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Cells that express the NG2 proteoglycan (NG2+ cells) comprise a unique population of glial cells in the central nervous system. While there is no question that some NG2+ cells differentiate into oligodendrocytes during development, the persistence of numerous NG2+ cells in the mature CNS has raised questions about their identity, relation to other CNS cell types, and functions besides their progenitor role. NG2+ cells also express the alpha receptor for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF αR), a receptor that mediates oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation during development. Antigenically, NG2+ cells are distinct from fibrous and protoplasmic astrocytes, resting microglia, and mature oligodendrocytes. Therefore, we propose the term polydendrocytesto refer to all NG2-expressing glial cells in the CNS parenchyma. This distinguishes them from the classical glial cell types and identifies them as the fourth major glial population in the CNS. Recent observations suggest that polydendrocytes are complex cells that physically and functionally interact with other cell types in the CNS. Committed oligodendrocyte progenitor cells arise from restricted foci in the ventral ventricular zone in both spinal cord and brain. It remains to be clarified whether there are multiple sources of oligodendrocytes, and if so whether polydendrocytes (NG2+ cells) represent progenitor cells of all oligodendrocyte lineages. Proliferation of NG2+ cells during early development appears to be dependent on PDGF, but the regulatory mechanisms that govern NG2+ cell proliferation in the mature CNS remain unknown. Pulse-chase labeling with bromodeoxyuridine indicates that polydendrocytes that proliferate in the postnatal spinal cord differentiate into oligodendrocytes. Novel experimental approaches are being developed to further elucidate the functional properties and differentiation potential of polydendrocytes.  相似文献   

The NG2 glycoprotein is a type I membrane protein expressed by immature cells in the developing and adult mouse. NG2+ cells of the embryonic and adult brain have been principally viewed as oligodendrocyte precursor cells but have additionally been considered a fourth glial class. They are likely to be a heterogeneous population. In order to facilitate studies on the function of NG2+ cells and to characterize these cells in situ, we generated an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) "knockin mouse." EYFP-expressing cells in heterozygous knockin mice expressed the NG2 protein in all regions and at all ages studied. The EYFP+ cells did not express markers of mature glia, developing or mature neurons or microglia, but expressed markers typical for immature oligodendrocyte-lineage cells. Examination of the hippocampus showed heterogeneity in the population with regard to expression of S100ss and glutamine synthetase. Furthermore, different subpopulations of NG2+ cells in the hippocampus could be recognized by their electrophysiological properties.  相似文献   

The function and origin of NG2+ cells in the adult brain are still controversial. A large amount of data is available which strongly indicates that adult NG2-expressing cells form a heterogeneous population, constituted by oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) and a fourth novel type of glial cells named the synantocytes. Whether these two populations derive from the progressive maturation of perinatal NG2+ OPCs or are generated as separate populations is not known. We used organotypic cultures of newborn mouse cerebellum depleted, by anti-mitotic drug treatment, of their NG2+ cells with perinatal features (high proliferating rate and high oligodendrocytic differentiation ability). In these cultures, despite the lack of myelin after 14 days in vitro, numerous NG2+ cells remained. We show that these BrdU-resistant cells were able to slowly divide, as adult NG2+ cells do. Although many of these cells expressed O4, only a very small fraction of them was further engaged in oligodendrocyte lineage, as they had an extremely poor capacity to generate myelin sheaths to the Purkinje cell axons. These results support the view that at least two distinct populations of NG2+ cells coexist in the cerebellum from birth: one with the young OPC characteristics, another with adult NG2+ cell characteristics. Thus, a fraction of adult NG2+ cells do not derive from the maturation of perinatal OPCs.  相似文献   

The NG2 proteoglycan is believed to be an in vivomarker for oligodendrocyte progenitors found in the developing brain. The prevalence of NG2-expressing cells that remain in the adult CNS following the end of gliogenesis is significant. Current research is focused on how this cell participates in the normal function of the adult CNS and whether it may be activated by injury and/or contribute to repair. Despite substantial evidence for a sub-population of NG2-expressing cells playing a glial progenitor role in the adult CNS, there is much to be learned. Specifically, the heterogeneity of this population has not been adequately addressed for the adult CNS and while NG2 cells continue to divide in the adult CNS it is not clear what function they serve once myelination is complete. Future studies should elucidate the functional importance of NG2 in a variety of cell functions and shed light on the role NG2-expressing cells play in the intact and diseasedCNS.  相似文献   

