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In fat and muscle cells, insulin stimulates the movement to and fusion of intracellular vesicles containing GLUT4 with the plasma membrane, a process referred to as GLUT4 translocation. Previous studies have indicated that Akt [also known as PKB (protein kinase B)] phosphorylation of AS160, a GAP (GTPase-activating protein) for Rabs, is required for GLUT4 translocation. The results suggest that this phosphorylation suppresses the GAP activity and leads to the elevation of the GTP form of one or more Rabs required for GLUT4 translocation. Based on their presence in GLUT4 vesicles and activity as AS160 GAP substrates, Rabs 8A, 8B, 10 and 14 are candidate Rabs. Here, we provide further evidence that Rab10 participates in GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Among Rabs 8A, 8B, 10 and 14, only the knockdown of Rab10 inhibited GLUT4 translocation. In addition, we describe the subcellular distribution of Rab10 and estimate the fraction of Rab10 in the active GTP form in vivo. Approx. 5% of the total Rab10 was present in GLUT4 vesicles isolated from the low-density microsomes. In both the basal and the insulin state, 90% of the total Rab10 was in the inactive GDP state. Thus, if insulin increases the GTP form of Rab10, the increase is limited to a small portion of the total Rab10. Finally, we report that the Rab10 mutant considered to be constitutively active (Rab10 Q68L) is a substrate for the AS160 GAP domain and, hence, cannot be used to deduce rigorously the function of Rab10 in its GTP form.  相似文献   

Metformin is a major oral anti‐diabetic drug and is known as an insulin sensitizer. However, the mechanism by which metformin acts is unclear. In this study, we found that AICAR, an AMPK activator, and metformin increased the expression of Rab4 mRNA and protein levels in skeletal muscle C2C12 cells. The promoter activity of Rab4 was increased by metformin in an AMPK‐dependent manner. Metformin stimulated the phosphorylation of AS160, Akt substrate, and Rab GTPase activating protein (GAP), and also increased the phosphorylation of PKC‐zeta, which is a critical molecule for glucose uptake. Knockdown of AMPK blocked the metformin‐induced phosphorylation of AS160/PKC‐zeta. In addition, a colorimetric absorbance assay showed that insulin‐induced translocation of GLUT4 was suppressed in Rab4 knockdown cells. Moreover, Rab4 interacted with PKC‐zeta but not with GLUT4. The C‐terminal‐deleted Rab4 mutant, Rab4ΔCT, showed diffuse sub‐cellular localization, while wild‐type Rab4 localized exclusively to the perinuclear membrane. Unlike Rab4ΔCT, wild‐type Rab4 co‐localized with PKC‐zeta. Together, these results demonstrate that metformin induces Rab4 expression via AMPK‐AS160‐PKC‐zeta and modulates insulin‐mediated GLUT4 translocation. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 974–981, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulates the rapid translocation of intracellular glucose transporters of the GLUT4 isotype to the plasma membrane in fat and muscle cells. The connections between known insulin signaling pathways and the protein machinery of this membrane-trafficking process have not been fully defined. Recently, we identified a 160-kDa protein in adipocytes, designated AS160, that is phosphorylated by the insulin-activated kinase Akt. This protein contains a GTPase-activating domain (GAP) for Rabs, which are small G proteins required for membrane trafficking. In the present study we have identified six sites of in vivo phosphorylation on AS160. These sites lie in the motif characteristic of Akt phosphorylation, and insulin treatment increased phosphorylation at five of the sites. Expression of AS160 with two or more of these sites mutated to alanine markedly inhibited insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Moreover, this inhibition did not occur when the GAP function in the phosphorylation site mutant was inactivated by a point mutation. These findings strongly indicate that insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of AS160 is required for GLUT4 translocation and that this phosphorylation signals translocation through inactivation of the Rab GAP function.  相似文献   

Rab proteins are important regulators of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane (PM), but the precise steps in GLUT4 trafficking modulated by particular Rab proteins remain unclear. Here, we systematically investigate the involvement of Rab proteins in GLUT4 trafficking, focusing on Rab proteins directly mediating GLUT4 storage vesicle (GSV) delivery to the PM. Using dual-color total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy and an insulin-responsive aminopeptidase (IRAP)-pHluorin fusion assay, we demonstrated that Rab10 directly facilitated GSV translocation to and docking at the PM. Rab14 mediated GLUT4 delivery to the PM via endosomal compartments containing transferrin receptor (TfR), whereas Rab4A, Rab4B, and Rab8A recycled GLUT4 through the endosomal system. Myosin-Va associated with GSVs by interacting with Rab10, positioning peripherally recruited GSVs for ultimate fusion. Thus, multiple Rab proteins regulate the trafficking of GLUT4, with Rab10 coordinating with myosin-Va to mediate the final steps of insulin-stimulated GSV translocation to the PM.  相似文献   

