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We used the housefly (Musca domestica L.) as an experimental model to compare two strategies for the captive breeding of an endangered species: a strategy to minimize inbreeding and balance founder contributions (termed “MAI” for “maximum avoidance of inbreeding”) versus a scheme to select against less fit individuals (disregarding relatedness). By balancing the initial founder contributions, the MAI protocol was analogous to methods for minimizing kinship. In both breeding strategies, the population growth rate was limited to a maximum increase of 50% per generation. Five replicate populations, each starting with five male–female pairs, were subjected to five generations of captive breeding. Six generations of simulated “release into the wild” allowed ad lib breeding with less restrictive population growth potential, in either a benign or stressful environment (i.e., constant or variable temperature). Population size, fecundity, and fertility were assayed throughout the experiment, with juvenile‐to‐adult survival assayed in the second phase of the project. Allozyme assays determined the resultant inbreeding coefficients from the captive breeding schemes. The MAI breeding scheme resulted in significantly lower inbreeding coefficients and higher fitness, with qualitatively reduced extinction potential, most notable in the stressful environment. Spontaneous fitness rebounds suggested that the MAI strategy facilitated some form of purging of inbreeding depression effects. Importantly, the advantages of the MAI strategy were difficult to detect during the captive breeding phase, suggesting that the long‐term advantages of the MAI approach could be underestimated in actual breeding programs. We concur with the common recommendation of maximum avoidance of inbreeding at least for systems with low reproductive potential. Zoo Biol 0:1–18, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although inbreeding depression and mechanisms for kin recognition have been described in natural bird populations, inbreeding avoidance through mate choice has rarely been reported suggesting that sex‐biased dispersal is the main mechanism reducing the risks of inbreeding. However, a full understanding of the effect of dispersal on the occurrence of inbred matings requires estimating the inbreeding risks prior to dispersal. Combining pairwise relatedness measures and kinship assignments, we investigated in black grouse whether the observed occurrence of inbred matings was explained by active kin discrimination or by female‐biased dispersal. In this large continuous population, copulations between close relatives were rare. As female mate choice was random for relatedness, females with more relatives in the local flock tended to mate with genetically more similar males. To quantify the initial risks of inbreeding, we measured the relatedness to the males of females captured in their parental flock and virtually translocated female hatchlings in their parental and to more distant flocks. These tests indicated that dispersal decreased the likelihood of mating with relatives and that philopatric females had higher inbreeding risks than the actual breeding females. As females do not discriminate against relatives, the few inbred matings were probably due to the variance in female dispersal propensity and dispersal distance. Our results support the view that kin discrimination mate choice is of little value if dispersal effectively reduces the risks of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that large flamingo flocks are more likely to experience reproductive success than small flocks and that there is a positive relationship between behavioral stimulation from group displays and reproductive success. This study compares the group displays and reproductive success in a captive flock of Caribbean flamingos over 6 years at the National Zoological Park. Birds were added to the flock in two different years. In each case, the flock produced fertile eggs during the breeding season following the addition of new birds. Furthermore, the addition of new birds in 1988, and then again in 1991, significantly increased group display activity over the previous year when the flock size was lower. That the addition of birds stimulated group display activity suggests an alternative management strategy for promoting reproduction in captivity: separate birds in a flock and then reunite them prior to the breeding season. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Optimum breeding schemes for maximising the rate of genetic progress with a restriction on the rate of inbreeding (per year or per generation) are investigated for populations with overlapping generations undergoing mass selection. The optimisation is for the numbers of males and females to be selected and for their distribution over age classes. Expected rates of genetic progress (ΔG) are combined with expected rates of inbreeding (ΔF) in a linear objective function (Φ = ΔG - λΔF) which is maximised. A simulated annealing algorithm is used to obtain the solutions. The restriction on inbreeding is achieved by increasing the number of parents and, in small schemes with severe restrictions, by increasing the generation interval. In the latter case the optimum strategy for obtaining the maximum genetic gain is far from truncation selection across age classes. In most situations, the optimum mating ratio is one but the differences in genetic gain obtained with different mating ratios are small. Optimisation of schemes when restricting the rate of inbreeding per generation leads to shorter generation intervals than optimisation when restricting the rate of inbreeding per year.  相似文献   

