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Residues of leucine and isoleucine cannot generally be distinguished in the electron impact (EI) generated mass spectra of N-acylated peptide esters. We have obtained the mass spectra of model peptide esters containing leucine or isoleucine in various positions and trifluoroacetyl perdeutero leucine as the N-terminal blocking group. The mass spectra of the peptide derivatives show a pair of peaks as a result of the elimination from the M+ ion of neutral fragment of perdeuterated isobutene (M+-64) from the leucine side chain of the N-terminal blocking group and isobutene or butene (M+-56) from leucine or isoleucine residues of the peptide. The ratios of the intensities of the peaks M+-56M+-64 show considerable variation with the position of leucine or isoleucine in the peptide chain and the length of the peptide, but for peptides which are identical except for the fact that one contains leucine and the other isoleucine in a given position the ratio is always smaller for the isoleucine containing peptide. The differences are sufficient to distinguish the isomeric residues if comparison spectra are available.  相似文献   

Electron transfer dissociation (ETD) has been developed recently as an efficient ion fragmentation technique in mass spectrometry (MS), being presently considered a step forward in proteomics with real perspectives for improvement, upgrade and application. Available also on affordable ion trap mass spectrometers, ETD induces specific N–Cα bond cleavages of the peptide backbone with the preservation of the post-translational modifications and generation of product ions that are diagnostic for the modification site(s). In addition, in the last few years ETD contributed significantly to the development of top-down approaches which enable tandem MS of intact protein ions. The present review, covering the last 5 years highlights concisely the major achievements and the current applications of ETD fragmentation technique in proteomics. An ample part of the review is dedicated to ETD contribution in the elucidation of the most common posttranslational modifications, such as phosphorylation and glycosylation. Further, a brief section is devoted to top-down by ETD method applied to intact proteins. As the last few years have witnessed a major expansion of the microfluidics systems, a few considerations on ETD in combination with chip-based nanoelectrospray (nanoESI) as a platform for high throughput top-down proteomics are also presented.  相似文献   

The differentiation of leucine and isoleucine is a well known difficulty in mass spectrometric peptide sequencing. A technique has been developed which allows these two amino acids to be distinguished by growing a bacterial or cell culture in a medium containing γ,δ-dl-dideuteroleucine. The isotopically labelled residue is incorporated into the cell's proteins, and the resulting mass spectra of leucine containing peptides exhibit sequence ions 2 amu higher than the corresponding isoleucine peptides.  相似文献   

The six high-affinity insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBPs) comprise a conserved family of secreted molecules that modulate IGF actions by regulating their half-life and access to signaling receptors, and also exert biological effects that are independent of IGF binding. IGFBPs are composed of cysteine-rich amino- (N-) and carboxyl- (C-) terminal domains, along with a cysteine-poor central linker segment. IGFBP-5 is the most conserved IGFBP, and contains 18 cysteines, but only 2 of 9 putative disulfide bonds have been mapped to date. Using a mass spectrometry (MS)-based strategy combining sequential electron transfer dissociation (ETD) and collision-induced dissociation (CID) steps, in which ETD fragmentation preferentially induces cleavage of disulfide bonds, and CID provides exact disulfide linkage assignments between liberated peptides, we now have definitively mapped 5 disulfide bonds in IGFBP-5. In addition, in conjunction with ab initio molecular modeling we are able to assign the other 4 disulfide linkages to within a GCGCCXXC motif that is conserved in five IGFBPs. Because of the nature of ETD fragmentation MS experiments were performed without chemical reduction of IGFBP-5. Our results not only establish a disulfide bond map of IGFBP-5 but also define a general approach that takes advantage of the specificity of ETD and the scalability of tandem MS, and the predictive power of ab initio molecular modeling to characterize unknown disulfide linkages in proteins.  相似文献   

Thermoanaerobacter brockii fermented serine to acetate and ethanol. It oxidized leucine to isovalerate, isoleucine to 2-methylbutyrate, and valine to isobutyrate only in the presence of thiosulfate, or when co-cultured with Methanobacterium sp. This oxidative deamination was rendered thermodynamically possible by the ability ofT. brockii to reduce thiosulfate to sulfide or the transfer of reducing equivalents to the hydrogenotrophic methanogen. The results suggest that T. brockii may be of ecological significance in thermal environments in the turnover of amino acids, especially with thiosulfate or H(2)-utilizing methanogens are present.  相似文献   

