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C M Cohen  R C Langley 《Biochemistry》1984,23(19):4488-4495
Human erythrocyte spectrin alpha and beta chains were purified by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and also by DEAE-cellulose chromatography in the presence of urea. The purified chains behaved as individual monomers on sucrose gradients and did not form homodimers. Recombination of the chains led to the formation of alpha-beta heterodimers with sedimentation characteristics identical with native alpha-beta dimers. The binding of 125I-labeled band 4.1 to alpha and beta chains was measured by sucrose gradient rate zonal sedimentation and by quantitative immunoassay. It was found that both alpha and beta chains associated with 125I-labeled band 4.1 in a nearly identical manner over the range of band 4.1 concentration studied. The association was abolished by heat denaturation of the spectrin chains or by denaturation of band 4.1 with a 40-fold molar excess of N-ethylmaleimide. As expected, purified beta chains but not alpha chains bound to 125I-labeled ankyrin as measured by a quantitative radioimmunoassay. The binding of purified alpha chains, beta chains, and recombinant alpha-beta heterodimers to F-actin was measured in the presence of band 4.1. We found that alpha or beta chains separately exhibited no band 4.1 dependent association with F-actin but that alpha-beta heterodimers formed by recombination of the chains did. We conclude that spectrin binding to F-actin in the presence of band 4.1 requires the participation of both of spectrin's polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of band 4.1 phosphorylation on its association with red cell inside-out vesicles stripped of all peripheral proteins. Band 4.1 bound to these vesicles in a saturable manner, and binding was characterized by a linear Scatchard plot with an apparent Kd of 1-2 x 10(-7) M. Phosphorylation of band 4.1 by purified protein kinase C reduced its ability to bind to membranes, resulting in a reduction in the apparent binding capacity of the membrane by 60-70% but little or no change in the apparent Kd of binding. By contrast, phosphorylation of band 4.1 by cAMP-dependent kinase had no effect on membrane binding. Digestion of the stripped inside-out vesicles with trypsin cleaved 100% of the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 but had little or no effect on glycophorin. Binding of band 4.1 to these digested vesicles was reduced by 70%. Phosphorylation of band 4.1 by protein kinase C had no effect on its binding to the digested vesicles, suggesting that the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 contained the phosphorylation-sensitive binding sites. This was confirmed by direct measurement of band 4.1 binding to the purified cytoplasmic domain of band 3. Phosphorylation of band 4.1 by protein kinase C reduced its binding to the purified 43-kDa domain by as much as 90%, while phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent kinase was without effect. These results show a selective effect of protein kinase C phosphorylation on the binding of band 4.1 to one of its membrane receptors, band 3, and suggest a mechanism whereby one of the key red cell-skeletal membrane associations may be modulated.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte band 4.1 is an important protein in the control and maintenance of the cytoskeleton. Skate erythrocyte band 3, the anion exchanger, appears to play a pivotal role in the regulation of volume-stimulated solute efflux during volume expansion. Because band 4.1 interacts with band 3, we tested whether their interaction might change during volume expansion. Skate red blood cells were volume-expanded in either hypotonic media (one-half osmolarity) or were swollen under isoosmotic conditions by inclusion of ethylene glycol or ammonium chloride in the medium. Microsomal membranes isolated from red cells under volume expanded conditions demonstrated a significant decrease in the amount of band 4.1 bound to band 3. In unstimulated cells, approximately one third of the binding of band 4.1 occurred to band 3. This binding was characterized as being sensitive to competition by the peptide IRRRY. The majority of band 4.1 is bound to glycophorin (as demonstrated in other species), and this binding does not change during volume expansion. The alteration in band 4.1:band 3 interaction occurs within 5 min after volume expansion and is transient, returning to near normal interaction within 60 min. Two drugs that promote band 3 oligomerization, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and DIDS, also decreased band 4.1 interaction with band 3. Band 4.1 and ankyrin binding to band 3 may be reciprocally related as high-affinity ankyrin binding sites to band 3 observed under volume-expanded conditions are decreased by inclusion of band 4.1 in the binding reactions. J. Exp. Zool. 289:177-183, 2001.  相似文献   

