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Summary We have localized the genes for mitochondrial 4S RNA on the physical map of themtDNA of severalSaccharomyces cerevisiae strains by hybridization of iodinated 4S RNA to the restriction fragments obtained with endonucleasesHindII+III,EcoRI andHapII. The data indicate that 5–8 of the 4S RNA genes are dispersed over a large area of the genome whereas the rest (about 18 genes) is located within an area of about 9000 bp in length (about 12% of the genome) between the markers for chloramphenicol and paromomycin resistance (RIB 1 and PAR 1 loci). Within this region a cluster is present of 5 genes on a DNA fragment of 460 bp.Abbreviations Used mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - mtRNA mitochondrial RNA - rRNA ribosomal RNA - tRNA transfer RNA - C, E, P and O cytoplasmically-inherited resistance markers for chloramphenicol, erythromycin, paromomycin and oligomycin, respectively - SSC 150 mM sodium chloride, 15 mM sodium citrate (pH 7.0) - SDS sodium dodecylsulphate - EDTA (sodium)ethylenediaminetetraacetate; TEMED - N,N,N N-tetramethylethylenediamine; (k)bp, (kilo)base pairs - EthBr ethidium bromide  相似文献   

SUP2(SUP35) is an omnipotent suppressor gene, coding for an EF-1 alpha-like protein factor, involved in the control of translational accuracy in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A SUP2 gene analogue from yeast Pichia pinus was isolated by complementation of temperature-sensitive sup2 mutation of S. cerevisiae. Nucleotide sequence of the SUP2 gene of P. pinus codes for a protein of 82.4 kDa exceeding the SUP2 protein of S. cerevisiae for 6 kDa. The SUP2 gene product of P. pinus is similar to the Sup2 protein of S. cerevisiae by its structure and includes a highly conservative (76%) C-terminal region homologus to EF-1 alpha and a lowly conservative N-terminal region. The relation between the evolutionary conservativity of different regions of the Sup2 protein and their functional significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Recombination-deficient strains have been proven useful for the understanding of the genetic control of homologous recombination. As the genetic screens used to isolate recombination-deficient (rec(-)) yeast mutants have not been saturated, we sought to develop a simple colony color assay to identify mutants with low or elevated rates of recombination. Using this system we isolated a collection of rec(-) mutants. We report the characterization of the REC41 gene identified in this way. REC41 is required for normal levels of interplasmid recombination and gamma-ray induced mitotic interchromosomal recombination. The rec41-1 mutant failed to grow at 37 degrees C. Microscopic analysis of plated cells showed that 45-50% of them did not form visible colonies at permissive temperature. Haploid cells of the rec41 mutant show the same gamma-ray sensitivity as wild type ones. However, the diploid rec41 mutant shows gamma-ray sensitivity which is comparable with heterozygous REC41/rec41-1 diploid cells. This fact indicates semidominance of the rec41-1 mutation. Diploid strains homozygous for the rec41 rad52 mutations had the same gamma-ray sensitivity as single rad52 diploids and exhibited dramatically decreased growth rate. The expression of the HO gene does not lead to inviability of rec41 cells. The rec41 mutation has an effect on meiosis, likely meiotic recombination, even in the heterozygous state. We cloned the REC41 gene. Sequence analysis revealed that the REC41 gene is encoded by ORF YDR245w. Earlier, this ORF was attributed to MNN10, BED1, SLC2, CAX5 genes. Two multicopy plasmids with suppressers of the rec41-1 mutation (pm21 and pm32) were isolated. The deletion analysis showed that only DNA fragments with the CDC43 and HAC1 genes can partially complement the rec41-1 mutation.  相似文献   

The tRNA ligase protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the components required for splicing of yeast tRNA precursors in vitro. We have purified this protein to near homogeneity using an affinity elution chromatographic step. Purified tRNA ligase is a 90-kDa protein that, in addition to catalyzing the ligation of tRNA half-molecules in the coupled splicing reaction, will also ligate an artificial substrate. Using this artificial substrate, we provide evidence for the existence of a previously predicted activated intermediate in the ligation reaction. The amino acid sequence of the amino-terminal end of the protein was determined, and we have used this information to isolate the structural gene from a library of yeast DNA. We prove that this DNA encodes the tRNA ligase protein by DNA sequencing and by demonstrating overproduction of the protein.  相似文献   

