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Aneuploidy has long been recognized as one of the hallmarks of cancer. It nonetheless remains uncertain whether aneuploidy occurring early in the development of a cancer is a primary cause of oncogenic transformation, or whether it is an epiphenomenon that arises from a general breakdown in cell cycle control late in tumorigenesis. The accuracy of chromosome segregation is ensured both by the intrinsic mechanics of mitosis and by an error-checking spindle assembly checkpoint. Many cancers show altered expression of proteins involved in the spindle checkpoint or in proteins implicated in other mitotic processes. To understand the role of aneuploidy in the initiation and progression of cancer, a number of spindle checkpoint genes have been disrupted in mice, most through conventional gene targeting (to create germ-line knockouts). We describe the consequence of these mutations with respect to embryonic development, tumor progression and an unexpected link to premature aging; readers are referred elsewhere [1] for a discussion of other cell cycle regulators.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis screens are a valuable method to identify genes that are required for normal development. Previous mouse mutagenesis screens for lethal mutations were targeted at specific time points or for developmental processes. Here we present the results of lethal mutant isolation from two mutagenesis screens that use balancer chromosomes. One screen was localized to mouse chromosome 4, between the STS markers D4Mit281 and D4Mit51. The second screen covered the region between Trp53 and Wnt3 on mouse chromosome 11. These screens identified all lethal mutations in the balancer regions, without bias towards any phenotype or stage of death. We have isolated 19 lethal lines on mouse chromosome 4, and 59 lethal lines on chromosome 11, many of which are distinct from previous mutants that map to these regions of the genome. We have characterized the mutant lines to determine the time of death, and performed a pair-wise complementation cross to determine if the mutations are allelic. Our data suggest that the majority of mouse lethal mutations die during mid-gestation, after uterine implantation, with a variety of defects in gastrulation, heart, neural tube, vascular, or placental development. This initial group of mutants provides a functional annotation of mouse chromosomes 4 and 11, and indicates that many novel developmental phenotypes can be quickly isolated in defined genomic intervals through balancer chromosome mutagenesis screens.  相似文献   

Telomeres and chromosome instability   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Murnane JP 《DNA Repair》2006,5(9-10):1082-1092
Genomic instability has been proposed to play an important role in cancer by accelerating the accumulation of genetic changes responsible for cancer cell evolution. One mechanism for chromosome instability is through the loss of telomeres, which are DNA-protein complexes that protect the ends of chromosomes and prevent chromosome fusion. Telomere loss can occur as a result of exogenous DNA damage, or spontaneously in cancer cells that commonly have a high rate of telomere loss. Mouse embryonic stem cells and human tumor cell lines that contain a selectable marker gene located immediately adjacent to a telomere have been used to investigate the consequences of telomere loss. In both cell types, telomere loss is followed by either the addition of a new telomere on to the end of the broken chromosome, or sister chromatid fusion and prolonged breakage/fusion/bridge (B/F/B) cycles that result in DNA amplification and large terminal deletions. The regions amplified by B/F/B cycles can then be transferred to other chromosomes, either through the formation of double-minute chromosomes that reintegrate at other sites, or through end-to-end fusions between chromosomes. B/F/B cycles eventually end when a chromosome acquires a new telomere by one of several mechanisms, the most common of which is translocation, which can involve either nonreciprocal transfer or duplication of all or part of an arm of another chromosome. Telomere acquisition involving nonreciprocal translocations results in the loss of a telomere on the donor chromosome, which subsequently becomes unstable. In contrast, translocations involving duplications do not destabilize the donor chromosome, although they result in allelic imbalances. Thus, the loss of a single telomere can generate a wide variety of chromosome alterations commonly associated with human cancer, not only on the chromosome that originally lost its telomere, but other chromosomes as well. Factors promoting spontaneous telomere loss and the resulting B/F/B cycles are therefore likely to be important in generating the karyotypic changes associated with human cancer.  相似文献   

