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Cells are more sensitive to heat when they are heated in an acidic environment, and this study confirms (K. G. Hofer and N. F. Mivechi, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 65, 621, 1980) that intracellular pH (pHi) and not extracellular pH (pHe) is responsible for the sensitization. The relationship between pHe, pHi, and heat survival of cells heated in vitro in various buffers at pHe 6.3-8.0 was investigated. Cells' adaptation to low environmental pH in terms of increases in pHi and heat survival also was investigated. Finally, we studied the relationships among pHe, pHi, and survival from heat for cells heated in sodium-free reconstructed medium. Intracellular pH was measured by the distribution of the weak acid, [2-14C]5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione. Our results are summarized as follows: (1) CHO cells maintained the same relationship between pHe and pHi in four different media or buffers (McCoy's 5a medium buffered with CO2 and NaHCO3 or 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (Hepes) and 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (Mes), Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution, and Krebs-Ringer phosphate solution) with pHi being 0.05 to 0.20 pH units higher than pHe as it varied from 7.0 to 6.4; furthermore, heat sensitization by acid was the same in medium buffered with NaHCO3 or Hepes and Mes. (2) The low pHe adapted cells multiplied with an increased doubling time of 20.7 +/- 0.7 h and appeared morphologically similar to the unadapted cells. However, the pHi of these cells was 0.15-0.30 pH units higher than that of the unadapted cells when pHe was varied between 7.0 and 6.3. (3) After being heated at 43.5 degrees C for 55 min or at 42.5 degrees C for 150 min at pHe 6.3-7.2, the pHi of the adapted cells increased by 0.2-0.1 pH units. However, heat caused no significant change in the unadapted cells. (4) Heat survival plotted versus pHe was 1000-fold higher for the adapted cells than for the unadapted cells at pHe of 6.3. However, heat survival plotted versus pHi was identical for the two cell types. (5) In sodium-free reconstructed McCoy's 5a medium, pHi was 0.25-0.1 pH units lower than that in the sodium-containing counterpart at pHe 6.3-7.2, and heat sensitization increased accordingly; however, heat survival plotted versus pHi was identical for the two types of media.  相似文献   

The effect of variable extracellular pH on intracellular pH, cell energy status, and thermal sensitivity was evaluated in CHO cells over the extracellular pH range of 6.0 to 8.6. Extracellular pH was adjusted with either lactic acid, HCl, or NaOH. Regardless of the method of pH adjustment, the results obtained were similar. The relationship between extracellular and intracellular pH was dependent upon the pH range examined. Intracellular pH was relatively resistant to a change in extracellular pH over the pHe range of 6.8 to 7.8 (i.e., delta pHi congruent to delta pHe X 0.33). Above and below this range, delta pHi congruent to delta pHe X 1.08 or X 0.76, respectively. Cellular survival after a 30-min heat treatment at 44 degrees C remained constant over the extracellular pH range of 7.0 to 8.4, but varied substantially over a similar intracellular pH range. The cellular concentration of the high energy phosphate reservoir, phosphocreatine, decreased with decreasing pH. However, the cellular concentrations of ATP, ADP, and AMP remained constant over the entire pH range examined. It is concluded that increased thermal sensitivity resulting from a change in extracellular pH is not due to cellular energy depletion. Furthermore, intracellular pH is a more accurate indicator of thermal sensitivity than is extracellular pH.  