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In eleven sites on two small tributaries of the Paraná River (North-West Paraná State), 6.8 and 4.0 km in length, 1263 fish specimens of 28 taxons and 14 families were collected using electrofishing. Up to twelve years ago the catchments of the two rivers were covered by tropical jungle; this has now been replaced by pasture and arable fields. Mean diversity indices of Simpson and Shannon indices were close to 0.6, which would indicate that human impact affected fish populations although the river beds have retained their original shape, except cleared of riparian trees. Despite their close location (about 18 km), the two streams differed from each other in their fish faunal composition. The distinctive nature of the fish communities in the two streams was a result of: conductivity, pH, also hiding places, riparian vegetation, submerged macrophytes and depth and width of the rivers.  相似文献   

The effect of fluctuations in water level on phytoplankton development (abundance, biomass, size structure, taxonomic composition, species diversity and rate of community compositional change) in three vegetated lakes of the Paraná River floodplain (27° 27′?S; 58° 55′?W) were studied. Between September 1995 and June 1996 there were two inputs of lotic water. Ordering of physical and chemical parameters (Principal Component Analysis) allowed the differentiation of two phases: I) without lotic influence (limnophase) and II) with lotic influence (potamophase). Two-hundred fifty-eight algal taxa were identified, of which Euglenophyceae showed the highest number of taxa (65% of total). Small Chlorophyceae and Cryptophyceae (C-strategists) predominated in density in both periods. During potamophase, the input of nutrients from a flood event produced an increase in algal biomass and a shift in phytoplankton composition from a Chlorophyceae (C-strategists), to a Cyanophyceae and Euglenophyceae (S-strategists), dominated comunity. Bacillariophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Dinophyceae and Xanthophyceae were best represented during limnophase. All phytoplankton attributes showed significant differences between phases (limnophase vs potamophase) but not among lakes. These results support the hypothesis that hydrology (floods) clearly exerts an overall impact on the phytoplankton community composition in lakes of the Paraná River floodplain. Hydrology effects the lake water chemistry, conditioned by the isolation time prior to a flood, the horizontal dragging and exchange of algae during floods, and the water residence time and aquatic vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

de Neiff  Alicia Poi  Carignan  Richard 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(2-3):185-196
Changes in the abundance, biomass and in the relativeproportions of functional feeding groups ofmacroinvertebrates were studied for 17 months duringlow and high water periods in two floodplain lakeswith indirect connections to the Paraná River.At low water, Eichhornia crassipes root clusterswere colonized by comparatively low densities ofmacroinvertebrates, especially in the lake moredistant to the river. Collector-gatherers andpredators were the most abundant functional feedinggroups, but different taxa of these groups dominatedin the two lakes during low water.At high water, macroinvertebrates densities increasedas a result of increased flow through the roots. Inthis period, collector-filterers dominated at bothlakes and constituted over 34% of themacroinvertebrates. Four independent variables(conductivity, hydrological periods, dissolved oxygenand site) explain 87% of the variability inmacroinvertebrates density expressed as the number ofindividuals per m2. No significant relationshipwere found between macroinvertebrate biomass and anyof the independent variables.  相似文献   

Abundance and body size of zooplanktonic organisms, testate amoebae, rotifers, cladocerans and copepods from the littoral and pelagic regions of three lakes were analyzed in February and August 2000. The lakes belong to three different river systems (Baía, Ivinhema and Paraná rivers) of the upper River Paraná floodplain. It was expected that average body size was different in space (regions of the lake and limnological characteristics) and time (summer and winter) because the variation of depth, pH, oxygen dissolved, chlorophyll-a and water temperature of each lake. Zooplankton community was represented by 119 species. Sorensen's coefficient showed that the three communities were similar. Larger organisms were found in the lakes' pelagic region, and seasonally larger individuals were registered in the winter and smaller individuals in the summer. The relationship between body size and density was slight, positively significant. The body size frequency distribution was bi-modal. ANOVA results showed a significant influence of the interaction of the littoral and pelagic regions, lakes, and seasons in the body size of zooplankton organisms. Spatial and temporal changes of the community size structure of zooplanktonic assemblages were related to the food resource (microbial-loop or herbivore chain), species habitat preference and life strategies (growth and reproduction).  相似文献   

