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季节性是北京植物景观的典型特征, 而个体物候是植物景观季节动态的基础。该研究基于北京植物园内120种落叶树种的周年物候数据, 对北京植物景观的物候季节动态进行分析。物候观测以中国物候观测法为标准, 采用a、b、c三级物候代码进行物候记录; 数据分析以二十四节气中的候(5日)为基本时间变量, 基于频率分布型法探究北京物候季节划分及其物候构成动态, 基于SPSS 20.0频数分布统计等探究各类物候现象发生期及持续期的时间分布特征等。物候季节划分及物候构成特征结果为: 6-19候为春, 物候期发生频数占全年总量的54.03%, 以发芽、展叶、开花为主要物候特征, 后期有少数树种结果; 20-45候为夏, 物候量占全年的12.95%, 此期全部观测树种完成展叶, 春花树种进入结果期, 并有较少夏花开放及秋色叶出现; 46-59候为秋, 物候量占全年的27.19%, 以秋色叶及落叶物候为主并伴有较少结果和开花物候发生; 60候至次年春季起始前为冬, 其中60-72候物候量仅占全年的0.6%, 全为落叶物候。各类物候期的时间分布特征如下: 展叶物候期分布于3-23候, 华北珍珠梅(Sorbaria kirilowii)、旱柳(Salix matsudana)等展叶最早, 展叶期平均持续3.27候。秋色物候期分布于40-63候, 49-56候为最佳观赏期, 蒙椴(Tilia mongolica)、山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)等最早显秋色; 秋色期平均持续8.2候, 卫矛(Euonymus alatus)、接骨木(Sambucus williamsii)等秋色期较长。叶幕期平均持续44.2候, 糯米条(Abelia chinensis)、旱柳、棣棠(Kerria japonica)等叶幕期最长。花物候期分布于1-53候, 始花期为1-41候, 盛花期平均发生于始花后1.81候, 8-23候为集中观赏期, 蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox)、迎春(Jasminum nudiflorum)、榆(Ulmus pumila)、毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)等开花最早, 木香薷(Elsholtzia stauntoni)开花最晚; 花期平均持续 6.7候, 华北珍珠梅、木槿(Hibiscus syriacus)、紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)等夏秋开花树种花期最长。果物候期分布于8-59候, 榆、郁香忍冬(Lonicera fragrantissima)等果实成熟最早; 持果期平均持续29.0候, 果实宿存树种及黑果荚蒾(Viburnum melanocarpum)、‘金叶’风箱果(Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’)等具有较长的果实观赏期。与20世纪80年代同类研究结果对比分析, 北京2017年的物候季节与30年前相比, 入春提早1候, 夏季延长4候, 入秋延后3候, 秋季缩短2候, 且不同季节持续期长短的差距加大。  相似文献   

北半球气候变暖导致植被春季物候开始日期显著提前,温度对春季物候的促进作用是一个过程事件而非瞬时事件,且存在空间差异。该研究在以前研究的基础上,进一步分析温度对植被物候的作用方式,并探讨春季物候温度敏感性的空间特征及影响因素。利用GIMMS3g卫星植被指数产品,采用5种方法提取1982–2009年植被春季物候,并结合格网气象数据计算植被春季物候的温度敏感性,着重分析自然植被春季物候温度敏感性与环境因素的关系。结果表明,温度是北半球植被春季物候的主要制约因素,54%的像元显示温度最大效应发生在物候开始当月和之前一个月。温度主导的春季物候的像元中,91.3%的像元指示早春温度对物候开始的促进作用。植被春季物候的温度敏感性存在空间异质性,随着区域环境因素的不同,年际温度标准差、累积降水量和辐射对植被春季物候温度敏感性都具有各自或协同的调控作用。  相似文献   

郑州主要植物春季物候变化及其对气温变化的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1983—2004年期间郑州市的物候和气温资料,分析了郑州市4种木本植物和2种草本植物的春季物候变化趋势及其对气温变化的响应。结果表明,自1983年以来,郑州春季主要植物物候呈偏早趋势,其物候变化具有同步性和顺序性的基本特征。郑州主要植物始花期与早春(3—4月)平均气温的相关性达到极显著,而毛白杨和垂柳2种植物始花期与冬季平均气温的关系也达到极显著; 代表性植物的始花期随3—4月平均气温的升高而提前,气温每升高1 ℃,刺槐、垂柳、蒲公英和车前始花期分别提前4.17、3.69、8.16和13.0 d。此外,始花前4旬是始花期对气温变化反应最敏感的时间段。  相似文献   

