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We have characterized, using several types of bioassays, the resistance induced in young tomato plants by feeding of the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea. Beet armyworm larvae, Spodoptera exigua, and leafminers, Liriomyza trifolii, were used to assay the induced resistance. In whole-plant experiments, damage localized to a single leaflet of fourleaf tomato plants induced a systemic increase in resistance such that beet armyworm larvae confined to previously damaged (induced) plants grew at a rate about half that of larvae raised on control plants and consumed less leaf tissue from induced plants than from control plants. In experiments using excised leaves, beet armyworm larvae suffered increased mortality when reared on leaves from induced plants. The strength of this induced resistance varied spatially relative to the damaged position; moreover, the spatial distribution of induced resistance changed over a three-week period following damage. Other experiments demonstrated that the mechanisms of induced resistance in tomato foliage involves both a decrease in larval preference for and a decrease in the nutritional value of induced foliage. Induction also retarded the oviposition and/or early development of leafminers. Thus, induced resistance has relatively severe effects on the biology of subsequent herbivores. These data should allow us to begin to elucidate cause-effect relationships between induced resistance and induced chemistry in tomato plants.  相似文献   

Segregating populations of hybrids of the insect-resistant wild tomato,Lycopersicon hirsutum f.glabratum, C.H. Mull, PI 134417, and the susceptible tomato cultivar ofL. esculentum Mill, Walter, were screened by bioassays with the Colorado potato beetle,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) and tomato fruitwormHeliothis zea (Boddie). Plant lines with a range of levels of resistance toH. zea were selected from one group of hybrids; plants with a range of resistance levels toL. decemlineata, from another group. The response of both insect species to both groups of plants was evaluated. Resistance to each of these species is under separate genetic control and apparently involves distinct mechanistic components, although it remains possible that at least some factors are important in conditioning resistance to both species.
Résumé La tomate sauvage,L. hirsutum f.glabratum C.H. Mull, n0 PI134417, présente des lamelles foliaires qui lui confèrent une résistance au doryphore,L. decemlineata Say et àH. zea Bodie. Cette étude a voulu préciser si ces résistances étaient héritées ensemble dans des populations d'hybrides entre PI 134417 et la tomate cultivée,L. esculentum Mill. Des lignées de plantes présentant une gamme de résistance àH. zea ont été sélectionnées à partir d'une population hyrbide. De même, des lignées de plantes ayant une gamme de résistance àL. decemlineata ont été sélectionnées à partir d'un second groupe d'hybrides. Les réactions des 2 insectes aux 2 groupes de plantes ont été estimées.Les résistances àH. zea et àL. decemlineata n'étaient pas corrélées nettement. Certaines lignées sont résistantes aux 2 espèces, mais d'autres ne sont résistantes qu'à une espèce. Ainsi, les résistances à chacune de ces espèces ont probablement des déterminismes génétiques différents. Différentes composantes mécaniques sont vraisemblablement impliquées dans ces résistances, bien qu'il soit possible qu'au moins quelques facteurs aient un rôle important dans le conditionnement de la résistance. La création de cultivars de tomates avec une résistance liée aux lamelles foliaires sera compliquée par le besoin d'une sélection en fonction des réponses aux 2 espèces..

Ecological specialisation on different host plants occurs frequently among phytophagous insects and is normally assumed to have a genetic basis. However, insects often carry microbial symbionts, which may play a role in the evolution of specialisation. The bacterium Regiella insecticola is a facultative symbiont of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) where it is found most frequently in aphid clones feeding on Trifolium giving rise to the hypothesis that it may improve aphid performance on this plant. A study in which R. insecticola was eliminated from a single naturally infected aphid clone supported the hypothesis, but a second involving two aphid clones did not find the same effect. We created a series of new pea aphid–R. insecticola associations by injecting different strains of bacteria into five aphid clones uninfected by symbionts. For all aphid clones, the bacteria decreased the rate at which aphids accepted Vicia faba as a food plant and reduced performance on this plant. Their effect on aphids given Trifolium pratense was more complex: R. insecticola negatively affected acceptance by all aphid clones, had no effect on the performance of four aphid clones, but increased performance of a fifth, thus demonstrating genetic variation in the effect of R. insecticola on pea aphid host use. We discuss how these results may explain the distribution and frequency of this symbiont across different aphid populations. Julia Ferrari and Claire L. Scarborough contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

