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Most studies analysing the influence of socioeconomic deterioration on body size focus on the impact of food shortages and diseases on the growth in early childhood. To evaluate how socioeconomic conditions influence the growth during the adolescence, we tracked the body size of 15–19 year-olds over the last sixty years covering the socialist period (1951–1990), the war (1991–1995) and the transition to capitalistic economy. This study of Zagreb, Croatia, adolescent population provides information on the secular trend in height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) and examines their relation with Real Gross Domestic Product. From 1951 to 2010 the girls’ height approximately increased by 6.2 cm and weight by 6.8 kg, while the boys’ height increased by 12.2 cm and weight by 17.3 kg. Prior to 1991 mean BMI in girls was higher than in boys, but from 1991 on, the interrelation between the sexes has been opposite, possibly mirroring the cultural trends that started in mid-1970s and reflecting higher sensitivity of boys to the socioeconomic changes. In conclusion, the secular trend in body size over the investigated period reflects the positive economic trends interrupted by the war. The recent increase in BMI corresponds to the country's economic recovery and indicates the “nutrition transition”.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to the age changes of the Body Mass Index in Czech and Slovak children from 1.5 to 15 years of age. The anthropological survey was carried out in 1976-1978 in the whole region of the former Czechoslovakia. At the beginning of the research period children with normal weight predominate. After the seventh year of age there is a change and the BMI is increasing. As late as pre-puberty and puberty there is a change in a fractional part of the population, as children with overweight are increasing, more frequently in girls than in boys. However, its presence is not fundamentally increasing up to 15 years. The frequency differences in the different BMI categories between both sexes in the Czech and Slovak populations are only rarely statistically significant.  相似文献   

Central body fat (CBF) as measured by waist circumference (WC) etc. has now been considered as risk factor for chronic disease, disability, and death. It has been assumed that one's characteristic level of body fat, as measured by body mass index (BMI), and CBF unfolds during the normal course of growth and development. However, studies of the development of CBF show relatively weak consistency in comparison to body fat. But to the best of our knowledge, no study in this aspect has been undertaken on any Indian population to study the effect of age and sex on body fat and CBF during development. In view of the above consideration, the present work has been undertaken among 179 Santal (a tribal population) children (Boys = 107, Girls = 72) of the Galudih area in East Singbhum, Jharkhand, India. Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, and circumference of waist were taken from each subject using standard procedure. The mean ages of boys and girls were 10.94 years and 9.48 years, respectively. The mean BMI for boys and girls were 14.48 kg/m2 and 13.78 kg/m2 Percent of variance explained by age was much greater for BMI (> 50%) as compared to WC (7-10%) in both sexes. Two way ANOVA showed that BMI had a significant (p < 0.05) effect of age and not of sex, whereas age-sex interaction had a significant impact on WC. The results of the present cross-sectional study indicated that during growth and development unfolding of CBF and BMI is independent of one another. Different set(s) of gene(s), onset of growth hormones during the normal development or their interaction could have been considered for this differentiation.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of the study was to present smoothed percentiles for body weight and height, waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI) in Cypriot children and to compare their BMI 85th and 95th percentiles with those of children in other countries. Research Methods and Procedures: The study was a cross‐sectional study, including a representative sample of 2472 healthy children (49.1% boys) in Cyprus ages 6 to 17 years, who were evaluated during the 1999–2000 school year. Body weight and height and waist circumference were measured using standard procedures. BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms per height in square meters. Smoothed, sex‐specific percentiles for these variables were calculated using polynomial regression models. Crude weight, height, waist, and BMI percentile values are presented in sex‐specific tables and smoothed percentile curves are presented in charts. The 85th and 95th percentiles for BMI were compared with measurements from other countries, because of the concern of the upper limits of BMI in respect to the evaluation of obesity. Results: The 85th and 95th BMI percentile values are higher in Cypriot boys than in Swedish and Iranian boys through all ages and in girls ages 6 to 15 years, whereas after the age of 15 years, both Swedish and Iranian girls’ percentiles are equalized with their Cypriot peers. Discussion: Weight, height, waist circumference, and BMI values and charts are presented for the first time for Cypriot children and adolescents. Much concern should be addressed to the observation that for the majority of the Cypriot sample, the upper BMI limits are higher than the peers of developing and developed countries.  相似文献   