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular pH (pHe) on the radiosensitization of hypoxic Chinese hamster V79 cells in vitro by the 2-nitroimidazole, misonidazole, and analogues substituted with basic or acid functions has been studied. Misonidazole (1 mmol dm-3) gave an enhancement ratio (e.r.) of 1.6 which remained unchanged over the pHe range of 3.8-9.5. Control hypoxic survival curves in the absence of sensitizer also remained essentially unchanged over this pHe range. These results contrast with those seen for 0.1 mmol dm-3 Ro 03-8799 (1-(2-nitro-1-imidazolyl)-3-N-piperidino-2-propanol), a base with pKa = 8.9): the ER increased from 1.4 to 2.1 as pHe increased from 5.6 to 8.4. However, with the weaker bases, Ro 03-8800 and nimorazole (morpholino derivatives with pKa = 6.3 and 5.2 respectively) the e.r. remained constant over a wide pHe range. Nitroimidazoles substituted with acidic functions gave decreasing sensitization with increasing pHe. For azomycin (pKa = 7.2) at 1 mmol dm-3 the e.r. decreased from 1.9 at pHe 4 to 1.0 at pHe 9. The effect of the proton conductor carbonyl cyanide-3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP, 10 mumol dm-3) on radiosensitization by Ro 03-8799 (0.1 mmol dm-3) and misonidazole (1.0 mmol dm-3) was also studied. At pHe 6.67 the e.r. for Ro 03-8799 was increased from 1.36 to 1.76 by the presence of CCCP, whereas at pHe 7.33 the e.r. was unchanged. In contrast the e.r. for misonidazole was unchanged at pHe 6.65 and 7.33. These results are consistent with pH differentials across the cell membrane creating intracellular:extracellular concentrations gradients for radiosensitizers with acidic or basic functions.  相似文献   

Summary The dependence of cytoplasmic free [Ca] (Ca i ) on [Na] and pH was assessed in individual parietal cells of intact rabbit gastric glands by microfluorimetry of fura-2. Lowering extracellular [Na] (Na o ) to 20mm or below caused a biphasic Ca i increase which consisted of both release of intracellular Ca stores and Ca entry across the plasma membrane. The Ca increase was not blocked by antagonists of Ca-mobilizing receptors (atropine or cimetidine) and was independent of the replacement cation. Experiments in Ca-free media and in Na-depleted cells indicated that neither phase was due to reversal of Na/Ca exchange. The steep dependence of the Ca i increase on Na o suggested that the response was not due to lowering intracellular [Na] (Na i ). The effects of low Na o on Ca i were also completely independent of changes in intracellular pH (pH i ). Ca i was remarkably stable during changes of pH i of up to 2 pH units, indicating that H and Ca do not share a cytoplasmic buffer system. Such large pH excursions required determination of the pH dependence of fura-2. Because fura-2 was found to decrease its affinity for Ca as pH decreased below 6.7, corrections were applied to experiments in which large pH i changes were observed. In contrast to the relative insensitivity of Ca i to changes in pH i , decreasing extracellular pH (pH o ) to 6.0 or below was found to stimulate release of intracellular Ca stores. Increased Ca entry was not observed in this case. The ability of decreases in Na o and pH o to stimulate release of intracellular Ca stores suggest interactions between Na and H with extracellular receptors.  相似文献   

The role of intracellular pH in ligand internalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Internalization of EGF and transferrin measured as the rate of uptake of 125I-labeled ligands was compared in the cell line CCL39 and a mutant derivative, PS-120, lacking the Na+/H+ antiport system. No significant alteration was detected between the two cell lines. In contrast, pretreatment of the mutant cells PS-120 with 20 mM NH4Cl for 30 min to decrease persistently intracellular pH resulted in an increase in 125I-EGF and 125I-transferrin uptake by 60% and 25%, respectively. However, similar NH4Cl pretreatment of the parental cell line, CCL-39, which only affected intracellular pH very transiently did not cause an increase of ligand uptake. The binding of 125I-EGF to CCL-39 and PS-120 cells with or without NH4Cl pretreatment showed that NH4Cl pretreatment did not affect EGF binding in either CCL-39 or PS-120 cells. Since cells regulate intracellular pH by ion transport systems, we also examined the role of Na+, K+-ATPase. Ouabain, an inhibitor of Na+, K+-ATPases, showed no effect on 125I-EGF uptake in either of the cell types with or without NH4Cl pretreatment. Taken together, these results suggest that the plasma membrane-bound Na+/H+ antiport, a major pHi-regulating system in vertebrates, indirectly plays a role in ligand internalization through regulation of intracellular pH.  相似文献   