The introduction of unrelated conspecifics into captive groups of primate species is desirable to inhibit inbreeding. However, for many species, such groups increasingly represent highly inbred isolate populations that are analogous to regionally isolated populations of the same species among whom the effects of outcrossing on fitness are unknown. A study of potentially adverse effects of cross-breeding between regionally isolated populations of rhesus macaques was conducted to assess the maximum advantage or disadvantage to be expected for cross-breeding such populations of other cercopithecoid primates. For this purpose, the infant weights and rates of growth of hybrid Chinese/Indian rhesus macaques were compared to those of their nonhybrid Indian peers and to those of consanguineously inbred Indian rhesus macaques from several other captive breeding groups. Neither adverse nor advantageous effects of such hybridization were detected, suggesting that outcrossing between isolates of other cercopithecoid primates with a similar social structure and mating pattern should not affect the fitness of resulting offspring. Since levels of inbreeding are roughly inversely proportional to levels of genetic diversity within populations, such outcrossing should be intensified by zoos and other captive breeding centers to ensure the continued survival of captive species, especially those that are endangered or otherwise irreplaceable.  相似文献   

A dynamic method (DM) recently proposed for the management of captive subdivided populations was evaluated using the pilot species Drosophila melanogaster. By accounting for the particular genetic population structure, the DM determines the optimal mating pairs, their contributions to progeny and the migration pattern that minimize the overall coancestry in the population with a control of inbreeding levels. After a pre-management period such that one of the four subpopulations had higher inbreeding and differentiation than the others, three management methods were compared for 10 generations over three replicates: (1) isolated subpopulations (IS), (2) one-migrant-per-generation rule (OMPG), (3) DM aimed to produce the same or lower inbreeding coefficient than OMPG. The DM produced the lowest coancestry and equal or lower inbreeding than the OMPG method throughout the experiment. The initially lower fitness and lower variation for nine microsatellite loci of the highly inbred subpopulation were restored more quickly with the DM than with the OMPG method. We provide, therefore, an empirical illustration of the usefulness of the DM as a conservation protocol for captive subdivided populations when pedigree information is available (or can be deduced) and manipulation of breeding pairs is possible.  相似文献   

Ecological genetic studies have demonstrated that spatial patterns of mating dispersal, the dispersal of gametes through mating behaviour, can facilitate inbreeding avoidance and strongly influence the structure of populations, particularly in highly philopatric species. Elements of breeding group dynamics, such as strong structuring and sex-biased dispersal among groups, can also minimize inbreeding and positively influence levels of genetic diversity within populations. Rock-wallabies are highly philopatric mid-sized mammals whose strong dependence on rocky terrain has resulted in series of discreet, small colonies in the landscape. Populations show no signs of inbreeding and maintain high levels of genetic diversity despite strong patterns of limited gene flow within and among colonies. We used this species to investigate the importance of mating dispersal and breeding group structure to inbreeding avoidance within a 'small' population. We examined the spatial patterns of mating dispersal, the extent of kinship within breeding groups, and the degree of relatedness among brush-tailed rock-wallaby breeding pairs within a colony in southeast Queensland. Parentage data revealed remarkably restricted mating dispersal and strong breeding group structuring for a mid-sized mammal. Breeding groups showed significant levels of female kinship with evidence of male dispersal among groups. We found no evidence for inbreeding avoidance through mate choice; however, anecdotal data suggest the importance of life history traits to inbreeding avoidance between first-degree relatives. We suggest that the restricted pattern of mating dispersal and strong breeding group structuring facilitates inbreeding avoidance within colonies. These results provide insight into the population structure and maintenance of genetic diversity within colonies of the threatened brush-tailed rock-wallaby.  相似文献   

Minimum coancestry mating with a maximum of one offspring per mating pair (MC1) is compared with random mating schemes for populations with overlapping generations. Optimum contribution selection is used, whereby ΔF is restricted. For schemes with ΔF restricted to 0.25% per year, 256 animals born per year and heritability of 0.25, genetic gain increased with 18% compared with random mating. The effect of MC1 on genetic gain decreased for larger schemes and schemes with a less stringent restriction on inbreeding. Breeding schemes hardly changed when omitting the iteration on the generation interval to find an optimum distribution of parents over age-classes, which saves computer time, but inbreeding and genetic merit fluctuated more before the schemes had reached a steady-state. When bulls were progeny tested, these progeny tested bulls were selected instead of the young bulls, which led to increased generation intervals, increased selection intensity of bulls and increased genetic gain (35% compared to a scheme without progeny testing for random mating). The effect of MC1 decreased for schemes with progeny testing. MC1 mating increased genetic gain from 11–18% for overlapping and 1–4% for discrete generations, when comparing schemes with similar genetic gain and size.  相似文献   

