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1. We examined the influence of hydrologic seasonality on temporal variation of planktonic bacterial production (BP) in relatively undisturbed lowland rivers of the middle Orinoco basin, Venezuela. We sampled two clearwater and two blackwater rivers over 2 years for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), chlorophyll, phosphorus and bacterial abundance to determine their relationship to temporal variation in BP. 2. Dissolved organic carbon concentration was greater in blackwater (543–664 μm ) than in clearwater rivers (184–240 μm ), and was generally higher during periods of rising and high water compared with low water. Chlorophyll concentration peaked (3 μg L?1) during the first year of study when discharge was lowest, particularly in blackwater rivers. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was very low in the study rivers (<3.8 μg L?1) and concentration increased during low water. 3. Average BP was higher in clearwater (0.20–0.26 μg C L?1 h?1) than in blackwater rivers (0.14–0.17 μg C L?1 h?1), although mean bacterial abundance was similar among rivers (0.6–0.8 × 106 cells mL?1). 4. Periods of higher chlorophyll a concentration (low water) or flushing of terrestrial organic material (rising water) were accompanied by higher BP, while low BP was observed during the period of high water. 5. Interannual variation in BP was influenced by variations in discharge related to El Niño Southern Oscillation events. 6. Seasonal variation in BP in the study rivers and other tropical systems was relatively small compared with seasonal variation in temperate rivers and lakes. In addition to the low seasonal variation of temperature in the tropics, low overall human disturbance could result in less variation in the inputs of nutrients and carbon to the study rivers compared with more disturbed temperate systems.  相似文献   

Planting native riparian trees can help recover wildlife and fish habitat on a local scale, when full recovery of natural processes that sustain riparian ecosystems is infeasible. To help improve planting success, we determined which environmental factors and management practices most influenced survival of planted Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) in a field experiment on the San Rafael River, Utah, U.S.A. We planted 474 approximately 2‐m‐tall trees and tracked survival for 1.25 years. We used logistic regression to evaluate whether tree height, elevation above the river channel, distance to existing cottonwood or Salix exigua (coyote willow), soil conductivity, soil texture, planting depth, planting method (mechanical auger vs. hand‐digging), and provision of natural and commercial supplements affected survival probability. Survival probability decreased with elevation above the river channel bottom and was greater in auger‐dug than hand‐dug holes. Survival probability was lower in soils with the highest salinity levels and was lower in sandy soils than soils with silt and clay. Survival may be improved by planting well above the channel to avoid flooding impacts but within 2 m above the channel in auger‐dug holes to ensure access to soil moisture. Testing soil salinity and texture in areas with suitable elevation could also help improve survival. Approximately 35% of trees survived to the end of the study period, indicating that planting can help recover riparian habitat locally, especially if survival is improved in future planting efforts. However, full recovery of desired riparian habitat throughout the floodplain will require natural flows.  相似文献   

Aims As extreme climatic events including droughts and heat waves become more common in a changing climate, tree mortality has increased across the globe. In order to determine whether certain species have a competitive advantage over others, we explored the water-relations and leaf-gas exchange of four co-occurring species in a forest in northern Aotearoa-New Zealand. We studied the ecologically and culturally significant foundation species,Agathis australis(a conifer), two additional conifers,Phyllocladus trichomanoidesandPodocarpus totaraand the angiospermKnightia excelsa.  相似文献   

Over a 9-year period (1993–2001), the land-water width of a papyrus fringe on the southern shore of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, varied between 40 and 60 m. Increases in width via rhizome spreading into open water followed the 1997/1998 El Niño flood when water depths rose by about 2 m. Germination of papyrus seeds also responded to water depth with a mean ± S.E. rate in experiments of 23 ± 6% after 21 days when water level was 5 cm below the sediment surface. No germination occurred when sediment was flooded or allowed to desiccate. Rhizome spreading from floating mats appeared to be favoured by deep water with seedling spread favoured on newly inundated, low-gradient slopes in shallow water. Although natural regenerative capacity was influenced by water depth, the height, density, biomass and chemical content of papyrus were not. Total average biomass along a land-water transect was 6950 ± 860 g m−2 which was large in relation to nutrient and mineral contents. Culms contained 0.47 ± 0.14% N and 0.06 ± 0.05% P and rhizomes 0.71 ± 0.21% and 0.10 ± 0.06%. Sediment underlying the swamp was aerobic and there were small land-water gradients in the BOD of swamp water and sediment. However, chemical gradients were weak compared with wider papyrus swamps elsewhere. Lake and swamp water mixed in the narrow fringe studied and residence times for organic matter may not have been long enough for organic material to mineralise before entering lake water.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林群落土壤呼吸及其影响因子   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄湘  李卫红  陈亚宁  马建新 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1951-1959
利用LI-8100土壤碳通量自动测定仪监测塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林群落土壤呼吸的日变化动态,分析其土壤呼吸与环境因子的关系,比较二者的差异。结果表明:(1)胡杨和柽柳群落土壤呼吸的日变化过程相同,最大值出现时间一致,呈单峰值曲线,但是不同月份最大值出现时间不同;(2)胡杨群落的土壤呼吸速率大于柽柳群落的;(3)胡杨和柽柳群落的土壤呼吸速率与距地表2cm处气温之间存在显著的指数关系,但是不同植物类型的土壤呼吸对温度的敏感性有所不同;(4)胡杨和柽柳群落的土壤呼吸速率与土壤水分都存在显著的线性关系;(5)通过多元回归分析表明,塔里木河下游76%~93%左右的荒漠河岸林群落土壤呼吸速率受温度和水分的共同控制。  相似文献   

