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New biomass sources for alternative fuels has become a subject of increasing importance as the nation strives to resolve the economic and strategic impacts of limited fossil fuel resources on our national security, environment, and global climate. Algae are among the most promising non‐food‐crop‐based biomass feedstocks. However, there are currently no commercially viable microalgae‐based production systems for biofuel production that have been developed, as limitations include less‐than optimal oil content, growth rates, and cultivation techniques. While batch studies are critical for determining basic growth phases and characteristics of the algal species, steady‐state studies are necessary to better understand and measure the specific growth parameters. This study evaluated the effects of dilution rate on microalgal biomass productivity, lipid content, and fatty acid profile under steady‐state conditions with continuous illumination and carbon dioxide supplemention for two types of algae. Continuous cultures were conducted for more that 3 months. Our results show that the productivity of Chlorella minutissima varied from 39 to 137 mg/L/day (dry mass) when the dilution rate varied from 0.08 to 0.64 day?1. The biomass productivity of C. minutissima reached a maximum value (137 mg/L/day) at a dilution rate of 0.33 day?1, while the productivity of Dunaliella tertiolecta varied from 46 to 91 mg/L/day at a dilution rate of 0.17 to 0.74 day?1. The biomass productivity of D. tertiolecta reached a maximum value of 91 mg/L/day at a dilution rate of 0.42 day?1. Moreover, the lipid content had no significant change with various dilution rates. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2468–2474. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe use of 96-well plates is ubiquitous in preclinical studies. Corner and edge wells have been observed to be more prone to evaporation compared to interior wells.MethodsMammalian cells were cultured in 96-well plates over a period of 72 h. VWR and Greiner plates were tested. MTS reagent was added, and metabolic activity was determined after 2 h.ResultsWhen using VWR plates, cells showed a highly heterogeneous pattern of cell growth. The outer wells showed 35% lower metabolic activity than the central wells. Cells grown in rows two and three also grew sub-optimally (25% and 10% reduction compared to central wells). Greiner plates showed better homogeneity. Cells grown in the outer wells showed 16% lower metabolic activity while cells in rows two and three showed reductions of 7 and 1%, respectively. This edge effect was partially mitigated by storing the plates in loosely sealed wrapping during incubation. Placing a buffer between the wells of the plate further improved homogeneity for the Greiner plates.ConclusionDifferent brands of 96-well plates show different levels of the edge effect. Some clearly are inappropriate for such studies.General significanceEach laboratory needs to determine their own optimum conditions for culturing cells empirically before continuing to use multiwell plates. Otherwise, large artifacts may arise, affecting the quality of data, with the potential of introducing type I or type II errors.  相似文献   

Microalgae have been exploited for biofuel generation in the current era due to its enormous energy content, fast cellular growth rate, inexpensive culture approaches, accumulation of inorganic compounds, and CO2 sequestration. Currently, research is ongoing towards the advancement of the microalgae cultivation parameters to enhance the biomass yield. The main objective of this study was to delineate the progress of physicochemical parameters for microalgae cultivation such as gaseous transfer, mixing, light demand, temperature, pH, nutrients and the culture period. This review demonstrates the latest research trends on mass transfer coefficient of different microalgae culturing reactors, gas velocity optimization, light intensity, retention time, and radiance effects on microalgae cellular growth, temperature impact on chlorophyll production, and nutrient dosage ratios for cellulosic metabolism to avoid nutrient deprivation. Besides that, cultivation approaches for microalgae associated with mathematical modeling for different parameters, mechanisms of microalgal growth rate and doubling time have been elaborately described. Along with that, this review also documents potential lipid-carbohydrate-protein enriched microalgae candidates for biofuel, biomass productivity, and different cultivation conditions including open-pond cultivation, closed-loop cultivation, and photobioreactors. Various photobioreactor types, the microalgae strain, productivity, advantages, and limitations were tabulated. In line with microalgae cultivation, this study also outlines in detail numerous biofuels from microalgae.  相似文献   

朱志浩  刘辉  邵留  叶建锋 《微生物学报》2022,62(4):1322-1333
利用废水培养微藻能够降低微藻的培养成本,同时削减污染.微藻的蛋白质、多糖和油脂等组分是影响其后续资源化利用的重要因素.本文重点综述了以废水为基质培养微藻的研究进展,从组分积累的角度,分析了微藻种类的选择依据,探讨了影响微藻生长的因素和提高产量的方法,并对藻体中组分的合成机制进行了讨论,提出未来废水培养微藻技术面临的挑战...  相似文献   

