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Pollock, Michael L., Larry J. Mengelkoch, James E. Graves,David T. Lowenthal, Marian C. Limacher, Carl Foster, and Jack H. Wilmore. Twenty-year follow-up of aerobic power and body composition of older track athletes. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(5): 1508-1516, 1997.The purpose wasto determine the aerobic power (maximal oxygen uptake) and bodycomposition of older track athletes after a 20-yr follow-up (T3). At 20 yr, 21 subjects [mean ages: 50.5 ± 8.5 yr at initialevaluation (T1), 60.2 ± 8.8 yr at 10-yr follow-up (T2), and 70.4 ± 8.8 yr at 20-yr follow-up (T3)] were divided into threeintensity groups: high (H; remained elite; n = 9); moderate (M; continuedfrequent moderate-to-rigorous endurance training;n = 10); and low (L; greatly reducedtraining; n = 2). All groupsdecreased in maximal oxygen uptake at each testing point (H, 8 and15%; M, 13 and 14%; and L, 18 and 34% from T1 to T2 and T2 to T3,respectively). Maximal heart rate showed a linear decrease of~5-7beats · min1 · decade1 and was independentof training status. Body weight remained stable for the H and M groupsand percent fat increased ~2-2.5%/decade. Although fat-freeweight decreased at each testing point, there was a trend for those whobegan weight-training exercise to better maintain it. Cross-sectionalanalysis at T3 showed that leg strength and bone mineral density weregenerally maintained from age 60 to 89 yr. Those who performed weighttraining had a greater arm region bone mineral density than those whodid not. These longitudinal data show that the physiological capacitiesof older athletes are reduced despite continued vigorous enduranceexercise over a 20-yr period (~8-15%/decade). Changes in bodycomposition appeared to be less than those shown for the healthysedentary population and were related to changes in training habits.


Serum iron deficiency has a high incidence in female athletes. We investigated the effects of a daily oral iron supplement, (160 mg) administered during an intensive 7-week physical training programme, on body iron status, and the maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) of 13 women (group A) compared to 15 who took a placebo (group B). The subjects were 19 years old. Blood samples were obtained before training began and on days 1, 7, 21 and 42 of training. They were analysed for packed cell volume (PVC) and for haemoglobin (Hb), 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), haptoglobin, iron and ferritin concentrations. The VO2max was measured on days 0, 21 and 42 of training. Following 21 days of training Hb, PCV and ferritin were significantly higher (P less than or equal to 0.01) in group A compared to group B. Over the training period Hb rose by 9.3% and 2.4% in groups A and B, respectively. At the end of training 66% of group B exhibited ferritin concentrations below 10 ng.ml-1, while none of group A had such low values. Mean VO2max of group A had increased by 7.5% following 21 days of training (P less than or equal to 0.01) and by 15.3% after 42 days. No appreciable increase in VO2max had occurred in group B by day 21 (significantly lower than VO2max of group A; P less than or equal to 0.05), however by day 42 it had increased by 14.3% (P less than or equal to 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An attempt was made to test the hypothesis that regular physical activity at the anaerobic threshold can stimulate an increase in the amount of brown or beige body fat, which can manifest itself in increased lactate utilization during exercise and increased reactivity in response to acute regional cooling. The methods used in the study included the ramp test; regional acute cold exposure; measurement of gas exchange; lactate and glucose in the blood; heart rate; heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration variability at rest and during standard functional tests; infrared thermal imaging; and statistical methods of analysis of results. Training of ten physically active volunteers (7 males and 3 females) on a treadmill at a speed corresponding to 75–80% of personal maximum oxygen consumption \(\left( {V_{O_{2\max } } } \right)\) for 30 min 3 times per week at a fixed ambient temperature of 21–22°C for 6 weeks resulted in a significant (from 19 to 39%) increase in exercise duration in the ramp test, whereas \(V_{O_{2\max } }\) changed, on average, only slightly. The increase in the anaerobic threshold power was associated with a sharp slowdown in the accumulation of lactate during the ramp test. The lactate utilization rate during the recovery period, on the contrary, increased. In general, work efficiency during test load significantly increased. Noticeable changes in the condition and responses to the standard functional tests of the autonomic system were not found, as judged by the heart rate variability, blood pressure, and respiration variability at rest and during orthostatic tests and imposed breathing rhythm. The functional response of the body to acute cold exposure (1-min cooling of the feet in ice water) did not change after a cycle of training, both in terms of metabolism (oxygen consumption, etc.) and the skin temperature dynamics in the areas of most probable location of brown adipose tissue (BAT). These data do not confirm our previous hypothesis (2010) about the function of BAT as a universal homeostatic instrument in the body. Probably, if the formation of the beige adipose tissue is stimulated by physical activity and hormone irisin, produced by muscles, this tissue is involved in lactate utilization but is not involved in the thermoregulatory responses.  相似文献   

