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Kinship relations within populations of unionicolid water mites are not well known, owing to their complex life cycles and the fact that interactions between active and resting stages for some species are transitory. A number of species of unionicolid water mites are, however, obligate symbionts of freshwater mussels and spend most of their life cycle in association with these hosts. Among these species of mites, parents and offspring are more likely to co-occur and thus provide opportunities to address questions related to the structure of the mating system. The present study employs random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to address kinship within populations of Unionicola foili living in symbiotic association with the host mussel Utterbackia imbecillis. DNA was amplified from adult mites and a representative number of eggs or larvae (n = 20-30) that were removed from mussels collected on three separate occasions (July, November, and March) over a 12-month period. Parsimony analyses of the molecular data for adults and progeny collected from mussels during July, November, and March revealed distinct groupings, that for the most part, corresponded to mites collected from each of the sampling periods. Many of the genetic markers obtained for male and female U. foili were not evident among the larvae or eggs, suggesting that adults obtained from a host mussel at the time of collection were not the parents of a majority of the progeny. However, female mites and eggs collected from mussels during March and November shared more markers than did females and progeny examined during July. Furthermore, many offspring in the July sampling period were found to have one or more parents absent from the sampled population. Overall, RAPD profiling appears to have limited usage in determining kinship within populations of U. foili, due to its recruitment patterns, and the relatively large number of adults and progeny per mussel. It may, however, prove to be a useful method for assessing genetic relatedness among unionicolid mussel-mites that have substantially lower population densities.  相似文献   

The host specificity and population genetic structure of the symbiotic water mites Unionicola foili from the host mussel Utterbackia imbecillis and Unionicola formosa from the mussels Pyganodon cataracta, Pyganodon grandis and Anodonta suborbiculata were examined over a broad geographical scale in order to determine the extent to which specialization by these water mites is structured geographically. The behavioural responses of U. foili and U. formosa were highly host-species specific, with adults of both species exhibiting negative phototaxis in the presence of a chemical factor from the species of mussel with which the mites had been associated in the field. The photobehaviour of these water mites in the presence of water from a non-host mussel varied depending on the species in question. Although U. foili from U. imbecillis exhibited negative phototaxis in water modified by A. suborbiculata, mites from this latter host did not exhibit a directional response in U. imbecillis water. Unionicola foili and U. formosa from A. suborbiculata were positively phototactic when they were exposed to water modified by either species of Pyganodon. The photoresponse of U. formosa from P. cataracta and P. grandis was positive in the presence of water modified by U. imbecillis and A. suborbiculta. However, these mussel-mites showed no directional response in water modified by their alternate species of Pyganodon. Unionicola foili and the host-associated populations of U. formosa were examined for allozyme variation at eight loci to determine the pattern and degree of genetic variation. There was a high degree of genetic differentiation when mite populations from the two species of Pyganodon were compared with U. foili or U. formosa from A. suborbiculata. These populational groupings were fixed for different alleles at two enzyme loci. The results of this study indicate that populations of U. formosa from P. cataracta and P. grandis are reproductively isolated from U. foili from U. imbecillis and from U. formosa from A. suborbiculata and contend that host specificity is an important mechanism in restricting gene flow among these populational groupings. Furthermore, this study indicates that specialization among unionicolid water mites can vary geographically, owing to differences in geographic distribution of available hosts and differences in host use.Exp Appl Acarol 22: 683697 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The importance of different senses in prey detection by the common water mite Unionicola carssipes was investigated.
2. Mechanoreception is likely to be the most important mode of detection; mites preferentially attacked vibrating over non-vibrating glass probes. The net-stance, a characteristic posture in which the mite raises its first two sets of legs from the substrate and orients toward vibrations in the water column, is assumed by U. crassipes when hunting.
3. Chemoreception may have a role in area-restricted search: mites exposed to prey-conditioned water were more sedentary than those exposed to unconditioned water. For a sit-and-wait predator like U. crassipes , remaining still in an area that contains prey will result in a greater predator/prey encounter rate. It is possible that contact chemoreception is used to determine the palatability of an already captured prey item, but mites did not attempt to capture prey they had touched unless the prey moved.
4. Vision is not necessary for prey capture; however, mites captured more prey in the light than in the dark. It is not clear whether this is because vision plays a part in prey detection or because prey behave differently in the two situations.  相似文献   

