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Summary Declining yields of radiation-induced dicentric chromosomes in human G0 lymphocytes were observed in split-dose experiments with time intervals varied up to 8 h. In agreement with microdosimetric intratrack-intertrack interaction models, only the dose-squared yield component was reduced and approached an asymptotic value equal to one half of the corresponding single exposure yield. For 150 kV X-rays and 13 MeV electrons, at total doses up to 6 Gy, the time constant of the approximately exponential decline was practically dose- and quality-independent within a range of 100–180 min. For 10 kV X-rays, in the presence of a dominant linear yield component, only a small split-dose effect, but with a consistent-value, was observed for a total dose of 5 Gy. Since can be interpreted as the mean life time of primary lesions in chromatin fibres, its independence from absorbed dose and radiation quality means that radiation damage of the split-dose recovery mechanism can be excluded for doses up to 6 Gy. By correlating the observed split-dose reduction of the acentric fragment yield to the reduction of the dicentric yield, (1.64 ± 0.03) acentrics/dicentric for 150 kV X-rays and (1.51 ± 0.11) acentrics/dicentric for 13 MeV electrons were obtained. Acentrics formed in the course of dicentric formation as well as in other binary interactions of primary lesions are represented in these ratios. Post-irradiation recovery during time intervals between irradiation and cell stimulation up to 24 h did not occur. The relations to comparable results in cell lethality experiments are discussed, and a hypothesis of fast and slow binary interactions of primary lesions is put forward.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Muth on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis work was supported by the Bundesministerium des Innern, Bonn, FRG 相似文献
Sister-chromatid exchanges induced by mitomycin C after exposure of human lymphocytes in G0 to a low dose of X-radiation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes from 20 donors were exposed in G0 to mitomycin C with and without prior acute irradiation with 0.01 Gy of 250 kVp X-rays. No evidence was found for the radiation having an hormetic effect on the level of sister-chromatid exchanges induced by mitomycin C. 相似文献
Shmakova NL Nasonova EA Krasavin EA Komova OV Mel'nikova LA Fadeeva TA 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2006,46(4):480-487
The chromosome damage induced by the doses of y-irradiation 6)Co in peripheral blood lymphocytes was studied using different cytogenetic assays. Isolated lymphocytes were exposed to 0.01-1.0 Gy, stimulated by PHA, and analysed for chromosome aberrations at 48 h postirradiation by metaphase method, at 49 h--by the anaphase method, at 58 h by micronucleus assay with cytochalasin B and, additionally, micronuclei were counted at 48 h on the slides prepared for the metaphase analysis without cytochalasin B. Despite of the quantitative differences in the amount of chromosome damage revealed by different methods all of them demonstrated complex nonlinear dose dependence of the frequency of aberrant cells and aberrations. At the dose range from 0.01 Gy to 0.05-0.07 Gy the cells had the highest radiosensitivity mainly due to chromatid-type aberration induction. With dose increasing the frequency of the aberrant cells and aberrations decreased significantly (in some cases to the control level). At the doses up to 0.5-0.7 Gy the dose-effect curves have become linear with the decreased slope compare to initial one (by factor of 5 to 10 for different criteria) reflecting the higher radioresistance of cells. These data confirm the idea that the direct linear extrapolation of high dose effect to low dose range--the procedure routinelly used to estimate genetic risk of low dose irradiation--cannot be effective and may lead to underestimation of chromosome damage produced by low radiation doses. Preferences and disadvantages of used cytogenetic assays and possible mechanisms of low ionising radiation doses action were discussed. 相似文献
Irradiation of human lymphocytes by x-rays has been seen, in past studies, to produce increasing frequencies of chromosome aberrations at lower x-ray energies. However, in one earlier irradiation experiment with chromium x-rays, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) did not appear to be larger than that of hard x-rays, especially at higher doses. A possible reason for this unexpected result may have been the irradiation and culture conditions. We have, therefore, in the present study used a technique that has been developed in our laboratory to ensure uniformity of irradiation within lymphocytes and to avoid artefacts due to the cell cycle kinetics. Monolayers of 3-h-stimulated lymphocytes were exposed to 5.4 keV x-rays. A linear-quadratic dose-response was found for dicentrics. The comparison to an earlier finding with 220 kV x-rays shows the expected result of the RBE of the 5.4 keV x-rays to be above that of 220 kV x-rays. The intercellular distribution of dicentrics did not differ significantly from a Poisson distribution. Received: 17 January 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 17 July 1997 相似文献
Okladnikova ND Pesternikova VS 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2005,45(3):287-290