To quantitatively relate heat killing and heat radiosensitization, asynchronous or G1 Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells at pH 7.1 or 6.75 were heated and/or X-irradiated 10 min later. Since no progression of G1 cells into S phase occurred during the heat and radiation treatments, cell cycle artifacts were minimized. However, results obtained for asynchronous and G1 cells were similar. Hyperthermic radiosensitization was expressed as the thermal enhancement factor (TEF), defined as the ratio of the D0 of the radiation survival curve to that of the D0 of the radiation survival curve for heat plus radiation. The TEF increased continuously with increased heat killing at 45.5 degrees C, and for a given amount of heat killing, the amount of heat radiosensitization was the same for both pH's. When cells were heated chronically at 42.4 degrees C at pH 7.4, the TEF increased initially to 2.0-2.5 and then returned to near 1.0 during continued heating as thermal tolerance developed for both heat killing and heat radiosensitization. However, the shoulder (Dq) of the radiation survival curve for heat plus radiation did not manifest thermal tolerance; i.e., it decreased continuously with increased heat killing, independent of temperature, pH, or the development of thermotolerance. These results suggest that heat killing and heat radiosensitization have a target(s) in common (TEF results), along with either a different target(s) or a difference in the manifestation of heat damage (Dq results). For clinical considerations, the interaction between heat and radiation was expressed as (1) the thermal enhancement ratio (TER), which is the dose of X rays alone divided by the dose of X rays combined with heat to obtain an isosurvival, e.g., 10(-4), and (2) the thermal gain factor (TGF), the ratio of the TER at pH 6.75 to the TER at pH 7.4. Since low pH reduced the rate of development of thermal tolerance during heating at low temperatures, low pH enhanced heat killing more at 42-42.5 degrees C than at 45.5 degrees C where thermal tolerance did not develop. Therefore, the increase in the TGF after chronic heating at 42-42.5 degrees C was greater than after acute heating at 45.5 degrees C, due primarily to the increase in heat killing causing an even greater increase in heat radiosensitization. These findings agree with animal experiments suggesting that in the clinic, a therapeutic gain for tumor cells at low pH may be greater for temperatures of 42-42.5 degrees C than of 45.5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the internalized AChRs are transported through many vesicular compartments: Golgi associated vesicles, coated vesicles, smooth vesicles, endosome-like structures and lysosomes. These compartments have an acidic pH ranging from 4.5 to 6.5. The pH differences between organelles suggests that these differences may influence the sorting and final expression of AChRs. To test this hypothesis, we measured the number of counts of 125I-alpha BTX or 125I-Mab35 dissociated from myotube membranes containing AChRs as a function of pH. Neither the 125I-alpha BTX nor 125I-Mab35 showed an enhanced dissociation in the pH range 4.0-7.0, whereas lowering the pH to 6.0 or below enhanced the dissociation of 125I-alpha 2-macroglobulin from myotubes. In other experiments using Torpedo membrane we showed that neither 125I-alpha BTX nor 125I-Mab35 appreciably dissociated from the AChR unless the pH was less than 4 or above 11. Double-label studies using a novel membrane permeable acidotropic molecule DAMP (3-(2,4 nitroanilino) 3'amino-N-methyl-dipropylamine), facilitated mapping the pH of the intracellular compartments containing internalized AChRs. This molecule accumulates inside acidic compartments in the cell and has a dinitrophenol (DNP) group recognized by DNP specific antibodies. Cells were treated with 30 micrograms DAMP for 30 min and allowed to internalize Mab35-gold (15 nm) for various periods (0-15 h). At each time point we fixed and washed the cells, and incubated with anti-DNP monoclonal antibodies followed by incubation with anti-mouse IgG and protein A colloidal gold (5 nm). Different sized gold particles allowed us to simultaneously identify the AChR compartments and estimate their pH. Sister cultures were exposed to acidotropic drugs to destroy pH gradients. Under those conditions, AChR delivery to lysosomes was blocked. Our studies show that AChRs are transported through acidic compartments ranging from pH 4.5 to 6.5 and in contrast to other ligands they do not dissociate from the intracellular membranes at low pH.  相似文献   

