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The present study provides the first evidence that the abundance of catalytic alpha1-subunit of Na,K-ATPase increases in the course of T cell blast transformation. Immunodepressant cyclosporin A at anti-proliferative doses diminished the induction of alpha1 protein in activated lymphocytes. Furthermore, in competent T cells, IL-2 increases both the transport activity of Na/K pump and the content of Na,K-ATPase alpha1 protein in a time-dependent manner. A correlation was found between the long-term elevation in ouabain-sensitive Rb influxes and the increase in alpha1 protein content in late activated T cells. These results suggest that (1) the increased expression of Na,K-ATPase proteins underlie the cell cycle-dependent upregulation of ion pump during T cell transformation, and (2) IL-2 is involved in the regulated expression of Na,K-ATPase in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Experiments are reviewed here in which Na/K pump current was determined as strophanthidin-sensitive current in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes, voltage-clamped and internally-dialyzed via wide-tipped pipettes. In the presence of 150 mM extracellular [Na], both outward and inward pump current, during forward and reverse Na/K exchange respectively, were strongly voltage dependent. But reduction of external [Na] to 1.5 mM severely attenuated the voltage sensitivity of outward Na/K pump current. Voltage jumps elicited large transient pump currents during forward or reverse Na/K exchange, or when pump activity was restricted to Na translocation steps, but not when pumps were presumably engaged in K/K exchange. These findings indicate that Na translocation, but not K translocation, involves net charge movement through the membrane field, and that both forward and reverse Na/K transport cycles are rate-limited not by that voltage-sensitive step but by a subsequent voltage-insensitive step.  相似文献   

A large amount of experimental data on the characteristics of the cardiac Na+/K+ pump have been accumulated, but it remains difficult to predict the quantitative contribution of the pump in an intact cell because most measurements have been made under non-physiological conditions. To extrapolate the experimental findings to intact cells, we have developed a comprehensive Na+/K+ pump model based on the thermodynamic framework (Smith and Crampin, 2004) of the Post-Albers reaction cycle combined with access channel mechanisms. The new model explains a variety of experimental results for the Na+/K+ pump current (INaK), including the dependency on the concentrations of Na+ and K+, the membrane potential and the free energy of ATP hydrolysis. The model demonstrates that both the apparent affinity and the slope of the substrate-INaK relationship measured experimentally are affected by the composition of ions in the extra- and intracellular solutions, indirectly through alteration in the probability distribution of individual enzyme intermediates. By considering the voltage dependence in the Na+- and K+-binding steps, the experimental voltage-INaK relationship could be reconstructed with application of experimental ionic compositions in the model, and the view of voltage-dependent K+ binding was supported. Re-evaluation of charge movements accompanying Na+ and K+ translocations gave a reasonable number for the site density of the Na+/K+ pump on the membrane. The new model is relevant for simulation of cellular functions under various interventions, such as depression of energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase plays a key role in the transport of Na+ throughout the nephron, but ageing appears to be accompanied by changes in the regulation and localization of the pump. In the present study, we examined the effect of in vitro cell ageing on the transport of Na+ and K+ ions in opossum kidney (OK) cells in culture. Cells were aged by repeated passing, and Na+/K+-ATPase activity and K+ conductance were evaluated using electrophysiological methods. Na+K+-ATPase α1– and β1-subunit expression was quantified by Western blot techniques. Na+/H+ exchanger activity, changes in membrane potential, cell viability, hydrogen peroxide production and cellular proliferation were determined using fluorimetric assays. In vitro cell ageing is accompanied by an increase in transepithelial Na+ transport, which results from an increase in the number of Na+/K+-ATPase α1- and β1-subunits, in the membrane. Increases in Na+/K+-ATPase activity were accompanied by increases in K+ conductance as a result of functional coupling between Na+/K+-ATPase and basolateral K+ channels. Cell depolarization induced by both KCl and ouabain was more pronounced in aged cells. No changes in Na+/H+ exchanger activity were observed. H2O2 production was increased in aged cells, but exposure for 5 days to 1 and 10 μM of H2O2 had no effect on Na+/K+-ATPase expression. Ouabain (100 nM) increased α1-subunit, but not β1-subunit, Na+/K+-ATPase expression in aged cells only. These cells constitute an interesting model for the study of renal epithelial cell ageing.  相似文献   