Larvae of Heliothis zea (Boddie) were fed foliage of the resistant wild tomato Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull (PI 134417) and susceptible L. esculentum (cultivar Walter), either with the glandular trichomes removed or with the trichomes intact. Response variables measured included larval mortality, larval weight, consumption rate (CR), and efficiency of conversion of ingested material (ECI). Resistant foliage was found to contain factors in both the trichomes and leaf lamellae which increased larval mortality, reduced larval weight, reduced CR, and, except in second instars, reduced ECI. Susceptible foliage also contained trichome-based factors which increased larval mortality and decreased weight, as well as CR of second instars and ECI of fifth instars. Implications of these findings for breeding resistant tomato cultivars are discussed.
Résumé La tomate sauvage, Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull (PI 134417) est fortement résistant à Heliothis zea. Les études préalables ont indiqués que la résistance est associée avec la présence de 2-tridécanone dans les extrémités des poils glandulaires de la tomate sauvage, et que les facteurs dans la lamelle des feuilles sont peut-être impliqués. À déterminer la présence des facteurs lamellaires et à caractériser de plus les facteurs de résistance dans les extrémités des poils glandulaires aussi, nous nourrissions les larves du feuillage résistant de PI 134417 et du feuillage susceptible L. esculentum (lignée Walter) les deux avec les extrémités des poils glandulaires enlèvés ou avec les extrémités des poils glandulaires intacts. Nous mesurions la mortalité des larves, les poids des larves, la taux de consommation relative et l'efficacité de conversion de matière mangé.On se trouvait le feuillage résistant à contenir les facteurs, tous deux dans le feuillage lamellaire et dans les extrémités des poils glandulaires, qui causaient l'augmentation de mortalité, les poids plus basses, la taux de consommation relative plus basse, et, hormis dans le cas des larves en phase deuxième, l'efficacité de conversion réduite. Le feuillage susceptible contenait aussi les facteurs dans les extrémités des poils glandulaires qui augmentaient la mortalité, diminuaient les poids et la taux de consommation relative des larves en phase deuxième, et diminuaient l'efficacité de conversion des larves en phase cinquième. Cettes conclusions indiquent la présence des facteurs de résistance en outre de 2-tridécanone et peuvent fournir les indices à l'identité de ces facteurs.

Flight tracks of female cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.), in odourless air, and in difuse clouds and discrete plumes of the host-plant volatile allylisothiocyanate (ANCS), were investigated. In diffuse ANCS D. radicum flew upwind with a smaller mean straight leg track angle with respect to the wind than in odourless air. In discrete ANCS, a larger mean straight leg track angle and a larger range of track angles occurred than in diffuse odour. The frequency distribution of these angles may have been bi-modal. It is suggested that perceived changes in odour concentration may alter the flight track angle. This behaviour is compared to the odour-modulated anemotaxis of male moths locating pheromone sources.
Résumé Changements des angles de vol de Delia radicum en présence de nuages diffus ou de panaches discontinus d'allylisothiocyanate, substance volatile émise par la plante-hôte.Nous avons étudié les chemins de vol des D. radicum femelles, en air pur, avect des émissions diffuses ou dicontinues de l'allylisothiocyanate (ANCS), substance volatilede la plante-hôte. En présence d'ANCS diffus, D. radicum vole contre le vent. Ce vol présente des portions droites faisant un angle avec la direction du vent; l'angle moyen de ce crochets est plus petit que celui observé en air pur. En présence d'ANCS discontinu, l'angle moyen est plus grand qu'en atmosphère diffuse et surtout l'histogramme de valeur de ces angles est bimodal.On peut envisager que la perception de changements dans la concentration de l'odeur peut modifier l'angle de vol. Un tel comportement est à comparer à l'anémotaxie contre le vent, modulée par l'odeur, observée chez les papillons mâles décelant une source de phéromones.

