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Miconia howardiana, which is known only from a diverse moist montane forest in the vicinity of Loma Trocha de Pey (or “Monteada Nueva”), the easternmost peak of the Sierra de Baoruco, is described and illustrated. It is compared to phenetically similar (and probably phylogenetically related) species of theMiconia favosa complex, i.e.,M. favosa, M. xenotricha, M. campanensis M. Sintenisii, M. foveolata, andM. pycnoneura. The species of this complex are characterized by bullate leaves with frequently cordate bases and often six secondary veins. Most species also have large berries and flowers, 5-locular ovaries, large inflorescence bracts and bracteoles, and more or less dendritic multicellular hairs.  相似文献   

Two new species of Miconia from Bolivia are described: Miconia galeiformis and Miconia neei. Both species occur in Andean montane forests. Miconia galeiformis (sect. Chaenopleura) is distinctive within Miconia due to the presence of setose stems, petioles and abaxial leaf surface, and a large, globose stigma. Miconia neei bears unisexual flowers, and can be distinguished from similar species of Miconia sect. Cremanium in Bolivia based on the furfuraceous stems and young nodes, in addition to serrulate leaf margins. The documentation of dioecy in Miconia neei and the occasional occurrence of unisexual flowers in Miconia galeiformis adds to our burgeoning understanding of complex breeding systems within Miconia.  相似文献   

Miconia rzedowskii, which is characterized by its sharply tetragonal distal branches and its mainly sessile trichotomous inflorescences with many flowers, is described from the Sierra Madre del Sur in Guerrero and Oaxaca, Mexico. The new species is illustrated and compared with M. glaberrima, another Mexican species of section Cremanium.  相似文献   

Miconia punctibullata, a new species of Melastomataceae from Colombia, is described and illustrated. The new species can be distinguished by its scandent herbaceous habit, stems and inflorescences with swollen annular projections below the nodes, punctations with sessile, glandular trichomes on the abaxial surface of the leaf, compound dichasial inflorescences, and bright yellow petals. A key to all species of Miconia with annular stem projections is provided.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Miconia punctibullata, una nueva especie colombiana de Melastomataceae, caracterizada por el hábito herbáceo semiescandente, la presencia de proyecciones anulares engrosadas por debajo de los nudos (manicaduras) en tallos y ejes de la inflorescencia, punteaduras con tricomas glandulares sésiles por el envés de la lámina foliar, inflorescencias en dicasio compuesto, y pétalos amarillos. Se incluye una clave para todas las especies de Miconia con nudos manicados.

The Sagraea clade (Melastomataceae, tribe Miconieae) is briefly characterized, typified, and formally treated as a section within Miconia. In addition, two new species of Miconia sect. Sagraea, endemic to the floristically diverse Massif de la Hotte of southwestern Haiti and discovered during the course of a systematic revision of the Caribbean species of this section, are here described and illustrated. Miconia hottensis and M. navifolia, morphologically similar and possible sister species, are compared to each other and to the widespread Caribbean species M. capillaris and the southwestern Dominican Republic endemic M. tetraptera; these four species share rectangular stems with four low ridges or wings and minute, short-stalked, peltate or pseudopeltate hairs and likely form a clade.  相似文献   

Miconia walterjuddii, a new species of Melastomataceae from the mountains in northeast Cuba, is described. This species can be easily assigned to Miconia section Chaenopleura due to its short anthers that open by two longitudinal slits. Sequence data from nrITS confirm this placement. This new species is characterized by its inconspicuous lepidote indumentum of minute adpressed scales ca. 0.05 mm long; small flowers in dichasia, forming a compact, many-flowered, rounded to subcorymbose cymes, with purple to fuchsia colored petals.  相似文献   

Three species are described here that occur in montane and high-montane forests in Southeastern Brazil.Miconia shepherdii belongs to sectionGlossocentrum and occurs on the Serra da Mantiqueira, on the border between the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro.Miconia kollmannii belongs to sectionHypoxanthus (formerChaenanthera) and occurs in the state of Espírito Santo.Ossaea suprabasalis was also collected in the state of Espírito Santo.  相似文献   