Synchronization of the Na/K pump molecules in a cell membrane was studied in frog skeletal muscle fibers using double Vaseline-gap voltage-clamp techniques. We found that the pumping rate of naturally random-paced pump molecules can be artificially synchronized by a pulsed, symmetric, oscillating membrane potential with a frequency comparable to the physiological turnover rate. The synchronized pump currents show separated outward and inward components, where the magnitude of the outward component is about three times the randomly-paced pump currents, and the magnitude-ratio of the outward to inward pump currents is close to 3:2, which reflects the stoichiometric ratio of the pump molecules. Once synchronized, the pumping rate is restricted to the field frequency, and the pump currents are mainly dependent on the field frequency, but not the field strength. In contrast to previous work, which by restraining the pumps at a presteady state succeeded in triggering the steps of the pump cycle only individually and between interruptions, here we synchronize the pumps running continuously and in a normal running mode.  相似文献   

Synchronization of Na/K pump molecules by a train of squared pulses   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We experimentally studied the Na/K pump currents evoked by a train of squared pulses whose pulse-duration is about the time course of Na-extrusion at physiological conditions. The magnitude of the measured pump current can be as much as three-fold of that induced by the traditional single pulse measurement. The increase in the pump current is directly dependent on the number of pre-pulses. The larger the number of the pre-pulses is, the higher the current magnitude can be obtained. At a particular number of pre-pulses, the pump current becomes saturated. These results suggest that a large number of pre-pulses may synchronize the pump molecules to work at the same pace. As a result, the pump molecules may extrude Na ions at the same time corresponding to the stimulation pulses, and pump in K ions at the same time during the pulse intervals. Therefore, the measured pump current is three-fold of that measured by a single pulse where the outward and inward pump currents are canceled each other.  相似文献   

The behavior of Na/K pump currents when exposed to an oscillating electric field is studied by computer simulation. The pump current from a single pump molecule was sketched based on previous experimental results. The oscillating electric field is designed as a symmetric, dichotomous waveform varying the membrane potential from −30 to −150 mV around the membrane resting potential of −90 mV. Based on experimental results from skeletal muscle fibers, the energy needed to overcome the electrochemical potentials for the Na and K-transports are calculated in response to the field’s two half-cycles. We found that a specially designed oscillating electric field can eventually synchronize the pump molecules so that all the individual pumps run at the same pumping rate and phase as the field oscillation. They extrude Na ions during the positive half-cycle and pump in K ions during the negative half-cycle. The field can force the two ion-transports into the corresponding half-cycles, respectively, but cannot determine their detailed positions. In other words, the oscillating electric field can synchronize pumps in terms of their pumping loops but not at a specific step in the loop. These results are consistent with our experimental results in measurement of the pump currents.  相似文献   

We studied entrainment of the catalytic cycle of the Na/K pumps by an imposed external AC electric field. Our results show that a well designed dichotomous oscillating electric field with a frequency close to the pumps’ natural turnover rate can synchronize the pump molecules. Characteristics of the synchronized pumps include: (1) outward pump currents responding to Na-extrusion and inward pump currents responding to K-pumping in are separated; (2) magnitude of the outward pump currents can be up to three times higher than that of the randomly paced pump currents; (3) magnitude ratio of the outward over inward pump currents reveals the 3:2 stoichiometry of the pumps. We, further, gradually increased the field oscillating frequency in a stepwise pattern and kept pump synchronization in each step. We found that the pumps’ turnover rate could be modulated up as the field frequency increased. Consequently, the pump currents significantly increased by many fold. In summary, these results show that the catalytic cycle of Na/K pumps can be synchronized and modulated by a well designed oscillating electric field resulting in activation of the pump functions.  相似文献   