Murnane JP 《Mutation research》2012,730(1-2):28-36
The ends of chromosomes are composed of a short repeat sequence and associated proteins that together form a cap, called a telomere, that keeps the ends from appearing as double-strand breaks (DSBs) and prevents chromosome fusion. The loss of telomeric repeat sequences or deficiencies in telomeric proteins can result in chromosome fusion and lead to chromosome instability. The similarity between chromosome rearrangements resulting from telomere loss and those found in cancer cells implicates telomere loss as an important mechanism for the chromosome instability contributing to human cancer. Telomere loss in cancer cells can occur through gradual shortening due to insufficient telomerase, the protein that maintains telomeres. However, cancer cells often have a high rate of spontaneous telomere loss despite the expression of telomerase, which has been proposed to result from a combination of oncogene-mediated replication stress and a deficiency in DSB repair in telomeric regions. Chromosome fusion in mammalian cells primarily involves nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), which is the major form of DSB repair. Chromosome fusion initiates chromosome instability involving breakage-fusion-bridge (B/F/B) cycles, in which dicentric chromosomes form bridges and break as the cell attempts to divide, repeating the process in subsequent cell cycles. Fusion between sister chromatids results in large inverted repeats on the end of the chromosome, which amplify further following additional B/F/B cycles. B/F/B cycles continue until the chromosome acquires a new telomere, most often by translocation of the end of another chromosome. The instability is not confined to a chromosome that loses its telomere, because the instability is transferred to the chromosome donating a translocation. Moreover, the amplified regions are unstable and form extrachromosomal DNA that can reintegrate at new locations. Knowledge concerning the factors promoting telomere loss and its consequences is therefore important for understanding chromosome instability in human cancer.  相似文献   

Genetically determined chromosome instability syndromes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spontaneously increased chromosomal instability is well documented in the three autosomal recessive diseases, Fanconi's anemia (FA), Bloom's syndrome (BS), and ataxia telangiectasia (AT). Other conditions have been reported to be associated with chromosomal breakage. Some are still single observations: in Werner's syndrome only fibroblasts are affected, and systemic sclerosis may not be an inherited disease. Various aspects of FA, BS, and AT are discussed which have emerged since recent reviews have been published. The differential diagnosis in FA has become more important than it was in the past. Proven heterogeneity in FA demands definition of what to name FA and FA variants. The analysis of cancer frequencies and types in FA and AT lacks important clues. This should stimulate all of us to mutual exchange of data and creation of registries not only of patients and follow-ups, but also of characterized cell strains. A synopsis of results from cell and cytogenetic studies demonstrates similarities and differences in detail of the general phenomenon of chromosomal instability which FA, BS, and AT share. Results from biochemical studies at the DNA level together with cytogenetic findings indicate different but still undefined failures in DNA metabolism or DNA repair mechanisms due to the different genes. A new approach to analyzing the impairment of DNA repair in FA is briefly described. DNA related enzymes are produced in the cytoplasm and have to be transported to the nucleus. The subcellular distribution of topoisomerase activity was found to be unusual in three placentas of FA patients. Other DNA enzymes were distributed normally. Thus, a specific mechanism for movement of the enzyme through the nuclear membrane seems to be defective.  相似文献   

The generation of micronuclei is a reflection of DNA damage, defective mitosis, and loss of genetic material. The involvement of the MAPK pathway in mediating v-ras-induced micronuclei in NIH 3T3 cells was examined by inhibiting MAPK activation. Conversely, the MAPK pathway was constitutively activated by infecting cells with a v-mos retrovirus. Micronucleus formation was inhibited by the MAPK kinase inhibitors PD98059 and U0126, but not by wortmannin, an inhibitor of the Ras/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. Transduction of cells with v-mos resulted in an increase in micronucleus formation, also consistent with the involvement of the MAPK pathway. Staining with the anti-centromeric CREST antibody revealed that instability induced by constitutive activation of MAPK is due predominantly to aberrant mitotic segregation, since most of the micronuclei were CREST-positive, reflective of lost chromosomes. A significant fraction of the micronuclei were CREST-negative, reflective of lost acentric chromosome fragments. Some of the instability observed was due to mitotic events, consistent with the increased formation of bi-nucleated cells, which result from perturbations of the mitotic spindle and failure to undergo cytokinesis. This chromosome instability, therefore, is a consequence of mitotic aberrations, mediated by the MAPK pathway, including centrosome amplification and formation of mitotic chromosome bridges.  相似文献   

