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N J Skelton  S Forsén  W J Chazin 《Biochemistry》1990,29(24):5752-5761
The solution structure and dynamics of apo bovine calbindin D9k have been studied by a wide range of two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Due to the presence of conformational heterogeneity in the wild-type protein, the sequential resonance assignment was carried out on a Pro43----Gly mutant. By use of a combination of scalar correlation experiments acquired from H2O solution, 61 of the 76 1H spin systems could be assigned to particular amino acid types. The remaining resonances were assigned by a parallel series of experiments acquired from 2H2O solution. These spin system assignments provided a basis for complete sequential resonance assignments from interresidue backbone nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). Elements of secondary structure were identified from sequential and medium-range NOEs, backbone spin-spin coupling constants, and slowly exchanging amide protons. Four sections of helix are delineated, together with a short antiparallel beta-sheet interaction between the peptide loops involved in Ca2+ binding. The global fold is provided by combining these elements of secondary structure with a subset of the long-range, interhelix NOEs. Comparison with similar studies on the Ca2(+)-saturated protein indicates that at this crude level the structures are very similar. However, removal of the Ca2+ does dramatically affect the dynamics of the protein, as judged by amide proton exchange rates and aromatic ring rotation. This is particularly evident in the increased flexibility of the residues in the hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

H J Dyson  A Holmgren  P E Wright 《Biochemistry》1989,28(17):7074-7087
Complete proton assignments are reported for the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of Escherichia coli thioredoxin in the oxidized (with active-site disulfide bridge) and reduced (with two sulfhydryl groups) states. The assignments were obtained by using an integrated assignment strategy in which spin systems were identified from a combination of relayed and multiple quantum NMR techniques prior to sequential assignment. Elements of secondary structure were identified in each protein from characteristic nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE), coupling constants, and slowly exchanging amide protons. In both oxidized and reduced thioredoxin, approximately 33% of the 108 amino acid residues participate in a beta-sheet containing four major strands (three antiparallel and one parallel). A further short beta-strand is connected in a parallel fashion at the N-terminal end of the sheet. Two of the antiparallel beta-strands are connected by a 7-residue beta-bulge loop. Three helical segments, also containing approximately 33% of the amino acid residues, are well-defined in both oxidized and reduced thioredoxin. The remaining third of the molecule apparently consists of reverse turns and loops with little defined secondary structure. The global folds of oxidized and reduced thioredoxin are shown to be essentially identical. Both NOE connectivities and chemical shift values for the two proteins are very similar, except in the immediate vicinity of the active site where significant variations in the chemical shift indicate subtle conformational changes. While the overall fold of oxidized thioredoxin is the same in solution and in the crystalline state, some small differences in local conformation are apparent.  相似文献   

J M Moore  W J Chazin  R Powls  P E Wright 《Biochemistry》1988,27(20):7806-7816
Two-dimensional 1H NMR methods have been used to make sequence-specific resonance assignments for the 97 amino acid residues of the plastocyanin from the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. Assignments were obtained for all backbone protons and the majority of the side-chain protons. Spin system identification relied heavily on the observation of relayed connectivities to the backbone amide proton. Sequence-specific assignments were made by using the sequential assignment procedure. During this process, an extra valine residue was identified that had not been detected in the original amino acid sequence. Elements of regular secondary structure were identified from characteristic NOE connectivities between backbone protons, 3JHN alpha coupling constant values, and the observation of slowly exchanging amide protons. The protein in solution contains eight beta-strands, one short segment of helix, five reverse turns, and five loops. The beta-strands may be arranged into two beta-sheets on the basis of extensive cross-strand NOE connectivities. The chain-folding topology determined from the NMR experiments is that of a Greek key beta-barrel and is similar to that observed for French bean plastocyanin in solution and poplar plastocyanin in the crystalline state. While the overall structures are similar, several differences in local structure between the S. obliquus and higher plant plastocyanins have been identified.  相似文献   