Individuals in a structural physical training program can show beneficial changes in body composition, such as body fat reduction and muscle mass increase. This study measured body composition changes by using 3 different techniques-skinfold thickness (SF) measurements, air displacement plethysmography (BOD-POD), and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-during 9 months of intense training in healthy young men engaged in military training. Twenty-seven young men were recruited from a special faction of the Italian Navy. The program previewed three phases: ground combat, sea combat, and amphibious combat. Body composition was estimated at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the training. After the subjects performed the ground combat phase, body composition variables significantly decreased: body weight (P < 0.05), fat-free mass (FFM) (P < 0.001), and fat mass (FM) (P < 0.03). During the amphibious combat phase, body weight increased significantly (P < 0.01), mainly because of an increase in FFM (P < 0.001) and a smaller mean decrease in FM. There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in circumferences and SF at various sites after starting the training course. Bland-Altman analysis did not show any systematic difference between FM and FFM measured with the 3 different techniques on any occasion. On any visit, FFM and FM correlation measured by BOD-POD (P = 0.90) and DXA was significantly greater than measured by SF. A significant difference was found in body mass index (BMI) measured during the study. BOD-POD and SF, compared with DXA, provide valid and reliable measurement of changes in body composition in healthy young men engaged in military training. In conclusion, the findings suggest that for young men of normal weight, changes in body weight alone and in BMI are not a good measure to assess the effectiveness of intense physical training programs, because lean mass gain can masquerade fat weight loss.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of daily administration of a supplement that contained caffeine in conjunction with 8 weeks of aerobic training on VO(2)peak, time to running exhaustion at 90% VO(2)peak, body weight, and body composition. Thirty-six college students (14 men and 22 women; mean +/- SD, age 22.4 +/- 2.9 years) volunteered for this investigation and were randomized into either a placebo (n = 18) or supplement group (n = 18). The subjects ingested 1 dose (3 pills = 201 mg of caffeine) of the placebo or supplement per day during the study period. In addition, the subjects performed treadmill running for 45 minutes at 75% of the heart rate at VO(2)peak, three times per week for 8 weeks. All subjects were tested pretraining and posttraining for VO(2)peak, time to running exhaustion (TRE) at 90% VO(2)peak, body weight (BW), percentage body fat (%FAT), fat weight (FW), and fat-free weight (FFW). The results indicated that there were equivalent training-induced increases (p < 0.05) in VO(2)peak and TRE for the supplement and placebo groups, but no changes (p > 0.05) in BW, %FAT, FW, or FFW for either group. These findings indicated that chronic use of the caffeine-containing supplement in the present study, in conjunction with aerobic training, provided no ergogenic effects as measured by VO(2)peak and TRE, and the supplement was of no benefit for altering body weight or body composition.  相似文献   

The influence of physical activity on body mass components has been studied using a sample of Moscow children. 195 girls and 259 boys of Russian ethnicity from 12 to 17 years old were investigated cross-sectionally in 2005 in different Moscow schools. According to the level of physical activity they were divided into three groups: 1-those who did not take part in regular physical exercise (44 boys and 50 girls); 2-those who took part in special sports programs in general education schools (82 boys and 82 girls); 3-students of special sports schools with a high sports ranking (133 boys and 63 girls). The program included anthropometric measurements, evaluation of sexual maturation indices, somatotypes, and "functional" traits (diastolic and systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, hand grip, etc). For the study of body composition, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used. The estimates of body mass components were also calculated using the anthropometric measurements. For the fat component, the estimates obtained by BIA and the anthropometric methods were highly correlated: r=0.85-0.88. Age changes of BIA measurements and body components were analysed. With multiple regression analysis it was shown that BIA measurements are dependent on a great number of morphological and functional traits, with the most informative sets of traits being selected. The degree of physical activity has a strong effect on body components: the contents of fat-free mass (FFM) and total body water (TBW) significantly increase, and the fat mass (FM) in girls decreases.  相似文献   

