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褪黑素抑制低氧引起大鼠大脑皮层氨基酸递质释放   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Gu J  Li XJ  Sun FY 《生理学报》1999,51(4):445-448
为研究褪黑素对低氧引起大鼠大脑皮层脑片氨基酸释放变化的影响,利用反相高效液相色谱结合荧光检测法,测定了孵育液中氨基酸类神经递质的含量。低氧条件为通入91.6%N2和8.4%O2的混合气体。低氧30min时,大鼠大脑皮层脑片孵育中,氨基酸类神经递质天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、谷氨酰胺、甘氨酸、牛磺酸和γ-氨基丁酸的含量显著增加,其含量分别是正常氧组的240.4%,334.3%,200.6%,210.4%,16  相似文献   

In rat brain slices the synthesis of [3H]phosphoinositides and the production of [3H]inositol monophosphate (IP1) induced by norepinephrine (NE) were inhibited by glutamate. Calcium concentrations were varied to test if these inhibitory effects of glutamate were mediated by a calcium-dependent process. Although reducing calcium or addition of the calcium antagonist verpamil reduced the inhibitory effects of glutamate, these results were equivocal because reduced calcium directly decreased agonist-induced [3H]phosphoinositide synthesis. The inhibitory effects of glutamate were mimicked by quisqualate in a dose-dependent manner, but none of a variety of excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists modified the inhibition caused by quisqualate. It is suggested that glutamate activates a quisqualate-sensitive receptor (for which an antagonist is not available) and causes inhibition of phosphoinositide hydrolysis mediated in part by a direct or indirect inhibitory effect of calcium on phosphoinositide synthesis. Modulatory effects of arachidonic acid were examined because glutamate and calcium can activate phospholipase A2. Arachidonic acid caused a rapid and dose-dependent inhibition of [3H]phosphoinositide synthesis and of NE-stimulated [3H]IP1 production. A similar inhibition of the response to carbachol also occurred. The inhibition caused by arachidonic acid was unchanged by addition of inhibitors of cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase. Activation of phospholipase A2 with melittin caused inhibitory effects similar to those of arachidonic acid. Inhibitors of phospholipase A2 were found to impair phosphoinositide metabolism, likely due to their lack of specificity for phospholipase A2. Further studies were carried out in slices that were prelabelled with [3H]inositol in an attempt to separate modulatory effects on [3H]phosphoinositide synthesis and agonist-stimulated [3H]IP1 production. Several excitatory amino acid agonists inhibited NE-stimulated [3H]IP1 production. This inhibitory inter-action could be due to impaired synthesis of [3H]phosphoinositides because, even though the slices were prelabeled, addition of unlabelled inositol reduced NE-stimulated [3H]IP1 production, indicating that continuous regeneration of [3H]phosphoinositides is required. In contrast to the inhibitory effects of the excitatory amino acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) enhanced the response to NE in cortical and hippocampal slices. GABA also enhanced the response to carbachol in hippocampal and striatal slices and to ibotenic acid in hippocampal slices. Baclofen potentiated the response to NE similarly to the effect of GABA and baclofen partially blocked the inhibitory effect of arachidonic acid but did not alter that of quisqualate.Abbreviations AMPA -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic - acid AP4 dl-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid - BPB bromphenacyl bromide - BSA bovine serum albumin - CNQX 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione - DFMO -difluoromethylornithine - DIDS diisothiocyanotostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-N - N, N N-tetraacetic acid - GABA -aminobutyric acid - GDEE glutamate diethyl ether - -GG -glutamylglycine - IP1 inositol monophosphate - IP2 inositol bisphosphate - IP3 inositol trisphosphate - NDGA nordihydroguaiaretic acid - NE norepinephrine - NMDA N-methyl-d-aspartate  相似文献   

