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Suzuki Noriyuki 《Population Ecology》2015,57(2):293-305
In nature, closely related species often utilize different host species, but it is still unclear what factors contribute to the evolution and maintenance of such diversified host selection. In this review, I describe how negative interspecific mating interactions (reproductive interference) can shape host selection by animals, focusing mainly on phytophagous and predatory insects. First, I explain an important premise of this hypothesis, which is that the adult reproductive site is the same as the feeding site for the offspring. Next, I describe several mathematical models and well-studied empirical systems to show that reproductive interference can sufficiently drive and maintain different host selection between phylogenetically related species. Then, I argue for the first time that reproductive interference can cause an oviposition preference in insects that is not optimal for the survival and development of the offspring, as a result of maternal adaptive behavior that maximizes the mother's own fitness. Furthermore, I argue that in insects, reproductive interference probably shapes oviposition behavior before the female alights on the host (e.g., habitat preference), without affecting post-alighting decision making. I would like to emphasize that these two arguments represent the novel approach to clarify the unrevealed pattern of complex insect oviposition behavior. 相似文献
Preference-performance linkage in a herbivorous lady beetle: consequences of variability of natural enemies 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We investigated the relationship between oviposition preference and offspring performance in a herbivorous lady beetle Epilachna pustulosa on two co-occurring plant species, thistle Cirsium kamtschaticum and blue cohosh Caulophyllum robustum, in 1994 and 1995. The relative importance of bottom-up effects by host plants and top-down effects by natural enemies on
offspring performance were determined using field and laboratory experiments. In both years, egg density on blue cohosh was
significantly higher than on thistle. A laboratory experiment demonstrated that larval survival from hatching to adult emergence
was significantly higher, and developmental period shorter when larvae were reared on blue cohosh compared to thistle. The
positive preference-performance linkage varied between years in the field. Top-down effects had a different impact on larval
survival on the two host plant species. Arthropod predators, a lady beetle Harmonia axyridis and an earwig Forficula mikado, considerably depressed immature survival on thistle, while they were negligible on blue cohosh. Although the lack of effective
predation increased larval survival on blue cohosh, it led to defoliation due to increased larval feeding late in the season.
Because of severe intraspecific competition, old larvae had significantly lower survival on blue cohosh than on thistle. In
1994, as larval survival decreased due to defoliation on blue cohosh, the overall survival rate was significantly higher on
thistle than on blue cohosh. This survival pattern was opposite to that found in the laboratory experiment. In contrast, in
1995, the increase in predatory lady beetles on thistle caused greater larval mortality. Thus, the overall survival was significantly
lower on thistle than on blue cohosh, although severe intraspecific competition occurred on blue cohosh as it had in 1994.
Consequently, the offspring performance on the two host plants is largely determined by the relative importance of arthropod
predation determining larval survival on thistle and host plant defoliation reducing late larval survival on blue cohosh.
These results indicate the important role of spatial and temporal variability of natural enemies on the preference-performance
linkage of herbivorous insects.
Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 11 January 1999 相似文献
A number of invertebrates show predator-induced plasticity in life-history and morphological traits that are considered adaptive.
