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All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on increasingly powerful computers have been combined with experiments to characterize protein folding in detail over wider time ranges. The folding of small ultrafast folding proteins is being simulated on micros timescales, leading to improved structural predictions and folding rates. To what extent is 'closing the gap' between simulation and experiment for such systems providing insights into general mechanisms of protein folding?  相似文献   

We examined the co-operativity of ultra-fast folding of a protein and whether the Phi-value analysis of its transition state depended on the location of the optical probe. We incorporated in turn a tryptophan residue into each of the three helices of the B domain of Protein A. Each Trp mutant of the three-helix bundle protein was used as a pseudo-wild-type parent for Phi-analysis in which the intrinsic Trp fluorescence probed the formation of each helix during the transition state. Apart from local effects in the immediate vicinity of the probe, the three separate sets of Phi-values were in excellent agreement, demonstrating the overall co-operativity of folding and the robustness of the Phi-analysis. The transition state of folding of Protein A contains the second helix being well formed with many stabilizing tertiary hydrophobic interactions. In contrast, the first and the third helices are more poorly structured in the transition state. The mechanism of folding thus involves the concurrent formation of secondary and tertiary interactions, and is towards the nucleation-condensation extreme in the nucleation-condensation-framework continuum of mechanism, with helix 2 being the nucleus. We provide an error analysis of Phi-values derived purely from the kinetics of two-state chevron plots.  相似文献   

We have developed a phage display system that provides a means to select variants of the IgG binding domain of peptostreptococcal protein L that fold from large combinatorial libraries. The premise underlying the selection scheme is that binding of protein L to IgG requires that the protein be properly folded. Using a combination of molecular biological and biophysical methods, we show that this assumption is valid. First, the phage selection procedure strongly selects against a point mutation in protein L that disrupts folding but is not in the IgG binding interface. Second, variants recovered from a library in which the first third of protein L was randomized are properly folded. The degree of sequence variation in the selected population is striking: the variants have as many as nine substitutions in the 14 residues that were mutagenized. The approach provides a selection for "foldedness" that is potentially applicable to any small binding protein.  相似文献   



Small loop-shaped motifs are common constituents of the three-dimensional structure of proteins. Typically they comprise between three and seven amino acid residues, and are defined by a combination of dihedral angles and hydrogen bonding partners. The most abundant of these are αβ-motifs, asx-motifs, asx-turns, β-bulges, β-bulge loops, β-turns, nests, niches, Schellmann loops, ST-motifs, ST-staples and ST-turns.  相似文献   

A hybrid analysis that combines the maximum entropy method (MEM) with nonlinear least squares (NLS) fitting has been developed to interpret a general time-dependent signal. Data that include processes of opposite sign and a slow baseline drift can be inverted to obtain both a continuous distribution of lifetimes and a sum of discrete exponentials. Fits by discrete exponentials are performed with initial parameters determined from the distribution of lifetimes obtained with the MEM. The regularization of the parameter space achieved by the MEM stabilizes the introduction of each successive exponential in the NLS fits. This hybrid approach is particularly useful when fitting by a large number of exponentials. Revision of the MEM "prior" based on features in the data can improve the lifetime distribution obtained. Standard errors in the mean are estimated automatically for raw data. The results presented for simulated data and for fluorescence measurements of protein folding illustrate the utility and accuracy of the hybrid algorithm. Analysis of the folding of dihydrofolate reductase reveals six kinetic processes, one more than previously reported.  相似文献   

Using a variational free energy functional, we calculate the characteristics of the transition state ensembles (TSE) for the folding of protein U1A and investigate how they respond to thermal and mutational changes. The functional directly yields predicted chevron plots both for the wild-type protein and for various mutants. The detailed variations of the TSE and changes in chevron plots predicted by the theory agree reasonably well with the results of the experiments. We also show how to visualize the folding nuclei using 3D isodensity plots.  相似文献   

This work introduces stopped-flow electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) as a method for studying fast biochemical reaction kinetics. After initiating a reaction by rapid mixing of two solutions, the mixture is transferred to a reaction vessel and a steady liquid flow to the ESI source of the mass spectrometer is established. The kinetics are studied in real time by monitoring selected ion intensities as a function of time. In order to characterize the performance of this setup the acid-induced demetallation of chlorophyll a was studied. It was found that the reaction is second order in acid concentration and that pseudo-first-order rate constants of up to roughly 7 s(-1) can be measured reliably. Stopped-flow ESI MS was also applied to study the acid-induced denaturation of myoglobin. The data presented here confirm the occurrence of a short-lived unfolding intermediate during this reaction. Stopped-flow ESI MS can provide information that is not accessible by optical rapid-mixing experiments. Therefore it appears that this novel technique has the potential to become a standard tool for kinetic studies in a number of different fields.  相似文献   