A Nishiyama 《Human cell》2001,14(1):77-82
There exists a significantly large population of glial cells in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) that can be identified by the expression of the NG2 proteoglycan. Cells that express NG2 (NG2 cells) are found in the developing and mature CNS and are distinct from neurons, astrocytes, microglia, and mature oligodendrocytes. They are often referred to as oligodendrocyte progenitor cells because of their ability to differentiate into oligodendrocytes in culture. However, the observation that a large number of NG2 cells persist uniformly and ubiquitously in the adult CNS and display a differentiated morphology is not entirely consistent with the notion that NG2 cells are all oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. The role of NG2 cells in oligodendrocyte regeneration and their non-progenitor role in the mature CNS are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

The molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex is populated by glial progenitors that express ionotropic glutamate receptors and extend numerous processes among Purkinje cell dendrites. Here, we show that release of glutamate from climbing fiber (CF) axons produces AMPA receptor currents with rapid kinetics in these NG2-immunoreactive glial cells (NG2+ cells) in cerebellar slices. NG2+ cells may receive up to 70 discrete inputs from one CF and, unlike mature Purkinje cells, are often innervated by multiple CFs. Paired Purkinje cell-NG2+ cell recordings show that one CF can innervate both cell types. CF boutons make direct synaptic junctions with NG2+ cell processes, indicating that this rapid neuron-glia signaling occurs at discrete sites rather than through ectopic release at CF-Purkinje cell synapses. This robust activation of Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors in NG2+ cells expands the influence of the olivocerebellar projection to this abundant class of glial progenitors.  相似文献   

Remyelination of primary demyelinated lesions is a common feature of experimental models of multiple sclerosis (MS) and is also suggested to be the normal response to demyelination during the early stages of MS itself. Many lines of evidence have shown that remyelination is preceded by the division of endogenous oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) in the lesion and its borders. It is suggested that this rapid response of OPCs to repopulate the lesion site and their subsequent differentiation into new oligodendrocytes is the key to the rapid remyelination. Antibodies to the NG2 chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan have proved exceedingly useful in following and quantitating the response of endogenous OPCs to demyelination. Here we review the literature on the response of NG2-expressing OPCs to demyelination and provide some new evidence on their response to the chronic inflammatory demyelinating environment seen in recombinant myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) induced experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in the DA rat. NG2-expressing OPCs responded to the inflammatory demyelination in this model by becoming reactive and increasing in number in a very focal manner. Evidence of NG2+OPCs in lesioned areas beginning to express the oligodendrocyte marker CNP was also seen. The response of OPCs appeared to occur following successive relapses but did not always lead to remyelination, with areas of chronic demyelination observed in the spinal cord. The presence of OPCs in the adult human CNS is clearly of vital importance for repair in multiple sclerosis (MS). As in rat tissue, the antibody labels an evenly distributed cell population present in both white and grey matter, distinct from HLA-DR+microglia. NG2+cells are sparsely distributed in the centre of chronic MS lesions. These cells apparently survive demyelination and exhibit a multi-processed or bipolar morphology in the very hypocellular environment of the lesion.  相似文献   

Yoon KJ  Koo BK  Im SK  Jeong HW  Ghim J  Kwon MC  Moon JS  Miyata T  Kong YY 《Neuron》2008,58(4):519-531
Notch signaling is critical for the stemness of radial glial cells (RGCs) during embryonic neurogenesis. Although Notch-signal-receiving events in RGCs have been well characterized, the signal-sending mechanism by the adjacent cells is poorly understood. Here, we report that conditional inactivation of mind bomb-1 (mib1), an essential component for Notch ligand endocytosis, in mice using the nestin and hGFAP promoters resulted in complete loss of Notch activation, which leads to depletion of RGCs, and premature differentiation into intermediate progenitors (IPs) and finally neurons, which were reverted by the introduction of active Notch1. Interestingly, Mib1 expression is restricted in the migrating IPs and newborn neurons, but not in RGCs. Moreover, sorted Mib1+ IPs and neurons can send the Notch signal to neighboring cells. Our results reveal that not only newborn neurons but also IPs are essential Notch-ligand-presenting cells for maintaining RGC stemness during both symmetric and asymmetric divisions.  相似文献   

C-6 glial cells were studied in culture with respect to morphological and biochemical changes under several experimental conditions. Doubling time was 33 hr for cells plated at either 0.5 or 1.0×106 cells per flask. Markedly reduced cell growth and astrocyte-like appearance were observed following dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DBcAMP) treatment. An inverse relationship between cell density and DNA, RNA, and protein content per cell was observed. AChE and BuChE activities were also inversely related to cell density, and treatment with DBcAMP increased enzyme activity, but did not alter the cell density relationship. Uptake of3H-norepinephrine also decreased with increasing cell density. In DBcAMP-treated cells,3H-NE uptake was markedly lower than in nontreated controls, and cortisol treatment decreased the uptake of3H-NE in DBcAMP-treated cells further still. We interpreted the foregoing changes to indicate that cellular activity is cell density-dependent.  相似文献   

