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Familial transmission of a dysmorphic syndrome: a variant example of Kabuki syndrome?: We report a Romanian family with a dysmorphic syndrome in three generations: a boy, his mother and maternal grandfather, who all presented with the typical facial appearance, characteristic skeletal and dermatoglyphic findings of Kabuki syndrome, but no mental retardation, short stature and visceral abnormalities. The phenotype observed in this family may represent the mild end of a spectrum of clinical manifestations described in this condition. This report provides a further evidence for autosomal dominant transmission of the disorder.  相似文献   



Echocardiography is widely used in the management of patients with cardiogenic shock (CS). Left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) has been shown to be an independent predictor of survival in CS. Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) is a sensitive echocardiographic technique that allows for the early quantitative assessment of regional left ventricular dysfunction. TDI derived indices, including systolic velocity (S'), early (E') and late (A') diastolic velocities of the lateral mitral annulus, are reduced in heart failure patients (EF < 30%) and portend a poor prognosis. In CS patients, the application of TDI prior to revascularization remains unknown.


To characterize TDI derived indices in CS patients as compared to patients with chronic CHF.


Between 2006 and 2007, 100 patients were retrospectively evaluated who underwent echocardiography for assessment of LV systolic function. This population included: Group I) 50 patients (30 males, 57 ± 13 years) with chronic CHF as controls; and Group II) 50 patients (29 males, 58 ± 10 years) with CS. Spectral Doppler indices including peak early (E) and late (A) transmitral velocities, E/A ratio, and E-wave deceleration time were determined. Tissue Doppler indices including S', E' and A' velocities of the lateral annulus were measured.


Of the entire cohort, the mean LVEF was 25 ± 5%. Cardiogenic shock patients demonstrated significantly lower lateral S', E' and a higher E/E' ratio (p < 0.01), as compared to CHF patients. The in-hospital mortality in the CHF cohort was 5% as compared to the CS group with an in hospital mortality of 40%. In the subset of CS patients (n = 30) who survived, the mean S' at presentation was higher as compared to those patients who died in hospital (3.5 ± 0.5 vs. 1.8 ± 0.5 cm/s).


Despite similar reduction in LV systolic function, CS patients have reduced myocardial velocities and higher filling pressures using TDI, as compared to CHF patients. Whether TDI could be a reliable tool to determine CS patients with the best chance of recovery following revascularization is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Schinzel acrocallosal syndrome: a variant example of the Greig syndrome?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 5-month-old male is reported with clinical and radiological findings identical to those present in the Schinzel acrocallosal syndrome. The similarity with the Greig syndrome is discussed and the question is raised whether both syndromes are variant examples of the same autosomal dominant condition.  相似文献   

Three patients presented with symptoms suggesting a Mallory-Weiss tear. Endoscopy showed a localized, clearly demarcated area of bright red mucosa near the gastro-oesophageal junction; this was thought to have arisen by retrograde intussusception of the stomach during vomiting or retching and may have caused the haemorrhage.  相似文献   

Six patients with severe hyponatraemia had neurological features of hyponatraemia and pronounced hypoalbuminaemia. All had biochemical features typical of the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone with low serum osmolality and an inappropriately high urinary osmolality. All were given infusions of whole plasma or albumin solution, or both, to restore their plasma albumin concentrations to normal, which led to a dramatic increase in plasma sodium concentrations and serum osmolality, with a concomitant fall in urinary osmolality in all patients. Neurological features were reversed in four patients. It is suggested that severe hypoalbuminaemia is an important cause of appreciable hyponatraemia; infusions of plasma and albumin in such patients may reverse the biochemical and clinical features and should form the basis of management.  相似文献   