Cytogenetic study of workers, who had an acute radiation syndrome of the medium (ARS II), severe (ARS III) and extremely severe (ARS III-IV) degrees in 1953-1957, was performed. Lymphocytes from peripheral blood were cultured and analyzed with using the routine chromosome staining (4 individuals) and FISH (2 individuals) methods. In each case 4000-1000 metaphase slides were analyzed with the group chromosome kariotyping. A high frequency of chromosome aberrations (CA) was revealed, i.e.: 9.33-9.8 CA per 100 cells for ARS II patients, 28.6 and 36.6 CA per 100 cells for patients with the severe ARS. The main type of rearrangement is stable CA (up to 90%). The CA frequency exceeds the level of spontaneous CA (control--20 individuals) and CA of the patients, who had Chronic Radiation Disease (CrRD) 45 years ago (20 individuals). By 43-46 years of the control. No cancer diseases or hematopoietic pathology were revealed by 43-46 years of follow-up. 相似文献
Chromosome-type exchange aberrations are induced by inhibiting repair of UVC-induced DNA lesions in quiescent human lymphocytes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Human lymphocytes in the quiescent stage were UVC-irradiated and then incubated for 90 min in the presence of the DNA-repair inhibitor ara-C. The cells were then cultured and analyzed for chromosome aberrations. A single treatment with UVC or ara-C gives rise to a very low yield of dicentrics, whereas the combined treatment can induce a high frequency of these chromosome-type aberrations. The yield in the combined treatment is approximately proportional to the square of the UVC fluence in the range 1-3 J/m2. In addition, the experiments demonstrate that synergistic effects arise when cells are treated with UVC + ara-C and then exposed to X-rays. The results can be explained on the assumption that the UVC + ara-C treatment induces DNA double-strand breaks which, to the first approximation, are randomly distributed over the chromosomes. These breaks are able to interact with each other as well as with X-ray-induced DNA double-strand breaks to form a chromosome-type exchange aberration. 相似文献
K Sankaranarayanan A von Duyn M J Loos R Meschini A T Natarajan 《Genetical research》1990,56(2-3):267-276
Peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal human volunteers or from Down syndrome patients were pre-treated with sodium butyrate (a compound which is known to induce structural modifications in the chromatin through hyperacetylation of nucleosomal core histones) and exposed to X-irradiation or treated with bleomycin in vitro in the G0 and/or G1 stage(s) of the cell cycle. The frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in the first mitosis after treatment were scored. The results show an enhancement in the yield of aberrations in the butyrate pre-treated groups. However, the absolute frequencies of chromosomal aberrations as well as the relative increases with butyrate pre-treatment varied between blood samples from different donors suggesting the existence of inter-individual variations. There is a parallelism between the effects of X-irradiation or of combined treatments in G0 and G1 stages and between effects observed in the X-ray and bleomycin series. The increase in the yields of chromosomal aberrations in butyrate-treated and X-irradiated lymphocytes (relative to those which received X-irradiation alone) is interpreted as a consequence of the inhibition of repair of DNA damage by butyrate. 相似文献
Persistence of drug-induced chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of the rat 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We have studied the persistence of pre-clastogenic lesions, detected as induced chromosomal aberrations, in rat peripheral lymphocytes at various time intervals after acute treatment with 3 different antineoplastic drugs: cyclophosphamide (CPA), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and adriamycin (AM). Single i.p. doses were administered to groups of rats and heart blood samples from each group were taken after 3, 12, 24 or 48 h or weekly up to 20 weeks later. The cytogenetic analysis was performed on lymphocytes cultured for 33 h after sampling. The results for CPA exposure (10 mg/kg) show that the yield of chromosome aberrations is maximal 3 h after the treatment (20 times the control level). For up to 8 weeks the values remain about 6 times the baseline; afterwards a decrease is observed and the control level is reached after 20 weeks. For 5-FU (50 mg/kg) a remarkable increase (13-fold) in chromosomal damage is observed at the first sampling time. Within 48 h the effect is drastically reduced but persistent (3 times the control level), and the level returns to spontaneous values 1 week later. AM treatment (2 mg/kg) induced an increase of about 8 times the control level at 3 h post exposure. The clastogenic effects remained at a detectable level for 1 week (about 6 times the control level at all sampling times); 2 weeks after the treatment the control level was found. A parallel analysis was performed on bone marrow cells. In this tissue the clastogenic effects of the treatments were maximal, as in lymphocytes, at the first sampling time (20-25 times the control level) and were no longer detectable within 72 h after exposure, irrespective of the administered drug. 相似文献
