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We studied the effect of antiprogesterone RU 486 on spontaneous uterine contractility and PGI2 release with human myometrial strips superfused “in vitro”. A decrease of PGI2 release into the superfusion medium was observed after 20 min superfusion. The inhibition was dose-dependent and reversible. After 20 min washing with tyrode medium without RU 486, the uterine strips recovered their initial rate of release. R5020, a progesterone agonist, did not affect PGI2 release nor dexamethasone and testosterone. Parallel to the decrease of PGI2 observed during RU 486 superfusion, the uterine spontaneous contraction frequency decreased, while the amplitude and duration of contractions increased. The alteration of uterine contractility was also rapid, dose-dependent and reversible. Modifications of uterine strip spontaneous contractility, similar to those induced by RU 486, were also observed with superfusions of R5020 at concentrations as low as 10−9M, dexamethasone (10−8M), but not with superfusions of testosterone. These observations are not in favour of a progesterone-receptor mediated effect of RU 486 in our model. The mechanism of action may be related to the antiprogesterone specific structure i.e. the bulky substituent at the C-11 position. The RU 486 effect on uterine strip contractility, mimicked by other steroids, could point to a non-specific lipid/membrane interaction. However, the fact that testosterone did not affect motility, may indicate a possible specificity of steroids having a 3 oxo pregnene structure.  相似文献   

We previously reported, using a coimmunoprecipitation assay, that the B form (PR-B) of the human progesterone receptor from T47D human breast cancer cells dimerizes in solution with the A receptor (PR-A) and that the extent of dimerization correlates with receptor binding activity for specific DNA sequences [DeMarzo, A.M., Beck, C.A., O?ate, S.A., & Edwards, D.P. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88, 72-76]. This suggested that solution dimerization is an intermediate step in the receptor activation process. The present study has tested the effects of the progesterone antagonist RU486 on solution dimerization of progesterone receptors (PR). As determined by the coimmunoprecipitation assay, RU486 binding did not impair dimerization of receptors; rather, the antagonist promoted more efficient solution dimerization than the progestin agonist R5020. This enhanced receptor dimerization correlated with a higher DNA binding activity for transformed receptors bound with RU486. RU486 has been shown previously to produce two other alterations in the human PR when compared with R5020. PR-RU486 complexes in solution exhibit a faster sedimentation rate (6 S) on salt-containing sucrose density gradients than PR-R5020 complexes (4 S), and PR-DNA complexes have a faster electrophoretic mobility on gel-shift assays in the presence of RU486. We presently show that the 6 S PR-RU486 complex is a receptor monomer, not a dimer. The increased sedimentation rate and increased mobility on gel-shift assays promoted by RU486 were also observed with recombinant PR-A and PR-B separately expressed in insect cells from baculovirus vectors. These results suggest that RU486 induces a distinct conformational change both in PR monomers in solution and in dimers bound to DNA. We also examined whether conformational changes in PR induced by RU486 would prevent a PR polypeptide bound to RU486 from heterodimerization with another PR polypeptide bound to R5020. To evaluate this, PR-A and PR-B that were separately bound to R5020 or RU486 in whole cells were mixed in vitro. PR-A-RU486 was capable of dimerization with PR-B-R5020, and this was demonstrated for heterodimers both formed in solution and bound to specific DNA. The capability to form heterodimers in vitro raises the possibility that the antagonist action of RU486 in vivo could in part be imposed in a dominant negative fashion through heterodimerization between one receptor subunit bound to an agonist and another bound to RU486.  相似文献   