Background. Myocardial blush grade (MBG) and myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) are both indices for myocardial perfusion in patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). We aimed to compare MBG with MCE in the infarct-related artery segment for assessing infarct size in patients with STEMI treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).Methods. 43 patients underwent successful (postprocedural TIMI flow 3) primary PCI for STEMI. MBG was assessed at the end of the PCI procedure and MCE was assessed 1.7±1.8 days after PCI. Enzymatic infarct size was estimated by measurementof enzyme activities by using lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as the referenceenzyme. Cumulative enzyme release (LDHQ48) from at least five serial measurements up to 48 hours after symptom onset was calculated. Also peak creatine kinase, CK-MB and peak LDH were measured.Results. MBG 0/1, 2 and 3 were observed in 14, 12 and 17 patients, respectively, and was compared with tertiles of MCE. We found a parallel correlation between both MBG and MCE and LDHQ48. However, there was no correlation between MCE and MBG. Patients with both normal MCE and a normal MBG had least myocardial damage and those with both impaired MCE and an impaired MBG had most myocardial damage.Conclusion. Both MBG and MCE are good predictors of infarct size in STEMI patients treated with PCI. However, these markers are not mutually related, possibly due to time-related changes in myocardial perfusion. Combining these two markers may yield a more accurate prediction of final myocardial damage. (Neth Heart J 2010;18:25-30.)  相似文献   

Apathy is defined as a disorder of motivation that expresses itself at an emotional, cognitive and behavioural level. Apathy can occur as a symptom and a syndrome. In the recent years diagnostic criteria and a number of scales for measuring apathy in elderly with psychiatric or neurological disorders have been introduced. Two scales are specifically developed to measure apathy, the Apathy Evaluation Scale (AES) from Marin and the Apathy Scale (AS) from Starkstein. Both scales have been translated into Dutch. The AS is more convenient. The AS in addition can be used when applying the criteria for the apathy syndrome which has been introduced in 2001 by Starkstein. In addition, the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the 'Gedragsobservatieschaal voor de Intramurale Psychogeniatrie' (GIP) (a scale in Dutch) have an apathy domain. Conceptual problems surrounding apathy have only partly been resolved. The criteria for the apathy syndrome can only be used for assessing the extent of the problem. Apathy and depression are strongly correlated. Studies show that apathy as a syndrome can occur without concomitant depression in the elderly, but regularly occurs besides a depressive disorder, in percentages varying between 9% and 53% of the population under study. Especially the varying validity of an apathy syndrome in relation to late life depression needs further clarification.  相似文献   

Summary This communication describes an infant with growth and psychomotor retardation and severe congenital malformations, who was found to have an interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 8: 46,XY,del(8) (q13q22). Comparison with the only other previously reported patient with a deletion of a similar chromosomal segment suggested that deletion of the long arm of chromosome 8 may constitute a clinically recognizable syndrome.  相似文献   

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is an accurate and reliable means of evaluating cardiac morphology, ventricular function, and myocardial perfusion, both for the left and the right ventricle thereby covering a whole spectrum of cardiac diseases. 1 CMR is therefore very well suited for identifying and characterising patients with various manifestations of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).  相似文献   

J C Godel  A G Hart 《CMAJ》1984,131(3):199-204
A syndrome is described that affected 16 Indian and Inuit infants roughly 3 months old, most of whom were born in settlements in the Canadian Arctic. The infants presented with a clinical picture that included hepatitis, hemolytic anemia, rickets and respiratory distress, a combination that resembled a syndrome first described in malnourished infants at the turn of the century by von Jaksch and Luzet. The clinical course was self-limited, and all the infants survived without sequelae. The cause of the syndrome was not determined; no infectious agents were discovered. However, low levels of vitamins A, C, D and E were found in a few infants in whom assays were done. The implications of these findings and their relation to the possible cause of this "northern infant syndrome" are discussed.  相似文献   