The BrdU-Hoechst staining technique has been used in analyzing the effect of caffeine (CAF) on chromosome aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) induced by mitomycin C (MC). CAF increased the frequency of SCE in MC-treated chromosomes in all specimens. The combination of MC and CAF caused a remarkable increase in all types of chromosome aberrations, but the most startling effect was the appearance of many cells with multiple aberrations (shattered chromosomes). The BrdU-Hoechst technique showed that the shattered chromosomes did not appear in cells that had replicated only once, but did occur in cells which replicated twice in the presence of MC and CAF. The large majority of chromatid breaks observed did not involve areas common to SCE; and the SCE frequency significantly increased in spite of the existence of multiple breaks. This indicates that very few of the breaks are incomplete exchanges and that the mechanism for formation of SCE might be different from that of chromosome breaks. In another experiment, monofunctional-MC (M-MC) had a small effect on SCE rates, though it induced shattered chromosomes with CAF post-treatment. Possible differences in the mechanisms leading to SCE and chromosome breaks are discussed. 相似文献
Mognato M Bortoletto E Ferraro P Baggio L Cherubini R Canova S Russo A Celotti L 《Radiation research》2003,160(1):52-60
Cell survival, mutations and chromosomal effects were studied in primary human lymphocytes exposed in G0 phase to a proton beam with an incident energy of 0.88 MeV (incident LET of 28 keV/microm) in the dose range 0.125-2 Gy. The curves for survival and mutations at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus were obtained by fitting the experimental data to linear and linear-quadratic equations, respectively. In the dose interval 0-1.5 Gy, the alpha parameters of the curves were 0.42/Gy and 3.6 x 10(-6) mutants/Gy, respectively. The mutation types at the HPRT locus were analyzed by multiplex-PCR in 94 irradiated and 41 nonirradiated clones derived from T lymphocytes from five healthy donors. All clones showed a normal multiplex-PCR pattern and were classified as point mutations. Chromosome aberration data were fitted as a linear function of dose (alpha = 0.62 aberrations per cell Gy(-1)). By irradiating G0 lymphocytes from a single subject with 28 keV/microm protons and gamma rays, an RBE of 6.07 was obtained for chromosome aberrations. An overinvolvement of chromosome 9 relative to chromosome 7 was found in chromosome breaks after chromosome painting analysis. 相似文献
Summary A method suitable for performance of liquid-holding (LH) experiments with human lymphocytes in vitro is described. The lymphocytes are stimulated with concanavalin A (ConA) and after washing off the ConA with a sugar-containing medium are liquid-held in ConA-free medium for different times, after which they are restimulated with ConA. The BUdR-labeling method was used to determine the proportion of first-, second-, and third-division cells. With this system we were able to show that the frequencies of X-ray-induced chromosomal aberrations are not influenced by liquid holding, supporting the idea that these aberrations are fixed shortly after irradiation by misrepair. This system may prove useful for investigation of specific problems in mutagenicity research, especially those involving mutagens, which induce delayed formation of chromosome aberrations. 相似文献
Tawn EJ Whitehouse CA De Ruyck K Hodgson L Vandenbulcke K Thierens H 《Radiation research》2007,168(6):666-674
Peripheral blood lymphocytes were irradiated in vitro with (213)Bi alpha particles at doses of 0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 mGy. Chromosome analysis was performed on 47-h cultures using single-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to paint chromosomes 1, 3 and 5. The whole genome was analyzed for unstable aberrations to derive aberration frequencies and determine cell stability. The dose response for dicentrics was 33.60 +/- 0.47 x 10(-2) per Gy. A more detailed analysis revealed that the majority of aberrations scored as dicentrics were part of complex/multiple aberrations, with the proportion of cells containing complexes increasing with dose. Cells containing aberrations involving painted chromosomes (FISH aberrations) were further classified according to cell stability and complexity. The majority of cells with FISH aberrations were unstable. The proportion of aberrant FISH cells with complex/multiple aberrations ranged from 56% at 10 mGy to 89% at 500 mGy. A linear dose response for genomic frequencies of translocations in stable cells fitted the data from 0 to 200 mGy with a dose response of 7.90 +/- 0.98 x 10(-2) per Gy, thus indicating that they are likely to be observed in peripheral blood lymphocytes from individuals with past or chronic exposure to high-LET radiation. Comparisons with the dose response for low-LET radiation suggest an RBE of 13.6 for dicentrics in all cells and 3.2 for translocations in stable cells. Since stochastic effects of radiation are attributable to genetic changes in viable cells, translocations in stable cells may be a better measure when considering the comparative risks of different qualities of radiation. 相似文献
Unstable chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with cervical uterine cancer following radiotherapy. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Simey P Magnata Isvania Serafim Júlia Netto Polion Gomes André M Netto Ademir Amaral 《Cellular and molecular biology, including cyto-enzymology》2002,48(7):809-811