A variety of studies have shown that differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae in the presence of cAMP is strongly influenced by extracellular pH and various other treatments thought to act by modifying intracellular pH. Thus conditions expected to lower intracellular pH markedly enhance stalk cell formation, while treatments with the opposite effect favor spores. To directly test the idea that intracellular pH is a cell-type-specific messenger in Dictyostelium, we have measured intracellular pH in cells exposed to either low extracellular pH plus weak acid or high extracellular pH plus weak base using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Our results show that there is no significant difference in intracellular pH (cytosolic or mitochondrial) between pH conditions which strongly promote either stalk cell or spore formation, respectively. We have also examined the effects of external pH on the expression of various cell-type-specific markers, particularly mRNAs. Some mRNAs, such as those of the prestalk II (PL1 and 2H6) and prespore II (D19, 2H3) categories, are strongly regulated by external pH in a manner consistent with their cell-type specificity during normal development. Other markers such as mRNAs D14 (prestalk I), D18 (prespore I), 10C3 (common), or the enzyme UDP-galactose polysaccharide transferase are regulated only weakly or not at all by external pH. In sum, our results show that modulation of phenotype by extracellular pH in cell monolayers incubated with cAMP does not precisely mimic the regulation of stalk and spore pathways during normal development and that this phenotypic regulation by extracellular pH does not involve changes in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pHi) homeostasis is crucial to cell survival. Cells that are chronically exposed to a low pH environment must adapt their hydrogen ion extrusion mechanisms to maintain their pHi in the physiologic range. An important component of the adaptation to growth at low pH is the upregulation of pHi relative to the extracellular pH (pHe). To test the ability of low pHe adapted cells to respond to a pHi lowering challenge, a fluorescence assay was used that directly monitors proton removal as the rate of change of pHi during recovery from cytosolic acidification. Two cell lines of Chinese hamster origin (ovarian carcinoma and ovary fibroblastoid cells) were compared, both of which showed altered proton extrusion after adaptation to growth at low pHe = 6.70. In the ovarian carcinoma (OvCa) cell line, the pattern was consistent with an upregulation by means of an increase in the number of functional proton transporters in the plasma membrane. In the ovary fibroblastoid (CHO-10B) cell line, pHi was consistently elevated in adapted cells as compared with cells grown at normal pHe = 7.30 without an increase in maximum extrusion rate. This upregulation was consistent with a shift in the activating pHi of proton transporters without an increase in the number of transporters, i.e., a change in substrate affinity of the transporter. In OvCa cells, recovery from acidification could be blocked by amiloride, an inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange. In contrast, a more modest effect of amiloride on CHO cells was observed but a complete inhibition was seen with the Cl/HCO3 exchange inhibitor 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS). These data indicate that the two cell lines rely to different degrees on the two major pathways for pH regulation during recovery from cytosolic acidification. J. Cell. Physiol. 173:397–405, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As an in vitro model for the low extracellular pH (pHe) which has frequently been observed in tumors, cell lines have been grown in a low-pH medium in order to allow cell adaptation to that milieu. Two Chinese hamster cell lines [Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and Chinese hamster ovarian carcinoma (OvCa)] were compared, both of which acquired thermotolerance during 42°C heating in pHe = 7.3 buffer, but not in pHe = 6.7 medium unless grown at that pH long enough to become adapted. CHO cells, even when acutely acidified, showed higher intracellular pH (pHi) values in a suspension assay than OvCa cells, which confirmed the danger of comparing absolute values of pHi between cell lines. Despite this fundamental difference, relative changes in pHi were similar in that both lines showed a higher pHi in adapted than in unadapted cells, over the range of pHe values