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A method is presented for measuring growth of bacteria under high hydrostatic pressure in subsamples taken without pressure change in the incubation vessel. Subsamples may be withdrawn rapidly (5 s) and are not subjected to shear forces. Vice versa, nutrient media, labeled substrates, etc., may be introduced into the culture while under pressure. Chemical fixation of subsamples for electron microscopy or adenosine 5'-triphosphate determinations under pressure is also possible without affecting the growing culture. Data are given of growth experiments demonstrating the feasibility of the method. Problems of oxygen depletion are discussed.  相似文献   

A sampling technique for bacterial cultures subjected to high hydrostatic pressure is described. A sample-receiving vessel with a motor driven interface-piston is employed. By precisely matching the pressures in the bulk culture and the sample-receiving vessel, none of the sample is subjected to the high shear forces common to other desings of high pressure sampler. The use of the technique was illustrated by the growth of an anaerobic culture at 300 bar and 75°C.  相似文献   

Physiological hydrostatic pressure protects endothelial monolayer integrity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endothelial monolayer integrity is required to maintain endothelial barrier functions and has found to be impaired in several disorders like inflammatory edema, allergic shock, or artherosclerosis. Under physiologic conditions in vivo, endothelial cells are exposed to mechanical forces such as hydrostatic pressure, shear stress, and cyclic stretch. However, insight into the effects of hydrostatic pressure on endothelial cell biology is very limited at present. Therefore, in this study, we tested the hypothesis that physiological hydrostatic pressure protects endothelial monolayer integrity in vitro. We investigated the protective efficacy of hydrostatic pressure in microvascular myocardial endothelial (MyEnd) cells and macrovascular pulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAECs) by the application of selected pharmacological agents known to alter monolayer integrity in the absence or presence of hydrostatic pressure. In both endothelial cell lines, extracellular Ca(2+) depletion by EGTA was followed by a loss of vascular-endothelial cadherin (VE-caherin) immunostaining at cell junctions. However, hydrostatic pressure (15 cmH(2)O) blocked this effect of EGTA. Similarly, cytochalasin D-induced actin depolymerization and intercellular gap formation and cell detachment in response to the Ca(2+)/calmodulin antagonist trifluperazine (TFP) as well as thrombin-induced cell dissociation were also reduced by hydrostatic pressure. Moreover, hydrostatic pressure significantly reduced the loss of VE-cadherin-mediated adhesion in response to EGTA, cytochalasin D, and TFP in MyEnd cells as determined by laser tweezer trapping using VE-cadherin-coated microbeads. In caveolin-1-deficient MyEnd cells, which lack caveolae, hydrostatic pressure did not protect monolayer integrity compromised by EGTA, indicating that caveolae-dependent mechanisms are involved in hydrostatic pressure sensing and signaling.  相似文献   

A novel pressure chamber system has been developed for the study of living cells under conditions of extremely high hydrostatic pressure up to 100 MPa (1 atm = 0.101325 MPa). The temperature in the chamber is thermostatically controlled in the range from 2 degrees to 80 degrees C. Two high-pressure pumps are employed for continuous perfusion of the chamber with culture medium and a chemical solution under high hydrostatic pressure conditions. The chamber has a 2-mm-thick glass window 2 mm in diameter, with a minimum working distance of 3.8 mm. The chamber system is designed to be adaptable to a variety of microscopic and imaging techniques. Using this chamber system, we successfully carried out real-time observations of elongated Escherichia coli and rounded HeLa cells under pressure.  相似文献   

H(2)O is one of the most essential molecules for cellular life. Cell volume, osmolality and hydrostatic pressure are tightly controlled by multiple signaling cascades and they drive crucial cellular functions ranging from exocytosis and growth to apoptosis. Ion fluxes and cell shape restructuring induce asymmetries in osmotic potential across the plasma membrane and lead to localized hydrodynamic flow. Cells have evolved fascinating strategies to harness the potential of hydrodynamic flow to perform crucial functions. Plants exploit hydrodynamics to drive processes including gas exchange, leaf positioning, nutrient acquisition and growth. This paradigm is extended by recent work that reveals an important role for hydrodynamics in pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

The histidine-containing protein (HPr) plays an important role in the phosphotransferase system (PTS). The deformations induced on the protein structure at high hydrostatic pressure values (4, 50, 100, 150, and 200 MPa) were previously (H. Kalbitzer, A. G?rler, H. Li, P. Dubovskii, A. Hengstenberg, C. Kowolik, H. Yamada, and K. Akasaka, Protein Science 2000, Vol. 9, pp. 693-703) analyzed by NMR experiments: the nonlinear variations of the amide chemical shifts at high pressure values were supposed to arise from induced shifts in the protein conformational equilibrium. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are here performed, to analyze the protein internal mobility at 0.1 MPa, and to relate the nonlinear variations of chemical shifts observed at high pressure, to variations in conformational equilibrium. The global features of the protein structure are only slightly modified along the pressure. Nevertheless, the values of the Voronoi residues volumes show that the residues of alpha-helices are more compressed that those belonging to the beta-sheet. The alpha-helices are also displaying the largest internal mobility and deformation in the simulations. The nonlinearity of the 1H chemical shifts, computed from the MD simulation snapshots, is in qualitative agreement with the nonlinearity of the experimentally observed chemical shifts.  相似文献   