作物干旱指标对西北半干旱区春小麦缺水特征的反映   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张杰  张强  赵建华  王胜  赵宏  王静 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1646-1654
针对作物水分胁迫较为严重的西北半干旱区,应用CI301-PS光合作用仪对春小麦开花到乳熟期间的生理特征和环境因子进行了近1个月的观测, 并研究分析了3种作物干旱指标叶水势、作物水分胁迫指数以及气孔导度随时间变化和对气象因子的响应.发现干旱胁迫增加时,叶片水分减少,作物水分胁迫指数增大,叶水势降低,气孔导度有所减小.因此,气孔下腔的CO2浓度降低,作物净光合速率有所减小,不利于半干旱区小麦生物量的累积;三者相比,叶水势是反应西北半干旱区作物干旱最敏感的指标;受半干旱区逆湿现象的影响,9:00或之后一段时间观测叶水势和气孔导度对小麦等作物缺水状况反映得更客观.  相似文献   

The canopies of many tree species sustain a large diversity of folivorous arthropods and phytopathogenic fungi. These organisms are thought to influence overall tree and stand productivity. Leaf diseases caused by Phyllosticta owaniana and Periconiella velutina, phytopathogenic fungi commonly found on the native riparian tree Brabejum stellatifolium (wild almond), like any other leaf disease, can potentially reduce a plant's photosynthetic efficiency. In addition to these two phytopathogens, the weevils Setapion provinciale and Setapion quantillum are abundant in wild almond canopies. Despite their pervasive occurrence, the impacts of these phytopathogens and arthropods on host tree leaf physiology have not been examined. The gas exchange response of wild almond leaves to phytopathogens and folivore damage was assessed. Leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and water content were also determined. Declines in photosynthetic rates and other physiological parameters were associated with increasing damage severity by weevils and phytopathogens in leaves of B. stellatifolium. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were negatively associated with disease severity. Water and phosphorus contents were also negatively correlated with increased weevil damage, while nitrogen content was positively correlated with it. The observed responses of B. stellatifolium metabolic functioning to fungal pathogen and folivory indicate a possibility of suppressed wild populations of wild almond.  相似文献   

P. Manolaki 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):1064-1077

In Greece, as in many other Mediterranean countries, there is a lack of information enabling the use of aquatic macrophytes as biological indicators of the water trophic status. This research aimed to investigate the trophic preferences of the aquatic macrophyte assemblages encountered in selected standing water bodies of a lowland river basin of western Greece. It also aimed to assess the response of the macrophyte species that occur in the studied water bodies to different nutrient concentrations. A total of 56 macrophyte species were identified. TWINSPAN analysis distinguished four main vegetation groups potentially related to three trophic types. The Trophic Ranking Score developed in the UK was applied in order to investigate the trend in aquatic macrophytes in response to the different trophic conditions. The results indicated that TRSUK was not in accordance to the water trophic indices. After the addition of 14 new species and the re-scoring of the plants from the UK list, the re-calculation of TRS enabled a better classification of the trophic status convergent with the information from the water trophic indices. The current study constitutes a reference document providing basic information, and must be improved by updating the plant list with new data from other sites.  相似文献   

