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BIRGER HÖRNFELDT  ULF EKLUND 《Ibis》1990,132(3):395-406
The breeding of Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus was studied at Umeå, Sweden, during the 1984–85. Mean clutch-size was one egg larger in 1984 than in 1985 despite the later laying in 1984. The difference in clutch-size was related to a better food supply in 1984. Daily weight increase of females during the prelaying period showed a high negative correlation with laying date in 1985, and a high positive correlation with clutch-size independently of laying date in 1984–85. This suggested that food eaten before and during laying had a great and direct influence on both laying date and clutch-size. Many females increased in weight during laying and most others decreased only moderately (relative to egg weight), suggesting that body reserves were not a main source for egg production.
Late breeding females were provided with extra food during the prelaying and laying periods in 1985. Fed females weighed more, bred eight days earlier and laid one more egg than controls. At the same laying dates in mid season, and after heavy snow-fall, clutch-size and female weight were larger in the fed birds than in controls, but this was not so near the end of the laying season. Although the earliest of the fed late breeders weighed more, and probably were less restricted by food availability just before or during laying, they did not lay more eggs than did early breeders. This result suggested some limitation on clutch-size that could not be overcome by the supplementary feeding. Weights of females during laying did not show any consistent relationship with clutch-size during successive laying date intervals, suggesting that clutch-size was not directly related to body condition.  相似文献   

Clutch size and breeding success was related to nest-box size in 215 nests of Tengmalm's owl in the Kauhava region, western Finland in 1966–82. In vole peak years, but not in other years, mean clutch size was positively correlated with the bottom area of the nest-box, increasing on average by 0.005 eggs cm−2. In successful nests there were fewer nestlings in small and medium-sized than in large boxes. Breeding was most successful in thick-walled boxes with a small entrance diameter. The optimal box for Tengmalm's owl has the following dimensions: bottom area 20 × 20 cm, entrance diameter 8 cm, and wall thickness at least 3 cm.
Hypotheses suggested to explain the "area effect" based on breeding data of hole-nesting passerines do not hold good for Tengmalm's owl. Since there were more stored prey animals in medium-sized and large boxes than in small boxes, I suggest that the "area effect" is related to food availability, which may determine how sensitive the species is to different bottom areas of the boxes, at least in areas with cyclic food (e.g. northern Europe).  相似文献   

ERKKI KORPIMÄKI 《Ibis》1989,131(1):41-50
The mating system and mate choice of Tengmalm's Owls were studied in relation to population fluctuations of the staple food (voles) for seven years in western Finland. Three age classes of owls were differentiated: first-year, second-year and older owls. Despite a surplus of males, 11 % of them showed simultaneous bigyny in peak vole years. The mean distance between primary and secondary nests was 1158 m, and usually there was a free nest-box between the two nests. Because primary nests produced more fledglings than secondary ones and secondary nests produced fewer fledglings than simultaneous or even eight-days-later monogamous nests, this bigyny could be best explained by the 'deception' hypothesis.
In successive biandry, females deserted their first brood when young were still in the nest, thereby transferring the burden of raising the young to their males. The tendency of assortative mating by age (more yearling x yearling and + 2-year-old ×+ 2-year-old pairs than expected by chance) showed that females chose older males when these were available.  相似文献   

Environmental variation across space and time can strongly influence life‐history strategies in vertebrates. It has been shown that the reproductive success of birds of prey is closely related to food availability. However, relatively little is known about intraspecific differences in reproductive success of birds in relation to varying ecological conditions across environmental gradients. We investigated the reproductive performance of Tengmalm's Owls Aegolius funereus in a temperate (Czech Republic, 50°N) and a boreal (Finland, 63°N) population in relation to long‐term variations in the abundance of their main prey (small rodents). Prey densities at the northern site were much higher, but there were also large inter‐annual fluctuations and years with steep summer declines of vole densities. Northern owls laid larger clutches but offspring production per nest was similar at both study sites. This resulted from higher nestling mortality in the northern population, especially in nests established later in the season. Despite much greater nesting losses due to predation by Pine Martens Martes martes, productivity at the population level was about four times greater at the temperate site, mainly due to the much higher breeding densities compared with Finland. Tengmalm's Owls at the temperate study site may benefit from relatively stable prey abundance, a more diverse prey community that offers alternative prey during vole scarcity, longer nights in summer that allow more time for foraging, and a lower level of interspecific competition with other vole‐specialized predators.  相似文献   