Some aspects of nutrient status and dynamics prevailing during low and high water conditions in the fringing floodplain ponds of the Paraná River dominated by the floating macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes are described. During summertime low water conditions, low DIN:DRP ratios (0.16–1.0) and low DIN (0.5–4.8 mol.liter–1) in the root-zone of the floating meadows suggest that macrophyte growth is limited by nitrogen. DRP concentrations appear to be controlled more by abiotic sorption-dissolution than by biological reactions. Preflood nutrient fluxes from the sediments, as estimated from porewater profiles, show that a minimum of 1.19 and 0.38 mmol.m–2.d–1 of DIN and DRP were regenerated from the sediments, respectively. Heterotrophic N2 fixation is primarily associated with decaying litter (0.4 to 3.2 molN2.g–1.d–1). Nutrient recycling from sediments and meadow-litter, and heterotrophic N2 fixation (1.4 mmolN.m–2.d–1) appear sufficient to sustain high floating macrophyte productivity for long periods of time, without invoking large inputs from the river. The high water and early isolation periods are characterized by a very dynamic behavior of DIN, reflecting marked imbalances between N supply and demand by the biota. After hydrologic isolation of the ponds, DIN rapidly decreases to undetectable levels and stays low for the following 3 weeks, presumably as a result of high demand by phytoplankton and sediment bacteria. DIN increases again to high values 3–8 weeks after the flood, following the re-establishment of NH4 + fluxes from the sediments. Compared to DIN, DRP concentrations remain relatively high and change little during and after the flood. Because of their small amplitude and short duration, floods do not appear to stimulate floating macrophyte production in the Paraná.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphate (o-P) concentrations were measured in the water of a marsh and in its interstitial water at two sites, and in the river water of a floodplain marsh of the Lower Paraná River. These values were compared with the N and P concentration in sediments and macrophyte biomass in order to assess nutrient availability, fate and storage capacity. High variability was found in the interstitital water using a 1 cm resolution device. Nitrate was never detected in the pore water. Depth averaged NH4 + concentrations in the upper 30 cm layer often ranged from N = 1.5 to 1.8 mg l-1, but showed a pronounced minimum (0.5–0.7 mg l-1), close to (March 95), or relatively soon after (May 94) the end of the macrophyte growing season. Soluble phosphate showed a large variation between P = 0.1–1.1 mg l-1 without any discernible seasonal pattern. NH4 + depletion in the pore water concentration and low N/P ratios (3.7 by weight) within the macrophyte biomass at the end of the growing period suggest that available N limits plant growth. NH4 + and o-P concentrations were 35 and 7 times higher, respectively, in the pore water than in the overlying marsh, suggesting a permanent flux of nutrients from the sediments. o-P accumulate in the marsh leading to higher concentrations than in the incoming river. NH4 + did not accumulate in the marsh, and no significant differences were observed between the river and the marsh water, while the NO3 - contributed by the river water was depleted within the marsh, caused probably by coupled nitrification-denitrification at the sediment–water interface. Although an order of magnitude smaller, the pore water pool can supply enough nutrients to build up the macrophyte biomass pool, but only if a fast turnover is attained. The Paraná floodplain marsh retains a large amount of nutrients being stored mainly in the sediment compartment.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass, morphological and taxonomic composition, species diversity and productivity were analyzed in a shallow lake of the Middle Paraná River floodplain (El Tigre, 31 ° 41 S and 60° 42 W), between November 1986 and July 1988. Lake inundation (filling and through-flow phases) constituted an intense long-term perturbation in the physical and chemical environment. As the lake filled with river water, K-selected species (netplanktonic filamentous bluegreens, > 37 µm, with low surface area/volume (SA/V) ratios) that had existed prior to filling (late spring 1986) were replaced in summer-fall by r-selected species (nannoplanktonic chlorophytes and cryptophytes, < 37 µm, mainly stout forms with high SA/V ratios). During the through-flow phase, lentic phytoplankton was replaced by lotic flagellate populations due to the direct flushing by river water. During the period of falling water (drainage and isolation phases), nanoplanktonic algae with similar characteristics to those of the filling phase dominated in late winter-spring. Later in the isolation phase, these were succeeded by K-selected species (netplanktonic algae, mainly motile spherical dinoflagellates and filamentous bluegreens with low SA/V ratios). Simultaneously, primary production per unit biomass decreased and total biomass and specific diversity increased. Seasonal changes of phytoplankton in floodplain lakes can be interpreted as the interaction between true successional development (as observed in the drainage and isolation phases) and intermediate disturbance. Using Reynolds' terminology, short-term disturbance (slight inflow of nutrient-rich river water) caused reversion to an earlier stage in the former succession, and long-term disturbance (lake inundation) truncated the successional progression and a new (or shifted) succession was initiated.  相似文献   