The 2 microm circle is a highly persistent "selfish" DNA element resident in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleus whose stability approaches that of the chromosomes. The plasmid partitioning system, consisting of two plasmid-encoded proteins, Rep1p and Rep2p, and a cis-acting locus, STB, apparently feeds into the chromosome segregation pathway. The Rep proteins assist the recruitment of the yeast cohesin complex to STB during the S phase, presumably to apportion the replicated plasmid molecules equally to daughter cells. The DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions of the partitioning system, as well as the chromatin organization at STB, are important for cohesin recruitment. Rep1p variants that are incompetent in binding to Rep2p, STB, or both fail to assist the assembly of the cohesin complex at STB and are nonfunctional in plasmid maintenance. Preventing the cohesin-STB association without impeding Rep1p-Rep2p-STB interactions also causes plasmid missegregation. During the yeast cell cycle, the Rep1p and Rep2p proteins are expelled from STB during a short interval between the late G(1) and early S phases. This dissociation and reassociation event ensures that cohesin loading at STB is replication dependent and is coordinated with chromosomal cohesin recruitment. In an rsc2 Delta yeast strain lacking a specific chromatin remodeling complex and exhibiting a high degree of plasmid loss, neither Rep1p nor the cohesin complex can be recruited to STB. The phenotypes of the Rep1p mutations and of the rsc2 Delta mutant are consistent with the role of cohesin in plasmid partitioning being analogous to that in chromosome partitioning.  相似文献   

The product of the yeast SUP45 gene (Sup45p) is highly homologous to the Xenopus eukaryote release factor 1 (eRF1), which has release factor activity in vitro. We show, using the two-hybrid system, that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sup45p and the product of the SUP35 gene (Sup35p) interact in vivo. The ability of Sup45p C-terminally tagged with (His)6 to specifically precipitate Sup35p from a cell lysate was used to confirm this interaction in vitro. Although overexpression of either the SUP45 or SUP35 genes alone did not reduce the efficiency of codon-specific tRNA nonsense suppression, the simultaneous overexpression of both the SUP35 and SUP45 genes in nonsense suppressor tRNA-containing strains produced an antisuppressor phenotype. These data are consistent with Sup35p and Sup45p forming a complex with release factor properties. Furthermore, overexpression of either Xenopus or human eRF1 (SUP45) genes also resulted in anti-suppression only if that strain was also overexpressing the yeast SUP35 gene. Antisuppression is a characteristic phenotype associated with overexpression of both prokaryote and mitochondrial release factors. We propose that Sup45p and Sup35p interact to form a release factor complex in yeast and that Sup35p, which has GTP binding sequence motifs in its C-terminal domain, provides the GTP hydrolytic activity which is a demonstrated requirement of the eukaryote translation termination reaction.  相似文献   

Summary The URA2 locus codes for a multifunctional enzyme complex carrying aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) and carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPSase) activities. Three different types of ura2 mutants were tested in meiotic and mitotic recombination experiments: ura2A mutants devoid of ATCase activity, ura2C mutants devoid of CPSase activity and ura2B mutants devoid of both activities. All the ura2C mutations were found to be clustered at one end of the URA2 locus, called zone A, while the ura2C mutations were localized in a region at the other end, called zone C. All but two ura2B mutations (most of them suppressible) were distributed throughout zone C; the two ura2B exceptions which are small deletions, mapped in zone A. On the meiotic as well as on the mitotic map an intermediary or dead-space zone is located between zones A and C. No mutation has yet been found to map in this zone. The relative lengths of the three zones A, intermediary and C are 1:2–3:3–4, respectively.These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the URA2 locus consisting of at least two cistrons: C (CPSase) and A (ATCase), is transcribed into a single polycistronic message in the direction C to A. However, alternative hypotheses in reference to Peterson and MacLaughlin's observations (1973) are discussed.This paper is dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Huguette de Robichon-Szulmajster  相似文献   

The MAL1 locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae comprises three genes necessary for maltose utilization. They include regulatory, maltose transport and maltase genes designated MAL1R, MAL1T and MAL1S respectively. Using a MAL1 strain transformed with an episomal, multicopy plasmid carrying the MAL2 locus, five recessive and one dominant mutant unable to grow on maltose, but still retaining a functional MAL1 locus were isolated. All the mutants could use glycerol, ethanol, raffinose and sucrose as a sole carbon source; expression of the maltase and maltose permease genes was severely and coordinately reduced. Only the dominant mutant failed to accumulate the MAL1R mRNA.  相似文献   