The polymerization of actin in the presence of spectrin tetramers and band 4.1 isolated from the human erythrocyte has been measured using a fluorescence energy transfer technique. The results show that the cross-linking of spectrin-actin complexes by band 4.1 results in a limited depolymerization of actin filaments and a concomitant rise in the critical actin concentration. The phenomenon may explain in part the existence of actin in the erythrocyte cytoskeleton as short oligomers rather than as long filaments.  相似文献   

Extraction of spectrin-depleted erythrocyte membranes with the non-ionic detergent Tween 20, in a 0.1 M glycine-NaOH buffer (pH 9.8) leads to the solubilization of band 4.1 and the sialoglycoproteins. The comigration of band 4.1 with the sialoglycoproteins in gel filtration and detergent-free electrophoresis indicated that these proteins may be associated as complexes of high molecular weight. Although treatment of intact membranes with Tween 20 under the same conditions does not lead to direct solubilization of proteins, severe disruption of the membranes was observed under phase contrast microscopy. Suspension of the treated membranes in 5 mM phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) leads to the solubilization of band 4.1, spectrin, actin and the sialoglycoproteins. High molecular weight complexes of band 4.1 and the sialoglycoproteins were isolated from these extracts, suggesting a possible interaction between band 4.1 and sialoglycoproteins which may be important for linking the cytoskeleton to the membrane.  相似文献   

An improved method for purifying erythrocyte band 4.1, the protein which mediates the interaction between spectrin and actin, has been developed. The new procedure, using adsorption chromatography on hydroxylapatite crystals immobilized within a crosslinked agarose gel (HA-Ultrogel), is simple and reproducibly provides a high yield of band 4.1 which is essentially free of protein kinase. Other components eluted from the hydroxylapatite matrix include band 4.9, ankyrin, and a 35,000-Da polypeptide that appears to be glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase that remains bound to the erythrocyte membrane in 150 mM NaCl.  相似文献   

A low-salt extract prepared from human erythrocyte membranes forms a solid gel when purified rabbit muscle G- or F-actin is added to it to give a concentration of approximately 1 mg/ml. This extract contains spectrin, actin, band 4.1, band 4.9, hemoglobin, and several minor components. Pellets obtained by centrifugation of the gelled material at 43,000 g for 10 min contain spectrin, actin, band 4.1, and band 4.9. Although extracts that are diluted severalfold do not gel when actin is added to them, the viscosity of the mixtures increases dramatically over that of G-actin alone, extract alone, or F-actin alone at equivalent concentrations. Heat-denatured extract is completely inactive. Under conditions of physiological ionic strength and pH, information of this supramolecular structure is inhibited by raising the free calcium ion concentration to micromolar levels. Low-salt extracts prepared by initial extraction at 37 degrees C (and stored at 0 degree C) gel after actin is added to them only when warmed, whereas extracts prepared by extraction at 0 degree C are active on ice as well as after warming. Preincubation of the 37 degrees C low-salt extract under conditions that favor conversion of spectrin dimer to tetramer greatly enhances gelation activity at 0 degree C. Conversely, preincubation of the 0 degree C low-salt extract under conditions that favor conversion of spectrin tetramer to dimer greatly diminishes gelation activity at 0 degree C. Spectrin dimers or tetramers are purified from the 37 dgrees or 0 degree C low-salt extract by gel filtration at 4 degrees C over Sepharose 4B. The addition of actin to either purified spectrin dimer (at 32 degrees C) or tetramer (at 0 degree C or 32 degrees C) results in relatively small increases in viscosity, whereas the addition of actin to a high-molecular-weight complex (HMW complex) containing spectrin, actin, band 4.1, and band 4.9 results in dramatic, calcium-sensitive increases in viscosity. These viscosities are comparable to those obtained with the 37 degrees or 0 degree C low-salt extracts. The addition of purified band 4.1 to either purified spectrin dimer (at 32 degrees C) or purified spectrin tetramer (at 0 degree C) plus actin results in large increases in viscosity similar to those observed for the HMW complex and the crude extract, which is in agreement with a recent report by E. Ungewickell, P. M. Bennett, R. Calvert, V. Ohanian, and W. B. Gratzer. 1979 Nature (Lond.) 280:811-814. We suggest that this spectrin-actin-band 4.1 gel represents a major structural component of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Interactions of band 4.1 with mixed phospholipid membranes [phosphatidylserine (PtdSer), phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, etc.] and erythrocyte inside-out vesicles were studied. Band 4.1 showed a higher affinity to PtdSer-containing membranes. The amount of binding to PtdSer-containing liposomes was larger than that to PtdSer-lacking liposomes. The amount of binding to inside-out vesicles did not change significantly on a protease treatment of the vesicles. The amount of band 4.1 bound on inside-out vesicles decreased on PtdSer-decarboxylase treatment of the vesicles. Ca2+ acted inhibitory to the binding of band 4.1. Band 4.1 together with PtdSer-containing vesicles but not with PtdSer-lacking vesicles induced gelation of spectrin-actin copolymer solution. Ca2+ inhibited the gelation. Fluorescence energy transfer from PtdSer-containing vesicles to band 4.1 was larger than that from PtdSer-lacking vesicles. Band 4.1 caused a marked release of tempocholine from preloaded PtdSer-containing liposomes but not from PtdSer-lacking liposomes. The release was larger from liposomes containing more PtdSer. Ca2+ was inhibitory to the tempocholine release. We suggest from these results that band 4.1 provides another anchoring site for the cytoskeletal spectrin-actin network to PtdSer domains in the inner layer of erythrocyte membrane. This anchoring may be involved in functional regulation since the interaction causes the membrane permeability change that is dependent on Ca2+.  相似文献   