Unionicola formosa is a symbiotic water mite that passes most of its life cycle in the mantle cavity of freshwater mussels. Although mites of this genus are often referred to as parasitic, little is known about their nutritional biology. A few species reportedly pierce the gill of a host mussel and ingest tissue or hemolymph. The present study was undertaken to identify possible sources of nutrition for U. formosa. To determine if mites ingested particulate matter in the mucous strand produced by a mussel during feeding, mussels with resident mites were exposed to a suspension of fluorescent microspheres. There was no evidence that U. formosa ingested the beads. Histochemical staining did, however, indicate a mucous material present in the midgut of the mites. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic assays revealed a high molecular weight component, consistent with a mucopolysaccharide, present both in the mussel gill and the mites. Results from western blots and an immunoaffinity binding assay with antibodies against mussel gill tissue and hemolymph also indicated that mites ingested host tissue. Whereas U. formosa probably does not ingest particulate material acquired by its host's suspension feeding, it is apparent that this mite utilizes host mucus, gill tissue, or hemolymph for at least part of its nutrition.  相似文献   

Unionicola poundsi and U. lasallei are recognized as closely related, morphologically distinct species of water mites living in symbiotic association with the mussels Villosa villosa and Uniomerus declivus, respectively. However, results of a transplant experiment suggested that the morphological characters used to separate these species are plastic and are influenced by the host species in which these mites metamorphose. These results indicate that U. poundsi and U. lasallei are variants of the same species. To test the validity of these contrasting notions, the genetic structure of mite populations from Uniomerus declivus and V. villosa was compared. An examination of allozyme variation at 9 enzyme loci revealed a high degree of genetic differentiation between these host-associated populations, with mites from U. declivus and V. villosa being fixed for different alleles at 3 loci and exhibiting significant allele heterogeneity at 71% of their polymorphic loci. Coefficients of genetic similarity and genetic distance for mites from U. declivus and V. villosa were 0.36 and 0.95, respectively. The results of this study suggest that mite populations from U. declivus and V. villosa are genetically distinct and complement morphological data recognizing them as valid species.  相似文献   

This study examined whether ecoparasitic larval Unionicola foili exhibited a sex bias when infecting laboratory populations of the host insect Chironomus tentans and whether an association with male or female midges increased the likelihood of larval mites returning to the aquatic habitat. When laboratory populations of C. tentans were exposed to larval U. foili, there was a higher prevalence of mites among female hosts at emergence (17 of 30 males vs. 25 of 30 females infected by mites). However, there was no significant difference in the distribution or abundance of larvae among infected male (mean = 2.3 larvae per host) and female (mean = 2.6 larvae per host) midges. Larval mites parasitizing both male and female chironomids were more likely to return to water than could be expected by chance. Mite larvae infesting female C. tentans were more likely to return to water when female hosts deposited egg masses in water, suggesting that oviposition plays an important role in cueing larvae parasitizing female midges to detach. The mechanism responsible for increasing the likelihood that mites parasitizing male hosts return to water remains unclear. Future studies will address the possibility of parasite-mediated changes in host behavior.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence and specificity of host recognition behavior of adult and nymphal Unionicola formosa and the capability of adult mites to recolonize various mussel species were examined. Adult U. formosa aggregated on excised tissue from their host mussel, Anodonta imbecilis, in preference to that of two other species of mussels. Nymphs also exhibited an aggregation response to host tissue. A radioisotope (51Cr) technique was used to monitor the recolonization behavior of U. formosa. Adult female mites preferentially re-entered A. imbecilis rather than the sympatric mussel A. cataracta. The specificity of this behavior parallels the distribution of this water mite among potential bivalve hosts in the southeastern U.S. Host recognition by U. formosa may contribute to re-establishing contact with a host after accidental separation and probably helps to maintain mite-mussel symbioses. Whether or not larval U. formosa employ similar host recognition behavior while selecting a potential host has not as yet been determined.  相似文献   

