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ABSTRACT: Lomax, M, Iggleden, C, Tourell, A, Castle, S, and Honey, J. Inspiratory muscle fatigue following race-paced swimming is not restricted to the front crawl stroke. J Strength Cond Res 26(10): 2729-2733, 2012-The occurrence of inspiratory muscle fatigue (IMF) has been documented after front crawl (FC) swimming of various distances. Whether IMF occurs after other competitive swimming strokes is not known. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of all 4 competitive swimming strokes on the occurrence of IMF after race-paced swimming and to determine whether the magnitude of IMF was related to the breathing pattern adopted and hence breathing frequency (fb). Eleven, nationally ranked, youth swimmers completed four 200-m swims (one in each competitive stroke) on separate occasions. The order of the swims, which consisted of FC, backstroke (BK), breaststroke (BR), and butterfly (FLY), was randomized. Maximal inspiratory mouth pressure (MIP) was assessed before (after a swimming and inspiratory muscle warm-up) and after each swim with fb calculated post swim from recorded data. Inspiratory muscle fatigue was evident after each 200-m swim (p < 0.05) but did not differ between the 4 strokes (range 18-21%). No relationship (p > 0.05) was observed between fb and the change in MIP (FC: r = -0.456; BK: r = 0.218; BR: r = 0.218; and FLY: r = 0.312). These results demonstrate that IMF occurs in response to 200-m race-paced swimming in all strokes and that the magnitude of IMF is similar between strokes when breathing is ad libitum occurring no less than 1 breath (inhalation) every third stroke.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of age on three blood lactate parameters following maximal sprint swimming. The parameters examined were maximal blood lactate concentration, time to reach maximal blood lactate concentration, and half recovery time to baseline lactate concentration. These parameters were examined in 16 male competitive masters swimmers (n = 4 for each age group: 25-35, 36-45, 46-55, and 56 plus years) during both passive and active recovery following a maximal 100 m freestyle sprint. Passive recovery consisted of 60 min sitting in a comfortable chair and active recovery consisted of a 20-min swim at a self-selected pace. Capillary blood samples were obtained every 2 min up to 10 min of recovery then at regular intervals to the end of the recovery period. Curves of blood lactate concentration against time were drawn and the three parameters determined for each condition for each subject. There were no significant differences between age groups in any of the lactate parameters examined. A significant difference (P less than 0.05) was noted in each of the parameters between active and passive recovery over all age groups. As expected, active recovery produced lower maximal blood lactate concentrations, lower time to maximal blood lactate values, and lower half recovery times. These data suggest that intensive swimming training may prevent or delay the decline with age in the physiological factors affecting blood lactate values following a maximal sprint swim. Older sprint swimmers appeared to be capable of producing and removing lactic acid at the same rate as younger swimmers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The blood clearance and tissue distribution of liposomes have been studied in mice subjected to reticuloendothelial blockade with dextran sulphate or carbon. The liposomes have been labelled in the lipid membranes with [3H]-cholesterol, [14C]phosphatidylcholine and/or 99mTc and the content with [14C]inulin. Reticuloendothelial blockade has been shown to slow the rate of clearance of neutral, positively and negatively charged liposomes and of both small unilamellar vesicles and large multilamellar vesicles. In normal animals, the liver uptake accounted for only 20-55% of the total injected radioactivity, the amount varying with the charge and size of the liposomes. Following blockade, the liver uptake of charged and neutral multilamellar liposomes was depressed. This was also true for negatively charged small unilamellar vesicles. The degree of depression of hepatic uptake was between 25-50%, which contrasts with the 80-90% reduction in uptake of a wholly phagocytosed particle (sheep red cells). This difference suggests that mechanisms other than Kupffer cell phagocytosis are also responsible for the normal uptake of liposomes into the liver. In the case of neutral and positively charged small unilamellar vesicles, delayed clearance due to blockade was not associated with 'depressed' hepatic uptake. The site of action of blockading agents for these preparations is not clear. With all preparations of liposomes, blockade produced a slight and variable increase in uptake in the lung and spleen. The alteration of distribution of liposomes by reticuloendothelial blockade is therefore not great and the value of the technique in modifying the tissue distribution of substances within liposomes may be limited.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺对力竭性游泳大鼠抗氧化作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨谷氨酰胺(Gin)对力竭性游泳大鼠的抗氧化保护作用。方法:灌服Gin大鼠力竭游泳2h后,检测血清、肾、肝组织中丙二醛(MDA)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)含量的变化。结果:力竭性游泳大鼠血清、肝SOD显著升高,肾SOD显著下降;肾MDA含量显著增高,血清和肾GSH显著下降。补充Gin能抑制血清、肝组织SOD升高和肾组织MDA的增多。结论:Gin对力竭性游泳所致的氧化应激有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