利用1990至2009期间的东北三省46个农业气象台站的观测记录,通过计算玉米出苗期、成熟期和生育期长度等物候期特征的年变化率(θ),分析了气候变化背景下东北三省玉米物候期对生长季气温条件变化的响应特征。结果表明:(1)研究期间,东北三省大部分地区5月和9月均温都出现了上升趋势,温度生长期天数持续增加;(2)在气候增温背景下,玉米主要物候期均出现了不同程度的变化与响应,其中出苗期表现为提前态势(0.02< θ < 0.15 d/a)、成熟期推迟(0.18< θ < 0.38 d/a)和生育期长度增长(0.22< θ < 0.44 d/a)的趋势,生育期长度的增加反映了为了充分利用增温带来的适宜发育期,作物熟型从中早熟型调整为中晚熟型的适应过程;(3)由于种植区的空间差异,物候期的响应和变化亦体现出区域差异,其中松嫩平原北部、吉林省中东部和辽宁省中部的响应关系较为明显。总体上,东北三省生长季气温条件变化使作物生长期内温度适宜程度偏好,有利于早种晚收、生育期长的玉米品种。  相似文献   

近40年沈阳城市森林春季物候与全球气候变暖的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1960-2005年期间,沈阳气候受全球气候变暖的影响,年平均气温总体呈上升趋势,气温升幅为0.96℃,但以1982年为界,1960-1982年为偏冷阶段,气温降幅最大值为1.95 ℃:1983-2005年为偏暖阶段,气温升幅最大值为1.60 ℃.一年四季气温处于上升阶段,以冬、春季气温升幅最大,分别为2.3 ℃和1.35℃.城市森林主要树种的春季物候期,在气候偏冷阶段,春季物候期出现较晚,而在偏暖阶段,春季物候期提前发生.同时,物候春季开始日期与结束日期有密切的同步相关性,并与物候季节节奏的长短呈负相关.树木萌动期早晚与冬季和早春气温高低呈显著的负相关,冬春季气温越高,芽萌动越提前.展叶早晚主要受展叶前的春季气温高低的影响,与冬季气温相关性不显著.始花前2-8旬,特别是2-14旬气温对始花期影响最显著.寒冷指数(CI)与树木芽萌动期、展叶始期呈显著正相关,而与开花始期相关性不显著.预测了CO2倍增和气温升高条件下,沈阳城市森林主要树种的萌动期、展叶始期和开花始期分别提前40.41、43.08和24.13 d.  相似文献   

1960-2005年期间,沈阳气候受全球气候变暖的影响,年平均气温总体呈上升趋势,气温升幅为0.96℃,但以1982年为界,1960-1982年为偏冷阶段,气温降幅最大值为1.95℃;1983-2005年为偏暖阶段,气温升幅最大值为1.60℃。一年四季气温处于上升阶段,以冬、春季气温升幅最大,分别为2.3℃和1.35℃。城市森林主要树种的春季物候期,在气候偏冷阶段,春季物候期出现较晚,而在偏暖阶段,春季物候期提前发生。同时,物候春季开始日期与结束日期有密切的同步相关性,并与物候季节节奏的长短呈负相关。树木萌动期早晚与冬季和早春气温高低呈显著的负相关,冬春季气温越高,芽萌动越提前。展叶早晚主要受展叶前的春季气温高低的影响,与冬季气温相关性不显著。始花前2—8旬,特别是2—4旬气温对始花期影响最显著。寒冷指数(CI)与树木芽萌动期、展叶始期呈显著正相关,而与开花始期相关性不显著。预测了CO2倍增和气温升高条件下,沈阳城市森林主要树种的萌动期、展叶始期和开花始期分别提前40.41、43.08和24.13d。  相似文献   

额尔古纳左旗位于内蒙古自治区的的东北部,处于东经120°12′~122°55′,北纬50°22′~52°30′之间,总面积19,929平方公里,平均海拔高度1,000米,年降水量在450毫米左右,年平均温度为-5.5℃,属寒温带湿润型的森林气候,并具有大陆性季风气候的某些特征。冬长无夏,春秋相连。这里是大兴安岭腹地,我国重要的木材生产基地之一,也是一个广阔的天  相似文献   