Rab-GTPases are important molecular switches regulating intracellular vesicle traffic, and we recently showed that Rab8A and Rab13 are activated by insulin in muscle to mobilize GLUT4-containing vesicles to the muscle cell surface. Here we show that the unconventional motor protein myosin Va (MyoVa) is an effector of Rab8A in this process. In CHO-IR cell lysates, a glutathione S-transferase chimera of the cargo-binding COOH tail (CT) of MyoVa binds Rab8A and the related Rab10, but not Rab13. Binding to Rab8A is stimulated by insulin in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase–dependent manner, whereas Rab10 binding is insulin insensitive. MyoVa-CT preferentially binds GTP-locked Rab8A. Full-length green fluorescent protein (GFP)–MyoVa colocalizes with mCherry-Rab8A in perinuclear small puncta, whereas GFP–MyoVa-CT collapses the GTPase into enlarged perinuclear depots. Further, GFP–MyoVa-CT blocks insulin-stimulated translocation of exofacially myc-tagged GLUT4 to the surface of muscle cells. Mutation of amino acids in MyoVa-CT predicted to bind Rab8A abrogates both interaction with Rab8A (not Rab10) and inhibition of insulin-stimulated GLUT4myc translocation. Of importance, small interfering RNA–mediated MyoVa silencing reduces insulin-stimulated GLUT4myc translocation. Rab8A colocalizes with GLUT4 in perinuclear but not submembrane regions visualized by confocal total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Hence insulin signaling to the molecular switch Rab8A connects with the motor protein MyoVa to mobilize GLUT4 vesicles toward the muscle cell plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A Role of myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2 in the aquaporin-2 shuttle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) regulates water reabsorption in renal collecting duct principal cells. Its binding to Gs-coupled vasopressin V2 receptors increases cyclic AMP (cAMP) and subsequently elicits the redistribution of the water channel aquaporin-2 (AQP2) from intracellular vesicles into the plasma membrane (AQP2 shuttle), thereby facilitating water reabsorption from primary urine. The AQP2 shuttle is a paradigm for cAMP-dependent exocytic processes. Using sections of rat kidney, the AQP2-expressing cell line CD8, and primary principal cells, we studied the role of the motor protein myosin Vb, its vesicular receptor Rab11, and the myosin Vb- and Rab11-binding protein Rab11-FIP2 in the AQP2 shuttle. Myosin Vb colocalized with AQP2 intracellularly in resting and at the plasma membrane in AVP-treated cells. Rab11 was found on AQP2-bearing vesicles. A dominant-negative myosin Vb tail construct and Rab11-FIP2 lacking the C2 domain (Rab11-FIP2-DeltaC2), which disrupt recycling, caused condensation of AQP2 in a Rab11-positive compartment and abolished the AQP2 shuttle. This effect was dependent on binding of myosin Vb tail and Rab11-FIP2-DeltaC2 to Rab11. In summary, we identified myosin Vb as a motor protein involved in AQP2 recycling and show that myosin Vb- and Rab11-FIP2-dependent recycling of AQP2 is an integral part of the AQP2 shuttle.  相似文献   

Insulin increases glucose uptake into muscle by enhancing the surface recycling of GLUT4 transporters. In myoblasts, insulin signals bifurcate downstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase into separate Akt and Rac/actin arms. Akt-mediated Rab-GAP AS160 phosphorylation and Rac/actin are required for net insulin gain of GLUT4, but the specific steps (vesicle recruitment, docking or fusion) regulated by Rac, actin dynamics, and AS160 target Rab8A are unknown. In L6 myoblasts expressing GLUT4myc, blocking vesicle fusion by tetanus toxin cleavage of VAMP2 impeded GLUT4myc membrane insertion without diminishing its build-up at the cell periphery. Conversely, actin disruption by dominant negative Rac or Latrunculin B abolished insulin-induced surface and submembrane GLUT4myc accumulation. Expression of non-phosphorylatable AS160 (AS160-4P) abrogated membrane insertion of GLUT4myc and partially reduced its cortical build-up, an effect magnified by selective Rab8A knockdown. We propose that insulin-induced actin dynamics participates in GLUT4myc vesicle retention beneath the membrane, whereas AS160 phosphorylation is essential for GLUT4myc vesicle-membrane docking/fusion and also contributes to GLUT4myc cortical availability through Rab8A.  相似文献   

