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1. Food sources and trophic structure of the macroinvertebrate community along a longitudinal gradient were examined in a glacier stream of the Swiss Alps (Val Roseg). Analysis of multiple stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and measurement of C : N ratios were used to differentiate between allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter.
2. Although isotopic signatures of algae varied widely among sites and dates, it was possible to discriminate between allochthonous and autochthonous food sources using a site-specific approach.
3. Dominant food sources of herbivorous invertebrates in all main channel sites were epilithic diatoms and the filamentous gold alga Hydrurus foetidus . Allochthonous organic matter was of some importance only in a groundwater-fed stream close to the floodplain margin.
4. Seasonal changes in the δ13C signature of the macroinvertebrates corresponded with seasonal changes in δ13C of the gold alga H. foetidus . This indicated that the energy base remains autochthonous throughout the year.
5. Because of limited food sources, feeding plasticity of the invertebrate community was high. Both grazers and shredders fed predominantly on algae, whereas gatherer-collectors seemed to be omnivorous.
6. The overall enrichment of δ15N was 2.25‰ ( r 2=0.99) per trophic level. On a gradient from the glacier site to a downstream forested site trophic enrichment was constant but variation in δ15N within trophic levels decreased.  相似文献   

In mountains, environmental gradients are steep in both terrestrial and aquatic systems, and climate change is causing upward shifts of physical and biological features of these gradients. Glacial streams are an interesting system to evaluate such shifts both because streams have a linear nature (for simplicity of analysis), and because the stream habitat will at least temporarily lengthen as it follows receding glaciers upward. The Tschierva Glacier, Swiss Alps, receded 482 m upstream from 1997 to 2008. We tested the null hypothesis that the physical and biological stream gradient below this glacier maintained the same structure between these time periods, but simply shifted upward following the glacial source. We compared longitudinal patterns of water temperature and zoobenthic community structure in 1997 and 2007–2008 during three seasons (spring, summer, fall) along the uppermost ca. 5 stream km. Upward shifts were evident, including colonization of the newly exposed stream reaches by cold‐adapted taxa, and the appearance in 2007/2008 of four lower‐altitude species that were previously absent. Overall, however, results rejected the null hypothesis, instead revealing significant changes in gradient structures. These included a more steeply increasing temperature profile downstream of the glacier and increased amplitude of seasonal community turnover in 2007/2008 vs. 1997. Long‐term (1955–2007) flow records revealed increasing short‐term and seasonal hydrologic variability, which might have influenced the increased intra‐annual community variability. The steepening of the temperature gradient was likely caused by a warming lake‐outlet tributary upon which glacial influence was diminished between 1997 and 2007/2008. These results suggest that upward‐shifting gradients in glacial streams can involve complex interactions with other landscape elements and that local‐scale climate response can progress even more rapidly than the rate of glacial recession.  相似文献   

The impact of a drought on freshwater snail and trematode communities was investigated in a lake. Before the drought, 15 gastropod species (Valvatidae, Planorbidae, Lymnaeidae, Ancylidae, Physidae) and 10 trematode species (cercariaeum, xiphidiocercariae, echinostome, furcocercariae, notocotyle, lophocercous) were recorded. The rate of parasitism was 5.13% and there were 11 host species. The 2 major consequences of desiccation were the disappearance of snails, except Valvata piscinalis and Lymnaea peregra, and the absence of trematodes infecting the surviving snails. As soon as favourable conditions were restored, the littoral area was recolonized, first by hygrophilic and amphibious species, second by aquatic species. Nine months after the drought, the gastropod community was restored. Recolonization by the trematodes was delayed compared with that of gastropods. During the study, the overall prevalence was equal to 0.36% and only 4 trematode species and 5 host species were recorded. Because of the great variability of freshwater ecosystems, long-term studies are necessary to understand the dynamics of snail and trematode populations and determine the regulatory effect of parasitism in the field.  相似文献   