全先奎  王传宽 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4538-4546
兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii Rupr.)作为欧亚北方森林的优势树种,在全球变化和区域碳平衡研究中具有重要作用,但其物候和光合能力在环境变化下的响应是一种表型驯化还是基因调控下的适应还不清楚。于2009—2011年生长季内在帽儿山森林生态系统研究站(45°24'N,127°40'E)测定了6个来自不同气候条件(纬度:48—52°N,年均温:-2.3—2.6℃)下的兴安落叶松种源在同质园内的32年生树木的叶片物候(4—10月)和光合能力季节动态(5—9月)。结果表明:6个种源的树木叶片的展叶和落叶起始日期均无显著差异,均在4月下旬展叶、在9月下旬开始落叶,2009年、2010年和2011年的生长季天数分别波动在150—153 d、145—147 d和148—151 d之间。6个种源树木叶片展叶起始日期和春季展叶前0℃积温均显著负相关,而落叶起始日期和秋季均温均显著正相关(P0.05)。这表现出物候对环境变化的表型驯化效应。最大净光合速率(Pmax)的季节动态具有明显的种源差异。来自于较高纬度的塔河、根河、中央站种源的Pmax仅在生长季初期(5—6月)明显低于其各自的年均值,而在其他生长阶段则在年均值以上;来自较低纬度的鹤北和乌伊岭种源的Pmax仅在生长盛期(8月)明显高于其各自年均值,而在其他阶段则处于年均值以下。6个种源树木Pmax和生长季均温均显著正相关(P0.01),且来自较高纬度的中央站、根河、三站种源树木Pmax随温度升高的增幅程度明显高于其他种源树木。在每个生长阶段Pmax均存在显著的种源差异(P0.05),并且差异趋势随生长季进程而有所不同:中央站种源在每个生长阶段都具有最高的Pmax,而根河、塔河、乌伊岭分别在生长季初期(5—6月)、中期(7月)和盛期(8月)、后期(9月)具有最小Pmax。这些光合能力的差异是基因调控下的树木对种源原地气候条件长期适应的结果。兴安落叶松的物候可塑性和光合能力遗传适应性对其能够在广阔多样的生境中生存和繁衍具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王明  桑卫国 《生态科学》2020,39(1):164-175
根据2003-2014年气象数据和暖温带3种乔木(辽东栎、五角枫和核桃楸)和3种灌木(土庄绣线菊、毛叶丁香和六道木)的物候观测数据资料, 采用气候倾向率和回归分析等方法, 观察乔木和灌木物候变化特征的差异, 分析温度、降水以及乔木、灌木的物候变化趋势, 同时对气象因子与乔木和灌木物候期的相关关系进行研究。结果表明: ①研究期间, 北京东灵山平均气温呈不显著的上升趋势, 气候倾向率为0.200℃·10a–1, 春季(3–5月)和夏季(6-8月)温度显著上升; 降水量呈下降趋势, 平均减少71.630 mm·10a–1, 总体呈暖、干的趋势。②3种乔木的生长季长度都缩短, 辽东栎、五角枫和核桃楸平均生长季长度分别缩短50.70 d·10 a–1、29.83 d·10a–1和22.36 d·10a–1。3种灌木的生长季长度也都缩短, 土庄绣线菊、毛叶丁香和六道木的平均生长季长度分别缩短42.55 d·10a–1、42.76 d·10a–1和38.15 d·10a–1。乔木和灌木的物候变化趋势相同, 整体表现为春季物候推迟, 秋季物候提前, 生长季长度都缩短且生长季长度相差不大。乔木和灌木都表现出芽期推迟最明显, 每10年推迟达19天以上。③乔木和灌木各物候期与气温总体表现为负相关, 即气温升高, 物候期提前, 其相关性显示出夏季(6-8月)温度对植被物候期影响较大, 夏季温度与各物候期表现为正相关, 即夏季温度升高, 物候期推迟。同时乔木和灌木与总体降水没有明显的相关关系, 但秋季物候与不同时段降水表现不同的相关性, 由此可知夏季温度变化对木本植物春季物候(出芽期、展叶期和首花期)的影响更大, 而秋季物候(叶变色期和落叶期)受温度和降水共同影响。  相似文献   