Previously, we have theoretically studied the possibility of electrical rhythmic entrainment of carrier-mediated ion transporters, and experimentally realized synchronization and acceleration of the Na/K pumping rate in the cell membrane of skeletal muscle fibers by a specially designed synchronization modulation electric field. In these studies we either used cut fibers under a voltage clamp or intact fibers, but in the presence of ion channels blockers. A question remained as to whether the field-induced activation observed in the pump molecules could effectively increase the intracellular ionic concentration and the membrane potential at physiological conditions. In this paper, we studied the effects of the field on intact fibers without any channel blockers. We monitored the field-induced changes in the ionic concentration gradient across the cell membrane and the membrane potential non-invasively by using a fluorescent probe and confocal microscopic imaging techniques. The results clearly show that the entrainment of the pump molecules by the synchronization modulation electric field can effectively increase the ionic concentration gradient, and hence, hyperpolarize the membrane potential.  相似文献   

In previously reported work, we developed a new technique, synchronization modulation, to electrically activate Na/K pump molecules. The fundamental mechanism involved in this technique is a dynamic entrainment procedure of the pump molecules, carried out in a stepwise pattern. The entrainment procedure consists of two steps: synchronization and modulation. We theoretically predicted that the pump functions can be activated exponentially as a function of the membrane potential. We have experimentally demonstrated synchronization of the Na/K pump molecules and acceleration of their pumping rates by many fold through use of voltage-clamp techniques, directly monitoring the pump currents. We further applied this technique to intact skeletal muscle fibers from amphibians and found significant effects on the membrane resting potential. Here, we extend our study to intact mammalian cardiomyocytes. We employed a noninvasive confocal microscopic fluorescent imaging technique to monitor electric field–induced changes in ionic concentration gradient and membrane resting potential. Our results further confirm that the well-designed synchronization modulation electric field can effectively accelerate the Na/K pumping rate, increasing the ionic concentration gradient across the cell membrane and hyperpolarizing the membrane resting potential.  相似文献   

Summary Stage V and VI (Dumont, J.N., 1972.J. Morphol. 136:153–180) oocytes ofXenopus laevis were treated with collagenase to remove follicular cells and were placed in K-free solution for 2 to 4 days to elevate internal [Na]. Na/K pump activity was studied by restoring the eggs to normal 3mm K Barth's solution and measuring membrane current-voltage (I–V) relationships before and after the addition of 10 m dihydroouabain (DHO) using a two-microelectrode voltage clamp. Two pulse protocols were used to measure membraneI–V relationships, both allowing membrane currents to be determined twice at each of a series of membrane potentials: (i) a down-up-down sequence of 5 mV, 1-sec stair steps and (ii) a similar sequence of 1-sec voltage pulses but with consecutive pulses separated by 4-sec recovery periods at the holding potential (–40 mV). The resulting membraneI–V relationships determined both before and during exposure to DHO showed significant hysteresis between the first and second current measurements at each voltage. DHO difference curves also usually showed hysteresis indicating that DHO caused a change in a component of current that varied with time. Since, by definition, the steady-state Na/K pumpI–V relationship must be free of hysteresis, the presence of hysteresis in DHO differenceI–V curves can be used as a criterion for excluding such data from consideration as a valid measure of the Na/K pumpI–V relationship. DHO differenceI–V relationships that did not show hysteresis were sigmoid functions of membrane potential when measured in normal (90mm) external Na solution. The Na/K pump current magnitude saturated near 0 mV at a value of 1.0–1.5 A cm–2, without evidence of negative slope conductance for potentials up to +55 mV. The Na/K pump current magnitude in Na-free external solution was approximately voltage independent. Since these forward-going Na/K pumpI–V relationships do not show a region of negative slope over the voltage range –110 to +55 mV, it is not necessary to postulate the existence of more than one voltage-dependent step in the reaction cycle of the forward-going Na/K pump.  相似文献   