中国蚌螨属支序分类分析(蜱螨亚纲:蚌螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择35个特征对我国蚌螨属15种的支序分析结果表明:蚌螨P-Ⅳ(胫节)端腹部的指状突是将它们聚集成两群的主要特征.今村蚌螨P-Ⅳ端腹部仅具有短矩,与外群最近,认为是我国的蚌螨属水螨中最原始的种类;雌螨前殖吸盘板的形态影响戊蚌螨亚属与多盘蚌螨亚属的种类聚类,由此推测可以将蚌螨P-Ⅳ端腹部的指状突与雌螨前殖吸盘板的形态也作为蚌螨亚属的区分特征.由于殖吸盘结构简单是祖征态之一,因此认为具有5对殖吸盘的邻近蚌螨比6对殖吸盘的厚蚌螨更原始.雌螨具有1对殖吸盘板的寄蚌螨亚属种类与沃蚌螨亚属种类在支序系统树中形成姊妹群,结果支持Vidrine 将沃蚌螨亚属从寄蚌螨亚属中分离的修订.  相似文献   

Water mites of Unionicola spp. are common parasites of freshwater mussels as adults, living on the gills, or mantle and foot of their hosts and using these tissues as sites of oviposition. The present study addresses specialization among North American Unionicola mussel-mites using 2 measures of host specificity: (1) the number of host species used by a species of mite; and (2) a measure that considers the taxonomic distinctness of the hosts utilized by mites, weighted for their prevalence in the different hosts. Results of this study indicate the Unionicola spp. mussel-mites are highly host specific, with most species occurring in association with 1 or 2 species of hosts. If 2 or more host species are utilized, they are typically members of the same genus. These data are consistent with studies examining the dispersal abilities and host recognition behavior for members of the group. When the average values of host specificity for Unionicola subgenera were mapped on a phylogenetic tree for these taxa, a clade comprised of gill mites appeared to be more host specific than a clade consisting of mantle mites. There were, however, no apparent patterns of host specificity within each of the clades. Differences in specificity between the 2 lineages may reflect either a long evolutionary history that gill mites have had with host mussels or the intense competition among gill mites for oviposition sites within unionid mussels, leading to increased host specialization.  相似文献   

报道蚌螨属Unionicola一新种。  相似文献   

RAPD analysis was applied to onion (Allium cepa) and otherAllium species in order to assess the degree of polymorphism within the genus and to investigate if this approach was suitable for genetic studies of onion. Seven cultivars ofA. cepa, including shallot, and single cultivars of Japanese bunching onion (A. fistulosum), chive (A. schoenoprasum), leek (A. ampeloprasum), and a wild relative of onion (A. roylei), were evaluated for variability using a set of 20 random 10-mer primers. Seven out of the twenty primers revealed scorable polymorphisms between cultivars ofA. cepa and these will be further evaluated for use in genetic mapping. Wide variations in banding profiles between species were observed with nearly every primer tested. These were assessed for use in systematic studies within the genus. Ninety-one band positions were scored (+/-) for all the cultivars studied. Genetic distances between each of the cultivars were calculated and cluster analysis was used to generate a dendrogram showing phylogenetic relationships between them. The resulting analysis was in broad agreement with previous classifications of the species studied, confirming the validity of the method. However, amongst the species studied, it placedA. roylei as the closest relative ofA. cepa, questioning the current classification of the former species in the section Rhizideum.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of eel genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eel family is a huge one, in which many kinds of eels especially some migratory eels, bear strong resemblance to each other, and are therefore difficult to be identified. In this study 29 random primers were used to make RAPD analysis for Japaneses eel (Anguilla japonica), European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and Pike eel (Muraenesox cinereus).And totally 299 fragments were counted.Shared or specific fragments were counted and genetic similarity or genetic distance were calculated.The genetic similarity between Japanese eel and Pike eel is 0.68 and the genetic distance between them is 0.32;those between European eel and Pike eel are 0.72 and 0.28 respectively,and between Japanese eel and European eel are 0.74 and 0.25 respectively.The method has been shown to be suitable to molecular identification of eels.It provides an alternative approach to determine the relationship between species.  相似文献   

记述了从我国浙江省淡水蚌中采到的蚌螨科Unionicolidae水螨1新种,壮肢蚌螨Unionicola(Anodontinatax)ischyropalpus sp.nov.,模式标本保存于南昌大学生物科学工程系。  相似文献   