Summary The inheritance and linkage relationships of a gene for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 were analyzed. An interspecific hybrid between a resistant Lycopersicon pennellii and a susceptible L. esculentum was backcrossed to L. esculentum. The genotype of each backcross-1 (BC1) plant with respect to its Fusarium response was determined by means of backcross-2 progeny tests. Resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene, I1, which was not allelic to I, the traditional gene for resistance against the same fungal pathogen that was derived from L. pimpinellifolium. Linkage analysis of 154 molecular markers that segregated in the BC1 population placed I1 between the RFLP markers TG20 and TG128 on chromosome 7. The flanking markers were used to verify the assignment of the I1 genotype in the segregating population. The results are discussed with reference to the possibility of cloning Fusarium resistance genes in tomato.  相似文献   

Soybean varieties that exhibit resistance to the soybean aphid Aphis glycines have been developed for use in North America. In principle, host-plant resistance to soybean aphid can influence the interactions between the soybean aphid and its natural enemies. Resistance could change the quality of soybean aphids as a food source, the availability of soybean aphids, or resistance traits could directly affect aphid predators and parasitoids. Here, we focus on the effect of soybean aphid resistance on the interactions between soybean aphids, the parasitoid Binodoxys communis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and predators of these two species. We determined whether host-plant resistance affected within-season persistence of B. communis by releasing parasitoids into resistant and susceptible soybean plots. We observed higher B. communis densities in susceptible soybean plots than in resistant plots. There were also higher overall levels of intraguild predation of B. communis in susceptible plots, although the per-capita risk of intraguild predation of B. communis was affected neither by plant genotype nor by aphid density. We discuss these effects and whether they were caused by direct effects of the resistant plants on B. communis or indirect effects through soybean aphid or predators.  相似文献   

The resistance of accession PI 134417 of the wild tomato Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull to Manduca sexta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Spingidae) and Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is conditioned by the high densities of 2-tridecanone-containing, glandular trichomes associated with the foliage. In laboratory experiments, rates of parasitism of M. sexta eggs by Telenomus sphingis (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) were lower among eggs on PI 134417 foliage than among eggs on foliage of the cultivated tomato L. esculentum Mill. (cv. Better Boy). The latter is characterized by a significantly lower density of type VI glandular trichomes than PI 134417 and an absence of 2-tridecanone. Parasitism by T. sphingis was also reduced among eggs on foliage of the F1 hybrid between PI 134417 and L. esculentum. The hybrid foliage lacks 2-tridecanone but has a density of type VI glandular trichomes that is intermediate between those of PI 134417 and L. esculentum, indicating that elevated densities of type VI glandular trichomes adversely affect T. sphingis. This conclusion was further substantiated by the finding that there were no differences among plant lines in the levels of parasitism of M. sexta eggs when the eggs were on foliage that had been divested of glandular trichomes.In bioassays in which T. sphingis adults or immatures in host eggs were exposed to filter paper treated with 2-tridecanone at rates comparable to those associated with PI 134417 foliage, 2-tridecanone was acutely toxic and caused high levels of mortality. In addition, at high concentrations, 2-tridecanone vapors were repellent to T. sphingis adults. However, when exposed to PI 134417 foliage, few T. sphingis adults were killed.Parasitism of M. sexta eggs was unaffected when the eggs were deposited by moths reared as fifth instar larvae on diet containing 2-tridecanone and/or 2-undecanone at levels comparable to those associated with PI 134417 foliage.  相似文献   

Life history parameters including longevity, developmental time, and reproduction were determined for whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), kept in clip-on cages on susceptible parent, Lycopersicon esculentum, resistant parent, L. hirsutum glabratum, and intermediate breeding lines of tomato. Using the Lewontin triangular reproductive function, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was calculated for each genotype. This is an elegant tool for detecting resistance, as it incorporates all salient factors of life history. Comparing rm to the other parameters measured, selection criteria were chosen. Developmental time is not a suitable selection criterion as it varies very little even between the most susceptible and the most resistant genotypes. Additionally, developmental time of T. vaporariorum offspring was found to be highly significantly correlated to parental age on all tomato genotypes except L. hirsutum glabratum. Total reproduction, truncated population counts, and longevity appear good criteria for selection. This test, focusing on antibiotic factors, shows large differences between the resistant and susceptible parent genotypes, but much smaller differences between the breeding lines and the susceptible parent. Earlier screenings relying on a variety of tests appear to have maintained antixenotic rather than antibiotic properties in the breeding lines.  相似文献   

Summary The locus, I2, which in tomato confers resistance against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 2, was introgressed into Lycopersicon esculentum from the wild species L. pimpinellifolium (P.I. 126915). We searched for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between nearly isogenic lines (NILs) in clones that map to the region introgressed from the wild species. Since I2 maps to chromosome 11, we used DNA clones from this chromosome as hybridization probes to Southern blots containing bound DNA of the NILs digested with 23 restriction enzymes. Of the 14 chromosome 11 clones, 9 exhibited polymorphism. These clones were further hybridized to verification filters that contained DNA from resistant and susceptible L. esculentum varieties digested with the enzymes that gave the polymorphism. One clone, TG105, was found to be associated with I2; 19 susceptible lines showed a different RFLP with this probe than 16 resistant lines, including the original L. pimpinellifolium accession used as a source for the resistance gene. These results together with our mapping analysis indicate that TG105 is closely linked to the resistance gene.  相似文献   