It was the purpose of this study to determine the effects of respiratory alkalosis before and after high intensity exercise on recovery blood lactate concentration. Five subjects were studied under three different acid-base conditions before and after 45 s of maximal effort exercise: 1) hyperventilating room air before exercise (Respiratory Alkalosis Before = RALB, 2) hyperventilating room air during recovery (Respiratory Alkalosis After = RALA), and 3) breathing room air normally throughout rest and recovery (Control = C). RALB increased blood pH during rest to 7.65 +/- 0.03 while RALA increased blood pH to 7.57 +/- 0.03 by 40 min of recovery. Neither alkalosis treatment had a significant effect on blood lactate concentration during recovery. The peak lactate values of 12.3 +/- 1.2 mmol.L-1 for C, 11.8 +/- 1.2 mmol.L-1 for RALB, and 10.2 +/- 0.9 mmol.L-1 for RALA were not significantly different, nor were the half-times (t 1/2) for the decline in blood lactate concentration; C = 18.2 min, RALB = 19.3 min, and RALA = 18.2 min. In C, RALB and RALA, the change in base excess from rest to postexercise was greater than the concomitant increase in blood lactate concentration, suggesting the presence of a significant amount of acid in the blood in addition to lactic acid. There was no significant difference in either the total number of cycle revolutions (C = 77 +/- 2, RALB = 77 +/- 1) or power output at 5 s intervals between RALB and C during the 45 s.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Context: Postexercise urine lactate may be a novel biomarker of lactate production capacity during exercise.

Objective: To evaluate the reliability and utility of the urine lactate concentration after maximal swimming trials between different training protocols (6?×?50?m and 3?×?100?m) and training states (active and nonactive swimmers).

Materials and methods: Lactate and creatinine were determined by spectrophotometry in blood and urine.

Results: Blood and urine lactate concentrations were correlated in-between training protocols and in participants of different training states. The reliability of the urine lactate concentration was moderate for one of the training protocols and good or moderate for the two training states. Additionally, it was lower than that of the blood lactate concentration, and did not improve after normalizing to the urine creatinine concentration.

Discussion and conclusion: Although promising as a biomarker of lactate production capacity, urine lactate requires further research to improve its reliability.  相似文献   

The clearance mechanism of chilled blood platelets   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Platelet transfusion is a very common lifesaving medical procedure. Not widely known is the fact that platelets, unlike other blood cells, rapidly leave the circulation if refrigerated prior to transfusion. This peculiarity requires blood services to store platelets at room temperature, limiting platelet supplies for clinical needs. Here, we describe the mechanism of this clearance system, a longstanding mystery. Chilling platelets clusters their von Willebrand (vWf) receptors, eliciting recognition of mouse and human platelets by hepatic macrophage complement type 3 (CR3) receptors. CR3-expressing but not CR3-deficient mice exposed to cold rapidly decrease platelet counts. Cooling primes platelets for activation. We propose that platelets are thermosensors, primed at peripheral sites where most injuries occurred throughout evolution. Clearance prevents pathologic thrombosis by primed platelets. Chilled platelets bind vWf and function normally in vitro and ex vivo after transfusion into CR3-deficient mice. Therefore, GPIb modification might permit cold platelet storage.  相似文献   