We have reported that α1 Na/K-ATPase regulates the trafficking of caveolin-1 and consequently alters cholesterol distribution in the plasma membrane. Here, we report the reciprocal regulation of α1 Na/K-ATPase by cholesterol. Acute exposure of LLC-PK1 cells to methyl β-cyclodextrin led to parallel decreases in cellular cholesterol and the expression of α1 Na/K-ATPase. Cholesterol repletion fully reversed the effect of methyl β-cyclodextrin. Moreover, inhibition of intracellular cholesterol trafficking to the plasma membrane by compound U18666A had the same effect on α1 Na/K-ATPase. Similarly, the expression of α1, but not α2 and α3, Na/K-ATPase was significantly reduced in the target organs of Niemann-Pick type C mice where the intracellular cholesterol trafficking is blocked. Mechanistically, decreases in the plasma membrane cholesterol activated Src kinase and stimulated the endocytosis and degradation of α1 Na/K-ATPase through Src- and ubiquitination-dependent pathways. Thus, the new findings, taken together with what we have already reported, revealed a previously unrecognized feed-forward mechanism by which cells can utilize the Src-dependent interplay among Na/K-ATPase, caveolin-1, and cholesterol to effectively alter the structure and function of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We have measured the voltage dependence of the Na/K pump in isolated adult rat cardiac myocytes using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. In the presence of 1–2 mM Ba and 0.1 mm Cd and nominally Ca-free, Na/K pump current (I p) was measured as the change in current due to 1 mM ouabain. Voltage dependence of I pwas measured between –140 and +40 or +60 mV using square voltage-pulse and voltage-ramp protocols, respectively. With 150 mM extracellular Na (Na o ) and 5.4 mM extracellular K (K o ), we found that the Na/K pump shows a strong positive voltage dependence between –140 and 0 mV and is voltage independent at positive potentials. Removing Na o reduced the voltage dependence at negative potentials with no effect at positive potentials. When K o was reduced, a negative slope appeared in the current-voltage (I-V) curve at positive potentials. We have investigated whether Na i (intracellular Na) might also affect the voltage dependence of I pby varying Na in the patch pipette (Napip) between 20 and 85 mM. We found, as expected, that I pincreased markedly as Napip was raised, saturating at about 70 mM Napip under these conditions. In contast, while I psaturated near +20 mV and declined to about 40% of maximum at –120 mV, there was no effect of Napip under these conditions. In contrast, while I psaturated near +20 mV and declined to about 40% of maximum at –120 mV, there was no effect of Napip on the voltage dependence of I p. This suggests that neither Na i binding to the Na/K pump nor the conformational changes dependent on Na i binding are voltage dependent. These results are consistent with extracellular ion binding within the field of the membrane but do not rule out the possibility that other steps, such as Na translocation, are also voltage dependent.We wish to thank Ms. Melinda Price, Ms. Meei Liu and Mr. Randall Anderson for their technical assistance. This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grant HL44660.  相似文献   

This study concerns the modulatory effects of the gamma modulator of the Na/K pump, in particular whether the effects seen in previous experiments with isolated membranes are relevant to Na/K pump behavior in intact mammalian cells. For this purpose, HeLa cells previously transfected with the rat Na/K catalytic subunit were used. The results show that both variants of the regulator, γa and γb, decrease the apparent affinity of the pump for Na+ and cause a modest increase in apparent ATP affinity as seen in measurements of ouabain-sensitive 86Rb(K+) influx into cells in which ATP was varied using antimycin A and glucose. Equivalent results had been obtained previously in our analyses of Na,K-ATPase activity of membrane fragments, i.e., an increase in K0.5(Na) at high K+ concentration and a decrease in K′ATP. Comparison of clones of γ-transfected and mock-transfected cells (with similar Vmax values) indicated that γ causes a modest ≈30% increase in the steady-state concentration of intracellular Na+. Furthermore, for both γa and γb, values of intracellular Na+ were similar to those predicted from the kinetic constants, K0.5(Na) and Vmax. Finally, there was a γ-mediated increase in apparent affinity for extracellular K+, which had not been detected in assays of permeabilized membranes.
R. BlosteinEmail: Phone: 514-934-1934 (ext. 44501)Fax: 514-934-8332