Genetic instability of the Streptomyces chromosome   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The Streptomyces wild-type chromosome is linear in all examples studied. The ends of the chromosome or telomeres consist of terminal inverted repeats of various sizes with proteins covalently bound to their 5' ends. The chromosome is very unstable and undergoes very large deletions spontaneously at rates higher than 0.1% of spores. Frequently, the telomeres are included in the deletions. Loss of both telomeres leads to circularization of the chromosome. The wild-type chromosome can also be circularized artificially by targeted recombination. Spontaneously or artificially circularized chromosomes are even more unstable than the linear ones. High-copy-number tandem amplifications of specific chromosomal regions are frequently associated with the deletions. RecA seems to be involved in the amplification mechanism and control of genetic instability.  相似文献   

Constitutional chromosome instability and cancer risk   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Acquired, clonal chromosome abnormalities are thought to be of pathogenetic importance in human cancer; at the cellular level, neoplasia is best viewed as a genetic disease. It is therefore logical to suggest that cancer risk must somehow be related to individual variations in genomic stability. Those persons whose chromosomes are less stable will, on average, be the ones who are most likely to develop cancer. The testing of this hypothesis shows that, apart from the autosomal recessive chromosome breakage syndromes, only patients with adenomatosis of the colon and rectum have, consistently and by different groups, been found to display elevated spontaneous and clastogen-induced chromosome breakage frequencies. Some evidence indicates a similar tendency in patients with dysplastic nevus syndrome, basal cell carcinoma, cervix cancer, and Kaposi's sarcoma. For several other cancers the data strongly argue against any inherent genomic instability. Although most results thus fail to support constitutional chromosome fragility as a factor of importance in tumorigenesis, conclusive falsification of the hypothesis cannot be said to have been obtained. The possibility remains that variations in chromosome stability and clastogen sensitivity between different cell types, and also difficulties in selecting the most appropriate carcinogens in clastogen-exposure tests, may have masked systematic constitutional differences between patients and controls in the breakage assays.  相似文献   



Several mechanisms operate during mitosis to ensure accurate chromosome segregation. However, during tumour evolution these mechanisms go awry resulting in chromosome instability. While several lines of evidence suggest that mutations in adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) may promote chromosome instability, at least in colon cancer, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we turn our attention to GSK-3 – a protein kinase, which in concert with APC, targets β-catenin for proteolysis – and ask whether GSK-3 is required for accurate chromosome segregation.


To probe the role of GSK-3 in mitosis, we inhibited GSK-3 kinase activity in cells using a panel of small molecule inhibitors, including SB-415286, AR-A014418, 1-Azakenpaullone and CHIR99021. Analysis of synchronised HeLa cells shows that GSK-3 inhibitors do not prevent G1/S progression or cell division. They do, however, significantly delay mitotic exit, largely because inhibitor-treated cells have difficulty aligning all their chromosomes. Although bipolar spindles form and the majority of chromosomes biorient, one or more chromosomes often remain mono-oriented near the spindle poles. Despite a prolonged mitotic delay, anaphase frequently initiates without the last chromosome aligning, resulting in chromosome non-disjunction. To rule out the possibility of "off-target" effects, we also used RNA interference to selectively repress GSK-3β. Cells deficient for GSK-3β exhibit a similar chromosome alignment defect, with chromosomes clustered near the spindle poles. GSK-3β repression also results in cells accumulating micronuclei, a hallmark of chromosome missegregation.