Measurement of albumin permeability across endothelial monolayers in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have developed an experimental system to measure the permeability of the cultured endothelial monolayer. The luminal-to-abluminal flux of 125I-albumin across cultured pulmonary endothelium was expressed as a clearance rate equal to the permeability-surface area product. After clearance rate measurement for a 30-min base-line period, a test agent was added to the luminal side, and the clearance rate was remeasured during a 30-min experimental period. In control studies the base-line clearance rate was 0.343 +/- 0.017 microliter/min. After correction for the diffusional resistances of the filter and unstirred layers, the calculated permeability of the endothelial monolayer was 1.2 X 10(-5) cm/s. When culture medium was the test agent, the experimental clearance rate was unchanged from the base-line value. After addition of 4 mM oleic acid to the luminal chamber, the clearance rate was 0.528 +/- 0.017 microliter/min compared with a base-line value of 0.330 +/- 0.008 microliter/min (P less than 0.005). This method allows the calculation of endothelial permeability with correction for unstirred layers and the use of each monolayer as its own control.  相似文献   

The objective ofthis study was to evaluate the effects of nitric oxide (NO) onH2O2-mediatedendothelial permeability.H2O2 (0.1 mM) increased permeability at 90 min to 298% of baseline. Spermine NONOate (SNO), an NO donor, at 0.1 or 1 mM did not alter permeability. However, 0.1 mMH2O2 + 1 mM SNO increased permeability to 764%, twice that of 0.1 mMH2O2alone. These treatments were not directly toxic to endothelial cells.This NO effect was concentration dependent, inasmuch as 0.1 mM SNO didnot significantly change H2O2-mediatedpermeability. The NO-enhanced,H2O2-dependentpermeability required the simultaneous presence of NO andH2O2,inasmuch as preincubation with SNO for 30 min followed by 0.1 mMH2O2did not alter permeability. Staining of endothelial junctions showed widening of the intercellular space only in junctions of cells exposedtoH2O2(0.1 mM) + SNO (1 mM). Furthermore, NO did not affectH2O2metabolism by endothelial cells but significantly depletedintracellular glutathione. This reduction of cell glutathione producedby NO exposure recovered 15-30 min after removal of the NO donor.NO-enhanced permeability was completely blocked by methionine (1 mM), ascavenger of reactive oxygen species, and by the iron chelatordesferrioxamine (0.1 mM). These results suggest that NO may exacerbatethe effects ofH2O2-dependentincrease in endothelial monolayer permeability via the iron-catalyzedformation of reactive oxygen metabolites.


Summary An essential component of anyin vitro model for endothelial permeability is a confluent cell monolayer. The model reported here utilizes primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) cultured on recently developed polyethylene terephthalate micropore membranes. Using a modification of the Wright-Giemsa stain, confluent HUVEC monolayers grown on micropore membranes were routinely assessed using light microscopy. Determination of confluence using this method was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. Transendothelial electrical resistance of HUVEC monolayers averaged 27.9±11.4 Ω · cm2, 10 to 21% higher than literature values. Studies characterizing the permeability of the endothelial cell monolayer to3H-inulin demonstrated a linear relationship between the luminal concentration of3H-inulin and its flux across HUVEC monolayers. The slope of the flux versus concentration plot, which represents endothelial clearance of3H-inulin, was 2.01±0.076 × 10−4 ml/min (r2=.9957). The permeability coefficient for the HUVEC monolayer-micropore membrane barrier was 3.17±0.427×10−6 cm/s with a calculated permeability coefficient of the HUVEC monolayer alone of 4.07±0.617×10−6 cm/s. The HUVEC monolayer reduced the permeability of the micropore membrane alone to3H-inulin (1.43±0.445×10−5 cm/s) by 78%. Evans blue dye-labeled bovine serum albumin could not be detected on the abluminal side without disruption of the HUVEC monolayer. These results demonstrate a model for endothelial permeability that can be extensively assessed for monolayer integrity by direct visualization, transendothelial electrical resistance, and the permeability of indicator macromolecules.  相似文献   

The stabilities of subtilisin and lysozyme under hydrostatic pressures up to 200 MPa were investigated for up to 7 days at 25 degrees C. Methods were chosen to assess changes in tertiary and secondary protein structure as well as aggregation state. Tertiary structure was monitored in situ with second derivative UV spectroscopy and after pressure treatment by dynamic light scattering and second derivative UV spectroscopy. Secondary structure and potential secondary structural changes were characterized by second derivative FTIR spectroscopy. Changes in aggregation state were assessed using dynamic light scattering. Additionally, protein concentration balances were carried out to detect any loss of protein as a function of pressure. For the conditions tested, neither protein shows measurable changes in tertiary or secondary structure or signs of aggregation. Lysozyme concentration balances show no dependence on pressure. Subtilisin concentration balances at high protein concentration (4 mg/mL and higher) do not show pressure dependence. However, the concentration balances carried out at 0.4 mg/mL show a clear sign of pressure dependence. These results may be explained by protein interaction with the vial surface and appear to be rate limited by the equilibrium between active and inactive protein on the surface. Pressure increases protein loss, and the estimated partial molar volume change between the two states is estimated to be -20 +/- 10 mL/mol.  相似文献   

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