The sex ratio of aUnionicola crassipes-type mite from a pond in Alberta, Canada, was found to be significantly female-biased at the time of adult emergence. Male mites emerged earlier, but were later surpassed in number by the females. This protandry seems more likely to be due to the smaller size of the males and hence their faster developmental rate than to any mating advatage the male mites gain by early emergence. It is possible that group selection acting on the productivity of mite colonies with different proportions of low-sex-ratio producers has selected for female-bias. Water mites are not known to exhibit any atypical modes of reproduction (e.g.arrhenotoky), nor is it known whether pre-adult maleU. crassipes have a greater mortality rate than females, so the mechanism behind the skewed ratio is not known.  相似文献   

王银东  熊邦喜 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):355-360
为了研究摇蚊科昆虫种群遗传的多样性,以促进对其资源的合理保护,以萨摩亚摇蚊Chironomus samoensisEdwards基因组DNA为模板,对摇蚊幼虫的RAPD扩增条件进行优化,建立了摇蚊幼虫RAPD扩增反应的最佳体系:按照利用优化的RAPD扩增条件进行研究,实验有着良好的重现性。用16个随机引物对3种摇蚊幼虫类群各10个个体进行RAPD扩增,其中萨摩亚摇蚊共扩增出78个条带,多态座位率为41.03%,Shannon遗传多样性指数为0.2570,群体内相似度为0.8730;红裸须摇蚊Propsilocerus akamusi(Tokunaga)共75个条带,多态座位率为44.0%,Shannon遗传多样性指数为0.2472,群体内相似度为0.8731;刺铗长足摇蚊Tanypus punctipennis(Fabricius)共67个条带,多态座位率为41.79%,Shannon遗传多样性指数为0.1943,群体内相似度为0.9066。聚类分析结果表明,刺铗长足摇蚊与红裸须摇蚊的亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to analyzed 78 samples comprises of certified reference materials (soya and maize powder), raw seeds (soybean and maize), processed food and animal feed. Combination assay of two arbitrary primers in the RAPD analysis enable to distinguish genetically modified organism (GMO) reference materials from the samples tested. Dendrogram analysis revealed 13 clusters at 45% similarity from the RAPD. RAPD analysis showed that the maize and soybean samples were clustered differently besides the GMO and non-GMO products.  相似文献   

野生稻和栽培稻的随机多态DNA(RAPD)分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用 RAPD方法对药用野生稻、普通野生稻、粳稻和籼稻进行基因组多态性分析。 1 2个随机引物共扩增出 1 3 2条 RAPD带 ,片段大小在 3 0 0~ 3 5 0 0 bp之间 ,其中有 1 0 6条表现出多态性 ,占总扩增片段的86.4%。根据遗传距离分析 ,用 UPGMA法构建了聚类树状图 ,结果表明 ,普通野生稻的遗传特性比药用野生稻更接近于栽培稻。  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiling of Legionella pneumophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiling of Legionella pneumophila by PCR can be used to provide a simple and efficient comparison of clinical and environmental isolates. RAPD profiling is quicker and cheaper to perform than restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) typing, eliminating the need for blotting, hybridization and detection. For some isolates, RAPD profiling is more discriminatory than RFLP typing, being able to distinguish between isolates with identical RFLP types.  相似文献   

RAPD markers were used to examine the degree of genetic variation within the putatively asexual basidiomycete fungus (Lepiotaceae: provisionally named Leucoagaricus gongylophorus) associated with the leaf-cutting ant species Atta cephalotes. We analyzed fungal isolates from ant nests in two geographically distant sites, two isolates from Panama and five isolates from Trinidad. Ten decamer primers were used to amplify total DNA from these seven fungal isolates, and RAPD banding patterns were compared. Genetic similarity among isolates was determined by pair-wise comparisons of the shared number of DNA bands on an agarose gel. There was considerable genetic variation among isolates of the symbiotic fungus even within sites. Pairs of fungal isolates from the two different sites shared an average of only 36% of the bands in their RAPD profiles, while pairs from the within sites shared an average of 72% of the bands. RAPD markers may be useful for further investigation of the genetic structure of the fungal symbiont within species of leaf-cutting ants.  相似文献   

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