近20年青藏高原东北部禾本科牧草生育期变化特征   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
利用1988—2010年青藏高原东北部地区5个站点牧草生育期地面观测数据,分析了近20年代表性牧草返青、开花、黄枯期及生长季的变化趋势,并通过偏相关分析探讨了气温和降水对牧草生育期的关系。结果表明,近20年青藏高原东北部牧草生育期北部推迟南部提前的特征明显。南部的三江源区域返青、开花与黄枯期总体呈显著提前趋势,其中曲麻莱羊茅返青期提前的倾向率达到-4 d/10 a,开花期为-13 d/10 a,黄枯期达到-9 d/10 a,且均通过0.01的显著性检验水平。北部环青海湖区域的海北西北针茅生育期则表现出一定的推迟趋势。生长季长度北部地区延长,而南部除甘德(垂穗披碱草)外均呈明显缩短趋势。近20 a黄枯期的变化幅度明显大于返青期,使得生长季长度的变化更多地受黄枯期变化的影响。1月和3月气温是影响研究区牧草返青最主要的气候因子,气温增高返青提前。开花期南北差异明显,北部与同期气温呈明显负相关关系,南部则主要与开花前2—3个月的降水量密切相关,降水增多大部地区开花期提前。此外,降水也是各地牧草黄枯的主要影响因子。  相似文献   

气候变化对内蒙古草原典型植物物候的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自然物候期是气候变化最直观的植物信号记录,自然物候变化是气候与自然环境变化的综合指标。基于1983—2009年内蒙古草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原区典型植物马兰草、霸王、贝加尔针茅和羊草生长期物候观测资料和同时段的气象观测资料,利用数理统计等方法,分析了不同草原区典型植物物候期与气候要素间的相互关系,结果表明:(1)1983—2009年内蒙古草原区植物物候期总体呈提前趋势,但地域差异明显,典型草原区植物萌芽返青、开花及黄枯期等物候提早趋势最为明显,说明不同草原区植物物候对气候变暖的区域响应不同。(2)内蒙古草原区植物物候期与气候变化密切相关。春季3—5月累积气温与植物萌芽返青期和开花期呈显著负相关,与日照时数为正相关,降水量对其影响不同草原区差异较大。荒漠草原和典型草原区植物黄枯期早晚与黄枯前1—2个月平均气温呈显著负相关,草甸草原区植物黄枯期与前1—2个月的降水量和日照时数有关,与气温关系不显著。(3)随着气候变暖,马兰草生长期缩短,霸王、贝加尔针茅和羊草生长期延长,其中典型草原区主要植物针茅生长季延长趋势最为明显,荒漠草原次之,草甸草原延长最少。  相似文献   

Various indications for shifts in plant and animal phenology resulting from climate change have been observed in Europe. This analysis of phenological seasons in Germany of more than four decades (1951–96) has several major advantages: (i) a wide and dense geographical coverage of data from the phenological network of the German Weather Service, (ii) the 16 phenophases analysed cover the whole annual cycle and, moreover, give a direct estimate of the length of the growing season for four deciduous tree species. After intensive data quality checks, two different methods – linear trend analyses and comparison of averages of subintervals – were applied in order to determine shifts in phenological seasons in the last 46 years. Results from both methods were similar and reveal a strong seasonal variation. There are clear advances in the key indicators of earliest and early spring (?0.18 to ?0.23 d y?1) and notable advances in the succeeding spring phenophases such as leaf unfolding of deciduous trees (?0.16 to ?0.08 d y?1). However, phenological changes are less strong during autumn (delayed by + 0.03 to + 0.10 d y?1 on average). In general, the growing season has been lengthened by up to ?0.2 d y?1 (mean linear trends) and the mean 1974–96 growing season was up to 5 days longer than in the 1951–73 period. The spatial variability of trends was analysed by statistical means and shown in maps, but these did not reveal any substantial regional differences. Although there is a high spatial variability, trends of phenological phases at single locations are mirrored by subsequent phases, but they are not necessarily identical. Results for changes in the biosphere with such a high resolution with respect to time and space can rarely be obtained by other methods such as analyses of satellite data.  相似文献   

