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Insulin activates the Raf-1 protein kinase   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Several growth factors and mitogens have been shown to activate the proto-oncogene product Raf-1 protein kinase in murine fibroblasts, apparently through a direct agonist-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of the Raf-1 protein. We investigated the possibility that insulin could also activate the Raf-1 kinase, since its receptor also contains an intrinsic insulin-activated protein tyrosine kinase activity. In several cell lines expressing relatively large numbers of insulin receptors, insulin rapidly stimulated the phosphorylation of immunoreactive Raf-1 protein. In H35 cells, a line of well differentiated rat hepatoma cells, the effect of insulin was maximal by 6 min and at 7 nM insulin and occurred normally in cells virtually completely depleted of protein kinase C activity. The insulin-stimulated increase in Raf-1 protein phosphorylation occurred concurrently with a 3-fold increase in Raf-1 protein kinase activity. However, phosphoamino acid analysis showed that only phosphoserine and a trace of phosphothreonine were present in the Raf-1 protein after insulin stimulation of the cells. This was true even when investigated at shorter times (4 min) after insulin stimulation and despite the use of phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibitors. We conclude that insulin can rapidly activate the Raf-1 kinase in some insulin-sensitive cell types but that this activation probably occurs through a mechanism distinct from direct phosphorylation of the Raf-1 protein by the insulin receptor protein tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

The Raf-1 kinase activates the ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) pathway. The cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA) can inhibit Raf-1 by direct phosphorylation. We have mapped all cAMP-induced phosphorylation sites in Raf-1, showing that serines 43, 259, and 621 are phosphorylated by PKA in vitro and induced by cAMP in vivo. Serine 43 phosphorylation decreased the binding to Ras in serum-starved but not in mitogen-stimulated cells. However, the kinase activity of a RafS43A mutant was fully inhibited by PKA. Mutation of serine 259 increased the basal Raf-1 activity and rendered it largely resistant to inhibition by PKA. cAMP increased Raf-1 serine 259 phosphorylation in a PKA-dependent manner with kinetics that correlated with ERK deactivation. PKA also decreased Raf-1 serine 338 phosphorylation of Raf-1, previously shown to be required for Raf-1 activation. Serine 338 phosphorylation of a RafS259A mutant was unaffected by PKA. Using RafS259 mutants we also demonstrate that Raf-1 is the sole target for PKA inhibition of ERK and ERK-induced gene expression, and that Raf-1 inhibition is mediated mainly through serine 259 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have examined the interaction between the serine/threonine kinase proto-oncogene product Raf-1 and the tyrosine kinase PDGF beta-receptor. Raf-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and kinase activity were increased by PDGF treatment of 3T3 cells or CHO cells expressing wild-type PDGF receptors but not mutant receptors defective in transmitting mitogenic signals, suggesting that the increase in Raf-1 kinase activity is a significant event in PDGF-induced mitogenesis. Concurrent with these increases, Raf-1 associated with the ligand-activated PDGF receptor. Furthermore, both mammalian Raf-1 and Raf-1 expressed using a recombinant baculoviral vector, associated in vitro with baculoviral-expressed PDGF receptor. This association was markedly decreased by prior phosphatase treatment of the receptor. Following incubation of partially purified baculoviral-expressed PDGF receptor with partially purified Raf-1, Raf-1 became phosphorylated on tyrosine and its serine/threonine kinase activity increased 4- to 6-fold. This is the first demonstration of the direct modulation of a protein activity by a growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