Since administration of the antiprogesterone RU486 to cyclic female rats at metestrus and diestrus results in increased serum levels of LH, estradiol, and testosterone at proestrus, we investigated whether RU486 affects follicular steroidogenesis. Female rats with a 4-day estrous cycle, induced experimentally by a single injection of bromocriptine on the morning of estrus, were given RU486 (2 mg) twice daily (0900 and 1700 h) on metestrus and diestrus. At proestrus the preovulatory follicles were isolated and incubated for 4 h in the absence and presence of LH. In the absence of LH, accumulation of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone in the medium was not different for RU486-treated rats and oil-treated controls. In contrast, LH-stimulated estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone secretions were significantly lower in RU486-treated rats compared with controls. Addition of pregnenolone to the incubation medium resulted in a significantly lower increase of progesterone in follicles from RU486-treated rats compared with those from oil-treated controls. This suggests that 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD) activity is decreased by administration of RU486 in vivo. Aromatase and 17 alpha-hydroxylase/C17-20 lyase activities were not affected: addition of substrate (androstenedione and progesterone respectively) did not affect differently the amount of product formed (estradiol and testosterone) in RU486- and oil-treated rats. However, LH-stimulated pregnenolone secretion was lower in follicles from RU486-treated rats compared with follicles from oil-treated controls, suggesting that either cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity or LH responsiveness is decreased. At proestrus the preovulatory follicles from RU486- and oil-treated rats were not morphologically different.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

RU 486 was administered to rats on Day 1 or Days 1 + 2 of pregnancy. Endometrial sensitivity (i.e. decidualization in response to oil instillation) was delayed by 2.5 mg/kg injected s.c. on Day 1, and almost half of the animals also exhibited a delay in implantation of 1-2 days. Higher doses (5 or 10 mg/kg) administered on Days 1 + 2 reduced the number of implantations to zero in all animals. Apparently normal morulae were found up to the evening of Day 4 in the oviduct and/or the uterus of most animals. However, on the morning of Day 5, ova were detected in only 25% of the animals and all were in the uterus: none was at the blastocyst stage and they appeared to be degenerated or compacted morulae. Egg survival and rate of egg recovery from the uterus was not improved by early ovariectomy, showing that this antiprogestagen acts on these events independently of the presence of circulating oestrogens.  相似文献   

D F Skafar 《Biochemistry》1991,30(45):10829-10832
The binding mechanism of the antagonist RU486 to the progesterone receptor was compared with that of the agonists progesterone and R5020. Both progesterone and RU486 bound to the receptor with a Hill coefficient of 1.2, indicating the binding of each ligand is positive cooperative. However, when each ligand was used to compete with [3H]progesterone for binding to the receptor at receptor concentrations near 8 nM, at which the receptor is likely a dimer, the competition curve for RU486 was significantly steeper than the curves for progesterone and R5020 (p less than 0.001). This indicated that a difference in the binding mechanism of RU486 and progesterone can be detected when both ligands are present. In contrast, at receptor concentrations near 1 nM, at which the receptor is likely a monomer, the competition curves for all three ligands were indistinguishable (p = 0.915). These results indicate that RU486 and agonists have different binding mechanisms for the receptor and further suggest that this difference may be related to site-site interactions within the receptor.  相似文献   

To determine if the antiprogestagen RU486 has a direct effect on luteal progesterone secretion, whole corpora lutea or dispersed luteal cells were incubated in the presence of RU486. Whole corpora lutea, isolated from rats at day 5 of pseudopregnancy, were incubated individually in hormone-free medium. The concentrations of progesterone and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone in the medium plus corpus luteum was measured before and after 24 h of incubation. In the absence of RU486 the concentration of 20 alpha-dihydro-progesterone increased, while that of progesterone remained unchanged. In the presence of RU486 (230 microM) the concentration of both progesterone and 20 alpha-dihydro-progesterone was increased. Dispersed luteal cells were incubated for 24 h in the presence of various amounts of RU486. In the absence and in the presence of 0.2 and 2.3 microM RU486 a high ratio between 20 alpha-dihydro-progesterone and progesterone was found, while in the presence of 23 microM RU486 the concentrations of progesterone and 20 alpha-dihydro-progesterone were equal. 20 alpha-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20 alpha-HSD) activity measured in luteal homogenates started to increase between 6 and 12 h of incubation. This increase could be prevented after incubation of the corpora lutea in the presence of 23 or 230 microM RU486 for 24 hrs. It is concluded that the progesterone antagonist RU486 can have a direct effect on luteal progesterone production. RU486 prevents the increase in 20 alpha-HSD activity that normally occurs during in vitro incubation. However, since these effects in vitro can only be obtained with high concentrations of RU486, it is unlikely that this antiluteolytic effect plays a role after injection of RU486 in vivo.  相似文献   

