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In experiments on 123 male rats have been found that the combination of immobilizing and cold (4 degrees C) stresses during 6 hours results in the formation of 4.5 gastric mucosa ulcers in every rat, marked activation of lipoperoxidation and depression of antioxidant activity of myocardium, significant increase of relative mass of adrenal glands, decrease of spleen mass and death of 80% animals accompanied by the reduction of concentration of thyroid hormones in blood serum and hypothermia (to 28 degrees C). The prestress injection of small doses of thyroidine decreased of mucosa defect rate and the number of ulcers to 2.8, made less marked the changes of relative mass of adrenal glands and spleen and the changes of concentration of thyroid hormones in blood serum, significantly limited the activation of lipoperoxidation, depression of power in antioxidant systems of myocardium, hypothermia (to 32.5 degrees C) and significantly increased the survival rate (to 70%).  相似文献   

Pituitary thyroid hormone resistance (PRTH) refers to a particular form of thyroid hormone refractoriness that is accompanied by peripheral hyperthyroidism, as only the TSH-secreting pituitary cells appear to be resistant to the effects of thyroid hormones. The presence of PRTH is suspected and diagnosed on the basis of the finding of high free thyroid hormone levels along with unsuppressed TSH, clinical signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism and values of at least one of the parameters evaluating peripheral thyroid hormone action in the hyperthyroid range. However, most patients with PRTH present with clinical signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, particularly goiter and tachycardia, overlapping those recorded in patients with generalized thyroid hormone resistance (GRTH), i.e. refractoriness to thyroid hormones at both pituitary and peripheral tissue level. Moreover, most of them display normal values of other parameters evaluating the peripheral effects of thyroid hormones and bear mutations in the gene encoding for T3 nuclear receptors similar to those found in patients with GRTH. These findings are questioning the existence of PRTH as a separate clinical entity and support the view that the various forms of thyroid hormone resistance may be part of a spectrum of disease with variable expression in different issues.  相似文献   

S Benvenga  J Robbins 《Biochimie》1999,81(5):545-548
Lipoproteins, especially HDL, are carriers of a small fraction of the thyroid hormones in plasma and participate in the intracellular transport of T4. In previous work we showed that a brief period of hypothyroidism alters the hormone distribution among the lipoproteins, causing a decrease in VLDL and LDL binding despite a relative increase in VLDL and LDL cholesterol, an increase in HDL binding, and a reversal of T4 and T3 binding to the smallest HDL size subgroup. The present study of three patients with thyroid hormone resistance and largely compensated hypothyroidism showed thyroid hormone distribution that differed markedly from both normal and hypothyroid subjects. The most striking difference was a much lower binding of both T4 and T3 to HDL and a much higher binding to LDL. If confirmed in a larger group of patients, this might serve as a marker for thyroid hormone resistance.  相似文献   

The influence of thyroid hormones and vasopressin on lipid peroxidation (LP) in the rat kidneys in the posttraumatic period has been investigated. The rats with more pronounced disturbances of renal concentration mechanisms had a more increased LP, especially in the renal cortex. It is typical, that in some cases vasopressin levels did not correlate with the values of concentration index. A decrease in the affinity of the collecting duct cells to vasopressin may be a disturbance of renal concentration mechanisms in the posttraumatic period. It is found, that the character of thyroid hormones action on LP in renal tissue can be determined by tri- and tetraiodthyronine ratio.  相似文献   

In experiments with albino rats exposed to microwaves (500 microW/cm2), a model of adaptive immunity was developed by transferring lymphoid cells of exposed animals. The effect of microwave radiation was shown to cause autoimmune disorders that were displayed against the background of the structural and functional disturbances of the hematoencephalic barrier.  相似文献   

Bilateral ablation of the pallidum halves the duration of extinction of conditioned motor food reflexes and contributes to 30 to 50% extinction of the electro-defensive reflexes. Pallidum functional depression by potassium chloride or novacaine leads to a temporary total depression of conditioned motor food reflexes. Depending on the frequency of pallidum stimulation, synchronization or desynchronization of the cortical bioelectrical activity is observed. Ablation of the pallidum in anaesthetized cats results in a high amplitude and low-frequency cortical activity. Injection of large doses of potassium chloride into the pallidum results in a forced running forward which lasts 30 to 40 min. The pallidum is considreed as a structure controlling the cortex activity, which takes part in the mechanisms of sensory information processes in the course of adaptive behaviour.  相似文献   

Comparative and competitive analyses of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) binding to highly purified rat liver, brain and lung cell plasma membranes were carried out. The dependence of hormone binding on the time, temperature and concentration was studied. The effects of trypsin and partial delipidation on the binding parameters of thyroid hormones were investigated. Two thyroid hormone-binding sites were detected in cell plasma membranes of all tissues under study. The maximal binding of T4 to rat liver membranes and the maximal binding of T3 to rat brain membranes was observed in all experiments, the affinity for T3 being higher than that for T4. An important role of both protein and lipid components of plasma membranes in the membrane reception of thyroid hormones is proposed.  相似文献   