We have systematically mutated residues located in turns between beta-strands of the intestinal fatty acid binding protein (IFABP), and a glycine in a half turn, to valine and have examined the stability, refolding rate constants and ligand dissociation constants for each mutant protein. IFABP is an almost all beta-sheet protein exhibiting a topology comprised of two five-stranded sheets surrounding a large cavity into which the fatty acid ligand binds. A glycine residue is located in seven of the eight turns between the antiparallel beta-strands and another in a half turn of a strand connecting the front and back sheets. Mutations in any of the three turns connecting the last four C-terminal strands slow the folding and decrease stability with the mutation between the last two strands slowing folding dramatically. These data suggest that interactions between the last four C-terminal strands are highly cooperative, perhaps triggered by an initial hydrophobic collapse. We suggest that this trigger is collapse of the highly hydrophobic cluster of amino acids in the D and E strands, a region previously shown to also affect the last stage of the folding process (Kim et al., 1997). Changing the glycine in the strand between the front and back sheets also results in a unstable, slow folding protein perhaps disrupting the D-E strand interactions. For most of the other turn mutations there was no apparent correlation between stability and refolding rate constants. In some turns, the interaction between strands, rather than the turn type, appears to be critical for folding while in others, turn formation itself appears to be a rate limiting step. Although there is no simple correlation between turn formation and folding kinetics, we propose that turn scanning by mutagenesis will be a useful tool for issues related to protein folding.  相似文献   

Conformational-energy calculations have been carried out in order to determine favorable packing arrangements within a group of α-helices. The influence of side chains and of the number of interacting α-helices on the mode of packing was analyzed. In this work, our earlier methods for computing the packing energy of a pair of α-helices [Chou, K.-C., Némethy, G. & Scheraga, H. A. (1984) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106 , 3161–3170] have been extended to treat the interactions among several helices. Also, new algorithms allow the matching of standard peptide geometry to x-ray coordinates of helical complexes and the analysis of interrelations between several helices. As a specific test case, the packing of three neighboring α-helices, viz., the A, G, and H helices of sperm whale myoglobin, was considered. Minimum-energy arrangements were computed for the separate A-H and the G-H α-helix pairs as well as for the A-G-H three-helix complex. For the packing of the nearly antiparallel G and H α-helices, the same optimal structure was obtained in two- and three-helix complexes, indicating that a single packing arrangement is specifically favored by interhelix interactions. For the pair of nearly perpendicular A and H α-helices, interactions are less specific, so that there is no unique optimal structure in the two-helix complex; in the three-helix complex, however, a specific mode of packing is favored even for the A-H pair. This result indicates that the presence of other nearby α-helices can influence the packing of a given α-helix pair. The computed arrangement of the A-G-H complex is very close to that of the crystallographically determined structure. These results can be used to make deductions about the likely sequence of events in protein folding, where, in this particular case, it appears that the G-H helix pair may form first and then induce proper orientation of the A helix.  相似文献   

The arguments for nucleic acid chaperons are reviewed and three new lines of evidence are added. (1) It was found that amino acids encoded by codons in short nucleic acid loops frequently form turns and helices in the corresponding protein structures. (2) The amino acids encoded by partially complementary (1st and 3rd nucleotides) codons are more frequently co-located in the encoded proteins than expected by chance. (3) There are significant correlations between thermodynamic changes (ddG) caused by codon mutations in nucleic acids and the thermodynamic changes caused by the corresponding amino acid mutations in the encoded proteins. We conclude that the concept of the Proteomic Code and nucleic acid chaperons seems correct from the bioinformatics point of view, and we expect to see direct biochemical experiments and evidence in the near future.  相似文献   

A multiscale simulation method of protein folding is proposed, using atomic representation of protein and solvent, combing genetic algorithms to determine the key protein structures from a global view, with molecular dynamic simulations to reveal the local folding pathways, thus providing an integrated landscape of protein folding. The method is found to be superior to previously investigated global search algorithms or dynamic simulations alone. For secondary structure formation of a selected peptide, RN24, the structures and dynamics produced by this method agree well with corresponding experimental results. Three most populated conformations are observed, including hairpin, β-sheet and α-helix. The energetic barriers separating these three structures are comparable to the kinetic energy of the atoms of the peptide, implying that the transition between these states can be easily triggered by kinetic perturbations, mainly through electrostatic interactions between charged atoms. Transitions between α-helix and β-sheet should jump over at least two energy barriers and may stay in the energetic trap of hairpin. It is proposed that the structure of proteins should be jointly governed by thermodynamic and dynamic factors; free energy is not the exclusive dominant for stability of proteins.  相似文献   

Simulations of simplified protein folding models have provided much insight into solving the protein folding problem. We propose here a new off-lattice bead model, capable of simulating several different fold classes of small proteins. We present the sequence for an alpha/beta protein resembling the IgG-binding proteins L and G. The thermodynamics of the folding process for this model are characterized using the multiple multihistogram method combined with constant-temperature Langevin simulations. The folding is shown to be highly cooperative, with chain collapse nearly accompanying folding. Two parallel folding pathways are shown to exist on the folding free energy landscape. One pathway contains an intermediate--similar to experiments on protein G, and one pathway contains no intermediates-similar to experiments on protein L. The folding kinetics are characterized by tabulating mean-first passage times, and we show that the onset of glasslike kinetics occurs at much lower temperatures than the folding temperature. This model is expected to be useful in many future contexts: investigating questions of the role of local versus nonlocal interactions in various fold classes, addressing the effect of sequence mutations affecting secondary structure propensities, and providing a computationally feasible model for studying the role of solvation forces in protein folding.  相似文献   