Using phenological and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data from 1982 to 1993 at seven sample stations in temperate eastern China, we calculated the cumulative frequency of leaf unfolding and leaf coloration dates for deciduous species every 5 days throughout the study period. Then, we determined the growing season beginning and end dates by computing times when 50% of the species had undergone leaf unfolding and leaf coloration for each station year. Next, we used these beginning and end dates of the growing season as time markers to determine corresponding threshold NDVI values on NDVI curves for the pixels overlaying phenological stations. Based on a cluster analysis, we determined extrapolation areas for each phenological station in every year, and then implemented the spatial extrapolation of growing season parameters from the seven sample stations to all possible meteorological stations in the study area. Results show that spatial patterns of growing season beginning and end dates correlate significantly with spatial patterns of mean air temperatures in spring and autumn, respectively. Contrasting with results from similar studies in Europe and North America, our study suggests that there is a significant delay in leaf coloration dates, along with a less pronounced advance of leaf unfolding dates in different latitudinal zones and the whole area from 1982 to 1993. The growing season has been extended by 1.4–3.6 days per year in the northern zones and by 1.4 days per year across the entire study area on average. The apparent delay in growing season end dates is associated with regional cooling from late spring to summer, while the insignificant advancement in beginning dates corresponds to inconsistent temperature trend changes from late winter to spring. On an interannual basis, growing season beginning and end dates correlate negatively with mean air temperatures from February to April and from May to June, respectively.  相似文献   

草地生态系统是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在调节气候、水土保持、防风固沙、保护生物多样性等方面发挥着重要作用。青藏高原是全球海拔最高的独特地域单元,平均海拔超过4000 m,素有“世界第三极”之称,亦是我国重要的生态安全屏障,其对气候变化敏感且易受人类活动的影响,属于气候变化敏感区和生态脆弱带。近年来,由于气候变化和人类活动的不断加剧,青藏高原区域气候和环境发生了重大变化,气候变暖、水污染、草地退化和沙化等问题已严重阻碍了当地社会经济的可持续发展。高寒草地是青藏高原主要的植被类型,在气候变化和人类活动加剧的背景下,青藏高原高寒草地植被的动态变化受到人们的广泛关注。归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI)因能有效地反映植被覆盖程度和生长状况而被广泛应用于植被动态的研究中。气温与降水被认为是影响青藏高原植被动态的主要气候因子,放牧强度与人口数量则是主要人为因子。因此,研究高寒草地植被对气候变化和人类活动的响应机制对预测未来草地变化有着重要的意义。基于青藏高原生长季草地的NDVI、气温、降水、放牧强度及人口数量等数据,在县区尺度上,采用趋势分析法探究了1982—2013年青藏高原143个县区生长季草地NDVI动态变化、气候变化及人类活动的变化,同时采用面板数据模型分析了32年来青藏高原143个县区气候、人为因子变化对草地NDVI变化的相对贡献。研究结果显示:(1)青藏高原高寒草地生长季NDVI总体呈增长趋势,草地植被生长状态呈现“整体改善、局部退化”趋势;(2)青藏高原生长季平均气温与降水量整体增加,气候呈现“暖湿化”趋势;(3)在长时间尺度上,气候因子主导了青藏高原高寒草地NDVI的变化,降雨和气温的增加促进草地NDVI的增加,放牧强度的持续增加则导致草地NDVI的减少。  相似文献   

Climate and weather affect phenological events in a wide range of taxa, and future changes might disrupt ecological interactions. Amphibians are particularly sensitive to climate, but few studies have addressed climatically mediated change in the phenology of closely related species or sexes. Here, we test the hypothesis that changes in spring temperatures result in phenological change among Triturus, and we examine inter‐ and intraspecific differences in response. Coexisting populations of Triturus helveticus and Triturus vulgaris at Llysdinam pond in mid‐Wales (53°12′59″N 3°27′3″W) were monitored using pitfall traps along a drift fence during 1981–1987, and again in 1997–2005. Spring temperature over the same period explained up to 74% of between‐year variability in median arrival date, with a significant advance of 2–5 days with every degree centigrade increase. Changes were greater for males than females of both species, and greater for T. helveticus than T. vulgaris within sexes, resulting in an increasing temporal separation between arrivals of male T. helveticus and all other groups. These data illustrate for the first time how climatic change might have differential effects on sympatric species and on the two sexes.  相似文献   