Irrigation effects on whole-plant sap flow and leaf-level water relations were characterised throughout a growing season in an experimental olive (Olea europaea L.) orchard. Atmospheric evaporative demand and soil moisture conditions for irrigated and non-irrigated olive trees were also monitored. Whole-plant water use in field-grown irrigated and rain fed olive trees was determined using a xylem sap flow method (compensation heat-pulse velocity). Foliage gas exchange and water potentials were determined throughout the experimental period. Physiological parameters responded diurnally and seasonally to variations in tree water status, soil moisture conditions and atmospheric evaporative demand. There was a considerable degree of agreement between daily transpiration deduced from heat-pulse velocity and that determined by calibration using the Penman–Monteith equation in the field. Summer drought caused decreasing leaf gas exchange and water potentials, and a progressive increase in hydraulic conductance (stronger in non-irrigated than irrigated trees), probably attributable to modifications in hydraulic properties at the soil-root interface. Negligible hysteresis, attributable to low plant capacitance, was observed in the relationship between leaf water potential and sap flow. A proportional decrease in maximum daily leaf conductance with increasing vapour pressure deficit was observed, while mean daytime canopy stomatal conductance decreased with the season. As a result, plant water use was limited and excessive drought stress prevented. Non-irrigated olive trees recovered after the summer drought, showing a physiological behaviour similar to that of irrigated trees. In addition to physiological and environmental factors, there are endogenous keys (chemical signals) influencing leaf level parameters. Olive trees are confirmed to be economical and sparing users of soil water, with an efficient xylem sap transport, maintenance of significant gas exchange and transpiration, even during drought stress.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seedlings of Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex. Spreng. were stressed by withholding water. They were then rewatered, and the time course of recovery of photosynthesis was followed. Recovery always followed a distinct bi-phasic pattern. A first, rapid, stage of recovery commenced between 5 and 60 min after rewatering and was completed by between 30 min and four h after rewatering. Recovery in this stage always involved concurrent increases in stomatal conductance and the leaf's capacity to assimilate CO2 at any intercellular partial pressure of CO2 [ A(pi) relationship]. This stage of rapid recovery was followed either by a constant or gradually declining rate of photosynthesis for the remainder of the light period. In plants kept to a normal diurnal cycle, a second stage of recovery occurred and was completed during the night following rewatering. In this second stage of recovery, the A(Pi) relationship recovered to 90–100% of prestress values. In contrast, the recovery of stomatal conductance was not complete by the first day after rewatering. In darkness, complete recovery of the A(pi) relationship required as little as five h. If plants were kept in continuous high light, then between six and 16 h elapsed after rewatering before the second stage of recovery commenced. After this lag, almost complete recovery of the A(pi) relationship was possible. These results indicate that water stress has two independent and parallel effects on the mesophyll capacity for photosynthesis. The first may be simply reversible when the plant is rewatered, while the second may involve damage to the photosynthetic machinery that requires protein synthesis for its reversal.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are applied in agriculture to improve plant nutrition and confer better resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Spinacia oleracea L. is an economically important herbaceous crop characterized by limited tolerance to water stress. We compared the effects of three species of AMF belonging to the genus Glomus on gas exchange rates, growth and yield of spinach plants exposed to acute and prolonged water stress. Inoculated plants always gave better results than control (non-inoculated), stressed ones, being G. clarum the species that provided the significantly best effects and G. monosporum the less remarkable ones. Mycorrhizal inoculation is a valid tool to provide water stress resistance to horticultural crops, and experimental comparisons among different mycorrhizal strains can help to optimize the effect through the identification of specific associations.  相似文献   

Morphology, biomass accumulation and allocation, gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence were compared for one-year-old seedlings of Salix psammophila and Artemisia ordosica, two dominant desert species, in response to two water supplies (equivalent to 315.0 mm for present precipitation in growing season and to 157.5 mm for future decreasing precipitation) during 105 d. For both species, photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 (Fv/Fm), net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, biomass accumulation in different organs, tree height, number of leaves, and leaf area were reduced in response to the decrease in water supply. For both species, instantaneous water use efficiency was not affected by the water deficit. However, diurnal patterns of gas exchange and biomass allocation were affected in different ways for the two species, with notably a decrease in specific leaf area and an increase in root : shoot ratio for S. psammophila only. Overall, S. psammophila was more responsive to the decreasing precipitation than A. ordosica.  相似文献   