tested. The upregulation of pHi was statistically significant, but the two lines differed in the time frame over which adaptation occurred. OvCa cells acquired an enhanced ability to develop tolerance to 42° heat at pHe = 6.7 in 4 days, but the CHO cells acquired this ability more progressively, achieving a maximum ability at approximately 100 days. In contrast, both lines were able to upregulate their pHi within 4 hours of being exposed to pH 6.7 medium. A further indication of different biochemical mechanisms at work was the opposite effects seen on pHi in the two cell lines upon the removal of extracellular CO2/HCO3. The differential between adapted and unadapted OvCa cells was enhanced by removal of bicarbonate, whereas CHO cells seemed less stable and the data with greater scatter failed to show any difference between adapted and unadapted cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe the dynamics of changes in the intracellular pH (pH(i)) values of a number of lactic acid bacteria in response to a rapid drop in the extracellular pH (pH(ex)). Strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Lactococcus lactis were investigated. Listeria innocua, a gram-positive, non-lactic acid bacterium, was included for comparison. The method which we used was based on fluorescence ratio imaging of single cells, and it was therefore possible to describe variations in pH(i) within a population. The bacteria were immobilized on a membrane filter, placed in a closed perfusion chamber, and analyzed during a rapid decrease in the pH(ex) from 7.0 to 5.0. Under these conditions, the pH(i) of L. innocua remained neutral (between 7 and 8). In contrast, the pH(i) values of all of the strains of lactic acid bacteria investigated decreased to approximately 5.5 as the pH(ex) was decreased. No pronounced differences were observed between cells of the same strain harvested from the exponential and stationary phases. Small differences between species were observed with regard to the initial pH(i) at pH(ex) 7.0, while different kinetics of pH(i) regulation were observed in different species and also in different strains of S. thermophilus.  相似文献   

The role of intracellular pH in cell growth arrest induced by ATP   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we investigated ionic mechanisms involved in growth arrest induced by extracellular ATP in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells. Extracellular ATP reversibly induced a rapid and sustained intracellular pH (pHi) decrease from 7.41 to 7.11. Inhibition of Ca2+ influx, lowering extracellular Ca2+, and buffering cytoplasmic Ca2+ inhibited ATP-induced acidification, thereby demonstrating that acidification is a consequence of Ca2+ entry. We show that ATP induced reuptake of Ca2+ by the mitochondria and a transient depolarization of the inner mitochondrial membrane. ATP-induced acidification was reduced after the dissipation of the mitochondrial proton gradient by rotenone and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, after inhibition of Ca2+ uptake into the mitochondria by ruthenium red, and after inhibition of the F0F1-ATPase with oligomycin. ATP-induced acidification was not induced by either stimulation of the Cl/HCO3 exchanger or inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchanger. In addition, intracellular acidification, induced by an ammonium prepulse method, reduced the amount of releasable Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum, assessed by measuring change in cytosolic Ca2+ induced by thapsigargin or ATP in a Ca2+-free medium. This latter finding reveals cross talk between pHi and Ca2+ homeostasis in which the Ca2+-induced intracellular acidification can in turn regulate the amount of Ca2+ that can be released from the endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, pHi decrease was capable of reducing cell growth. Taken together, our results suggest that ATP-induced acidification in DU-145 cells results from specific effect of mitochondrial function and is one of the major mechanisms leading to growth arrest induced by ATP. prostate; cancer; acidification  相似文献   

