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The Diatoms–Biology and Morpology of the Genera, by F. E. Round, R. M. Crawford and D. G. Mann.
The Control of Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs, edited by S.-O. Ryding and W. Rast.
An Amazonian Rain Forest, edited by C. F. Jordan. Vol. 2 in Man and the Biosphere Series. Carnforth, Lanes., U.K.
Exploiting the Tropical Rain Forest, edited by D. Lamb, Vol. 3 in Man and the Biosphere Series. Carnforth, Lanes
Biological Control of Microbial Plant Pathogens, by R. Campbell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Aquatic Plant Book, by C. D. K. Cook. The Hague, The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The North American Grasshoppers:Volume II Acrididae, Oedipodinae , by D. Otte.
Animal Behavior and ils Applicaiions, by Derek V. Ellis.
Bracken:Ecology, Land Use and Control Technology, edited by R. T. Smith and J. A. Taylor.
Functional Vertebrate Morphology, edited by M. Hildebrand, D. M. Bramble, K. F. Liem and D. B. Wake.
Air Pollution by Pholochemical Oxidants, edited by R. Guderian.
Physiological Ecology of Lichens (Cambridge Studies in Ecology), by Kenneth A. Kershaw.
The Evolutionary Ecology of Ant-Plant mutualisms , by A. J. Beattie.
Fundamentals of Insect Physiology, edited by Murray S. Blum.
The Leajhppers and Planthoppers, edited by L. R. Nault and J. G. Rodriguez.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Marine fish larvae-morphology, ecology and relation to fisheries , edited by Reuben Lasker.
Environmental Physiology of Plants , by A. H. Fitter & R. K. M. Hay.
Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics , by Clive A.
Dinosaurs , by L. B. Halstead &Jenny Halstead.
Large White Butterfly. The biology, biochemistry and physiolosy of Pieris brassicae ( Linnaeaus ), by John Feltwell.
Omnivorous primates: Gathering and hunting in human evolution , edited by Robert S. O. Harding and Geza Teleki.
Handbook of Zoo Medicine , by Heinz George Klös & Ernst Lang.
Cetacean behaviour: Mechanisms and functions , edited by L. M. Herman Wiley  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Life Among the Scientists. An anthropological study of an Australian scientific community, by Max Charlesworth, Lyndsay Farrall, Terry Stokes and David Turnbull.
Carnivore Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution, edited by John L. Gittleman.
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology, Volume 6, edited by P. H. Harvey and L. Partridge.
The Malay Archipelago, by Alfred Russel Wallace, with an introduction by John Bastin.
Microbial Products: New Approaches, edited by S. Baumberg, I. S. Hunter & M. Rhodes.
Life at the Edge: Readings from Scientific American Magazine, edited by James L. Gould and Carol L. Gould.
Theoretical Population Genetics, by J. S. Gale.
Speciation and its Consequences, edited by Daniel Otte and John A. Endler.
Island Africa, The Evolution of Africa's Rare Animals and Plants, by Jonathan Kingdon.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds: With reference to some Pacific and Caribbean Species, 2 edited by Isabella A. Abbott. La Jolla
Botanic Gardens and the World Conservation Strategy edited by D. Bramwell, O. Hamann, V. Heywood & H. Synge
Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry 3rd ed., by J. B. Harborne
A monographic study of the genus Rosularia (Crassulaceae) by Urs Eggli
The Photographic Guide to Identify Mediterranean Wild Flowers by Roger Phillips assisted by Martin Rix and Nicky Fox
The Photographic Guide to Identify Mediterranean Wild Flowers by Roger Phillips assisted by Martin Rix and Nicky Fox
Conserving the Wild Relatives of Crops by Erich Hoyt.
Somatic Cell Genetics of Woody Plants edited by M. R. Ahuja
Indian Journal of Natural Rubber Research
Dictionary of Weeds of Eastern Europe by G. Williams and K. Hunyadi
Nutrition of the Angiosperm Embryo by David R. Murray.
Plant Pigments edited by T. W. Goodwin.
Panbiogeography edited by R. Craw & G. Sermonti
Saxifrages of Europe: with notes on African, American and some Asiatic species by D. A. Webb & R. J. Gornall  相似文献   

Frequency-Dependent Selection , edited by B. C. Clarke and L. Partridge.
Primate Origins and Evolution: a Phylogenetic Reconstruction , by R. D. Martin.
The Privileged Ape: Cultural Capital in the Making of Man , by J. Cohen.
Evolutionary Genetics , by John Maynard Smith.
Membrane Structures and Function , by W. H. Evans and J. M. Graham.
Microbial Membrane Transport Systems.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Biology of the Tardigrades, by Ian M. Kinchin
Oecophorine Genera of Australia, Vol 1 The Wingia Group (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Monographs on Australia Lepidoptera 3, by Ian F. B. Common
Parasitoids. Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology, by H. C. J. Godfray
Predation and Defence amongst Reptiles, by J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson
The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic, by A. R. Pittaway
The Brackish Water Fauna of Northwestern Europe, by R. S. K. Barnes
Fishes of the World, by Joseph S. Nelson  相似文献   

Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds with Reference to some Pacific and Western Atlantic Species, Volume 3, edited by Isabella A. Abbott
Conservation of Medicinal Plants edited by Olayiwola Akerele, Vernon Heywood & Hugh Synge
Introduction to Floriculture, 2nd Ed., edited by R. A. Larson
Plant Membranes: A Biophysical Approach to Structure, Development and Senescence by Ya'acov Y. Leshem
The Ecology o/Fynbos, edited by R. Cowling
A Dictionary of Plant Pathology, by P. Holliday
7th International Exhibition of Botanical Art and Illustration 13 April to 31 July 1992. Catalogue by James J. White & Autumn M. Farole
Plant Growth: interactions with nutrition and environment, edited by J. R. Porter & D. W. Lawlor
Response of Plants to Multiple Stresses, edited by H. A. Mooney, W. E. Winner & E. J. Pell
Pollen and Spores: Patterns of Diversification, edited by S. Blackmore and S. H. Barnes
International Checklist for Hyacinths and Miscellaneous Bulbs, edited by J. van Scheepen
Atlas Florae Europaeae, 9 (Paeoniaceae to Capparaceae), edited by Jaakko Jalas & Juha Suominen
Nitrogen fixation, edited by M. Polsinelli, R. Materassi & M. Vincenzini
Crucifers of Great Britain and Ireland, by T.C.G. Rich
Micropropagation: Technology and Application, edited by P. C. Debergh & R. H. Zimmerman
Phytochemical Induction by Herbivores, edited by D. W. Tallamy & M. J. Raupp
Pattern Formation in Plant Tissues, by T. Sachs
Introduction to the Principles of Plant Taxonomy, 2nd ed, by V. V. Sivarajan (edited by N. K. B. Robson)
Signal Perception and Transduction in Higher Plants, edited by R. Ranjeva & A. M. Boudet
Plant Growth Substances 1988, edited by R. P. Pharis & S. B. Rood
Gibberellins, edited by N. Takahashi, B.O. Phinney & J. MacMillan  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Worms to Wasps, an Illustrated Guide to Australia's Terrestrial Invertebrates, by Mark Harvey and Alan Yen
Comparative Social Organization of Wild Reindeer in Relation to Food, Mates and Predator Avoidance, by T. Skogland.
The Jackson Elk Herd: Intensive Wildlife Management in North America, by M. S. Boyce
The Social Badger: Ecology and Behaviour of a Group Living Carnivore (Meles meles), by Hans Kruuk
Wildlife Production Systems: Economic Utilization of Wild Ungulates, edited by R. J. Hudson, K. R. Drew and L. M. Baskin
Sessile Animals of the Sea Shore, by Vernon A. Harris
The Natural History of Weasels & Stoats, by Carolyn King
Bird Flight Performance: A Practical Calculation Manual, by Colin J. Pennycuick  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ecophysiology of the Camelidae and Desert Ruminants, by Richard T. Wilson
Paleontology of Vertebrates, by Jean Chaline
The Tettigoniidae: Biology, Systematics and Evolution, edited by W. T. Bailey and D. C. F. Rentz
Behaviour of Pinnipeds, edited by D. Renouf
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 5, edited by D. W. Macdonald, D. Muller-Schwarze and S. E. Natynczuk
The Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland (Hesperiidae to Nymphalidae), edited by A. Maitland Emmet & the late John Heath
Heterotypical Behaviour in Man and Animals, edited by M. Haug, P. F. Brain and C. Aron
Insect Life Cycles, Genetics, Evolution and Co-ordination, edited by F. Gilbert.
Grasshoppers and Allied Insects of Great Britain and Ireland, by J. A. Marshall and E. C. M. Haes  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Individual in Darwin's World, by S. J. Gould.
The Units of Evolution. Essays on the Nature of Species, edited by M; Ereshefsky.
Evolutionary Biology of Aging, by M. R. Rose
Genetic and Ecological Diversity, by L. M. Cook.
Evolutionary Genetics and Environmental Stress, by A. A. Hoffmann and P. A. Parsons.
Sodium Hunger, by J. Schulkin.
Practical Taxonomic Computing, by R. J. Pankhurst.  相似文献   

