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Millimeter wave absorption spectra of biological samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A solid-state computer-controlled system has been used to make swept-frequency measurements of absorption of biological specimens from 26.5 to 90.0 GHz. A wide range of samples was used, including solutions of DNA and RNA, and suspensions of BHK-21/C13 cells, Candida albicans, C krusei, and Escherichia coli. Sharp spectra reported by other workers were not observed. The strong absorbance of water (10--30 dB/mm) caused the absorbance of all aqueous preparations that we examined to have a water-like dependence on frequency. Reduction of incident power (to below 1.0 microW), elimination of modulation, and control of temperature to assure cell viability were not found to significantly alter the water-dominated absorbance. Frozen samples of BHK-21/C13 cells tested at dry ice and liquid nitrogen temperatures were found to have average insertion loss reduced to 0.2 dB/cm but still showed no reproducible peaks that could be attributed to absorption spectra. It is concluded that the special resonances reported by others are likely to be in error.  相似文献   

We present a new method based on optical null methods for simultaneously measuring the optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) and absorption spectra of chiral substances. The optical rotation angle at a specific wavelength can be obtained from the optical nulls of the Malus curves with and without the sample. We use the optical nulls of the two curves as benchmark points and the readings to the right of the benchmark points by a certain angular offset to eliminate the influence of the analyzer on the light intensity and obtain the absorbance of the chiral substance at a specific wavelength. The 4096 pixels of the line scan CCD can measure multiple wavelengths simultaneously so that continuous ORD and absorption spectra can be obtained. The experimental results show that the standard deviation of the specific optical rotation is 0.11 deg mL g−1 dm−1, the standard deviation of the maximum absorption wavelength is 0.45 nm, and that absorbance of the sample varies linearly with the concentration. This method is helpful for simplifying the experiment and has a profound influence on the analysis of the contents and molecular configurations of chiral substances in the future.  相似文献   

Nonlinear triplet-triplet absorption in organic molecules can be used to construct all-optical switches and spatial light modulators (SLMs). SLM experiments were performed on eosin/PVA films using Ar laser light for writing and He-Ne laser for reading. The results indicate that triplet quenching is a limiting factor in the SLM performance. Better results in terms of writing intensity and contrast ratio are obtained in transient waveguide switch configuration.  相似文献   

Direct determination of the microwave absorption characteristics of biological molecules in solution by an optical heterodyne technique is described. A visibly transparent sample is irradiated in a spatially nonuniform manner with pulsed microwaves, and the spatial variation in temperature increase measured by detecting the phase chirp impressed on a single-frequency He-Ne laser beam passing through the heated region. Results for several liquids and solutions such as water, methanol, various saline solutions, and solutions of DNA and DNA sodium salt in water are described. Where direct comparison is possible the results agree very well with published values. A significant increase in the absorption of DNA solutions compared with pure water has been observed that is consistent with microwave absorption by the longitudinal mode of the double helix.  相似文献   

Clinicians need a way to rapidly and reliably test the correct functioning of near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)–based oximeters. Therefore, optical phantoms for quality assessment of NIRS oximeters are needed. The fabrication of such phantoms that mimic the optical properties of biological tissue in the NIR range represents a challenge. To enable their development, the aim was to characterize the absorption and scattering spectra of different dyes. The optical properties of silicone SILPURAN 2420 with 11 color pastes of type ELASTOSIL were measured in the 500 to 1000 nm range by a spectrometer with an integrating sphere. In addition, two commercial frequency‐domain NIRS devices, the ISS OxiplexTS and the ISS Imagent, were used to assess the optical properties at specific wavelengths. The evaluated colors present mostly features in the visible range below 650 nm, but two colors include peaks in the near‐infrared region, simulating low tissue oxygenation values. These colors were used to create an optical phantom, which matched the designed StO2 value within an error of only 4%. This set of dyes already enables simulating many different spectra, thus achieving a first step on the way to a long‐term stable comparison and validation method.   相似文献   

A single-shot adaptation of Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) for high-speed volumetric snapshot imaging of dynamic mesoscopic biological samples is presented. Conventional OPT has been applied to in vivo imaging of animal models such as D. rerio, but the sequential acquisition of projection images typically requires samples to be immobilized during the acquisition. A proof-of-principle system capable of single-shot tomography of a ~1 mm3 volume is presented, demonstrating camera-limited rates of up to 62.5 volumes/s, which has been applied to 3D imaging of a freely swimming zebrafish embryo. This is achieved by recording eight projection views simultaneously on four low-cost CMOS cameras. With no stage required to rotate the sample, this single-shot OPT system can be implemented with a component cost of under £5000. The system design can be adapted to different sized fields of view and may be applied to a broad range of dynamic samples, including high throughput flow cytometry applied to model organisms and fluid dynamics studies.  相似文献   