Evidence is accumulating that vertebrates may also adjust their life-history traits in response to predators; however, some
of the patterns of plasticity, which appear to be an adaptive response specifically to the risk of size-selective predation,
may instead result from reduced foraging in response to predator presence. Here, we describe a study of predator-induced plasticity
in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We have predicted that the plastic response to cues from a small, gape-limited, natural predator of guppies, the killlifish
(Rivulus hartii), would be the opposite of that caused by reduced food intake. We have found that male guppies increased their size at maturity,
both length and mass, in response to the non-lethal presence of this predator. This pattern of plasticity is the opposite
of that observed in response to reduced food intake, where male guppies reduce size at maturity. The increase in size at maturity
that we observed would likely reduce predation on adult male guppies by this native predator because it is gape-limited and
can only eat juvenile and small adult guppies. This size advantage would be important especially because male guppies grow
very little after maturity. Therefore, the pattern of plasticity that we observed is likely adaptive. In contrast, female
guppies showed no significant response in size at first parturition to the experimental manipulation; however, we did find
evidence suggesting that females may produce more, smaller offspring in response to cues from this predator. 相似文献
Motoaki Kinoshita 《Oecologia》1998,114(1):31-36
Effects of mothers' eclosion and oviposition timing on the survival of their offspring in the pierid butterfly Anthocharis scolymus (L.) was examined. I recorded the performance of individual eggs and larvae that differed in their mother's eclosion and oviposition timing in a natural population, where A. scolymus feeds on Turritis glabra (L.) Bernh. Eggs laid early in the season, and larvae emerging from these eggs, had higher survival than eggs laid later, and larvae emerging from eggs that were laid later in the season, the causal factor being egg cannibalism by larvae on the same host plant. Logistic regression showed that females eclosing early in the season had higher offspring survival than females eclosing later. I conclude that optimal timing of adult eclosion in A. scolymus is a trade-off between eclosing early with associated higher offspring survival but lower egg-laying rate, and eclosing later with associated lower offspring survival but higher egg-laying rate. Received: 4 August 1997 / Accepted: 19 October 1997 相似文献
Ecological aspects of the external morphology and functionality of the psychomyiid female ovipositor (Insecta,Trichoptera) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Females of most psychomyiid species bear an elongated ovipositor enabling them to oviposit their eggs into grooves and cavities in different kinds of substrates in freshwaters. Although the preference of psychomyiid species for oviposition into distinct substrates and the subsequent larval life performance in aquatic habitats is already known, the mode of oviposition and the functional morphology of the elongated ovipositor have not been described until now. In this study we present SEM photographs of some psychomyiid species with female ovipositors of different lengths and shapes, explaining their preference for oviposition into distinct substrates. Additionally, we discuss some ecological aspects of the ovipositor shapes and the mode of egg laying for psychomyiids. The female ovipositor consists of two body segments, with an elongated IXth and a distinctly shorter Xth segment, which is flexible and can be pushed up dorsally when releasing the eggs. On the basis of SEM photographs, we suppose that the opening of the channel through which the eggs were released is located ventrally near the ovipositor tip. The ovipositor itself is characterised by a ventral cleft reaching from the gonoporus of segment IX to the tip of the last segment X. We stored adult females abdomina overnight in different aqueous dilutions of ethanol leading to different stages of swelling of the ovipositors (grade of swelling in distilled water >30% ethanol >70% ethanol). Some internal membrane-like structures, normally infolded into the ovipositor, became visible by the swelling of the ovipositor. We discuss the possible rearrangement of the organisation of segment IX resulting in the development of an ovipositor on the basis of SEM photographs of the differently swollen ovipositors. 相似文献
The relationship between oviposition prefer-ence and offspring performance of a leaf-mining moth (Paraleucoptera sinuella) on four Salicaceae species was investigated in 1997 and 1998. We observed the egg distribution pattern on different plant species in the field and carried out oviposition experiments in the laboratory to determine the preference of ovipositing females. We also examined larval survival, pupal mass, and developmental time to compare larval performance on each plant species. Egg density in the field differed significantly among plant species. However, egg density was not correlated exactly with demonstrated oviposition preference. No larvae could develop on two Salix species. This finding indicated that larval survival is the most critical index of larval performance. Larval performance on each plant species was correlated well with oviposition preference that was revealed by a no-choice experiment in the laboratory. However, this correlation was not found in the field. These results indicate that the preference–performance linkage that was observed under laboratory conditions, was not always maintained in the field. Received: September 25, 2000 / Accepted: April 27, 2001 相似文献
Evidence of poor correspondence between an insect herbivore’s oviposition preferences and the performance of its offspring
has generally been attributed either to maladaptive behavior of the insect mother or inadequate measurement by the researcher.
In contrast, we hypothesize that many cases of “bad mothers” in herbivores may be a byproduct of the hierarchical way natural
selection works on resistance in host plants. Epistatic selection on the components of resistance (i.e., antixenosis and antibiosis)
may generate negative genetic correlations between the resistance components, which could counteract the efforts of herbivores
to oviposit on the best hosts for the performance of their offspring. In common garden and greenhouse experiments, we measured
aspects of antixenosis and antibiosis resistance in 26 genets of tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima, against two common herbivores: the gall-inducing fly Eurosta solidaginis and the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius. Goldenrod antixenosis and antibiosis were positively correlated against E. solidaginis and negatively correlated against P. spumarius. Analogously, population-wide preference–performance correlations were positive for the gall flies and negative for the spittlebugs.