Using data on flocks of flamingos in Britain and Ireland, the relationship between flock size and breeding in captive flamingos was examined. Breeding flamingo flocks were significantly larger than nonbreeding flocks and larger flocks bred more frequently than smaller flocks. All Chilean flocks containing more than 40 birds have bred successfully; however, one flock of only 4 Chilean Flamingos has reared at least one chick. All Caribbean flocks over 20 birds have successfully reared a chick, yet the smallest flock to rear a chick was one of 14 birds. © 1992 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Mechanisms reducing inbreeding are thought to have evolved owing to fitness costs of breeding with close relatives. In small and isolated populations, or populations with skewed age- or sex distributions, mate choice becomes limited, and inbreeding avoidance mechanisms ineffective. We used a unique individual-based dataset on moose from a small island in Norway to assess whether inbreeding avoidance was related to population structure and size, expecting inbreeding avoidance to be greater in years with larger populations and even adult sex ratios. The probability that a potential mating event was realized was negatively related to the inbreeding coefficient of the potential offspring, with a stronger relationship in years with a higher proportion or number of males in the population. Thus, adult sex ratio and population size affect the degree of inbreeding avoidance. Consequently, conservation managers should aim for sex ratios that facilitate inbreeding avoidance, especially in small and isolated populations.  相似文献   

Sánchez L  Bijma P  Woolliams JA 《Genetics》2003,164(4):1589-1595
Here we present the strategy that achieves the lowest possible rate of inbreeding (DeltaF) for a population with unequal numbers of sires and dams with random mating. This new strategy results in a DeltaF as much as 10% lower than previously achieved. A simple and efficient approach to reducing inbreeding in small populations with sexes of unequal census number is to impose a breeding structure where parental success is controlled in each generation. This approach led to the development of strategies for selecting replacements each generation that were based upon parentage, e.g., a son replacing its sire. This study extends these strategies to a multigeneration round robin scheme where genetic contributions of ancestors to descendants are managed to remove all uncertainties about breeding roles over generations; i.e., male descendants are distributed as equally as possible among dams. In doing so, the sampling variance of genetic contributions within each breeding category is eliminated and consequently DeltaF is minimized. Using the concept of long-term genetic contributions, the asymptotic DeltaF of the new strategy for random mating, M sires and d dams per sire, is phi/(12M), where phi = [1 + 2((1)/(4))(d)]. Predictions were validated using Monte Carlo simulations. The scheme was shown to achieve the lowest possible DeltaF using pedigree alone and showed that further reductions in DeltaF below that obtained from random mating arise from preferential mating of relatives and not from their avoidance.  相似文献   

We performed computer simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of circular mating as a genetic management option for captive populations. As a benchmark, we used the method proposed by Fernández and Caballero according to which parental contributions are set to produce minimum coancestry among the offspring and matings are performed so as to minimize mean pairwise coancestry (referred to as the Gc/mc method). In contrast to other methods, fitness does not vary with population size in the case of circular mating, and can be higher than under random mating. Whether circular mating is an effective method in conserving captive populations depends on the trade-off between different considerations. On the one hand, circular mating shows the highest allelic diversity and the lowest mean pairwise coancestry for all population sizes. It also shows a relatively higher efficiency of purging deleterious alleles. More importantly, circular mating can significantly increase the success probability of populations released to the wild relative to the Gc/mc method. On the other hand, circular mating has the drawback of showing high inbreeding rates and low fitness in early generations, which can result to an increase in the extinction probability of the captive populations. However, this increase is slight unless population size and litter size are both very low. Overall, if the slight increase in extinction probability can be tolerated then circular mating fulfils the primary goals of a captive breeding program, i.e., it maintains high levels of genetic diversity and increases the success probability of reintroduced populations.  相似文献   

