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吸管亚纲(Subclass suctoria)中,多数种类具有或长或短的炳,附着它物上营固着生活。寄生在鱼类体表、鳃丝内的毛管虫(Trichophrya)和簇管虫(Erastophrya)的种类中,至今未见报道有固着柄的代表。作者于1981年12月检查水生所池养鱼寄生虫时,在体长7—10厘米的草鱼幼鱼鳃上,发现一种毛管虫,根据其分类特点,  相似文献   

描述了寄生在团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)鳃上的一吸管虫新种,双泡毛管虫。活体无色透明至淡黄色,正面观为卵圆形至长椭圆形,稍扁平;侧面观为棒状或香肠状,常附着在鳃小片上。身体的表膜中有不明显的细小颗粒。吸管指状,一束,着生在虫体前端,一般有4—8根,最多达23根,收缩时其表面出现明显的螺旋纹8—11个。两个伸缩泡,交替地进行伸缩,彼此间隔约为10μm,位于吸管基部的胞质中。大核短杆状或椭圆形,核膜明显,染色质均匀。小核圆球形。成虫和幼虫没有固着柄,游泳幼虫的纤毛带宽6.0—7.0μm,由7—11行纤毛纹组成,无锥形的钻孔器。    相似文献   

毒隐翅虫与隐翅虫皮炎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 鞘翅目隐翅虫科毒隐翅虫属(Paederus)一些种类的体液有毒,与人的皮肤接触后会引起隐翅虫皮炎(Paederus dermatitis)或称线状皮炎(Dermatitis linearis)。世界上许多地方如非  相似文献   

<正> 1986—1988年对福建南平毛蠓(Psychoda sp.)上的双翅虫疫霉(Erynia dipterigena)流行病进行连续观察,流行病均在3—4月份的雨季发生。其病原鉴定、分离和感染实验结果如下: (一)野外症状患病致死的毛蠓成虫乳白色,淡灰色。虫体膨大,以腹部的假根固着于基物上。死亡虫尸以近水洼地的草丛叶背居多。 (二)病原形态低倍镜下扫描观察,虫尸头部、腹部以及翅脉均覆以浓密子实层。虫菌体分枝状,柱状或不规则状,粗10.0—13.3μm。分生孢子梗二叉分枝或掌状分枝。分生孢子通过乳突翻转强力弹射,淡绿色,长椭圆形-卵圆形,基部有一钝且明显的乳突,乳突多不对称而偏向一端。单  相似文献   

古雪夫三代虫 (GyrodactylusgusseviLing)由林氏首次报道[1 ] 。近年来 ,随着南方鲇的人工养殖密度的不断提高 ,古雪夫三代虫引起的疾病愈来愈严重和普遍 ,主要危害 0 5kg及其以下的个体。其传播途径 ,疾病早期症状 ,在宿主体表的分布和药物防治已有报道[2 ,3] 。为进一步认识与致病作用密切相关的固着器的形态结构 ,本文进行了该三代虫固着器扫描电镜观察。1 材料和方法患三代虫病的南方鲇 (全长 1 0 2— 2 5 5cm)取自北碚嘉陵江养殖船内的网箱。用手术刀片轻刮病鱼体表 ,将黏液放于灭菌蒸馏水中 ,在双筒解…  相似文献   

苔藓动物是无脊椎动物中的一个小类群,为典型的固着型动物,目前已知世界上有约4000种,我国报道了199种。苔藓动物绝大多数生活在海洋中,是海洋污损生物的组成部分,我国渤海海域分布有15种。淡水苔虫的种类很少,只有几十种,我国已记录11种,分布在北京、杭州、沈阳、南京等?..  相似文献   

作者在煤气站含酚废水生化处理试验工作中,对活性污泥小口钟虫的生态特征进行了初步观察。小口钟虫(Vorticella microstoma)是纤毛纲缘毛亚纲缘毛目固着亚目钟形科动物。这种原生动物,在处理的含酚废水中,有游泳体、固着体和孢囊三种形式,见图1。在进水含酚浓度为70—100mg/l,可溴化物为250—280mg/l,出水含酚浓度为0.5mg/l及可溴化物50mg/l以下时,小口钟虫均大量出现。但是,在处理的不同流程中以不同形态出  相似文献   

指环虫(Dactylogyrus sp.)是鲫(Carassius auratus)鳃部重要的致病寄生虫, 为调查鲫的指环虫种类, 采用形态学与分子生物学相结合的方法, 对梁子湖鲫的单殖吸虫进行了种类鉴定。通过对指环虫后吸器几丁质结构的形态特征描述和测量, 发现鳃部共有7种指环虫, 分别鉴定为坏鳃指环虫(D. vastator)、中型指环虫(D. intermedius)、弧形指环虫(D. arcuatus)、弓茎指环虫(D. baueri)、美丽指环虫(D. formosus)、望外指环虫(D. inexpeatatus)及叉茎指环虫(D. dulkeiti)。中型指环虫、美丽指环虫和叉茎指环虫与GenBank中相应指环虫的18S+ITS1+5.8S rDNA序列的相似性均高于99.0%, 弧形指环虫的基因序列为首次提交。而坏鳃指环虫与GenBank中相应的指环虫序列相似度仅有96.37%, 遗传距离分析显示, 坏鳃指环虫的种内遗传距离较大(0.004—0.058), 但小于坏鳃指环虫与中型指环虫的种间遗传距离(0.046—0.064)。研究重新描述我国鲫7种指环虫主要形态学分类特征, 并提供分子分类数据, 为鲫寄生指环虫的种类鉴定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