Negative regulation of Raf-1 by phosphorylation of serine 621.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The elevation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in the cell downregulates the activity of the Raf-1 kinase. It has been suggested that this effect is due to the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), which can directly phosphorylate Raf-1 in vitro. In this study, we confirmed this hypothesis by coexpressing Raf-1 with the constitutively active catalytic subunit of PKA, which could fully reproduce the inhibition previously achieved by cAMP. PKA-phosphorylated Raf-1 exhibits a reduced affinity for GTP-loaded Ras as well as impaired catalytic activity. As the binding to GTP-loaded Ras induces Raf-1 activation in the cell, we examined which mechanism is required for PKA-mediated Raf-1 inhibition in vivo. A Raf-1 point mutant (RafR89L), which is unable to bind Ras, as well as the isolated Raf-1 kinase domain were still fully susceptible to inhibition by PKA, demonstrating that the phosphorylation of the Raf-1 kinase suffices for inhibition. By the use of mass spectroscopy and point mutants, PKA phosphorylation site was mapped to a single site in the Raf-1 kinase domain, serine 621. Replacement of serine 621 by alanine or cysteine or destruction of the PKA consensus motif by changing arginine 618 resulted in the loss of catalytic activity. Notably, a mutation of serine 619 to alanine did not significantly affect kinase activity or regulation by activators or PKA. Changing serine 621 to aspartic acid yielded a Raf-1 protein which, when expressed to high levels in Sf-9 insect cells, retained a very low inducible kinase activity that was resistant to PKA downregulation. The purified Raf-1 kinase domain displayed slow autophosphorylation of serine 621, which correlated with a decrease in catalytic function. The Raf-1 kinase domain activated by tyrosine phosphorylation could be downregulated by PKA. Specific removal of the phosphate residue at serine 621 reactivated the catalytic activity. These results are most consistent with a dual role of serine 621. On the one hand, serine 621 appears essential for catalytic activity; on the other hand, it serves as a phosphorylation site which confers negative regulation.  相似文献   

Murine protein serine/threonine kinase 38 (MPK38) is a member of the AMP-activated protein kinase-related serine/threonine kinase family that plays an important role in various cellular processes, including cell cycle, signaling pathways, and self-renewal of stem cells. Here we demonstrate a functional association between MPK38 and apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1). The physical association between MPK38 and ASK1 was mediated through their carboxyl-terminal regulatory domains and was increased by H(2)O(2) or tumor necrosis factor alpha treatment. The use of kinase-dead MPK38 and ASK1 mutants revealed that MPK38-ASK1 complex formation was dependent on the activities of both kinases. Ectopic expression of wild-type MPK38, but not kinase-dead MPK38, stimulated ASK1 activity by Thr(838) phosphorylation and enhanced ASK1-mediated signaling to both JNK and p38 kinases. However, the phosphorylation of MKK6 and p38 by MPK38 was not detectable. In addition, MPK38-mediated ASK1 activation was induced through the increased interaction between ASK1 and its substrate MKK3. MPK38 also stimulated H(2)O(2)-mediated apoptosis by enhancing the ASK1 activity through Thr(838) phosphorylation. These results suggest that MPK38 physically interacts with ASK1 in vivo and acts as a positive upstream regulator of ASK1.  相似文献   

The effect of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on the function of the insulin receptor was examined in intact hepatoma cells (Fao) and in solubilized extracts purified by wheat germ agglutinin chromatography. Incubation of ortho[32P]phosphate-labeled Fao cells with TPA increased the phosphorylation of the insulin receptor 2-fold after 30 min. Analysis of tryptic phosphopeptides from the beta-subunit of the receptor by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography and determination of their phosphoamino acid composition suggested that TPA predominantly stimulated phosphorylation of serine residues in a single tryptic peptide. Incubation of the Fao cells with insulin (100 nM) for 1 min stimulated 4-fold the phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor. Prior treatment of the cells with TPA inhibited the insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation by 50%. The receptors extracted with Triton X-100 from TPA-treated Fao cells and purified on immobilized wheat germ agglutinin retained the alteration in kinase activity and exhibited a 50% decrease in insulin-stimulated tyrosine autophosphorylation and phosphotransferase activity toward exogenous substrates. This was due primarily to a decrease in the Vmax for these reactions. TPA treatment also decreased the Km of the insulin receptor for ATP. Incubation of the insulin receptor purified from TPA-treated cells with alkaline phosphatase decreased the phosphate content of the beta-subunit to the control level and reversed the inhibition, suggesting that the serine phosphorylation of the beta-subunit was responsible for the decreased tyrosine kinase activity. Our results support the notion that the insulin receptor is a substrate for protein kinase C in the Fao cell and that the increase in serine phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the receptor produced by TPA treatment inhibited tyrosine kinase activity in vivo and in vitro. These data suggest that protein kinase C may regulate the function of the insulin receptor.  相似文献   

Activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 cascade by polypeptide growth factors is tightly coupled to adhesion to extracellular matrix in nontransformed cells. Raf-1, the initial kinase in this cascade, is intricately regulated by phosphorylation, localization, and molecular interactions. We investigated the complex interactions between Raf-1, protein kinase A (PKA), and p21-activated kinase (PAK) to determine their roles in the adhesion dependence of signaling from epidermal growth factor (EGF) to ERK. We conclude that Raf-1 phosphorylation on serine 338 (S338) is a critical step that is inhibited in suspended cells. Restoration of phosphorylation at S338, either by expression of highly active PAK or by expression of an S338 phospho-mimetic Raf-1 mutation, led to a partial rescue of ERK activation in suspended cells. Raf-1 inhibition in suspension was not due to excessive negative regulation on inhibitory sites S43 and S259, as these serines were largely dephosphorylated in suspended cells. Finally, strong phosphorylation of Raf-1 S338 provided resistance to PKA-mediated inhibition of ERK activation. Phosphorylation at Raf-1 S43 and S259 by PKA only weakly inhibited EGF activation of Raf-1 and ERK when cells maintained high Raf-1 S338 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of the catecholamines. It has been reported that retinol (vitamin A) modulates tyrosine hydroxylase activity by increasing its expression through the activation of the nuclear retinoid receptors. In this study, we observed that retinol also leads to an acute activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells and this was shown to occur via two distinct non-genomic mechanisms. In the first mechanism, retinol induced an influx in extracellular calcium, activation of protein kinase C and serine40 phosphorylation, leading to tyrosine hydroxylase activation within 15 min. This effect then declined over time. The retinol-induced rise in intracellular calcium then led to a second slower mechanism; this involved an increase in reactive oxygen species, activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and serine31 phosphorylation and the maintenance of tyrosine hydroxylase activation for up to 2 h. No effects were observed with retinoic acid. These results show that retinol activates tyrosine hydroxylase via two sequential non-genomic mechanisms, which have not previously been characterized. These mechanisms are likely to operate in vivo to facilitate the stress response, especially when vitamin supplements are taken or when retinol is used as a therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

The Ras-Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade is a key growth-signaling pathway, which uncontrolled activation results in transformation. Although the exact mechanisms underlying Raf-1 regulation remain incompletely understood, phosphorylation has been proposed to play a critical role in this regulation. We report here three novel epidermal growth factor-induced in vivo Raf-1 phosphorylation sites that mediate positive feedback Raf-1 regulation. Using mass spectrometry, we identified Raf-1 phosphorylation on three SP motif sites: S289/S296/S301 and confirmed their identity using two-dimensional-phosphopeptide mapping and phosphospecific antibodies. These sites were phosphorylated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-1 in vitro, and their phosphorylation in vivo was dependent on endogenous ERK activity. Functionally, ERK-1 expression sustains Raf-1 activation in a manner dependent on Raf-1 phosphorylation on the identified sites, and S289/296/301A substitution markedly decreases the in vivo activity of Raf-1 S259A. Importantly, the ERK-phosphorylated Raf-1 pool has 4 times higher specific kinase activity than total Raf-1, and its phosphopeptide composition is similar to that of the general Raf-1 population, suggesting that the preexisting, phosphorylated Raf-1, representing the activatable Raf-1 pool, is the Raf-1 subpopulation targeted by ERK. Our study describes the identification of new in vivo Raf-1 phosphorylation sites targeted by ERK and provides a novel mechanism for a positive feedback Raf-1 regulation.  相似文献   