In the main channel of the Upper Paraná River, four sampling sites were established according to the profile of the bottom. Samples were carried out monthly from July 1993 to February 1995 with a modified Petersen grab. Four species were found at four sites: Potamocaris bifida, P. bidens, P. bidentata and P. tridentata. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated differences in the preferred microhabitats of the Potamocaris species, mainly in regard to sand particle size in the main river channel. Bedform stability was the most important factor affecting the abundance of this community.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat variables influencing the species richness and composition of anuran tadpole assemblages in ponds from riparian areas of the Middle Paraná River. Tadpoles were collected at seven ponds that differed in hydroperiod and 10 habitat variables (water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, depth, size, time of isolation, macrophyte richness, and level of natural or anthropic disturbances) during a 5 year period. The presence/absence of potential tadpole predators was also recorded. Although we did not examine tadpole diets, we categorized anurans into ecomorphological guilds. We found that dissolved oxygen, maximum depth, pond size, macrophyte richness, and disturbances were significantly related to tadpole species richness. We also found that the richness of potential tadpole predator increased with longer pond hydroperiod. Thus, the number of tadpole species was higher in temporary and semi-permanent ponds without potential tadpole predators. The results of our study provide the first quantitative data on the tadpole assemblages in ponds associated with riparian areas of the Middle Paraná River Floodplain based on multi-year intensive sampling, a finding of both ecological interest and practical significance for future conservation management of anurans of Paraná River ecosystems.  相似文献   

Subsurface samples were taken monthly (March/1993 through February/1994) in the Baía River, a tributary of the right bank of the Paraná River (22° 43 S and 53° 17 W). We analyzed temporal changes in the phytoplankton community in relation to density, biomass, richness and species diversity, equitability, size structure, and dominance. We related these to regional climate and hydrology, and to the physical and chemical variables of the water column. We determined 119 taxa, wich were numerically dominated by the class Chlorophyceae with 37 taxa. The classes Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae contributed the most abundant biomass and were responsible for the two peaks that were observed. The high water period was generally characterized by lower phytoplankton biomass, higher richness and species diversity, and higher density of nannoplanktonic species such as Monoraphidium tortile in March, and Cryptomonas brasiliensis in January. During low water, however, the highest values of phytoplankton biomass were recorded, with heterocytous cyanophytes dominating during the phase of greater stability of the water column, and filamentous diatoms during periods of mixing turbulence. The fluctuations observed indicate that the hydrosedimentological regime of the Paraná River, together with the climatological factors, constitute the main forcing functions acting on the Baía River phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to evaluate whether alterations in flood pulses differentially affect diet composition, feeding niche breadth, and diet overlap of piscivorous fish. Species examined were Acestrorhynchus lacustris, Hoplias aff malabaricus, Plagioscion squamosissimus, Rhaphiodon vulpinus, and Salminus brasiliensis. These species were collected with gillnets (different mesh sizes) in the upper Paraná River floodplain, during four distinct flood events (four periods; A = 1992/1993; B = 2000; C = 2001; and D = 2002). The volumetric method was chosen to express diet results. Feeding niche breadth was calculated using Levins measure, and diet overlap was evaluated by the Pianka’s Index. Flooding was more intense and lasted longer in the first period (1992/1993—A). Diet composition of the studied species was broad (47 total items consumed). For period A, Prochilodus lineatus was the main item taken by four out of five species. In the other periods, there were relevant alterations in diet, since P. lineatus was not recorded in any stomach of the five species; rather, it was replaced by the shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum. Diet overlap was low in all periods. The greatest overlap was obtained in period C for P. squamosissimus and R. vulpinus, due to high consumption of shrimps. There were no significant differences in niche breadth among species. However, the species presented distinct variation patterns in niche breadth. For example, H. aff. malabaricus showed a tendency toward increasing niche over the period, but the other species presented larger niches only during period A. Therefore, it can be concluded that the intensity and duration of the flood pulse influences: (i) the diet composition of piscivores; (ii) the breadth of their niches; and (iii) feeding overlap among species. Handling editor: J. Cambray  相似文献   