In this study we have tested the effects of a wide range of metabotropic glutamate receptor ligands on (i) depolarisation-evoked efflux of pre-accumulated d-[3H]aspartic acid (d-[3H]asp) from rapidly superfused rat cerebrocortical minislices, and (ii) Na+-dependent uptake of d-[3H]asp into cerebrocortical tissue. Transient elevations in extracellular K+ produced concentration-dependent increases in d-[3H]asp efflux. A submaximally effective concentration (50 mm) was used in all subsequent experiments. The broad-spectrum mGlu receptor agonist (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid [(1S,3R)-ACPD; EC50 17.8 microm], the group I mGlu-selective agonist (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine [(S)-3,5-DHPG; EC50 0.5 microm] and the mGlu5 receptor subtype-selective agonist (RS)-2-chloro-5-hydroxyphenylglycine [(RS)-CHPG; EC50 7.3 microm] all concentration-dependently potentiated high K+-evoked d-[3H]asp efflux in the absence of effects on basal outflow of radiolabel. At concentrations selective for mGlu1 receptors, the antagonists (RS)-1-aminoindan-1,5-dicarboxylic acid [(RS)-AIDA; 10-300 microm]; (+)-2-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine [LY367385; 1-100 microm] and 7-hydroxyiminocyclopropan[b]chromen-1a-carboxylate ethyl ester [CPCCOEt, 1-30 microm] all failed to inhibit responses to (S)-3,5-DHPG. However, the broad-spectrum mGlu receptor antagonist (S)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine [(S)-MCPG; IC50 88.5 microm] together with the recently described mGlu5-selective antagonists, 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)-pyridine (MPEP; IC50 0.6 microm), 6-methyl-2-(phenyl-azo)-3-pyridinol (SIB-1757; IC50 4.4 microm) and (E)-2-methyl-6-(2-phenylethenyl)pyridine (SIB-1893; IC50 3.1 microm), at mGlu5-selective concentrations, all powerfully and concentration-dependently inhibited (S)-3,5-DHPG-evoked responses. Two selective excitatory amino acid (EAA) uptake inhibitors, l-trans-2,4-pyrrolidine dicarboxylate (l-trans-2,4-PDC; IC50 229 microm) and dl-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate (dl-TBOA; IC50 665 microm) both inhibited the Na+-dependent uptake of d-[3H]asp into cerebrocortical minislices. Importantly, none of the mGlu ligands utilized in the present study significantly inhibited d-[3H]asp uptake at concentrations shown to potentiate K+-evoked efflux. These data demonstrate for the first time that mGlu5 ligands modulate extracellular EAA concentrations by a direct effect on mGlu5-type autoreceptors on EAA nerve terminals as they evoke clear changes in EAA release in the absence of any effects on EAA uptake. Selective mGlu5 receptor antagonists that show high potency and good central bioavailability may provide novel classes of neuroprotective agents for the treatment of brain disorders associated with abnormal EAAergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid release and neurotoxicity in the ischemic brain may be reduced by endogenously released adenosine which can modulate both glutamate or aspartate release and depress neuronal excitability. The present study reports on the patterns of release of glutamate and aspartate; the inhibitory amino acids GABA and glycine; and of the purine catabolites adenosine and inosine from the rat parietal cerebral cortex during 20 and 60 min periods of middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion followed by reperfusion. Aspartate and glutamate efflux into cortical superfusates rose steadily during the period of ischemia and tended to increase even further during the subsequent 40 min of reperfusion. GABA release rose during ischemia and declined during reperfusion, whereas glycine efflux was relatively unchanged during both ischemia and reperfusion. Adenosine levels in cortical superfusates rose rapidly at the onset of ischemia and then declined even though MCA occlusion was continued. Recovery to pre-occulusion levels was rapid following reperfusion. Inosine efflux also increased rapidly, but its decline during reperfusion was slower than that of adenosine.  相似文献   

The levels of the neurotransmitter amino acids glutamate, aspartate, and GABA were determined in different brain regions during ischemia and post-ischemic recirculation periods using the unilateral carotid artery occlusion model of stroke in gerbils. The levels of glutamate, aspartate and GABA in ischemic hemisphere were increased significantly by 10 min of ischemia and later declined with time. Reperfusion for 30 min following 10 min. of ischemia further enhanced the levels of glutamate and aspartate. Increase in GABA levels were found during early periods of reperfusion. Regional variations in the changes of amino acids' levels were noticed following ischemia. Hippocampus showed the highest increase in glutamate levels followed by striatum and cerebral cortex. Aspartate levels in striatum and hippocampus increased during 10 min ischemia (46% and 30%) and recirculation (70% and 79%), whereas in cerebral cortex the levels were doubled only during recirculation. Ischemia induced elevations of GABA levels were observed in cerebral cortex (68%) and in hippocampus (30%), and the levels were normalized during recirculation. No changes in GABA levels were found in striatum. It is suggested that the large increase in the levels of excitatory neurotransmitter amino acids in brain regions specially in hippocampus during ischemia and recirculation may be one of the causal factors for ischemic brain damage.  相似文献   