Studies were done to evaluate specific strains of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for induced resistance against cucumber mosaic cucumovirus(CMV) in tomato. In greenhouse experiments where plants were challenged by mechanical inoculation of CMV, the percentage of symptomatic plants in the most effective PGPR treatments ranged from 32 to 58%,compared with 88 to 98% in the nonbacterized, challenged disease control treatment. Field experiments were conducted in 1996 and 1997 to evaluate 4 PGPR strain treatments based on superior performance in the greenhouse studies. In the 1996field experiment, tomato plants treated with 3 PGPR strains exhibited a significantly lower incidence of CMV infection and significantly higher yields, compared with nonbacterized, CMV-challenged controls. In 1997, the overall percentages of plants infected with CMV in the control and PGPR treatments was higher than in 1996. CMV symptom development was significantly reduced on PGPR-treated plants in 1997compared with the control, but the percentage of infected plants and tomato yields were not significantly different among treatments. These results suggest that PGPR-mediated induced resistance against CMV infection following mechanical inoculation onto tomato can be maintained under field conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The suppressive effects of undersown clover on Thrips tabaci Lindeman infestation in leek is known but not the stages in thrips population dynamics that are affected by intercropping and the mechanisms involved. Colonization or settling of adult onion thrips (T. tabaci) in monocropped leek (Allium porrum L.) and in leek intercropped with strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum L.) was studied in two potted plant experiments. Potted leek plants with and without undersown clover were placed for a short period (2 and 5 days) in monocropped or intercropped field plots when high thrips infestation was expected. Thrips adults were counted on all leaves and in the shaft during this observation period. Thrips populations were monitored weekly in the field plots throughout the entire growing season.In both potted plant experiments, there were consistently fewer thrips adults on intercropped leek plants than on monocropped plants. The plant growth parameters – number of leaves and stem diameter – were similar in all treatments and thus did not explain differences in thrips adults. Natural enemies were absent on both leek and clover, and thus cannot explain the differences in adult thrips numbers. Furthermore, no adults of T. tabaci were found on the clover in the potted plant experiment and only very few in the field experiment. Thus it was concluded that strawberry clover was not an effective trap crop for thrips.In the second potted plant experiment, clover was removed just before the leek plants were introduced to the field, thus eliminating direct physical, visual and olfactory interference by clover. After the undersown clover was removed, the leek plants harboured only one-third of the number of thrips adults, as compared to the monocropped plants. This study supports the notion that there are subtle links between intercropping and plant quality, and indicates that host-plant quality is an underlying cause of the reduction in adult thrips numbers in leek/clover intercropping.  相似文献   

An aphid rate of increase index was used as a comparative measure of antibiotic resistance to Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae) in five faba bean cultivars. The index was measured over a range of bioassays in laboratory and field, with seedlings and older plants, with three different previous aphid hosts and with two different aphid clones. Antixenotic resistance was measured by recording host selection and acceptance of the same cultivars by alate aphids. Cultivars which were antibiotically resistant were also antixenotically resistant. Antibiotic, but not antixenotic resistance, was less effective in the field than in the laboratory. The resistance of cv. Herra was influenced by previous aphid host, aphid clone and plant age but the resistance of Line 14 was more stable. Honeydew production was measured; aphids on resistant cultivars produced less honeydew of lower amino acid concentration than those on susceptible cultivars.
Résumé L'importance des composantes antibiotique et antixénotique de la résistance de la fève à A. fabae a été évaluée dans différentes conditions au champ et au laboratoire.Un indice de performance du puceron sur des cultivars témoins très voisins du taux intrinsèque d'accroissement naturel a été utilisé pour les mesures comparant la résistance antibiotique. La lignée 14 et le cv. Herra ont été les plus résistants des 5 cultivars examinés. La résistance antibiotique de 14 par comparaison avec les cultivars sensibles n'a pas été modifiée par l'âge de la plante, le clone de puceron ou les cultivars qu'avaient eu précédemment les pucerons dans des expériences de laboiratoire. La résistance de Herra était moins stable. Les différences entre résistances antibiotiques des cultivars était plus faible en champ où aucune différence significative dans les taux de multiplication des pucerons n'a été observée.L'antixénose a été évaluée au laboratoire en mesurant les taux d'installation des ailés sur les cultivars et les taux d'acceptation des ailés quand ils avaient été placés sur les cultivars. La résistance antixénotique a refleté la résistance antibiotique. L'antixénose reste efficace quand aucun cultivar sensible alternatif était disponible. Des observations sur des infestations précoces de pucerons sur parcelles ont laissé penser que l'antixénose était effective aux mêmes niveaux au champ et au laboratoire.Les pucerons s'alimentant sur des cultivars résistants ont produit moins de miellat avec une plus faible concentration en acides aminés.Ces résultats font penser que les efforts dans la sélection pour la résistance à A. fabae devraient être orientés vers l'antixénose pour laquelle un screening rapide en laboratoire pourrait être efficace.