Erkki Korpimäki 《Oecologia》1986,69(2):195-201
Summary I studied the importance of geographical location, snow cover and food to the fluctuations in 30 breeding populations of Tengmalm's owl (Aegolius funereu) in Europe. Cyclicity indices were positively related both to latitude and longitude, but within Fennoscandia they were better correlated with snow cover. Population fluctuations increased northward, while food niche breadth and degree of site tenacity decreased northwards.Microtine fluctuations become more pronounced northwards and are more synchronized, while number of alternative prey increases southwards. These factors promote instability in North European and stability in central European owl populations. Furthermore, snow conditions were more important within Fennoscandia, since this small owl cannot hunt voles protected by deep snow. Environmental predictability and diversity of available food for Tengmalm's owl increase southwards in Europe. Thus, the owl is a resident generalist predator of small mammals and birds in central Europe and adopts a partial migration strategy (males being resident and females nomadic) in South and West Finland, changing its habits to nomadic microtine specialist in areas with pronounced vole cycles (in northern Fennoscandia). These changes fit well with the recent suggestion that gradients in density variations of small rodents are related to sustainable numbers of generalist predators.  相似文献   

鬼鸮甘肃亚种繁殖期叫声研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
古远  方昀  孙悦华 《四川动物》2006,25(1):28-33
利用叫声回放和声谱分析对莲花山自然保护区鬼甘肃亚种(Aegolius funereus beickianus)繁殖期的叫声进行了研究。共记录了领域叫声、尖叫声等6种叫声,分析了各种叫声的特征及与行为的联系。发现不同地点录制的领域叫声存在差异,但同一个体的叫声也有变化。甘肃亚种的领域叫声和欧洲的指名亚种A.f.fu-nereus及北美的亚种A.f.richardsoni相比较,单音数量少,单音长度小,频率高,但差异不大。  相似文献   

The behaviour of the nestlings of nocturnal cavity-nesting species has relatively rarely been studied in detail because of problems connected with use of the technical devices required to provide long-term monitoring of individuals. However, long-term observation of nestling behaviour is crucial in order to identify different types of behaviour which may be caused by sibling competition at the end of nesting period. We studied behaviour of 43 Tengmalm''s owl (Aegolius funereus) nestlings at 14 nests using a camera and a chip system. The nestlings perched at the nest box entrance from an average age of 28 days from hatching (range 24–34 days) until fledging, spending around 2 hours per day here in total, in periods ranging from a few seconds to 147 min (7.6±10.9 min, mean ± SD). We found that individual duration of perching at the nest box entrance was significantly influenced by nestlings'' age and wing length and that the duration of perching at the nest box entrance significantly decreased with time of night. However, during daylight hours, time of day had no effect on either probability or duration of nestlings'' perching. We suggest daylight perching at the nest box entrance results from nestlings'' preparation for fledging, while individuals perching here during the night may gain an advantageous position for obtaining food from the parents; another possibility at all times of day is that nestlings can reaffirm their social dominance status by monopolizing the nest box entrance.  相似文献   

甘肃省莲花山鬼鸮繁殖巢址记达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鬼鸮在世界上呈环北极分布,其甘肃亚种自1928年在甘肃西北部的天堂寺首次发现后,80多年来在甘肃一直未见报道,其它分布点亦非常零散.1999~2003年,作者在甘肃省莲花山区发现鬼鸮分布,并记录鬼鸮繁殖巢址3个.鬼鸮营巢于针叶树的树洞中,雌雄共同育雏.  相似文献   

甘肃省莲花山鬼鸮繁殖巢址记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鬼鸮在世界上呈环北极分布,其甘肃亚种自1928年在甘肃西北部的天堂寺首次发现后,80多年来在甘肃一直未见报道,其它分布点亦非常零散。1999~2003年,作者在甘肃省莲花山区发现鬼分布,并记录鬼鸮繁殖巢址3个。鬼鸮营巢于针叶树的树洞中,雌雄共同育雏。  相似文献   

