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The forces driving extra-pair reproduction by socially monogamous females, and the resulting genetic polyandry, remain unclear. A testable prediction of the hypothesis that extra-pair reproduction partly reflects indirect selection on females is that extra-pair young (EPY) will be fitter than their within-pair young (WPY) maternal half-siblings. This prediction has not been comprehensively tested in a wild population, requiring data on the lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of maternal half-sib EPY and WPY. We used 17 years of genetic parentage data from song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, to compare the LRS of hatched EPY and WPY maternal half-siblings measured as their lifetime number of hatched offspring, recruited offspring, and hatched grandoffspring. EPY hatchlings were not significantly fitter than WPY hatchlings for any of three measures of LRS. Furthermore, opposite to prediction, EPY hatchlings tended to have lower LRS than their maternal half-sibling WPY hatchlings on average. EPY also tended to be less likely to survive to hatch than their maternal half-sibling WPY. Taken together, these results fail to support one key hypothesis explaining the evolution of genetic polyandry by socially monogamous females and suggest there may be weak indirect selection against female extra-pair reproduction in song sparrows.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species with bi-parental care, males suffer reduced reproductive success if their mate engages in extra-pair copulations (EPCs). One might therefore expect that males should refuse to care for a brood if they can detect that an EPC has occurred. Here, we use a game-theory model to study male brood care in the face of EPCs in a cooperatively breeding species in which offspring help to raise their (half-) siblings in their parents' next breeding attempt. We show that under certain conditions males are selected to care even for broods completely unrelated to themselves. This counterintuitive result arises through a form of pseudo-reciprocity, whereby surviving extra-pair offspring, when helping to rear their younger half-siblings, can more than compensate for the cost incurred by the male that raised them. We argue that similar effects may not be limited to cooperative breeders, but may arise in various contexts in which cooperation between (half-) siblings occurs.  相似文献   

Females in socially monogamous species may select extra-pair (EP) mates to increase the heterozygosity, and hence fitness, of their offspring. We tested this hypothesis in the house wren (Troglodytes aedon), a largely monogamous songbird in which EP young are common. We typed paired males and females, nestlings, and males on neighbouring territories, at five to seven microsatellite loci over 2 years in a Wyoming, USA, population. We identified EP sires at 20 nests with EP young. In pairwise comparisons, we found no significant differences between cuckolded within-pair (WP) males and EP sires in three measures of heterozygosity (mean d2, standardized heterozygosity and internal relatedness). However, EP sires had fewer alleles that were common within the population than did the WP males they cuckolded. Nearby males who were EP sires also had fewer common alleles than did nearby males who did not sire EP young. Females in our population may be more prone to accept copulations from males with rare genotypes than from males with common genotypes. Alternatively, selection of rare-male sperm may occur within the female reproductive tract. Because mating with rare males is likely to increase offspring heterozygosity, our data suggest that EP mating may provide genetic benefits to females.  相似文献   

1. In socially monogamous species, females may seek extra-pair copulation to gain genetic benefits. In order to test this 'genetic quality' hypothesis, one must compare the performance of extra-pair young (EPY) and within-pair young (WPY). Such tests, however, are scarce and results published so far are inconclusive. 2. Here, we test the 'genetic quality' hypothesis using multistate capture-recapture models to compare age-specific survival and access to dominance between EPY and WPY in the alpine marmot Marmota marmota, a socially monogamous mammal showing extra-pair paternities. 3. When compared with WPY, survival of EPY was higher by 15%, 10% and 30%, for juveniles, yearlings and 2-year-old individuals, respectively. Survival at older ages did not differ. 4. Survival corresponded to true survival for yearlings and juveniles as dispersal does not occur before 2 years of age in marmots. For older individuals, survival estimates included a mixture of survival and dispersal. The 30% increase of the 2-year-old EPY survival might reflect delayed dispersal rather than high survival of EPY as compared with WPY. 5. WPY and EPY had the same probability (0.28) to access dominance at 2 years of age, but EPY were more successful at older ages than WPY (0.46 vs. 0.10). 6. Both survival and reproductive performance were higher in EPY than in WPY. The fitness advantages of adopting such a mixed mating tactic are thus likely to be high for marmot females. We suggest that obtaining genetic benefits is the main evolutionary force driving extra-pair paternity in alpine marmots.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that extra-pair fertilizations are much less frequent in Non-Passeriformes, especially in raptors, than in Passeriformes. Low breeding densities, high breeding synchrony and high rates of paternal effort have been discussed as possible causes of these low extra-pair fertilization rates. Using DNA fingerprinting, we studied the mating system of Little Owls (Athene noctua) in a population of relatively high breeding density and comparatively low breeding synchrony. We found no cases of extra-pair fertilization among 53 nestlings of 16 breeding pairs. We conclude that paternal effort is probably the most important factor in preventing extra-pair fertilizations in Little Owls.
Genetische Vaterschaftsanalysen bei Steinkäuzen (Athene noctua): Beeinflußt der hohe elterliche Aufwand der Männchen das Auftreten von Vaterschaften außerhalb des Paarbundes?
Zusammenfassung Zahlreiche Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass Befruchtungen außerhalb des Paarbundes bei Nicht-Singvogelarten wesentlich seltener vorkommen als bei Singvögeln. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Greifvögel. Als Ursache für das seltene Auftreten von Befruchtungen außerhalb des Paarbundes in dieser Gruppe werden niedrige Brutpaardichten, eine hohe Brutsynchronisation und ein hoher elterlicher Aufwand auf Seiten der Männchen diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Studie haben wir das Paarungssystem des Steinkauzes (Athene noctua) in einer Population im Kreis Viersen (Niederrhein) mit Hilfe des DNA-Fingerprinting untersucht. Diese Population wies eine relativ hohe Brutpaardichte und eine vergleichsweise niedrige Brutsynchronisation auf. Bei der Analyse von 16 Bruten, die insgesamt 53 Nestlinge enthielten, konnte kein einziger Fall einer Befruchtung außerhalb des Paarbundes nachgewiesen werden. Dies führt uns zu dem Schluss, dass der wichtigste Faktor für die genetische Monogamie — zumindest beim Steinkauz — das hohe Maß des väterlichen Aufwandes bei der Brutversorgung ist.

Despite the many studies that have investigated the genetic mating system of socially monogamous birds, very little is known about the underlying causes of extra-pair paternity and few studies have attempted to test those hypotheses which have been suggested. This study describes die analysis of die genetic mating system of two populations of the house sparrow [Passer domesticus) , and uses the results from four other populations to test existing hypodieses using an intra-specific comparative approach. The parentage analysis was conducted using a combination of published and newly presented microsatellite loci isolated from the house sparrow. One population in Kentucky, U.S.A. was found to contain what may be considered to be a typical level of extra-pair paternity for mis species (10.5%, 19/185 offspring). The second, a population on the island of Lundy, UK, exhibited a very low level (1.3%, 4/305 offspring), significandy lower dian that in all the other populations studied so far. The finding of such diverse rates of extra-pair paternity, along with the existing estimates from ofher populations, has allowed us to test the effects of breeding density and genetic variation on die level of extra-pair paternity. We found no effect of either factor on the frequency of extra-pair paternity in the house sparrow, leaving the cause of this variation open to fresh ideas.  相似文献   

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