The x-ray diffraction analyses of three N- and C-terminally blocked L , D dipeptides, namely t-Boc-D -Leu-L -Leu-OMe ( 1 ), t-Boc-L -Ile-D -alle-OMe ( 2 ), and t-Boc-D -aIle-L -Ile-OMe (3) containing enantiomeric or diastereomeric amino acid residues have been carried out. The structures were determined by direct methods and refined anisotropically to final R factors of 0.077. 0.058. and 0.072 for ( 1 ) ( 2 ) and ( 3 ), respectively. Peptides 1–3 all assume a similar U-shaped structure with ? and ψ torsion angles cosrresponding to one of the possible calculated minimum energy regions (regions E and G for L residues, and F*. D* and H* for D residues). The peptide backbones of 1-3 are almost super-imposable [provided that the appropriate inversion of the chiral centers of ( 2 ) is made]. Side-chain conformations of Leu residues in peptide ( 1 ) are g? (tg?) for the L -Leu residue and the mirrored g+ (tg+) for the D -Leu residue; however, in peptides ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) the conformations of the isoconfiguralional side chains of the Ile or allo-Ile residues are (g?t) t and (tg+) tfor the L -Ile and the D -allo-Ile moieties, respectively. In all cases, these conformations correspond to the more populated conformers of β-branched residues statistically found in crystal structures of small peptides. The results seem to indicate that, at least in short peptides with enantiomeric or diastereoisomeric residues, the change in chirality in the main-chain atoms perturbs the backbone conformation to a lesser extent and the side chain conformation to a greater extent. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The specificity of methoxyamine for the cytidine residues in an Escherichia coli leuoine transfer RNA (tRNA1leu is described in detail. Of the six non-hydrogen-bonded cytidine residues in the clover-leaf model of this tRNA, four are very reactive (C-35, 53, 85 and 86) and two are unreactive (C-67 and 79).The specificity of l-cyclohexyl-3-[2-morpholino-(4)-ethyl]carbodiimide methotosylate for the uridine, guanosine and pseudouridine residues in the leucine tRNA was also investigated. The carbodiimide completely modified four uridine residues (U-33, 34, 50 and 51) and partially modified G-37 and Ψ-39. For technical reasons, the sites of partial modification in loop I of the tRNA were difficult to establish. There was no modification of base residues in loop IV nor of U-59 at the base of stem e of the tRNA.The modification patterns described for the leucine tRNA are compared with those observed for the E. coli initiator tRNA1met and su+III tyrosine tRNA. Several general conclusions regarding tRNA conformation are made. In particular, the evidence supporting a diversity of anticodon loop structures amongst tRNAs is discussed.  相似文献   

Since both transport activity and the leucine biosynthetic enzymes are repressed by growth on leucine, the regulation of leucine, isoleucine, and valine biosynthetic enzymes was examined in Escherichia coli K-12 strain EO312, a constitutively derepressed branched-chain amino acid transport mutant, to determine if the transport derepression affected the biosynthetic enzymes. Neither the iluB gene product, acetohydroxy acid synthetase (acetolactate synthetase, EC, NOR THE LEUB gene product, 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (2-hydroxy-4-methyl-3-carboxyvalerate-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxido-reductase, EC, were significantly affected in their level of derepression or repression compared to the parental strain. A number of strains with alterations in the regulation of the branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic enzymes were examined for the regulation of the shock-sensitive transport system for these amino acids (LIV-I). When transport activity was examined in strains with mutations leading to derepression of the iluB, iluADE, and leuABCD gene clusters, the regulation of the LIV-I transport system was found to be normal. The regulation of transport in an E. coli strain B/r with a deletion of the entire leucine biosynthetic operon was normal, indicating none of the gene products of this operon are required for regulation of transport. Salmonella typhimurium LT2 strain leu-500, a single-site mutation affecting both promotor-like and operator-like function of the leuABCD gene cluster, also had normal regulation of the LIV-I transport system. All of the strains contained leucine-specific transport activity, which was also repressed by growth in media containing leucine, isoleucine and valine. The concentrated shock fluids from these strains grown in minimal medium or with excess leucine, isoleucine, and valine were examined for proteins with leucine-binding activity, and the levels of these proteins were found to be regulated normally. It appears that the branched-chain amino acid transport systems and biosynthetic enzymes in E. coli strains K-12 and B/r and in S. typhimurium strain LT2 are not regulated together by a cis-dominate type of mechanism, although both systems may have components in common.  相似文献   

All major fragment ions of codeine and morphine were elucidated using LC-electrospray MS/MS and high resolution FT-ICR-MS combined with an IRMPD system. Nanogram quantities of labeled codeine were isolated and purified from Papaver somniferum seedlings, which were grown for up to 9 days in the presence of [ring-13C6]-l-tyrosine, [ring-13C6]-tyramine and [1,2-13C2], [6-O-methyl 13C]-(R,S)-coclaurine. The labeling degree of codeine up to 57% into morphinans was observed.  相似文献   