Summary We examined the food provision rate of male Tengmalm's owls,Aegolius funereus, during one 3 year vole cycle consisting of consecutive low, increase and peake vole years. The data were collected in the midnestling period when males provisioned the whole family. In the low vole year, males with a low loading index (g/cm2) of flying area fed their offspring more often than did males with a high loading index, whereas in the peak vole year the opposite trend was evident. Similar relationships were found in the food mass provisioned to the nest. In the increase vole year, male body size had no effect on feeding efficiency. In the peak vole year, when large voles are abundant, heavy males preyed on larger voles than were generally available in their territories, indicating that largeness may increase strike power in hunting attempts. In the low vole year, when breeding is costly due to food scarcity and extensive hunting area, small males are more economical fliers and efficient hunters than large males. The contrasting trends in correlations between male size and feeding efficiency in years of vole abundance versus scarcity suggest that no fixed phenotype may most efficiently cope with variable food supply.  相似文献   

The energetic adaptations of non-breeding Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus) to temperature and fasting were studied during the birds' autumnal irruptions in western Finland. Allometric analysis (including literature data and two larger owl species measured in this study) indicates that the basal metabolic rate of owls is below the mean level of non-passerine birds. However, the basal metabolic rate of the 130-g Tengmalm's owl (1.13 W) is higher than in other owls of similar size. This is probably related to its northern distribution and nomadic life history. Relative to its size, Tengmalm's owl has excellent cold resistance due to effective insulation (lower critical temperature +10°C, minimum conductance 0.19 mW·cm-2·°C-1). Radiotelemetric measurements of body temperature showed that the level of body temperature is lower than for birds in general (39.4°C at zero activity) and that the amplitude of the diurnal cycle is also low (0.2–0.6°C). In contrast to many other small birds, Tengmalm's owls do not enter hypothermia during a 5-day fast at thermoneutrality or in cold. Moreover, while the metabolic rate per bird shows the expected mass-dependent decrease, the mass-specific rate decreases only slightly during the fast. In line with this, there was no decrease in the plasma triiodothyronine concentration during the fast in the owl, whereas a dramtic drop was observed in the pigeon and Japanese quail that were used as a reference. Despite this, the owl has an excellent capacity for fasting because of its ability to accumulate extensive fat depots and its low overall metabolic rate. Fasting reduced evaporative water loss to 50% of that in the fed state. Calculations show that the oxygen consumption observed in fasting birds would involve a production of metabolic water barely sufficient to compensate for evaporative water loss. The threat of dehydration may thus set a limit to the decrease in metabolic rate in fasting owls (owls rely totally on water either ingested with food or produced metabolically). We conclude that the metabolic strategy in Tengmalm's owl is largely dictated by an evolutionary pressure for fasting endurance. With the restrictions set by small body size and water economy, this bird has apparently taken these adaptations to an extreme. The constraints that preclude hypothermia, which could increase the capacity for fasting even more, remain unknown.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - EWL vaporative water loss - MR metabolic rate - T3 triiodothyronine - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - VO2 oxygen consumption  相似文献   

Although population cycles of rodents are geographically widespread and occur in a number of rodent species, higher‐order food web interactions mediated by predator–rodent dynamics have primarily been described from boreal and arctic biomes. During periods of low rodent abundance, predators may switch to alternative prey, which may affect other predators directly or indirectly. Using a long‐term dataset, we assessed the frequency of Pine Marten Martes martes predation on the nests of Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus during periods of fluctuating rodent abundance in Central Europe. The number of nests predated by Pine Martens was positively correlated with the annual number of nests available. The probability of predation by Pine Martens on Tengmalm's Owl nests decreased with increasing spring abundance index of Apodemus mice, but was not related to the abundance index of Myodes and Microtus voles, pooled rodent abundance or age of the nestbox. Additionally, we found no relationship between the breeding frequency (i.e. the number of nesting attempts per nestboxes available) and an abundance index of Microtus and Myodes voles, Apodemus mice or overall rodent abundance. Our results demonstrate, for the first time in a temperate area, that during periods of low Apodemus mouse abundance, the switching response of an opportunistic mammalian predator can lead to indirect food web interactions through an increase in nest predation on a sympatric avian predator.  相似文献   

