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Amiloride is an Ineffective Conditioned Stimulus in Taste Aversion Learning   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
The present study demonstrated that 100 µM amiloride servesas an ineffective conditioned taste stimulus in a taste aversionparadigm. Even if amiloride has a detectable taste, it's unlikelythat its behavioral effects in salt mixture experiments aredue to its inherent taste quality. Chem. Senses 20: 559–563,1995.  相似文献   

Mechanism-based chemical kinetic models are increasingly being used to describe biological signaling. Such models serve to encapsulate current understanding of pathways and to enable insight into complex biological processes. One challenge in model development is that, with limited experimental data, multiple models can be consistent with known mechanisms and existing data. Here, we address the problem of model ambiguity by providing a method for designing dynamic stimuli that, in stimulus–response experiments, distinguish among parameterized models with different topologies, i.e., reaction mechanisms, in which only some of the species can be measured. We develop the approach by presenting two formulations of a model-based controller that is used to design the dynamic stimulus. In both formulations, an input signal is designed for each candidate model and parameterization so as to drive the model outputs through a target trajectory. The quality of a model is then assessed by the ability of the corresponding controller, informed by that model, to drive the experimental system. We evaluated our method on models of antibody–ligand binding, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation and de-phosphorylation, and larger models of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway. For each of these systems, the controller informed by the correct model is the most successful at designing a stimulus to produce the desired behavior. Using these stimuli we were able to distinguish between models with subtle mechanistic differences or where input and outputs were multiple reactions removed from the model differences. An advantage of this method of model discrimination is that it does not require novel reagents, or altered measurement techniques; the only change to the experiment is the time course of stimulation. Taken together, these results provide a strong basis for using designed input stimuli as a tool for the development of cell signaling models.  相似文献   

Reduced genetic variation at marker loci in small populations has been well documented, whereas the relationship between quantitative genetic variation and population size has attracted little empirical investigation. Here we demonstrate that both neutral and quantitative genetic variation are reduced in small populations of a fragmented plant metapopulation, and that both drift and selective change are enhanced in small populations. Measures of neutral genetic differentiation (F(ST)) and quantitative genetic differentiation (Q(ST)) in two traits were higher among small demes, and Q(ST) between small populations exceeded that expected from drift alone. This suggests that fragmented populations experience both enhanced genetic drift and divergent selection on phenotypic traits, and that drift affects variation in both neutral markers and quantitative traits. These results highlight the need to integrate natural selection into conservation genetic theory, and suggests that small populations may represent reservoirs of genetic variation adaptive within a wide range of environments.  相似文献   

Rats were given exposure to a compound flavour (AX) and to one element of that compound (X). Two drinking tubes were made available to the rat on each exposure trial. For group concurrent (CNC) one tube contained AX and the other X. For groups alternating (ALT) and blocked (BLK), however, both tubes contained the same flavour (AX or X). Group ALT received AX and X on alternate trials; group BLK received AX in the first block of trials and X on the second, or vice versa. After an aversion had been established to X the groups were tested with AX. It was found that group ALT showed less generalization from X to AX than did group BLK. This difference was not accompanied by a parallel difference in the level of conditioning to X. However, group CNC showed both stronger conditioning to X and greater generalization from X to AX than groups ALT and BLK. Implications for the role of stimulus comparison in the perceptual learning effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Elucidating the relationship between genetic and cultural evolution is important in understanding speciation, as learned premating barriers might be involved in maintaining species differences. Here, we test this relationship by examining a widely recognized premating barrier, bird song, in a hybrid zone between black‐throated green (Setophaga virens) and Townsend's warblers (S. townsendi). We use song analysis, genomic techniques and playback experiments to characterize the cultural and genetic backgrounds of individuals in this region, expecting that if song is an important reproductive barrier between these species, there should be a strong relationship between song and genotype. We show that songs in the hybrid zone correspond to the distinctly different songs found in allopatry but that song and genotype are not tightly coupled in sympatry. Allopatric individuals responded only to local songs, indicating that individuals may have learned to respond to songs they commonly hear. We observed discordance between song and genotype clines; a narrower cline suggests that cultural selection on song is stronger than natural selection on genotype. These findings indicate that song is unlikely to play a role in reproductive isolation between these species, and we suggest that spatial variation in song may nonetheless be maintained by frequency‐dependent cultural selection. This decoupling of genes and culture may contribute to hybridization in this region.  相似文献   