In order to study the role of glutamine from glial cells for the synthesis of transmitter amino acids, the effect of the gliotoxic substance fluorocitrate on amino acid release from slices was investigated. In vivo treatment with 1 nmol fluorocitrate reduced the Ca2+ dependent K+ evoked release of endogenous glutamate and GABA from the slices, whereas the glutamine efflux decreased and alanine efflux increased. The K+ evoked release of [3H]d-aspartate increased during fluorocitrate treatment. The latter is consistent with an inhibited uptake ofd-aspartate into glial cells. Incubation of striatal slices with fluorocitrate (0.1 mM) decreased the glutamine efflux and increased the alanine efflux. Similar to the in vivo condition, fluorocitrate increased the K+ evoked [3H]d-asparate release, but the K+ evoked release of endogenous glutamate and GABA increased rather than decreased. The ratio between the K+ evoked release of exogenousd-aspartate to endogenous glutamate increased in both cases. The results suggest an important role of glial cells in the synthesis and inactivation of transmitter amino acids.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Holger Hydén.  相似文献   

Changes in free amino acids were examined in the central nervous system of mice treated with caffeine for three weeks. Caffeine was administered in the drinking water, and at the end of three weeks the level of caffeine in the cerebral cortex was 113±19 g/g. When amino acid levels in cerebral hemispheres, midbrain, pons and medulla, and cerebellum were measured a significant increase in glutamine levels was found in all four regions. Glycine, alanine, serine, threonine, and GABA were significantly reduced in some regions. Caffeine appears to alter some of the metabolic or transport processes regulating amino acid pools in the brain. The decrease of GABA found in pons and medulla may contribute to the observed increase in reflex excitability after caffeine.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Elling Kvamme  相似文献   

The release of endogenous amino acids from depolarized rat hippocampal mossy fiber synaptosomes was investigated to assess the possible role(s) of glutamate and aspartate in mediating the excitatory mossy fiber synaptic input. The relative proportions of prodynorphin-derived peptides concomitantly released with amino acids were also determined to further characterize the biochemical basis for mossy fiber synaptic transmission. Of the 18 amino acids shown to be present in superfusate fractions by liquid chromatographic analysis, only glutamate was released at a significantly enhanced rate from K+-stimulated (35 mM KCl) mossy fiber nerve endings. The rates of glutamate and aspartate release were increased by 360±27% and 54±12% over baseline respectively. However, the K+-evoked release of glutamate was substantially more Ca2+-dependent (80%) than was the release of aspartate (49%). The veratridine (45 M)-evoked release of both acidic amino acids was entirely blocked by 1 M tetrodotoxin. Depolarization (45 mM KCl) also stimulated the release of the four prodynorphin (Dyn) products examined, in a rank order of Dyn B >> Dyn A(1–17) > Dyn A(1–8) >> Dyn A(1–13), with Dyn B efflux increasing by more than 5-fold over baseline values. These results suggest that the predominant excitatory amino acid in hippocampal mossy fiber synaptic transmission may be glutamate and that this synaptic input may be modulated by at least four different products of prodynorphin processing.The animals involved in this study were procured, maintained and used in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals prepared by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources—National Research Council.  相似文献   