Melastomataceae is a megadiverse family with records of transitions from specialized to generalized pollination systems for several species. These transitions are associated with the colonization of new, unpredictable and/or impoverished pollinator habitats or habitats where specialized pollinators are scarce (e.g., in highland environments). The bee species diversity is low in highlands. Therefore, autonomous breeding systems such as apomixis and self-pollination emerge in these environments. In this paper, we studied the floral traits associated with the generalization of pollination systems and registered the floral visitors of two species in the Colombian Andes: Miconia cataractae and M. elaeoides. We investigated the breeding system of M. elaeoides. Both species presented small flowers, short anthers of medium pore size, and nectar-producing stomata on the base of the anthers. Miconia cataractae produced an average of 1.62 μl nectar/flower, a sugar concentration of 6.78%, whereas M. elaeoides produced 0.09 μl nectar/flower, a sugar concentration of 6.13%. We recorded a wide diversity of pollinators for both species, mainly insects from the orders Hymenoptera and Diptera. Miconia elaeoides presented a mixed breeding system and was also capable of setting fruits by apomixis. We conclude that flower and anther morphology, combined with nectar production, thus represent convergent traits resulting in a generalist pollination system shared by M. cataractae and M. elaeoides. Here, we presented the first generalist pollination system recorded for Miconia (and the Melastomataceae) in the Andes, the first report for a species from the small-pored section Amblyarrhena, and the first report for a species from the large-pored section Cremanium in Colombia.  相似文献   

The following new species of Melastomataceae from Peru and Bolivia are described:Tibouchina wasshausenii, Miconia rimachii, M. boomii, M. histothrix, M. thysanophylla, and Topobea pascoensis.  相似文献   

Six new species of Melastomataceae from Ecuador are described: Miconia renneri from the montane forests in north-western Ecuador; Clidemia longipedunculata from the lowland rainforest in eastern Ecuador, and Miconia oellgaardii, Brachyotum johannes-julii, B. russatum , and B. incrassatum from the upper montane forests and plramos in southern Ecuador.  相似文献   

Miconia manauara has been collected several times in two municipalities in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, and once in nearby Pará. It can be recognized among species in Miconia sect. Miconia by the leaves with obtuse to rounded bases, entire margins, cuspidate apices and five basal to shortly suprabasal nerves. The leaves also have glabrous mature adaxial leaf surfaces and the abaxial surface with two indument layers, the first consisting of moderate to dense, ferruginous, sessile stellate trichomes, 0.1–0.2 mm diam., and the second consisting of a dense, granulose-furfuraceous layer. The inflorescences are glomerulate, the 5-merous flowers have a caducous calyx, minutely papillose petals, ten stamens that are ventrally bilobed and with a small dorsal, obtuse tooth, and the ovaries are furfuraceous and usually covered by unbranched trichomes on their apices.  相似文献   

Miconia zanonii, which occurs in broad-leaved cloud forests at four localities in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic, is described and illustrated. It is compared withM. krugii andM. samanensis, two probably close relatives withinMiconia sect.Chaenopleura.  相似文献   

In a one-hectare plot in humid montane forest on Volcán Pasochoa (3,260–3,300 m), one of the last remnants of the inter-Andean forest between the two Ecuadorean cordilleras, there were 1,058 trees ≥ 5 cm dbh in 32 different species with a total basal area of 25.7 m2. The most common species were Miconia theaezans, Piper andreanum , and Miconia pustulata with 32%, 14% and 8% of the individuals, respectively. Three species ( Hesperomeles lanuginosa, Boehmeria fallax and Lamiaceae sp.) were represented by only a single individual. Melastomataceae was the most important family with six species, over 50% of the individual trees, and 68% of the basal area. Other important families were Piperaceae and Asteraceae. The abundance of assumed pioneer species suggests that either the forest has been altered by humans in the past, or that their dominance is a part of the dynamic regeneration of a forest growing on steep slopes with inclinations between 36 and 120% in the plot. The diameter class distribution of Miconia corymbiformis and Axinaea macrophylla shows a light-demanding species behavior. Trees with multiple stems characterize this forest perhaps in order to distribute their weight on such steep slopes.  相似文献   

