty evaluation via plasma progesterone. Liver and subcutaneous fat biopsies were performed on days 51, 111, 261 and 325. Average daily gain was greater (P<0.01) for MI than CON from day 1 to 51, tended (P=0.09) to be greater for CON than MI from day 112 to 326, while BW on day 326 was similar between treatments. On day 51, MI had greater (P⩽0.01) plasma IGF-I and glucose concentrations, as well as mRNA expression of hepatic pyruvate carboxylase and adipose fatty acid synthase than CON. On days 261 and 325, plasma insulin concentrations were greater (P⩽0.03) in CON than MI. Mean mRNA expression of hepatic IGF-I and adipose peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma were greater (P⩽0.05) in MI than CON. No treatment effects were detected for puberty attainment rate. In conclusion, supplementing nursing heifers via creep-feeding for 50 days altered physiological and biochemical variables suggestive of a metabolic imprinting effect, but did not hasten their puberty attainment.  相似文献   

福州地区圈养小熊猫的饲养与繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
福州大熊猫研究中心于1994年引进小熊猫进行人工饲养。2000年小熊猫繁殖成功。2000~2005年累计饲养成年雌性小熊猫54只,其中33只小熊猫出现发情行为,发情率61%。发情的小熊猫中19只怀孕和分娩,受胎率为57.6%,共产仔36只,幼子育成9只,育成率25%。本文报道了这期间小熊猫的饲养管理和繁殖情况,并讨论了两者间的关系。  相似文献   

In previous studies we demonstrated that the administration of a luteolytic dose of cloprostenol to dairy cows in luteal phase, followed by hCG plus estradiol benzoate (EB) 12 h later, led to successful timed AI 48 h after the initiation of treatment. This article reports two consecutive studies. In Study 1 we determined the pregnancy rate of dairy heifers in luteal phase (established by palpation per rectum) treated with cloprostenol followed by 250 IU of hCG plus 1 mg of EB 12 h later, and inseminated 48 h after cloprostenol injection. Study 2 was designed to evaluate the efficiency this synchronization protocol, irrespective of the estrus stage of the animals. In Study 1, 1272 Friesian heifers aged 14 to 16 months with a palpable corpus luteum received 500 mcg cloprostenol. Heifers were then synchronized either according to the hCG plus EB protocol (hCG-EB, n=637), or by a second dose of cloprostenol 11 d later (PG, n=636). Animals in this last group served as controls and were inseminated 72 and 96 h after the second cloprostenol injection. The pregnancy rate was significantly higher (P<0.0001) in the hCG-EB group (59.5%, 379/637) than in PG (44.8%, 285/636). In Study 2, 135 contemporary heifers (with no corresponding information on estrus stage) were subjected to the same protocol as those in the hCG-EB group of Study 1. These animals were classified in retrospect according to estrus stage established by plasma progesterone concentration. Pregnancy rates were 66.7% (24/36), 51% (25/49) and 58% (29/50) for animals in the follicular, early/late luteal, and mid-luteal phase, respectively. The total pregnancy rate was 57.8% (78/135). These findings indicate an improved pregnancy rate for heifers subjected to single insemination after cloprostenol/hCG/EB synchronization, compared to double insemination after synchronization by 2 cloprostenol injections 11 d apart. The cloprostenol/hCG/EB protocol did result in acceptable pregnancy rates after timed AI of dairy heifers regardless of their estrus cycle phase.  相似文献   

