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鸣声在鸣鸟的生活史中具有重要作用,是其与外界进行信息交流最有效的方式之一。鸟类的鸣唱与其个体因素(如体型、子代性别比等)有着十分重要的联系。为了揭示个体体型、子代性别比与鸣唱特征之间的相关性,于2014—2015年3—6月在辽宁省仙人洞国家级自然保护区对杂色山雀指名亚种Parus varius varius的鸣声进行录制,测量了各体型参数,并对每巢雏鸟进行性别鉴定。结果显示:(1)杂色山雀体型与其鸣唱的最高频率具有显著相关性,但单一体型参数(体质量、跗蹠长度)与其鸣声参数相关性均不显著;(2)鸣唱语句长度与子代性别比具有显著相关性,子代性别比与其他鸣声参数均不存在显著相关性。本研究结果有助于进一步了解小型鸟类体型与鸣唱的关系,以及鸣唱与子代性别比之间的关系。  相似文献   

白头鹎的鸣唱结构及其鸣唱微地理变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对武汉市区白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)的鸣唱类型和音节类型进行了统计、分析,并按照采样地点划分为组(微地理种群),对组间、组内不同白头鹎个体间的鸣唱差异进行了探讨.分析来自市区5个样点的26只雄性白头鹎的667个鸣唱,共发现18种基本鸣唱型、53种音节类型.每只雄性白头鹎具有1-3种基本鸣唱型,每只个体能唱6.7(4-1 4)种音节类型.平均每个鸣唱由5.0(3-11)个音节、4.6(3-8)种音节类型组成.白头鹎的鸣唱顺序模式为平稳过渡型,并能通过以下三种方式在基本鸣唱型的基础上产生鸣唱变异:1)省略、添加或替换鸣唱中的个别音节;2)对鸣唱中的某个部分进行重复或重复不同次数;3)将不同的鸣唱型进行拼接组合.每只个体每种基本鸣唱型至少具有2.0(1-5)个变 异类型,这种变异在个体间和个体内普遍存在.个体间能共享1-2种鸣唱型.所划分的5个组内普遍存在鸣唱型和音节类型的共享,而组间则无鸣唱型共享,有音节类型共享.采用Jaccard相似性系数衡量白头鹎个体间音节的共享情况,发现个体间的音节共享程度在组内 明显大于组间,因此认为越是邻近分布的白头鹎个体具有越相似的鸣唱  相似文献   

繁殖期黄喉Wu的领域鸣唱及其种内个体识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在镜泊湖自然保护区收录黄喉wu(Emberiza elegans)的鸣唱声,室内作出鸣唱的语图和声谱图。繁殖期黄喉wu领域鸣唱的频率范围2.4-6KHz,有13-28个音节,2-3泛音,鸣唱持续时间2.2-4.0秒;具有相似的频谱结构,但种内个体间亦存在差异。野外对比实验的结果可说明,黄喉wu有识别邻鸟和陌生鸟领域鸣唱的能力,有对声音的记忆和定位的能力。  相似文献   

繁殖期黄喉鹀的领域鸣唱及其种内个体识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在镜泊湖自然保护区收录黄喉鹀(Emberiza elegans)的鸣唱声,室内作出鸣唱的语图和声谱图。繁殖期黄喉鹀领域鸣唱的频率范围2.4—6KHz,有13—28个音节,2—3个泛音,鸣唱持续时间2.2—4.0秒;具相似的频谱结构,但种内个体间亦存在差异。野外对比实验的结果可说明,黄喉鹀有识别邻鸟和陌生鸟领域鸣唱的能力,有对声音的记忆和定位的能力。  相似文献   

2014年7月至8月,在天气良好的情况下,每天上午5:00至10:00时,利用TASCAM DR-680型录音机外接Sennheiser ME67话筒,录制了河北塞罕坝林场处于繁殖期的褐柳莺(Phylloscopus fuscatus)鸣声。录音的采样精度为16 bit,采样频率设置为44.1 k Hz。共获得41只个体清晰可供分析的录音,平均每只个体录到(47±16)句录音。利用Raven pro分析软件测量鸣唱参数,如每个句子和音节的最低频率、最高频率、起始频率及终止频率、持续时间和音节(音素)个数。进行统计分析后,发现河北地区褐柳莺鸣唱语句包含两种类型,句型较单一不变的S-song和句型多变的V-song。褐柳莺鸣唱句子的最高频率为(7.04±0.89)k Hz,最低频率为(1.75±0.30)k Hz,起始频率为(4.53±2.00)k Hz,终止频率(3.22±1.43)k Hz,句子的持续时间(1.24±0.32)s,由(6.50±1.91)个音节组成。基于语图上音节形态的差异,共发现49种不同的音节类型,每只个体鸣唱中使用2到30种音节类型。  相似文献   

