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Enterococcus faecalis plasmid pAD1 is a 60-kb conjugative, low-copy-number plasmid that encodes a mating response to the peptide sex pheromone cAD1 and a cytolytic exotoxin that contributes to virulence. Although aspects of conjugation have been studied extensively, relatively little is known about the control of pAD1 maintenance. Previous work on pAD1 identified a 5-kb region of DNA sufficient to support replication, copy control, and stable inheritance (K. E. Weaver, D. B. Clewell, and F. An, J. Bacteriol. 175:1900-1909, 1993), and recently, the pAD1 replication initiator (RepA) and the origin of vegetative replication (oriV) were characterized (M. V. Francia, S. Fujimoto, P. Tille, K. E. Weaver, and D. B. Clewell, J. Bacteriol. 186:5003-5016, 2004). The present study focuses on the adjacent determinants repB and repC, as well as a group of 25 8-bp direct repeats (iterons with the consensus sequence TAGTARRR) located between the divergently transcribed repA and repB. Through mutagenesis and trans-complementation experiments, RepB (a 33-kDa protein, a member of the ParA superfamily of ATPases) and RepC (a protein of 14.4 kDa) were shown to be required for maximal stabilization. Both were active in trans. The iteron region was shown to act as the pAD1 centromere-like site. Purified RepC was shown by DNA mobility shift and DNase I footprinting analyses to interact in a sequence-specific manner with the iteron repeats upstream of the repBC locus. The binding of RepC to the iteron region was shown to be modified by RepB in the presence of ATP via a possible interaction with the RepC-iteron complex. RepB did not bind to the iteron region in the absence of RepC.  相似文献   

The enterococcal, conjugative, cytolysin plasmid pAD1 confers a mating response to the peptide sex pheromone cAD1 secreted by plasmid-free strains of Enterococcus faecalis. Cells carrying pAM714, a pAD1::Tn917 derivative with wild-type conjugation properties, were mutagenized with ethyl methanesulfonate to obtain variants that were induced (in the absence of pheromone) to transfer plasmid DNA upon shifting from 32 to 42 degrees C. Of 31 such mutants generated, the results of analyses of 7 are presented in detail. All seven strains were thermosensitive in the E. faecalis host FA2-2; colony morphology, clumping, and DNA transfer correlated well with each other at the two temperatures. In the nonisogenic host E. faecalis OG1X, however, only one derivative (pAM2725) exhibited correlation of all three traits at both temperatures. Three (pAM2700, pAM2703, and pAM2717) clumped and had colonies characteristic of pheromone-induced cells at 32 degrees C but transferred plasmid DNA at a higher frequency only at the elevated temperature. The other three (pAM2708, pAM2709, and pAM2712) were derepressed at both temperatures for all three characteristics. Four of the mutations, including that of pAM2725, mapped within the traA determinant, whereas two mapped identically in a previously unnoted open reading frame (designated traD) putatively encoding a short (23-amino-acid) peptide downstream of the inhibitor peptide determinant iad and in the opposite orientation. One mutant could not be located in the regions sequenced. Studies showed that the traA and traD mutations could be complemented in trans with a DNA fragment carrying the corresponding regions.  相似文献   

Identification of surface-exposed epitopes on the variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) of African trypanosomes has been complicated by the observation that most such epitopes are highly conformational. As a result, whenever the molecule is broken down for analysis, the epitope is generally lost. We have exploited the existence of closely related gene families to create chimeric molecules in which particular segments of one VSG are placed in the analogous position of a related but antigenically distinct VSG. The process is used in both a positive and negative manner, so that the epitope can be specifically added or destroyed in a given chimera. As an example, we have used this approach to identify the regions involved in reactivity to a monoclonal antibody specific for VSG117 on the surface of live trypanosomes. We show that while deletion of almost any region of VSG117 results in loss of reactivity to this monoclonal antibody, substituting particular regions with the corresponding segment of the structurally related but antigenically distinct VSG FM8.5 restores reactivity in most but not all cases, thereby delimiting the antigenically key regions. Likewise, substituting key regions from VSG117 into FM8.5 confers reactivity on the resulting chimeras. This approach circumvents some of the problems that result from the highly conformational nature of VSG and should allow further elucidation of the biologically relevant antigenic topology of VSGs.  相似文献   