Several natural history differences between the two insects could make gall flies better mothers, including better synchrony
of the phenologies of the flies and the host plant, the much narrower host range of the gall flies than the spittlebugs, and
the more sedentary lifestyle of the gall fly larvae than the spittlebug nymphs. If these results are typical in nature, then
negative genetic correlations in antixenosis and antibiosis in plants may often result in zero or negative population-wide
correlations between preference and performance in herbivores, and thus may be an important reason why herbivorous insects
often appear to be bad mothers. 相似文献
The relationship between seed size and fitness in plants may depend on offspring density, especially in cases where seed size affects the outcome of competition. We investigated the relationship between seed mass, germination, intraspecific competition and seedling height in a glasshouse experiment on three European white oak species (Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens). Within offspring families, seed mass showed a moderate, but statistically significant effect on seedling height, i.e. seedlings from heavier seeds were slightly taller. In contrast, competition caused pronounced inequality in seedling height in pairs of competing seedlings, but in only 55.2% of all pairs the dominant competitor arose from the heavier seed. It is thus possible that a positive effect of seed mass on seedling growth can be mediated through the density of conspecific seedlings and that heterogeneity in offspring density will contribute to the maintenance of seed mass variation in oak populations. 相似文献
In insects, habitat selection should be most distinctly effected by females during oviposition, and this choice should directly affect the performance of the less mobile offspring stages. To date, this behaviour has been poorly investigated in carabid beetles. This study examines sexual differences in microhabitat selection as well as egg-laying behaviour and its consequences for offspring in the stenoecious beetle Carabus clatratus. Laboratory experiments with adults and different offspring stages were undertaken to test the impact of soil moisture and substrate type on microhabitat selection and immature fitness. Only females changed their substrate selection behaviour after copulation, revealing a distinct preference for wet peat for oviposition. Egg mortality was less than 7% under both wet and dry soil conditions. In contrast to other investigations, egg mortality in C. clatratus was therefore of minor importance. Larval mortality was also low, but mortality of third-instar larvae and the pupal stage increased strongly under dry conditions. Furthermore, beetles that developed under dry conditions showed a significantly higher proportion of exoskeleton deformations, and immature adults were smaller when reared under low moisture conditions. The importance of a strong oviposition site selection for wet peat to ensure sufficient moisture conditions for offspring in the stenoecious species C. clatratus is discussed. Received: 14 December 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1999 相似文献
Priscilla T. Nascimento Marcos A.M. Fadini Fernando H. Valicente Paulo E.A. Ribeiro 《Revista Brasileira de Entomologia》2018,62(4):260-266
This study investigated the interaction between two pest biological control agents, the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and the entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis (Bacillales: Bacillacea) (Bt). The aim of this study was to evaluate if the presence of Bt (formulated products Agree®, Dipel® and HD1 and HD11 strains) interferes in the oviposition preference of T. pretiosum to eggs of Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Using an olfactometry test, the eggs of H. zea were bathed with the commercial formulations, with the Bt suspensions or distilled water, and offered to the parasitoid wasps in order to evaluate parasitism. The results showed that H. zea eggs sprayed with commercial formulations and Bt strains did not interfere in the choice made by the parasitoid. The parasitoid wasp is not able to distinguish between eggs with or without B. thuringiensis treatment, independently of strains suspension or commercial formulations. Therefore, these two control agents may be used together without negative interaction. 相似文献