李东风  王松华  孟玮 《生理学报》2020,72(2):243-248
雄激素对鸣禽鸣唱具有重要影响。国内外近年研究表明,体内雄激素水平不仅影响鸣禽外部形态,而且影响其鸣唱行为。雄激素(包括衍生物)对鸣唱行为和鸣唱系统的影响是多方面的。本文以本研究组近年在斑胸草雀上的工作为主,总结了雄激素对鸣禽鸣唱行为、鸣唱系统投射神经元兴奋性及突触传递的影响及其与脑内其它递质受体的相互作用。  相似文献   

2012年4~5月在西宁市录制大山雀的鸣声,用Avisoft-SASLab Pro声音分析软件分析其鸣唱结构。已有的录音记录分析表明西宁大山雀个体拥有1~4种鸣唱型,鸣唱短语由1~5个音素构成。西宁大山雀2音素短语的长度低于低海拔地区,具有较快的鸣唱型转换频率。  相似文献   

黄腹噪鹛 (Garrulaxgalbanus)为罕见的珍稀鸟种 ,1874年由英国人Godwin Austen依据其 1873年采自印度阿萨姆邦Munipur河谷的标本而定名 (Godwin Austen ,1874)。 192 3年 ,法国鸟类学会主席M .A .M啨n啨gaux将法国植物学家F .Courtois神甫 1919年 9月采自中国婺源县 (婺源县当时隶属安徽省管辖 )的标本命名为噪鹛属一新种Garrulaxcourtoisi(M啨n啨gaux ,192 3)。尽管上述两鸟种的发现地相距在 2 0 0 0km以上 ,且其间并没有任何分布记录出现 ,B…  相似文献   

多数鸟类通过性特征限制在同性竞争和配偶选择中的“欺骗者”存在,与此相反,雀形目扇尾莺科部分物种表现出繁殖季节性特征消退的身体特征变化模式.在广州市南沙区通过“目字笼”对黄腹山鹪莺配偶关系稳定性的限制机制进行研究,发现虽然雌性个体到访原配个体和对照个体的次数几乎相同,但是雌性个体对原配雄性的单次选择时间明显长于对照雄性个体,总计选择时间也明显长于对照雄性个体.选择实验过程中,原配雄性的跳动次数明显高于对照个体雄性,以竖尾扑哧和鸣声恐吓等为代表的威慑行为次数也明显高于对照雄性个体.结果说明,雌性更青睐于原配个体,配对时间越长,忠诚度越高,而且原配雄性比入侵雄性个体表现出更高的活跃度和威慑行为.繁殖季节性特征消退的物种可以通过保持稳定的配偶关系以限制“欺骗者”存在.可以推测繁殖的巨大投入和雌性之间的同性竞争可能是产生这种配偶稳定性的主要原因.  相似文献   

Capsule Flowers of an invasive plant species are more visited by native birds than flowers of ornithophilous endemic plants.

Aims To describe the bird guild and its behaviour visiting the century plant Agave americana in an insular environment and to determine which factors are affecting visitation rates.

Methods We noted number and species of birds visiting inflorescences on Tenerife, Canary Islands. We used multimodel inference of generalized linear models to analyse the factors affecting the number of visits and the visitor species richness.

Results Eighty-one per cent of inflorescences were visited by eight native bird species. All species fed on nectar and only the Atlantic Canary fed also on pollen. Foraging behaviour varied among species. Visitation rate increased with density and diversity of birds and flower characteristics and decreased through the day. The number of species visiting the inflorescences increased with diversity and density of birds in the surroundings and decreased through the day.