W J Chazin  T E Hugli  P E Wright 《Biochemistry》1988,27(26):9139-9148
The spin systems that comprise the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of the complement fragment C3a (Mr 8900) have been completely identified by an approach which integrates data from a wide range of two-dimensional NMR experiments. Both relayed and multiple quantum experiments play an essential role in the analysis. After the first stage of analysis the spin systems of 60 of the 77 residues were assigned to the appropriate residue type, providing an ample basis for subsequent sequence-specific assignments. Elements of secondary structure were identified on the basis of networks of characteristic sequential and medium-range nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs), values of 3JHN alpha, and locations of slowly exchanging backbone amide protons. Three well-defined helical segments are found. Gradients of increasing mobility in distinct segments of the C3a polypeptide are observed, with very high mobilities for several residues near the C- and N-termini, including the complete C-terminal receptor binding site pentapeptide LGLAR. The NMR data, combined with known disulfide linkages and a small number of critical long-range NOEs, provide the global folding pattern of C3a in solution. Identical solution structures were found for both the intact active protein and the largely inactive physiologic product des-Arg77-C3a.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The secondary structure ofCerebratulus lacteus toxin B-IV, a neurotoxic polypeptide containing 55 amino acid residues and four disulfide bonds, was experimentally estimated by computer analyses of toxin circular dichroism (CD) and laser Raman spectra. The CD spectrum of the toxin displayed typical α-helical peaks at 191, 208, and 222 nm. At neutralpH, the α-helix estimates from CD varied between 49 and 55%, when nonrepresentative spectrum analytical methods were used. Analysis of the laser Raman spectrum obtained at a much higher toxin concentration yielded a 78% α-helix estimate. Both CD and Raman spectroscopic methods failed to detect any β-sheet structure. The spectroscopic analyses revealed significantly more α-helix and less β-sheet for toxin B-IV than was predicted from its sequence. To account for the difference between the 49–55% helix estimate from CD spectra and the 78% helix estimate from the Raman spectrum, we postulate that some terminal residues are unfolded at the low toxin concentrations used for CD measurements but form helix at the high toxin concentration used for Raman measurements. Our CD observations showing thatCerebatulus toxin B-IV helix content increases about 15% in trifluoroethanol or at highpH are consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

Calerythrin is a 20 kDa calcium-binding protein isolated from gram-positive bacterium Saccharopolyspora erythraea. Based on amino acid sequence homology, it has been suggested that calerythrin belongs to the family of invertebrate sarcoplasmic EF-hand calcium-binding proteins (SCPs), and therefore it is expected to function as a calcium buffer. NMR spectroscopy was used to obtain structural information on the protein in solution. Backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N assignments were obtained from triple resonance experiments HNCACB, HN(CO)CACB, HNCO, CC(CO)NH, and [15N]-edited TOCSY, and HCCH-TOCSY. Secondary structure was determined by using secondary chemical shifts and characteristic NOEs. In addition, backbone N-H residual dipolar couplings were measured from a spin-state selective [1H, 15N] correlation spectrum acquired from a sample dissolved in a dilute liquid crystal. Four EF-hand motifs with characteristic helix-loop-helix patterns were observed. Three of these are typical calcium-binding EF-hands, whereas site 2 is an atypical nonbinding site. The global fold of calerythrin was assessed by dipolar couplings. Measured dipolar couplings were compared with values calculated from four crystal structures of proteins with sequence homology to calerythrin. These data allowed us to recognize an overall similarity between the folds of calerythrin and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins from the sandworm Nereis diversicolor and the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum.  相似文献   