Summary Among thirty species belonging to seventeen families common in the cerrado region of central Brazil, eight species belonging to three families were found to accumulate aluminium in their leaves in considerable amounts (4,310 to 14,120 mg/kg on dry weight basis) from a dark red latossol which is strongly-acid and low in available nutrient cations. The aluminium-accumulating species areMiconia ferruginata (DC.) Cogn.,Miconia pohliana Cogn. (Melastomataceae);Palicourea rigida H. B. K. (Rubiaceae);Qualea grandiflora Mart.,Qualea multiflora Mart.,Qualea parviflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae);Vochysia elliptica (Spr.) Mart., andVochysia thyrsoidea Pohl (Vochysiaceae). High levels of aluminium in the leaves of these plants were not associated with low foliar levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, or phosphorus as compared to the other species which do not accumulate aluminium. In spite of the low pH and the low base saturation of the soil the aluminium-accumulating species seem to have an efficient mechanism for absorbing all cations from the soil.  相似文献   

We describe a new species native to Ecuador and Peru, Miconia complanata . This species has been collected from two different localities: Parque Nacional Podocarpus (Ecuador) and Cordillera del Cóndor (Ecuador and Peru). The strongly quadrangular to winged stem, ridged nodes and coriaceous leaves make this species distinctive even within a large genus.  相似文献   

Pachyanthus (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) is traditionally reconnized as a Caribbean genus of shrubs and small trees, mostly local Cuban endemics. Similar to most genera in Miconieae, its generic delimitations are still unclear. Nineteen species of Pachyanthus in a broad sense are recognized in this revision, nine of them as Pachyanthus s.str., which includes the nomenclatural type of the genus. Most of the species in Pachyanthus s.str. are endemic to Cuba; only one species is distributed in Central America (Honduras, Nicaragua, and Belice). The other ten taxa are treated as “incertae sedis”, because their phylogenetic relationships with Pachyanthus s.str. and the rest of genera in Miconieae are still unclear. A key with all taxa of Pachyanthus s.l. is given. The species of Pachyanthus s.str. can be distinguished from other groups in Miconieae by the following combination of characters: petals ovate to triangular-ovate to broadly obovate, with mostly sagittate or cordate to rounded bases that are conspicuously unguiculate; calyx lobes connate before anthesis, then separating into sepal-like segments; anthers straight, ovate to oblong, yellow, and without connective appendages or, if present, then inconspicuous and anthers dehiscing by small apical pores; and seeds numerous, 0.8–1.6 mm long, obpyramidal, with a smooth testa. Seventeen names are typified: P. angustifolius, P. brachylobus, P. cordifolius, P. discolor, P. glaber, P. lindmanii, P. mayarensis, P. monopleurus, P. ovatus, P. pedicellatus, P. poiretii, P. shaferii, P. tetramerus, P. wrightii, Miconia blancheana, M. lundelliana, and M. monocephala.  相似文献   

Generalist plant–pollinator interactions are prevalent in nature. Here, we untangle the role of nectar production in the visitation and pollen release/deposition in Miconia theizans, a nectar-rewarding plant within the specialised pollen-rewarding plant family Melastomataceae. We described the visitation rate, nectar dynamics and pollen release from the poricidal anthers and deposition onto stigmas during flower anthesis. Afterwards, we used a linear mixed model selection approach to understand the relationship between pollen and nectar availability and insect visitation rate and the relationship between visitation rate and reproductive success. Miconia theizans was visited by 86 insect species, including buzzing and non-buzzing bees, wasps, flies, hoverflies, ants, beetles, hemipterans, cockroaches and butterflies. The nectar produced explained the visitation rate, and the pollen release from the anthers was best explained by the visitation rate of pollinivorous species. However, the visitation rates could not predict pollen deposition onto stigmas. Nectar production may explain the high insect diversity and led to an increase in reproductive success, even with unpredictable pollen deposition, indicating the adaptive value of a generalised pollination system.  相似文献   

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