Summary During conjugative transfer of sex pheromone plasmids ofEnterococcus faecalis a so-called surface exclusion protein reduces the frequency with which these plasmids are transferred to cells already possessing the same plasmid. We report here the DNA sequence of a 3 .8 kb fragment of the sex pheromone plasmid pAD1 containing the structural genesea1 for surface exclusion protein and a small open reading frame (ORF) upstream ofsea1. Surface exclusion protein Seal was found to be highly homologous to the surface exclusion protein Sec10 encoded by the sex pheromone plasmid pCF10. Hybridization studies with DNA probes derived from the structural gene seal demonstrated that, with the exception of pAM373, all known sex pheromone plasmids carry a homologous gene. These studies also indicated that the genetic organization is similar in these plasmids, with the structural gene for surface exclusion protein being located 5 to that for aggregation substance.  相似文献   

Clewell DB 《Plasmid》2007,58(3):205-227
The 60-kb pAD1 represents a large and widely disseminated family of conjugative, pheromone-responding, virulence plasmids commonly found in clinical isolates of Enterococcus faecalis. It encodes a hemolysin/bacteriocin (cytolysin) shown to contribute to virulence in animal models, and the related bacteriocin is active against a wide variety of Gram-positive bacteria. This review summarizes what is currently known about the molecular biology of pAD1, including aspects of its cytolytic, UV-resistance, replication, maintenance, and conjugative properties.  相似文献   

The location of the structural gene for aggregation substance on the sex pheromone plasmid pAD1 of Enterococcus faecalis was determined using an oligonucleotide deduced from the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified protein. The nucleotide sequence was determined for the corresponding region and two open reading frames (ORFs) could be identified. ORF1 codes for a small (Mr 13,160) acidic protein of unknown function. The gene for aggregation substance (named asa1) was found to code for a protein of 1296 amino acids (Mr 142,248). The protein has a signal peptide of 43 amino acids (the resulting Mr for mature aggregation substance is 137,429) and contains in its C-terminal region a proline-rich sequence, previously characterized as being involved in cell wall association, which is followed by a membrane anchor. The membrane anchor showed significant similarity to that of other Gram-positive organisms, but no other similarities to surface proteins from Gram-positive bacteria were found. In particular, no repeats on the DNA or protein level could be detected for pAD1-specific aggregation substance. The protein contains the amino acid motifs Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser and Arg-Gly-Asp-Val (once each), which, it is proposed, play a crucial role in adherence to eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

K E Weaver  D B Clewell    F An 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(7):1900-1909
A 5-kbp region of pAD1, previously shown to be capable of supporting replication, copy control, and stable inheritance of the plasmid, was cloned into a replicon probe vector and subjected to transposon insertional mutagenesis. Transposon inserts identifying essential replication, copy control, and stability functions were isolated. Deletion of stability functions not essential for replication resulted in delimitation of a basic replicon. The complete DNA sequence of this approximately 3-kbp region and the precise positions of several transposon inserts were determined, and the phenotypic effects of the transposon inserts were correlated with the physical locations of individual determinants. The following three genes, apparently involved in plasmid maintenance, were identified; repA, which encodes a protein required for replication; repB, which encodes a protein involved in copy control; and repC, which may be involved in stable inheritance. In addition, two clusters of repeats composed of a consensus sequence, TAGTARRR, were identified, one located between the divergently transcribed repA and repB genes and another located downstream of repC. The region between repA and repB contained 25 repeats divided into two subregions of 13 and 12 repeats separated by 78 bp. The region located downstream of repC contained only three repeats but may be essential for plasmid replication, since deletion of this determinant resulted in loss of ability to replicate in Enterococcus faecalis. We hypothesize that the repeat units represent protein-binding sites required for assembly of the replisome and control of plasmid copy number. Another region of unrelated repeat units that may also be involved in replication is located within the repA gene. Possible mechanisms of action of these determinants are discussed.  相似文献   