缅阴虫属(Burmoniscus)是我国长江以南热带和亚热带地区中重要的陆栖等足类。本文对我国该属的种类组成和分布做了总结和分析,并对该属的代表种类——眼斑缅阴虫(B.ocellatus)的栖息地、食性、食量及繁殖季节等生物学特性进行了研究和综述。  相似文献   

蚜虫的病原真菌新种——安徽虫疫霉   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1984年初冬在安徽长江南北大面积蔬菜的桃蚜种群中发生真菌流行病。病原鉴定为虫霉目新种安徽虫疫霉(Erynia anhuiensis Li sp.nov)。分生孢子梗二歧分枝;初生分生孢子单核,双囊壁,长椭圆形、长卵形或倒拟卵形,前二者大小为17.1—33.3×5.9—12.9μm(平均24.7×8.3),长径比2.0—5.4(平均3.0),后者12.6—30.8×8.1—16.5μm(平均22.7×11.6),长径比1.4—2.5(平均2.0);有囊状体及假根,假根有固着器。外休眠孢子球形,光滑,透明,直径22.1—31.9μm(平均26.6)  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Budding and metamorphosis in the suctorian ciliate, Discophrya collini, have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The adult body form, tentacles, stalk, and attachment disk are described. A field of depressions or small pits was observed in the pellicle of adult suctorians in the early stages of bud formation. These pits deepen and coalesce until one large pore, the birth pore, remains. Cilia protrude through the pore, and as eversion of the bud proceeds the meridional arrangement of the larval ciliation is evident. After eversion is completed, a pronounced division furrow is found between the adult and soon-to-be-released swarmer. The stalk-forming region is seen on swarmers. Metamorphosing swarmers produce tentacles upon settling before any indication of ciliary resorption. Resorption of cilia and change in body form occur progressively with the production of the attachment disk and stalk.  相似文献   

Budding and metamorphosis in the suctorian ciliate, Discophrya collini, have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The adult body form, tentacles, stalk, and attachment disk are described. A field of depressions or small pits was observed in the pellicle of adult suctorians in the early stages of bud formation. These pits deepen and coalesce until one large pore, the birth pore, remains. Cilia protrude through the pore, and as eversion of the bud proceeds the meridional arrangement of the larval ciliation is evident. After eversion is completed, a pronounced division furrow is found between the adult and soon-to-be-released swarmer. The stalk-forming region is seen on swarmers. Metamorphosing swarmers produce tentacles upon settling before any indication of ciliary resorption. Resorption of cilia and change in body form occur progressively with the production of the attachment disk and stalk.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In Tokophrya infusionum metamorphosis from a ciliated swimming embryo to a sessile organism with a stalk, disc, and tentacles lasts only 3 minutes. The remarkable speed of meta-morphosis was clarified by an electron-microscope study of embryos before and during metamorphosis. Ultrathin sections have revealed that the embryo has at the anterior end of the body a number of specialized structures, such as dense bodies containing the precursor material for the disc and stalk, and microtubules which align the dense bodies into rows leading to pit-kite invaginations of the pellicle at the tip of the anterior end. At meta-morphosis the embryo settles down on this end and the precursor material is released thru the pits to the outside. At the same time the body of the embryo invaginates at this end, forming a cavity which becomes deeper and narrower until it acquires the shape of a channel. The 1st drops released from the dense bodies spread out on the substrate, forming the disc. The rest of the material, secreted into the channel, solidifies there to form the stalk. It seems obvious that the channel serves as a mold for the stalk, since after completion of the stalk the channel disappears. The stalk is structureless with no limiting membrane; it is outside the boundaries of the cell. Both the stalk and disc are extra-cellular organelles.
Of the new organelles appearing at metamorphosis, only the stalk and disc are formed de novo. The electron-microscope study disclosed that the embryo has internal parts of tentacles composed of a tube formed of microtubules. At the distal end of the microtubules is a ring of dense material. During metamorphosis the microtubules, together with the dense ring, grow out of the body, and along with them the pellicle and plasma membrane to form the external part of the tentacle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Trichophrya collini has a polygonal, dorsoventrally flattened body (up to 75 μm diam.), with capitate tentacles arranged in 1–3 rows within peripheral fascicles. There is a central polymorphic macronucleus, an associated micronucleus, and numerous peripheral contractile vacuoles with ventral discharge pores. The cell has a multilayered cortex and the cytoplasm contains suctorian organelles such as crescentic bodies, elongate dense bodies, and haptocysts. The highly contractile tentacles have an axoneme with an outer ring of 24 microtubules separated into six groups and an inner ring of six curved lamellae, each with five microtubules. The lamellae at the distal and proximal ends of the axoneme are arranged in a helix, and the outer ring microtubules are joined in a distal connective sheath. In the apical knob of the tentacle, the haptocysts are borne on a central capsule, Reproduction is by endogenous budding to produce a single oval-shaped swarmer, with equatorial ciliature, which metamorphoses within 3 h. These observations suggest that this organism, previously known as Heliophrya collini Saedeleer & Tellier, is synonymous with Platophrya rotunda Gönnert, Craspedophrya rotunda Rieder, and Heliophrya rotunda Matthes. Its endogenous mode of budding assigns it to the genus Trichophrya. but it is distinct from Trichophrya rotunda Hentschel, and should be reclassified to Trichophrya collini (Saedeleer & Tellier).  相似文献   