Neuronal defect and loss are the main pathological processes of many central nervous system diseases. Cellular reprogramming is a promising method to supplement lost neurons. However, study on cellular reprogramming is still limited and its mechanism remains unclear. Herein, the effect of Neurod1 expression on differentiation of NG2 glia into neurons was investigated. In this study, we successfully isolated NG2 glial cells from mice prior to identification with immunofluorescence. Afterwards, AAV-Neurod1 virus was used to construct Neurod1 overexpression vectors in NG2 glia. Later, we detected neuronal markers expression with immunofluorescence and real time quantitative polymerase-chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Besides, expression of MAPK-signaling-pathway-related proteins were detected by western blotting technique. Through immunofluorescence and qRT-PCR techniques, we observed that Neurod1 overexpression contributed to NG2 cells differentiated into neurons. Further experiments also showed that Neurod1 overexpression induced the activation of MAPK pathway, but PD98059 (a selective inhibitor of MAPK pathway) partly inhibited the neuronal differentiation induced by Neurod1 overexpression. These findings suggest that Neurod1 could promote NG2 glia cells differentiating into neurons, wherein the mechanism under the differentiation is related to activation of MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

NG2(+) cells in the adult rat spinal cord proliferate after spinal cord injury (SCI) and are postulated to differentiate into mature glia to replace some of those lost to injury. To further study these putative endogenous precursors, tissue at 3 days after SCI or from uninjured adults was dissociated, myelin partially removed and replicate cultures grown in serum-containing or serum-free medium with or without growth factors for up to 7 days in vitro (DIV). Cell yield after SCI was 5-6 times higher than from the normal adult. Most cells were OX42(+) microglia/macrophages but there were also more than twice the normal number of NG2(+) cells. Most of these coexpressed A2B5 or nestin, as would be expected for glial progenitors. Few cells initially expressed mature astrocyte (GFAP) or oligodendrocyte (CC1) markers, but more did at 7 DIV, suggesting differentiation of glial precursors in vitro. To test the hypothesis that NG2(+) cells after SCI express progenitor-like properties, we prepared free-floating sphere and single cell cultures from purified suspension of NG2(+) cells from injured spinal cord. We found that sphere cultures could be passaged in free-floating subcultures, and upon attachment the spheres clonally derived from an acutely purified single cell differentiated into oligodendrocytes and rarely astrocytes. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that SCI stimulates proliferation of NG2(+) cells that are glial progenitor cells. Better understanding the intrinsic properties of the NG2(+) cells stimulated by SCI may permit future therapeutic manipulations to improve recovery after SCI.  相似文献   

Molecular studies have demonstrated that the murine AN2 antigen is the mouse homologue of the rat NG2 and human MCSP protein. The molecule is a single-pass transmembrane protein which carries a variable number of glyco- and glycosaminoglycan chains according to cell type and developmental stage. AN2/NG2 has two extracellular Laminin G-like domains which are classically involved in cell adhesion and recognition. It possesses a single PDZ binding motif in the short intracellular tail. The AN2/NG2 antigen is expressed by glial progenitor cells in developing and adult CNS and also by immature Schwann cells. Antibodies against AN2/NG2 inhibit the migration of antigen-positive cells in in vitroassays, suggesting that the molecule plays a role in migration. Many AN2/NG2-positive cells surround synapses in the developing and adult brain. A recently identified intracellular partner of AN2/NG2 is the glutamate receptor interacting protein GRIP, which binds to the GluRB subunit of the AMPA subclass of glutamate receptors. The AN2/NG2 protein may position AMPA receptors on perisynaptic glial cells towards active synapses by binding to a neuronal receptor. Many highly migratory neural tumors including melanomas express AN2/NG2. In the demyelinating disease Multiple Sclerosis, some patients synthesise antibodies against the protein. Such antibodies may play a pathological role by inhibiting the migration of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells to demyelinated axons thus blocking remyelination, as well as possibly interfering with glial neuronal signalling at synapses and nodes of Ranvier.  相似文献   

Glial cell processes are part of the synaptic structure and sense spillover of transmitter, while some glial cells can even receive direct synaptic input. Here, we report that a defined type of glial cell in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) receives excitatory glutamatergic synaptic input from the calyx of Held (CoH). This giant glutamatergic terminal forms an axosomatic synapse with a single principal neuron located in the MNTB. The NG2 glia, as postsynaptic principal neurons, establish synapse-like structures with the CoH terminal. In contrast to the principal neurons, which are known to receive excitatory as well as inhibitory inputs, the NG2 glia receive mostly, if not exclusively, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor–mediated evoked and spontaneous synaptic input. Simultaneous recordings from neurons and NG2 glia indicate that they partially receive synchronized spontaneous input. This shows that an NG2+ glial cell and a postsynaptic neuron share presynaptic terminals.  相似文献   