MUC1 is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed on the apical surface of epithelial cells and exhibiting structural features characteristic of receptors for cytokines and growth factors. Its intracellular cytoplasmic tail (CT) contains multiple amino acid sequence motifs that, once phosphorylated, serve as docking sites for SH2 domain-containing proteins mediating signal transduction. Most studies examining MUC1 signaling have focused on cancer cells where MUC1 is overexpressed, aberrantly glycosylated, and constitutively phosphorylated. No studies have determined the signaling pathways activated in response to stimulation of its ectodomain. To better understand the signaling mechanisms of MUC1, we stably transfected HEK293 cells with an expression plasmid encoding a chimeric protein consisting of the extracellular and transmembrane domains of CD8 and the MUC1 CT (CD8/MUC1). Extracellular treatment of HEK293-CD8/MUC1 cells with CD8 antibody induced intracellular Tyr phosphorylation of the MUC1 CT and activated ERK1/2, but not the p38, SAPK/JNK, or ERK5 MAP kinases. Moreover, phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was completely blocked using a CT deletion mutant or a mutant construct in which all Tyr residues in the CT were changed to Phe. These results establish that Tyr phosphorylation of the MUC1 CT is required for activation of a downstream ERK1/2 pathway.  相似文献   

The Raf-1 kinase is an important signaling molecule, functioning in the Ras pathway to transmit mitogenic, differentiative, and oncogenic signals to the downstream kinases MEK and ERK. Because of its integral role in cell signaling, Raf-1 activity must be precisely controlled. Previous studies have shown that phosphorylation is required for Raf-1 activation, and here, we identify six phosphorylation sites that contribute to the downregulation of Raf-1 after mitogen stimulation. Five of the identified sites are proline-directed targets of activated ERK, and phosphorylation of all six sites requires MEK signaling, indicating a negative feedback mechanism. Hyperphosphorylation of these six sites inhibits the Ras/Raf-1 interaction and desensitizes Raf-1 to additional stimuli. The hyperphosphorylated/desensitized Raf-1 is subsequently dephosphorylated and returned to a signaling-competent state through interactions with the protein phosphatase PP2A and the prolyl isomerase Pin1. These findings elucidate a critical Raf-1 regulatory mechanism that contributes to the sensitive, temporal modulation of Ras signaling.  相似文献   

Raf-1 is an important effector of Ras mediated signaling and is a critical regulator of the ERK/MAPK pathway. Raf-1 activation is controlled in part by phosphorylation on multiple residues, including an obligate phosphorylation site at serine 338. Previously PAK1 and casein kinase II have been implicated as serine 338 kinases. To identify novel kinases that phosphorylate this site, we tested the ability of group II PAKs (PAKs 4-6) to control serine 338 phosphorylation. We observed that all group II PAKs were efficient serine 338 kinases, although only PAK1 and PAK5 significantly stimulated Raf-1 kinase activity. We also showed that PAK5 forms a tight complex with Raf-1 in the cell, but not A-Raf or B-Raf. Importantly, we also demonstrated that the association of Raf-1 with PAK5 targets a subpopulation of Raf-1 to mitochondria. These data indicate that PAK5 is a potent regulator of Raf-1 activity and may control Raf-1 dependent signaling at mitochondria.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, genomic DNA is organized into a chromatin structure, which not only serves as the template for DNA-based nuclear processes, but also as a platform integrating intracellular and extracellular signals. Although much effort has been spent to characterize chromatin modifying/remodeling activities, little is known about cell signaling pathways targeting these chromatin modulators. Here, we report that cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) phosphorylates the histone H2A deubiquitinase Ubp-M at serine 552 (S552P), and, importantly, this phosphorylation is required for cell cycle progression. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed Ubp-M is phosphorylated at serine 552, and in vitro and in vivo assays demonstrated that CDK1/cyclin B kinase is responsible for Ubp-M S552P. Interestingly, Ubp-M S552P is not required for Ubp-M tetramer formation, deubiquitination activity, substrate specificity, or regulation of gene expression. However, Ubp-M S552P is required for cell proliferation and cell cycle G2/M phase progression. Ubp-M S552P reduces Ubp-M interaction with nuclear export protein CRM1 and facilitates Ubp-M nuclear localization. Therefore, these studies confirm that Ubp-M is phosphorylated at S552 and identify CDK1 as the enzyme responsible for the phosphorylation. Importantly, this study specifically links Ubp-M S552P to cell cycle G2/M phase progression.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that protein kinase C-beta (PKC-beta) is required for activation of tyrosinase (Park, H. Y., Russakovsky, V., Ohno, S., and Gilchrest, B. A. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 11742-11749), the rate-limiting enzyme in melanogenesis. We now examine its mechanism of activation in human melanocytes. In vivo phosphorylation experiments revealed that tyrosinase is phosphorylated through the PKC-dependent pathway and that introduction of PKC-beta into nonpigmented human melanoma cells lacking PKC-beta lead to the phosphorylation and activation of tyrosinase. Preincubation of intact melanosomes with purified active PKC-beta in vitro increased tyrosinase activity 3-fold. By immunoelectron microscopy, PKC-beta but not PKC-alpha was closely associated with tyrosinase on the outer surface of melanosomes. Western blot analysis confirmed the association of PKC-beta with melanosomes. Only the cytoplasmic (extra-melanosomal) domain of tyrosinase, which contains two serines but no threonines, was phosphorylated by the serine/threonine kinase PKC-beta. These two serines at positions 505 and 509 both are present in the C-terminal peptide generated by trypsin digestion of tyrosinase. Co-migration experiments comparing synthetic peptide standards of all three possible phosphorylated tryptic peptides, a diphosphopeptide and two monophosphopeptides, to tyrosinase-phosphorylated in intact melanocytes by PKC-beta and then subjected to trypsin digestion revealed that both serine residues are phosphorylated by PKC-beta. We conclude that PKC-beta activates tyrosinase directly by phosphorylating serine residues at positions 505 and 509 in the cytoplasmic domain of this melanosome-associated protein.  相似文献   

The calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) participates with Ras to Raf-1 activation, and it is necessary for activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) by different factors in epithelial and mesenchimal cells. Raf-1 activation is a complex multistep process, and its maximal activation is achieved by phosphorylation at Y341 by Src and at S338 by other kinase/s. Although early data proposed the involvement of p21-activated kinase 3 (Pak3), the kinase phosphorylating S338 remains to be definitively identified. In this study, we verified the hypothesis that CaMKII phosphorylates Raf-1 at Ser338. To do so, we determined the role of CaMKII in Raf-1 and ERK activation by oncogenic Ras and other factors. Serum, fibronectin, SrcY527 and RasV12 activated CaMKII and ERK, at different extents. The inhibition of CaMKII attenuated Raf-1 and ERK activation by all these factors. CaMKII was also necessary for the phosphorylation of Raf-1 at S338 by serum, fibronectin and Ras. Conversely, inhibition of Pak3 activation by blocking phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase was ineffective. The direct phosphorylation of S338 Raf-1 by CaMKII was demonstrated in vitro by interaction of purified kinases. These results demonstrate that Ras activates CaMKII, which, in turn, phosphorylates Raf-1 at S338 and participates in ERK activation upon different stimuli.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Bcr serine kinase by tyrosine phosphorylation.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The first exon of the BCR gene encodes a new serine/threonine protein kinase. Abnormal fusion of the BCR and ABL genes, resulting from the formation of the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), is the hallmark of Ph-positive leukemia. We have previously demonstrated that the Bcr protein is tyrosine phosphorylated within first-exon sequences by the Bcr-Abl oncoprotein. Here we report that in addition to tyrose 177 (Y-177), Y-360 and Y283 are phosphorylated in Bcr-Abl proteins in vitro. Moreover, Bcr tyrosine 360 is phosphorylated in vivo within both Bcr-Abl and Bcr. Bcr mutant Y177F had a greatly reduced ability to transphosphorylate casein and histone H1, whereas Bcr mutants Y177F and Y283F had wild-type activities. In contrast, the Y360F mutation had little effect on Bcr's autophosphorylation activity. Tyrosine-phosphorylated Bcr, phosphorylated in vitro by Bcr-Abl, was greatly inhibited in its serine/threonine kinase activity, impairing both auto- and transkinase activities of Bcr. Similarly, the isolation of Bcr from cells expressing Bcr-Abl under conditions that preserve phosphotyrosine residues also reduced Bcr's kinase activity. These results indicate that tyrosine 360 of Bcr is critical for the transphosphorylation activity of Bcr and that in Ph-positive leukemia, Bcr serine/threonine kinase activity is seriously impaired.  相似文献   