Summary Microalgae are a highly diverse group of unicellular organisms comprising the eukaryotic protists and the prokaryotic cyanobacteria or blue-green algae. The microalgae have a unique environmental status; being virtually ubiquitous in euphotic aquatic niches, they can occupy extreme habitats ranging from tropical coral reefs to the polar regions, and they contribute to half of the globe’s photosynthetic activity. Furthermore, they form the basis of the food chain for more than 70% of the world’s biomass. Microalgae are a valuable environmental and biotechnological resource, and the aim of this review is to explore the use of in vitro technologies in the conservation and sustainable exploitation of this remarkable group of organisms. The first part of the review evaluates the importance of in vitro methods in the maintenance and conservation of microalgae and describes the central role of culture collections in applied algal research. The second part explores the application of microalgal in vitro technologies, particularly in the context of the aquaculture and biotechnology industries. Emphasis is placed upon the exploitation of economically important algal products including aquaculture feed, biomass production for the health care sector, green fertilizers, pigments, vitamins, antioxidants, and antimicrobial agents. The contribution that microalgae can make to environmental research is also appraised; for example, they have an important role as indicator organisms in environmental impact assessments. Similarly, designated culture collection strains of microalgae are used for ecotoxicity testing. Throughout the review, emphasis is placed on the application of in vitro techniques for the continued advancement of microalgal research. The paper concludes by assessing future perspectives for the novel application of microalgae and their products.  相似文献   

Flat‐plate photobioreactors (FPPBRs) are widely reported for cultivation of microalgae. In this work, a novel FPPBR mounted with inclined baffles was developed, which can make the fluid produce a “spirality” flow. The flow field and cell trajectory in the photobioreactor were investigated by using computational fluid dynamics. In addition, the cell trajectory was analyzed using a Fast Fourier transformation. The influence of height of the baffles, the angle α between the inclined baffle and fluid inlet flow direction (z), and the fluid inlet velocity on the frequency of flashing light effect and pressure drop were examined to optimize the structure parameters of the inclined baffles and operating conditions of the photobioreactor. The results showed that with inclined baffles built‐in, significant swirl flow could be generated in the FPPBR. In this way, the flashing light effect for microalgal cell could also be achieved and the photosynthesis efficiency of microalgae could be promoted. In outdoor cultivation of freshwater Chlorella sp., the maximum biomass productivity of Chlorella sp. cultivated in the photobioreactor with inclined baffles was 29.94% higher than that of the photobioreactor without inclined baffles. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

Tetraselmis gracilis, a Prasinophycean alga found in estuaries and in the open ocean, was cultivated under different conditions of aeration, which resulted in variations of inorganic carbon in the medium. Relative growth rates, nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase activities were daily determined and correlated to the concentration of nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, inorganic and organic carbon in the media. Nitrate reductase catalyzes the reversible carbon dioxide hydration reaction. The activity profiles of both enzymes during 10 days of cultivation under aeration with air showed an inverse relationship: the maximum in the activity of nitrate reductase coincided with the minimum of carbonic anhydrase activity. An ionizable organic carbon species with pKa in the range of metabolites of the photorespiratory path was found parallel with the increase of carbonic anhydrase activity and the decrease of nitrate reductase activity. The onset of photorespiration is probably one of the factors involved in the simultaneous regulation of these enzymatic processes. Cultures aerated with air containing 5% CO2 showed different profiles for nitrate reductase activity and nitrate uptake.  相似文献   

微藻规模化培养研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微藻作为地球上最古老的物种之一,其诞生可追溯到35亿多年前.微藻的种类十分丰富,形态也多种多样.微藻一般都含有叶绿体,因此可进行光合作用,有研究表明微藻固定CO2的能力是陆地植物的10倍.微藻以其丰富的代谢产物及独特的生理特性在可再生能源、生物医药、食品工业和环境监测等方面有着广泛的应用.然而如何在控制成本的前提下对微...  相似文献   