RU486 is a recently described antiprogesterone. In order to be able to understand its mechanism of action it is necessary to analyze its effect on a discrete gene product. We show here that the induction of uteroglobin mRNA by progesterone in the rabbit endometrium may be a suitable model for such studies since RU486 totally inhibits this effect without itself exerting any agonistic activity. Moreover, RU486, which does not bind to the estrogen receptor and is devoid of general antiestrogenic activity, partially inhibits the induction by estradiol of uteroglobin mRNA. Studies of the interaction between [3H]RU486 and the progesterone receptor have been undertaken with the aim of understanding the antagonistic effect of this compound. The binding to DNA-cellulose of heat-activated [3H]RU486-receptor complexes was slightly decreased (37%) when compared with that of the agonist [3H]R5020-receptor complexes (47%). Detailed analysis of this difference showed that it was due to both a decreased activation of complexes and to a diminished affinity of activated complexes towards DNA. The change in activation was shown by the fact that at high concentrations of DNA, where all activated complexes are bound, agonist-receptor complexes were bound to DNA in higher proportion than antagonist-receptor complexes. Moreover a difference was also observed when studying the binding of agonist-receptor and antagonist-receptor complexes to charged resins (phosphocellulose, DEAE-cellulose) which are known to discriminate between activated and non-activated complexes. Decreased affinity to DNA of antagonist-receptor complexes was shown by studying their binding at various concentrations of DNA, either in crude cytosol or after isolating a homogenous population of activated-receptor complexes by DNA-cellulose chromatography and by comparing the salt extraction from DNA-cellulose of agonist-receptor and antagonist-receptor complexes. Both effects (decreased activation and diminished affinity towards DNA) were relatively moderate and could account only for a small decrease in the agonistic activity of RU486. Thus, the fact that this compound is a complete antagonist without any agonistic activity can only be explained by a defect in some further step of hormone action as, for instance in the specific interaction with the regulatory regions of the uteroglobin gene. No immunological difference could be detected between [3H]R5020-receptor and [3H]RU486-receptor complexes, both interacted with the five monoclonal antibodies raised against purified R5020-receptor complexes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The human endometrial cancer cell line, IK-90 cells, contains estrogen-independent progesterone receptors (PR) and is progestin sensitive. Accumulation of glycogen in the cytoplasm of IK-90 cells as well as growth inhibition of the cells in response to progestins are observed. In the present study, the effects of RU486, a progestin antagonist, on IK-90 cells were investigated in a serum-supplemented medium. Scatchard plot analysis of cytoplasmic binding data in the cells revealed a high affinity binding site for RU486 (Kd, 2.6 nM) with maximum binding sites of 169 fmol/mg protein. However, the binding ability to DNA-cellulose of heat activated [3H]RU486-PR complexes was lower when compared with that of the progestin agonist [3H]R5020-PR complexes, suggesting a decrease in progestin activity of RU486 in IK-90 cells. The addition of 1 microM RU486 to culture medium produced periodic acid-Schiff-positive granules in the cytoplasm of the cells. On the other hand, RU486 (1 nM-1 microM) did not significantly inhibit the growth of cells. However, RU486 (0.1-1 microM) totally prevented the growth-inhibitory effect of R5020 (0.1-1 microM) on IK-90 cells. In conclusion, RU486, an antiprogestin, had a dual activity both a progestin antagonist and weak agonist in human endometrial cancer cells, which was not mediated through the estrogen receptor system.  相似文献   

The antiprogestagen RU 486 completely inhibited the progesterone-induced switch in cell proliferation from the luminal and glandular epithelia to the stroma in response to oestradiol-17 beta. It also inhibited the progesterone-induced differentiation of the uterine epithelium. Since the proliferative switch of the uterus and the differentiation of the epithelium are prerequisites for implantation, these inhibitory actions may, in part, explain the ability of RU 486 to prevent implantation. Furthermore, it also suggests that the proliferative response to oestradiol in the presence of progesterone may be a sensitive assay for compounds with anti-progestational activity.  相似文献   