Mate selection for inbreeding avoidance is documented in several taxa. In mammals, most conclusive evidence comes from captive experiments that control for the availability of mates and for the level of genetic relatedness between mating partners. However, the importance of mate selection for inbreeding avoidance as a determinant of siring success in the wild has rarely been addressed. We followed the reproduction of a wild population of eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) during five breeding seasons between 2006 and 2009. Using molecular tools and parentage assignment methods, we found that multiple paternity (among polytocous litters) varied from 25% in an early-spring breeding season when less than a quarter of females in the population were reproductively active to 100% across three summer breeding seasons and one spring breeding season when more than 85% of females were reproductively active. Genetically related parents were common in this population and produced less heterozygous offspring. Furthermore, litters with multiple sires showed a higher average relatedness among partners than litters with only a single sire. In multiply sired litters, however, males that were more closely related to their partners sired fewer offspring. Our results corroborate findings from captive experiments and suggest that selection for inbreeding avoidance can be an important determinant of reproductive success in wild mammals.  相似文献   

PETER H. BECKER 《Ibis》2012,154(1):74-84
Mating between close relatives can have deleterious effects on reproductive success or offspring fitness, which should favour the evolution of active or passive inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. In birds, evidence for active inbreeding avoidance by kin‐discriminative mate choice is scarce; many studies describe random mating in relation to kinship and thus support passive inbreeding avoidance by natal dispersal. However, most studies were conducted in island populations of short‐lived passerines with fast alternation of generations. In this study, we present inbreeding estimates based on pedigree data from a 16‐year study in a coastal colony of Common Terns Sterna hirundo, a long‐lived seabird with delayed sexual maturation and low rates of extra‐pair paternity. Incestuous mating was rare (four of 2387 pairs), even if partially accounting for incomplete pedigrees. Although the average relatedness of observed pairs was lower than would be expected from random pairing, the inbreeding coefficient did not differ from random mating. Hence, we found no clear evidence for active inbreeding avoidance by kin‐discriminative mate choice, and the low level of inbreeding seems to be related to the high immigration rate in the colony and thus to be maintained passively by dispersal.  相似文献   

Mating with close kin can lead to inbreeding depression through the expression of recessive deleterious alleles and loss of heterozygosity. Mate selection may be affected by kin encounter rate, and inbreeding avoidance may not be uniform but associated with age and social system. Specifically, selection for kin recognition and inbreeding avoidance may be more developed in species that live in family groups or breed cooperatively. To test this hypothesis, we compared kin encounter rate and the proportion of related breeding pairs in noninbred and highly inbred canid populations. The chance of randomly encountering a full sib ranged between 1-8% and 20-22% in noninbred and inbred canid populations, respectively. We show that regardless of encounter rate, outside natal groups mates were selected independent of relatedness. Within natal groups, there was a significant avoidance of mating with a relative. Lack of discrimination against mating with close relatives outside packs suggests that the rate of inbreeding in canids is related to the proximity of close relatives, which could explain the high degree of inbreeding depression observed in some populations. The idea that kin encounter rate and social organization can explain the lack of inbreeding avoidance in some species is intriguing and may have implications for the management of populations at risk.  相似文献   

Fernández J  Toro MA  Caballero A 《Genetics》2008,179(1):683-692
Within the context of a conservation program the management of subdivided populations implies a compromise between the control of the global genetic diversity, the avoidance of high inbreeding levels, and, sometimes, the maintenance of a certain degree of differentiation between subpopulations. We present a dynamic and flexible methodology, based on genealogical information, for the maximization of the genetic diversity (measured through the global population coancestry) in captive subdivided populations while controlling/restricting the levels of inbreeding. The method is able to implement specific restrictions on the desired relative levels of coancestry between and within subpopulations. By accounting for the particular genetic population structure, the method determines the optimal contributions (i.e., number of offspring) of each individual, the number of migrants, and the particular subpopulations involved in the exchange of individuals. Computer simulations are used to illustrate the procedure and its performance in a range of reasonable scenarios. The method performs well in most situations and is shown to be more efficient than the commonly accepted one-migrant-per-generation strategy.  相似文献   



The risk of long-term unequal contribution of mating pairs to the gene pool is that deleterious recessive genes can be expressed. Such consequences could be alleviated by appropriately designing and optimizing breeding schemes i.e. by improving selection and mating procedures.