The aim of this trial was to assess the effects of the administration of different combinations of mycotoxins in naturally contaminated maize grains on dairy heifer growth, blood measurements and puberty onset. A total of 35 Friesian female heifers were randomly allotted to three experimental groups from 18–21 to 42–45 weeks of age. During the 24-week experimental period (EP), heifers were fed the same diet, but with maize meal derived from three differently contaminated lots: very low contamination, as control (C); medium–low aflatoxin-contaminated (A); and mixed aflatoxin–fumonisin contaminated (A-F). At the end of the EP, they returned to a common diet without contaminated maize, and they were monitored for an additional period of 12 weeks (post-experimental period, PEP). BW, wither height, hip height, body length and heart girth were measured every 4 weeks from the beginning of EP to the end of PEP. At the same time, body condition score was evaluated and blood samples were taken from the jugular vein to be analysed for haematological, serum protein and metabolic profiles. Age at puberty was assessed by measuring weekly plasma progesterone levels from 40 to 52 weeks of age. Body growth measurements were processed both by ANOVA of average daily gain of EP and PEP separately, and by the analysis of growth curve parameters. Haematological, serum protein and metabolic profile were evaluated using a mixed model, taking into account the repeated measurements in time on each animal. Heifers’ growth was delayed both in A and A-F groups during EP, as evidenced by the different linear coefficients of the BW growth curve in the three groups. Differently contaminated diets did not affect the haematological profile, so that it can be concluded that these levels of mycotoxin contamination do not determine any specific effect on haematopoiesis and immunity in growing heifers. The main blood marker of mycotoxin chronic toxicity was the γ-glutamyl transferase activity level in plasma, which appeared to be altered even after the removal of mycotoxins. During EP, plasma glucose was lower in the groups fed contaminated diet compared with C. The joint actions of an altered nutritional status and a long-lasting liver damage were probably the causes of the delay in puberty attainment in A and, particularly, in the A-F group. The results from this trial evidenced that a chronic aflatoxin–fumonisin contamination in diets of dairy heifers can determine an important delay in the reproductive career of these animals.  相似文献   

The effects of first calving (FC) in Holstein heifers on their first lactation, second lactation and lifetime milk production were examined from an initial database of 459 743 animals that first calved between 1 January 1990 and 31 July 2010 in Wallonia, Belgium. The FC age class (18 to 22, 22 to 26, 26 to 30, 30 to 34, 34 to 38 and 38 to 42 months), the FC season and FC year class (1990 to 1994, 1995 to 1999, 2000 to 2004 and 2005 to 2010) were considered when analysing the first and second lactation data. Lifetime data were similarly analysed, but did not include animals that calved after 2005 because many of them were still lactating. Only 24% of animals had their FC before 26 months of age. Animals that first calved between 22 and 26 months of age had more lactations and productive days during their life. They also had higher first and second lactation milk production and lifetime milk production. Summer or autumn FC improved first lactation, second lactation and lifetime milk production, as well as production per day of lactation, compared with winter or spring FC. Compared with animals that calved for the first time in 1990 to 1994, animals with a FC in 2000 to 2004 had a longer calving interval (0.5 months), fewer lactations per animal (−0.6) and fewer days in their lifetime lactation (a reduction of 144 days). As a result, the animals’ lifetime production did not increase between 1990 to 1994 and 2000 to 2004, although milk production per day of lactation (22.85v. 20.49 l/day) and per day of life (11.49v. 10.78 l/day) improved. Milk fat content was lower in 2000 to 2004 than in 1990 to 1994, but protein content remained relatively constant, probably because of the cows’ higher production level and increased dietary concentrate supplementation.  相似文献   

Previous work led to the proposal that the precision feeding of a high-concentrate diet may represent a potential method with which to enhance feed efficiency (FE) when rearing dairy heifers. However, the physiological and metabolic mechanisms underlying this approach remain unclear. This study used metabolomics analysis to investigate the changes in plasma metabolites of heifers precision-fed diets containing a wide range of forage to concentrate ratios. Twenty-four half-sib Holstein heifers, with a similar body condition, were randomly assigned into four groups and precision fed with diets containing different proportions of concentrate (20%, 40%, 60% and 80% based on DM). After 28 days of feeding, blood samples were collected 6 h after morning feeding and gas chromatography time-of-flight/MS was used to analyze the plasma samples. Parameters of oxidative status were also determined in the plasma. The FE (after being corrected for gut fill) increased linearly (P < 0.01) with increasing level of dietary concentrate. Significant changes were identified for 38 different metabolites in the plasma of heifers fed different dietary forage to concentrate ratios. The main pathways showing alterations were clustered into those relating to carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism; all of which have been previously associated with FE changes in ruminants. Heifers fed with a high-concentrate diet had higher (P < 0.01) plasma total antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase but lower (P ≤ 0.02) hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide than heifers fed with a low-concentrate diet, which might indicate a lower plasma oxidative status in the heifers fed a high-concentrate diet. Thus, heifers fed with a high-concentrate diet had higher FE and antioxidant capacity but a lower plasma oxidative status as well as changed carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. Our findings provide a better understanding of how forage to concentrate ratios affect FE and metabolism in the precision-fed growing heifers.  相似文献   