The nutritional status of preschool children of the three sects of the Pahariya tribe (Rajmahal Hills, Bihar) was studied with the help of anthropometric indices like weight for age, height for age, weight for height und nutritional deficiency signs. The correlation between age and nutritional indices showed that the relationship was significant for % expected weight for age in the male children of all the three sects; r = +0.70 in Saurias, r = +0.32 in Mals and r = -0.72 in Kumarbhags (p > 0.01). Significant relationships were also observed in the correlations between weight for height in both sexes. Based on height for age and weight/height2 (Body Mass Index, BMI), 89% of the children of the Saurias, 92% of the Mals and 93% of the Kumarbhags were malnourished. Height for age of 50% of the children of the Pahariyas were below the 3rd percentile or below 90% of the Harvard standard. Chronic and current severe forms of malnutrition (i.e. height for age below 3rd percentile of standard and BMI 13.5) was highest in the Kumarbhags (17.5%). According to the modified Waterlow's classification chronic and current severe forms of malnutrition (i.e. height for age below 3rd percentile of the National Centre for Health Statistics, NCHS, and weight for height less than 80% of the standard) was highest in the Saurias (21.6%) and least in the Kumarbhags (15.4%). Kwashiorkor and marasmus for all the children of the Pahariyas ranged between 0.5-1.4% and 1.5-5.2%, respectively. Associated with signs of Protein Caloric Malnutrition (PCM), like moon face, dyspigmentation, sparseness and easy pluckability were more prevalent in all the three sects of the Pahariyas. Ocular manifestation of vitamin-A deficiency like conjunctiva xerosis and Bitos' spots were also frequent among these children.  相似文献   

The worrying increase of nutritional disorders and psychological discomfort in young population, mainly from western societies, shows that body image could be a basic variable in a population screening especially during growth when physical changes and biological and emotional development occur. This is one of the first studies in northern Italy investigating differences in body shape concerns among different age-groups and sexes. The sample consisted of 1754 Italian youths aged 11-23 years. Participants were examined during a cross-sectional study. Body image perception was assessed using appropriate Body Silhouette Charts. Body Mass Index was calculated from measured height and weight. The results demonstrated age variability and sexual dimorphism in body image perception. The analysis of body image perception is a valid source of information and should be assessed in studies on youth growth, since it varies with age, sex, population, pathologies and socio-cultural environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine ethnic differences in adiposity as measured by sum of skinfolds (SKF) and waist circumference (WC) in children and adolescents, after statistical adjustment for the BMI and age. A cross sectional sample of 3,218 (55% white, 49% male) children and adolescents aged 5–18 years who participated in the Bogalusa Heart Study (1992–1994) were included in these analyses. Sex‐specific ANOVAs, adjusted for BMI and age, for each 2‐year age group compared measures of adiposity (SKF and WC) between ethnic groups. No significant differences in the proportions of children and adolescents who were overweight and obese by ethnicity or sex were found. Mean SKF in normal weight (P < 0.0001) and overweight (P < 0.0001) categories was higher for white than black children of both sexes. Across most age categories, white boys and girls had significantly higher SKF than black boys and girls, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). Across most age categories, white boys had significantly higher WC than black boys (P ≤ 0.05) with no difference in the girls, when adjusted for BMI and age. Measures of adiposity in childhood and adolescence were significantly higher in white children compared to black children, when adjusted for BMI and age. Throughout childhood and adolescence, white boys and girls had higher SKF and white boys had higher WC. Differences in adiposity between ethnic groups should be considered in disease risk assessment and stratification as they are observed even for a given BMI level.  相似文献   

A study of the corpulence of young French men between the age of 18 and 20 has proved the existence of a biological constant between the height and the weight, bringing a new significance to the Body Mass Index. The elaboration of a new index BMC (BMI corrected), allows us to know with precision the underweight or overweight of any individual.  相似文献   