Chemical synaptic transmission provides the basis for much of the rapid signaling that occurs within neuronal networks. However, recent studies have provided compelling evidence that synapses are not used exclusively for communication between neurons. Physiological and anatomical studies indicate that a distinct class of glia known as NG2(+) cells also forms direct synaptic junctions with both glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons. Glutamatergic signaling can influence intracellular Ca(2+) levels in NG2(+) cells by activating Ca(2+) permeable AMPA receptors, and these inputs can be potentiated through high frequency stimulation. Although the significance of this highly differentiated form of communication remains to be established, these neuro-glia synapses might enable neurons to influence rapidly the behavior of this ubiquitous class of glial progenitors.  相似文献   

NG2-expressing glia (NG2 cells, polydendrocytes) appear in the embryonic brain, expand perinatally, and persist widely throughout the gray and white matter of the mature central nervous system. We have previously reported that NG2 cells generate oligodendrocytes in both gray and white matter and a subset of protoplasmic astrocytes in the gray matter of the ventral forebrain and spinal cord. To investigate the temporal changes in NG2 cell fate, we generated NG2creER?BAC transgenic mice, in which tamoxifen-inducible Cre is expressed in NG2 cells. Cre induction at embryonic day 16.5, postnatal day (P) 2, P30 and P60 in mice that were double transgenic for NG2creER?BAC and the Cre reporter revealed that NG2 cells in the postnatal brain generate only NG2 cells or oligodendrocytes, whereas NG2 cells in the embryonic brain generate protoplasmic astrocytes in the gray matter of the ventral forebrain in addition to oligodendrocytes and NG2 cells. Analysis of cell clusters from single NG2 cells revealed that more than 80% of the NG2 cells in the P2 brain give rise to clusters consisting exclusively of oligodendrocytes, whereas the majority of the NG2 cells in the P60 brain generate clusters that contain only NG2 cells or a mixture of oligodendrocytes and NG2 cells. Furthermore, live cell imaging of single NG2 cells from early postnatal brain slices revealed that NG2 cells initially divide symmetrically to produce two daughter NG2 cells and that differentiation into oligodendrocytes occurred after 2-3 days.  相似文献   

NG2 cells generate both oligodendrocytes and gray matter astrocytes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
NG2 glia constitute a fourth major glial cell type in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) that is distinct from other cell types. Although circumstantial evidence suggests that some NG2 glia differentiate into oligodendrocytes, their in vivo fate has not been directly examined. We have used the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) modification technique to generate transgenic mice that express DsRed or Cre specifically in NG2-expressing (NG2+) cells. In NG2DsRedBAC transgenic mice, DsRed was expressed specifically in NG2+ cells throughout the postnatal CNS. When the differentiation potential of NG2+ cells in vitro was examined using DsRed+NG2+ cells purified from perinatal transgenic brains, the majority of the cells either remained as NG2+ cells or differentiated into oligodendrocytes. In addition, DsRed+NG2+ cells also differentiated into astrocytes. The in vivo fate of NG2 glia was examined in mice that were double transgenic for NG2creBAC and the Cre reporter Z/EG. In the double transgenic mice, the Cre reporter EGFP was detected in myelinating oligodendrocytes and in a subpopulation of protoplasmic astrocytes in the gray matter of ventrolateral forebrain but not in fibrous astrocytes of white matter. These observations suggest that NG2+ cells are precursors of oligodendrocytes and some protoplasmic astrocytes in gray matter.  相似文献   

The mammalian CNS contains a ubiquitous population of glial progenitors known as NG2+ cells that have the ability to develop into oligodendrocytes and undergo dramatic changes in response to injury and demyelination. Although it has been reported that NG2+ cells are multipotent, their fate in health and disease remains controversial. Here, we generated PDGFαR-CreER transgenic mice and followed their fate in vivo in the developing and adult CNS. These studies revealed that NG2+ cells in the postnatal CNS generate myelinating oligodendrocytes, but not astrocytes or neurons. In regions of neurodegeneration in the spinal cord of ALS mice, NG2+ cells exhibited enhanced proliferation and accelerated differentiation into oligodendrocytes but remained committed to the oligodendrocyte lineage. These results indicate that NG2+ cells in the normal CNS are oligodendrocyte precursors with restricted lineage potential and that cell loss and gliosis are not sufficient to alter the lineage potential of these progenitors.  相似文献   

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