To study the effects of age and training on lactate production in older trained subjects, the lactate kinetics of highly trained cyclists [HT, n = 7; 65 (SEM 1.2) years] and control subjects with low training (LT, n = 7) and of similar age were compared to those of young athletes [YA, n = 7; 26 (SEM 0.7) years], during an incremental exercise test to maximum power. The results showed that the lactacidaemia at maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was lower for HT than for LT (P < 0.05) and, in both cases, lower than that of YA (P < 0.001). The respective values were HT: 3.9 (SEM 0.51), LT: 5.36 (SEM 1.12), and YA: 10.3 (SEM 0.63) mmol.l-1. At submaximal powers, however, the difference in lactacidaemia was not significant between HT and YA, although the values for lactacidaemia at VO2max calculated per watt and per watt normalized by body mass were significantly lower for HT (P < 0.001) and LT (P < 0.02). These results would indicate that the decline in power with age induced a decline in lactacidaemia. Yet this loss in power was not the only causative factor; indeed, our results indicated a complementary metabolic influence. In the older subjects training decreased significantly the lactacidaemia for the same submaximal power (P < 0.01) and from 60% of VO2max onwards (P < 0.05); as for YA it postponed the increase and accumulation of lactates. The lactate increase threshold (Thla-,1) was found at 46% VO2max for LT and at 56% VO2max for HT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study compared a carbohydrate-, protein-, and ribose-containing repletion drink vs. carbohydrates alone during 8 weeks of aerobic training. Thirty-two men (age, mean ± SD = 23 ± 3 years) performed tests for aerobic capacity (V(O2)peak), time to exhaustion (TTE) at 90% V(O2)peak, and percent body fat (%fat), and fat-free mass (FFM). Testing was conducted at pre-training (PRE), mid-training at 3 weeks (MID3), mid-training at 6 weeks (MID6), and post-training (POST). Cycle ergometry training was performed at 70% V(O2)peak for 1 hours per day, 5 days per week for 8 weeks. Participants were assigned to a test drink (TEST; 370 kcal, 76 g carbohydrate, 14 g protein, 2.2 g d-ribose; n = 15) or control drink (CON; 370 kcal, 93 g carbohydrate; n = 17) ingested immediately after training. Body weight (BW; 1.8% decrease CON; 1.3% decrease TEST from PRE to POST), %fat (5.5% decrease CON; 3.9% decrease TEST), and FFM (0.1% decrease CON; 0.6% decrease TEST) decreased (p ≤ 0.05), whereas V(O2)peak (19.1% increase CON; 15.8% increase TEST) and TTE (239.1% increase CON; 377.3% increase TEST) increased (p ≤ 0.05) throughout the 8 weeks of training. Percent decreases in %fat from PRE to MID3 and percent increases in FFM from PRE to MID3 and MID6 were greater (p ≤ 0.05) for TEST than CON. Overall, even though the TEST drink did not augment BW, V(O2)peak, or TTE beyond carbohydrates alone, it did improve body composition (%fat and FFM) within the first 3-6 weeks of supplementation, which may be helpful for practitioners to understand how carbohydrate-protein recovery drinks can and cannot improve performance in their athletes.  相似文献   

The criteria of max VO2 and max O2D which are traditionally used in studying aerobic and anaerobic work capacity, have the different dimensions. While max VO2 is an index of the power of aerobic energy output, max O2D assesses the capacity of anaerobic sources. For a comprehensive assessment of physical working capacity of athletes, both aerobic and anaerobic capabilities should be represented in three dimensions, i.e. in indexes of power, capacity and efficiency. Experimental procedures have been developed for assessing these three parameters in treadmill running tests. It is proposed to assess anaerobic power by measuring excess CO2, concurrently with determination of max VO2. Maximal aerobic capacity is established as the product of max VO2 by the time of max VO2 maintenance determined in a special test with running at critical speed. The erogmetric criteria derived on the basis of the tests proposed, may be used for systematization of various physical work loads.  相似文献   