Insulin-stimulated translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT4 to the cell surface in fat and muscle cells is the basis for insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Studies in adipocytes strongly support the following molecular mechanism for this process. Insulin-elicited phosphorylation of the GTPase-activating protein TBC1D4 (AS160) suppresses its activity toward Rab10 and thereby leads to an increase in the GTP-bound form of Rab10, which in turn triggers movement of vesicles containing GLUT4 to the plasma membrane and their fusion with the membrane. This process is expected to require the participation of a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) to generate the GTP-bound form of Rab10, but this GEF has not hitherto been identified. The present study identifies Dennd4C, a recently described GEF for Rab10, as the primary GEF required for GLUT4 translocation. Knockdown of Dennd4C markedly inhibited GLUT4 translocation, and ectopic expression of Dennd4C slightly stimulated it. Dennd4C was found in isolated GLUT4 vesicles. This study thus identifies another key component in the machinery of GLUT4 translocation. Moreover, it provides a potential explanation for the moderate association of a variant in the Dennd4C gene with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulates glucose transport by promoting translocation of GLUT4 proteins from the perinuclear compartment to the cell surface. It has been previously suggested that the microtubule-associated motor protein kinesin, which transports cargo toward the plus end of microtubules, plays a role in translocating GLUT4 vesicles to the cell surface. In this study, we investigated the role of Rab4, a small GTPase-binding protein, and the motor protein KIF3 (kinesin II in mice) in insulin-induced GLUT4 exocytosis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Photoaffinity labeling of Rab4 with [gamma-(32)P]GTP-azidoanilide showed that insulin stimulated Rab4 GTP loading and that this insulin effect was inhibited by pretreatment with the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) inhibitor LY294002 or expression of dominant-negative protein kinase C-lambda (PKC-lambda). Consistent with previous reports, expression of dominant-negative Rab4 (N121I) decreased insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation by 45%. Microinjection of an anti-KIF3 antibody into 3T3-L1 adipocytes decreased insulin-induced GLUT4 exocytosis by 65% but had no effect on endocytosis. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments showed that Rab4, but not Rab5, physically associated with KIF3, and this was confirmed by showing in vitro association using glutathione S-transferase-Rab4. A microtubule capture assay demonstrated that insulin stimulation increased the activity for the binding of KIF3 to microtubules and that this activation was inhibited by pretreatment with the PI3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 or expression of dominant-negative PKC-lambda. Taken together, these data indicate that (i) insulin signaling stimulates Rab4 activity, the association of Rab4 with kinesin, and the interaction of KIF3 with microtubules and (ii) this process is mediated by insulin-induced PI3-kinase-dependent PKC-lambda activation and participates in GLUT4 exocytosis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulation of the trafficking of the glucose transporter GLUT4 to the plasma membrane is controlled in part by the phosphorylation of the Rab GAP (GTPase-activating protein) AS160 (also known as Tbc1d4). Considerable evidence indicates that the phosphorylation of this protein by Akt (protein kinase B) leads to suppression of its GAP activity and results in the elevation of the GTP form of a critical Rab. The present study examines a similar Rab GAP, Tbc1d1, about which very little is known. We found that the Rab specificity of the Tbc1d1 GAP domain is identical with that of AS160. Ectopic expression of Tbc1d1 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes blocked insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane, whereas a point mutant with an inactive GAP domain had no effect. Insulin treatment led to the phosphorylation of Tbc1d1 on an Akt site that is conserved between Tbc1d1 and AS160. These results show that Tbc1d1 regulates GLUT4 translocation through its GAP activity, and is a likely Akt substrate. An allele of Tbc1d1 in which Arg(125) is replaced by tryptophan has very recently been implicated in susceptibility to obesity by genetic analysis. We found that this form of Tbc1d1 also inhibited GLUT4 translocation and that this effect also required a functional GAP domain.  相似文献   