Patterns in the temporal composition, abundance and diversity of the phytoplankton community of the Paraná river prior to and after the initial filling phase of the Yacyretá reservoir are analyzed. The study site is located 220 km downstream from the Yacyretá reservoir and 30 km downstream from the confluence with the Paraguay river. Because both rivers remain separate and unmixed at the study site, we compared the possible effects of the impoundment on both river banks (left and right banks) in hydrological periods with similar duration and magnitude of the low and high water phases. Physical and chemical conditions measured on the right bank (water from the Paraguay river) were similar at both periods (pre and post-impoundment) whereas conductivity, pH and orthophosphate concentration increased on the left bank (water from the High Paraná river and Yacyretá reservoir) after the impoundment. Changes in phytoplankton density and diversity were observed only in samples collected from water flowing from the reservoir (left bank). The density of Chlorophyceae (Chloromonas acidophila, Chlamydomonas leptobasis, Choricystis minor, Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus ecornis, Monoraphidium minutum, M. contortum and M. pusillum) and Cryptophyceae (Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas marssonii and C. ovata) increased while Cyanophyceae (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Raphidiopsis mediterranea and Planktolyngbya subtilis) and Bacillariophyceae (Aulacoseira granulata and its bioforms) decreased compared to previous studies conducted on the left bank of the Paraná river. Phytoplankton collected from the right bank of the river did not differ in pre and post- impoundment samples because they originate from the Paraguay river, which remains relatively unaffected by human activities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the size structure of testate amoebae in distinct habitats, i.e. plankton, aquatic macrophytes and aquatic sediment. The samples were taken from a floodplain lake of the upper Paraná River. The assumptions we strived to scrutinize were that (i) larger mean sizes of testate amoebae would be recorded in the sediment of the lake; and (ii) temporally, smaller individuals would be registered during the high water period in all habitats. The sampling was done monthly, from April 2007 to March 2008, in triplicates for each habitat. Testate amoebae were represented by individuals sized between 20 and 400 μm. The smaller individuals predominated in plankton samples, while in the aquatic sediment the larger ones were chiefly represented. These differences were probably associated with metabolic activities, i.e. the energy needs of these unicellular organisms, in each habitat. Two-way ANOVA yielded significant differences between hydrological periods. During the high water period, the increase in rainfall and consequently in water flow, decreased the stability of the system and increased turbulence and water column circulation. Therefore, environmental stability seems to be one of the main factors driving the temporal variation in the size structure of these specific organisms.  相似文献   

Several aspects of community organization wereanalyzed comparatively in a small side-arm of theParaná River (Correntoso) and a shallowfloodplain lake (El Tigre) (31° 41 S and60° 42 W), in relation to the hydrology of thesystem. Taxonomic and morphological composition inthe river differed from that in the lake: the riverhad lower species richness (151 vs 218),different contributions of some Classes to totalspecies number (higher Cyano-, Zygo- andDiatomophyceae vs higher Chlorophyceae), anddiffent proportions of nannoplanktonic algae (67.5%vs 80.7%) and netplanktonic filamentousspecies (18.2% vs 4.2%). Phytoplanktonbiomass, higher in the lake than in the river due tothe retention time, was mostly dominated bynannoplankton and netplankton. Loticphytoplankton was dominated by typical fluvialspecies of Diatomophyceae (R-strategists). Riverconditions seem to maintain a subclimacticcommunity, which was little impacted by the flushingof populations from floodplain lakes. Water levelwas the main factor controlling phytoplanktonbiomass, species diversity (H), evenness (E) andcommunity change rate () in the river. Inthe lake, phytoplankton had an autogenicsuccessional sequence during the isolation phase (C-to S-strategists) and other responses todisturbance, mainly during the flood(R-strategists). Frequent changes in phytoplanktoncomposition, biomass, H, E and , revealed aenvironmental instability in the lake, which may beexplained by interactions of external factors(hydrology and climatology) and those of internalorigin, such as nutrients and grazing.  相似文献   