Brain, muscle and liver pyruvate and L(+) lactate were determined in rats (1) control, Tre=37.2°C; (2) thermal stress Tre=40.8°C; (3) terminal thermal stress Tre=43.8°C, and (4) hypoxic death at reduced oxygen tension. A second experiment was conducted to examine venous blood acid-base parameters in heated rats at imminent death. Group 2 failed to show a significant change in brain lactate concentration, but muscle lactate decreased and liver lactate increased significantly (27 and 48%, respectively). Group 3 showed significant increases of 65 and 125% in the lactate content of brain and liver, respectively, but in this instance no significance was attributed to the 12% decrease in muscle lactate. Hypoxia in Group 4 resulted in the greatest increases in tissue lactate in brain, muscle and liver (130, 50 and 171%, respectively). The pyruvate concentrations of brain and liver in Group 2 exhibited no change, but muscle pyruvate decreased significantly (59%). Group 3 brain and muscle pyruvate decreased significantly by 57 and 74%, while liver pyruvate remained unchanged. Hypoxia (4) produced no significant differences in pyruvate levels from those observed in Group 3. The changes in venous blood properties of rats heated until respiratory movement ceased suggested acute and severe metabolic acidosis while animals exhibiting heat induced spasms and loss of coordination showed only slight decreases in blood pH and bicarbonate levels. Brain water content did not change, but muscle was dehydrated and liver tissue water content increased in rats exposed to lethal temperatures. The results indicate that hypoxia probably occurs in rat tissues at high temperatures, but not to a degree that would result in death.
Zusammenfassung Gehirn, Muskel und Leberpyruvat and 1-Laktat wurden bestimmt in Ratten (1) Kontrollen, Tre=37,2°C; (2) Hitze Tre=40,8°C; (3) tödliche Belastung Tre=43,8°C und (4) Tod durch Hypoxie bei reduziertem PO2. In einem zweiten Experiment wurde der Säure Basengehalt des venösen Blutes in erhitzten Tieren vor Eintritt des Todes bestimmt. Gruppe 2 zeigte keine signifikante Änderung in der Gehirnlaktatkonzentration, dagegen fiel das Muskellaktat (–27%) und das Leberlaktat stieg significant(+48%). Gruppe 3 zeigte einen signifikanten Anstieg des Gehirn- (+65%) und Leberlaktats (+125%), während das Muskellaktat fiel (–11%). Hypoxie in Gruppe 4 bewirkte den grössten Anstieg des Laktats im Gehirn (+130%), Muskel (+50%) und Leber (+171%). Die Pyruvatkonzentration in Gruppe 2 zeigte nur im Muskel einen Anstieg auf +59%. In Gruppe 3 fielen das Gehirn- (–57%) und Muskelpyruvat (–74%) signifikant, ohne Änderung in der Leber. Ähnliche Resultate ergaben sich bei Hypoxie in Gruppe 4. Vor dem Eintritt des Hitzetodes war im Blut hochgradige Acidose nachweisbar, während Tiere mit Hitzespasmus und Koordinationsstörungen nur gering niedrigere pH- und Bikarbonatwerte aufwiesen. Der Gehirnwassergehalt blieb unverändert, der Muskel war dehydriert und die Leber zeigte einen höheren Wassergehalt bei letal hohen Temperaturen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Hypoxia bei Hyperthermie auftritt, doch nicht in dem Ausmasse, um zum Tod zu führen.