In a stable, economically- and educationally-privileged population of 180 subjects observed from birth to beyond the period of maximum growth in height, no secular changes toward larger size or earlier adolescence were observed between the earlier-born and later-born boys or girls of the Child Research Council study series. The mid-birthdate for the 45 years of data collection was January 1, 1940 for the girls and May 1, 1936 for the boys. With none of the mean differences significant at the 0.05 level of confidence, the earlier-born subjects were both slightly taller and heavier from birth and, for the girls, adolescence was slightly earlier. Forty pairs of like-sexed siblings were included in the data. Coefficients of correlation were statistically significant for birthweight and menarcheal ages for the sisters and for height and weight at the age of maximum increment of growth in height for both sexes. In 12 of the 16 pairs of sisters, the older menstruated at an earlier age than the younger.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study of the physical growth status was made on 655 Kamar children (341 boys and 314 girls), aged 5 to 18 years, in the Raipur district of Chhattisgarh. The study aimed to find out the growth pattern of the Kamar children, which is considered to be a primitive tribe of Chhattisgarh, India and was compared with another Indian tribe and the official data for all India (ICMR). Anthropometric measurements included height, weight, sitting height, biacromial diameter, biilliocrystal diameter, upper arm circumference, calf circumference and measurements of the triceps and subscapular skinfolds. All anthropometric measurements except skinfold thickness exhibit uniform increase with age in both sexes. However, when height and weight of the Kamar boys and girls were compared with the data for other tribes and for all India, the Kamar children (both boys and girls) indicated lower weight and height and the difference showed to be significant, for almost all ages. Kamar boys showed higher anthropometric values than girls in almost all measurements except in biilliocrystal diameter and in measured skinfolds. Poor socio-economic status of this primitive tribe may be one of the reasons for this poor growth pattern. However, in-depth study is necessary in order to arrive at any basic conclusions and to recommend any policy and interventions.  相似文献   

Puberty represents the final stage of sexual differentiation during which time the individual acquires reproductive capacity. Puberty is not only characterized by maturation of sexual organs and the formation of oocytes and mature spermatozoa, but also by the development of secondary sexual dimorphism. In industrialized countries the age of puberty has decreased steadily over the last 150 years in association with improved socio-economic conditions. However, the decreased onset of puberty is, especially in the female sex, associated with problematic changes in behaviour such as early onset of sexual activity and resulting in high risk teenage pregnancies. First of all, the improved nutritional status during childhood is discussed as a major cause for the decrease of puberty onset, whereas the impact of nutritional status especially on female sexual maturity is discussed controversially. In our study we analysed the association between body composition (fat tissue and fat free body mass, estimated by BIA analyses), height, Body Mass Index and fat distribution, and signs of puberty such as the timing of menarche in 228 girls and voice breaking and facial hair growth in 191 boys ageing between 10 and 15 years. In both sexes signs of puberty were highly significantly associated with body composition parameters. Nevertheless, marked differences between the two sexes were observed: Female puberty was positively associated first of all with weight status and the absolute and relative amount of body fat, while in signs of male puberty were related positively with a higher amount of fat free body mass and a decreased fat mass. Male voice breaking was significantly associated with increased stature, body weight, waist and hip circumference, lean body mass and total body water, in contrast voice breaking was significantly negatively associated with the fat percentage, the total fat mass and the waist to hip ratio. Female menarche was significantly positively associated with increased body weight, weight status, waist and hip circumference but also with increased absolute and relative fat mass, relative hip circumference, lean body mass and total body water. Only the waist to hip ratio was significantly negatively associated with the onset of menarche.  相似文献   

The rural environment is an important factor in delayed growth in developing countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of poor rural living conditions on the growth of a Shona sample in Zimbabwe. In total, 982 subjects aged 6-17 years were analyzed. Mean values of height, weight, skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, biceps, medial calf), cormic index, body mass index (BMI), arm composition (total upper arm area, upper arm muscle area, arm fat area, and arm fat index), fat percentage (%F), centripetal fat ratio (CFR), and the contribution of each skinfold to the adiposity of the trunk and upper limbs are presented. Weight, height, BMI, cormic index, SSCP, TRCP, arm circumference, and arm composition are compared with NHANES percentiles. Boys and girls showed stunting and underweight at ages 11-15 and 8-15, respectively; boys presented particularly severe malnutrition and their means of height and weight were below the 10th percentile. The means of arm circumference, UMA, UFA, and TRCP were below the 15th percentile in both sexes. The contribution of the skinfolds generally showed an overall prevalence of TRCP in both sexes; the contribution of SSCP was prevalent only for the 16- to 17-year-old boys. Males presented a higher CFR than girls after 14 years while females showed an irregular pattern. There was a high incidence of brachycormia and mesocormia in females and males, respectively. Height, weight, and BMI were similar to the values observed in other sub-Saharan countries, although body size was slightly larger than in South Africa and smaller than in Tanzania. The results provide a useful database for future comparisons.  相似文献   



Obesity, typically quantified in terms of Body Mass Index (BMI) exceeding threshold values, is considered a leading cause of premature death worldwide. For given body size (BMI), it is recognized that risk is also affected by body shape, particularly as a marker of abdominal fat deposits. Waist circumference (WC) is used as a risk indicator supplementary to BMI, but the high correlation of WC with BMI makes it hard to isolate the added value of WC.