The mid-day responses of wheat ear CO2 and water vapour exchange to full-season CO2 enrichment were investigated using a Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) apparatus. Spring wheat [Triticum aestivum (L). cv. Yecora Rojo] was grown in two experiments under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 (Ca) concentrations (approximately 370 μ mol mol 1 and 550 μ mol mol 1, respectively) combined first with two irrigation (Irr) schemes (Wet: 100% and Dry: 50% replacement of evapotranspiration) and then with two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization (High: 350, Low: 70 kg ha 1 N). Blowers were used for Ca enrichment. Ambient Ca plots were exposed to blower induced winds as well the Ca × N but not in the Ca × Irr experiment. The net photosynthesis for the ears was increased by 58% and stomatal conductance (gs) was decreased by 26% due to elevated Ca under ample water and N supply when blowers were applied to both Ca treatments. The use of blowers in the Ca-enriched plots only during the Ca × Irr experiment (blower effect) and Low N supply restricted the enhancement of net photosynthesis of the ear due to higher Ca. In the latter case, the increase of net photosynthesis of the ear amounted to 26%. The decrease in gs caused by higher Ca was not affected by the blower effect and N treatment. The mid-day enhancement of net photosynthesis due to elevated Ca was higher for ears than for flag leaves and this effect was most pronounced under ample water and N supply. The contribution of ears to grain filling is therefore likely to increase in higher Ca environments in the future. In the comparison between Wet and Dry, the higher Ca did not alter the response of net photosynthesis of the ear and gs to Irr. However, Ca enrichment increased the drought tolerance of net photosynthesis of the glume and delayed the increase of the awn portion of net photosynthesis of the ear during drought. Therefore, the role of awns for maintaining high net photosynthesis of the ear under drought may decrease when Ca increases.  相似文献   

量化林分蒸腾对大气蒸发需求和土壤供水变化的响应能更好预测林分水分利用和水分循环特征并深化对林水关系的认识。本研究以六盘山南侧的香水河小流域的华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,采用热扩散探针法监测树干液流,同步测定环境因子,分析林分蒸腾对潜在蒸散和土壤体积含水率变化的响应关系。结果表明: 林分蒸腾对土壤体积含水率变化响应的曲线在不同潜在蒸散水平下基本相似,即随土壤体积含水率增大,林分蒸腾先快速后缓慢增大,达到阈值后趋于平稳,该过程可用饱和指数增长函数得到较好的拟合;但土壤水分阈值存在差异,且阈值随潜在蒸散的升高而增大。林分日蒸腾量随潜在蒸散增加的变化遵循抛物线曲线,也存在阈值效应。采用连乘方式耦合了生长季中期林分蒸腾响应土壤体积含水率和潜在蒸散的关系,形成了同时考虑土壤供水能力和大气蒸发潜力影响的林分蒸腾模型,该模型能很好地估测蒸腾的日变化,可为人工林水分调控管理提供指导。  相似文献   

Stomatal response to leaf water status was experimentally manipulated by pressurizing the soil and roots of potted common bean plants enclosed in a custom‐built root pressure chamber. Gas exchange was monitored using a whole‐plant cuvette and plant water status using in situ leaf psychrometry. Bean plants re‐opened their stomata upon pressurization, but the extent of re‐opening was strongly dependent on the time of day when the soil was pressurized, with maximum re‐opening in the morning hours and limited re‐opening in the afternoon. Neither leaf nor xylem abscisic acid concentrations could explain the reduced response to pressurization in the afternoon. The significance of this phenomenon is discussed in the context of circadian rhythms and of other recent findings on the ‘apparent feed‐forward response’ of the stomata of some species to vapour pressure deficit.  相似文献   

Midday leaf angle, photosynthetic gas exchange, stable carbon isotope ratio ( δ 13C), and chlorophyll a fluorescence among three wild soybeans, Glycine soja, G . tomentella and G . tabacina, from habitats with different water availability were examined. Plants grown under low water availability had reduced leaf area, photosynthetic and electron transport rates, more positive δ 13C values, and more vertical midday leaf angles. The three species differed in midday leaflet orientation, leaf size, photosynthesis and fluorescence responses to water availability. The species differences were consistent with the water availability of their habitat. G . soja , which grows in the wettest habitats, was shown to be the most photosynthetically susceptible to low water treatment and tended to have the most vertical midday leaflet angles. In contrast, G . tabacina , distributed in the driest habitats, had the least vertical midday leaflet angles and the lowest photosynthetic sensitivity to low water availability. G . tomentella , inhabiting an intermediate habitat, had intermediate midday leaf angles and photosynthetic responses. Our results support the hypothesis that paraheliotropic leaf movements respond in concert with photosynthetic characteristics in soybean leaves such that water use efficiency is enhanced and the risk of photoinhibition under water stress conditions is reduced.  相似文献   

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