Continued advancement in pluripotent stem cell culture is closing the gap between bench and bedside for using these cells in regenerative medicine, drug discovery and safety testing. In order to produce stem cell derived biopharmaceutics and cells for tissue engineering and transplantation, a cost-effective cell-manufacturing technology is essential. Maintenance of pluripotency and stable performance of cells in downstream applications (e.g., cell differentiation) over time is paramount to large scale cell production. Yet that can be difficult to achieve especially if cells are cultured manually where the operator can introduce significant variability as well as be prohibitively expensive to scale-up. To enable high-throughput, large-scale stem cell production and remove operator influence novel stem cell culture protocols using a bench-top multi-channel liquid handling robot were developed that require minimal technician involvement or experience. With these protocols human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were cultured in feeder-free conditions directly from a frozen stock and maintained in 96-well plates. Depending on cell line and desired scale-up rate, the operator can easily determine when to passage based on a series of images showing the optimal colony densities for splitting. Then the necessary reagents are prepared to perform a colony split to new plates without a centrifugation step. After 20 passages (~3 months), two iPSC lines maintained stable karyotypes, expressed stem cell markers, and differentiated into cardiomyocytes with high efficiency. The system can perform subsequent high-throughput screening of new differentiation protocols or genetic manipulation designed for 96-well plates. This technology will reduce the labor and technical burden to produce large numbers of identical stem cells for a myriad of applications.  相似文献   

Lipid extraction from biological samples is a critical and often tedious preanalytical step in lipid research. Primarily on the basis of automation criteria, we have developed the BUME method, a novel chloroform-free total lipid extraction method for blood plasma compatible with standard 96-well robots. In only 60 min, 96 samples can be automatically extracted with lipid profiles of commonly analyzed lipid classes almost identically and with absolute recoveries similar or better to what is obtained using the chloroform-based reference method. Lipid recoveries were linear from 10-100 μl plasma for all investigated lipids using the developed extraction protocol. The BUME protocol includes an initial one-phase extraction of plasma into 300 μl butanol:methanol (BUME) mixture (3:1) followed by two-phase extraction into 300 μl heptane:ethyl acetate (3:1) using 300 μl 1% acetic acid as buffer. The lipids investigated included the most abundant plasma lipid classes (e.g., cholesterol ester, free cholesterol, triacylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin) as well as less abundant but biologically important lipid classes, including ceramide, diacylglycerol, and lyso-phospholipids. This novel method has been successfully implemented in our laboratory and is now used daily. We conclude that the fully automated, high-throughput BUME method can replace chloroform-based methods, saving both human and environmental resources.  相似文献   

污水资源化、二氧化碳减排及微藻生物柴油是当前能源与环境领域的前沿课题。以下围绕污水及烟道气资源化培养产油微藻的培养体系,就藻种、营养条件、培养方式、培养环境及微藻生物反应器等影响产油微藻培养的因素研究进展进行了综述。在综述的基础上提出:由于微藻具有特殊营养方式,通过藻种筛选、微藻营养条件和培养环境的优化以及高效光生物反应器和生产工艺等的创新,可利用污水进行产油微藻生产,以获得生物柴油等高附加值产品,实现微藻生物能源、污水资源化处理和CO2减排三者高度耦合的产油微藻生产体系,从而减少微藻培养费用及污水处理费用,因此,该体系具有重要的环境、社会、经济价值和商业化应用前景。  相似文献   

When endothelial cells isolated from human umbilical veins were cultured for 6 days using 96-well microplates, the final cell density in each well was found not to be the same although the medium composition of each well was exactly the same. Cell growth in the wells located at the periphery of a microplate was low, while that in the central area of the plate was high. A possible cause for different rate of growth was proposed as the uneven concentration of oxygen in the culture medium of each well.  相似文献   

The translocation of phospholipids across the plasma membrane has been widely documented as one of the earliest measurable biochemical events of apoptosis. Using fluorescently labelled annexin V, which preferentially binds phosphatidylserine (PS) in the presence of Ca2+, the externalization of PS can be measured and apoptosis quantified using flow cytometry. Conventional detection methods utilizing annexin V, while faster than in situ DNA end-labelling or DNA laddering, require extensive sample preparation which may compromise samples and makes rapid, high volume screening prohibitive. This paper describes a novel assay for the measurement of apoptosis based upon binding of radiolabelled annexin V to apoptotic cells attached to the growth surface of a 96-well scintillating microplate (Cytostar-T®). We compared measurements of apoptosis made by flow cytometry to those obtained with the scintillating microplate in three model systems, treatment of: mouse connective tissue (L-M) cells with lymphotoxin (LT), human lung carcinoma (H460) cells with Apo-2 ligand and human umbilical vein endothelial (HUVE) cells with staurosporine. In this assay, we compare both direct and indirect labelling methods by utilizing either iodinated annexin V or biotinylated annexin V/[35S] streptavidin to radiolabel apoptotic cells. The signal detected is a direct consequence of the binding of annexin V to externalized PS on apoptotic cells and the proximity of the label to the base of the plate. Using this method, separation of bound and unbound radiolabel signal occurs directly within the well resulting in a sensitive assay that requires minimal manipulation and can accomodate a large number of samples.  相似文献   