Trimethyltin (TMT) is a toxic alkyltin compound that is known to produce neuronal necrosis in the CNS. The present study examined the effects of TMT on the release of excitatory amino acids (EAA) from cortical slices prepared from adult and aged (24 months old) rats. The calcium dependence of TMT-induced EAA efflux was evaluated and compared to other neurotoxic agents. The actions of TMT were also evaluated in an astrocyte culture model to assess glial contributions to TMT-induced EAA efflux. TMT (10–1000 M) evoked a dose-related increase in GLU and ASP efflux during a 30 min incubation period and this efflux was sustained or slightly higher during a 15 min recovery period. TMT-stimulated GLU efflux was not altered in aged rats. TMT-induced GLU efflux was significantly reduced by removing extracellular calcium and including 10 M EGTA in the incubation media. Calcium channel blockers (nifedipine, verapamil, flunarizine, amiloride, neomycin) and MK-801 did not significantly attenuate TMT-induced GLU efflux. Diltiazem (25 M) produced modest but inconsistent reductions in TMT-induced GLU efflux from brain slices, and significantly inhibited the leakage of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from TMT-treated astrocyte cultures. TMT did not increase GLU efflux from glial cultures during a 30 min incubation period, but did significantly elevate GLU efflux during the 15 min recovery period. TMT evoked the release of EAA by both calcium dependent and independent mechanisms in brain slices. TMT at high concentrations also produced a delayed increase in glial GLU efflux. These studies suggest that excitotoxic mechanisms may contribute to TMT-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Glutamate and GABA are the major excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS. In the retina, it has been shown that glutamate and aspartate and their agonists kainate and NMDA promote the release of GABA. In the chick retina, at embryonic day 14 (E14), glutamate and kainate were able to induce the release of GABA from amacrine and horizontal cells as detected by GABA-immunoreactivity. NMDA also induced GABA release restricted to amacrine cell population and its projections to the inner plexiform layer (E14 and E18). Although aspartate reduced GABA immunoreactivity, specifically in amacrine cells of E18 retinas, it was not efficient to promote GABA release from retinas at E14. As observed in differentiated retinas, dopamine inhibited the GABA release promoted by NMDA and aspartate but not by kainate. Our data show that different retinal sites respond to distinct EAAs via different receptor systems.  相似文献   

Postnatal development of glutamate decarboxylase was studied in the rat cerebral cortex. Two methods were used: estimation of the enzymatic activity of glutamate decarboxylase in homogenates of developing cortical tissue and visualization of structures containing glutamate decarboxylase-like immunoreactivity. Glutamate decarboxylase-like immunoreactivity appeared first in perikarya and dendrites and only later in axons and axon varicosities. The most rapid increase in the glutamate decarboxylase activity took place during the second postnatal week and this coincided with a rapid increase in the density of axon varicosities containing glutamate decarboxylase-like immunoreactivity but preceded the most rapid phase in the formation of GABAergic synapses by several days. However, there was a change in the characteristics of glutamate decarboxylase which correlated with GABA synaptogenesis: two fractions of glutamate decarboxylase with different sensitivities to the activating effects of Triton X-100 could be distinguished as from about the time when most of the GABAergic synapses are formed.  相似文献   

1. Previous studies have shown that phorbol esters induce protein kinase C (PKC) mediated phosphorylation of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and change its interaction with vesamicol. However, it is not clear whether physiological activation of receptors coupled to PKC activation can alter VAChT behavior.2. Here we tested whether activation of kaianate (KA) receptors alters VAChT. Several studies suggest that the cholinergic amacrine cells display KA/AMPA receptors that mediate excitatory input to these neurons. In addition, KA in the chicken retina can generate intracellular messengers with the potential to regulate cellular functions.3. In cultured chicken retina (E8C11) KA reduced vesamicol binding to VAChT by 53%. This effect was potentiated by okadaic acid, a protein phosphatase inhibitor, and was totally prevented by BIM, a PKC inhibitor.4. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), but not -PMA, reduced in more than 85% the number of L-[3H]-vesamicol-specific binding sites in chicken retina, confirming that activation of PKC can influence vesamicol binding to chicken VAChT.5. The data show that activation of glutamatergic receptors reduces [3H]-vesamicol binding sites (VAChT) likely by activating PKC and increasing the phosphorylation of the ACh carrier.  相似文献   