Leucine and Isoleucine are two amino acids that differ only by the positioning of one methyl group. This small difference can have important consequences in α-helices, as the β-branching of Ile results in helix destabilization. We set out to investigate whether there are general trends for the occurrences of Leu and Ile residues in the structures and sequences of class A GPCRs (G protein-coupled receptors). GPCRs are integral membrane proteins in which α-helices span the plasma membrane seven times and which play a crucial role in signal transmission. We found that Leu side chains are generally more exposed at the protein surface than Ile side chains. We explored whether this difference might be attributed to different functions of the two amino acids and tested if Leu tunes the hydrophobicity of the transmembrane domain based on the Wimley-White whole-residue hydrophobicity scales. Leu content decreases the variation in hydropathy between receptors and correlates with the non-Leu receptor hydropathy. Both measures indicate that hydropathy is tuned by Leu. To test this idea further, we generated protein sequences with random amino acid compositions using a simple numerical model, in which hydropathy was tuned by adjusting the number of Leu residues. The model was able to replicate the observations made with class A GPCR sequences. We speculate that the hydropathy of transmembrane domains of class A GPCRs is tuned by Leu (and to some lesser degree by Lys and Val) to facilitate correct insertion into membranes and/or to stably anchor the receptors within membranes.  相似文献   

Nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins occur during milk thermal treatment through the Maillard reaction. Immunoenzymatic and spectrometric methodologies were used to investigate caseins modification in samples submitted to different processing. As expected, protein-bound carbonyl content in raw and thermal-treated milks was positively correlated with the severity of the treatment. When immunoblotting and ELISA experiments were carried out either on isolated or whole milk proteins, carbonyl accumulation on caseins and macromolecular aggregates produced by thermal processing was evidenced. A comparative electrospray-mass spectrometry (ES-MS) analysis of different milks allowed verifying the extent of Amadori adducts on the more abundant protein components (alphas1- and beta-casein (alphas1- and beta-CN)). A combined matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-MS/Edman degradation approach on enzymatic digests identified caseins modification sites. In moderately heat-treated milks, we observed that lactosylation occurred specifically at Lys-34 (alphas1-CN) and Lys-107 (beta-CN); whereas, samples subjected to more severe conditions presented modification at Lys-7, Lys-34, Lys-83, Lys-103, Lys-105, Lys-132 and Lys-193 (alphas1-CN) and at Lys-32, Lys-48, Lys-107, Lys-113 and Lys-176 (beta-CN). Differences in secondary structure of these components was assayed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy.  相似文献   

In bottom-up proteomics, proteolytically derived peptides from proteins of interest are analyzed to provide sequence information for protein identification and characterization. Electron capture dissociation (ECD), which provides more random cleavages compared to "slow heating" techniques such as collisional activation, can result in greater sequence coverage for peptides and proteins. Most bottom-up proteomics approaches rely on tryptic doubly protonated peptides for generating sequence information. However, the effectiveness, in terms of peptide sequence coverage, of tryptic doubly protonated peptides in ECD remains to be characterized. Herein, we examine the ECD fragmentation behavior of 64 doubly- and 64 triply protonated peptides (i.e., a total of 128 peptide ions) from trypsin, Glu-C, and chymotrypsin digestion in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer. Our findings indicate that when triply protonated peptides are fragmented in ECD, independent of which proteolytic enzyme was used for protein digestion, more c- and z-type product ions are observed, and the number of complementary fragment pairs increases dramatically (44%). In addition, triply protonated peptides provide an increase (26%) in peptide sequence coverage. ECD of tryptic peptides, in both charge states, resulted in higher sequence coverage compared to chymotryptic and Glu-C digest peptides. The peptide sequence coverage we obtained in ECD of tryptic doubly protonated peptides (64%) is very similar to that reported for electron transfer dissociation of the same peptide type (63%).  相似文献   

Phospholamban is a small phosphoprotein inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-pump in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, which shows a distinct oligomeric distribution between monomers and homopentamers that are stabilized through Leu/Ile zipper interactions. A two-faced model of phospholamban inhibition of the Ca(2+)-pump was proposed, in which the Leu/Ile zipper residues located on one face of the transmembrane alpha-helix regulate the pentamer to monomer equilibrium, whereas residues on the other face of the helix bind to and inhibit the pump. Here we tested this two-faced model of phospholamban action by analyzing the functional effects of a new series of Leu/Ile zipper mutants. Pentameric stabilities of the mutants were quantified at different SDS concentrations. We show that several phospholamban mutants with hydrophobic amino acid substitutions at the Leu/Ile zipper region retain the ability to form pentamers but at the same time give the same or even stronger (i.e. L37I-PLB) inhibition of the Ca(2+)-pump than do mutants that are more completely monomeric. Steric constraints prevent the Leu/Ile zipper residues sequestered in the interior of the phospholamban pentamer from binding to the Ca(2+)-pump, leading to the conclusion that the zipper residues access the pump from the phospholamban monomer, which is the active inhibitory species. A modified model of phospholamban transmembrane domain action is proposed, in which the membrane span of the phospholamban monomer maintains contacts with the Ca(2+)-pump around most of its circumference, including residues located in the Leu/Ile zipper region.  相似文献   

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