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Generalist predators are potential controlagents of aphids in cereal fields. Becauseaphids are low-quality prey for most generalistpredators, the availability of alternativehigh-quality prey may influence theinteractions between aphids and their predatorsby reducing the predation rate due to loweredpreference for aphids. We analysed this bytesting the ability of six generalist predators(the spiders Erigone atra (Bl.), Clubiona lutescens (Westr.)/reclusaO.P.-C., Pachygnatha degeeri Sundevall,Pardosa prativaga (L.Koch), the carabidbeetle Bembidion lampros (Herbst), andthe harvestman Oligolophus tridens (C.L.Koch)) to suppress Rhopalosiphum padi(Linné) populations in the presence orabsence of alternative prey types (fruit fliesDrosophila melanogaster (Meigen) or thecollembolan Tomocerus bidentatus(Folsom)). Experiments of 10 days duration werecarried out in a microcosm set-up. Withoutalternative prey all predators except B.lampros were able to reduce aphid populationdevelopment significantly relative topredator-free controls. The harvest spider O. tridens was the most efficient predator(<90% reduction). Presence of alternativeprey (fruit flies) had a significant negativeeffect on aphid limitation by P. prativagaand a weak positive effect in B. lampros, but did not influence the ability to reduce aphids in E. atra, Clubiona, P. degeeri and O. tridens. In addition, 24-hours' consumption experiments with adult P. degeeri and subadult C. lutescens/reclusa, using R. padi and D. melanogaster as prey types, showed markedly lower consumption rates of aphid than of fruit fly prey. The microcosm arrangement is a simple way to partly simulate the habitat complexity of an agricultural field under laboratory conditions and proved to be a useful tool for investigating complex predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract  Lucerne ( Medicago sativa ) has been suggested as an ideal refuge habitat as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program because it harbours high numbers of beneficial arthropods. Whether or not cutting of lucerne encourages the movement of these beneficials into adjacent target crops is unknown. Vacuum samples were used to determine the effects of cutting lucerne on arthropod abundance (pests and predators) within lucerne and adjacent soybean ( Glycine max ) crops. Vacuum-sample collections of arthropods were conducted before and after lucerne cutting on seven occasions in four fields over two seasons. In the lucerne, 10 m by 1 m strips parallel to the crop interface were sampled at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 m from the interface. In the soybean, 10 m of row were sampled at the same distances from the crop interface. The abundance of predators in lucerne was reduced immediately after cutting at all distances from the interface. Predator abundance in soybean did not show any change. The cutting of lucerne significantly reduced pest numbers within the lucerne but had little effect on pest abundance in the adjacent soybean. The temporal pattern in pest and predator abundance was very different for each field sampled. Generally, arthropods decreased in abundance after cutting and gradually increased as the lucerne grew back. In soybeans, arthropod numbers fluctuated regardless of the cutting of the lucerne. Cutting of lucerne alone does not guarantee movement of predators into the adjacent target crop. The presence of lucerne fields within a cropping area may have some impact on regional predator populations, and so still be useful for IPM programs, but this has yet to be tested critically.  相似文献   

The importance of natural enemies as the foundation of integrated pest management (IPM) is widely accepted, but few studies conduct the manipulative field experiments necessary to directly quantify their impact on pest populations in this context. This is particularly true for predators. Studying arthropod predator–prey interactions is inherently difficult: prey items are often completely consumed, individual predator–prey interactions are ephemeral (rendering their detection difficult) and the typically fluid or soft‐bodied meals cannot be easily identified visually within predator guts. Serological techniques have long been used in arthropod predator gut‐contents analysis, and current enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are highly specific and sensitive. Recently, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for gut‐contents analysis have developed rapidly and they now dominate the diagnostic methods used for gut‐contents analysis in field‐based research. This work has identified trophic linkages within food webs, determined predator diet breadth and preference, demonstrated the importance of cannibalism and intraguild predation within and between certain taxa, and confirmed the benefits (predator persistence) and potential disadvantages (reduced feeding on pest species) of the availability of alternative nonpest prey. Despite considerable efforts to calibrate gut‐contents assays, these methods remain qualitative. Available techniques for predator gut‐contents analysis can provide rapid, accurate, cost‐effective identification of predation events. As such, they perfectly compliment the ecological methods developed to directly assess predator impacts on prey populations but which are imperfect at identifying the key predators. These diagnostic methods for gut‐contents analysis are underexploited in agricultural research and they are almost never applied in unison with the critical field experiments to measure predator impact. This paper stresses the need for a combined approach and suggests a framework that would make this possible, so that appropriate natural enemies can be targeted in conservation biological control.  相似文献   

Studies in polytunnels were conducted to investigate the effects of ultraviolet (UV)‐blocking films on naturally occurring insect pests and their arthropod natural enemies on a cucumber crop. Within tunnels clad with Antibotrytis (blocks light < 400 nm) and UVI/EVA (UV transmitting), 5.8 and 23.4 times more aphids, respectively, were recorded on traps compared with those on traps within tunnels clad with XL 385 (blocks light < 385 nm). When all plants within the UVI/EVA tunnels had become heavily infested with aphids, half of the plants in XL 385 tunnels were uninfested. More Coleoptera and thrips (approximately two times) were recorded under the UVI/EVA film than under the UV‐blocking films, but for other arthropod pests (e.g. whitefly, leafhoppers), clear conclusions could not be drawn as low numbers were recorded. Substantial numbers of chalcid parasitoids and syrphids were found under the UV‐blocking films, but further research is needed to evaluate fully the effect of such films on biological control of aphids. Higher syrphid numbers and more aphid mummies were recorded under the UVI/EVA film, probably because of the higher numbers of aphids present in tunnels clad with this film. The potential that UV‐blocking films have as an effective component of commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems, for protected horticultural crops, is discussed.  相似文献   

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