Using a time-dependent density functional approach and taking into account the bulk solvent effects, we study the modification of the optical properties of maleic anhydride diarylethenes induced by structural changes. Our results reproduce the auxochromic shifts described by experiments. We show that the closed forms of diarylethene molecules are much more sensitive to heteroatom substitution of the cyclopentadienyl rings than the open forms. The addition of electro-active groups to the reactive carbon atoms is also investigated. The major effect on the UV/visible spectra originates from the resonance effect as measured by the Hammett's factor.  相似文献   

Liquid‐core waveguides (LCWs), devices that constrain the emitted radiation minimizing losses during the transport, are an alternative to maximize the amount of detected radiation in luminescence. In this work, the performance of a LCW flow‐cell was critically evaluated for chemiluminescence measurements, by using as model the oxidation of luminol by hydrogen peroxide or hypochlorite. An analytical procedure for hypochlorite determination was also developed, with linear response in the range 0.2–3.8 mg/L (2.7–51 µmol/L), a detection limit estimated as 8 µg/L (0.64 µmol/L) at the 99.7% confidence level and luminol consumption of 50 µg/determination. The coefficients of variation were 3.3% and 1.6% for 0.4 and 1.9 mg/L ClO?, respectively, with a sampling rate of 164 determinations/h. The procedure was applied to the analysis of Dakin's solution samples, yielding results in agreement with those obtained by iodometric titration at the 95% confidence level. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra were calculated under off-resonance, near-resonance, and at-resonance conditions for ( A ) and under off-resonance conditions for ( B ) using a new driver software for calculating the ROA intensities from complex (damped) time-dependent linear response Kohn-Sham theory. The off-resonance spectra of A and B show many similarities. At an incident laser wavelength of 532 nm, used in commercial ROA spectrometers, the spectrum of A is enhanced by near-resonance with the ligand-field transitions of the complex. The near-resonance spectrum exhibits many qualitative differences compared with the off-resonance case, but it remains bi-signate. Even under full resonance with the ligand-field electronic transitions, the ROA spectrum of A remains bi-signate when the electronic transitions are broadened such as to yield absorption line widths that are comparable with those in the experimental UV-vis absorption and electronic circular dichroism spectra.  相似文献   

The nature of the lowest energy bound-state transition in the Ru K-edge X-ray absorption spectra for a series of Grubbs-type ruthenium complexes was investigated. The pre-edge feature was unambiguously assigned as resulting from formally electric dipole forbidden Ru 4d ← 1s transitions. The intensities of these transitions are extremely sensitive to the ligand environment and the symmetry of the metal centre. In centrosymmetric complexes the pre-edge is very weak since it is limited by the weak electric quadrupole intensity mechanism. By contrast, upon breaking centrosymmetry, Ru 5p-4d mixing allows for introduction of electric dipole allowed character resulting in a dramatic increase in the pre-edge intensity. The information content of this approach is explored as it relates to complexes of importance in olefin metathesis and its relevance as a tool for the study of reactive intermediates.  相似文献   

We describe a simple enzymatic method for the sensitive and specific detection and quantitation of families of hydroxy- and oxo-steroids in biological mixtures. Analysis of the profiles of individual steroids may be achieved following their chromatographic separation. The objectives of this analytical system are, therefore, different from conventional methods which are designed to measure single steroids with a high degree of specificity. The method employs highly purified and active bacterial hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (HSD) which promote stereospecific, nicotinamide nucleotide-dependent oxidations and reductions at specified positions of steroids. In the presence of catalytic quantities of steroids these enzymes promote the transfer of hydrogen (transhydrogenation) between NADH and NAD analogues. A recently purified 17 beta-HSD from an Alcaligenes species (D. W. Payne and P. Talalay, J. biol. Chem., 260, 13468-13655, 1985) shows almost complete specificity for the 17 beta-hydroxy- and 17-oxo-groups of both C18 and C19 steroids. This enzyme catalyzes steroid-dependent transhydrogenation between NADH and the thionicotinamide analogue of NAD (S-NAD). When these components are incubated at pH 8.5 in the presence of minute quantities of steroid substrates, S-NADH (measured at 398 nm where NADH does not absorb) accumulates at a constant rate which is proportional to the concentrations of steroid and enzyme. The linear increase in absorbance with time is a measure of the total concentration of 17 beta-hydroxy- and 17-oxo-steroids, and can be used to detect subpicomol quantities of steroids. The method is illustrated by the detection and identification of free and conjugated androgens in human serum following their separation by high pressure liquid chromatography. The specificity of the transhydrogenase assay is completely dependent on the specificity of the enzyme and is thus applicable to the detection of other hydroxy- and oxo-steroids by making use of HSDs with appropriate specificities (e.g. 3 alpha-HSD for the measurement of 3 alpha-hydroxy- and 3-oxo-steroids). The simple one-step reaction lends itself to automation, needs no auxiliary detection systems, and requires only an inexpensive colorimeter.  相似文献   