Up to 50% of the actin in erythrocyte membranes can be solubilized at low ionic strength in a form capable of inhibiting DNAse I, in the presence of 0.4 mM ATP and 0.05 mM calcium. In the absence of calcium and ATP, actin is released but is apparently rapidly denatured. Solubilization of G-actin increases with temperature up to 37 degrees C. At higher temperatures, actin is released rapidly but quickly loses its ability to inhibit DNAse I.  相似文献   

To test a possibility that free band 3 and ankyrin-linked band 3 are exchanged in situ, band 3 was labeled with 125I, using intact red blood cells and lactoperoxidase. The cytoplasmic surface of this labeled band 3 was considered to be intact. When Triton shells were incubated with Triton supernatants prepared from 125I-labeled intact erythrocytes at 37 degrees C in the presence of Mg-ATP under isotonic conditions, the incorporation of free 125I-labeled band 3 to shells was observed. This incorporation was affected by the presence of Triton X-100 in the incubation mixture, and significantly decreased when the content of Triton X-100 was less than 0.04% (v/v). On the other hand, ankyrin-linked 125I-labeled band 3 was released when shells prepared from 125I-labeled intact erythrocytes were incubated with the Triton supernatants at 37 degrees C under the same condition as when free 125I-labeled band 3 incorporation was observed. These results strongly suggest that free and ankyrin-linked band 3 exchanged with each other in the presence of Triton X-100. A water-soluble 43 kDa fragment of band 3 inhibited the incorporation of free 125I-labeled band 3 to the shells and also inhibited the Mg-ATP-dependent shape change of ghosts in the absence of Triton X-100. Both of these inhibitory effects remained, even after 10 min of heat treatment at 100 degrees C, but drastically decreased by treatment with trypsin. Our results strongly suggest that a dynamic exchange of the free band 3 for ankyrin-linked band 3 may occur in intact erythrocytes, and it may even contribute to the shape change of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The binding of human erythrocyte ankyrin (band 2.1) to the erythrocyte membrane has been characterized by reassociating purified ankyrin with ankyrin-depleted inside-out vesicles. Ankyrin reassociates at high affinity with a limited number of protease-sensitive sites located only on the cytoplasmic side of the erythrocyte membrane. Depleting the vesicles of band 4.2 does not affect their binding capacity. A 45,000-dalton polypeptide derived from the cytoplasmic portion of band 3 competitively inhibits the binding of ankyrin to inside-out vesicles. Although the bulk of band 3 molecules appear to have the potential for binding ankyrin, nly a fraction of the band 3 molecules in native membranes or in reconstituted liposomes actually provides accessible high affinity ankyrin binding sites.  相似文献   