The par stability determinant, encoded by the Enterococcus faecalis plasmid pAD1, is the only antisense RNA regulated postsegregational killing system identified in gram-positive bacteria. Because of the unique organization of the par locus, the par antisense RNA, RNA II, binds to its target, RNA I, at relatively small, interspersed regions of complementarity. The results of this study suggest that, rather than targeting the antisense bound message for rapid degradation, as occurs in most other antisense RNA regulated systems, RNA I and RNA II form a relatively stable, presumably translationally inactive complex. The stability of the RNA I-RNA II complex would allow RNA I to persist in an untranslated state unless or until the encoding plasmid was lost. After plasmid loss, RNA II would be removed from the complex, allowing translational activation of RNA I. The mechanism of RNA I activation in vivo is unknown, but in vitro dissociation experiments suggest that active removal of RNA II, for example by a cellular RNase, may be required.  相似文献   

pAD1, a conjugative, 60-kb, hemolysin-bacteriocin plasmid in Enterococcus faecalis, encodes a mating response to a small peptide sex pheromone, cAD1, secreted by potential recipient bacteria. A gene, traC, encoding a 60.7-kDa protein with a typical amino terminal signal peptide, was identified within a region that appears to encode a product that binds to exogenous pheromone. A cloned segment of DNA containing traC resulted in specific binding of cells to synthetic cAD1. The putative traC product has strong similarity to a product of the E. faecalis plasmid pCF10 as well as oligopeptide binding proteins of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

Fst is a peptide toxin encoded by the par toxin-antitoxin stability determinant of Enterococcus faecalis plasmid pAD1. Intracellular overproduction of Fst resulted in simultaneous inhibition of all cellular macromolecular synthesis concomitant with cell growth inhibition and compromised the integrity of the cell membrane. Cells did not lyse or noticeably leak intracellular contents but had specific defects in chromosome partitioning and cell division. Extracellular addition of synthetic Fst had no effect on cell growth. Spontaneous Fst-resistant mutants had a phenotype consistent with changes in membrane composition. Interestingly, overproduction of Fst sensitized cells to the lantibiotic nisin, and Fst-resistant mutants were cross-resistant to nisin and the pAD1-encoded cytolysin.  相似文献   

The determinant for the peptide sex pheromone inhibitor iAD1 (iad) on the hemolysin/bacteriocin plasmid pAD1 of Enterococcus faecalis was sequenced. The sequence reveals a 22-amino-acid precursor with the carboxyl-terminal 8 residues corresponding to iAD1. It appears that iAD1 is a component of its own signal sequence.  相似文献   

R Maas  C Wang    W K Maas 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(12):3823-3827
By studying the interaction of derivatives of RepFIC miniplasmids, we were able to demonstrate that under certain conditions the RepA1 initiator protein inhibits plasmid replication. An analysis of cloned derivatives whose replication is inhibited by the RepA1 protein revealed the existence of two areas of the RepFIC genome that interact with RepA1 in the inhibition reaction. One of these areas, which occurs in the origin region, was explored by in vivo methylation protection footprinting studies. The protected area was 200 bp long and showed a definite periodicity of protected and hypersensitive sites, suggesting that RepA1 promotes a topological change in the RepFIC genome. The significance of our results is discussed in the context of plasmid replication control.  相似文献   

Members of the Tn916 family of conjugative transposons are able to insert themselves into Enterococcus faecalis hemolysin/bacteriocin plasmid pAD1 (and related elements) in such a way as to generate hyperexpression of the hemolysin/bacteriocin. To examine this phenomenon in more detail, E. faecalis (pAD1::Tn916) derivatives defective or altered in hemolysin expression were isolated and characterized with respect to production of the L (lytic) or A (activator) component (also known as CylA) and the specific location of the transposon. The mutants fell into five classes. Class 1 strains were nonhemolytic, and the related insertions mapped in a location known to affect expression of the L component. The other four classes varied from an inability to express hemolysin (class 2) to different degrees of hyperhemolytic expression (classes 3 to 5); the insertions in these classes mapped in a similar place within cylA, near the 3' end of the determinant. A previous study provided evidence that CylA is also necessary for bacteriocin immunity; however, these insertions did not destroy this function. (A Tn917 insertion in the 5' half of the determinant eliminates immunity.) In mutant classes 3 to 5, the presence of tetracycline enhanced hemolysin expression. In late-exponential-phase broth cultures, hemolysin could not be detected in supernatants of classes 2 to 5, in contrast to a wild-type control strain; however, different amounts of the L component could be detected, with the lowest in class 2 and greater-than-normal amounts in classes 3 to 5. Although nucleotide sequencing showed that the Tn916 insertions in classes 2 to 5 were at identical sites, the transposon junction sequences differed in some cases. The data indicated that cylA translation into the transposon would result in different truncation sites, and these differences were probably related to phenotype differences.  相似文献   