Introducing climate quotients for the growing season (Qgs) provides a way to quantify effects of climate trends with respect to Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV), especially beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Central Germany. What is crucial in this regard is the great influence of the dominant decrease in the amount of precipitation (up to 40% in the last 50 years) during the growing season versus the dormant season. However, precipitation during the dormant season (which is predominantly increasing: up to 40% in the last 50 years) is also important for replenishing the soil water supply. The Qgs values of the Climatic Normal period of 1971–2000 are generally higher (up to 12% in lowland areas) compared with the Climatic Normal period of 1961–1990, the extent of the difference being in general inversely proportional to elevation above sea level. What this means for the area under investigation is that humidity conditions, which generally improve as the elevation above sea level increases, have a positive effect on the site potential. However, a comparison of the climatologically important period of 1991–2003 with the period of 1961–1990 (area-wide increase between 12% and 16%) could not identify this positive effect of elevation on precipitation for the area under investigation. With regard to the recent climate-based trends of PNV, we have shown that all natural spatial units in Central Germany are affected by progressing continentality (i.e., dryness) during the growing season and the resulting deterioration of the site potential. The area of potential beech forest at lower elevation has decreased in favour of oak forest as PNV, while less change is observed in the montane area.  相似文献   



To determine the palaeoecological influences of climate change and human land use on the spatial distribution patterns of Polylepis woodlands in the Andes.


Tropical Andes above 2,900 m between 2°S and 18°S of latitude.


Pollen and charcoal data were gathered from 13 Andean lake sediment records and were rescaled by the maximum value in each site. The rescaled pollen data were used to estimate a mean abundance and coefficient of variation to show woodland expansions/contractions and woodland fragmentation over the last 20,000 years. The rescaled charcoal was displayed as a 200‐year moving median using 500‐year bins to infer the influence of fire on woodland dynamics at landscape scale. Pollen and charcoal were compared with speleothem, clastic flux and archaeological data to assess the influence of moisture balance, glacial activity and human impact on the spatial distribution of Polylepis woodlands.


Woodland expansion and fire were correlated with precipitation changes and glacier dynamics from c. 20 to 6 kcal bp (thousands of calibrated years before present). Charcoal abundances between 20 and 12 kcal bp were less common than from 12 kcal bp to modern. However, human‐induced fires were unlikely to be the main cause of a woodland decline centred at 11 kcal bp , as woodlands recovered from 10.5 to 9.5 kcal bp (about twofold increase). Charcoal peaks analogous to those that induced the woodland decline at 11 kcal bp were commonplace post‐9.5 kcal bp but did not trigger an equivalent woodland contraction. An increase in the coefficient of variation after c. 5.5 kcal bp suggests enhanced fragmentation and coincided with the shift from logistic to exponential growth of human populations. Over the last 1,000 years, Polylepis became hyper‐fragmented with over half of sites losing Polylepis from the record and with coefficients of variation paralleling those of glacial times.

Main conclusions

Polylepis woodlands formed naturally patchy woodlands, rather than a continuous vegetation belt, prior to human occupation in the Andes. The main factors controlling pre‐human woodland dynamics were precipitation and landscape heterogeneity. Human activity led to hyper‐fragmentation during the last c. 1,000 years.  相似文献   

北京城区花粉致敏植物种类、分布及物候特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了解北京城区花粉致敏植物的种类、分布格局和物候特征,结合文献调研及专家访问,对北京5环以内的花粉致敏植物进行了调查.结果表明:1)北京城区五环内共有致敏花粉植物19科32属99种,其中北京本地种52种,占总数的52.5%,国内其他地区引进种和国外引进种各占总数的26.3%和21.2%;2)北京城区32属花粉致敏植物以北温带成分为主,占40.6%,其次是世界性分布与泛热带分布;3)公园内的花粉致敏植物种数最多,行道树种中花粉致敏植物的比例最高.北京城区各功能区中花粉强致敏草本的盖度,从大到小的顺序是城市废弃地>体育中心及机关单位>道路绿地>公园>居民区>学校>广场;4)北京城区木本花粉致敏植物的花期主要集中在3—4月,草本在7—9月.  相似文献   

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