A large body of knowledge relating to the constitution of Rab GTPase/Rab effector complexes and their impact on both membrane domain organization and overall membrane trafficking has been built up in recent years. However in the context of the live cell there are still many questions that remain to be answered, such as where and when these complexes assemble and where they perform their primary function(s). We describe here the dynamic processes that take place in the final steps of the Rab11A dependent recycling pathway, in the context of the membrane platform constituted by Myosin Vb, Rab11A, and Rab11-FIP2. We first confirm that a series of previously reported observations obtained during the study of a number of trafficking cargoes also apply to langerin. Langerin is a cargo molecule that traffics through Rab11A-positive membrane domains of the endosomal recycling pathway. In order to explore the relative dynamics of this set of partners, we make extensive use of a combinatory approach of Live-FRET, fast FRAP video, fast confocal and TIRF microscopy modalities. Our data show that the Myosin Vb/Rab11A/Rab11-FIP2 platform is spatially involved in the regulation of langerin trafficking at two distinct sites within live cells, first at the sorting site in the endosomal recycling compartment (ERC) where transport vesicles are formed, and subsequently, in a strict time-defined order, at the very late stage of docking/tethering and fusion of these langerin recycling vesicles to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Agonist-stimulated internalization followed by recycling to the cell membrane play an important role in fine-tuning the activity of chemokine receptors. Because the recycling of chemokine receptors is critical for the reestablishment of the cellular responsiveness to ligand, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms underlying the receptor recycling and resensitization. In the present study, we have demonstrated that the chemokine receptor CXCR2 associated with myosin Vb and Rab11-family interacting protein 2 (FIP2) in a ligand-dependent manner. Truncation of the C-terminal domain of the receptor did not affect the association, suggesting that the interactions occur upstream of the C terminus of CXCR2. After ligand stimulation, the internalized CXCR2 colocalized with myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2 in Rab11a-positive vesicles. The colocalization lasted for approximately 2 h, and little colocalization was observed after 4 h of ligand stimulation. CXCR2 also colocalized with myosin Vb tail or Rab11-FIP2 (129-512), the N-terminal-truncated mutants of myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2, respectively, but in a highly condensed manner. Expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged myosin Vb tail significantly retarded the recycling and resensitization of CXCR2. CXCR2 recycling was also reduced by the expression Rab11-FIP2 (129-512). Moreover, expression of the myosin Vb tail reduced CXCR2- and CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis. These data indicate that Rab11-FIP2 and myosin Vb regulate CXCR2 recycling and receptor-mediated chemotaxis and that passage of internalized CXCR2 through Rab11a-positive recycling system is critical for physiological response to a chemokine.  相似文献   

Muscle and fat cells translocate GLUT4 (glucose transporter 4) to the plasma membrane when stimulated by insulin. Usually, this event is measured in differentiated adipocytes, myotubes, or cell lines overexpressing tagged GLUT4 by immunostaining. However, measurement of the translocation in differentiated adipocytes or myotubes or GLUT4 overexpressing cell lines is difficult because of high assay variability caused by either the differentiation protocol or low assay sensitivity. We recently reported the identification of a novel splice variant of AS160 (substrate of 160 kDa), namely AS160_v2, and showed that its coexpression with GLUT4 in L6 myoblasts increased the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake rate due to an increased amount of GLUT4 on the cell surface. L6 cells, which coexpress myc-tagged GLUT4 and AS160_v2, can be efficiently used to generate an assay useful for identifying compounds that affect cellular responses to insulin. We compared the EC50 values for radioactive glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation of different insulins and several small molecules to validate the assay. The use of L6 cells overexpressing AS160_v2 can be considered as a novel tool for the characterization of molecules modulating insulin signaling and GLUT4 translocation, and an image-based assay increases our confidence in the mode of action of the compounds identified.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rac1 plays a pivotal role in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle, which is mediated by GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. However, regulatory mechanisms for Rac1 and its role in the signaling pathway composed of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and the serine/threonine kinase Akt remain obscure. Here, we investigate the role of Akt in the regulation of Rac1 in myocytes. Insulin-induced, but not constitutively activated Rac1-induced, GLUT4 translocation was suppressed by Akt inhibitor IV. Insulin-induced Rac1 activation, on the other hand, was completely inhibited by this inhibitor. Constitutively activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase induced Rac1 activation and GLUT4 translocation. This GLUT4 translocation was almost completely suppressed by Rac1 knockdown. Furthermore, constitutively activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase-induced, but not constitutively activated Rac1-induced, GLUT4 translocation was suppressed by Akt2 knockdown. Finally, insulin-induced Rac1 activation was indeed inhibited by Akt2 knockdown. Together, these results reveal a novel regulatory mechanism involving Akt2 for insulin-dependent Rac1 activation.  相似文献   