We studied the effect of mating designs, random, minimum coancestry and minimum covariance of ancestral contributions on rate of inbreeding and genetic gain for schemes with different information sources, i.e. sib test or own performance records, different genetic evaluation methods, i.e. BLUP or genomic selection, and different family structures, i.e. factorial or pair-wise.


Results showed that substantial differences in rates of inbreeding due to mating design were present under schemes with a pair-wise family structure, for which minimum coancestry turned out to be more effective to generate lower rates of inbreeding. Specifically, substantial reductions in rates of inbreeding were observed in schemes using sib test records and BLUP evaluation. However, with a factorial family structure, differences in rates of inbreeding due mating designs were minor. Moreover, non-random mating had only a small effect in breeding schemes that used genomic evaluation, regardless of the information source.


It was concluded that minimum coancestry remains an efficient mating design when BLUP is used for genetic evaluation or when the size of the population is small, whereas the effect of non-random mating is smaller in schemes using genomic evaluation.  相似文献   

Optimal-outbreeding theory suggests that the genetic relatedness of individuals may be an important factor in mate choice. Several studies have demonstrated that matings between individuals of intermediate genetic relatedness tend to produce more offspring than those between more closely or distantly related mates. Inbreeding avoidance has been studied in captive zebra finches, Poephila guttata. Slater & Clements (1981) found a preference for closely related individuals, while Evans-Layng (1987), in a different design, found a preference for less related mates. Our study examines patterns of mate choice in small flocks of zebra finches of known genetic relatedness. 13 flocks of 9 birds (3 females and 6 males) were released into separate aviaries and left until pairs had formed. 6 of these flocks consisted of siblings and nonrelatives and 7 consisted of cousins and nonrelatives. The degree of genetic relatedness of the individuals used did not affect mate choice, while factors such as male age and experience were correlated with mating success. There was a marginally significant trend for sibling pairs to take longer to lay eggs, although no overall difference in clutch size among sibling pairs, cousin pairs and genetically unrelated pairs was detected. We conclude, then, that there is no evidence of inbreeding avoidance in captive zebra finches.  相似文献   

Conservation breeding management aims to reduce inbreeding and maximize the retention of genetic diversity in endangered populations. However, breeding management of wild populations is still rare, and there is a need for approaches that provide data-driven evidence of the likelihood of success of alternative in situ strategies. Here, we provide an analytical framework that uses in silico simulations to evaluate, for real wild populations, (i) the degree of population-level inbreeding avoidance, (ii) the genetic quality of mating pairs, and (iii) the potential genetic benefits of implementing two breeding management strategies. The proposed strategies aim to improve the genetic quality of breeding pairs by splitting detrimental pairs and allowing the members to re-pair in different ways. We apply the framework to the wild population of the Critically Endangered helmeted honeyeater by combining genomic data and field observations to estimate the inbreeding (i.e., pair-kinship) and genetic quality (i.e., Mate Suitability Index) of all mating pairs for seven consecutive breeding seasons. We found no evidence of population-level inbreeding avoidance and that ~91.6% of breeding pairs were detrimental to the genetic health of the population. Furthermore, the framework revealed that neither proposed management strategy would significantly improve the genetic quality or reduce inbreeding of the mating pairs in this population. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of our analytical framework for testing the efficacy of different in situ breeding management strategies and for making evidence-based management decisions.  相似文献   

Several species in the family Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) are known by a particular reproduction mechanism called monogeny, in which all offspring of each individual female are either exclusively male or exclusively female. As a consequence, no full‐sib mating occurs in monogenous populations. So offspring of each female must inevitably mate with those of other females, and in the worst condition, mating may occur between individuals with a common sire but different mothers, where they are only half siblings. Simulation of monogenous gall midge pedigrees, calculation of inbreeding coefficients of individuals for 20 generations, and comparing the results with those of a non‐monogenous species revealed that the total average inbreeding coefficients of individuals were not dramatically different between these two populations. However, the maximum inbreeding coefficient of individuals per generation in non‐monogenous populations was significantly higher than in monogenous populations. Despite the effect of monogeny on inbreeding, it is doubted whether inbreeding avoidance is the only force that drives the evolution of monogeny in gall midges.  相似文献   

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