动物生殖策略是多种多样的.对一个种群交配体系的调查有助于了解生殖模式的进化情况,并为一些濒危物种的保护计划提供理论依据,同时也为经济养殖动物的人工繁育提供理论支持.多父性( multiple paternity)现象是一种重要的生殖策略,在爬行类动物中普遍存在,并且在主要类群中多父性的水平也比较高,特别是多数有鳞类动物存在多父性现象的窝数可占到总检测窝数的50%以上,这种现象强烈地支持雌性存在混交的进化过程.本文对多父性产生的组织结构、可能机制和多父性的检测手段等进行综述,并对未来的研究方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the digestibility of whole-crop cereal silage (WCCS) made from oats and six-rowed barley harvested at the heading, early milk and early dough stages, and two-rowed barley harvested at the early milk and early dough stages of maturity. The eight WCCSs were fed to 32 Swedish Red heifers in a changeover design over three periods of 28 days each. The heifers were first fed ad libitum for 17 days and then at 0.95 of ad libitum for 11 days of each period. During the last 5 days all faeces and orts were collected to determine the digestibility of the silages. Only the maturity stage effect was significant for the WCCS organic matter (OM) digestibility and the average OM digestibility was higher at the heading stage (698 g/kg) than at early milk (647 g/kg) and early dough (652 g/kg) stages of maturity. For neutral detergent fibre (NDF) digestibility the crop × maturity stage effect was significant. The NDF digestibility decreased from the heading to the early milk stage for both six-rowed barley (746 to 607 g/kg) and oats (698 to 596 g/kg). There was no further significant decrease in NDF digestibility for six-rowed barley at the early dough stage (577 g/kg), but for two-rowed barley it decreased from the early milk (682 g/kg) to the early dough (573 g/kg) stage, and also for oats the NDF digestibility was lowest at the early dough stage (507 g/kg). The decrease in NDF digestibility during maturation was to a large extent compensated by an increase in starch concentration in the crops. The starch digestibility was lower for six-rowed barley at early dough stage (948 g/kg) than at early milk stage (977 g/kg), and was also lower compared with oats (979 g/kg) at early dough stage. The average crude protein (CP) digestibility was higher at the heading (646 g/kg) and the early milk (642 g/kg) stages than at the early dough stage (599 g/kg), and oats had higher average CP digestibility (650 g/kg) than six-rowed (613 g/kg) and two-rowed (624 g/kg) barley. Delaying the harvest of WCCS from the heading to the early milk and dough stage of maturity will decrease the OM digestibility; as a result there is a decreased NDF digestibility.  相似文献   

豆天蛾田间饲养量及效益研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对豆天蛾在田间笼罩条件下的饲养调查观察 ,测定出其幼虫食叶量、食叶率 ,从而计算出每平方米豆田的理论养虫量 ,实际适宜养虫量及对大豆产量损失的影响。笼罩条件养虫量 (x)与食叶率(y1)回归方程 :^y1=2 2 0 + 2 4 1x± 2 874 9,r1=0 9971 ;笼罩条件养虫量 (x)与产量损失率 (y2 )回归方程 :^y2 =1 5 7+ 0 4 2 5x± 0 6 837,r2 =0 994 6 ;笼罩条件养虫量 (x)与结荚损失率 (y3 )回归方程 :^y3 =1 5 7+ 0 33x± 1 785 4 ,r3 =0 94 6 8 。在幼虫饲养量为 1 0~ 1 5头 m2 时 ,综合效益比一般豆田每 6 6 7m2增收 4 73 6元以上。  相似文献   

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