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When Rh-negative persons are given transfusions of Rh-positive blood, more than 50 per cent are sensitized to the Rh0 factor. Such sensitization of female children may be the cause of hemolytic disease in their offspring many years later, while severe hemolytic reactions may follow a second transfusion of Rh-positive blood in either sex.The gross hemolysis of transfused blood may be entirely asymptomatic, however. In one case a pint of blood was completely hemolyzed within two hours without producing symptoms. The only signs were hemoglobinuria, low grade jaundice, urobilinogenuria and a rising Rh antibody titer. The patient had previously been sensitized by a single pint of Rh-positive blood.The dangers of Rh sensitization can be avoided by routine Rh typing of all prospective recipients of transfusion, whether male or female, and by giving only Rh-negative blood to those who are Rh-negative.  相似文献   

激光皮层平均诱发电位与脑辅酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由光导纤维将氮分子激光(40μJ/脉冲,3脉冲/s)导入6只大白鼠脑左侧皮层,联机叠加记录右侧相应皮质区的诱发电位。然后,利用HPLC法对大鼠6个脑区的四种生物活性物质同时测定。结果表明,激光诱发的N200波和P300波波幅增高,可能与其加速脑能量代谢率并降低脑内生物活性物质代谢率有关。  相似文献   

After fertilization, two types of cortical vesicles ware examined under the electron microscope (the cortical vesicle I and II) and the light microscope (pigment granules and another kind of vesicles). The cortical vesicle I corresponds to the pigment granule and the cortical vesicle II does to the other vesicle.
The unequal division of the sea urchin embryo which occurs at the fourth cleavage was modified to an equal cleavage pattern by the treatment with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). But other surfactants such as sodium deoxycholate, Tween 80, Lubrol PX did not have such an effect. The cell surface of the embryo which had been treated either SLS or CTAB became rough or smooth. Cortical vesicles and pigment granules disappeared and/or were dislocated from the cortex. However, cell organelles were as normal as the control. On the other hand, the cortical appearance of other surfactant-treated embryos showed no disturbance and cell organelles were also more or less normal. Therefore, the equalization of unequal cleavage is caused by the disturbance in the cortex and thus the cortex plays a major role on the micromere formation at the 16-cell stage and on the further sea urchin development.  相似文献   

A method was devised for measuring the minimum visibile in different parts of the spectrum, as done by Langley in 1888. The results are generally in good agreement with those given by this author, although not as close on both sides of the wave length 0.55 µ; this may be due partly to the use of a rock salt prism, to the fact that the minimum was determined by looking at a beam of diffused transmitted, instead of diffused reflected light, and also to the fact that Langley experimented with the sun, through the earth''s atmosphere, and had to take into account the thickness of the atmosphere interposed and the brightness of the sky. Although his experiments were made with great care, the differences from one day to another are important. However, when he expresses the energy in absolute units, he always refers to the same mean amount of energy radiated by the sun on 1 sq. cm. This amount is certainly not constant, if one judges from the differences observed in two measurements of sensitivity of the eye of the same individual at different dates. On the contrary, for a given wave length, our measurements always agreed closely, as our source of radiation was very nearly constant, owing to the absence of a varying amount of water vapor interposed. This may in some way account for the discrepancies observed.  相似文献   

探讨En Vision与特异性抗体复合一步法免疫组织化学标记的可行性及其应用效果。筛选适合于该法的特异性抗体。利用辣根过氧化物酶标记的第二抗体(En Vision)分别与72种单克隆和多克隆特异性抗体混合配制成即用型试剂,将两步标记法变为快速微波一步法,并对2100余例各种良性和亚性肿瘤的免疫组化标记结果进行观察和分析。结果显示绝大发特异性抗体的特异性和敏感性与标准En Vision法相似,其中46种特异性抗体结果稳定,重复性佳;14种特异必抗体稳定性欠佳,但临用前新配制效果仍较理想;12种不理想,不主张用于此法,结果表明En Vision与特异性抗体复合免疫组化一步法是一种有效、快速、简便的免疫组化染色技术。适用于临床病理快速免疫组化诊断,但对所用的特异性抗体应注意选择。  相似文献   

本文报道我国常见毒蛇的采毒量及不同月份的产量。探讨取毒时间,喂食与蛇毒产量、质量间的相互关系。研究结果表明,取毒时间以间隔20—30天取一次最好,不仅产量高而且活力较强,饥饿情况下蛇毒产量高、质量好,食物投放最好在取毒后,每月或20天投食1—2次,喂食频繁则对产量、质量均行影响。蛇毒毒性以3—4月、10—11月最佳,6—9月毒力低。  相似文献   

运用酶组织化学方法结合计算机图像分析,对自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)和正常血压的SD大鼠在大脑中动脉迅速阻断之后皮质细胞的代谢变化进行了比较观察。实验结果显示在缺血15min,皮质细胞的细胞色素C氧化酶(CCO)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的活性即已发生变化,而且随缺血时间的延长而更加明显,SHR酶活性的变化更为显著,提示SHR皮质细胞对缺血缺氧更为敏感。  相似文献   

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