Abstract Most work on adaptive speciation to date has focused on the role of low hybrid fitness as the force driving reinforcement (the evolution of premating isolation after secondary contact that reduces the likelihood of matings between populations). However, recent theoretical work has shown that postmating, prezygotic incompatibilities may also be important in driving premating isolation. We quantified premating, postmating-prezygotic, and early postzygotic fitness effects in crosses among three populations: Drosophila persimilis, D. pseudoobscura USA (sympatric to D. persimilis ), and D. pseudoobscura Bogotá (allopatric to D. persimilis ). Interspecific matings were more likely to fail when they involved the sympatric populations than when they involved the allopatric populations, consistent with reinforcement. We also found that failure rate in sympatric mating trials depended on whether D. persimilis females were paired with D. pseudoobscura males or the reverse. This asymmetry most likely indicates differences in discrimination against heterospecific males by females. By measuring egg laying rate, fertilization success and hatching success, we also compared components of postmating-prezygotic and early postzygotic isolation. Postmating-prezygotic fitness costs were small and not distinguishable between hetero- and conspecific crosses. Early postzygotic fitness effects due to hatching success differences were also small in between-population crosses. There was, however, a postzygotic fitness effect that may have resulted from an X-linked allele found in one of the two strains of D. pseudoobscura USA. We conclude that the postmating-prezygotic fitness costs we measured probably did not drive premating isolation in these species. Premating isolation is most likely driven in sympatric populations by previously known hybrid male sterility.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(9):965-969
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Ecological speciation occurs when reproductive isolation evolves between populations adapting to contrasting environments. A key prediction of this process is that the fitness of hybrids between divergent populations should be reduced in each parental environment as a function of the proportion of local genes they carry, a process resulting in ecologically dependent reproductive isolation (RI). To test this prediction, we use reciprocal transplant experiments between adjacent populations of an Australian wildflower, Senecio lautus, at two locations to distinguish between ecologically dependent and intrinsic genetic reproductive barriers. These barriers can be distinguished by observing the relative fitness of reciprocal backcross hybrids, as they differ in the contribution of genes from either parent while controlling for any intrinsic fitness effects of hybridization. We show ecologically dependent fitness effects in establishment and survival of backcrosses in one transplant experiment, and growth performance in the second transplant experiment. These results suggest natural selection can create strong reproductive barriers that maintain differentiation between populations with the potential to interbreed, and implies a significant role for ecology in the evolutionary divergence of S. lautus.  相似文献   

Natural selection operates throughout the life cycle of an organism. Correlative studies typically fail to consider the effects of viability selection prior to trait expression. A 3-year field experiment on the wildflower Mimulus guttatus demonstrates that this unmeasured component of selection can be very strong. As in previous studies, we find that fecundity is positively related to flower size. However, survival to flowering is much lower in large-flowered genotypes than in small-flowered genotypes. Aggregating viability and fecundity, lifetime fitness through female function generally favoured smaller flowered genotypes. This result differs from the great majority of field studies, which suggest strong positive selection on flower size. It has important cautionary implications for studies of natural and sexual selection on adult characters generally, in both plants and animals.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of a signal transduction pathway requires the isolation of mutations in the pathway. Characterization of these mutated genes and their loci enumerates the components of the pathway and leads to an understanding of the role of each gene locus in the pathway under study. We have designed and developed a strategy based on resistance to the chemical flucytosine for the identification of mutations in a given pathway. In this study, the Escherichia coli codA gene, which encodes the enzyme cytosine deaminase, was fused to the light-intensity-regulated gene promoter psbDII. Cytosine deaminase converts 5'-fluorocytosine to the toxic product 5-fluorouracil. Wild-type cells containing an intact signal transduction pathway that regulates the psbDII promoter will die in the presence of this chemical. Cells that carry mutations in the pathway that inactivate the psbDII promoter will not express the codA gene and, consequently, will live on 5'-fluorocytosine, allowing the isolation and subsequent characterization of mutations in this signaling pathway. Utilizing this selection method, we have successfully isolated and characterized mutations in the psbDII pathway. This selection scheme can be used with a tissue-specific or phase-specific promoter fused to the codA gene to direct the timing of expression of codA to obtain mutants defective in temporal or cell-specific expression of a particular pathway. This scheme also allows the isolation of mutants even when a clearly identifiable phenotype is not available. The selection scheme presented here extends the molecular tools available for the genetic dissection of signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Ericifolin, an eugenol 5-O-beta-(6'-O-galloylglucopyranoside) possessing the naturally unknown phenolic moiety, 5-hydroxyeugenol, together with the two new phenolics, 2-O-p-hydroxybenzoyl-6-O-galloyl-(alpha/beta)-4C1-glucopyranose and 3-methoxyellagic acid 4-O-rhamnopyranoside have been isolated from the antibacterial leaves extract of Melaleuca ericifolia. In addition, 19 known phenolics were also separated and characterized. All structures were elucidated on the basis of analysis of 1H, 13C NMR, HMQC, HMBC and FTMS spectral data.  相似文献   