Climate models predict widespread shifts in precipitation patterns and increases in the frequency of extreme events such as droughts, but consequences for key processes in affected ecosystems remains poorly understood. A 2‐year manipulative experiment used a series of stream mesocosms to test the effect of recurrent drought disturbance on the composition and secondary production of macroinvertebrate consumer assemblages and functional groups. On average, secondary production in drought‐disturbed communities (mean 4.5 g m?2 yr?1) was less than half of that that in controls (mean 10.4 g m?2 yr?1). The effects of the drought differed among functional feeding groups, with substantial declines for detritivore shredders (by 69%) and engulfing predators (by 94%). Contrasting responses were evident among taxa within most functional feeding groups, ranging from extirpation to irruptions in the case of several small midge larvae, but production of most species was suppressed. Taxon‐specific responses were related to body mass and voltinism. The ratio of production to biomass (community P/B) increased under drought, reflecting a shift in production from large long‐lived taxa to smaller taxa with faster life cycles. This research provides some of the first experimental evidence of the profound effects that droughts can have on both the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Mutuku Mathooko  Jude 《Hydrobiologia》1997,362(1-3):211-218
Field experiments to examine the effect of continuous physical disturbance on the Ephemeroptera of the Naro Moru River, Kenya, wereundertaken from June 1993 to January 1994. Continuous disturbance wasadministered on a randomly selected subsite of the sediment surface.Artificial physical disturbance within the experimental subsite involvedcontinuous local displacement, shifting and stirring of the streambedsurface substrates (about 10 cm depth) by hand every one minute for 10 or 14min. Three control samples were also taken randomly from the sedimentsurface of an undisturbed stratified area of the study riffle at the startof each disturbance occasion. All samples were collected using a Hesssampler (surface sampling area of 3.142 dm2; meshsize 80μm). Seven mayfly species were particularly abundant and these included Afronurus sp., Afroptilum sudafricanum LESTAGE, Baetis s.l., Baetis(Nigrobaetis) sp. 1, Baetis (Nigrobaetis) sp. 2, Caenis sp. and Choroterpes(Euthraulus) sp. About 83,8% of the total mayfly density and88.1% of the biomass were removed from the streambed surface withinthe first three minutes of continuous physical disturbance. A mayfly biomassof 33.7391 mg dm2 and total density of 1357.6 inddm2 were collected from the disturbed subsite during the studyduration. Further, a biomass of about 42.8335 mg dm−2and total density of 2366 ind dm−2 were collected fromthe control sites. There was a near-complete depletion of mayflyindividuals from the topmost sediment layer within 14 min of continuousdisturbance. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The hypothesis according to which proliferation of periphytic algae under acid conditions results from a release of grazing pressure is tested. Stable carbon isotope analysis is used to investigate the autochthonous/allochthonous balance of invertebrate feeding in streamside artificial channels that were experimentally acidified. We find that the relative contribution of autochthonous food sources (epilithon) to total invertebrate biomass was slightly lower (after 1 mo of acidification) or not altered (after 2 mo) under acidified conditions when compared with a control. Feeding shifts were exhibited by some invertebrate taxa and provided evidence that acidification modifies trophic interactions between attached algae and primary consumers. Cross-treatment calculations showed that reduction of grazing pressure after the first month of acidification was an effect rather than the cause of periphyton proliferation. Our approach using stable carbon isotope analysis and biomass measurements of macroinvertebrates allows the quantification of the trophic base of lotic secondary producer communities under both experimental and natural conditions.  相似文献   

Variation in sex ratio of Diplonychus indicus, living in a permanent pond in southern India, was studied in relation to seasonal variations in temperature and salinity. Males proved to be less susceptible to changes in these parameters. Protein content and survival of the insect were studied in relation to fluctuations of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Activity and choice of areas offering different cover (substratum or surface ice) for juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied in experimental stream channels during winter. Channels were completely ice covered between December and March. During this period, the ice thickness increased from 50 to 300 mm after which 50% of the ice was experimentally removed and followed by c. 2·5-fold increase in discharge to simulate the effects of spring flood. Large substrata provided preferred habitats but areas with small substratum sizes were also used when full surface ice provided above-stream cover and the stream discharge was relatively low. The fish remained nocturnal throughout the study but the level of day activity significantly increased as the surface ice became thicker. Maximum movement distance during a 24 h period and homing-at-dawn behaviour remained at a constant level throughout the main winter, but significantly changed during the simulated spring flood (mean ± s . e . maximum extent of movements within 24 h increased from 1·1 ± 0·1 to 3·0 ± 0·5 m; homing behaviour decreased from the highest level of 89·3 to 34·6% during spring flood). Overwinter survival was high (92·9%). Relative mass increase during the study ranged from –8·3 to 28·5%, and 84% of the juvenile Atlantic salmon gained mass. The highest rates of mass increase were associated with frequent movements between areas of different substratum size. The results indicate that during winter: (1) Atlantic salmon parr preferred large substratum cover compared with surface ice cover at the fish densities studied here, (2) juvenile Atlantic salmon were predominantly nocturnal but diurnal activity increased as surface ice became thicker and (3) increase in water discharge during spring altered the behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon and may have caused additional habitat shifts.  相似文献   