The molecules‐in‐molecules (MIM) fragment‐based method has recently been adapted to evaluate the chiroptical (vibrational circular dichroism [VCD] and Raman optical activity [ROA]) spectra of large molecules such as peptides. In the MIM‐VCD and MIM‐ROA methods, the relevant higher energy derivatives of the parent molecule are assembled from the corresponding derivatives of smaller fragment subsystems. In addition, the missing long‐range interfragment interactions are accounted at a computationally less expensive level of theory (MIM2). In this work we employed the MIM‐VCD and MIM‐ROA fragment‐based methods to explore the evolution of the chiroptical spectroscopic characteristics of 310‐helix, α‐helix, β‐hairpin, γ‐turn, and β‐extended conformers of gas phase polyalanine (chain length n = 6–14). The different conformers of polyalanine show distinctive features in the MIM chiroptical spectra and the associated spectral intensities increase with evolution of system size. For a better understanding the site‐specific effects on the vibrational spectra, isotopic substitutions were also performed employing the MIM method. An increasing redshift with the number of isotopically labeled 13C=O functional groups in the peptide molecule was seen. For larger polypeptides, we implemented the two‐step‐MIM model to circumvent the high computational expense associated with the evaluation of chiroptical spectra at a high level of theory using large basis sets. The chiroptical spectra of α‐(alanine)20 polypeptide obtained using the two‐step‐MIM model, including continuum solvation effects, show good agreement with the full calculations and experiment. This benchmark study suggests that the MIM‐fragment approach can assist in predicting and interpreting chiroptical spectra of large polypeptides.  相似文献   

This method of nitrate determination by ultraviolet absorption spectrometry is based on the measurement of sample absorbance at a single wavelength (220 nm), which was chosen on the basis of the absorption spectra of the main components of artificial seawater in the ultraviolet domain. No reagents are used and no sophisticated instruments are necessary. For standards prepared in artificial seawater, the relationship between absorbance and nitrate concentration is linear up to 500 μmol N L−1 and the detection limit is 1 μmol N L−1. Precision is 1.5%. Urea and amino acids did not interfere at concentrations typical of seawater. The method also measures nitrite, but this interference only becomes important for species which excrete large amounts of nitrite. The method is extremely rapid, simple to implement and does not require the use of toxic chemicals such as cadmium. It should prove useful for monitoring quickly the nitrate concentrations in laboratory cultures of marine phytoplankton. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

BackgroundAn effective, green and rapid analytical strategy namely the simultaneous spray assisted droplet formation-liquid phase microextraction (S-SADF-LPME) method was developed for the determination of trace quantity of cadmium in saliva samples by using the slotted quartz tube-flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (SQT-FAAS). By the developed method, external dispersive solvent usage for droplet formation was reduced to obtain a more environmental-friendly method.MethodsMethod consists of a simultaneous complexing and extraction step, which was based on spraying an extraction solvent containing a solid ligand into the aqueous sample solution, forming fine droplets without the use of dispersive solvent. The procedure was implemented using a customized, cost effective and portable spray apparatus to minimize the consumption of reagent, analysis time and operation steps. Thus, this methodology ensures better repeatability and accuracy while minimizing the relative errors caused by the experimental steps. Parameters including the buffer amount, extractant/ligand concentration, extraction solvent type, extraction/ligand solution volume, spraying number and vortex period were systemically optimized to lower the detection limit.ResultsUnder the optimal extraction conditions, 96.9-folds enhancement in the detection power of the traditional FAAS was achieved. The limit of detection and limit of quantification values of presented method were calculated to be 0.65 and 2.17 ng mL−1, respectively. Accuracy and applicability of the optimized method was investigated by collecting saliva samples from smokers. Satisfactory percent recovery values wereachieved for cadmium with a low standard deviation in the acceptable range of 84.9–109.6 %.ConclusionThe developed dispersive solvent-free S-SADF-LPME technique presents a fast, simple, cost-effective and eco-friendly microextraction method based on the use of an easily accessible and functional spray apparatus.  相似文献   