A population of band 3 proteins in the human erythrocyte membrane is known to have restricted rotational mobility due to interaction with cytoskeletal proteins. We have further investigated the cause of this restriction by measuring the effects on band 3 rotational mobility of rebinding ankyrin and band 4.1 to ghosts stripped of these proteins as well as spectrin and actin. Rebinding either ankyrin or 4.1 alone has no detectable effect on band 3 mobility. Rebinding both these proteins together does, however, reimpose a restriction on band 3 rotation. The effect on band 3 rotational mobility of rebinding ankyrin and 4.1 are similar irrespective of whether or not band 4.2 is removed from the membrane. We suggest that ankyrin and 4.1 together promote the formation of slowly rotating clusters of band 3.  相似文献   

We have examined the band 3 protein(s) of rabbit erythrocyte membranes by a combination of differential extraction and surface labeling methods. Only one major peptide was labeled when intact red cells were exposed to 125I? and lactoperoxidase; this coincided with band 3. When intact cells were exposed to galactose oxidase followed by [3H]borohydride, numerous surface glycoproteins were labeled, one of which clearly coincided with band 3. Differential extraction with lithium diiodosalicylate revealed one major band 3 glycoprotein which contained both the 125I? and 3H surface labels and three peptides which were unlabeled; these three peptides are apparently not exposed at the cell surface.  相似文献   

A specific structural association between spectrin component 1 and band 3 in human erythrocyte membrane has been demonstrated by covalent cross-linkings, specific labeling, and the technique of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A complex of 330,000 daltons, representing 1 + 3, was produced in mildly oxidized membranes at physiologic pH and isotonic conditions but not at hypotonic conditions (< 10 mM KCl or NaCl). The yield of this complex decreased dramatically as the monovalent cation concentration decreased from 90 mM to 30 mM. The presence of Mg++ or Ca++ (2 mM) at low ionic strength promoted 1 + 3 cross-linking in an amount similar to that produced at isotonic conditions. The specific segment of band 3 involved in the cross-linking was also investigated by means of chymotrypsin digestion of band 3 in the intact red cells. The results showed the cross-links between spectrin component 1 and the 55,000-dalton fragment of band 3 at physiologic pH and isotonic conditions. This is consistent with the idea that band 3 is anchored on or contacted with the submembrane meshwork at the cytoplasmic membrane surface.  相似文献   

The unique endoplasmic reticulum (ER) subdomain termed the mitochondria-associated ER membrane (MAM) engages the physical connection between the ER and the mitochondrial outer membrane and plays a role in regulating IP(3) receptor-mediated Ca(2+) influx and the phospholipid transport between the two organelles. The MAM contains certain signaling and membrane-tethering proteins but also lipids including cholesterol. The biophysical role of lipids at the MAM, specifically in the physical interaction between the MAM of the ER and mitochondria, remains not totally clarified. Here we employed the in vitro membrane association assay to investigate the role of cholesterol in the association between MAMs and mitochondria. The purified MAMs and mitochondria were mixed in vitro in a test tube and then the physical association of the two subcellular organelles was quantified indirectly by measuring the presence of the MAM-specific protein sigma-1 receptors in the mitochondria fraction. Purified MAMs contained free cholesterol approximately 7 times higher than that in microsomes. We found that depletion of cholesterol in MAMs with methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβC) significantly increases the association between MAMs and mitochondria, whereas MβC saturated with cholesterol does not change the association. (14)C-Serine pulse-labeling demonstrated that the treatment of living cells with MβC decreases the level of de novo synthesized (14)C-phosphatidylserine (PtSer) and concomitantly increases greatly the synthesis of (14)C-phosphatidylethanolamine (PtEt). Apparently, cholesterol depletion increased the PtSer transport from MAMs to mitochondria. Our findings suggest that cholesterol is an important substrate in regulating the association between MAMs of the ER and mitochondria.  相似文献   