A recombinant 90-residue polypeptide fragment containing the three-loop kringle-2 domain of human tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) has been studied by two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz. Complete sequence-specific resonance assignments were derived. Overall, the kringle exhibits a compact, folded conformation with more than 50% of the residues in irregular structures. Elements of secondary structure were identified from sequential, medium- and long-range dipolar (Overhauser) interproton interactions. These identifications were corroborated by analysis of spin-spin scalar 3J alpha N splittings and identification of backbone amide NH protons exhibiting retarded 1H/2H exchange in 2H2O. Three antiparallel beta-sheets and six tight turns were located. In addition, one short alpha-helical region was found in the Ser43-Ala44-Gln44a-Ala44b-Leu44c-Gly45+ ++ segment; this region contains three-residue insertions unique to the t-PA and urokinase kringles. Although the secondary structure of the t-PA kringle 2 in solution is in overall agreement with that observed in the crystallographic structure of the prothrombin kringle 1 [Tulinsky, A., Park, C.H. & Skrzypczak-Jankun, E. (1988) J. Mol. Biol. 202, 885-901], the alpha-helical segment and other details of the secondary structure differ somewhat from the prothrombin homolog.  相似文献   

The sequence-specific assignment of resonances in the 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectrum of a cardioactive sea anemone polypeptide, anthopleurin-A, is described. The assignment procedure involved analysis of two-dimensional phase-sensitive multiple-quantum-filtered, double-quantum, homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn and nuclear Overhauser effect spectra. Using sequential information, specific assignments have been made for resonances arising from all 49 amino acid residues. Resonances arising from a number of residues in a minor conformer present in solution are also assigned. These results greatly extend previous resonance assignments made from spectra acquired at 300 MHz [Gooley, P. R. and Norton, R. S. (1985) Eur. J. Biochem. 153, 529-539] and provide the basis for a more accurate definition of the conformation of anthopleurin-A in aqueous solution. The secondary structure includes a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet encompassing residues 2-4, 21-23, 34-36 and 45-49, and possibly a beta-bulge located at Ser-19 and Gly-20. A type II beta-turn is formed by residues 30-33. These structural elements also occur within other related sea anemone polypeptides, but the conformation of the small loop region containing Pro-41 appears to be unique to anthopleurin-A.  相似文献   

The solution structure of neuronal bungarotoxin (nBgt) has been studied by using two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy. Sequence-specific assignments for over 95% of the backbone resonances and 85% of the side-chain resonances have been made by using a series of two-dimensional spectra at four temperatures. From these assignments over 75% of the NOESY spectrum has been assigned, which has in turn provided 582 distance constraints. Twenty-seven coupling constants (NH-alpha CH) were determined from the COSY spectra, which have provided dihedral angle constraints. In addition, hydrogen exchange experiments have suggested the probable position of hydrogen bonds. The NOE constraints, dihedral angle constraints, and the rates of amide proton exchange suggest that a triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet is the major component of secondary structure, which includes 25% of the amino acid residues. A number of NOE peaks were observed that were inconsistent with the antiparallel beta-sheet structure. Because we have confirmed by sedimentation equilibrium that nBgt exists as a dimer, we have reinterpreted these NOE constraints as intermolecular interactions. These constraints suggest that the dimer consists of a six-stranded antiparallel beta sheet (three from each monomer), with residues 55-59 forming the dimer interface.  相似文献   

V Saudek  J Hoflack  J T Pelton 《FEBS letters》1989,257(1):145-148
The solution conformation of the recently discovered bi-cyclic, 21 amino acid vasoconstrictor peptide, Endothelin I, has been examined by 1H-NMR in deuterated dimethyl sulphoxide. A full sequential assignment has been achieved. In addition, 19 long range NOEs were detected which were employed as distance constraints in molecular dynamics calculations to yield a possible solution structure for this new peptide.  相似文献   

1H-NMR spectra of Buthus eupeus neurotoxin M9 (66 amino acid residues, four disulfide bonds) reveal two slowly exchangeable conformations at acidic pH. The spatial structure of the conformer prevailing under physiologically relevant conditions has been determined from two-dimensional 1H-NMR data treated by means of a distance geometry algorithm and refined by molecular modelling. Interrelation between the structure and function of mammalian neurotoxin M9 is discussed by comparing its conformation with those of the scorpion insectotoxins which exhibit different biological specificity (insectotoxins v-2, v-3 and I5A).  相似文献   