For structural and functional genomics programs, new high-throughput methods to obtain well-expressing and highly soluble proteins are essential. Here, we describe a rapid procedure to express recombinant proteins in an Escherichia coli cell-free system using a 96-well format. The identification of soluble proteins is performed by the Dot Blot procedure using an anti-His tag antibody. The applications and the automation of this method are described.  相似文献   

The practical mass culture of marine microalgae, facesoccasionally unexpected problems or collapse. The effect of amarine bacterium, Flavobacterium sp., which was found topromote growth of a marine diatom Chaetoceros gracilisin the axenic culture condition, was examined on the masscultures of three marine microalgae.Three marine microalgae (C. gracilis, Isochrysisgalbana, and Pavlova lutheri) were mass cultured in 3 lflatbottom flasks (2.5 l capacity of culture medium), in anindoor culture room at a commercial pearl oyster hatchery. Themicroalgal cells and the bacterium were inoculated at the sametime, in the culture media. The specific growth rate andmaximal cell density were determined in treated cultures (withadded bacterial strain) and in controls (without addedbacterial strain). The specific growth rate of C.gracilis in treated cultures was significantly higher thanthat of control cultures, and the stationary growth phase inthe treated cultures lasted longer till the end of the cultureperiod. However, the bacterium had no apparent effect on theexponential growth phase of two phytoflagellates, I.galbana and P. lutheri, but kept longer the high celldensity in the stationary growth phases. The added bacterialstrain (Flavobacterium sp.) was the dominant species(more than 45%) among the bacterial flora during the cultureperiod.  相似文献   

Microtiter plates with integrated optical sensing of dissolved oxygen were developed by immobilization of two fluorophores at the bottom of 96-well polystyrene microtiter plates. The oxygen-sensitive fluorophore responded to dissolved oxygen concentration, whereas the oxygen-insensitive one served as an internal reference. The sensor measured dissolved oxygen accurately in optically well-defined media. Oxygen transfer coefficients, k(L)a, were determined by a dynamic method in a commercial microtiter plate reader with an integrated shaker. For this purpose, the dissolved oxygen was initially depleted by the addition of sodium dithionite and, by oxygen transfer from air, it increased again after complete oxidation of dithionite. k(L)a values in one commercial reader were about 10 to 40 h(-1). k(L)a values were inversely proportional to the filling volume and increased with increasing shaking intensity. Dissolved oxygen was monitored during cultivation of Corynebacterium glutamicum in another reader that allowed much higher shaking intensity. Growth rates determined from optical density measurement were identical to those observed in shaking flasks and in a stirred fermentor. Oxygen uptake rates measured in the stirred fermentor and dissolved oxygen concentrations measured during cultivation in the microtiter plate were used to estimate k(L)a values in a 96-well microtiter plate. The resulting values were about 130 h(-1), which is in the lower range of typical stirred fermentors. The resulting maximum oxygen transfer rate was 26 mM h(-1). Simulations showed that the errors caused by the intermittent measurement method were insignificant under the prevailing conditions.  相似文献   


Optimizing the production of the high-value renewables such as OMEGAs through pathway engineering requires an in-depth understanding of the structure–function relationship of genes involved in the OMEGA biosynthetic pathways. In this preliminary study, our rationale is to identify and characterize the ~221 putative genes involved in production of OMEGAs using bioinformatic analysis from the Streptophyte (plants), Chlorophyte (green algae), Rhodophyta (red algae), and Bacillariophyta (diatoms) lineages based on their phylogenomic profiling, conserved motif/domain organization and physico-chemical properties. The MEME suite predicted 12 distinct protein domains, which are conserved among these putative genes. The phylogenomic analysis of the putative candidate genes [such as FAD2 (delta-12 desaturase); ECR (enoyl-CoA reductase); FAD2 (delta-12 desaturase); ACOT (acyl CoA thioesterase); ECH (enoyl-CoA hydratase); and ACAT (acetyl-CoA acyltransferase)] with similar domains and motif patterns were remarkably well conserved. Furthermore, the subcellular network prediction of OMEGA biosynthetic pathway genes revealed a unique interaction between the light-dependent chlorophyll biosynthesis and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, which predicts a major cross-talk between the key essential pathways. Such bioinformatic analysis will provide insights in finding the key regulatory genes to optimize the productivity of OMEGAs in microalgal cell factories.  相似文献   

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