In altricial birds, energy supply during growth is a major predictor of the physical condition and survival prospects of fledglings. A number of experimental studies have shown that nestling body mass and wing length can vary with particular extrinsic factors, but between-year observational data on this topic are scarce. Based on a seven-year observational study in a central European Tengmalm’s owl population we examine the effect of year, brood size, hatching order, and sex on nestling body mass and wing length, as well as the effect of prey abundance on parameters of growth curve. We found that nestling body mass varied among years, and parameters of growth curve, i.e. growth rate and inflection point in particular, increased with increasing abundance of the owl’s main prey (Apodemus mice, Microtus voles), and pooled prey abundance (Apodemus mice, Microtus voles, and Sorex shrews). Furthermore, nestling body mass varied with hatching order and between sexes being larger for females and for the first-hatched brood mates. Brood size had no effect on nestling body mass. Simultaneously, we found no effect of year, brood size, hatching order, or sex on the wing length of nestlings. Our findings suggest that in this temperate owl population, nestling body mass is more sensitive to prey abundance than is wing length. The latter is probably more limited by the physiology of the species.  相似文献   

We studied the nocturnal hunting and diurnal roosting behaviorof 17 radio-equipped Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus), 12males and 5 females, in coniferous forest during their nestingseason. The owls perched lower when hunting than when roosting,probably because hunting perches were selected to minimize thepredator-prey distance or to obtain unobstructed access to theground-dwelling small mammal prey, whereas roosting percheswere selected to minimize the probability of being detectedby an avian predator. There was no difference between perchingheights associated with giving up and prey attack, nor werethere any differences between perching heights, perching times,and attack distances associated with successful and unsuccessfulattacks. There were no sexual differences in perching heightduring hunting or roosting. However, giving-up times tendedto be longer for females than for their mates, which is expectedbecause females are larger than males, and the relative costof flight increases with body mass. The instantaneous attackrate was independent of perching time. The owls gave up theirperches at a constant rate and independently of the amount oftime already spent on the perch in an exponentially decayingpattern. The owls perched longer, however, before launchingan attack than before giving up, probably in order to observedetected prey until the right moment for an attack. Attack distancewas independent of both perching height and perching time. Perchingtime was inversely related to perching height, which fits thetheoretical expectation that the search area will decrease withincreasing height in birds that locate prey auditorily.  相似文献   

A. Village 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):214-224
It is well known that owls achieve better breeding results in good rodent years than in poor ones. This study found that the difference in breeding success between good versus poor years was apparent mainly in the degree of non-breeding and in clutch size. Desertion of eggs or young was not correlated with prey abundance; possibly only the 'fitter' pairs breed in poor rodent years.  相似文献   

It is common knowledge that winter temperatures influence the life history of small mammals. Cold temperatures necessitate increased energy requirements for survival, and recent studies indicate that snow cover can have both negative and positive influences. With each new observation, we develop a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that influence small mammal populations. Here we report on our recent study on Japanese field vole Microtus montebelli, which reaches its peak in population during the early spring and its low during the autumn. To understand the population dynamics of these voles, we conducted a capture-mark-recapture survey, then estimated the seasonal abundance, recruit, capture probabilities, and survival probabilities using the Bayesian hierarchical model. We also analyzed the impact of mammalian generalist predator visits on the survival probabilities. Our data indicates that the early spring peak in population is due to intensive winter breeding and the highest survival probabilities during the periods of deep snow cover. When snow cover reaches a certain depth, the circumstances can combine to raise survival probability and favor breeding. During the breeding season in May and June, on the contrary, the survival probability reached its lowest, resulting in a decrease in population despite breeding. The low survival probability between spring and autumn could be attributed to the impact of generalist predators, and low vegetation may have amplified the effect. In summary, the deep snow cover and generalist predators were considered to be the key factors shaping this unique population dynamics in this orchard area.  相似文献   

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