We used the Chinese skink Eumeces chinensis as a model animal to study the effects of tail loss on reproductive investment and offspring traits.A total of 147 wild-captured adult females were divided into four groups according to their tail conditions.Tail breaks occurred most frequently in the proximal portion of the tail and least frequently in the distal portion,with the middle portion in between.This finding suggests that tail breaks occurring in nature often entails substantial energetic costs in E.chinensis where the tail is a major site of energy storage.The proportion of females that laid eggs was higher in females with intact or completely regenerated tails than in those with broken tails.Following whole-tail autotomy,the clutch size was reduced by 17%,and the clutch mass was reduced by 14%.Females undergoing substantial tail autotomy reduced reproductive investment,and they did so by reducing the number but not the size of eggs produced.None of the egg and hatchling traits was affected by tail loss.Comparing our data with those reported for other oviparous and viviparous skinks allows us to draw two general conclusions:one is that fecundity (clutch or litter size) is affected by tail loss in all species so far studied,whereas offspring size is affected by tail loss in some species,but not in others; the other is that the reduction in fecundity following tail loss is more evident in species lacking abdominal fat bodies [Current Zoology 58 (2):228-235,2012]. 相似文献
《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):614-621
Orosanga japonica Melichar (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) is an invasive polyphagous pest in Iran. The planthopper damaged host plants by sap-sucking and egg laying on new twigs. This study aimed to determine the life table parameters of O. japonica on Rubus ulmifolius Schoot (elm leaf blackberry) and Melia azedarach L. (chinaberry) under field conditions in Rudsar (North of Iran) during 2019–2020. The collected life history data were analyzed based on age-stage, two-sex life table theory. The results showed that the incubation period of O. japonica was too long (≈ 270 days) on both host plants. The nymphs emerged from mid-May 2020. The planthopper had five nymphal stages under field conditions. The nymphal duration was 41.39 ± 0.56 days and 38.13 ± 0.62 days on R. ulmifolius and M. azedarach, respectively. The total preadult survival rates were 53.2% and 51.7% on R. ulmifolius and M. azedarach, respectively. Based on the results, a significant shorter total developmental time was observed on M. azedarach. When adults emerged in late July, they laid eggs after 26.05 days and 26.75 days on R. ulmifolius and M. azedarach, respectively. The fecundity on M. azedarach (131.69 egg/female) was significantly higher than that on R. ulmifolius. However, the life table parameters were all not significantly different on the two host plants. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) were 0.0097 ± 0.0005 day−1 and 0.0105 ± 0.0006 day−1 on R. ulmifolius and M. azedarach, respectively. Generally, these findings could be helpful to establish an efficient management strategy for this exotic pest. 相似文献
Tamotsu Kusano 《Population Ecology》1980,21(2):181-196
- A population of a salamander, Hynobius nebulosus tokyoensisTago was studied at Habu, Hinodemachi, in Tokyo during the breeding seasons from 1976 to 1978. Adults appeared in the pond were captured and marked individually by toe-clipping. Egg sacks were counted and tagged with vinyl tapes for the marking.
- The annual egg production of this population was found to be constant, about 6500 eggs, and total number of breeding adults appeared in the pond also varied little during three years.
- The appearance of breeding adults in the pond and oviposition seemed to be influenced by the rise of temperature and rainfall.
- Males appeared earlier in the pond and stayed there for approximately 10 to 20 days. On the other hand, females appeared later in the pond and left there soon after laying eggs.
- Mean clutch size and body length of breeding adults appeared in the pond showed a tendency to decrease as time proceeded, which seemed to show that the smaller and younger the salamander was, the later it appeared in the pond.
- Owing to low temperature, the eggs laid earlier took more time to hatch than those laid later.
- The survival rate of eggs was 67.2% in 1976, 86.4% in 1977 and 81.2% in 1978. The loss rate of eggs laid in the early and late periods of oviposition was higher than that of eggs laid in the middle period.
Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) is a nuisance aquatic weed, exotic to North America. The freshwater weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei (Dietz) is a potential control agent of Eurasian watermilfoil and is a fully submersed aquatic specialist herbivore. Its presumed original host is the native northern watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sibiricum Komarov). We conducted a set of oviposition experiments to reveal first and second oviposition preference of Euhrychiopsis lecontei when presented with seven macrophytes. We tested differences between source (lake) populations of weevils, differences in behavior between weevils reared on the exotic Eurasian watermilfoil and the native northern watermilfoil and between weevils in the presence and absence of their preferred hostplant. Oviposition assays confirmed that E. lecontei is a watermilfoil specialist. Out of the 207 females that laid eggs, only three oviposited on a non-watermilfoil plant, Megalodonta beckii. The weevils' degree of specificity was influenced by the watermilfoil species on which they were reared. Weevils reared on Eurasian watermilfoil tended to oviposit on Eurasian watermilfoil, spent more time on Eurasian watermilfoil than on other plants, and spent more time off plants and took longer to oviposit when Eurasian watermilfoil was removed. Weevils reared on northern watermilfoil did not exhibit a preference for either watermilfoil species in oviposition or in time allocation, although they oviposited on and spent significantly more time on watermilfoils than on other species. Rearing of the two populations on their complementary watermilfoil hostplant resulted in responses typical of the rearing plant, not the original host. These results show that although both weevil populations are watermilfoil specialists, Eurasian-reared weevils prefer Eurasian watermilfoil in general host attraction and oviposition, whereas northern-reared weevils do not. The results support the contention that E. lecontei may be a good biocontrol agent for Eurasian watermilfoil because of its high specificity. The results also suggest that the current host range expansion of the weevil to Eurasian watermilfoil has the potential to become a host shift due to the increased specificity. Herbivory in freshwater systems is not well studied, and the E. lecontei-M. spicatum relationship is a rare example of submersed freshwater specialist herbivore-host-plant interactions. 相似文献
A series of increasing egg densities was obtained by releasing various numbers of female Plodia interpunctella (Hübner ) in rooms where dishes of moth rearing medium were evenly spaced on the floor. The number of larvae produced in each dish was taken as an indication of the number of eggs that had been laid. At all egg densities, the eggs were aggregated, and most of the distributions conformed quite well with the negative binormial, but the degree of aggregation denreased as mean egg density increased. The implications of the results for the development of ware-house sampling strategies are discussed. 相似文献
Summary Most species of woodlice in temperate habitats have discrete breeding seasons. It is hypothesised that breeding synchronises with favourable environmental conditions to maximise offspring growth and survivorship (Willows 1984). We measured the breeding phenology of a species introduced to a tropical environment, primarily to consider the assumption that life histories in the tropics will differ fundamentally from those in temperate habitats. In addition to breeding phenology we considered variation in reproductive effort between individual females and the division of this effort between the size and number of young.A continuous breeding phenology was observed in a synanthropic population of Porcellionides pruinosus within the tropics. Reproductive effort varied between months, showed a weak relationship with female size and was independent of female fecundity. Female sizefecundity relationships varied between samples and when the proportion of reproductive females was high size-fecundity slopes were steeper than at other times. Mean offspring size varied between months and there was a wide range in offspring size within broods. Offspring size was not related to female body mass, reproductive effort or fecundity; consequently brood mass increased linearly with an increase in fecundity. Increased reproductive effort goes into more rather than larger offspring.We propose that the continuous breeding in this population was the result of the constant presence of an environmental cue to reproduction evolved in temperate habitats. Continuous breeding is not necessarily equivocal to high individual reproductive success even though overall population growth may be rapid. However, variation in reproductive effort suggests that individuals respond to current environmental conditions on short time scales. 相似文献
Michael C. Singer Carolyn S. McBride 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2010,64(4):921-933
When populations use different resources, they tend to diverge in traits that affect performance on those resources. The extent and complexity of divergence that is achieved will depend on gene flow, genetic constraints, and the character of divergent selection. We describe divergent host adaptation among Californian populations of the Melitaeine butterfly, Euphydryas editha. Divergence in seven traits created parallel phenotypic suites, each suite associated with the use of a different host species, either Collinsia torreyi or Pedicularis semibarbata. The suites involved alighting responses of adults (probably to visual stimuli), chemosensory responses to leaf surfaces, vertical positioning of adults and larvae (probably due to geotaxis), partitioning of reproductive effort among clutches, and larval performance. Remarkably, the divergent suites did not occur sympatrically, despite ubiquitous co‐occurrence of the hosts, and we know of only one site where any Collinsia species is used sympatrically with another host. In contrast, E. editha often uses two host genera sympatrically when neither of them is Collinsia. We suggest that adaptation to Collinsia is incompatible with adaptation to other hosts and may generate extrinsic postzygotic reproductive isolation among populations. Despite the apparent rarity of host‐shift‐associated speciation in Melitaeine butterflies, adoption of Collinsia as a host may lead to allopatric ecological speciation. 相似文献