NO-induced activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) increases the open probability of large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels and results in smooth muscle relaxation. However, the molecular mechanism of channel regulation by the NO-PKG pathway has not been determined on cloned channels. The present study was designed to clarify PKG-mediated modulation of channels at the molecular level. The cDNA encoding the alpha-subunit of the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel, cslo-alpha, was expressed in HEK293 cells. Whole cell and single channel characteristics of cslo-alpha exhibited functional features of native large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels in smooth muscle cells. The NO-donor sodium nitroprusside increased outward current 2.3-fold in whole cell recordings. In cell-attached patches, sodium nitroprusside increased the channel open probability (NPo) of cslo-alpha channels 3.3-fold without affecting unitary conductance. The stimulatory effect of sodium nitroprusside was inhibited by the PKG-inhibitor KT5823. Direct application of PKG-Ialpha to the cytosolic surface of inside-out patches increased NPo 3.2-fold only in the presence of ATP and cGMP without affecting unitary conductance. A point mutation of cslo-alpha in which Ser-1072 (the only optimal consensus sequence for PKG phosphorylation) was replaced by Ala abolished the PKG effect on NPo in inside-out patches and the effect of SNP in cell attached patches. These results indicate that PKG activates cslo-alpha by direct phosphorylation at serine 1072.  相似文献   

Exposure of cells to mitogens or growth factors stimulates Raf-1 activity through a complex mechanism that involves binding to active Ras, phosphorylation on multiple residues, and protein-protein interactions. Recently it was shown that the amino terminus of Raf-1 contains an autoregulatory domain that can inhibit its activity in Xenopus oocytes. In the present work we show that expression of the Raf-1 autoinhibitory domain blocks extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 activation by the Raf-1 catalytic domain in mammalian cells. We also show that phosphorylation of Raf-1 on serine 338 by PAK1 and tyrosines 340 and 341 by Src relieves autoinhibition and that this occurs through a specific decrease in the binding of the Raf-1 regulatory domain to its catalytic domain. In addition, we demonstrate that phosphorylation of threonine 491 and serine 494, two phosphorylation sites in the catalytic domain that are required for Raf-1 activation, is unlikely to regulate autoinhibition. These results demonstrate that the autoinhibitory domain of Raf-1 is functional in mammalian cells and that its interaction with the Raf-1 catalytic domain is regulated by phosphorylation of serine 338 and tyrosines 340 and 341.  相似文献   

MEK kinase activity is not necessary for Raf-1 function   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Raf-1 protein kinase has been identified as an integral component of the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signalling pathway in mammals. Activation of Raf-1 is achieved by RAS:GTP binding and other events at the plasma membrane including tyrosine phosphorylation at residues 340/341. We have used gene targeting to generate a 'knockout' of the raf-1 gene in mice as well as a rafFF mutant version of endogenous Raf-1 with Y340FY341F mutations. Raf-1(-/-) mice die in embryogenesis and show vascular defects in the yolk sac and placenta as well as increased apoptosis of embryonic tissues. Cell proliferation is not affected. Raf-1 from cells derived from raf-1(FF/FF) mice has no detectable activity towards MEK in vitro, and yet raf-1(FF/FF) mice survive to adulthood, are fertile and have an apparently normal phenotype. In cells derived from both the raf-1(-/-) and raf-1(FF/FF) mice, ERK activation is normal. These results strongly argue that MEK kinase activity of Raf-1 is not essential for normal mouse development and that Raf-1 plays a key role in preventing apoptosis.  相似文献   

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