Previous studies for melanin visualization in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) have exploited either its absorption properties (using photoacoustic tomography or photothermal optical coherence tomography [OCT]) or its depolarization properties (using polarization sensitive OCT). However, these methods are only suitable when the melanin concentration is sufficiently high. In this work, we present the concept of hyperspectral OCT for melanin visualization in the RPE when the concentration is low. Based on white light OCT, a hyperspectral stack of 27 wavelengths (440‐700 nm) was created in post‐processing for each depth‐resolved image. Owing to the size and shape of the melanin granules in the RPE, the variations in backscattering coefficient as a function of wavelength could be identified—a result which is to be expected from Mie theory. This effect was successfully identified both in eumelanin‐containing phantoms and in vivo in the low‐concentration Brown Norway rat RPE.   相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) are generally accepted as the preferred techniques for detecting and quantitating analytes of interest in biological matrices on the basis of the rule that one chemical compound yields one LC-peak with reliable retention time (Rt.). However, in the current study, we have found that under the same LC-MS conditions, the Rt. and shape of LC-peaks of bile acids in urine samples from animals fed dissimilar diets differed significantly among each other. To verify this matrix effect, 17 authentic bile acid standards were dissolved in pure methanol or in methanol containing extracts of urine from pigs consuming either breast milk or infant formula and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. The matrix components in urine from piglets fed formula significantly reduced the LC-peak Rt. and areas of bile acids. This is the first characterization of this matrix effect on Rt. in the literature. Moreover, the matrix effect resulted in an unexpected LC behavior: one single compound yielded two LC-peaks, which broke the rule of one LC-peak for one compound. The three bile acid standards which exhibited this unconventional LC behavior were chenodeoxycholic acid, deoxycholic acid, and glycocholic acid. One possible explanation for this effect is that some matrix components may have loosely bonded to analytes, which changed the time analytes were retained on a chromatography column and interfered with the ionization of analytes in the MS ion source to alter the peak area. This study indicates that a comprehensive understanding of matrix effects is needed towards improving the use of HPLC and LC-MS/MS techniques for qualitative and quantitative analyses of analytes in pharmacokinetics, proteomics/metabolomics, drug development, and sports drug testing, especially when LC-MS/MS data are analyzed by automation software where identification of an analyte is based on its exact molecular weight and Rt.  相似文献   

A unique combined and multi‐disciplinary wavelength multiplexed spectrometer is described. It is furnished with high‐sensitivity imaging plate detectors, the power to which can be gated to provide time‐resolved data. The system is capable of collecting spectrally resolved luminescence data following X‐ray excitation [radioluminescence (RL) or X‐ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL)], electron irradiation [cathodoluminescence (CL)] and visible light from light emitting diodes (LEDs) [photoluminescence (PL)]. Time‐resolved PL and CL data can be collected to provide lifetime estimates with half‐lives from microsecond timeframes. There are temperature stages for the high and low temperature experiments providing temperature control from 20 to 673 K. Combining irradiation, time resolved (TR) and TR‐PL allows spectrally‐resolved thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The design of two detectors with matched gratings gives optimum sensitivity for the system. Examples which show the advantages and multi‐use of the spectrometer are listed. Potential future experiments involving lifetime analysis as a function of irradiation, dose and temperature plus pump‐probe experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

We use photoemission electron microscopy in an X-ray transmission mode for full-field imaging of the X-ray absorption structure of copper in the respiratory metalloprotein hemocyanin KLH1. It contains 160 oxygen binding sites. Each site reversibly binds one molecule oxygen between two copper atoms. In our setup, hemocyanin is dissolved in aqueous solution and enclosed in an ultra-high vacuum compatible liquid sample cell with silicon nitride membranes. The local X-ray absorption structure of the liquid sample is converted into photoelectrons at the microscope side of the cell acting as a photocathode. In this way, different copper valencies are laterally distinguished under in vivo-like conditions, attributed to Cu(I) in the deoxy-state and Cu(II) in the oxy-state.  相似文献   

A compact automated analyser which could analyse constituents in biological fluids with a small sample volume and in a short time has been developed. The instrument was composed of a flow injection analysis system equipped with chemiluminometric detection and an immobilized enzyme column reactor used in combination. Chemiluminescence has high sensitivity, and its reaction proceeds very quickly. Furthermore, an immobilized enzyme column reactor can produce a sufficient amount of hydrogen peroxide from compounds in serum in a short time. When enzymes are used as reagents for the analysis of substances in blood or blood serum, the final signals emitted by different enzyme reactions are usually not only hydrogen peroxide but also ammonia, NAD(P)H and so on. However, the practical chemiluminescence method for ammonia and NAD(P)H has not been established. We have discovered a new practical method for ammonia and NAD(P)H using an enzyme column reactor consisting of both immobilized L -glutamate dehydrogenase and L -glutamate oxidase. The determinations of glucose and uric acid in serum by chemiluminometry after production of hydrogen peroxide by the respective oxidases are presented. A newly chemiluminometric determination of ammonia, NAD(P)H and its applications to other enzymatic analyses that give ammonia and NAD(P)H as a final signal are also described.  相似文献   

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