Conclusion The native bird community uses the invasive century plant as a feeding resource at a higher rate than it uses endemic ornithophilous plants. This could have negative effects for the pollination of endemic plants, but positive effects for birds.  相似文献   

分析鸟类鸣声能为研究鸟类系统学和生物地理学提供重要信息。鸟类鸣声的地理变异能影响鸟类的性选择,进而导致不同地理种群间的生殖隔离,从而促进地方种群(或亚种)的分化,乃至新种的形成。在鸟类系统学研究中,鸣声回放实验是研究物种分化并衡量分类地位的一项重要研究手段。本实验以武汉地区大山雀(Parus major minor,隶属于minor亚种组)为实验对象进行鸣唱回放实验,观测其对来自欧亚大陆西部及北部各地的major亚种组和来自我国各地的minor亚种组大山雀鸣唱回放的反应,探讨实验对象能否区分来自上述两个不同亚种组的鸣唱,从而推断两亚种组之间是否存在足以导致识别障碍的鸣声分化,以致产生行为上的生殖隔离。本实验共测试了24只雄性大山雀,每个亚种组的鸣唱各回放给12只个体,通过记录不同行为反应指标来衡量每只受试个体的反应程度。统计分析结果显示,受试大山雀对major和minor亚种组鸣唱的反应有显著差异,对同为minor亚种组的鸣唱反应程度激烈,而对major亚种组鸣唱的反应微弱甚至大多无反应。由此认为,大山雀major和minor亚种组之间存在显著的鸣声分化,已达到能形成配对前生殖隔离的程度,从而一定程度上支持将大山雀拆分成不同种的说法。  相似文献   

This article describes the organisation of song in the serin (Serinus serinus) and analyses its variation among individuals. Serins have a repertoire of about 50 complex syllables that are sung at a very fast rate and in a very stereotyped order, forming discrete songs. Songs are high pitched for the serin’s body size. Song organisation is circular, with a limited number of starting points. Songs can stop at any point in their cycling. Within songs there are trilled sections and fast, non-repeated sections that account for the greatest part of songs. These two modes of singing also differ in average inter-element intervals and probably in their respiratory kinematics. Bird repertoire size was measured and the difficulties of measuring it in this species are discussed. Repertoires are individually specific and have a variable amount of syllable sharing with other birds. We found evidence for geographical variation in the composition of repertoires. Considering our current knowledge of song in carduelines, the stereotyped and circular nature of serin song appear to be unique within this group of birds. Received: 30 May 2000 / Received in revised from: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 September 2000  相似文献   

Small wintering passerines adaptively modulate daily body mass acquisition as part of their energy management policy. However, whether birds optimize overnight mass loss or body mass at dawn remains poorly understood. We studied environmental correlates of individual variation in body mass at dusk, overnight mass loss and body mass at dawn in a wild population of Great Tits Parus major wintering in northern Fennoscandia. Body mass at dusk, overnight mass loss and body mass at dawn were independent of prevailing conditions despite extremely low night ambient temperatures. Body mass at dusk was higher in males than in females, and decreased throughout winter and when snowfall was higher in the previous month. Overnight mass loss increased with precipitation during the previous week and tended to be higher in mid‐winter, when nights were longest. However, birds reduced overnight mass loss with higher temperatures in the previous week and higher precipitation in the previous 2 weeks. Dawn body mass was strongly correlated with dusk body mass and overnight mass loss, and showed only mild associations with weather variables once dusk mass was accounted for. Body mass in roosting boreal Great Tits seems to be constrained by recent snowfall as the winter progresses, but otherwise appears to be mostly unaffected by previous and current temperatures, suggesting a regular use of facultative hypothermia.  相似文献   

The winter wren is a common forest bird living in groups of few adjacent neighbours during the breeding season. Inside each group, males vocally interact in the context of both territorial holding and sexual competition, forming a complex communication network. To study this network, we first analysed song type and syllable repertoires within and between distinct groups. We found a limited number of song types highly stereotyped in length, syntax and syllable composition, frequently shared among neighbours. Between groups, song type and syllable repertoires sharing decreased with increasing distance at a higher rate for song types than for syllables. Then, with continuous recordings, we focused on the dynamics of acoustic interactions between neighbours. We showed that male winter wrens can differentially use their song type repertoire (non-matching strategy), overlap their neighbours and modulate their singing rhythm producing longer inter-song intervals with no change in song length during acoustic interactions.  相似文献   

Animal mitochondrial DNA is normally inherited clonally from a mother to all her offspring. Mitochondrial heteroplasmy, the occurrence of more than one mitochondrial haplotype within an individual, can be generated by relatively common somatic mutations within an individual, by heteroplasmy of the oocytes, or by paternal leakage of mitochondria during fertilization of an egg. This biparental inheritance has so far been reported only in mice, mussels, Drosophila, and humans. Here we present evidence that paternal leakage occurs in a bird, the great tit Parus major. The major and minor subspecies groups of the great tit mix in the middle Amur Valley in far-eastern Siberia, where we found a bird that possessed the very distinct haplotypes of the two groups. To our knowledge this is the first report of paternal leakage in birds.  相似文献   

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