Body size, physique, body composition and physiological performance of elite athletes are independent aspects, have aroused the interest of exercise scientists, but studies that combine these aspects in elite athletes are scarcely available. The aim of the present study was to describe the selected anthropometric and exercise physiological characteristics of some Hungarian top athletes. The investigated subjects were qualified Hungarian water polo players (n=25), paddlers (n=24) and modem pentathlonists (n=20), all of whom had been medalists at several continental and intercontinental competitions. The athletes' body composition was estimated by the Drinkwater-Ross (45) body mass fractionation technique. Peak physiological performance was estimated by graded exhausting spiroergometric treadmill exercise. Intergroup differences in mean height, body mass and body composition characteristics were significant at the 5% level of random error. By the results of spiroergometry, all the three groups compared could be qualified as physically excellently trained. The greatest oxygen uptake relative to body mass was found in the modern pentathlonists (73.22 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and the lowest one (59.79) in the water polo players. The authors do not disregard the favourable effects of regular and adequate trainings in the development of the studied characteristics, but in their opinion the process of proper selection has been the most important factor that explains the observed significant intergroup differences.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is often promoted as a slimming and weight/fat loss agent and ingestion of DHEA may have hypolipidemic and anti-obesity properties. The main aim of this study was to examine the effects of acute DHEA intake on body composition and serum steroid hormones in young athletes. Twenty young (19 to 22 years) male soccer players were allocated into two randomly assigned trials in double-blind design by ingesting 100-mg daily oral DHEA or as placebo (PLA) for 28 days. Body mass was not affected by 4 weeks of DHEA supplementation (P > 0.05). No significant changes in body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and body fat or total muscle mass for the two groups were detected at the end of the trial (P > 0.05). There was no within- or between-group difference in arm fat index (AFI) and corrected mid-upper-arm muscle area (cAMA) (P > 0.05). Treatment with DHEA resulted in a significant increase of total testosterone, estradiol and DHEA-S levels in treated subjects versus the placebo group (P < 0.05). Results of this study suggest that DHEA supplementation has no beneficial effects on body composition in young competitive athletes.  相似文献   

Keller JL  Casson PR  Toth MJ 《Steroids》2011,76(12):1247-1251


To evaluate the role of physiologic levels of androgens and their precursors in the regulation of body composition, energy and substrate metabolism and aerobic capacity in healthy, cycling, premenopausal women.


We evaluated 30 young (27 ± 1 year) premenopausal, non-obese (23 ± 0.5 kg/m2), normally-cycling women, without clinical or chemical evidence of hyperandrogenism or hyperinsulinemia, for parameters of total and regional body composition, glucose tolerance, aerobic capacity and resting energy expenditure and substrate oxidation. Serum was assayed for androgens and androgen precursors by techniques optimized to assess the low androgen levels in this population.


Higher serum testosterone levels correlated with greater fat mass (r = 0.377; p = 0.04), but not abdominal adiposity or other metabolic/physiologic variables. Additionally, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was negatively related to visceral fat content (r = −0.569; p = 0.02). Other serum androgens did not correlate with total or regional adiposity, skeletal muscle mass, aerobic capacity, glucose tolerance, or resting energy and substrate metabolism.


In this group of non-obese, premenopausal women with no clinical or chemical evidence of hyperandrogenemia, serum testosterone levels were positively related with fat mass, but not with abdominal adiposity; whereas, DHEA was negatively related to visceral adiposity. Our data suggest that within the normal physiologic range, testosterone is a predictor of overall adiposity, but that this effect does not appear to be associated with concomitant alterations in resting energy or substrate metabolism that could predispose to weight gain.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of weight loss induced by diet-orlistat (DO) and diet-orlistat combined with exercise (DOE) on maximal work rate production (Wmax) capacity in obese patients. Total of 24 obese patients were involved in this study. Twelve of them were subjected to DO therapy only and the remaining 12 patients participated in a regular aerobic exercise-training program in addition to DO therapy (DOE). Each patient performed two incremental ramp exercise tests up to exhaustion using an electromagnetically-braked cycle ergometer: one at the onset and one at the end of the 4th week. DOE therapy caused a significant decrease in total body weight: 101.5+/-17.4 kg (basal) vs 96.3+/-17.3 kg (4 wk) associated with a significant decrease in body fat mass: 45.0+/-10.5 kg (basal) vs 40.9+/-9.8 kg (4 wk). DO therapy also resulted in a significant decrease of total body weight 94.9+/-14.9 kg (basal) vs 91.6+/-13.5 kg (4 wk) associated with small but significant decreases in body fat mass: 37.7+/-5.6 kg (basal) to 36.0+/-6.2 kg (4 wk). Weight reduction achieved during DO therapy was not associated with increased Wmax capacity: 106+/-32 W (basal) vs 106+/-33 W (4 wk), while DOE therapy resulted in a markedly increased Wmax capacity: 109+/-39 W (basal) vs 138+/-30 W (4 wk). DO therapy combined with aerobic exercise training resulted in a significant reduction of fat mass tissue and markedly improved the aerobic fitness and Wmax capacities of obese patients. Considering this improvement within such a short period, physicians should consider applying an aerobic exercise-training program to sedentary obese patients for improving their physical fitness and thereby reduce the negative outcomes of obesity.  相似文献   

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