Recently, plant-derived methane (CH4) emission has been questioned because limited evidence of the chemical mechanism has been identified to account for the process. We conducted an experiment with four treatments (i.e. winter-grazed, natural alpine meadow; naturally restored alpine meadow eight years after cultivation; oat pasture and bare soil without roots) during the growing seasons of 2007 and 2008 to examine the question of CH4 emission by plant communities in the alpine meadow. Each treatment consumed CH4 in closed, opaque chambers in the field, but two types of alpine meadow vegetation reduced CH4 consumption compared with bare soil, whereas oat pasture increased consumption. This result could imply that meadow vegetation produces CH4. However, measurements of soil temperature and water content showed significant differences between vegetated and bare soil and appeared to explain differences in CH4 production between treatments. Our study strongly suggests that the apparent CH4 production by vegetation, when compared with bare soil in some previous studies, might represent differences in soil temperature and water-filled pore space and not the true vegetation sources of CH4.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the effects of biodiversity loss across trophic levels and across ecosystems (terrestrial to aquatic) on ecosystem function, in a detritus‐based tropical food web. Diversities of consumers (stream shredders) and resources (leaf litter) were experimentally manipulated by varying the number of species from 3 to 1, using different species combinations, and the effects on leaf breakdown rates were examined. In single‐species shredder treatments, leaf diversity loss affected breakdown rates, but the effect depended on the identity of the leaves remaining in the system: they increased when the most preferred leaf species remained, but decreased when this species was lost (leaf preferences were the same for all shredders). In multi‐species shredder assemblages, breakdown rates were lower than expected from single‐species treatments, suggesting an important role of interspecific competition. This pattern was also evident when oneleaf species was available but not with higher leaf diversity, suggesting that lowered leaf diversity promotes competitive interactions among shredders. The influence of diversity and identity of species across trophic levels and ecosystems on stream functioning points to complex interactions that may well be reflected in other types of ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract Virulence is thought to be a driving force in host–pathogen coevolution. Theoretical models suggest that virulence is an unavoidable consequence of pathogens evolving towards a high rate of intrahost reproduction. These models predict a positive correlation between the reproductive fitness of a pathogen and its level of virulence. Theoretical models also suggest that the demography and genetic structure of a host population can influence the evolution of virulence. If evolution occurs faster in pathogen populations than in host populations, the predicted result is local adaptation of the pathogen population. In our studies, we used a combination of molecular and physiological markers to test these hypotheses in an agricultural system. We isolated five strains of the fungal pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola from each of two wheat cultivars that differed in their level of resistance to this pathogen. Each of the 10 fungal strains had distinct genotypes as indicated by different DNA fingerprints. These fungal strains were re‐inoculated onto the same two host cultivars in a field experiment and their genotype frequencies were monitored over several generations of asexual reproduction. We also measured the virulence of these 10 fungal strains and correlated it to the reproductive fitness of each fungal strain. We found that host genotypes had a strong impact on the dynamics of the pathogen populations. The pathogen population collected from the moderately resistant cultivar Madsen showed greater stability, higher genotype diversity, and smaller selection coefficients than the pathogen populations collected from the susceptible cultivar Stephens or a mixture of the two host cultivars. The pathogen collection from the mixed host population was midway between the two pure lines for most parameters measured. Our results also revealed that the measures of reproductive fitness and virulence of a pathogen strain were not always correlated. The pathogen strains varied in their patterns of local adaptation, ranging from locally adapted to locally maladapted.  相似文献   

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