Reinforcement learning in neural networks requires a mechanism for exploring new network states in response to a single, nonspecific reward signal. Existing models have introduced synaptic or neuronal noise to drive this exploration. However, those types of noise tend to almost average out—precluding or significantly hindering learning —when coding in neuronal populations or by mean firing rates is considered. Furthermore, careful tuning is required to find the elusive balance between the often conflicting demands of speed and reliability of learning. Here we show that there is in fact no need to rely on intrinsic noise. Instead, ongoing synaptic plasticity triggered by the naturally occurring online sampling of a stimulus out of an entire stimulus set produces enough fluctuations in the synaptic efficacies for successful learning. By combining stimulus sampling with reward attenuation, we demonstrate that a simple Hebbian-like learning rule yields the performance that is very close to that of primates on visuomotor association tasks. In contrast, learning rules based on intrinsic noise (node and weight perturbation) are markedly slower. Furthermore, the performance advantage of our approach persists for more complex tasks and network architectures. We suggest that stimulus sampling and reward attenuation are two key components of a framework by which any single-cell supervised learning rule can be converted into a reinforcement learning rule for networks without requiring any intrinsic noise source. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation grant K-32K0-118084.  相似文献   

A computational theory of selection by consequences [McDowell, J.J, 2004. A computational model of selection by consequences. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 81, 297-317] was tested by studying the responding of virtual organisms that were animated by the theory on random interval schedules of reinforcement. The theory generated responding by applying principles of selection, reproduction, and mutation to a population of potential behaviors that evolved in response to the selection pressure exerted by reinforcement. The organisms' equilibrium response rates were well described by the modern version of the Herrnstein hyperbola, which includes an exponent on reinforcement rate. Under strong selection pressure this exponent decreased with increasing mutation rate from a value near 1.0 at 1% mutation to an asymptotic value of 0.83 at mutation rates of 10% and greater. This asymptotic value is consistent with values obtained by fitting the equation to data from live organisms responding on single schedules, and with the value of about 0.80 that is expected on the basis of extensive research with live organisms responding on concurrent schedules. These results show that the computational theory is consistent with the modern theory of matching [McDowell, J.J, 2005. On the classic and modern theories of matching. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 84, 111-127], and that it is a viable candidate for a mathematical dynamics of behavior.  相似文献   

Endomorphin-2 is an endogenous opioid in primary sensory afferent fibers   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Evidence is presented that the recently discovered endogenous mu-selective agonist, endomorphin-2, is localized in primary sensory afferents. Endomorphin-2-like immunoreactivity was found to be colocalized in a subset of substance P- and mu opiate receptor-containing fibers in the superficial laminae of the spinal cord and spinal trigeminal nucleus. Disruption of primary sensory afferents by mechanical (deafferentation by dorsal rhizotomy) or chemical (exposure to the primary afferent neurotoxin, capsaicin) methods virtually abolished endomorphin-2-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn. These results indicate that endomorphin-2 is present in primary afferent fibers where it can serve as the endogenous ligand for pre- and postsynaptic mu receptors and as a major modulator of pain perception.  相似文献   