J K?rdel  S Forsén  W J Chazin 《Biochemistry》1989,28(17):7065-7074
A wide range of two-dimensional 1H NMR experiments have been used to completely assign the 500-MHz 1H NMR spectrum of recombinant Ca2+-saturated bovine calbindin D9k (76 amino acids, Mr = 8500). In solution, calbindin D9k exists as an equilibrium mixture of isoforms with trans (75%) and cis (25%) isomers of the peptide bond at Pro43 [Chazin et al. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 2195-2198], which results in two sets of 1H NMR signals from approximately half of the amino acids. The complete 1H NMR assignments for the major, trans-Pro43 isoform are presented here. By use of an integrated strategy for spin system identification, 62 of the 76 spin systems could be assigned to the appropriate residue type. Sequence-specific assignments were then obtained by the standard method. Secondary structure elements were identified on the basis of networks of sequential and medium-range nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs), 3JHN alpha spin coupling constants, and the location of slowly exchanging amide protons. Four helical segments and a short beta-sheet between the two calcium binding loops are found. These elements of secondary structure and a few additional long-range NOEs provide the global fold. Good agreement is found between the solution and crystal structures of the minor A form of bovine calbindin D9k and between the solution structures of the minor A form of bovine calbindin D9k and intact porcine calbindin D9k.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectrum of the snake toxin echistatin has been assigned using homonuclear two-dimensional methods. Consideration of the NOE patterns, coupling constants and putative hydrogen bonds enabled two regular features of secondary structure to be deduced: a beta-sheet/turn between residues 8 and 13 and a small anti-parallel beta-sheet and bulge linking residues 16-20 with residues 30-33. The recognition region of the protein containing the residues RGD lies in a loop joining the two strands of the beta-sheet. The beta-bulge and the loop containing the RGD sequence undergo pH-dependent conformational interconversion, modulated by the side chain of Asp29.  相似文献   

Detailed biophysical studies have been carried out on echistatin, a member of the disintegrin family of small, cysteine-rich, RGD-containing proteins, isolated from the venom of the saw-scaled viper Echis carinatus. Analysis of circular-dichroism spectra indicates that, at 20 degrees C, echistatin contains no alpha-helix but contains mostly beta-turns and beta-sheet. Two isobestic points are observed as the temperature is raised, the conformational changes associated with that observed between 40 degrees C and 72 degrees C being irreversible. Raman spectra also indicate considerable beta-turn and beta-sheet (20%) structure and an absence of alpha-helical structure. Three of the four disulphide bridges are shown to be in an all-gauche conformation, while the fourth adopts a trans-gauche-gauche conformation. The 1H-NMR spectrum of echistatin has been almost fully assigned. A single conformation was observed at 27 degrees C with the four proline residues adopting only the trans conformation. A large number of backbone amide protons were found to exchange slowly, but no segments of the backbone were found to be in either alpha-helical or beta-sheet conformation. A number of turns could be characterised. An irregular beta-hairpin contains the RGD sequence in a mobile loop at its tip. Two of the four disulphide cross-links have been identified from the NMR spectra. The data presented in this paper will serve to define the structure of echistatin more closely in subsequent studies.  相似文献   