Susceptibility and compatibility experiments were carried out with 700 Biomphalaria tenagophila from the Paraná River basin exposed to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Individual infection was performed with 10 miracidia of SJ2 strain from the Paraiba valley (Brazil) originally infective to B. tenagophila. These snails were laboratory-breed progeny of B. tenagophila collected from six localities of Argentina and one from Paraguay. From Argentina: Rincón de Vences (7%) and Posadas (11%) became infected with S. mansoni and the calculation of Frandsen's index (TCP/100) shows that they were Class II poorly compatible. Those snails from Goya (22%), Maloyas (5%), and Berón de Astrada (3%) were Class III compatible to the S. mansoni. None of the 100 snails exposed from Caá-Catí became infected (Class 0 incompatible). Tested samples from Paraguay (Encarnación) were infected (20%) and compatible (Class III). It was also studied the persistence of the infection in 244 snails of the first generation (F1) of those that were susceptible from three places. It was demonstrated an increment of the susceptibility in the F1 from Maloyas (chi2 = 27.22; p = 0.0001) and Posadas (chi2 = 4.24; p = 0.04). The results point out the possibility that schistosomiasis might be able to spread into the Paraná River basin where B. tenagophila exists.  相似文献   

Cataldo  Daniel  Boltovskoy  Demetrio 《Hydrobiologia》1998,380(1-3):153-163
Benthic individuals and drifting planktonic juveniles of Corbicula fluminea were sampled in the Lower Delta of the Paraná River (Argentina) at monthly intervals between October 1995 and October 1996. Densities of settled clams above 1 mm, around 300–1000 ind. m-2, varied little throughout the year. Below 1 mm benthic juveniles, on the other hand, showed a single conspicuous abundance peak in October-November (up to 1722 ind. m-2), and were practically absent during the rest of the year (overall annual mean: 1070 ± 797 ind. m-2). Drifting juveniles showed one major peak in December 1995 (160 ind. m-3), and a minor one at the end of March (24 ind. m-3). Length-frequency analyses of the monthly field data clearly indicate a highly structured population with a single well defined reproduction period centered on October–November. Population parameters derived from the seasonally oscillating version of von Bertalanffy's growth formula were as follows: maximum shell length: 32 mm (maximum observed shell length: 33 mm); growth constant: 0.65; growth seasonality (i.e., span of summer-to-winter growth-rate difference): 0.7; winter point (i.e., time of the year when growth is minimum): 0.5 (June–July); estimated size range for one year-old individuals: 15.3–22.4 mm; for two years: 23.5–27 mm, and three years: 27.5–29.3 mm. Comparison with previous data confirm the influence of water temperature on the clam's reproduction and growth and furnish additional evidence suggesting that food availability may be as important for recruitment as thermic regimes. Contrasts between traits of the population analyzed herein with those described previously from a nearby (ca. 10 km) site more influenced by industrial pollution point at the influence of water quality on Corbicula's recruitment and growth. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Small scale fishing profits in two communities in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Porto Rico - PRI and Porto S?o José - PSJ villages) are assessed based on interviews carried out with professional fishermen. There is a high illiteracy level in both PRI (50%) and PSJ (44.5%). The main contributions to income are "vessel costs" and "fish consumption" by the family. Specific tackle (such as cevadeira) and gear used for fishing close to dams make the gear costs higher at PSJ, emphasising the heterogeneity of the activity. The majority of fishermen in both villages have income complementation activities associated with tourism, because floodplain fishing is not a profitable occupation with any poverty alleviation capacity. Since the ecosystem is seriously disrupted, nowadays fishers are vulnerable to high oscillations in costs and income due to uncertainty in catches aggravated by flood control of the dams.  相似文献   

Rotifers were collected in the open water of twenty-eight locations (3 rivers, 12 connected lagoons and 13 isolated lagoons) of the upper Paraná River floodplain during the high water (February) and low water (August) period of 2001. Greatest species richness was found in rivers during the high water period. Isolated lagoons had the lowest species richness. Abundance was highest in connected lagoons followed by isolated lagoons and then rivers, but did not show marked spatial or temporal variation. Some species dominated in isolated lagoons during high water and others in connected lagoons during the low water. These results were contrary to our expectations; we expected to observe highest species richness and abundance of rotifers in isolated lagoons during both extremes of the hydrological cycle. Our findings suggest the importance of connectivity among environments to rotifer species richness. The absence of an intense flood during 2001 facilitated development of rotifer populations during the high water period due to lack of dilution and high availability of food resources (phytoplankton).  相似文献   

A principal-component scheme was applied to a set of 10 physical, chemical, and biological attributes, measured in 42 samples collected from Los Matadores pond (May 1974–July 1975). The first three components account for 82.1% of the total variance in the data and represent the lotic influence (58.3% of the variance), the seasonal cycle (16.4%), and the degree of maturity (7.4%).The authors are members of the Carrera del Investigador Cientifico y Tecnologico, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Argentina.  相似文献   

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