Scoring of unstable chromosomes aberrations (dicentrics, rings and fragments) in circulating lymphocytes is the most extensively studied biologic system for estimating individual exposure to ionizing radiation. In this work, blood samples from 5 patients, with cervical uterine cancer, were analyzed by conventional cytogenetic in order to correlate the frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes with the dose absorbed by the patient, as a result of radiotherapy with 60Co gamma. The samples were collected in three phases of the treatment: before irradiation, 24 hr after receiving 0.08 Gy and 1.8 Gy, respectively. On the basis of the frequencies of unstable aberrations observed, a good agreement was obtained between doses estimated by calibration curve and the doses previously planned to radiotherapy. This report discusses the methodology employed as an important tool for dose assessment as a result of partial-body exposure to ionizing radiation. 相似文献
Suppressive effect of novobiocin on the frequency of chromosome-type aberrations induced by ara C in the G1 phase of human lymphocytes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
K Kishi 《Mutation research》1988,208(2):109-113
1-beta-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara C) induces chromosome-type aberrations in mammalian cells by inhibiting repair replication in the G1 phase. The effect of novobiocin, an inhibitor of prokaryotic gyrases, on G1 repair in human cells was studied cytogenetically using this characteristic of ara C. The experiment was based on the assumption that if novobiocin inhibits the relaxation of chromatin required prior to repair replication, it would reduce the frequency of chromosome-type aberrations in cells treated with a mutagen followed by posttreatment with ara C. It has also been shown that in lymphocytes ara C induces chromosome-type aberrations which were not caused by any induced DNA lesion, and that the frequency of these aberrations changes with the age of the blood donor. The effect of novobiocin on the frequency of chromosome-type aberrations induced by ara C in lymphocytes without mutagen pretreatment was also investigated for blood samples from donors of different ages. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes, which were either untreated of treated with 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide (4NQO) or methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), were posttreated in their early G1 phase with ara C only or ara C and novobiocin. The resulting chromosome-type aberrations were observed in cells in their first mitoses, and a comparison was made between the frequency of aberrations occurring in the presence of novobiocin and in its absence. The results showed that novobiocin reduced the frequency of chromosome-type aberrations induced by ara C in both mutagen-pretreated and -non-pretreated cells, and that lymphocytes from younger donors were less sensitive to novobiocin. The present study demonstrated cytogenetically the existence of a novobiocin-sensitive process to induce chromosome recombination in G1 lymphocytes. 相似文献
A M Khalil 《Mutation research》1989,224(4):503-506
Human lymphocyte cultures were treated with increasing concentrations (8.0 X 10(-8) M to 8.0 X 10(-5) M) of sodium selenite and selenomethionine 24 h after stimulation with phytohemagglutinin and were scored for chromosomal aberrations at 48 h. The yield of abnormal metaphases was dependent on the dose and the form of selenium used. At 8.0 X 10(-5) M the proportion of aberrant cells reached 53.5% and 43.0% for selenite and selenomethionine, respectively. The selenium-induced chromosomal aberrations were primarily of the chromatid type and included breaks and fragments. Chromosomal exchanges were less frequent and included triradials and quadriradials. These results confirm that selenium is clastogenic for cultured human lymphocytes. 相似文献
We report experiments to test the hypothesis that the increased yield of dicentric chromosomes observed in human peripheral blood lymphocytes treated with X-rays during the G1 phase of their first cell cycle, as compared with the yield when the cells are treated in their G0 phase prior to phytohemagglutinin stimulation, is a manifestation of the recently-reported conversion of an inactive form of DNA polymerase alpha to its active form as the PHA-stimulated cells pass from G0 into G1 (Sylvia et al., 1988). The specific polymerase alpha inhibitor butylphenyl deoxyguanosine was used as an X-ray post-treatment. The results show that polymerase alpha is not involved. 相似文献
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes from two donors were exposed to low doses (0.05 to 2.0 Gy) of gamma rays, X rays, or fast neutrons of different energies. Chromosome aberrations were analyzed in metaphase of first-division cells after a culture time of 45-46 hr. At this time, less than 5% of the cells were found in second division. Different dose-response relationships were fitted to the data by using a maximum likelihood method; best fits for radiation-induced dicentric aberrations were obtained with the linear-quadratic law for all radiations. The linear component of this equation predominated, however, for neutrons in the range of doses studied, and the frequency of dicentrics induced by d(16)+Be neutrons up to 1.0 Gy could also be described by a linear relationship. The relative biological efficiency (RBE) of X rays and d(16)+Be, d(33)+Be, and d(50)+Be neutrons compared to 60Co gamma rays in the low dose range was calculated from the dose-effect relationships for the dicentrics produced. The RBE increased with decreasing neutron dose and with decreasing neutron energy from d(50)+Be to d(16)-+Be neutrons. The limiting RBE at low doses (RBEo) was calculated to be about 1.5 for X rays and 14.0, 6.2, and 4.7 for the d(16)+Be, d(33)+Be, and d(50)+Be neutrons, respectively. 相似文献