At an early stage in spermiogenesis the acrosomal vacuole and other organelles including ribosomes are located at the basal end of the cell. From here actin must be transported to its future location at the anterior end of the cell. At no stage, in the accumulation of actin in the periacrosomal region is the actin sequested in a membrane-bounded compartment such as a vacuole or vesicle. Since filaments are not present in the periacrsomoal region during the accumulation of the actin even though the fixation of these cells is sufficiently good to distinguish actin filaments in thin section, the actin must accumulate in the nonfilamentous state.  相似文献   

The interaction of band 3 with cytoskeletal proteins was investigated in erythrocyte membranes by measuring the rotational mobility of band 3 using the method of transient dichroism. It was found that selective proteolysis of ankyrin, a protein known to link band 3 to the spectrin-actin network, had no significant effect on band 3 rotation. Incubating ghosts to 70 degrees C, at which temperature ankyrin is expected to be denatured, also had no effect. It thus appears probable that linkage of band 3 to the cytoskeleton via ankyrin does not act as a restraint on band 3 rotational motion. It is suggested that this is a consequence of flexibility in the cytoskeletal structure. In further investigations of the effect of heat treatment, a large enhancement of band 3 rotational mobility was found to result from incubation of intact cells for 1 h at 50 degrees C. This effect was not observed if ghosts were subjected to the same treatment, nor did it occur if the incubation of cells was performed at 47 degrees C. These findings, in combination with previous studies of band 3 rotational mobility, indicate that the interactions which restrain band 3 are likely to be more complex than commonly envisaged.  相似文献   

C M Cohen  S F Foley 《Biochemistry》1984,23(25):6091-6098
Ternary complex formation between the major human erythrocyte membrane skeletal proteins spectrin, protein 4.1, and actin was quantified by measuring cosedimentation of spectrin and band 4.1 with F-actin. Complex formation was dependent upon the concentration of spectrin and band 4.1, each of which promoted the binding of the other to F-actin. Simultaneous measurement of the concentrations of spectrin and band 4.1 in the sedimentable complex showed that a single molecule of band 4.1 was sufficient to promote the binding of a spectrin dimer to F-actin. However, the molar ratio of band 4.1/spectrin in the complex was not fixed, ranging from approximately 0.6 to 2.2 as the relative concentration of added spectrin to band 4.1 was decreased. A mole ratio of 0.6 band 4.1/spectrin suggests that a single molecule of band 4.1 can promote the binding of more than one spectrin dimer to an actin filament. Saturation binding studies showed that in the presence of band 4.1 every actin monomer in a filament could bind at least one molecule of spectrin, yielding ternary complexes with spectrin/actin mole ratios as high as 1.4. Electron microscopy of such complexes showed them to consist of actin filaments heavily decorated with spectrin dimers. Ternary complex formation was not affected by alteration in Mg2+ or Ca2+ concentration but was markedly inhibited by KCl above 100 mM and nearly abolished by 10 mM 2,3-diphosphoglycerate or 10 mM adenosine 5'-triphosphate. Our data are used to refine the molecular model of the red cell membrane skeleton.  相似文献   

The interaction of rabbit muscle phosphorylase kinase (EC with human erythrocyte membranes was investigated. It was found that at pH 7.0 the kinase binds to the inner face of the erythrocyte membrane (inside-out vesicles) and that this binding is Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent. The sharpest increase in the binding reaction occurs at concentrations between 70 and 550 nM free Ca2+. Erythrocyte ghost or right-side out erythrocyte vesicles showed a significantly lower capacity to interact with phosphorylase kinase. Autophosphorylated phosphorylase kinase shows a similar Ca2+-dependent binding profile, while trypsin activation of the kinase and calmodulin decrease the original binding capacity by about 50%. Heparin (200 μg/ml) and high ionic strength (50 mM NaCl) almost completely blocks enzyme-membrane interaction; glycogen does not affect the interaction.  相似文献   

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