Summary Neuronal reliability and sensitivity to behaviorally relevant stimulus patterns were investigated in a higher-order nucleus of the diencephalon believed to participate in the jamming avoidance response (JAR) of the weakly electric fish,Eigenmannia. The fish raises or lowers its frequency of electric organ discharge (EOD) to minimize interference from a neighboring fish's EOD. Proper JARs require determination of the sign of the difference frequency (Df) between the neighboring fish's EOD and the fish's own EOD. Bastian and Yuthas (1984) recently described diencephalic neurons within the nucleus electrosensorius that are able to make this determination. In the present study, response properties of such neurons were compared with those of lower-level sign-selective cells found in the torus semicircularis and the optic tectum (Heiligenberg and Rose 1985) as well as with properties of the intact behavior.Most sign-selective cells within the nucleus electrosensorius show a high degree of selectivity for one sign of the difference frequency; cells with either sign preference were found in approximately equal numbers. The sign preference and the degree of sign selectivity is most often independent of the spatial orientation of the jamming stimulus. In contrast, the responses of toral and tectal cells are less robust and consistent and are often highly dependent on the geometry of the jamming stimulus.Determination of the sign of the difference frequency requires the analysis of amplitude modulations coupled with modulations in phase (timing) differences between pairs of areas of the body surface. The most sensitive cells recorded in the nucleus electrosensorius can determine the sign of the difference frequency with timing differences of 1 s or less, roughly comparable to the behavioral threshold of 400 ns (Carr et al. 1986). The best toral/tectal response required at least a 16 s modulation.Cells within the nucleus electrosensorius thus code the sign of Df with a high degree of reliability and sensitivity. Ambiguities persist, however, which suggest that single cells at this level cannot completely account for the behavioral discrimination. Additional processing may be necessary to transform a still primarily sensory code into a motor program for control of the JAR (Rose et al. 1988).Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jammning avoidance response - Df difference frequency between jamming signal and fish's own EOD - S 1 sinusoidal EOD mimic of subject fish - S 2 sinusoidal EOD mimic of neighbor  相似文献   

New approaches to optimization of interpersonal relationships in an isolated small group proposed in this paper can be applied to a manned mission to Mars. Some of these approaches have been tested in the course of preparation and implementation of an experiment with a 105-day isolation (the MARS-105 project) simulating the initial period of a manned mission to Mars. A variety of methods, such as evaluating the efficiency of interpersonal interaction (a Homeostat device), value orientations, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships within the crew (the PSPA test, classic sociometry) have been used. In the middle of the isolation period (the second 35-day cycle), a decrease in cohesion of the crew was observed; in the same time, tension appeared, which enabled the phenomenon of pairing; i.e., the crew split into stable pairs opting for inner communication. Closer relations between some crew members and clashes between the others modulated interpersonal perception. The set of methods provided efficient evaluation of the group behavior, diagnosis of interpersonal problems, and the grounds for improving psychological selection for participation in future manned interplanetary missions.  相似文献   

Camel single-domain antibody fragments or Nanobodies, are practical in a wide range of applications. Their unique biochemical and biophysical properties permit an intracellular expression and antigen targeting. The availability of an efficient intracellular selection step would immediately identify the best intracellularly performing functional antibody fragments. Therefore, we assessed a bacterial-two-hybrid system to retrieve such Nanobodies. With GFP as an antigen we demonstrate that antigen-specific Nanobodies of sub-micromolar affinity and stability above 30kJ/mol, at a titer of 10(-4) can be retrieved in a single-step selection. This was further proven practically by the successful recovery from an 'immune' library of multiple stable, antigen-specific Nanobodies of good affinity for HIV-1 integrase or nucleoside hydrolase. The sequence diversity, intrinsic domain stability, antigen-specificity and affinity of these binders compare favorably to those that were retrieved in parallel by phage display pannings.  相似文献   

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