Binding characteristics of synthetic steroid, mifepristone (RU38486 - also referred to as RU486), were examined in cytosol prepared from the chick oviduct and the calf uterus, and were compared with those of progesterone and synthetic progestin R5020. Unlike [3H]progesterone binding, the [3H]RU486 binding in the oviduct cytosol did not saturate at 50 nM ligand concentration. The [3H]progesterone binding could not be eliminated in the presence of excess RU486, and [3H]RU486 binding was seen to be indisplaceable upon pretreatment of the chick oviduct cytosol with a 1000-fold excess progesterone. It is apparent that the chick oviduct cytosol is endowed with two separate sets of sites which interact with progesterone and RU486 independently. Furthermore, [3H]RU486 binding in the chick oviduct cytosol remained intact when incubated for 60 min at 37°C; it exhibited a single ionic form upon elution from DEAE-Sephacel and the [3H]RU486-associated radioactivity sedimented in the 4 S region both in salt-free and 0.3 M KCl-containing 5–20% sucrose gradients. In the calf uterus cytosol, both steroids exhibited comparable binding profiles. Our results provide evidence that chick oviduct possesses distinct binding sites that accept either progesterone or RU486, but not both, as is the case in the calf uterus.  相似文献   

Although it iswell known that progesterone alters uterine contractility and plays animportant role in maintenance of pregnancy, the biochemical mechanismsby which progesterone alters uterine contractility in human gestationare less clear. In this investigation we sought to identifyprogesterone-induced adaptations in human myometrial smooth musclecells that may alter Ca2+signaling in response to contractile agents. Cells were treated withvehicle or the progesterone analog medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)for 5 days, and intracellular freeCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)was quantified after treatment with oxytocin (OX) or endothelin (ET)-1.OX- and ET-1-induced increases in[Ca2+]iwere significantly attenuated in cells pretreated with MPA in adose-dependent manner. Progesterone receptor antagonists prevented theattenuated Ca2+ transients inducedby MPA. ETA andETB receptor subtypes were expressed in myometrial cells, and treatment with MPA resulted insignificant downregulation of ETAand ETB receptor binding. MPA didnot alter ionomycin-stimulated increases in[Ca2+]iand had no effect on inositol trisphosphate-dependent or -independent release of Ca2+ from internalCa2+ stores. We conclude thatadaptations of Ca2+ homeostasis inmyometrial cells during pregnancy may include progesterone-inducedmodification of receptor-mediated increases in[Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

Effect of RU486 on development and implantation of rat embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study evaluated the effects of postcoital treatment with the antiprogestin RU486 on transport, development and implantation of rat embryos. Doses of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 mg/rat of RU486 were injected subcutaneously on days 1, 1 + 2, or 4 of pregnancy. Autopsies were carried out on days 5 or 12 of pregnancy. RU486 provoked a significant dose-related reduction in the number of recovered embryos and inhibited their development (day 5) and decreased the number and size of implanted embryos (day 12). Treatment on day 4 was the least effective. Blastocysts recovered from RU486-treated rats exhibited comparable rate of trophoblastic outgrowth in vitro as the controls. Blastocysts transferred from RU486-treated rats to synchronous untreated pseudopregnant recipients yielded implanted embryos 12 days later in all recipients, although at a significantly lower rate than the controls. Blastocysts transferred from control pregnant rats to RU486-treated pseudopregnant recipients failed to implant completely when the dose was greater than or equal to 1.0 mg. The interceptive mechanism of postcoital treatment with RU486 in the rat involves loss of embryos from the reproductive tract and altered development prior to implantation. Endometrial receptivity or the ability of the uterus to retain the embryos until the time of implantation are also impaired by RU486. The embryos that survive these effects may experience delayed implantation in their mothers.  相似文献   