Thus, not only do our observations indicate a role for GSK-3 in accurate chromosome segregation, but they also raise the possibility that, if used as therapeutic agents, GSK-3 inhibitors may induce unwanted side effects by inducing chromosome instability.  相似文献   

Somatic loss of tumor suppressor gene function comprising the second hit of Knudson's two-hit hypothesis is important in human cancer. A genetic screen was performed in zebrafish (Danio rerio) to find mutations that cause genomic instability (gin), as scored by Streisinger's mosaic-eye assay that models this second hit. The assay, based on a visible test for loss of wild-type gene function at a single locus, golden, is representative of genomewide events. Twelve ENU-induced genomic instability (gin) mutations were isolated. Most mutations showed weak dominance in heterozygotes and all showed a stronger phenotype in homozygotes. Trans-heterozygosity for 7 of these mutations showed greatly enhanced instability. A variety of spontaneous tumors were found in heterozygous adults from all gin lines, consistent with the expectation that genomic instability (mutator) mutations can accelerate carcinogenesis. The incidence of spontaneous cancer at 30-34 months was increased 9.6-fold in heterozygotes for the mutant with the strongest phenotype, gin-10. Tumors were seen in skin, colon, kidney, liver, pancreas, ovary, testis, and neuronal tissues, with multiple tumors in some fish. The study of these mutants will add to our understanding of the mechanisms of somatic loss of gene function and how those mechanisms contribute to cancer susceptibility.  相似文献   

Telomeres, chromosome instability and cancer   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
Telomeres are composed of repetitive G-rich sequence and an abundance of associated proteins that together form a dynamic cap that protects chromosome ends and allows them to be distinguished from deleterious DSBs. Telomere-associated proteins also function to regulate telomerase, the ribonucleoprtotein responsible for addition of the species-specific terminal repeat sequence. Loss of telomere function is an important mechanism for the chromosome instability commonly found in cancer. Dysfunctional telomeres can result either from alterations in the telomere-associated proteins required for end-capping function, or from alterations that promote the gradual or sudden loss of sufficient repeat sequence necessary to maintain proper telomere structure. Regardless of the mechanism, loss of telomere function can result in sister chromatid fusion and prolonged breakage/fusion/bridge (B/F/B) cycles, leading to extensive DNA amplification and large terminal deletions. B/F/B cycles terminate primarily when the unstable chromosome acquires a new telomere, most often by translocation of the ends of other chromosomes, thereby providing a mechanism for transfer of instability from one chromosome to another. Thus, the loss of a single telomere can result in on-going instability, affect multiple chromosomes, and generate many of the types of rearrangements commonly associated with human cancer.  相似文献   

Approximately 15-25% of male infertility cases carry extensive azoospermic factor (AZF) deletions. Moreover, about 80% of Finnish testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) and about 23-25% of TGCTs from other geographic regions carry short and interstitial AZF deletions. In infertility cases the AZF deficiency occurs in the germ cells of the proband father giving rise to mosaic sperm populations comprising non-deleted and deleted sperms. Fertilization of an oocyte by a Y deleted sperm will give rise to an AZF-deleted and infertile F1 male. In TGCTs the AZF deletions take place in the initial stages of embryogenesis producing individuals that are a mosaic of Y deleted and non-deleted cell lineages. Carcinoma in situ (CIS) is a premalignant lesion that some believe may develop in gonads of male embryos before the ninth week of age due to transformation of a totipotent primordial germ cell. If the transformed cell carries AZF deletions the resultant CIS will also have Y deletions. CIS will differentiate into seminoma or into embryonal carcinoma and non-seminomas in about 1 x 10(-3) of the young adults carrying premalignant CIS outgrowths; if the CIS lesion has AZF deletions the derived forms of testicular cancer will also exhibit these deletions. AZF deletions play no role in the development of testicular cancers. On the other hand, they are a marker of Y chromosome instability and eventually of a more generalized pattern of genome instability associated with the appearance of TGCT. Genetic factors such as malfunction of metabolizing genes, DNA repairing genes, Y-linked or X-linked genes have been considered as possible causes of AZF deletions in testicular cancer. Yet, the exact identification of the genes involved remains elusive. AZF deletions have also been identified in non-Hodgkin lymphomas and in colorectal cancers, two forms of malignancy that have been found to be associated with TGCTs.  相似文献   