We sought to determine in rat striatum whether the release of neurotransmitter amino acids aspartate (Asp), glutamate (Glu) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were affected by local neurons. To do so, unilateral microinjections of ibotenic acid, an excitotoxin that destroys local neurons without affecting fibers of passage, were made into the striatum. Release of endogenous amino acids from lesioned and intact striatal slices were measured by HPLC one week later. The effectiveness and specificity of the lesion were confirmed by measuring the enzyme activity associated with extrinsic dopamine neurons (tyrosine hydroxylase; 111±14%), intrinsic GABA neurons (glutamic acid decarboxylase; 19±7%) and intrinsic acetylcholine neurons (choline acetyltransferase; 37±10%). Destruction of local striatal neurons markedly attenuated the release of GABA (41±12% of control) elicited by depolarization with K+ (35 mM), but did not significantly reduce the K+-evoked release of Asp (80±17%) and Glu (92±8%). However, spontaneous release of Asp and Glu was significantly greater than that observed in unlesioned tissue (159±18% and 209±27%, respectively), while the spontaneous release of GABA was not significantly reduced (75±43%). Although release of the neurotransmitter amino acids Asp, Glu and GABA were affected by the lesion, the release of the non-neurotransmitter amino acid tyrosine was unaffected. These data are consistent with the hypotheses that: 1) the predominant source of releasable stores of endogenous Asp and Glu in the striatum arises from extinsic neurons, and 2) that the spontaneous release of Asp and Glu from axon terminals in the striatum may be regulated, at least in part, by local inhibitory neurons.  相似文献   

Brain cortex slices from diabetic rats incubated in Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate (KRB)-glucose medium show, compared to the normals, a 75% higher glutamine content. Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) added, at 0.5mM each, to this medium increase (53%) the glutamine content in the normal slices but have no effect on the glutamine content in the slices from diabetic rats. When the incubation medium is KRB-pyruvate, glutamine and glutamate contents are lower than in the KRB-glucose medium. The addition of BCAA in the KRB-pyruvate medium partially restores the contents of glutamine in the normal and of glutamine plus glutamate in the diabetic. Keto acids or BCAA added to the incubation medium of normal slices decrease the pool of most of the neutral and acidic amino acids but they do not affect this pool in slices from the diabetic rats. In addition keto acids increase the ratio glutamate in the tissue: glutamate in the medium.Abbreviations used BCAA branched chain amino acids - 3-OHB d,l-3-hydroxybutyrate - AcAc acetoacetate - KRB Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate  相似文献   

A number ofD-glutamyl andL-aspartyl dipeptides, glutathione, -D-glutamylglycine and -D-glutamyltaurine, were tested for their efficacy to displace ligands specific for different subtypes of excitatory amino acid receptors from rat brain synaptic membranes. In general, theL enanthiomorphs of -glutamyl peptides were more potent displacers than -D-glutamylglycine and-taurine but the latter were more specific for the quisqualate type of receptors. -L-glutamyl-L-glutamate was the most effective dipeptide in displacing the binding of glutamate, 2-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionate (AMPA) and 2-amino-5-phosphonoheptanoate (APH), whereas -L-glutamyl-L-aspartate was the most effective in the binding of kainate. Both oxidized and reduced glutathione were inhibitory, being most potent in the binding of AMPA. -L-Glutamylaminomethylsulphonate was most effective in the binding of APH. The most potent -L-glutamyl peptides (glutathione, -L-glutamyl-L-glutamate,-L-aspartate, and-glycine) may act as endogenous modulators of excitatory aminoacidergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