The Enterococcus faecalis conjugative plasmids pAD1 and pAM373 encode a mating response to the peptide sex pheromones cAD1 and cAM373 respectively. Sequence determination of both plasmids has recently been completed with strong similarity evident over many of the structural genes related to conjugation. pAD1 has two origins of transfer, with oriT1 being located within the repA determinant, whereas the more efficiently utilized oriT2 is located between orf53 and orf57, two genes found in the present study to be essential for conjugation. We have found a similarly located oriT to be present in pAM373. oriT2 corresponds to about 285 bp based on its ability to facilitate mobilization by pAD1 when ligated to the shuttle vector pAM401; however, it was not mobilized by pAM373. In contrast, a similarly ligated fragment containing the oriT of pAM373 did not facilitate mobilization by pAD1 but was efficiently mobilized by pAM373. The oriT sites of the two plasmids each contained a homologous large inverted repeat (spanning about 140 bp) adjacent to a series of non-homologous short (6 bp) direct repeats. A hybrid construction containing the inverted repeat of pAM373 and direct repeats of pAD1 was mobilized efficiently by pAD1 but not by pAM373, indicating a significantly greater degree of specificity is associated with the direct repeats. Mutational (deletion) analyses of the pAD1 oriT2 inverted repeat structure suggested its importance in facilitating transfer or perhaps ligation of the ends of the newly transferred DNA strand. Analyses showed that Orf57 (to be called TraX) is the relaxase, which was found to induce a specific nick in the large inverted repeat inside oriT; the protein also facilitated site-specific recombination between two oriT2 sites. Orf53 (to be called TraW) exhibits certain structural similarities to TraG-like proteins, although there is little overall homology.  相似文献   

C Bruand  S D Ehrlich    L Jannire 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(8):2171-2177
Numerous bacterial replicons remain poorly characterized due to difficulties in localization of the replication origin. We have circumvented this problem in the characterization and fine mapping of the origin of plasmid pAM beta 1 by exploiting the Bacillus subtilis termination signal, terC. In terC-containing derivatives, theta-form molecules with two invariant endpoints accumulate. The endpoints, which correspond to plasmid origin and terC, were mapped with single-nucleotide precision. Analysis of the replication intermediates of wild-type molecules by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis confirmed the location of the plasmid origin. Our results demonstrate that pAM beta 1 replication proceeds unidirectionally by a theta mechanism. This work confirms the use of termination signals to localize origins, suggests that termination in B. subtilis occurs by a mechanism similar to that of Escherichia coli and establishes that in addition to rolling circle replicating plasmids, Gram positive bacteria harbour plasmids which replicate by a theta mechanism.  相似文献   

pAD1 is a 59.3-kb plasmid in Enterococcus faecalis that has been the subject of intense investigation with regard to its pheromone-inducible conjugation behavior as well as its contribution to virulence. Approximately two-thirds of the pAD1 nucleotide sequence has been previously reported. Here we report on an analysis of the final approximately 22 kb, a significant portion of which is believed to encode structural genes associated with conjugation. The conjugation-related region was also found to contain a new (second) origin of conjugative transfer (oriT). A list of open reading frames covering the entire plasmid is presented.  相似文献   

Role of the RepA1 protein in RepFIC plasmid replication.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
R Maas  C Wang 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(7):2163-2168

The minimal P1 replicon encompasses an open reading frame for the essential replication protein, RepA, bracketed by two sets of multiple 19-base pair repeated sequences, incA and incC. This study focused on the interaction of RepA with the incC and incA repeated sequences because earlier studies suggested that incA might control P1 copy number by titrating limiting amounts of RepA and because the incC repeats, which are part of the origin of replication, contain the promoter for repA. RepA is essential for origin function, autoregulates its own synthesis from the promoter, and, when overproduced, blocks origin function. In this study, RepA was overproduced from an expression vector and purified to 90% homogeneity. The binding of RepA to the DNA encompassing repeat sequences was assayed by monitoring the mobility of protein-DNA complexes on polyacrylamide gels. Distinct species of retarded bands were seen with the maximum number of bands corresponding to the number of repeats present in the target fragment. No evidence was found for RepA binding to fragments not containing the repeats. This suggests that the specific binding of RepA to the repeats may be involved in each of the diverse activities of RepA.  相似文献   

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