Methods and Findings

We considered a USA population sample of 14,105 non-pregnant adults () from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2004 with follow-up for mortality averaging 5 yr (828 deaths). We developed A Body Shape Index (ABSI) based on WC adjusted for height and weight: ABSI had little correlation with height, weight, or BMI. Death rates increased approximately exponentially with above average baseline ABSI (overall regression coefficient of per standard deviation of ABSI [95% confidence interval: –]), whereas elevated death rates were found for both high and low values of BMI and WC. (–) of the population mortality hazard was attributable to high ABSI, compared to (–) for BMI and (–) for WC. The association of death rate with ABSI held even when adjusted for other known risk factors including smoking, diabetes, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol. ABSI correlation with mortality hazard held across the range of age, sex, and BMI, and for both white and black ethnicities (but not for Mexican ethnicity), and was not weakened by excluding deaths from the first 3 yr of follow-up.


Body shape, as measured by ABSI, appears to be a substantial risk factor for premature mortality in the general population derivable from basic clinical measurements. ABSI expresses the excess risk from high WC in a convenient form that is complementary to BMI and to other known risk factors.  相似文献   

The prevalence of overweight children in the United States has increased dramatically over the past two decades, and is creating well-known public health problems. Moreover, there is also evidence that children who are not overweight are becoming heavier. We use quantile regression models along with standard ordinary least squares (OLS) models to explore the correlates of childhood weight status and overweight as measured by the Body Mass Index (BMI). This approach allows the effects of covariates to vary depending on where in the BMI distribution a child is located. Our results indicate that OLS masks some of the important correlates of child BMI at the upper and lower tails of the weight distribution. For example, mother's education has no effect on black children, but is associated with improvements in BMI for overweight white boys and underweight white girls. Conversely, mother's cognitive aptitude has no effect on white boys, but is associated with BMI improvements for underweight black children and overweight white girls. Further, we find that underweight white children and black girls experience similar improvements in BMI as they get older, but that for black boys there is little if any association between age and BMI anywhere in the BMI distribution.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether Body Mass Index (BMI) was associated with various aspects of psychological functioning in a sample of largely Caucasian adolescent girls. Three hundred sixty-five adolescent girls ranging from ages 14 through 19 were assessed for general psychological functioning utilizing the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), and functioning specific to eating, shape and weight utilizing the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI). Excess weight was associated with higher scores on the Bulimia, Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Thinness subscales of the EDI. Excess weight was not, however, associated with general psychopathology or any of the subscales of the SCL-90-R. The results suggest that excess weight may carry risk for pathology specifically related to eating, shape and weight in adolescent girls, but not for general forms of psychopathology.  相似文献   

Nowadays the Body Mass Index (BMI) is used everywhere as the coefficient of normal weight, overweight and obesity. In the years 1987-1988 an anthropometrical survey was carried out in the whole region of the former Czechoslovakia, which was done on 20,232 adult males and females, aged from 18 to more than 70 years. The research was made on the basis of three grade statistical choice and is representative for the entire territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Body height and body weight were determined according to Martin & Saller (1957; M 1, M 71). For the assessment of regional differences the whole set of data was divided into 12 separate groups in accordance to the administrative regions existing at that time. Each group was then analyzed considering eleven age classes.  相似文献   