Sixteen species of Nicotiana were examined for resistance to second instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.). The tests were designed so as to discriminate between antibiosis and nonpreference. High levels of antibiosis resistance were observed in several wild species such as N. gossei and species in the Repandae section. Several other species, such as N. excelsior, showed antibiosis that appeared to be due to a different mechanism than the alkaloid-trichome exudate based resistance of the above species. The data indicate that these species of Nicotiana may be used as a new source of resistance to larvae of M. sexta.
D'espèces sauvages de Nicotiania comme nouvelle source de résistance du tabac à Manduca sexta
Résumé La résistance aux chenilles de second stade de Manduca sexta L. a été examinée chez seize espèces de Nicotiana. Les essais ont été conçus pour distinguer absence d'appétance et antibiose. Plusieurs espèces sauvages comme N. gossei et les espèces de la section Repandae ont présenté un niveau élevé d'antibiose. D'autres espèces, comme N. excelsior ont présenté une antibiose vraisemblablement due à un mécanisme différent de la résistance des espèces précédentes provoquée par un exsudat alcaloïde des trichomes. Les résultats indiquent que ces espèces de Nicotiana peuvent être utilisées comme nouvelle source de résistance aux chenilles de M. sexta.

The relationship between Fe nutritional status and Verticillium wilt disease in tomatoes possessing single gene resistance to Race 1 of Verticillium dahliae was investigated using hydroponic culture media. Iron limiting conditions increased the sensitivity of resistant tomatoes to the pathogen as expressed by wilting and chlorosis. Distance of fungal vascular invasion was approximately the same in both Fe replete and Fe limited treatments. Comparison of near-isolines revealed that the magnitude of disease expressed in Fe deficient Pixie II (resistant) was considerably less than that expressed by the susceptible Pixie variety. Infection of tomato did not enhance the severity of low-Fe stress as quantified by root peroxidase activity and chlorophyll content of young leaves.  相似文献   