To determine whether a low pH intracellular "sorting" step is required to route peptides into secretory granules, the effects of pH altering drugs on the biosynthesis and secretion of peptides by AtT-20 mouse corticotrope tumor cells and rat intermediate pituitary cells were examined. Doses of each drug maintaining normal protein synthesis and cell morphology, while obliterating the intracellular pH gradients detected by acridine orange fluorescence, were experimentally determined. Regions of the cell rich in secretory granules were localized by immunocytochemistry and were found to coincide with organelles with a low internal pH. Biosynthetic labeling experiments were coupled with immunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel analyses to examine the biosynthesis and secretion of corticotropin (ACTH(1-39], alpha-melanotropin, ACTH(18-39), beta-endorphin, gamma-melanotropin, alpha-amidated joining peptide, and the NH2-terminal region of pro-ACTH/endorphin. Chloroquine (20-40 microM) and a mixture of NH4Cl and methylamine (2-5 mM each) dissipated pH gradients but had no effect on the synthetic rate of pro-ACTH/endorphin, the extent and rate of precursor processing to smaller peptides, the rate of basal secretion of the various peptides, or the extent to which secretion of each of the peptides could be stimulated by secretagogues. Monensin (0.1-1 microM) had no discernible effect on intracellular pH gradients yet totally blocked proteolytic processing of pro-ACTH/endorphin. Thus, a monensin-blockable step occurs in peptide processing, presumably in the trans Golgi region; however, a low pH chloroquine-sensitive sorting step is not required for processing or for routing peptides to a stable storage form which can be released in response to secretagogues.  相似文献   

1. When yeast oxidizes propan-2-ol in the presence of KCl no uptake of K+ occurs. 2. When propionate is added to suspensions containing propan-2-ol, or if the suspensions are bubbled with CO2, a considerable uptake of K+ occurs. 3. Maximum K+ uptake occurs at a propionate concentration of 2mm. 4. The addition of 20mm-propionate to the suspension lowers the intracellular pH of the yeast from a resting value in the region of 6.2 to approx. 5.6. 5. When K+ uptake is measured in the presence of 20mm-propionate, progressive changes in the rate of K+ uptake and intracellular pH occur. The optimum rate of K+ uptake occurs at an intracellular pH of 5.70. 6. The effect of both intra- and extra-cellular pH on K+–K+ exchange was studied and an optimum rate was found at an extracellular pH of 5.35, the corresponding intracellular pH being 6.44. 7. When a Na+-loaded yeast oxidizes propan-2-ol in the presence of KCl, a steady efflux of Na+ and influx of K+ occurs. The addition of 10mm-propionate to the suspension markedly inhibited the Na+ efflux but only slightly decreased the K+ influx. 8. The effect of both extra- and intra-cellular pH on Na+ efflux was studied with propan-2-ol and with glucose. The results can be best interpreted in terms of intracellular pH changes, and an optimum was obtained at approx. pH6.40.  相似文献   

Organisms of Escherichia coli 1829 become alkali sensitized on transfer from pH 7·0 to pH 5·5 but they also secrete extracellular agents which induce alkali sensitivity when added (in neutralized filtrates) to organisms growing at pH 7·0. In contrast, filtrates from cultures grown at pH 7·0 have no effect. Filtrates were inactivated by protease but not by heat treatment in a boiling water-bath, suggesting that a very heat-stable protein is involved in alkali sensitivity induction. A heatstable low molecular weight component (or components) may also be needed for induction, or the induction protein itself may be of low molecular weight. Strains with lesions in hns, fur or himA produced almost inactive filtrates and it therefore appears that H-NS, Fur and IHF are involved in synthesis of the induction components. As the presence of protease during incubation at pH 5·5 totally abolished alkali sensitization of strain 1829 while inhibition of sensitization induction occurred if the induction components were removed by filtration or dialysis during pH 5·5 incubation, it is proposed that the extracellular induction components (EICs) are essential for the original sensitization response. These results suggest that sensitization induction occurs by a different mechanism to that which is believed to occur for most bacterial inducible response systems; these are claimed to involve exclusively intracellular reactions and components whereas the present response involves functioning of extracellular components.  相似文献   

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