The role of l -aspartate as a classical neurotransmitter of the CNS has been a matter of great debate. In this study, we have characterized the main mechanisms of its depolarization-induced release from rat purified cerebrocortical synaptosomes in superfusion and compared them with those of the well-known excitatory neurotransmitter l -glutamate. High KCl and 4-aminopyridine were used as depolarizing agents. At 15 mM KCl, the overflows of both transmitters were almost completely dependent on external Ca2+. At 35 and 50 mM KCl, the overflows of l -aspartate, but not those of l -glutamate, became sensitive to dl -threo-β-benzyloxyaspartic acid ( dl -TBOA), an excitatory amino acid transporter inhibitor. In the presence of dl -TBOA, the 50 mM KCl-evoked release of l -aspartate was still largely external Ca2+-dependent. The dl -TBOA insensitive, external Ca2+-independent component of the 50 mM KCl-evoked overflows of l -aspartate and l -glutamate was significantly decreased by the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger blocker CGP 37157. The Ca2+-dependent, KCl-evoked overflows of l -aspartate and l -glutamate were diminished by botulinum neurotoxin C, although to a significantly different extent. The 4-aminopyridine-induced l -aspartate and l -glutamate release was completely external Ca2+-dependent and never affected by dl -TBOA. Superimposable results have been obtained by pre-labeling synaptosomes with [3H] d -aspartate and [3H] l -glutamate. Therefore, our data showing that l -aspartate is released from nerve terminals by calcium-dependent, exocytotic mechanisms support the neurotransmitter role of this amino acid.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitution models represent the substitution rates among amino acids during the evolution of protein sequences. The models are a prerequisite for maximum likelihood or Bayesian methods to analyse the phylogenetic relationships among species based on their protein sequences. Estimating amino acid substitution models requires large protein datasets and intensive computation. In this paper, we presented the estimation of both time-reversible model (Q.met) and time non-reversible model (NQ.met) for multicellular animals (Metazoa). Analyses showed that the Q.met and NQ.met models were significantly better than existing models in analysing metazoan protein sequences. Moreover, the time non-reversible model NQ.met enables us to reconstruct the rooted phylogenetic tree for Metazoa. We recommend researchers to employ the Q.met and NQ.met models in analysing metazoan protein sequences.  相似文献   

Using synaptosomes prepared from whole rat brain, the spontaneous, calcium-independent, and calcium-dependent release of glutamate and GABA was assessed. Time intervals of 1–30 seconds were studied. Spontaneous release of glutamate (but not GABA) was elevated by 10 M NMDA or AMPA by thirty seconds. This stimulation was partially calcium-dependent. Calcium-dependent release induced by 30 mM KCl was biphasic, confirming previous findings. This release was stimulated at all time periods by the presence of 10 M NMDA or AMPA in an antagonist-sensitive manner. These data suggest that glutamate and GABA are released from vesicular stores in rat synaptosomes and that some of this release is modulated by presynaptic glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

Using cultured cerebral cortical neurons at mature stages (9 days in culture, d.i.c.) it was demonstrated that glutamate, NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) and to a lesser extent KA (kainate) increase the intracellular cGMP concentration ([cGMP]i) whereas no such effect was observed after exposure of the cells of QA (quisqualate) and AMPA (2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl)propionate). No effect of glutamate, NMDA and KA was observed in immature neurons (2 d.i.c.). The pharmacology of these cGMP responses was investigated using the glutamate antagonists APV (2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate) with selectivity for NMDA receptors, CNQX (6-cyano-7-nitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione) with selectivity for non-NMDA receptors and the novel KA selective antagonists AMOA (2-amino-3-[3-(carboxymethoxy)-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl]propionate) and AMNH (2-amino-3-[2-(3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl)methyl-5-methyl-3-oxoisoxazolin-4-yl]propionate). In addition, the cytotoxicity of glutamate, NMDA and KA was studied and found to be enhanced by addition of the non-metabolizable cGMP analogue 8-Br-cGMP. On the contrary, the toxicity of QA and AMPA was not affected by 8-Br-cGMP. Pertussis toxin augmented the toxicity elicited by glutamate, NMDA, KA and QA but not that induced by AMPA. On the other hand, only glutamate and KA induced toxicity was potentiated by cholera toxin, which also enhanced the stimulatory effect of glutamate and NMDA but not that of KA on the cellular cGMP content. The toxicity as well as the effects on intracellular cGMP levels could be antagonized by the specific excitatory amino acid (EAA) antagonists. These results suggest that the mechanisms by which the various excitatory amino acids exert cytotoxicity are different, and that increased cGMP levels may participate in the mediation of glutamate, NMDA or KA induced toxicity but less likely in QA and AMPA mediated toxicity. Furthermore, G-proteins or other pertussis or cholera toxin sensitive entities seem to be involved in the cytotoxic action of all excitatory amino acids except AMPA.  相似文献   

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