The complete sequence-specific assignment of resonances in the1H-NMR spectrum of the polypeptide neurotoxin III (Hm III) from the sea anemoneHeteractis macrodactylus is described. Comparison of the chemical shifts and pattern of NOEs for Hm III with those for the related toxin Hp III fromHeteractis paumotensis, which differs only in the substitution of Asn for Tyr at position 11, shows that the overall secondary and tertiary structures are conserved. The largest differences in chemical shift caused by the substitution at position 11 are observed for the NH resonances of Arg-13, Thr-14, Ala-15, Leu-17, and Cys-26. The CαH resonances influenced most are those of ASP-6, Gly-9, Leu-17, and Glu-42, while the most affected CβH resonances are from Leu-17, Glu-28, and Lys-32. The absence of long-range NOEs to the aromatic ring of Tyr-11 as well as the lack of significant chemical shift effects on residues outside the loop comprising residues 7–16 confirm that this part of the loop makes no long-lived contacts with the rest of the molecule. The deviations from random coil shifts of Hm III are compared with those of the related anemone toxins Hp II, Hp III, and toxin I fromStichodactyla helianthus (Sh I). The similarity in deviations in chemical shift as a function of sequence position for these four toxins emphasizes the overall structural homology among these polypeptides.  相似文献   

Jingzhaotoxin-I (JZTX-I) purified from the venom of the spider Chilobrachys jingzhao is a novel neurotoxin preferentially inhibiting cardiac sodium channel inactivation by binding to receptor site 3.The structure of this toxin in aqueous solution was investigated using 2-D ^1H-NMR techniques. The complete sequence-specific assignments of proton resonance in the ^1H-NMR spectra of JZTX-I were obtained by analyzing a series of 2-D spectra, including DQF-COSY, TOCSY and NOESY spectra, in n20 and D20. All the backbone protons except for Gin4 and more than 95% of the side-chain protons were identified by dαN,dαδ, dβN and dNN connectivities in the NOESY spectrum. These studies provide a basis for the furtherdeter mination of the solution conformation of JZTX-I. Furthermore, the secondary structure of JZTX-I was identified from NMR data. It consists mainly of a short triple-stranded antiparallel β-sheet with Trp7-Cys9, Phe20-Lys23 and Leu28-Trp31. The characteristics of the secondary structure of JZTX-I are similar to those of huwentoxin-I (HWTX-I) and hainantoxin-IV (HNTX-IV), whose structures in solution havepre viously been reported.  相似文献   

 Embryos acquire axial properties (e.g., the animal-vegetal, dorsoventral and bilateral axes) at various times over the course of their normal developmental programs. In the spiral-cleaving nemertean, Cerebratulus lacteus, lineage tracing studies have shown that the dorsoventral axis is set up prior to the first cleavage division; however, blastomeres isolated at the two-cell stage will regulate to form apparently perfect, miniature pilidium larvae. We have examined the nature of axial specification in this organism by determining whether partial embryos retain the original embryonic/larval axial properties of the intact embryo, or whether new axial relationships are generated as a consequence of the regulatory process. Single blastomeres in two-cell stage embryos were injected with lineage tracer, and were then bisected along the second cleavage plane at the four-cell stage. Thus, the relationship between the plane of the first cleavage division and various developmental axes could be followed throughout development in the ”half-embryos”. While some embryo fragments appear to retain their original animal-vegetal and dorsoventral axes, many fragments generate novel axial properties. These results indicate that axial properties set up and used during normal development in C. lacteus can be completely reorganized during the course of regulation. While certain embryonic axes, such as the animal-vegetal and dorsoventral axes, appear to be set up prior to first cleavage, these axes and associated cell fates are not irreversibly fixed until later stages of development in normal intact embryos. In C. lacteus, the process whereby these properties are ultimately determined is apparently controlled by complex sets of cell-cell interactions. Received: 11 October 1996 / Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 1H-NMR methods have been used to obtain complete proton resonance assignments for the 49-residue protein echistatin from the viper Echis carinatus. The protein in solution contains only a small amount of regular secondary structure with four very short beta-strands. These beta-strands form two short segments of antiparallel beta-sheet, as evidenced by the observed cross-strand NOE. The first two strands are connected with a tight reverse turn, whereas the remaining two strands are linked together by an 11-residue loop forming a so-called hairpin. The tripeptide unit Arg-Gly-Asp, responsible for the binding of echistatin to the fibrinogen receptor glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa, is located at the tip of this very hydrophilic loop.  相似文献   

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