Rats exposed to acute cold (4 degrees C for 2 h), chronic cold (4 degrees C), and chronic-intermittent cold (4 degrees C for 2 h daily) were killed after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 days of cold exposure. The control group was maintained at 25 degrees C. In each animal, the plasma concentration of thyrotropine (THS), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T4) was determined by radioimmunoassay. At the initial time of exposure, elevations in TSH, T3, and T4 were observed in the rats in each experimental group. However, on the 10th day, in rats exposed to chronic-intermittent cold, TSH, T3, and T4 decreased to values lower than the control values. In animals exposed to acute cold as well as to chronic cold no differences were found, with respect to the controls, in TSH and T4. In rats exposed to acute cold for 10 days, the T3 value was lower than the control value; however, in animals exposed to chronic cold, T3 was same as that in the controls. The results indicate that, in the rat, exposure to chronic-intermittent cold produces an inhibition in the secretion of TSH and thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

The role of the thyroid gland in modulating the gonad function depends on the functional state of the gonads. In sexually inactive (short-day's) male Japanese quails, thyroidectomy and thyroxine treatment prove ineffective. Thyroxine administered simultaneously with photo-gonadostimulation inhibits the maturation of the gonads: the testes decrease in weight, the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone accelerates, resulting in a decrease in the plasma level, and androsterone production increases. Photo-gonadostimulation of thyroidectomized quails shows down the growth of the testicles and decreases the plasma testosterone level. The latter change can be related to the inhibition of the secretion rate. Both thyroidectomy and thyroxine administration performed in mature male quail, cock, pigeon or Peking duck lower the testosterone plasma level. The loss of the testicular weight is more expressed in hyperthyroid than in normal quails, referring to the role of the increased thyroxine level in the seasonal (summer) gonadal involution. Thyroidectomy performed on sexually inactive (short-day's) female Japanese quails does not affect the ovarian structure, but 17 beta-oestradiol and testosterone plasma levels show a slight increase. Thyroxine administration is followed by a moderate increase in the size of the white follicles, and an increase of both the progesterone and the oestrogen concentrations. Photo-gonadostimulation of thyroidectomized quails causes an inhibition of the mechanism of ovulation without inhibiting the development of the yellow follicles. A similar phenomenon has been observed in mature quails and domestic fowls after thyroidectomy. In both cases, an unbalanced secretion of the sexual steroids occurs: the 17 beta-oestradiol plasma level declines, while the progesterone level increases. Simultaneous application of thyroxine and photo-gonadostimulation on female quails inhibits gonadal maturation: the growing of the yellow follicles slows down. In thyroxine-treated birds, the plasma level of all of the sexual steroids shows a considerable decrease, which can be attributed to a reduced secretion rate and increased metabolic clearance. In hatching turkeys, we failed to observe the increase of the T3 level described for other species, however, the T4 plasma concentration was increasing at the early period of hatching. The role of the thyroid hormones in the development of hatching has not been cleared up so far. Corticosterone administration shows a slight stimulating effect on the gonadal function of sexually inactive male and female Japanese quails.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It has been shown that the resistance of muscular larvae of Trichinella spiralis to the effect of low temperatures depends on the conditions of freezing and composition of media possessing cryoprotective properties. It has been established that under optimal conditions (medium of microenvironment, conditions of freezing) during the storage in liquid nitrogen muscular larvae of T. spiralis preserve 50 to 60% of their resistance by the character of mobility and 11 to 15% by their capacity for reproduction. The question of creation of low-temperature bank for Trichinella is discussed.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken in order to appraise the interaction between thyroxine and epinephrine in dogs exposed to acute cold. In normal, then successively thyroidectomized, adrenal demedullated and thyroxine restored dogs, epinephrine was infused in basal condition and during acute cold exposure. In thyroidectomized dogs epinephrine lost its calorigenic effects. So it did in thyroidectomized and adrenal demedullated dogs. Conversely, when dogs were restored in thyroxine, epinephrine recovered its calorigenic effect. Evidence for thyroxine-catecholamine interaction can be seen in basal condition as during acute cold. Nevertheless, this interaction is more obvious during shivering thermogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of two-step exposure of bacterial objects to infrared laser and microwave pulse radiations was studied. The effect is determined by the time interval between two excitation steps and pulse duration. It was shown that the biologically active dose of microwave radiation is much lower than that of infrared laser radiation; however, laser radiation induces a stronger cellular response. It was found that microwaves enhance the efficiency of infrared laser radiation.  相似文献   

The effects of noradrenaline infusion on the regulation of oxidative metabolism in isolated rat heart were studied. It appeared that functional and metabolic parameters of heart of non-resistant and high-resistant to hypoxia rats were different. Noradrenaline changed the balance between aerobic and anaerobic processes in rat heart. It is evident that heart adrenoreceptors are involved in regulation of oxidative metabolism responsible for individual resistance of rat heart to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Coordination of GTP and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside 5'-phosphate pools changes was studied. The CTP pool is an important component of Escherichia coli metabolism, while AICAR 5'-phosphate being one of alarmones controls the synthesis of GTP. Main attention was paid to histidine, the biosynthesis of which is connected with formation of purine nucleotides. The expression of the histidine operon and biosynthesis of histidine are shown to change the AICAR pool and help the formation of the GTP pool. The ribosomal antibiotics streptomycin and chloramphenicol may cause the temporary deficiency of GTP eliminated by the increase of alarmone AICAR pool. The latter event is concluded to cause the increase in GTP pool independent of the means of AICAR accumulation (C1-pholatedependent restriction of metabolization or, vice versa, the stimulation in the histidine biosynthesis pathway).  相似文献   

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