 The Mla-12-mediated resistance in barley against Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei requires for its function the Rar1 gene. High-resolution genetic mapping was accomplished by inspecting more than 4000 plants segregating for Rar1 within an 0.7-cM interval containing the target gene. Marker enrichment in the target region was carried out by an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-based search for polymorphic loci using bulked DNA templates from resistant and susceptible recombinants adjacent to Rar1. RFLP markers closely linked to Rar1 were used to investigate the relationship between physical and genetical distances by PFGE Southern analysis, indicating the physical linkage of two genetically separated RFLP loci. Comparative mapping of Rar1-linked RFLP probes in barley and rice identified a break of collinearity in the orthologous chromosome segments. Received: 11 February 1998 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

Recently, the copper toxicosis (CT) locus in Bedlington terriers was assigned to canine chromosome region CFA10q26, which is homologous to human chromosome region HSA2p13-21. A comparative map between CFA10q21-26 and HSA2p13-21 was constructed by using genes already localized to HSA2p13-21. A high-resolution radiation map of CFA10q21-26 was constructed to facilitate positional cloning of the CT gene. For this map, seven Type I and eleven Type II markers were mapped. Using homozygosity mapping, the CT locus could be confined to a 42.3 cR3000 region, between the FH2523 and C10.602 markers. On the basis of a partial BAC contig, it was estimated that 1-cR3000 is equivalent to approximately 210 kb, implying that the CT candidate region is therefore estimated to be about 9 Mb. Received: 16 December 1999 / Accepted: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

Summary The activity of the nuclear gene PET494 is required to allow expression of the yeast mitochondrial gene oxi2. To aid the study of the mechanism of action of PET494 we have isolated this gene from yeast DNA. A clone bank of yeast DNA fragments in a yeast-E. coli shuttle vector was screened by transformation for a plasmid able to complement the pet494-1 amber mutation. A complementing plasmid was obtained that contained a unique 4.4 kb yeast sequence. This 4.4 kb sequence contains the PET494 gene. Integration of a plasmid containing it into chromosomal DNA by homologous recombination, and subsequent genetic analysis, demonstrated that the 4.4 kb fragment was tightly linked to the pet494-1 mutation. In addition, the corresponding 4.4 kb sequence isolated from a pet494-1 mutant failed to complement the mutation. A 2 kb fragment, subcloned from the original plasmid retained the ability to complement the mutation. The pet494-1 mutation maps to chromosome XIV between rna2 and lys9, approximately 2.4 cm from lys9.  相似文献   

A partial cDNA clone encoding the porcine proteasome subunit A4 ( PSMA4 or proteasome subunit C9) has been isolated from a porcine muscle cDNA library and sequenced. A biallelic Taq I RFLP was identified in Large White, Landrace and Duroc breeds. Moreover, the 3'-untranslated region of the gene showed a triallelic SSCP. By linkage analysis the PSMA4 locus was assigned to pig chromosome 7 and by radioactive in situ hybridization this locus was mapped to the region 7q13–q14.  相似文献   

ADE1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for the primary structure of SAICAR-synthetase. Mutational changes of ADE1 gene result in the accumulation of red pigment in cells. Colour differences, thus, serve as a basis for the selection of mutants or transformants. ADE1 gene was cloned as a 4.0 kb HindIII fragment of yeast DNA in a shuttle vector by complementing the ade1 mutation in yeast. The study of ADE1 gene expression in Escherichia coli showed that the 4.0 kb fragment containing the ADE1 gene does not complement purC mutations in E. coli. However, prototrophic colonies appeared at a frequency of 10(-7)-10(-8) after incubating clones bearing the recombinant plasmid with ADE1 gene on selective media. The plasmid DNA isolated from such clones complements the purC mutation in E. coli and the ade1 mutation in S. cerevisiae. Structural analysis of the plasmid demonstrated that the cloned DNA fragment contained an additional insertion of the bacterial origin. Further restriction enzyme analysis proved the insertion to be the bacterial element IS1. Expression of the cloned ADE1 gene in S. cerevisiae is controlled by its own promoter, whereas in E. coli it is controlled by the IS1 bacterial element.  相似文献   

The gene sup61+, which codes for the essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNA(SerUCG), is the only single-copy tRNA gene in this organism know to contain an intron. To assess the role of this intron in tRNA gene expression, an intron-deleted sup61+ gene was constructed in vitro and introduced into the yeast genome. Isogenic intron- and intron+ strains were found to be indistinguishable by criteria that include growth rates, ability to undergo meiosis, levels of mature tRNA(SerUCG) transcribed in vivo, and the suppressor efficiency of amber- and ochre-specific alleles of this gene.  相似文献   

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