Dubowitz syndrome (DS) (MIM#223370) (4) is a very rare genetic and developmental disorder involving multiple congenital anomalies including: 1) growth failure/short stature; 2) unusual but characteristic facial features; small triangular face, high sloping forehead, ptosis, short palpebral fissures, broad and flat nasal bridge; 3) microcephaly; 4) mild mental retardation; and 5) in at least 50% of the cases, eczema. Multiple organ systems are affected and the disorder is unpredictable and extremely variable in its expression. Here we describe a male Turkish patient who has typical and less common findings of DS with additionally persistently low serum lipid levels and an arachnoid cyst. The present patient is the second case of DS with persistently low cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyze individual cortisol levels in relation to work conditions, sleep, and health parameters among truck drivers working day shifts (n?=?21) compared to those working irregular shifts (n?=?21). A total of 42 male truck drivers (39.8?±?6.2 yrs) completed questionnaires about sociodemographics, job content, work environment, health, and lifestyle. Rest-activity profiles were measured using actigraphy, and cardiovascular blood parameters were collected. Salivary cortisol samples were obtained: (i) at waking time, (ii) 30?min after waking, and (iii) at bedtime, during both one workday and one day off from work. Irregular-shift workers, compared to day-shift workers, showed significantly higher waist-hip ratio, very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol, tiredness after work, years working as a driver, truck vibration, and less job demand (p?<?.05). High cortisol levels in irregular-shift workers were correlated with certain stressors, such as short sleep duration and low job satisfaction, and to metabolic parameters, such as total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), VLDL, and triglycerides. Day-shift workers had higher cortisol levels collected 30?min after waking (p?=?.03) and a higher cortisol awakening response (CAR; p?=?.02) during workdays compared to off days. Irregular-shift workers had higher cortisol levels on their off days compared to day-shift workers (p?=?.03). In conclusion, for the day-shift workers, a higher cortisol response was observed on workdays compared to off days. Although no direct comparisons could be made between groups for work days, on off days the irregular-shift workers had higher cortisol levels compared to day-shift workers, suggesting a prolonged stress response in the irregular-shift group. In addition, cortisol levels were correlated with stressors and metabolic parameters. Future studies are warranted to investigate further stress responses in the context of irregular work hours. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the role of singlet oxygen in cardiovascular injury. To accomplish this objective, we investigated the effect of singlet oxygen [generated from photoactivation of rose-bengal] on the calcium transport and Ca2+-ATPase activity of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and compared these results with those obtained by superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical. Isolated cardiac SR exposed to rose bengal (10 nM) irradiated at (560 nm) produced a significant inhibition of Ca 2+ uptake; from 2.27 ± 0.05 to 0.62 ± 0.05 µmol Ca+/mg.min (mean ± SE) (P < 0.01) and Ca2+-ATPase activity from 2.08 ± 0.05 µmol Pi/min. mg to 0.28 ± 0.04 µmol Pi/min. mg (mean ± SE) (P < 0.01). The inhibition of calcium uptake and Ca2+-ATPase activity by rose bengal derived activatedoxygen (singlet oxygen) was dependent on the duration of exposure and intensity of light. The singlet oxygen scavengers ascorbic acid and histidine significantly protected SR Ca2+-ATPase against rose bengal derived activated oxygen species but superoxide dismutase and catalase did not attenuate the inhibition. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of SR exposed to photoactivated rose bengal up to 14 min, demonstrated complete loss of Ca2+-ATPase monomer band which was significantly protected by histidine. Irradiation of rose bengal also caused an 18% loss of total sulfhydryl groups of SR. On the other hand, superoxide (generated from xanthine oxidase action on xanthine) and hydroxyl radical (0.5 mM H2O2 + Fe2+ -EDTA) as well as H2O2 (12 mM) were without any effect on the 97,000 dalton Ca2+-ATPase band ofsarcoplasmic reticulum. The results suggest that oxidative damage of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum may be mediated by singlet oxygen. This may represent an important mechanism by which the oxidative injury to the myocardium induces both a loss of tension development and arrhythmogenesis.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate neuronal function are a sum of genetically determined programs and experience. The effect of experience on neuronal function is particularly important during development, because early-life positive and adverse experience (stress) may influence the still “plastic” nervous system long-term. Specifically, for hippocampal-mediated learning and memory processes, acute stress may enhance synaptic efficacy and overall learning ability, and conversely, chronic or severe stress has been shown to be detrimental. The mechanisms that enable stress to act as this “double-edged sword” are unclear. Here, we discuss the molecular mediators of the stress response in the hippocampus with an emphasis on novel findings regarding the role of the neuropeptide known as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). We highlight the physiological and pathological roles of this peptide in the developing hippocampus, and their relevance to the long-term effects of early-life experience on cognitive function during adulthood.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence points to a major role for chronic stress of cell renewal systems in the pathogenesis of important human diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Here we discuss emerging evidence that epigenetic abnormalities may make substantial contributions to these stress-induced pathologies. Although the mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated, we suggest that chronic stress can elicit heritable changes in the chromatin landscape that 'lock' cells in abnormal states, which then lead to disease. We emphasize the need to investigate epigenetic states in disease and links to stress and to consider how the knowledge gained through these studies may foster new means of disease prevention and management.  相似文献   

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