Resume On a déterminé les pyruvates et lactates du cerveau, des muscles et du foie de rats présentant 4 particularités différentes: (1) Tre (température rectale) = 37,2°C (contrôle); (2) Tre = 40,8°C (contrainte de chaleur); (3) Tre = 43,8°C (contraite de chaleur limite) et (4) morts par hypoxie par suite de la réduction de la pression partielle de l'oxygène. Dans un second essai, on a déterminé le rapport acides/bases dans le sang veineux de rats sous contrainte de chaleur, juste avant leur trépas. Dans le groupe 2, on n'a pas trouvé de modification significative de la concentration des lactates du cerveau. Par contre, celle des muscles a diminué (–27%) et celle du foie a augmenté (+48%) et cela de façon significative. Dans le groupe 3, on constate une hausse du taux de lactates dans le cerveau (+65%) et dans le foie (+125%), alors que celui des muscles diminue (–11%). L'hypoxie du groupe 4 a provoqué une forte augmentation des lactates aussi bien dans le cerveau (+130%), les muscles (+50%) que le foie (+171%). La concentration des pyruvates ne fut sensiblement modifiée dans le groupe 2 que pour les muscles (+59%). Dans le groupe 3, on en note une diminution significative dans le cerveau (–57%) et dans les muscles (–74%) alors que le taux du foie reste inchangé. On a obtenu des résultats analogues par l'hypoxie dans le groupe 4. On a pu constater une acidose aigue du sang juste avant la mort de chaleur, alors que les animaux atteints de spasmes et de perturbations dans la coordination ne présentaient que peu de variations du pH et du taux de bicarbonate. Dans un état létal par hautes températures, la teneur en eau du cerveau est restée inchangée. Les muscles étaient par contre déshydratés et le foie contenait davantage d'eau. Ces résultats ont montré que, lorsque la température augmente, les animaux souffrent d'hypoxie, mais pas au point d'en mourir.

The effect of herbicides N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (glyphosate), 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), 2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine (atrazine) and the respective commercial preparations “Round-up”, “Aminex”, and “Zeazin”, on the activity of lactate dehydrogenase isolated from germinating soybean seeds and beef heart were compared. The main aim of the work was to compare the effect of the herbicides on lactate dehydrogenase isolated from animal and plant material. Simultaneously the effect of herbicides and the respective commercial preparations was compared. Substantial differences resulting from the two comparisons indicate differences in the structure of active centres of lactate dehydrogenase isolated from animal and plant material, and also a considerable effect of additives and surfactants in commercial preparations.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that, in groups of highly trained endurance athletes (first and junior national teams), the final blood lactate concentration at maximum aerobic performance decreased as their training status increased. This study was performed with 20 physically active volunteers and 45 highly trained middle- and long-distance endurance athletes (speed skaters, triathletes, and cross-country skiers). Significant negative correlations (r = ?0.59 to ?0.87) between the final blood lactate concentration after incremental tests until exhaustion and aerobic performance (anaerobic threshold (AT)) were found only for the groups of highly trained endurance athletes, but not for the group of physically active subjects. It was shown for highly trained speed skaters that the final lactate concentration in their blood decreased and the oxygen consumption at AT increased with an increase in the volume of type I muscle fibers in the working muscle (r = ?0.84 and r = 0.7, respectively).  相似文献   

Ammonia and lactate in the blood after short-term sprint exercise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nine well-trained subjects performed 15-, 30- and 45-s bouts of sprint exercise using a cycle ergometer. There was a significant difference in the mean power between a 15-s sprint (706.0 W, SD 32.5) and a 30-s sprint (627.0 W, SD 27.8; P less than 0.01). The mean power of the 30-s sprint was higher than that of the 45-s sprint (554.7 W, SD 29.8; P less than 0.01). Blood ammonia and lactate were measured at rest, immediately after warming-up, and 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 min after each sprint. The peak blood ammonia content was 133.8 mumol.l-1, SD 33.5, for the 15-s sprint, 130.2 mumol.l-1, SD 44.9, for the 30-s sprint, and 120.8 mumol.l-1, SD 24.6, for the 45-s sprint. Peak blood lactates after the 15-, 30- and 45-s sprints were 8.1 mmol.l-1, SD 1.7, 11.2 mmol.l-1, SD 2.4, and 14.7 mmol.l-1, SD 2.1, respectively. There was a significant linear relationship between peak blood ammonia and lactate in the 15-s (r, 0.709; P less than 0.05), 30-s (r, 0.797; P less than 0.05) and 45-s (r, 0.696; P less than 0.05) sprints. Though the peak blood lactate content increased significantly with increasing duration of the sprints (P less than 0.01), no significant difference was found in peak blood ammonia content among the 15-, 30- and 45-s sprints. These results suggest that the peak value of ammonia in the blood appears in sprints within 15-s and that the blood ammonia level is linked to the lactate in the blood.  相似文献   

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