The effects of organic quaternary amines, tetraethylammonium (TEA) chloride and benzyltriethylammonium (BTEA) chloride, on Na,K pump current were examined in rat cardiac myocytes superfused in extracellular Na(+)-free solutions and whole-cell voltage-clamped with patch electrodes containing a high Na(+)-salt solution. Extracellular application of these quaternary amines competitively inhibited extracellular K(+) (K(+)(o)) activation of Na,K pump current; however, the concentration for half maximal inhibition of Na,K pump current at 0 mV (K(0)(Q)) by BTEA, 4.0 +/- 0.3 mM, was much lower than the K(0)(Q) for TEA, 26.6 +/- 0.7 mM. Even so, the fraction of the membrane electric field dissipated during K(+)(o) activation of Na,K pump current (lambda(K)), 39 +/- 1%, was similar to lambda(K) determined in the presence of TEA (37 +/- 2%) and BTEA (35 +/- 2%), an indication that the membrane potential (V(M)) dependence for K(+)(o) activation of the Na,K pump current was unaffected by TEA and BTEA. TEA was found to inhibit the Na,K pump current in a V(M)-independent manner, i.e., inhibition of current dissipated 4 +/- 2% of the membrane electric field. In contrast, BTEA dissipated 40 +/- 5% of the membrane electric field during inhibition of Na,K pump current. Thus, BTEA inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase is V(M)-dependent. The competitive nature of inhibition as well as the similar fractions of the membrane electric field dissipated during K(+)(o)-dependent activation and BTEA-dependent inhibition of Na,K pump current suggest that BTEA inhibits the Na,K-ATPase at or very near the enzyme's K(+)(o) binding site(s) located in the membrane electric field. Given previous findings that organic quaternary amines are not occluded by the Na,K-ATPase, these data clearly demonstrate that an ion channel-like structure provides access to K(+)(o) binding sites in the enzyme.  相似文献   

The effect of oxidative stress, induced by Fe2+-EDTA system, on Na+,K+-ATPase, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and membrane fluidity of synaptosomes was investigated. Synaptosomes isolated from gerbil whole forebrain were incubated in the presence of 200 M FeSO4-EDTA per mg of protein at 37°C for 30 min. The oxidative insult reduced Na+,K+-ATPase activity by 50.7 ± 5.0 % and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger activity measured in potassium and choline media by 47.1 ± 7.2 % and 46.7 ± 8.6 %, respectively. Membrane fluidity was also significantly reduced as observed with the 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene probe. Stobadine, a pyridoindole derivative, prevented the decrease in membrane fluidity and in Na+/Ca2+ exchanger activity. The Na+,K+-ATPase activity was only partially protected by this lipid antioxidant, indicating a more complex mechanism of inhibition of this protein. The results of the present study suggest that the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and the Na+,K+-ATPase are involved in oxidation stress-mediated disturbances of intracellular ion homeostasis and may contribute to cell injury.  相似文献   

Summary The electrogenic properties of the Na,K-ATPase were studied by correlating transient electrical events in the pump molecule with conformational transitions elicited by an ATP-concentration jump. Flat membrane fragments containing a high density (8000 m–2) of oriented Na,K-ATPase molecules were bound to a planar lipid bilayer acting as a capacitive electrode. ATP was released in the medium from a photolabile inactive ATP derivative (caged ATP) by a 40-sec light flash. Electrical signals resulting from transient charge movements in the protein under single-turnover conditions were recorded in the external measuring circuit. In parallel experiments carried out under virtually identical conditions, the fluorescence of membrane fragments containing Na,K-ATPase with covalently-bound 5-iodoacetamido-fluorescein (5-IAF) was monitored after the ATP-concentration jump. When the medium contained Na+, but no K+, the fluorescence of the 5-IAF-labeled protein decreases monotonously after release of ATP. In the experiments with membrane fragments bound to a planar bilayer, a transient pump current was observed which exhibited virtually the same time behavior as the fluorescence decay. This indicates that optical and electrical transients are governed by the same rate-limiting reaction step. Experiments with chymotrypsin-modified Na,K-ATPase suggest that both the fluorescence change as well as the charge movement are associated with the deocclusion of Na+ and release to the extracellular side. In experiments with Na+-free K+ media, a large inverse fluorescence change is observed after the ATP-concentration jump, but no charge translocation can be detected. This indicates that deocclusion of K+ is an electrically silent process.  相似文献   

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