After a short introduction to the phenomena of children with Down's syndrome, values describing body status as gained by Schmid at the Aschaffenburg hospital for child disease (F.R.G.) are recalled. In a cross-sectional study values for body height, head circumference and body weight for 393 girls and 436 boys were gathered in 1983 reflecting the status for medically treated patients of the present. After insuring that the scattering of the data keeps within tolerable limits growth specific analysis became a challenge. Body length is approximated with the 2 step model by Sager (1981) comprising a basic function without a growth spurt superimposed by a spurt term. As a result, an usual but somewhat reduced growth spurt can be secured for the girls whilst the boys show no intermediate maximum in growth velocity. Nevertheless velocity keeps well above that for the basic function thus indicating a silent spurt after the definition of Pelez and Sager (1984). Head circumference too is treated with the same model after tests with Czech values for common and gypsy children. As a result, a reduced but acute growth spurt with a growth hump for the increase function has been found for both sexes. In contrast to height, however, a short term formula for values from birth to near pubescence cannot be applied due to the vivid head growth in the postnatal phase. Values for body weight W allow first conclusions after plotting log W against the body length L. In the case of the Down patients, 2 different forms of fundamental relations emerge, one of them related to normal growth, the other to impeded or less differentiated development as found in the rhesus for example. For both cases, mathematical expressions as proposed and used by Sager are applied. Results show near to normal behaviour for the girls and a less intricate course in weight growth for the boys. Results are given in graphs and tables allowing detailed calculations if desired. Quotients of momentary to finally attained values for body height and weight as well as head circumference are added.  相似文献   

An anthropometric survey was carried out on 1,383 school students aged 5-17 years in Suba district (a rural area of western Kenya). Body size and proportion were computed from height, weight, sitting height, arm circumference, and skinfolds. The aim of the study was to evaluate patterns of growth and nutritional status of the Luo population by assessment of the prevalence and trends of malnutrition among children and adolescents. Very few age-groups show significant sex differences for height, body weight, and arm muscle area. However, there are several differences in skinfold thicknesses and arm circumference, always with higher mean values in girls. Analysis of the nutritional status (weight-for-age, height-for-age, and BMI-for-age) shows significant differences among the age-groups in both sexes. Boys present lower Z-scores than girls and there are higher percentages of malnourished subjects (stunted and underweight) among the males. The Luo data were compared with those of other African populations. Their body dimensions, nutritional status, and growth are similar to those of the other sub-Saharan samples. In conclusion, the Luo children are generally undernourished at the older ages: adolescents (11-16 years of age) show the most severe undernutrition and the highest percentages of undernourished subjects. In addition to the higher risk of undernutrition in teenagers, an emerging problem of over-nutrition is evident among the younger age-groups, with a higher prevalence in females. These findings are discussed in light of sexual dimorphism in sensitivity to adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Naevus count is the strongest risk factor for melanoma. Body Mass Index (BMI) has been linked to melanoma risk. In this study, we investigate the link between naevus count and height, weight and bone mineral density (BMD) in the TwinsUK cohort (N = 2119). In addition we adjusted for leucocyte telomere length (LTL) as LTL is linked to both BMD and naevus count. Naevus count was positively associated with height (p = 0.001) but not with weight (p = 0.187) despite adjusting for age and twin relatedness. This suggests that the previously reported melanoma association with BMI may be explained by height alone. Further adjustment for LTL did not affect the significance of the association between height and naevus count so LTL does not fully explain these results. BMD was associated with naevus count at the spine (coeff 18.9, p = 0.01), hip (coeff = 18.9, p = 0.03) and forearm (coeff = 32.7, p = 0.06) despite adjusting for age, twin relatedness, weight, height and LTL. This large study in healthy individuals shows that growth via height, probably in early life, and bone mass are risk factors for melanoma via increased naevus count. The link between these two phenotypes may possibly be explained by telomere biology, differentiation genes from the neural crests but also other yet unknown factors which may influence both bones and melanocytes biology.  相似文献   

Body sizes at birth are important clinical indicators widely used for evaluation of prenatal growth. Japan had significant socioeconomic improvement around the 1960s, and these environmental changes may influence physiologically prenatal growth. Furthermore, in Japan, measurements of size at birth for birth certificates are weight and height. Thus, we can refer to annual data on weight and height, but not on head and chest circumference at birth. In this study we measured the weight, height, and head and chest circumference at birth among 6,563 Japanese singleton healthy infants, annually in 1962 and 1988, and examined secular trends of these anthropometric measurements. The boys consistently exceeded the girls in all four variables. Birth weight and height increased significantly from the 1960s to '70s, but did not differ between the '70s and '80s in both boys and girls. Secular trends of head and chest circumference were different from them. In both boys and girls, head and chest circumference increased significantly from the '60s to the '70s, but decreased significantly from the '70s to the '80s. No difference of head circumference during the '60s and '80s was found, but the difference of chest circumference was found. Size at birth was likely to increase from the '60s to '70s in Japan. These findings suggest that the environmental changes such as socioeconomic improvements influence the prenatal growth.  相似文献   

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