Based on recent studies showing that phospholipase D (PLD)1 is associated with intracellular membranes and promotes membrane budding from the trans-Golgi, we tested its possible role in the membrane trafficking of GLUT4 glucose transporters. Using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy, expressed Myc epitope-tagged PLD1 was found to associate with intracellular vesicular structures by a mechanism that requires its N-terminal pleckstrin homology domain. Partial co-localization with expressed GLUT4 fused to green fluorescent protein in both 3T3-L1 adipocytes and Chinese hamster ovary cells was evident. Furthermore, microinjection of purified PLD into cultured adipocytes markedly potentiated the effect of a submaximal concentration of insulin to stimulate GLUT4 translocation to cell surface membranes. Insulin stimulated PLD activity in cells expressing high levels of insulin receptors but no such insulin effect was detected in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Taken together, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that PLD1 associated with GLUT4-containing membranes acts in a constitutive manner to promote the mechanism of GLUT4 translocation by insulin.  相似文献   

GLUT4 trafficking to the plasma membrane of muscle and fat cells is regulated by insulin. An important component of insulin-regulated GLUT4 distribution is the Akt substrate AS160 rab GTPase-activating protein. Here we show that Rab10 functions as a downstream target of AS160 in the insulin-signaling pathway that regulates GLUT4 translocation in adipocytes. Overexpression of a mutant of Rab10 defective for GTP hydrolysis increased GLUT4 on the surface of basal adipocytes. Rab10 knockdown resulted in an attenuation of insulin-induced GLUT4 redistribution to the plasma membrane and a concomitant 2-fold decrease in GLUT4 exocytosis rate. Re-expression of a wild-type Rab10 restored normal GLUT4 translocation. The basal increase in plasma-membrane GLUT4 due to AS160 knockdown was partially blocked by knocking down Rab10 in the same cells, further indicating that Rab10 is a target of AS160 and a positive regulator of GLUT4 trafficking to the cell surface upon insulin stimulation.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) affects glucose uptake activity and the translocation of insulin-sensitive glucose transporter (GLUT) 4 in skeletal muscle. A single oral administration of EGCg at 75 mg/kg body weight promoted GLUT4 translocation in skeletal muscle of rats. EGCg significantly increased glucose uptake accompanying GLUT4 translocation in L6 myotubes at 1 nM. The translocation of GLUT4 was also observed both in skeletal muscle of mice and rats ex vivo and in insulin-resistant L6 myotubes. Wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase, inhibited both EGCg- and insulin-increased glucose uptakes, while genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase, failed to inhibit the EGCg-increased uptake. Therefore, EGCg may improve hyperglycemia by promoting GLUT4 translocation in skeletal muscle with partially different mechanism from insulin.  相似文献   

Peganum harmala Linn, commonly known as 'harmal' belonging to the family Zygophyllaceae, is one of the most important medicinal plants of India. In continuation of our drug development program on Indian medicinal plants we discovered antihyperglycemic activity in 4-hydroxypipecolic acid (4-HPA), isolated from the seed of P. harmala. Effect of 4-HPA on glucose uptake and glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4) translocation was investigated in L6 skeletal muscle cell lines. Treatment with 4-HPA stimulated both glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation from intracellular to cell surface in skeletal muscle cells in a concentration-dependent manner, which might be leading to antihyperglycemic effect.  相似文献   

Cells use multiple pathways to internalize and recycle cell surface components. Although Rab11a and Myosin Vb are involved in the recycling of proteins internalized by clathrin-mediated endocytosis, Rab8a has been implicated in nonclathrin-dependent endocytosis and recycling. By yeast two-hybrid assays, we have now demonstrated that Myosin Vb can interact with Rab8a, but not Rab8b. We have confirmed the interaction of Myosin Vb with Rab11a and Rab8a in vivo by using fluorescent resonant energy transfer techniques. Rab8a and Myosin Vb colocalize to a tubular network containing EHD1 and EHD3, which does not contain Rab11a. Myosin Vb tail can cause the accumulation of both Rab11a and Rab8a in collapsed membrane cisternae, whereas dominant-negative Rab11-FIP2(129-512) selectively accumulates Rab11a but not Rab8a. Additionally, dynamic live cell imaging demonstrates distinct pathways for Rab11a and Rab8a vesicle trafficking. These findings indicate that Rab8a and Rab11a define different recycling pathways that both use Myosin Vb.  相似文献   

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