The infection of tomato leaves by Phytophthora infestans was followed using cytological methods. Fungal ingress and plant reactions in untreated and induced resistant plants were studied. Systemic disease resistance was induced by a local pre-infection with the same fungus. Induction retarded fungal progress at the leaf surface, epidermis and in the mesophyll. The reduced numbers of germinated cysts indicate the presence of fungitoxic substances on the leaf surface of induced plants. Frequency of fungal penetration through the outer epidermal cell wall was reduced, but only in plants exhibiting a high level of induced resistance. Autofluor-escent material, indicating the presence of lignin-like substances, accumulated rapidly beneath some of the appressoria, but this plant response was similar in induced and non-induced plants. Staining with aniline blue indicated that callose deposition was not involved in induced resistance. Thus, none of the cytologically investigated plant reactions correlated with the reduced penetration frequency observed. In the mesophyll, however, the cytological picture corresponding to a hypersensitive reaction occurred more often in induced plants. It is concluded that reduction of disease severity by induction is the result of the combined action of several successive defence reactions.Dedicated to the memory of Professor H. Grisebach  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tissue nitrogen concentration, as a consequence of nitrogen supply rate, on the susceptibility of tomato plants to three pathogens. We varied tissue N concentration by supplying N at different rates by adding nitrate in different, exponentially increasing amounts to the nutrient solution on which the tomato plants were grown. Separate experiments were carried out to test susceptibility of tomato plants to the bacterial speck-causing Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato, to the wilt agent Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici and to tomato powdery mildew caused by Oidium lycopersicum. The effect of tissue N concentration appeared to be highly pathogen-dependent: there was no effect on susceptibility to F. oxysporum, but susceptibility to P. syringae and O. lycopersicum increased significantly with increasing N concentration. We have previously demonstrated the opposite for susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea: decreasing susceptibility with increasing N concentration. The apparent contradictory effects are discussed in relation to the effect of N supply on both the nutritional value of the plant tissue to the pathogen and on the concentration of resistance-related compounds. We conclude that the effect of changing both characteristics on disease susceptibility is highly pathogen-specific and is probably dependent on differences in resource requirements of the pathogen or the sensitivity of the pathogen to plant resistance reactions or on both these factors. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Effects of host-plant quality on two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, mate location and guarding behaviors were described using a no-choice bioassay. Males and quiescent deutonymphs were collected from lima bean leaves of one of two host qualities. High-chlorophyll (HC) leaves had been infested with spider mites for 6–10 days, while low-chlorophyll (LC) leaves had been infested for>21 days. Three parameters of maleT. urticae guarding behavior were quantified: approach arrestment, and arrestment duration. HC males approached quiescent deutonymphs more often than did LC males, even though host quality of females had no effect on male approach frequency. HC males were arrested more frequently by HC quiescent deutonymphs than were LC males, while LC males were arrested more often by LC females than were HC males. However, a different pattern was observed for arrestment duration. HC males were arrested for twice as long by LC quiescent deutonymphs than by HC females, while the LC-male arrestment durations elicited by HC and LC females did not differ. These results show that host-plant quality affectsT. urticae intersexual communication, in terms of both the female signal and the male response. Whether the differing male responses observed in this study indicate alternativeT. urticae mating strategies or are incidental by-products of host-induced physiological changes remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Amblyseius fallacis Garman has been selected for pyrethroid resistance and mass reared for experimental release as a biological control agent for tetranychid mites on a number of crops in Canada. Several releases of this predator onto apple and peach trees have failed to result in the establishment of A. fallacis, or in the biological control of Panonychus ulmi Koch. Here, we test the hypothesis that the change of host-plant at the time of release is a critical factor in the establishment of A. fallacis for biological control of P. ulmi. Functional and numerical response studies were undertaken on two populations of A. fallacis: a wild strain collected from the canopy foliage of an apple orchard near Vineland, Ontario; and a second strain reared on bean plants in a commercial insectary with Tetranychus urticae as prey. Each population consumed significantly more P. ulmi and produced significantly more eggs when on leaf disks from the plant species they were reared on, than on leaf disks from the novel host plant. A further experiment was conducted to determine if establishment and biological control of mass-reared A. fallacis could be affected by rearing a population for a short term on apple leaves prior to release on apple trees. Three release treatments were made into potted apple trees in a glasshouse, using predators commercially mass-reared on bean and T. urticae: A. fallacis released directly; A. fallacis reared in the laboratory for four weeks on bean and T. urticae; A. fallacis reared on apple leaves and T. urticae for four weeks. They were compared with a control treatment lacking predator release. Contrary to results of the functional and numerical response studies, no difference was observed between release treatments. All release treatments adding A. fallacis resulted in a similar, if limited, degree of biological control of P. ulmi. These results indicated that there may be short-term effects of host plant on the establishment of A. fallacis and biological control of P. ulmi, which in our study were observed as an initial reduction of the predatory response. However, in a test, the predators appeared to overcome these short-term effects and successfully established on the new host-plant to control P. ulmi.  相似文献   

The flight response of Cotesia kariyaiWatanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the polyphagous herbivore, Mythimna separataWalker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), to pairs of different plant species infested by M. separatalarvae was tested under a dual choice condition in the laboratory. The oviposition-inexperienced (naive) wasps showed preference in the order: corn > kidney bean > Japanese radish. Wasps that had previously oviposited on the less preferred plant in a pair were found to have shifted their preference to this plant at 2 h after oviposition. However, this shift became indistinct at 17 h after oviposition. Prior oviposition on a plant species other than those being compared also affected the preference. These data suggest that learning is involved in the wasp's flight response. Prior oviposition was also observed to have an effect on the antennal searching behavior of the wasp on corn leaves. Such behavioral plasticity may enhance the efficiency by which C. kariyaisearches for polyphagous hosts.  相似文献   

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