Immunological mutants of the mouse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mutations at more than 30 loci in mice have been shown to cause deleterious effects on the immune system. Immunologic defects caused by certain of these mutations are determined at the level of hematopoietic progenitor cells or at the level of hematopoietic cell-stromal cell interactions. The immunological mutants described in this paper serve as experimental tools with which to increase our understanding of the development and regulation of the mammalian immune system.  相似文献   

Modification of chromosome instability in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strains of Aspergillus nidulans with a chromosome segment in duplicate show instability at mitosis; their colonies produce faster-growing sectors which arise from nuclei with spontaneous deletions in either duplicate segment. In an attempt to probe the deletion process, the effects of mutations causing sensitivity to UV treatment, and those of manganous ions, have been studied in strains carrying either Dp(I,II) or Dp(III,VIII). For comparison, the effects of Mn2+ on balanced and unbalanced diploids have also been examined. The uvsE allele, which decreases intragenic mitotic crossing over in diploids, increased deletion frequency in strains with either duplication. The uvsB allele, which increases intragenic mitotic crossing over in diploids, increased deletion frequency only in Dp(I,II) strains; in addition, by causing early mitotic crossing over between the homologous segments, it produced some novel deletion products. Mn2+ substantially decreased the deletion frequency in Dp(I,II) strains and decreased mitotic crossing over in diploids; it had no effect on Dp(III,VIII) strains. The results suggest that in haploid duplication strains there are two classes of spontaneous DNA lesions, recombinogenic and non-recombinogenic, both of which, failing repair, lead to deletion.  相似文献   

When diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae homozygous for the temperature-sensitive cell division cycle mutation cdc6-1 are grown at a semipermissive temperature they exhibit elevated genomic instability, as indicated by enhanced mitotic gene conversion, mitotic intergenic recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain, and chromosomal rearrangements. Employing quantitative Southern analysis of chromosomes separated by transverse alternating field gel electrophoresis (TAFE), we have demonstrated that 2N-1 cells monosomic for chromosome VII, owing to the cdc6-1 defect, show slow growth and subsequently yield 2N variants that grow at a normal rate in association with restitution of disomy for chromosome VII. Analysis of TAFE gels also demonstrates that cdc6-1/cdc6-1 diploids give rise to aberrant chromosomes of novel lengths. We propose an explanation for the genomic instability induced by the cdc6-1 mutation, which suggests that hyper-recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain and chromosomal rearrangements reflect aberrant mitotic division by cdc6-1/cdc6-1 cells containing chromosomes that have not replicated fully.  相似文献   

We describe a simple plaque color assay for identifying oligonucleotide-directed mutations in cloned DNA fragments. The basis of the method is to: fuse the sequence of interest in-frame to the E.coli lacZ gene to produce a blue plaque phage, mutate the site of interest to a stop codon to generate a white plaque phage, and revert the stop codon and surrounding nucleotides to give a blue plaque phage containing one or more desired amino acid changes. The advantages of this cyclic method are that it produces truncated as well as amino acid substituted protein molecules, it can be repeated to introduce additional mutations, and it eliminates the need for labor intensive screening. Essentially any piece of DNA can be mutated using this method if the fragment has one open reading frame. If there is an open reading frame between the site and the lacZ gene, ATG codons can be inserted at the target site. We have used this method to produce termination and amino acid substitution mutants in the yeast CUP1 gene.  相似文献   

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