The Paleobiology of Trace Fossils, edited by Donovan, S. K. John Wiley & Sons
Biological Systematics. The State of the Art, by A. Minelli.
The Portable Darwin, by Porter, D. M. and Graham, P. W. Penguin
Ecological Understanding. The Nature of Theory and the Theory of Mature, by Pickett, S. T. A., Kolasa, J. and Jones
Community Ecology, by R. J. Putman.
Volcanism and Early Terrestrial Biotas. Eds Rofle, Clarkson and Panchen.
Burr FA, Evert RF. 1982. A cytochemical study of the wound-healing proteins in Bryopsis hypnoides.
Gould SJ. 1989. Wonderful life: the Burgess Shale and the nature of history.
Dow MM, Cheverud JM, Rhoads J, Friedlaender J. 1987b. Statistical comparison of biological and cultural/history variation.
Gay HJ. 1990. The ant association and structural rhizome modifications of the far eastern fern genus Lecanopteris (Polypodiacaea).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Evolutionary Trends in Plants
A Preliminary, Verafied List of Plant Collectors in Mexico by Irving W. Knobloch. Phytologia Memoirs
An Evolutionary Basis for Pollination Ecology by S. C. Willemstein.
Flora of Lough Neagh , by John Harron with the assistance of Brian S. Rushton
Biologically Active Natural Products , edited by K. Hostettmann & P. J. Lea.
La vegetacion en el Pais Valenciana , by Manuel Costa
W. J. Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles: Supplement , by D. L. Clarke
Domestication of Plants in the Old World , by Daniel Zohary & Maria Hopf  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Origins and Evolution of Gymnosperms
Plant canopies: their growth, form, and function
Kew index for 1988, compiled by F.A.Davies & K.M. Lloyd. Oxford: Clarendon
Taschenworter buck der botanischen Pflanzennamen filr Gartner
Wild Flowers of Majorca, Minorca and Ibiza: with keys to the flora of the Balearic Islands by Elspeth Beckett
An Atlas of Seaweeds of Northumberland and Durham  相似文献   

Survival and Dormancy of Microorganisms
Crete: Checklist of Vascular Plants
Iter Maroccanum anno 1985 ieiunii tempore perfectum
Collins Guide to the Wild Flowers of East Africa
Integrated Control of Cereal Mildews: Monitoring the Pathogen
Ecology and Productivity of an African Wetland System: The Kafue Flats of Zambia
Twelfth International Seaweed Symposium
Florula vascular de la muntanya dels Mollons (La Pobla de Claramunt, Anoia )
Plant Hormones and Their Role in Plant Growth and Development
Vegetation between Land and Sea: Structure and Processes
Flora analitica de la provincia de Valencia  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Guide to Inshore Marine Life, by David Erwin and Bernard Picton
Red Sea Explorers, by Peter Vine and Hagen Schmid
The Natural History of the Primates, by J. R. & P. H. Napier
Advances in Insect Physiology, Volume 20, edited by P. D. Evans & V. B. Wigglesworth  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Flora of Aldabra and Neighbouring Islands, by F. R. Fosberg & S. A. Renvoize
Developments in Deep-Sea Biology, by N. B. Marshall
Epidemiology and Plant Disease Management, by Jan C. Zadoks & Richard D. Schein.
Vanishing Birds: their Natural History and Conservation, by Tim Halliday; with a foreword by Bruce Campbell
Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology, edited by John F. Flanagan & K. Eric Marshall
The Origin of Major Invertebrate Groups, edited by M. R. House
Mammals, their Latin Names Explained, by A. E. Gotch
The Illustrated Herbal, by Wilfrid Blunt & Sandra Raphael
The Herb and Spice Book, by Sarah Garland. Weidenfeld & Nicolson  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
New Plant Sources for Drugs and Food from the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium , by Siri von Reis and Frank J. Lipp, Jr.
Botany: Plant Biology and its Relation to Human Afairs , by Jean H. Langenheim & Kenneth V. Thimann.
How to Know Western Australian WildJEowers, Part IV , (2nd edition) by B. J. Grieve & W. E. Blackall.
Thonner's Analytical Key to the Families of Flowering Plants , by R. Geesink, A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, C. E. Ridsdale & J. F. Feldkamp.
Insects of an Amazon Forest , by N. D. Penny and J. R. Arias.
Ordering the World: A History of Classzfying Man , by David Knight.  相似文献   

Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy , by Arne Naess (translated and edited by David Rothenberg).
Restoration Ecology: A Synthetic Approach to Ecological Research , edited by W. R. Jordan, M. E. Gilpin and J. D. Aber.
Plankton Ecology: Succession in Plankton Communities , edited by Ulrich Sommer.
Biological Control of Pests, Pathogens and Weeds: Development and Prospects , edited by R. K. S. Wood and M.J. Way.
Large Scale Cell Culture Technology , edited by Bjorn K. Lydersen.
The Story of Silk , by J. Feltwell.
Ecological Experiments: Purpose, Design and Execution , by N. G. Hairston.N 0 5
Molecular Genetics and Comparative Evolution , by J. Langridge.  相似文献   

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