C Hurd  V K Moudgil 《Biochemistry》1988,27(10):3618-3623
We have examined and compared the binding characteristics of the progesterone agonist R5020 [promegestone, 17,21-dimethylpregna-4,9(10)-diene-3,20-dione] and the progesterone antagonist RU486 [mifepristone, 17 beta-hydroxy-11 beta-[4-(dimethylamino) phenyl]-17 alpha-(prop-1-ynyl)-estra-4,9-dien-3-one] in calf uterine cytosol. Both steroids bound cytosol macromolecule(s) with high affinity, exhibiting Kd values of 5.6 and 3.6 nM for R5020 and RU486 binding, respectively. The binding of the steroids to the macromolecule(s) was rapid at 4 degrees C, showing saturation of binding sites at 1-2 h for [3H]progesterone and 2-4 h for both [3H]R5020 and [3H]RU486. Addition of molybdate and glycerol to cytosol increased the extent of [3H]R5020 binding. The extent of [3H]RU486 binding remained unchanged in the presence of molybdate, whereas glycerol had an inhibitory effect. Molybdate alone or in combination with glycerol stabilized the [3H]R5020- and [3H]RU486-receptor complexes at 37 degrees C. Although the rate of association of [3H]RU486 with the cytosolic macromolecule was slower than that of [3H]R5020, its dissociation from the ligand-macromolecule complex was significantly slower than [3H]R5020. Competitive steroid binding analysis revealed that [3H]progesterone, [3H]R5020, and [3H]RU486 compete for the same site(s) in the uterine cytosol, suggesting that all three bind to the progesterone receptor (PR). Sedimentation rate analysis showed that both steroids were bound to a molecule that sediments in the 8S region. The 8S [3H]R5020 and [3H]RU486 peaks were abolished by excess radioinert progesterone, RU486, or R5020.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effect of RU 486 on luteal function in the early pregnant rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dose of 30 mg RU 486/kg, an antiprogesterone, was administered to pregnant rats on Day 2 (Group 1) or Day 4 (Group 2) of pregnancy. RU 486 significantly changed serum progesterone and oestradiol concentrations and luteal 3 beta-HSD and 20 alpha-HSD activities in Group 1, and implantation was significantly inhibited. The luteal 3 beta-HSD activity in Group 2 rats on Day 6 was significantly (P less than 0.01) lower than the control value (7.5 +/- 0.6 and 10.1 +/- 0.6 mU/mg protein respectively). This decline in the 3 beta-HSD activity was followed by a marked decrease in the serum progesterone concentration, resulting in a significant decrease of the progesterone/oestradiol ratio and implantation was completely inhibited. The 20 alpha-HSD activity, which could not be detected on Day 6 in the control rats, was twice as great in Group 2 than in Group 1 rats (17.5 +/- 1.2 and 7.4 +/- 3.1 mU/mg protein respectively). Ultrastructural examination of corpora lutea of Group 2 rats confirmed luteolysis. These results suggest that RU 486 has a luteolytic effect and its anti-implantation effect is concomitant with luteolysis of the corpora lutea of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Myometrial smooth muscle strips were collected from slaughtered cows in estrus and diestrus. Longitudinal and circular smooth muscle strips were mounted in organ baths and after equilibration time and 2 g preload, their physiologic contractility was recorded for 3 h. Area under the curve (AUC), mean amplitude (MA) and frequency of contractions (F) were studied. Differences between cycle phases, between muscle layers and over the recorded time period were statistically evaluated. In the cow, physiologic contractility patterns (measured as AUC and MA) of circular versus longitudinal myometrial strips are always different during the 3 h recording. Significant differences between estrus versus diestrus are only found for circular layers, but not for longitudinal layers. Significant differences over time are only found for longitudinal layers.  相似文献   

Uterine smooth muscle specimens were collected from euthanatized mares in estrus and diestrus. Longitudinal and circular specimens were mounted in organ baths and the signals transcribed to a Grass polygraph. After equilibration time and 2 g preload, their physiologic isometric contractility was recorded for a continuous 2.0 h. Area under the curve, frequency and time occupied by contractions were studied. Differences between cycle phases, between muscle layers, and over the recorded time periods were statistically evaluated using linear mixed-effect models. In the mare, physiologic contractility of the uterus decreased significantly over time for all variables evaluated (time as covariate on a continuous scale). For area under the curve, there was a significant effect of muscle layer (longitudinal > circular). For frequency, higher values were recorded in estrus for circular smooth muscle layer, whereas higher values were seen in longitudinal smooth muscle layers during diestrus. In longitudinal layer and in diestrus, more time was occupied by contractions than in circular layer, and in estrus. This study is describing physiologic myometrial motility in the organ bath depending on cycle phase.  相似文献   

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