Simultaneous recording of different NMR parameters is an efficient way to reduce the overall experimental time and speed up structural studies of biological macromolecules. This can especially be beneficial in the case of fast NMR-based drug screening applications or for collecting NOE restraints, where prohibitively long data collection time may be required. We have developed a novel pulse sequence element that enables simultaneous detection of amide 15N, 1H and methyl 13C, 1H correlations. The coherence selection for the 15N spins can be obtained using the gradient selected and coherence order selective coherence transfer, whereas the hypercomplex (States) method is simultaneously employed for the 13C coherence selection. Experimental verification of proposed time-shared approach for simultaneous detection amide 15N, 1H and methyl 13C, 1H correlations has been carried out with three proteins, human ubiquitin, SH3 domain of human epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8-like protein (Eps8L1) and maltose binding protein complex with β-Cyclodextrin. In addition, the proposed methodology was applied for ligand binding site mapping on SH3 domain of Eps8L1, using uniformly 15N and fractionally (10%) 13C labeled sample. Our results show that the proposed time-shared 15N/13C-HSQC affords significant time saving (or improved sensitivity) in establishing 15N, 1H and methyl 13C, 1H correlations, thus making it an attractive building block for 3D and 4D dimensional applications. It is also a very efficient tool in protein ligand interaction studies even when combined with cost-effective labeling scheme with uniform 15N and 10% fractional 13C enrichment. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Peter Würtz and Olli Aitio contributed equally.  相似文献   



The protein folding problem is a fundamental problems in computational molecular biology and biochemical physics. Various optimisation methods have been applied to formulations of the ab-initio folding problem that are based on reduced models of protein structure, including Monte Carlo methods, Evolutionary Algorithms, Tabu Search and hybrid approaches. In our work, we have introduced an ant colony optimisation (ACO) algorithm to address the non-deterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) combinatorial problem of predicting a protein's conformation from its amino acid sequence under a widely studied, conceptually simple model – the 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) hydrophobic-polar (HP) model.  相似文献   

Endothal (1diacid) and [3H]cantharidic acid ([3H]CA) bind with high affinity to the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). PP2A in liver cytosol was greatly stabilized with 30% glycerol as a preliminary step in the potential use of endothal-type derivatives for affinity chromatography. We report here the first introduction of a functionalizable group into endothal which allows retention of binding site affinity (assayed as [3H]CA binding in mouse liver cytosol). 2-Carboxymethylendothal anhydride (7) was prepared in two steps and 97% overall yield from cis-aconitic anhydride and furan. The potency of 7 was retained on conversion to two 2-carboxymethyl esters but not to two 2-(n-alkylcarboxamidomethyl) analogues.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Monte Carlo methods are the most effective means of exploring the energy landscapes of protein folding. The rugged topography of folding energy landscapes causes sampling inefficiencies however, particularly at low, physiological temperatures. RESULTS: A hybrid Monte Carlo method, termed density guided importance sampling (DGIS), is presented that overcomes these sampling inefficiencies. The method is shown to be highly accurate and efficient in determining Boltzmann weighted structural metrics of a discrete off-lattice protein model. In comparison to the Metropolis Monte Carlo method, and the hybrid Monte Carlo methods, jump-walking, smart-walking and replica-exchange, the DGIS method is shown to be more efficient, requiring no parameter optimization. The method guides the simulation towards under-sampled regions of the energy spectrum and recognizes when equilibrium has been reached, avoiding arbitrary and excessively long simulation times. AVAILABILITY: Fortran code available from authors upon request. CONTACT: m.j.parker@leeds.ac.uk.  相似文献   

Hawkins ME 《Nature protocols》2007,2(4):1013-1021
Fluorescent nucleoside analogs provide a means to study DNA interactive systems through direct measurement of fluorescence properties. As integrated parts of DNA, these probes provide opportunities for monitoring subtle changes in DNA structure as it meets and reacts with other molecules. This protocol describes modifications to standard DNA synthesis to efficiently use smaller volumes of the probe phosphoramidite, purification of pteridine-containing sequences and a deprotection procedure specific for 6MI-containing sequences. Yields for probe incorporation in DNA synthesis are comparable to those for standard phosphoramidites. Examples of the fluorescence signals one can expect are described. Automated synthesis, which is dependent on the length of the sequence, takes about 4-5 h for a 20-mer. The deprotection of 6MI-containing sequences takes approximately 6-7 h before the standard ammonium hydroxide overnight incubation. Purification through polyacrylamide gels, electroelution and ethanol precipitation can be accomplished in 6-8 h.  相似文献   

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