A new marine peritrich ciliate, Pseudovorticella sinensis n. sp. was isolated from a shrimp-farming pond in the littoral area of Qingdao, China. The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were studied based on living and silver-impregnated specimens. This species is characterized by (1) an elongated bell-shaped body that measures 50-60 x 35-45 microm in vivo, (2) one large, ventrally located contractile vacuole, and (3) a pellicle covered by a layer of transparent, cortical vesicles. The number of transverse silverlines from the peristomial area to the aboral ciliary wreath is 26-32, and from the aboral ciliary wreath to the scopula is 12-15. The stalk measures about 160-250 microm long x 5-6 microm wide. The spasmoneme has one row of conspicuous thecoplasmic granules, which are about 0.8 microm in diameter.  相似文献   

棘腹蛙血液内利川锥虫生活史的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利川锥虫(TrypanosomalichuanensisLi)寄生在棘腹蛙血液内。虫体波动膜明显。鞭毛较粗,一般不伸出体外形成游离的鞭毛。感染试验表明其中间宿主是绿蛙蛭(BatracobdellapaludosaCarena)。虫体在绿蛙蛭嗉囊的上皮细胞内进行裂配生殖或假包囊,产生许多无鞭体、前鞭体和锥虫体等不同发育时期。前鞭体的超微结构特点是:虫体表膜较厚,表膜下微管管壁较厚,线粒体较多,卵圆或长椭圆形,隆嵴不明显。未见高尔基体,内质网很少,不易观察到。胞质中有3—5颗或更多、多角形至圆形,较大的色素体。  相似文献   

The characteristic stalk of Colacium calvum Stein is formed from carbohydrate extruded by granules in the anterior portion of the cell. These granules exhibit the characteristics of mucocysts and their contents have two electron densities. A narrow extension of each granule extends past neighboring muciferous bodies to attachment sites in the posterior notch of the pellicle strip. The granule contains neutral polysaccharide which resembles that in the peripheral cisternae of the Golgi apparatus. The attachment site is structurally complex.  相似文献   

Three new ciliate species presumably belonging to the family Paraisotrichidae were recognized in the fecal samples from zoo-kept Asian and African elephants. All the ciliates possess a unique but similar arrangement of somatic ciliature, thus a new genus Latteuria n.g. has been created for them. The genus is characterized by the presence of a tapered frontal ‘spout’ at the anterior end of the body, posterior ciliary rows in narrow grooves encircling the posterior half of the body and an anterior arch of cilia. Latteuria polyfaria n.sp. is the largest species in the genus with 9–11 posterior ciliary rows. In L. media n.sp., of medium body size, the number of rows varies from four to six, and the smallest species, L. trifaria n.sp., has only three-four posterior ciliary rows.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ciliary filter-feeding structures of gymnolaemate bryozoans—adults of Flustrellidra hispida and Alcyonidium gelatinosum , larvae of Membranipora sp.—were studied with SEM. In F. hispida and A. gelatinosum , the distal part of each tentacle has a straight row of stiff laterofrontal cilia which carry out "ciliary sieving" to capture suspended food particles that are subsequently transported downward towards the mouth by tentacle flicking; both structure and function resemble those of stenolaemate tentacles. The proximal part of the tentacle and of the ciliary ridge of a cyphonautes larva have strikingly similar structures, except that the laterofrontal cells are monociliate in the adults and biciliate in the larvae. The laterofrontal cells of the tentacles are arranged in a zigzag row and their cilia form two parallel rows, a frontal and a lateral row. The latter probably forms the sieve of stiff filter cilia in front of the water-pumping lateral cilia, whereas the frontal row appears to be held close to the frontal ciliary band of the tentacle. The biciliate laterofrontal cells of the cyphonautes larva have the cilia arranged in similar rows. The detailed morphological similarities between the ciliary bands of adult and larval filtering structures suggest that the feeding mechanisms are similar, contrary to what has been previously thought.  相似文献   

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